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jloisse · 10 months ago
Le CRIF c’est Elisabeth Lévy qui en parle le mieux.
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Küresel Ödeme Performansında Iyileşme CRIF ve Dun & Bradstreet iş birliği ile hazırlanan “Global Payment Study 2024” raporu yayımlandı. Aralarında Türkiye’nin de olduğu 41 ülkeyi kapsayan “Glob...
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Küresel Ödeme Performansında Iyileşme CRIF ve Dun & Bradstreet iş birliği ile hazırlanan “Global Payment Study 2024” raporu yayımlandı. Aralarında Türkiye’nin de olduğu 41 ülkeyi kapsayan “Glob...
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Küresel Ödeme Performansında Iyileşme CRIF ve Dun & Bradstreet iş birliği ile hazırlanan “Global Payment Study 2024” raporu yayımlandı. Aralarında Türkiye’nin de olduğu 41 ülkeyi kapsayan “Glob...
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egitim-kariyer-haber · 8 months ago
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Küresel Ödeme Performansında Iyileşme CRIF ve Dun & Bradstreet iş birliği ile hazırlanan “Global Payment Study 2024” raporu yayımlandı. Aralarında Türkiye’nin de olduğu 41 ülkeyi kapsayan “Glob...
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bankacilik-finans-haberleri · 8 months ago
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Küresel Ödeme Performansında Iyileşme CRIF ve Dun & Bradstreet iş birliği ile hazırlanan “Global Payment Study 2024” raporu yayımlandı. Aralarında Türkiye’nin de olduğu 41 ülkeyi kapsayan “Glob...
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 1 year ago
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Auch Speichern von "Positivdaten" wohl unzulässig
Nicht nur die Schufa tut es ...
Mehrmals hatten wir uns über das Vorgehen der Schufa empört, die ohne unser Wissen Daten über uns sammelt, bzw. einfach von Moblfunkanbietern, Energiekonzernen, Vermietern, ... übermittelt bekommt. Nun berichtet die Tagessschau aus Recherchen von NDR und SZ über einen süddeutschen Wettbewerber der Schufa, die Münchner Wirtschaftsauskunftei CRIF:
Die CRIF speichert die Vertragsdaten von Millionen Mobilfunkkunden der Unternehmen Telekom, Vodafone und Freenet - ohne Einwilligung und offenbar ohne, dass sie sich etwas zuschulden kommen lassen haben. Das Bayerische Landesamt für Datenschutz bestätigte NDR und SZ, dass die Behörde wegen der "Verarbeitung anlasslos übermittelter Vertragsdaten von Mobilfunk-Unternehmen" ein Verfahren führt.
Die Mobilfunkanbieter argumentieren, dass es sich um eine "Positivdatei" handele, da die Gespeicherten eben nichts "Böses" getan hätten. Sie bräuchten genau diese Informationen, um Betrugsfälle erkennen zu können. Das ist ja eine Argumentation wie für eine anlasslose Vorratsdatenspeicherung und da haben höchste Gerichte bereits oft genug dagegen entschieden!
Außerdem stimmt die Argumentation nicht, denn aus den Daten ist auch zu ersehen, wer wie oft seinen Anbieter gewechselt hat, weil er/sie preisbewußt sein wollte. Da gab es bei den Stromanbietern einen ähnlichen Datenpool bei Stromverträgen , den Datenschützer vor drei Jahren untersagt haben, nachdem sich rausstellte, dass diesen Kunden keine oder nur noch teure Verträge angeboten werden.
Datenschutzbeauftragte halten nichts von "freiwilligen Auskünften" von Unternehmen an die Schufa und CRIF zur Anlage von gemeinsam genutzten Datenpools. Sie beharren darauf, dass Daten nur weitergegeben werden dürfen, wenn ein Kunde seine Rechnung nicht bezahlt hat oder versucht hat zu betrügen. Immerhin gibt es erste Gerichtsurteile (https://www.verbraucherzentrale.nrw/sites/default/files/2023-05/2023-04-25_lg-munchen-i_urteil_geschw.pdf ), dass der Mobilfunkanbieter Telefónica O2 Vertragsdaten eines Kunden nicht ohne dessen Zustimmung an die Schufa hätte übermitteln dürfen.
Auch das Scoring der Schufa gerät endlich in die Mühlen der Justiz: Laut eines Gutachters am Europäischen Gerichtshof verstoßen Score-Werte der Schufa gegen Europarecht.
Mehr dazu bei https://www.tagesschau.de/investigativ/ndr/crif-daten-handynutzer-100.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3wP Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8558-20231018-auch-speichern-von-positivdaten-wohl-unzulaessig.htm
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cupidstarz · 7 months ago
My friend thinks I’m paranoid, I’d like to respond to those allegations.
Nah uh.
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littleeyesofpallas · 4 months ago
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amstocks2024 · 22 hours ago
Personal Credit Score: Check Free & Improve | CRIF High Mark
View your personal credit score at no cost. Learn how to boost your credit rating and unlock better financial opportunities with CRIF Highmark.
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jloisse · 10 months ago
Au dîner du CRIF, on aperçoit Rémy Heitz, fraîchement nommé procureur général près de la cour de cassation par Macron pour succéder à François Molin. Ca peut toujours être utile.
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cupidstarz · 9 months ago
We love Crif and their art in this household!
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Criminal fun to draw
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eirianerisdar · 2 years ago
As a supporter of Daniel and as a doctor, I'm gonna break this down for you guys
He broke his metacarpal. Not his wrist.
The metacarpals are the five long bones in your palm, an example of which has K wires as shown here:
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2. I don't know which metacarpal he broke or how he broke it. The site, severity, and displacement of the break will all determine how best to handle it. But usually, there are two choices Daniel and the team can make.
Option A: he could opt for a closed reduction and EXTERNAL fixation, or CREF for short, which involves straightening the bone without any operation and securing the break with a splint. In this scenario he would be out of commission for at least 6-8 weeks while the fracture heals completely.
Option B: If he opted (or if it is necessary because the fracture is comminuted) for closed reduction and INTERNAL fixation (CRIF) with K wires (seen in the xray example above) which would go through the back of his hand and into the bone to hold it in place while it heals, this would negate the need for a splint and mobilisation of the hand could start immediately.
HOWEVER, it is important to note that mobilisation DOES NOT equal driving an F1 car.
As we saw with Lance over the summer, he had an operation immediately. This meant he didn't need to have a cast as the bone was fixed internally and not externally. However he still needed a solid week and a half of physio to be deemed fit to drive.
I don't know how bad Daniel's break is. Even if it was necessary or he was given the option for K wire fixation, the last thing anyone would want would be for him to be pushed to drive too early and for the break not to heal properly/there to be other complications.
TLDR: If he is given the option to splint and he chooses that, he's out for 6-8 weeks. If he choses to K wire, he may return sooner (even arguably next week in Monza) but he would need an orthopaedic doctor to SERIOUSLY commit that the K wire fixation will stand up to the stresses of driving an F1 car.
Edit 27/8/23: Follow up post here after Daniel's surgery
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sefaradweb · 7 months ago
Macron, French Jews call for action after antisemitic rape of 12-year-old girl
🇪🇸 El 19 de junio de 2024, tras el violento ataque antisemítico a una niña de 12 años en Francia, el presidente Emmanuel Macron y grupos judíos franceses exigieron una acción contundente. Nicole Belloubet, Ministra de Educación, describió el crimen como "abominable" y pidió una respuesta de "Justicia, Escuela, República". La víctima fue violada por menores de 12, 13 y 14 años, quienes actuaron en represalia por su ocultación de su religión a uno de los agresores. La comunidad judía, incluyendo al Gran Rabino Jaim Korsia y el CRIF, pidió una investigación detallada y destacó el alarmante aumento de casos de antisemitismo en Francia. El caso, que refleja un aumento en la violencia antisemítica, también reveló comentarios antisemitas en el teléfono del exnovio de la víctima.
🇺🇸 On June 19, 2024, following the antisemitic rape of a 12-year-old girl in France, President Emmanuel Macron and French Jewish groups called for strong action. Education Minister Nicole Belloubet condemned the crime as "abominable" and advocated for a response of "Justice, School, Republic." The girl was raped by boys aged 12, 13, and 14, who attacked her because she had concealed her Jewish identity from one of the suspects. The Jewish community, including Chief Rabbi Haim Korsia and CRIF, demanded a thorough investigation and highlighted the alarming rise in antisemitic incidents in France. The case, revealing antisemitic comments on the ex-boyfriend's phone, underscores the increasing violence against Jews.
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beardedmrbean · 9 months ago
French President Emmanuel Macron said that French schools are being threatened by the "scourge of antisemitism" after a 12-year-old Jewish girl was raped.
According to French media, the girl told police she had been in a park in Courbevoie, north-west of Paris, with a friend last Saturday when three boys - two aged 13 and one aged 12 - approached her. At least one was known to her.
The victim said the boys dragged her away to an isolated location before hurling antisemitic abuse at her and raping her. The incident has been described by French police as a hate crime. The boys were arrested on Monday and two of them were charged with gang rape, antisemitic insults and violence, and issuing death threats. French media also reported that one of the attackers threatened to kill the girl if she went to the police.
Mr Macron talked about the Courbevoie attack during a Council of Ministers meeting on Wednesday, where he meets with the members of his government.
He asked the Minister of Education, Nicole Belloubet, to ensure that over the next few days schools hold a dialogue on the topics of racism and hatred of Jews to prevent "hateful speech with serious consequences" from "infiltrating" classrooms.
Ms Belloubet later wrote on X: "There is no limit to horror... Rape, antisemitism: every part of this crime is revolting."
Chief Rabbi of France Haim Korsia said he was "horrified".
"Justice must firmly punish the perpetrators of this despicable act. No one can be excused from this unprecedented antisemitic surge," Mr Korsia wrote on X.
A January 2024 report by the Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF) said there had been a 284% increase of antisemitic acts in France between 2022 and 2023.
It also said that nearly 13% of such acts last year took place in schools. A significant spike was reported in the wake of the 7 October Hamas attacks against communities in Israel.
France is in the middle of a heated election campaign after President Macron called a snap parliamentary election two weeks ago, and politicians from all sides were quick to weigh in.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the far-left France Unbowed (LFI) party, denounced "anti-Semitic racism".
Marine Le Pen, the president of the far-right National Rally (RN), urged voters to keep in mind the "stigmatisation of Jews by the far left" when they go to the polls later this month.
Her protegee, Jordan Bardella, said if elected he would "fight the antisemitism that has been plaguing France since 7 October".
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girafeduvexin · 8 months ago
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Le Grand Rabbin de France ne dirige pas le CRIF, pauvre conne. Le Consistoire (dont dépend Haïm Korsia) a quitté le CRIF en 2004 ! Le Consistoire n'organise pas des dîners mais on va pas faire la différence, c'est tous des Juifs hein ?
(Et pour ce que ça vaut, je suis en désaccord avec Haïm Korsia, ici.)
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