266 posts
An archive of our past Tumblr posts. Please contact us via email at [email protected]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
saiclibrary · 7 years ago
Long time, no talk. In fact, it’s been so long we here at the Flaxman Library have decided it is time to officially retire this Tumblr. We will of course leave all of our posts up for archival purposes but we will no longer post here -- not that we’ve posted on here since September 19, 2017,  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Please feel free to follow us on our other social media outlets (blog, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook) and continue to enjoy your time on Tumblr!
All our best, SAIC John M. Flaxman Library
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saiclibrary · 8 years ago
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Want to find out which book this was that was challenged for themes of anti-establishment, occultism, vulgarity, and adolescent angst? Stop by our 📚🚫banned books🚫📚 display tomorrow, 9/20 (Constitution Day), in the LeRoy Neiman Center from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m to unwrap this book and others that have been challenged for themes ranging from anti-establishment to religion.
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saiclibrary · 8 years ago
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Participate in the 2017 Flaxman Library Bibibliodérive
The Bibliodérive is the application of the Situationist International practice of the dérive or “drift” reapplied to the realm of research, libraries and archives. The Flaxman Library bibliodérive is a collection of generative, open-ended actions, or situations, taken to destabilize research practices geared towards an expected product or outcome, the gathering of information to merely support extant ideas and thought structures. It is a disruption in the traditional use value assigned to the library, the archive, to information storage and even to the very concept of research itself. The theme of this year’s bibliodérive will be diversity and inclusion. Other avenues of inquiry relevant to our collective research strategies are also welcome. Flaxman Library will be the central hub for bibliodérive, utilizing the 5th and 6th floors of Sharp, for an exciting day of programmed events on Friday 2.24.17. There are two main ways to participate in the Bibliodérive:
1. Propose a situation here: 2. Add a dérive “prompt” to the Flaxman Library Bibliodérive Deck. For more information please visit the bibliodérive web site:
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saiclibrary · 9 years ago
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Did you know that the Flaxman Library has a digital library of correspondence art?
The Correspondence Art digital library exposes a variety of intimate, postal themed works selected from collections housed in the Flaxman Library Special Collections. Included are examples of artists’ stamps, mail art, artists’ letters, and similar works. Some were collected fresh from the press or the artist’s hand. Others are well-marked by their travels. They provide a glimpse into some of the international networking practices of artists during the late twentieth century, prior to the widespread availability of the internet.
The images above are by the mail artist Audrey.
You can browse the entire collection of Correspondence Art here.
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saiclibrary · 9 years ago
Rock’s Back Pages
Did you know the Flaxman Library has access to the database Rock’s Back Pages?
Rock’s Back Pages is an archive of music journalism featuring 28,000+ articles on artists from Aaliyah to ZZ Top, on all genres from rockabilly to hip hop, by music writers of the last 50 years.
Rock’s Back Pages is free to SAICers.  Just enter your ARTIC username and password.
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saiclibrary · 9 years ago
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Did you know the Flaxman Library has access to the streaming video database Docuseek2?
Docuseek2 features documentary films from Kartemquin Films, Collective Eye,, ScorpionTV, Bullfrog Films, Icarus Films and other distributors.
Docuseek2 is free to SAICers.  Just enter your ARTIC username and password.
Stills are from a short film of the psychedelic rock collective Anonymous Artists of America performing at the University of Chicago.
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saiclibrary · 9 years ago
LIBRARY MIXTAPE: Faculty, Staff, Student & Alumni Edition!
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We need YOU for the next installment of --
LIBRARY MIXTAPE: Faculty, Staff, Student & Alumni Edition!
In the spirit of selecting songs for a mixtape, you’ll choose items from the Flaxman Library and/or the Joan Flasch Artists’ Book Collection. It’s a way for the community to get to know a swath of SAIC folks and hopefully to be inspired by the things that are currently inspiring you. Your selections will be on display in the library and the Columbus Drive vitrines April 4 - April 21, 2016.
As space is limited, submissions will be taken on a first come, first serve basis, and only SAIC faculty, staff, students or alumni are eligible to participate. To secure your place in the show, please get your submissions in as soon as possible.  We will email you to confirm your place in the show.
It’s easy to participate in the Library Mixtape. Here’s how:
1. Select the 6 items from our collections that you want to include in the installation.
2. Download and print the "Mixtape Submission Form" PDF
3. Fill out the form BY HAND in pencil or pen. The form will be included in the show alongside your selections. Please feel free to personalize it mixtape-style with drawings or whatever you like.
4. Include a photo of yourself.
5. Submit your form and your photo:
a) VIA EMAIL: Scan your completed form as a PDF. Email the PDF and a photo of you (jpgs please!) to [email protected] with “Library Mixtape submission” in the subject line.
b) IN PERSON: Stop by! This is the best option if you’d like to browse the Flaxman and the JFABC to make your selections. Don’t forget to bring your form and your photo.
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saiclibrary · 9 years ago
Reference Images #10: Handbook of Ornaments in Color
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The Handbook of Ornaments in Color is a four-volume set chronicling the ornament and design from all styles of art- Renaissance, Medieval and seventeenth and eighteenth-century works.  Each volume covers a specific geographic location and features beautifully detailed illustrations with references.
This title and other reference books can be used, whether for their intended or unintended purpose, in the library only.
“Reference Images” is an ongoing series of blog posts highlighting our image-heavy reference books.
Racinet, A. Handbook Of Ornaments In Color. New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1978. Print.
REF. NK1530 .R313
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saiclibrary · 9 years ago
Reference Images #9: Plan of Chicago
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Plan of Chicago “... landmark text, published in 1909, revolutionized urban design. Adopted by the city of Chicago, the plan had a major impact on its development, particularly that of the Lake Shore. This reprint makes available a book that still holds valuable lessons for today's architects and planners. The most visible document of the City Beautiful movement, the plan was also a hard-headed and practical approach to the problems of modern-day city planning. It detailed proposals for circulation, transportation facilities, civic buildings, and parks. Plan of Chicago reproduces all 143 plates from the original, 48 in color. It also contains a plate of City Hall, rendered in color by Jules Guérin, that was omitted from the 1909 edition..."--Jacket.
This title and other reference books can be used, whether for their intended or unintended purpose, in the library only.
“Reference Images” is an ongoing series of blog posts highlighting our image-heavy reference books.
Burnham, Daniel Hudson,, Burnham, Daniel Hudson,, Bennett, Edward H.Moore, Charles,Plan Of Chicago. New York : Princeton Architectural Press, 1993. Print.
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saiclibrary · 9 years ago
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The Flaxman Library is once again hosting an Art + Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon!  For the 3rd annual event, we have moved the venue to the first floor of SAIC’s Sharp Building.  
When: March 5, 2016, 12noon - 5pm Where: SAIC’s LeRoy Neiman Center, 37 S. Wabash, 1st Floor, Sharp Building, Chicago What: Staff & Faculty from SAIC will lead brief tutorials on Wikipedia editing on the hour starting at 12noon. Bring your own laptop & Photo ID.
Interested? sign up/register at our Chicago MeetUp page. watch Art + Feminism training videos to familiarize yourself with editing a page and Wikipedia policies attend our train the trainer sessions if you’re interested in helping beginners on the date of the event Visit the Art + Feminism Wikipedia main page to see who else is participating
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saiclibrary · 9 years ago
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Photography by Alberto Korda  recently added to ARTstor Shared Shelf. Mostly known for his famous portrait of Che Guevara, Korda also took many intimate pictures of him and Fidel Castro over several years. Also included are works by other Cuban photographers like José Figueroa and Carlos Garaicoa. Click here to view a selection of these images in ARTstor (viewable only by SAIC Faculty & Students).
ARTstor Shared Shelf is a library curated digital collection of art images for use by SAIC Faculty and Students that is available as a part of the ARTstor Image collection. Check out the 180,000+ images from the SAIC collection, along with the 1.8 million images in the main ARTstor collection, here (accessible only by SAIC Faculty & Students).
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saiclibrary · 9 years ago
Reference Images #8: Architect's Handbook of Formulas, Tables, and Mathematical Calculations
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The Architect's Handbook of Formulas, Tables, and Mathematical Calculations compiles a vast range of practical, concise formulas, tables, and calculation methods useful to improve the design process.  This text includes a variety of architectural diagrams, maps, and terminology that can help Architect’s troubleshoot a variety of problems they may encounter.
The organization of this Handbook is based on how architects actually work through a project and make decisions - from establishing early programming needs, to making preliminary design and building system choices, to evaluating specific material selections. The tables and calculation methods selected are practical, proven reference information helpful for all phases of a job.
This title and other reference books can be used, whether for their intended or unintended purpose, in the library only.
“Reference Images” is an ongoing series of blog posts highlighting our image-heavy reference books.
Ballast, David Kent. Architect's Handbook Of Formulas, Tables, And Mathematical Calculations. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice Hall, Business & Professional Division, 1988. Print.
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saiclibrary · 9 years ago
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A collection of contemporary Cuban art recently added to ARTstor Shared Shelf.  Artists include Belkin Ayón, Carlos Garaicoa, Tonel, and Armando Mariño. Click here to view a selection of these images in ARTstor (viewable only by SAIC Faculty & Students).
ARTstor Shared Shelf is a library curated digital collection of art images for use by SAIC Faculty and Students that is available as a part of the ARTstor Image collection. Check out the 180,000+ images from the SAIC collection, along with the 1.8 million images in the main ARTstor collection, here (accessible only by SAIC Faculty & Students).
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saiclibrary · 9 years ago
Reference Images #7: Chicago Historic Resources Survey : An Inventory of Architecturally and Historically Significant Structures
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The Chicago Historic Resources Survey : An Inventory of Architecturally and Historically Significant Structures is a 1996 report detailing research that analyzed the historic and architectural importance of all Chicago structures constructed prior to 1940.
This survey, sponsored by the City of Chicago, reviewed structures within each of the city’s 50 aldermanic wards.  The result of the survey showed that over 17,000 structures were considered to have architectural or historic importance.  Included within this extensive title are photographs of buildings, facades, and other architectural details.
This title and other reference books can be used, whether for their intended or unintended purpose, in the library only.
“Reference Images” is an ongoing series of blog posts highlighting our image-heavy reference books.
Chicago Historic Resources Survey: An Inventory Of Architecturally And Historically Significant Structures. Chicago, IL : The Department of Planning and Development, 1996. Print.
REF. NA735.C4 C3951996
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saiclibrary · 9 years ago
Reference Images #6: Dictionary of Pronunciation of Artist's Names
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Dictionary of pronunciation of artists' names, published originally by the The Art Institute of Chicago in1934, includes detailed descriptions on pronunciation, as well an anatomical illustration/diagram for the pronunciation of french nasal vowels.
This title and other reference books can be used, whether for their intended or unintended purpose, in the library only.
“Reference Images” is an ongoing series of blog posts highlighting our image-heavy reference books.
Kaltenbach, Gustav Emile. Dictionary Of Pronunciation Of Artists' Names: With Their Schools And Dates For American Readers And Students. Detroit : Omnigraphics, 1989, c1938. Print.
REF N40 .K3 1989
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saiclibrary · 9 years ago
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Did you know the Flaxman Library has access to the video database  Kanopy Streaming?
Kanopy Streaming  features over 400 titles from the following collections: Criterion, First Run Features, Flicker Alley, and Michael Blackwood Productions.
Kanopy Streaming  is free to SAICers.  Just enter your ARTIC username and password.
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saiclibrary · 9 years ago
Reference Images #5: Costume Patterns and Designs
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Costume Patterns and Design features costume patterns and designs of all periods and nations from antiquity to modern times.  The 128 pages of color plates present examples of costume from each geographic location and includes corresponding captions that describe each example.  
This title and other reference books can be used, whether for their intended or unintended purpose, in the library only.
“Reference Images” is an ongoing series of blog posts highlighting our image-heavy reference books.
Tilke, Max. Costume Patterns and Designs: A Survey of Costume Patterns and Designs of all Periods and Nations from Antiquity to Modern Times. New York: Hastings House, 1974.
REF. GT513 .T5121974 
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