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thatbadadvice · 9 months ago
I (15f) am slightly worried that I led on some guys I did not mean to lead on.
There are two guys that I've hung out with over longer spans of time or regularly.
1. Hung out with him for several hours non-stop cause he was fun to hang out with, and we took a walk in the forest aswell, he got (slightly) touchy but not that much.
2. Works in a shop in my small city and I go there almost weekly just to hang out but always buy something, he sometimes offers me drinks for free (twice by now) or reduces the price.
They both got my insta too
However, the problem is that a) I'm not looking for a relationship and, more importantly, b) they are both in their 20s.
I took care to mention that I am only 15 to both of them but idk if that changed anything. Any advice? I also don't want to confront them directly cause I might have just interpreted it like this.
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Hello, anonymous!
Thank you for writing in. I am delighted to inform you that you have excellent judgment for wondering what the hell is going on here, and for questioning these guys' behavior toward you.
Grown-ass men — and that is what dudes in their 20s are — bear the burden of not being weird to, for, or about young women of your age. It is the grown-ass men of the world who are obligated not to make you, or young women like you, feel weird about literally anything. In fact, grown-ass men should go out of their way, on purpose and with gusto, NEVER to get even within ten million football fields' worth of "(slightly) touchy" with a gal of your age. So that's my read on Mr. Walk In The Woods. I have less to say definitively about Mr. Free/Cheap Drinks, but I trust your judgment: if you feel like Mr. Free/Cheap Drinks is sending some ~ signals ~, you're right about it.
It sounds like both of these Grown-Ass Men are trying to make pretty creepo moves, so let me be clear: nothing you could ever do could even possibly in the most remote sense amount to "leading them on," because you are not responsible for the behavior of Grown-Ass Men.
I think you know this, or you wouldn't be asking the Bad Advisor this question. You know they're being weird. You know you haven't done anything beyond exist in these dudes' general sphere, which you are entitled to do! You are allowed to exist in the world without having to swat off the advances of older guys! It really sucks that girls and women can just be living our regular-ass lives and have dudes be at us like this. But you're not responsible for their decisions — whether it's a decision to offer you free/cheap drinks (with strings attached, implied) or to get (slightly) handsy during a walk in the woods.
The fact that you told both of these Grown-Ass Men explicitly that you are 15 years old should have sent both of them spinning back into the sun with shame and embarrassment, not that they probably needed it spelled out, but GOOD ON YOU for making it so clear. That is actually terribly brave of you, and they should have fallen all over themselves to not fall all over you subsequently. They should be mortified about their behavior.
You did not misinterpret their actions; and if you did, who cares? Some dudes who weren't hitting on a 15-year-old will continue to not hit on a 15-year-old? Girl, your self-preservation instinct is INTACT and WORKING. It's on them not to be creepos. Any Grown-Ass Man who is on the level and not a weirdo would 1000000000000% never need to be told "Hey dude, I'm 15" in the first place. You have good judgment. You are reading these men correctly.
So what do you do about your good judgment? Well, first — no more walks in the woods. Suddenly you have an urgent appointment that precludes all walks in woods! The benefit-of-the-doubt ship has sailed. Dude got handsy and you dislike it. Dunzo. You are unavailable for future walks in woods (or anywhere). You've got a test to study for, a practice to go to, some buddies to hang out with elsewhere. So sorry, no-can. Dude can find a 20-to-90-something-year-old woman to paw up under the canopy if that's his jam. There are scores of women his age and older who'd be glad (i guess?) to get felt up while some dude shoves them ~ romantically ~ against the bark of a moldy Hackberry.
As for Mr. Free/Cheap Drinks — look, I appreciate the appeal of a discount beverage — but I think you gotta be prepared to aggressively (politely) pay for your drinks. Dude says "This one is on the house" and you DGAF, because you've got $5 cash and you're laying it on the counter with a smile and saying "I really appreciate it, but I'd like to pay for my drink — you get it!"
It's the "you get it!" that's really the key here. It's polite, but clear. It demands that these Grown-Ass Dudes do the work of not getting it and saying so if they're gonna be that dippy about it. You can use it on Mr. Handsy In The Woods, too. You can't do X, Y, Z because Reasons -- "Gotta get back to piano practice, it would be weird if I stayed here, since we're just friends! You get it!"
You shouldn't have to do the work of offering these dippos the "you get it" out, but it's a safe and reliable way of making it clear that they better the fuck get it. Like, they better the fuck understand that you are 15 and they are being weird about this whole deal.
"Oh, I'd like to chill but doing another big long hang alone together would make it seem like we're going out or something, and that would be weird -- you get it."
"I appreciate the discount, but if I keep taking these drinks, it'll seem like you LIKE me or something. That's weird, right? You get it!"
If either of these Grown-Ass Men gets sketchy about these very polite brush-offs, that shit is on them and will only confirm what you know: you have great judgment. These dudes are weird. If they're going to be weird, you can be so polite that they have to explain why, specifically, they are being weird and don't understand what you are politely saying, which is that their interest in you is weird.
You have not led these Grown-Ass Men on by existing in their universe. You have not led them on by being polite to them and tolerating their inappropriate advances to preserve your own safety. The concept of "leading on" is bullshit, fucked up, heteronormative dipshittery that puts the burden on women, mostly, to account for the crappy behavior of men who can, do, and should know better. I assure you these men know better, and they think you don't. That's why older guys pursue younger and teen women in the first place — they think they get to be the big men in charge, because they're afraid they can't manipulate women their own age.
Here's what, though: they can't manipulate you, either. You are clever, self-possessed and a great self-advocate. They're being weird. You're being smart. Make sure they know it.
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acemarkeyshusband · 4 months ago
hes right behind me isnt he..?
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DAY 5 - ..Surprise?
this is way earlier than my usual contributions to this godforsaken app, but i drew this in advance because honestly couldnt wait to draw this..! congrats j and arturo fans
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Genuinely interesting that the first thing we're told about Nepeta and Equius' moirailship is that, despite how formidable she is, Nepeta is actually kind of scared of Equius.
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More than that, she seems to see their relationship as something of a duty or a service.
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And what we've seen of Equius so far is definitely a bit grim and off-putting
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But actually in their interactions she isn't hesitating to push back at him and needle him and just generally try to take him down a peg (which he needs. A lot.)
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And yet after all that, she does as he says, no matter how frustrated that makes her.
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All this to say I love that they get to spend time together in the game and on the meteor and that their relationship seems to develop into something a lot more balanced.
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mybeautifulwifearcane · 8 months ago
lowkey already despise smeech his voice sounds like he ate velcro for thirty consecutive years
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undeadorion · 10 days ago
People will take anything you say to twist it into you being a bigot of some kind. Like the time someone had a screaming meltdown calling me racist because I said brownie hummus shouldn’t exist. Or the whole group that says I’m somehow both transphobic and transmed because I don’t like it when people insist a character is canonically a different gender than presented.
But the most insulting one was from a supposed friend. I was still coping with my diabetes diagnosis and rambling about things. In an attempt to put a positive spin on things I mentioned that the medication and everything would help me lose weight. He derailed everything and accused me of “internalized fatphobia”.
So if anyone makes a serious claim about another person without proof, keep these sorts of things in mind. People can and will take the tiniest things out of context and try to make them into something huge. To a reasonable person a transphobe is someone who hates trans people. To the unreasonable the statement “if you change a character’s gender, that’s an AU” is enough to make a full blown callout post accusing someone of transphobia.
Don’t blindly believe claims that can’t even point you to a single post of the alleged behavior within the last year.
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ninyard · 1 month ago
If I was a millionaire the aftg tv show would already be in production. I would personally fund it. Do I have any idea about how any step of the tv show making process works? Absolutely not. But. Somehow I would make it a reality
i know things about the tv show making process and it makes it much harder because i simply can’t just. Make It.
if i was rich i would put so much love and care into an adaptation that people would watch it and think to themselves, “ninyard made this”
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nekromaxxing · 7 months ago
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hopelessly devoted
to your swollen contempt for me
addicted to your neglect
and pure lack of empathy
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grave-st0ned · 6 months ago
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spectra my beloved💜👻✨
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deathandthesoul · 2 months ago
📻 for Aidan and Jesse, bonus points if it's about their relationship
Lyrics here This is on the Nitromicide playlist bc Aidan is an obsessed stalker who "researched" Jesse for 10 years before asking him out and is intense about keeping tabs on him (and misses him the 3 days each week they don't get to spend daysleep together 😔). The sweet tone of the song itself also lines up with his feelings towards him. Is it creepy? Yeah. Is it cute and romantic? Also yeah
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bldramagalore · 14 days ago
THANK YOU I'm super done with people being mean to pdpw for no reason they are doing their thing and people are highkey so spiteful to them for free
Honestly, I also think it's gotten a little ridiculous. Like you don't have to like a pairing, that's totally fine, but the amount of negativity I've seen around them is getting a bit out of hand.
I think the moment I really started to see it was around the GMMTV 2025 line up ? So many people made predictions/hopes videos or posts and so many people were begging GMMTV to either break them up or to not give them a new show. And like once again, you can think what you want of a certain pairing but then just don't watch their stuff ? Just ignore them ? I've seen a thousand critiques like Phuwin can't kiss, they don't have chemistry anymore, they don't spend time together so clearly they're not even friends and I'm not even mentionning the delulu dating stuff (it's fine to be delulu for fun but those are not the ones I'm talking about here). But once again, no one is forcing you to follow them or watch their shows.
Also it's once again a case of people saying they're fans of Pond and Phuwin but not actually caring about them outside of their pairing. They absolutely don't seem like they want to be separated as a pair and I think in the end that's what matters (have you seen that clip of Satang saying Pond could be paired with Santa or someone else ? Pond's face looked so confused and distressed lmao my man had subs on and it was saying no thank you).
I think it all boils down to them (and especially Phuwin) not wanting to do fanservice that much or not posting that much stuff together (like Pond being the only Jasper member to not post anything with his pair on Valentine's day) but once again why should they have to ? Anyway I'm pretty sure GMMTV is never breaking them up unless they want to because their shows and events always do numbers (pretty sure their trailer for gmmtv 2025 is still the one with the most views with G4) so on that front they're probably safe.
Sorry for the super long rant but I'm just always sad to see pairs get hate for basically nothing and it has been making my blood boil lately.
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must4rds33d · 1 year ago
one of the many scenes i wish to be adapted is the part when mr. rochester was watching jane the ENTIRE time when she and adele was in the gallery the day after the horse incident. literally THIRTY MINUTES of just looking at her from a distance—completely unnoticed!—as she was doing her own business. and then he was all "i didn't like it when you were out of my sight so i asked mrs. fairfax to invite you in the drawing room that night… mind you i impatiently waited for our second meeting so i could ask you a bajillion of questions in hopes of getting to know you better :)”
(i know he only told jane this incident but given his ULTRA vivid description... i think it warrants a visual too lol)
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undeadorion · 12 days ago
My body is better
Better than…..???
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nugulover69 · 4 months ago
Gay people can never just ask each other out
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asmallcafethatslove · 9 months ago
I am yet reminded by the fact that jubilee by japanese breakfast is so underrated for such a good quality album… my goodness
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grave-st0ned · 5 months ago
dolltism really went crazy today i ordered and bought 7 dolls
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kodakuromu · 2 months ago
Post to tell people that I really like Feast for a King but I cant really share it directly with my actual friends because its Content Warnings include "Explicet Sex", "Explicet Violence", "Mass Corpses/Deaths", and "Genocide".
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