#creepy meggy
duckapus · 6 months
Several Meggys end up in the same place Because Pingas I Guess
Samurai Bob Universe Meggy: Okay
SBU Meggy: How is it that in a room with an Avatar
Avatar Meggy: *briefly looks up from where she's stuffing three bowls of ramen in her mouth at once*
SBU Meggy: A literal horror movie monster
Creepypasta Meggy: *raises an unnervingly long, tentacly finger as if to refute that, then thinks about it, shrugs, and goes back to talking with a Meggy in a pirate costume*
SBU Meggy: an Indiana Jones Parody
Michigan (from a universe where she never stopped being a treasure hunter): *tips her fedora with a smirk* I like to think of myself as more of an upgrade of him.
SBU Meggy: and a Zombie...Bear...Mutant...thing?
Triple Dose: And recovering amnesiac.
SBU Meggy: It's somehow the one who's whole Thing is being an ordinary human being that's the most chaotic and feral?
Meggy the Human (from my Adventure Time AU): Natural talent.
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whitefrog228 · 5 days
Join the winning team!
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I didn’t really expect what Mr. Puzzles would do with Mickey. I thought he would at most join him. But no. MR PUZZLES WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THE DAMN MEGGY!???!
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cartgirl08 · 1 month
I made it SMG4 oc Because I seen a bunch of other creators have their OC so I wanted to make mine
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Meat breaker she used to go buy another name, but that was a long time ago. She’s a monster hunter or anything that has monster it looks creepy weird or criminals or anything she hunts and she gets paid. She’s a villain or an anti-villain. She’s either those two. She has an exs that she used to kill these monsters or criminals. It’s heavier than you think.
It is most people can’t even carry it if they can it’s made out of. tungsten a lot of people has never met her before they have heard rumors for but they have never really met her. If they have they be already dead. She’s a stone cold person but it’s soft when she’s with someone she cares about the only person who has met her without dying after was meggy she saved her from a monster I was gonna kill her she felt kind of pity for meggy so she gave her her number so she can call her if anyone gives her trouble anyone tries to kill her or something 
Note you can tell when she’s gonna kill you or not her eyes changed when it’s normal. She’s not gonna kill you but when it’s pink, she’s gonna kill you. 
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gailsfrog · 7 days
I'm traumatized for life :') (puzzles scary now ;-;)
well that last episode was.... FVCKIN TEYFYINGG- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- like yay creepy puzzle voice- i thought puzzles was gonna shake micky mouse hand- NOT THAT- AND HE WACHED- i mean the guy cut his own head off and thats pritty vile itself- but damn- The end part puzzle was kinda chill but NEVER MIND-- Meggy- oof just I cant even re-watch that this is ligit too messed up- the scream messes with my head ;-; Good job smg4 for makeing this shit lijit just unnerveing and eugh- im not good with this stuff- Well i DID really love puzzles but after THAT oh HELL naw- i love the tv guy but after a stunt like that- NEVER MIND- i guess maybee it was the point cuz ppl love the guy so makeing him do something like that worked welll ;-; Also i can tell by mr puzzles tone of voice lately hes less of his cheery act and more just give me the damn stars and just done with everyone... well he cant get any scaryer.... RIGHT?!? R I G H T?!?!? ;-; istg im gonna need therapy after this WOTFI ;-;
welll lets at least hope that the WOTFI song will be a bop and help heal this trauma of this episode- im thinking some sort of carnaval song or smthn- Well i hope mr puzzles epicaly dies- and becomes a ghost and haunts the castle or smthn scary- i dunno he creepypasta like that-
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gachawolfiebloom · 7 months
Your Pursuit of Perfection
Story and Artwork By: @GachaWolfieBloom
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Chapter 5: The Return of I̵̤̫͘ǹ̷͇̇s̸͈̦͗̆ȁ̵̟̉ñ̷͔̰ḯ̶̲͇̅ṫ̵̝͗y̴̺̠͆̀
Summary: A few months after the events of WOTFI 2023, SMG4 starts having really bad dreams about the "Its gotta be perfect" incident. One night however, his fear allows the nightmares to break through and he gets taken to a horrific dimension. He finally meets the tv adware, who manipulates him into returning to his insane ways, intent on claiming much more than the perfect video. Now it's up to his friends to stop this madness and save SMG4. Can they do it in time or will they lose SMG4 forever? (In case you are unaware this is a sequel to the its gotta be perfect movie)
Tags: angst, its gotta be perfect, love confession, luigi, mario, meggy, melony, nightmares, scary, smg3, smg4, smg34, smg3 x smg4, tari, tv adware
"HELP ME PLEASE! SOMEBODY!! ANYBODY!!!" Four kept calling out, but nobody came. After screaming for a few minutes, his voice became hoarse so he observed the surroundings instead. "Where am I...?" It was dark and clammy so he couldn't make out exactly where he was. All he could see around him was a floor made of goop and eyeballs. It seemed to be the same goop that had overtaken Peach's castle back at the "perfect" incident. As that ghastly image struck in his mind once again, he felt a sharp pain in his head.
"Why won't these bad memories go away?" He wanted to forget it. For everyone to forget it. Even if they had forgiven him, nobody would forget. He tried to stand up, but something pulled him back down. Two tentacles with claws were gripping tightly on his arms, keeping him pinned to the ground. "What!? What's going on? If this is a joke it isn't funny!" Suddenly he heard a faint whooshing sound. "W-w-who's t-t-there? S-s-show y-y-yourself!"
As soon as he said that, the whooshing got faster and louder. "Come on Four be brave." he thought to himself. In a struck of dumb confidence, he shouted out "Really? That's the best you got!" The figure was not intimidated as the whooshing started coming from multiple directions. Four's courage started to wear off as his fear slowly came back. "I'll admit that was kind of creepy..." he said in a shaky voice. The whooshing finally stopped, but only because the figure was now stepping out into the light. "Okay that's definitely a step up." Four finally was face to face with the guy who brought him here. The guy behind all his nightmares. The guy who gave him the keyboard...
The TV Adware stood in front of him with a smirking grin as he felt quite pleased with his entrance. "Good show TV guy." Four said as he tried backing up. The Adware crept closer, approaching Four. All he could think now was "What does he want with me?" Something far greater that Four didn't know about was what he wanted.
The crew were grabbing supplies and planning to making their way back to the forest. Eggdog ran up to Three and rubbed his leg as if he was begging him not to go. As much as he didn't like to see Eggdog upset, he couldn't subject his beloved pup to the horrors he and his friends were going to face. He crouched down to pet his adorable dog and said "Sorry buddy, but you have to stay here."
Beeg raced up to him as well, making a bunch of "Eugh" noises. He seemed very worried for his father. "You have to stay here too Beeg. I called Karen and she said she'll take care of you guys while were gone." He gave a kiss to both of them and went off to join the others.
They all got to a spot deep within the forest and when they stopped, Three said "This is where I last saw Four before he and that weird fog disappeared." One and Two examined the ground and faced the others. "I think there is still trace of him which we can use to find the opening." They joined hands and used their meme powers to lead them to a thin spot that could be opened. Once they found it, they used their energy again to this time, split the ground apart into a giant chasm.
"We're supposed to jump down there?" Meggy asked. "I don't really like that idea." Tari said as she hid behind Meggy. "WE NEED A TEST SUBJECT! ANY VOLUNTEERS!? asked Bob. He scanned the group, but when nobody volunteered he decided to take matters into his own hands. He grabbed Boopkins and threw him into the hole. "SO LONG GAY BOOPKINS!!!" He watched as the fish fell further and further down into the darkness. He kept waiting for the sound of him hitting the bottom.
Three just rolled his eyes and said "Lucky for all of you, I brought rope." Thankfully, the rope was just long enough to make it to the bottom. They figured that out when a crashing sound could be heard at the bottom of the chasm. "BRO ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Bob heard a barely audible groan and turned back to the others. "YEAH HE'S FINE." As Three threw the rope down, Smg1 said "Remember the TV Adware will use all his powers to scare you. He can unravel your greatest fears."
Mario felt confident as he struck back "Mario isn't afraid of anything! As long as he gets Smg4 back everything will be okey dokey!" As they all climbed down the rope, Meggy waved back to Chris and Swag. "Good luck! Please protect the Showgrounds." Chris nodded and Swag said with a wavering hand "DON'T WORRY SQUID GIRL. IF ANYTHING CROSSES SWAG IT WILL BE BOOM BOOM MCDOOM TIME!" 
Meggy didn't feel entirely confident with leaving them in charge, but there was no time to waste. She got onto the rope and carefully climbed down with the rest of her friends. Mario was bouncing along on the rope, swinging it back and forth. "Oi! Quit it fatso!" Meggy shared similar feelings to Three as she tried to stop Mario as well. "Stop it Mario! You might end up hurting someone!"
Mario tried to reassure her by saying "Relax Meggy. Mario knows what he is doing. He's not going to hurt anyone and it's not like-" Before he could finish that sentence, the rope snapped. They all came tumbling down until Meggy spotted a ledge. She grabbed it and held onto her friends for dear life as they had all grabbed onto each other. Her hand was slipping, slowly losing grasp. Just when it seemed like they were goners, Smg1 and Smg2 used their powers to save them.
Once everyone made it safely to the bottom, Meggy asked "Is everyone alright?" Three spitted out in a fit of rage "NO! MARIO ALMOST KILLED US!!!" He expected Four to say a follow up of something like "Well what did you expect?" but the man wasn't with them this time. It made Three feel remorse again. Just then Boopkins came up to them like nothing had happened. "There you guys are!"
Smg1 looked into the dark abyss of the Nightmare Realm and said "We must hurry. They'll know we're here." The others looked upon them as Meggy asked "Who is 'they' exactly?"
"The TV Adware needs servants to help him. The inhabitants of this world became his victims and were turned into disgusting creatures that guard and protect him." Tari gasped and said with an innocent heart "How could he do that to those poor sweet things?" One and Two sighed. "They aren't sweet anymore..."
~Meanwhile in another part of the realm~
The TV Adware finally broke the terrifying silence between them with an intriguing voice. "Listen here. I have made one thing perfectly clear." Four interrupted him with a sense of panic. "Clear? What that you have been terrorizing me and my friends! JUST LET ME GO!!!" His breathing got steady as he remember what the TV Adware did to him when they first met. "You corrupted me and destroyed my home!"
The mysterious TV man raised an eyebrow and smiled faintly. "Oh I know that. All you ever wanted was for things to be perfect... And I do need help from a powerful being such as yourself so how about we make a deal."
He inched closer to Four and put his hands together as a little gesture. "Without you, my entire existence is useless. Your energy could save me." Four looked confused and blinked. "My...energy?" He pointed to Four's hands and said "Your meme guardian powers of course! Did you really think that I didn't know about that." Four felt a chill go up his spine as he pulled his hands away and retorted "No! My friends need me!" Don't fall for his tricks Four. That's where you went wrong last time.
The TV Adware was cunning. He wasn't going to give up that easily. He always knew what to say to persuade his victims. He tapped his chin in thought and said "Do they? Or will they reject you if you come crawling back to them? Maybe replace you with someone they can trust?" H-how did he-
The TV Adware was reminiscing the awful nightmare Four had earlier. His face was horrified as he he remembered that image of his friends walking off, leaving him in the dark. His heart started to beat faster and tears started to form in his eyes. Speaking with a lump in his throat, he said "B-b-but... they w-w-wouldn't forget me. Would they?"
The tentacles slowly let go of him as the TV Adware watched his insufferable pain. "Stay with me and your talents would never be taken for granted. You would never be forgotten." The Adware stuck out his hand, waiting for Four to take his deal. "Never?" Four couldn't take the nightmares or memories any longer. "I just wanted it to be perfect..." He slowly took hold of the TV Adware's hand as darkness started to come up behind him. Four gasped as the darkness grabbed him before he could even react. It engulfed his body as he could feel his skin cracking and losing control of his mind.
The TV Adware watched this with an evil grin. "And you will help me more than you ever dreamed..." Four closed his eyes whispering "More than I ever dreamed..." That was the last thing he remembered. As his eyes shot open, they were now a glowing pink color and his pupils were shrunk.
Its gotta be perfect...
Chapter 6: It's All Your Fault
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frostcoldhere · 3 months
Woohoo New Intro Post
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Hi Im Frost.
You May know me for my lack of art stuff
random posts and shit.
[ New Sona Coming Soon ]
Just a warning about me:
My humor is horribly weird as fuck
I have like, Autism and Anxiety (Those who think Autism makes you smart: Nuh uh.)
I do accept they/them
I'm Like, a minor, so no nsfw or lewd shit
I ship Bowsario, so... yuh, Please Bowuigi fans dni.
Heres some Fandoms i dont interact with, Unless one of my moots are in the fandom. :
MHA, Hazbin/Helluva, Self Shippers, Bad People (Racists, Pedos, Zoophiles, Etc) , Owl House Proshippers, The Lion Guard 88, Meggy X Mario Shippers
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My blog sometimes include:
Creepy shit
Fandoms im in
Random yapping
So Enjoy watching the chaos i do every day,
My Ask box is always open for questions
My messages are always open for vents
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pony-central · 6 months
Character Analysis - SMG4
Hello, my fellow SMG4 fans. This is the first character analysis I'm doing. Today, I'm gonna share my thoughts about the Meme Man himself, SMG4. 😊
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SMG4 is a Meme Guardian who came from a USB flash drive that crashed into the Mushroom Kingdom. There, he had no idea where he was and what he was supposed to do. He used to be bitter enemies with SMG3, but over the course of the entire SMG4 series, the two of them seem to get along just fine with each other. So with that out of the way, let's begin the Character Analysis. 😊
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SMG4 is the main protagonist of the series, as well as being the leader of the SMG4 Crew, and one of the four characters to have two new designs, with the others being SMG3, Boopkins and Meggy. He, along with Three, used to be Mario recolour. But after the events of The Lawsuit Arc, had a complete design overhaul to better match the merchandise of the entire SMG4 series.
SMG4 is a fair skinned individual who wears white overalls, brown shoes, a blue long sleeved shirt, a blue hat with his custom emblem and white gloves. He sports black hair and blue eyes to look sort of like his poster design.
In WOTFI 2023, SMG4 wore a spy outfit that consisted of a blue sleeveless jacket, a white long sleeved shirt, a blue bowtie, black pants and dark grey shoes. He also wore light grey gloves, had no hat and wore a Rizz Watch, which remained in the Neutral Zone for most of the special.
Throughout the course of the entire series, including the Showgrounds Saga, SMG4 has played the role of The Straight Man. He may seem like a relaxed guy at first, but sometimes he gets a bit ticked off whenever Mario sometimes got on his nerves.
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An example was shown in the first video after WOTFI 2022 - Mario Screws in a Lightbulb. Here, we see Four getting mad because Mario wasn't keeping the ladder still. This is after SMG4 was redesigned into a "CocoMelon Looking Ass Design", as put best by SMG3.
The Perfect Video
Starting with "SMG4, Are You OK?", it was just a normal video, until SMG3 got popular because of his stream reaching a tonne of views. Here, Four was determined to beat Three. After the course of that video, Three's advice of "Quantity Over Quality" made Four go into a Sanity Slippage, where the Meme Man was trying to work on his "perfect video".
In "Mario Goes to Ohio", we see SMG4, still looking pretty normal, popping out of hi sroom when Mario tells him that they're going to Texas. SMG4, however, says that he can't go, as he's working on a special video. Mario, angry at this, says that making videos has never stopped the Meme Guardian. However, SMG4 says "Not this one. This one's gonna be different..." in a creepy tone, which means his sanity is slowly slipping away from him.
In "Mario Steals the Constitution", SMG4 is still in his room, looking rather ragged, still working on the video. He mutters a phrase that's familiar to all of us; "It's gonna be perfect. It's gonna be perfect. It's gonna be perfect". That line alone scares the audience as we become worried about him.
Then, we go to the "Mar10 Day" episode, and that's when shit really hits the fan. 😟
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After Meggy knocks Wario into the WiFi router, the Internet gtts disconnected. And THAT is the final straw for SMG4. He bursts out of his room, screaming the line "SHUT UP!!! CAN YOU ALL SHUT UP?!?! LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!". As Wario looks up at him, Mario is just happy that Four finally came out of his room.
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SMG4 then causes chaos at the party, highly frustrated at the others for causing so much noise. He screams at them to "GET OUT!!!!!" and shouts the mantra that everyone had dreaded since "Mario Steals the Constitution". The guests all leave in a panicked state, as SMG3 points out that everyone just wanted to celebrate Mario's special day, only for SMG4 to snap back and shout "NONE OF YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORK I DO!!!". He then reconnected the WiFi router and tells everyone to leave him alone.
Mario: But, SMG4... The main event -
Man, that cut us deep in the feels there.
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During the announcement trailer for the IGBP movie, we see SMG4 looking more insane than ever. It felt like he was being controlled by a strange entity. Also note that he has a complete redesign overhaul here. The animation in this part was more fluid and smooth compared to the GMOD animation used beforehand.
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The "It's Gotta Be Perfect" movie explains everything. It shows us that SMG4 was corrupted by a Demon-like keyboard that controlled him and forced him to finish his perfect video. By the end of the movie Four gets free from the keyboard's powers and escapes unharmed, along with SMG3.
After the events of the movie, which resulted in Peach's castle being permanently destroyed, SMG4 decided to make it up to everyone by building a new castle, which looks amazing by the way.
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In War of the Fat Italians 2023, we see SMG4 and SMG3 working together as a team to get the Sussy Notebook back from Mario and Marty. It was successful and the ending was wholesome as heck.
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And that's my character analysis. It's a bit of a long post, but you get the idea.
Character Analysis on SMG3 coming up next. 😊
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ask-marios-apprentice · 10 months
Meggy's Story
For today's post. I would like to talk especially about three things
This is going to be a long post.
There is some more violent and graphic content in this post that is not for the faint of heart. Read at your own feet.
I would like to thank Glitch Production and the writers of the SMG4 series. I will be attempting to retell one of their most important arcs for the blog. I apologize if I mess up or have anything unsavory. I'm trying to mesh The SMG4 existing canon with my interpretation and my additions to the Mario universe.
Enjoy with your own caution and my warning.
For some reason. Meggy wanted to hang out last night.
They were gonna have some holiday gala thing at the castle. So Meggy needed to get out.
And apparently, her friend Tari is in New York for a Game competition. so she won't be back until next week.
Garth: Is there any reason why you wanted hang out with me. I think the splat arena is open.
Meggy: Yeah. But its mostly younger kids. It's not really a challenge.
Garth: Oh. … So what do you want to do.
Meggy: eh. I don't really care. As long as I can get back after my dad thinks he can do a "Backwards Long Jump" up the stairs.
Garth: Wait what?
Meggy: never mind. Why don't we go to your hometown and not talk about that.
Garth: Uh...Sure.
We used the warp.
We are both feeling kind of hungry so we just had decided to head to Jumpy' Sweets.
I ordered a Funnel cake and Meggy ordered an elephant ear
Meggy: This elephant ear is... The best thing I have ever eaten!!!
Why don't we have this on Panko.
Garth: FDA I think. [Redacted information] has made [More Redacted Information] more sought out after [Even More Redacted Information]
Meggy: If I could eat this. I'm willing to not eat DonMichaels ever again.
Garth: I mean I guess if you do it in moderation. You can still have both.
Meggy: Yeah but if I ever want to when splatfest for... Wait have i ever told you the story?
Garth: What story?
Meggy: The story of how I decided to win splatfest.
[Flashback: Summer 2009]
In an orphanage, Inkopolis
A young inkling was setting up her new bunk.
She had lost her parents to a car crash 3 years ago.
With no close enough relatives, she was put into foster homes and orphanages across the city.
Garth: Is that you?
Meggy: What do you think?
Garth: Sorry.
Recently there was a string of kidnappings happening
Only inklings and Octolings were being kidnapped.
So it was highly encouraged that they would only be outside with an adult or in heavily populated.
The orphanage was actually on lockdown.
???: Hey dweeb
Meggy: [Sigh] Desti. What do you want?
Desti: Me and some of the other kids were going to sneak out to the range to practice tonight.
Meggy: And?
Desti: We wanted to see if you wanted to come with.
Like a dumb[redacted]. I decided that that would be a good idea.
Desti: {Shoots ink] So what do you want to do when you grow up.
Meggy: I dunno. maybe be a Professional Splatfest player.
Desti: Really. [Snickers] Good luck trying. I'm going to be better than you.
I'm going to cut in here and give an abridged version since I can't remember the entire conversation.
It boiled down to light teasing and how they both want to win Splatfest. Meggy was a bit more casual while Desti was competitive. It was a bit nerve-racking yet a bit sweet.
Yet. Like a couple of sitting ducks.
Desti and Meggy: WHAT IS THAT!?!?
We were captured.
We did not know who kidnapped us. But it was a terrible thing to happen to us.
They kidnapped us. and transported us for what felt like forever.
When we were finally allowed out of the buckets. We found ourselves in a makeshift jail cell.
Desti: Where are we
Meggy: I'm unsure. but wherever we are. It sure is creepy.
There were lots of other inklings, outflings, and other Inkana citizens. Anyone who could produce ink.
We saw them as a group of people. not particularly threatening It was mostly nerds. But there were a few other people. But the most notable one was a large lizard in a shirt.
They grabbed an inkling by the neck. Forcing him into a cartridge. They used a device. I'm not sure what it was. But it looked like a giant ink pen.
???: Get It ready. I want to have this up and running. The
???: But Francis Are you even sure it will work.
Francis: If it doesn't. Increase the EMP Frequency with that Axolotle. Then demand the proper instructions again.
Whatever was going on. It was not good.
They forced a bunch of inklings and outflings into chains. Allowing them to drag them to who knows where.
They had come for us.
They were going to drain us of our ink. Ourselves.
Garth: Wait. Isn't ink getting removed from you all the time? Like sweat or carbon dioxide? I mean, You would realistically lose a lot when in a turf war or any other time when you use ink.
Meggy: Okay. One stop interrupting me, and two, it's okay if an inkling expels a little bit of ink. Even a decent amount if they replenish it quickly. Now let me get back to the story.
After they had tested the device.
They had dragged us to these large tubes. All bunched up together
It was not looking good for us. They had decided to drain us like leeches. Using us for ink until we were almost dead.
Francis: Let's drain this batch. My waifu is losing its luster and I need a new one.
They were using our ink.
For Waifus.
Apparently, there were also some people who wanted to use it for cheap work or something.
But it seems like they were using it for Waifus
They were going to use the ink pen thing on us.
Lucky us. They slipped up and broke our chains with the pen's ink. It made a large sword.
Those of us who could get out made a mad dash to get out of there.
Not all of us made it however.
They had this glass wall that closed.
Meggy: Desti!
Desti: Meggy!
The wall closes
Meggy: Don't worry. Ill find help.
Desti: You better. Just promise you'll come back.
Meggy: I promise. Keep fighting.
I ran like Underwhere.
I was being chased through the sewer.
Luckily, there was a manhole cover up ahead
After I jumped out into a place. It was called...Something Aurora. I managed to hide in a nearby bucket of paint.
That was the last thing i remember before falling asleep from being tired.
Garth: What happed to the other escapees?
Meggy: i don't know. I think some were caught, others went down the same path as me.
Garth: Have you tried getting in contact with them.
Meggy: I think so. I went to the retirement party of an old woman i escaped with.
But lets get back on topic. And stop interrupting me
Mario and Peach had just gotten off of recent political discussion. Citizens from Inkana had been kidnapped. but immigrated citizens had also been attempted to be kidnapped.
To get there minds off of it in order to destress. They decided to do some painting.
Wall Painting for some reason.
They opened up a can of paint to find...
Mario: An Inkling?
Peach: What?
Mario?: I found an inkling in a can of orange paint. She seems unconscious but otherwise okay.
After i had woken up. I was to tired to even talk.
Meggy: i had spent Grambi knows how long in a bucket. Its a miracle i did not get brain damage or stunted growth.
Garth: I didn't even say anything that time.
They treated me like a kid. I hadn't felt like that in years.
To be honest. It felt nice.
Even if they were calling authorities for missing persons report.
They still made me feel comfortable.
I remember that after the day i had. It was quite possibly the best day i had in years.
They sang me a lullaby before putting me to bed.
But in the morning. I had finally gotten my voice back.
And first thing (totally not after a delicious breakfast) i had explained the entire situation
Mario and Peach: FRANCIS!?!
Meggy: You know him?
Peach: I had to go through a [shudders] dating sim.
Mario: 2003 was a horrible year. But you know where he is?
Meggy: Something Aurora. i went through a sewer. Red bricks.
Mario: You must be talking about Port Aurora The 17 Street and Coconut Avenue Intersection.
Meggy: Maybe that's it. But i'm unsure if that is the location.
Peach: I'm sure of it. We actually had gone on a walking tour of the sewers on our honeymoon.
Mario: and you wanted to go to Isle Delphino.
They got help and headed to the island. They blocked off the sewer and proceeded to storm it.
Mario: Meggy, are you sure that you want to come with. We could manage to find their base.
Meggy: I made a promise to my friend. and I'm going to keep it.
Mario: Okay, you can come with, but be careful.
We stormed the base.
Meggy [Sitting on Mario's Shoulders: What he said!
Francis: Hark. Is that a band of loud mouthed dorks. Shall i give up....Get the Shonen protagonists and JRPG.
A fight broke out. It was like a world war. It was not pretty.
But we had managed to get to the main draining room.
Desti: MEGGY! you came back. Help me get out of this tank.
Mario: Is that your friend. Lets save her.
We freed the inklings and started breaking up the wei...i mean evil tech stuff.
Mario: Go break the lock on your friend's cage. I'll take on this anime lover.
I ran to the tank that my friend was in.
[Robotic voice: Ink Still in subject. Do not open until all ink has left.]
As a split second decision. I decided to enter the device.
Desti: [weakly]: Meggy what are you doing.
Meggy: I'll give up some of my ink if it means we can make it out.
I turned on the device . Which would remove enough of my ink in order for both of us to escape.
The last thing i remember was a giant explosion. apperntly the
I don't know what happend next
But when i had awoken. Me and Mario were mostly alright. But Desti was...
She was dying.
Desti: Meggy. Im not going to make it.
Meggy: Don't say that. Well get you help.
Desti: Come close. i can see the light getting the way. And i don't know if its me. But you look diffrent. But what ever happens I want to do something for me.
Meggy: Anything. I'll do it.
Desti: I want you to win Splatfest. For both of us. I want you to win for the both of us.
Meggy: I will Desti.
Meggy: Desti! Desti!!! DESTI!!!
Garth: I'm sorry that you lost some one important to you.
Meggy:...Thanks. Even if she is gone. she still lives on as a part of me.
And im still trying to win splatfest and live life.
Garth: That's good. but what happend next.
Meggy: Well. We held a funeral for Desti. We actually had dedicated the beach we sent her coffin away at.
Mario and Peach agreed to foster me until further notice. Eventually adopting me.
All the Inklings and Octolings were give the choice to go back home or see where they wanted to go.
That Axolotl guy got back his ink pen thing.
Garth: Thats good. But why did Desti say you looked diffrent.
Meggy: You can't be serious.
Garth: No. I am serious.
Meggy: You seriously don't know.
Garth: Know what.
Meggy removed her beenie.
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@buddy-boi-420 drew this piece. They do great art.
Garth: Your Half Starchild!!!
Meggy: I feel like the story already established that. But yeah. I'm half Starchild.
Garth: But. I've seen you without your hat? and you had tentacle hair.
Meggys: No. You've seen artwork without my hat but with tentacle hair. I'm unsure why your friend draws me like that. The artist one I mean.
Garth: Oh.
I think she was talking about my friend @shootysturs / @poyo-shooty-art He draws great art.
Meggy: But you did see me without my hat at the Valentine Masquerade Ball.
Garth: ... That was you?
Meggy: Yeah. You act like you didn't know it was. I know it was you. Even if you were wearing a donkey mask.
Garth: [Blushes]
Meggy: You didn't know didn't you.
Meggy: [gets a notification on 1nk Phone] I got to go Dad broke the stairs.
Garth: What?
Meggy: Dad partied too hard. And he thought he could Jump backwards and through walls. I sent you a screenshot of the video.
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Art also drawn by @buddy-boi-420
it's Mario before attempting to backwards long jump. Miyamoto is recording on his phone.
Garth: Dang.
Meggy: You do not want to see the aftermath. I'll tell you about it later though. See ya
I think I'm in love with my best friend.
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jungle-angel · 10 months
A Rancher's Best Helper (Miles Miller x Reader)
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Summary: A farmer's best friend has always been his canine companion
Tagging: @floydsmuse Meggy I think it's safe to say this is gonna be our thing (lol).
Miles, Otis and the other hands herded the last of the cattle into the pen at the back of the barn. Miles held onto the horse's reins with one hand and protectively held two year old Benny with the other, the little one all bundled up in his little tan Carhartt jacket, knit hat and mittens. It was barely three in the afternoon and the snow had already started, but amidst the sea of loudly mooing cattle, Miles saw a blob of grey, black and white darting in and out and behind them.....Shaggy.
Miles, Otis and the hands whistled and commanded the cattle towards the pen while Shaggy did his part and herded them in. As soon as the bolt had been thrown across the fence, the most arduous part of their workday was done.
"That's it Shaggy," Miles called to the dog. "You're all done."
Shaggy barked and stood on his hind legs, eagerly accepting the homemade bacon treat that Miles had pulled out of his jacket pocket.
Miles dismounted first, adjusting his black cowboy hat on his head before lifting Benny off the saddle and onto his hip. One of the hands took the horse and brought her back to the stables before Miles sauntered off with Shaggy beside him to go and finish the rest of the chores before sunset.
"We gonna go get eggies again daddy?" Benny chirped.
"Yep," Miles told him. "We've gotta go get eggies for the morning."
Miles lifted the latchkey on the door to the chicken coop, taking the black wire basket that hung on a nearby hook. Inside was full of the hens clucking to each other, some huddling together in the nesting boxes to keep warm and their chicks nestled beside or underneath them. The rooster had been feeling particularly broody the last few days, often allowing a few chicks to sleep in his end of the hut while the head hen had been feeling the same. Sure enough, in the nesting box were seven unfertilized eggs which Kathy would no doubt, be using to make the egg casserole for Christmas morning.
A few of the hens that remained outside were quickly herded in by Shaggy, loudly clucking and flapping their wings from having been suddenly startled. "Good boy," Miles said, giving him another one of the bacon treats.
Once the work in the coop was done, Miles let Shaggy run for a good long while, before going to close up the rabbit hutch for the night. The hutch had been built from an abandoned shed on the property, now repurposed to house the rabbits whose shedded hair could be used to make soft wool and fabric.
"Uh oh, uh oh," Benny suddenly chirped. "Daddy! Daddy where's Peter?!"
"Aw shit," Miles swore. He counted again to see how many bunnies were in the hutch and had counted only thirteen, the fourteenth nowhere to be found.
Shaggy came running back with something in his mouth a moment later, a tan and cream colored little bunny with long ears, holding him gently by the scruff of his neck.
"There you are you little shit," Miles chuckled. "You know Peter? This shit's gotta stop sooner than later. There's coyotes, bears and a bunch of other creepy stuff in the woods."
He wasn't lying, not at all. Montana wasn't particularly known for its friendly variety of wildlife. Miles had learned quickly that if you were a rancher in the field, it was always best to carry a rifle, feeling much less antsy about doing so ever since a grizzly bear had tried to sneak into the pasture the previous winter. The bears had been the reason he hated when it got dark early. That first encounter had scared him so shitless that he and Otis had agreed it best to have the critters in before dark.
Peter was promptly put with his brothers and sisters for the night and the rabbit hutch firmly and doubly locked up for the night, the fresh sawdust bedding having been laid down the night before after Otis had cleaned up the woodshop.
The goats, the sheep and the pigs were the last ones to go in for the night. Unusually enough, the poor little runty piglet had been left behind, trying to keep up with his brothers and sisters, but luckily Shaggy had caught him the same way he had Peter.
"Alright buddy," Miles said, scooping the piglet up and tucking him into his jacket. "Let's go in."
Miles brought him into the section of the barn where Bertha and Hamlet tended to their own brood of piglets. The big boar came right up to Miles as he stooped to his level and let him sniff the little piglet before the runty little thing dove from Miles's hands and right to his sire. He tried to push his way in to nurse with Bertha shoving aside some of the more well fed ones so that the runt could have his share.
With everything done at last, Miles brought Benny back to the cottage and Shaggy with him. It felt so good to at last, get out of the freezing winter evening and into a warm house. Christmas Eve would be the very next day with family and friends coming from all over the states to spend the holiday with you and Miles.
"Well good evening o' husband of mine," you chuckled.
"Hi sweetpea," Miles said, kissing your lips and then Baby Jesse's little head before stripping off his jacket.
You very gently handed two week old Jesse off to Miles, having just fed him a half hour ago, his soft coos filling Miles's ears as Miles rocked him gently.
"Sweet, sweet boy," Miles softly cooed. "You and your brother are so loved......yes you are."
Miles could have swore he saw a little smile on Jesse's sleepy face as he went and seated himself on the soft green sofa in the living room. Shaggy jumped up beside him and began sniffing Baby Jesse before Miles snapped his fingers. "Down," he commanded. "Lay down."
Shaggy laid right down, his paws stretched out in front of him as he yawned, sniffing Jesse a little gentler than before. You snuggled in beside Miles as the fire crackled away and Benny joined you. You were so happy and so grateful for the family that you had, especially a furry companion who had made a huge amount of difference for you both.
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duckapus · 8 months
Samurai Bob and the Nightmare Realm
For context, if I'd actually written out SMG4k's arc, or at least listed all the major alternate universes involved, one of them would have been a Samurai Jack parody with a version of Bob in the starring role, Worm in place of Aku, and the local version of Meggy as a bounty hunter called "Agent 3" who was initially working for Worm to take out Bob, was convinced to help the heroes with the SMG4k situation by her main AU and Avatar (because Avatar Meggy World would've also been A Thing) counterparts, then after the crisis was solved decided to permanently change her ways and travel with Bob for a while.
In this follow-up episode, the two of them are continuing their journey to find a way to destroy Worm and get Bob back to his own time, when they find a village that's seemingly under attack by demons. They decide to help and seek out the source of the monsters, which turns out to be a portal to another universe. Said universe is a version of the SMG Mushroom Kingdom where Luke and Kevin wanted to specifically do horror-comedy bloopers, so most of the Memes in the SMG Mod were Creepypasta-related. The inhabitants, while definitely terrifying and operating on Adams Family Morality Rules, aren't actually evil (apart from characters like Eggman and Wheeler who were already evil normally) and aren't the ones attacking the village. Mostly.
As it turns out, the actual culprits are the local version of Lord Ramagog and his minions, unchanged apart from Ramagog apparently deciding to conquer his game rather than abandon it, who are attempting to conquer the Digital Multiverse starting with Super Mario 64. The portal to the Samurai Bob universe that Ramagog's demons and MK residents keep falling through is just a coincidental holdover from the SMG4k crisis.
As you'd expect, Bob and Meggy decide to team up with the Creepy Crew to take down Ramagog, then close the portal to solve the village's initial demon attack problem and prevent anyone from getting stranded in the wrong universe.
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chaoticlad · 8 months
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I was making something in progress and uhh- I kinda turned meggy into this do you think this is spooky enough? :3
It is indeed very spooky, though there are a few things I would add (this is optional it’s just my opinion) 👍
For the blood, I usually making it brighter to make it stand out and make it more drippy instead of using air brush (I also smear it against clothes or faces)
Her eyes are already spooky enough👏🏻 (though I would add something coming out of the empty sockets, such as small tentacles)
For her proportions, I would make it look a tad bit more unnatural, Y’know? I twist their bodies or show a tad bit of flesh to make it more creepy, but with your style, I would crooked her head in a way that isn’t humanly possible 👍
And that’s just about it! Again, this is purely just my opinion and your product already looks great but still, I hope my tips help a lil bit!
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schleierkauz · 2 years
Inkheart Cover Designs
Since we are talking about Inkworld covers, here’s a post I was 100% sure I already made - some unused Inkworld cover designs from back in the day (taken from the Inkheart anniversary edition).
We have:
- Landscape!
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- Gwin trying to read, interrupted by Capricorn’s men
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- and Meggie with her huge book, surrounded by fire AND creepy men with guns
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Obviously the cover we got is iconic and the design works really well for the whole trilogy, but some of these are really cool. I think it’s interesting how sinister most of them look - always featuring fire and/or weapons. As a kid that would’ve intrigued me and I think it fits the somewhat dark tone, even though Inkheart is arguably the tamest of the trilogy.
My favorite is either the last one with Gwin and the silhouettes in the background or the one with Meggie. What do you guys think?
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yupiklmao · 1 year
So new episode came out, and just to note things that make love
but ofc its logical way to make her an corrupted monster. Even after many months. She looks so creepy as spider, it reminds me of Aurora from Mario The Music Box.
And boss intro sequence of her is similar to Link Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask (i did not play these cuz weak pc)
Gotta ask myself: what will literally happen to her next time, will she be stayed like that, or smth?
Also friends falling through Monster Goop hole is also similar to Relevations movie, where SMG's flew with Guardian Pods inside of The God Box.
And Meggy's drill moves are so frickin funny, just like Mario's and Peppino's.
And animation in those serious moments is such chef kiss ngl.
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gachawolfiebloom · 7 months
Your Pursuit of Perfection
Story and Artwork By: @GachaWolfieBloom
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Chapter 8: Are You Ready For The Next Show?
Summary: A few months after the events of WOTFI 2023, SMG4 starts having really bad dreams about the "Its gotta be perfect" incident. One night however, his fear allows the nightmares to break through and he gets taken to a horrific dimension. He finally meets the tv adware, who manipulates him into returning to his insane ways, intent on claiming much more than the perfect video. Now it's up to his friends to stop this madness and save SMG4. Can they do it in time or will they lose SMG4 forever? (In case you are unaware this is a sequel to the its gotta be perfect movie)
Tags: angst, its gotta be perfect, love confession, luigi, mario, meggy, melony, nightmares, scary, smg3, smg4, smg34, smg3 x smg4, tari, tv adware
Swag and Chris were getting the military ready while the others were discussing what to do. Karen was keeping her kids and the pets safe as she had kind of that caring mother's side to her. "The preparations are almost complete. If something is coming then we will be ready." Swag was more excited for this as he hoped it would be just like the last time. "IF THERE IS A DISTURBANCE IN MY TOWN THEN I'LL BE READY!" Chris raised an eyebrow and said "You'll be ready?"
"SHUT UP CHRIS!" Shroomy came up to them and said "Scoutmaster Shroomy is here to help anyway he can!" Swag wasn't convinced, but Chris knew that they would need all the help they could get. "We must hurry before-" Suddenly a striking thunder sound shook the ground. A shadow like creature of a familiar figure was hovering above them. The citizens started panicking as they ran in different directions.
"May I offer you some corn in these trying times?" Rob offered, but no-one listened. "SMG4 IS EVIL AGAIN! QUICK ARM THE TANKS!" Chris watched as he noticed something different, but he couldn't tell what it was. "But he doesn't look like..."
Back in the nightmare dimension, the presumable Smg4 spoke as the others looked horrified. "Its true that you have defeated me before, but what will you do now that I have returned? Without all of you, your little powers are useless. At bit of a sticky situation isn't it?"
Bob showed no fear as he yelled out "BRO I AIN'T SCARED OF YOUR PINK CRAP! COME AT ME!" Smg4 laughed and said "Really? That's the best you got. I've heard of much better comebacks than that." Meggy tried to reach out to him as she said in a concerned tone "Four? Can you hear me? You have to fight it!"
The man was getting annoyed as he took more serious approach. "You are all so dense! Remember those forces you all 'destroyed' with your little powers when the TV Adware was around? Well guess what? You didn't do such a great job after all. He now controls your friend... me I suppose. SMG4 IS GONE!"
The TV Adware was watching this all unfold with a creepy but pleased smile on his face. Saiko stood her ground as she said "I don't believe you. Four is still in there and I'm sure of it!" Mario pushed Saiko aside as he had his own plan. "Smg4 just needs a little reassurance from his best friend! Something only he would remember!" He got into Four's face and started remencing a memory of them.
"Likkkkeee Smg4 remember when you and Smg3 got trapped in the igloo and Mario had to come and save you! He had found you two making love to each other and you were so embarrassed that you made Mario promise to never ever tell!" Four immediately froze, but then rolled his eyes when Mario realized what he did. "Oops. Mario just did." Three wasn't really worried about what Mario had just spilled about him as he couldn't bear to see this awful sight. He tried to bring Four back by giving him words of encouragement like last time.
"Four? It's me Three. You know me right? I...you... I don't want to lose you again. Please come back." It seemed to be working as he saw tears forming in the man's eyes. His pupils went to their usual blue for a second and his eyebrows went soft. "Three..." However, the attempt failed as Four shut his eyes and clenched his fists. He stomped his foot hard on the ground and yelled "ENOUGH!"
He turned towards Three and said "You had so much power and what did you give it up for? These weaklings?" Three resisted as he shot back "You're wrong!" He tried to sway Three into returning to his state of guilt. "If you had just prevented me from falling back to my past, your precious friends could have been spared. You have done this to all of us and we will never forgive you!" 
Meggy pulled him away and said "Don't listen to him Three! He's trying to get into your head!" Four inched closer. "They say that, but who could possibly forgive someone who almost killed them like that?"
Mario decided to stand up to this big bully and said "Alright fake Smg4! Mario is not sorry and there are many embarrassing moments where that one came from!" The cracks etched deeper on Four's face as the dark, goopy creatures surrounded all of them. "It doesn't matter what you say. I am taking over the Showgrounds and you will be powerless to stop it! Take them down!" The creatures immediately attacked, swarming and whooshing around the crew. Saiko started to run from one while shouting "Come get me you stupid tentacle!"
Another one was coming after her, but she dodged both of them at the last second, causing them to crash into each other. Meggy defended herself with her splatshot, One and Two with their meme powers, and the others had their own unique talents for dealing with them. Meggy didn't realize that one of the creatures was behind her and was about to pounce on her when...
Three stopped it and yelled "Oh no you don't! I already let you take one of my friends! I'm not letting you do it to another!" The creature flared around, but it didn't take long for Three to get exhausted. The tentacle flung him off into the distance. "THREE!" Meggy called out, but it was too late. The creatures were getting stronger and the others couldn't fight them off any longer.
As Meggy found herself being wrapped up by one of the tentacles, she called out to One and Two. "Go home and get help!" Two cried out "We can't just leave you here!" Saiko called out "You have to go now or the Showgrounds won't stand a chance!"
"We'll be okay!" Tari said to try and convince them. One placed his hand on Two's shoulder and they both nodded. They teleported themselves back home, but before they did, they both said "Hang tight. We'll come back for you!"
They were all caught by the creatures as Four said "Take them to the dungeon. I'll deal with them later." The creatures took off with them while Mario still had confidence he could escape. "Mario will get out! You'll see!" He tried wiggling, but no amount of effort would get him to escape the grasp.
As they walked off, the TV Adware walked up to Four. "Remember our deal. Make sure that they do not stand in our way this time." He slowly nodded and said "Don't worry. This time they won't stand in our way.”
The Showgrounds will be mine…
Chapter 9: Nothing is What it Seems
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Lil Coding shifts on its paws. It glances at SMG4 from its spot on his bed. It's ears lower as it watches him work.
It.. didn't consider him it's friend anymore. Something.. more.
It had scoured the internet, looking for what it was feeling. So, so many articles had come up, saying it was feeling romantic feelings. But the little Coding didn't want to kiss the man. That was very.. strange and pretty creepy.
It didn't consider him it's best friend either. It's feelings were more than that.
It blinks as an article pops up.
'Found Family'.
It blinks once more and starts to read through it. Its tail slowly begins to wag as it reads it. Found family.. being accepted into a group of people and treated like one of their own..
4.. was its father!
It leaps up from its spot and giggles. Dad!
It jolts and winces a bit when 4 spits out his drink. It quickly sits back down as he spins around in his chair to look at it.
"What did you call me?" he asks, voice soft.
Uh.. dad! it tilts its head. Because.. you and the others accepted me. And because you're always caring for me and feeding me and stuff like that.
4 is quiet before chuckling. He smiles and nods. "I mean, if you want to call me your dad.. I'm not against it."
Lil Coding cheers and hops off his bed. It makes its way over to him and leaps up onto his lap before laying down. It purred as it thought.
Oh! Then that makes 3 my other dad!
"W-wait, what?!" 4's face goes bright red, but the little Coding doesn't seem to notice.
And then Mario would be uncle, and Meggy would be my aunt.. man, I've got a lot to figure out! it giggles.
4 sighs and shakes his head. "Yeah, we're going to the USBs tomorrow. We're getting your internet usage restricted."
What?! Nooooooooo! I'm a big code, dad! it huffs and glares up at him.
"Maybe," he chuckles. "but you're still young."
Aw, maaaaaaaaan...
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megacandy420 · 2 years
Smg4 Announcement?????? Recasted clip
Sam's background disappears and Ash and him are shown in Sally's Castle
Sam: I think we had ONE more announcement, but this one, I need May for.
Ash: Uhh, she's still, y'know... Slightly insane.
Sam's face shows disapproval
Sam: Alright that's it.
Sam bangs on May's door
He continues violently slamming the door, and it suddenly opens
Sam and Ash enter the room with a surprised look on their faces, the screen shows May's room, with garbage and lots of texts on the wall saying: "ITS G0TTA BE PERFECT"
Ash: Maybe, we should leave her alone...
Sam approaches May
Sam: May? Snap out of it!
May turns around with bloodshot eyes and a creepy grin, Sam and Ash look at her in fear
May: IT'S GOTTA BE PERFECT! 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐀 𝐁𝐄 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓!!! ƗŦ'Ş ǤØŦŦΔ β€ Ƥ̸̢̝̲̰̎̇̓̃̉̂€̶̠̺̍̾͂̓̆Ř̵̨̡̻̠̭̺̰̈͠₣̸̞̑̊€̷͎̱̞͎̩̼̀̈́͆̊Ć̴͍͕̲̱́͗͂̆̈Ŧ̷̯̈͐͗̅͒̀!!!!!!!
Cast: May as Smg4, Sam as Smg3 and Ash Ketchum as Meggy Spletzer
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