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On Heteromorphs and Heteromorphobia (Arc XV - My Villain Academia)
(Skewing away from the wiki arc titles here, because come the eff on; everyone on god's green earth calls this My Villain Academia, not "The Meta Liberation Army Arc.")
At the request of a kind asker, I'm trying something different with footnotes this time; you'll find them at the end of the relevant bullet point, rather than at the bottom of the post. I've also flagged the numbers in purple, though I left the text itself the default color. I hope people find that a little easier to handle than having to scroll all the way to the bottom, have two tabs open, or wait until the end when they've forgotten the context.
Content Warning: Mentions of the KKK, as well as anti-Korean hate crimes/speech in Japan.
The My Villain Academia Arc (Chapters 218-240)
Chapter 218:
Tsuyu’s weakness to cold is noted in-canon, rather than in a volume extra profile.
All of the people featured specifically in the Detnerat commercial are heteromorphs—a four-armed woman, a walrus gent, and a little gelatinous boy. Re-Destro pontificates about how people with these “newer types of bodies” struggled in the new era because they couldn’t find products that would meet their daily needs; mass production was not equipped—could never really be equipped—to handle the endless variety of body shapes and sizes that came about due to the Advent of the Extraordinary. It recollects the mall scene back in Chapter 68—or, even further back, Ojiro’s character sheet and UA’s lack of varied desks—and calls the reader to consider, once again, the sorts of special needs that those with heteromorphic bodies might have, and how difficult it can be to meet those needs. RD says that his company’s ability to rapidly customize and produce unique goods for every customer has made them #1 in their industry (lifestyle goods). Assuming there’s at least some truth to the commercial shpiel—and the newscaster does at least call Detnerat “a big player”—it suggests that plenty of other companies are not so good at the rapid+customizable combination. Of course, not all companies are trying to be all things to all people, but specialization costs money—as do speed and customization, really, and note that nowhere in the commercial is there a talking point about affordability! So mainly what the commercial leaves me wondering is what degree of inconvenience is still felt by heteromorphs, especially those who are somewhat cash-strapped. That strikes me as a particular hazard when it comes to child bullying. Of course, Japanese schools have uniforms, but I wonder how available tailoring and alterations are for students with particular needs? Is there a provided budget for that sort of thing? Financial aid? How much did Ojiro’s parents have to pay for him to have a full set of uniform pants with a hole for his tail in them? How about Shouji getting all his uniform tops made sleeveless? What arrangements had to be made for Shouto’s gym uniform to be fire retardant? Even setting uniforms aside, there are also their social lives outside of school to consider. Kids will absolutely notice when one of their number wears the same clothes all the time, or home-made clothes instead of name brand, or with obvious patchwork and repair. As in real life, it’s at the intersections of more than one type of disadvantage—in this case, a heteromorphic body combined with a low-income family—that problems become more likely.
Here in 218, almost fifty chapters after the first mention of them, we finally get the proper introduction and explanation of the Meta Liberation Army. Of course, they aren’t heteromorph-specific—the closest any of the named commander-types in RD’s inner circle get is Curious, with her bright blue skin and black sclera,[1] though certainly Re-Destro himself has drifted somewhat away from baseline compared to his ancestor. Regardless, their foundational belief is the deregulation of quirks, stemming from a time when any deviation from the norm made meta-humans targets. The compromise society reached—that quirks require a license to use—is restricting enough on those whose abilities are found with a baseline body, but, as I’ve brought up before, it makes life even more potentially fraught for heteromorphs. That kind of thing is basically a pre-written excuse for heroes or police to stop and harass a heteromorph they don’t like the look of! And while the evidence of that kind of bias has been pretty circumstantial thus far, it’s about to get way, way less so. [1] Wacky hair colors being somewhat de rigueur in anime, we’ll give her a pass on the purple hair.
Chapter 220:
Here we finally hit the major leagues: the Creature Rejection Clan, or CRC. The Japanese is igyou haiseki shugi shuudan, with igyou and shuudan being pretty straightforward—igyou is, of course, “heteromorph,” and shuudan is any sort of organized or self-identifying group of people, anything from a family unit to a business organization, even all the way up to a nation. Haiseki shugi is the important bit, with shugi meaning “doctrine; principle” and haiseki meaning “rejection; expulsion; boycott; ostracism.” Thus, “group whose doctrine is the rejection of heteromorphs.”[2] Note that, in the Japanese, the word in the group’s name is heteromorph; they didn’t pick something more insulting or derogatory. They didn’t really need to, since igyou is, as discussed back in the introduction to this piece, plenty derogatory all on its own. So Caleb Cook went with a translation of igyou that would better get that derisiveness-in-the-context-of-a-hate-group across than his choice way back in Chapter 14. Creature Rejection Clan is a fairly localized translation, but Cook was pretty frank in his Twitter thread on the chapter that he was thinking about the KKK when he made the decision. And it’s not an unwarranted comparison! Of course, I wouldn’t think to presume Horikoshi’s that up on the history of racism in the U.S., but combine the cod-religious trappings and the full robes and hoods with an explicit textual description of hate crimes, and it’s an extremely easy parallel to draw. [2] The Japanese also gives the abbreviation of CRC, with the databook eventually coming out and revealing that it really stands for the name they’ve chosen for themselves in English, the Curious Rejection Committee.
That established, it’s notable that Spinner, in describing them, says that they commit hate crimes against “people with heteromorphic quirks”—a nearly word-for-word translation of the Japanese igyou-gata no ningen. This leaves aside the idea I’ve spent so much time talking about, that heteromorph discrimination is aimed broadly at those with heteromorphic bodies, and not only those with the more narrowly defined heteromorphic quirks. Shortly, however, I’ll cover some evidence that Spinner is over-generalizing, or just misinformed.
In the meantime, take note of a few things the CRC guys[3] actually say here, starting with the fact that they call Spinner a lizard. Instantly, a word that was previously a snippy and dismissive little shrug in Dabi’s mouth takes on the weight and ugliness of a slur. Further, they call the League of Villains “sins against nature”—or, in a more literal translation, “impure criminals.” I provide the more literal translation there because it’s more specific. My immediate question of the English translation would be whether the CRC judge the League as being sins against nature simply because of their criminality, or because of their association with Spinner, but the Japanese makes clear that there are two separate labels being flung there: the League are both criminals and impure. This idea of impurity brings in a religious dimension to heteromorphobia, a dimension heightened by the line (dropped by the English translation) in which the CRC accuses the League of invading a sanctuary—in Shinto, shrines have to be kept pure. The CRC calling their hideout a sanctuary, with the added context of, “They have a lizard with them. How disgusting,” thus makes it pretty clear that the impurity is about Spinner’s presence, not just the League’s assorted crimes. This spiritualistic justification for bigotry will later be made even more explicit in Shouji’s flashbacks. [3] With skull masks right there on their hoods! A real, “Are we the baddies?” moment, but given some of the other things we get on them later, it's possible the skulls are meant to contrast what e.g. Spinner or Koda’s skulls might look like: baseline human versus animalistic or “misshapen.” Credit to @codenamesazanka for connecting the dots on that!
Spinner also gives us here the line that I covered back in the terminology section at the beginning:
We’ll go with the official version this time.
So here we have the observation that the word absolutely everyone uses, the word that, as far as we know, academically defines an entire category of quirks, is an unpleasant, even rude word. But what is the alternative? We’re never given one. Indeed, Spinner doesn’t suggest one; he says that the nice thing to do is “avoid” the word instead. In other words, talk around it. See again what I said at the start about all the difficulties baked into that prospect.
Later, we get the first drops of Spinner’s backstory, and hit again on the “lizard” thing, with the note that Spinner’s backwater, stuck-in-the-last-century hometown called him “the lizard freak.” He grew up with it, grew accustomed to it, thought there was nothing he could do to change it—he might even have internalized it somewhat, though clearly by the time Chapter 160 rolled around he was ornery enough about it to complain. It's perhaps also notable that Spinner knows who the CRC are. Though we’ll later find out that their numbers have hugely diminished, he not only recognizes them, he’s not even surprised to see them—unlike many, Spinner knows the CRC never truly went away. (Compare his lack of reaction to, for example, Shouji's unsuspecting classmates, who will later be shocked, just shocked, that this kind of ugliness still exists in their country.) So just to state the obvious here, yes, the presence of active hate groups does irrevocably shift the lens on everything we’ve seen up to this point. You can’t say calling a heteromorph an animal is harmless, a little insensitive at worst, maybe even meant as a cute nickname, when that same language is used by openly violent bigots.
The volume version gives us, at the end of the chapter, further notes on the CRC. It’s full of relevant tidbits, so I’ll provide the text in its entirety:
Once superpowered society grew more stable and less chaotic, this group emerged, based around a lack of acceptance for those with body-altering quirks. They started out with demonstrations and protests but eventually started committing violent hate crimes. Most felt this was taking things too far, so the group saw a sharp decline in membership and a scattering of factions. These days, one faction might only reject people with animal properties, while another focuses its hate on people with irregular heads. These two, among others, have very few members left. The faction that Tomura and the villains attacked was one that stood by the original group's fundamental tenets.
So what is there to gather from this? Let’s break it down a point at a time.
“Once superpowered society grew more stable (...)” If you’ve ever lived through a time of increasing acceptance for a marginalized group, particularly if that acceptance involves measures for legal protections being passed, you’ll recognize what this is. Just to pick a few U.S. examples, the KKK didn’t exist until after the Civil War;[4] proactive federal bans on same-sex marriages didn’t start getting passed/proposed until individual U.S. states started legalizing them and civil unions. When opposition to something is the norm, said opposition often doesn’t start organizing until they see that status quo being threatened; they weren’t organized before because they never imagined they’d need to be! That’s what we see with the CRC: they didn’t formally declare themselves until it started looking like quirks—and especially non-baseline quirks—were going to find legal acceptance. [4] Literally. The last day of the war was May 26, 1865; the date the first Klan was founded was December 24 of the same year. Easily the most vile thing I learned in the process of writing this piece.
“(…) based around a lack of acceptance for those with body-altering quirks.” This is what I was referring to when I said Spinner's characterization of the CRC might be a little bit off: the CRC wasn’t founded because of a hatred for specifically heteromorphic quirks; they were founded because of a hatred for different bodies, a descriptor that could also apply to those with transformation-style quirks! Those, too, are quirks that alter bodies, after all; it’s just possible for people to turn them off, which is not the case for those with heteromorphic quirks. So Spinner was not quite on the mark before. Further, note that the phrase “body-altering quirks” is used here—a phrase that’s similar in meaning and much less othering than igyou. It doesn’t fully cover everything I use “heteromorphic” and “non-baseline” to cover, in that it’s still murky in situations like e.g. Cementoss’s, where his emitter quirk is entirely independent of his oddly shaped head, but it’s still a useful term! Except for the small complication of where it isn’t found: anywhere in the actual story. The fact that Horikoshi uses it in an author’s note, but it comes up nowhere in BNHA proper, puts it in an unclear place as far as in-universe alternatives go. Has it just not come up because Horikoshi hasn’t thought to include it? Or has it not come up because it’s not a phrase people in-universe use?
“They started out with demonstrations and protests but eventually started committing violent hate crimes. Most felt this was taking things too far, so the group saw a sharp decline in membership and a scattering of factions.” Confirmation here of what Spinner said about the CRC and hate crimes, but note what this doesn’t say: that the CRC was outlawed. There are, I suspect, a couple of factors influencing that. o Firstly, while Japan has legal methods to restrict undesirable organizations,[5] making it difficult for them to raise funds or engage in publicity, the country doesn’t actually de facto criminalize membership in such organizations. That distinction is part of the legacy of violent crackdowns on labor groups and protest movements in the first half of the 20th century; people tend to get very loud about anything that whiffs of the government trying to give itself the power to get that heavy-handed again. Assuming that the laws haven’t changed overmuch in HeroAca!Japan, then, I wouldn’t expect membership in the CRC to have been criminalized outright, but the volume extra doesn’t mention any kind of legal repercussions at all. That, I think, may go more to my next point. [5] The relevant laws are aimed mostly at terroristic groups or organized crime. o Secondly, another thing Japan has very, very little of is hate crime legislation. From my research, there are only two laws of any note: a federal law passed in 2016 and widely regarded as toothless thanks to it lacking any criminal provisions targeting offenders,[6] as well as a local ordinance passed in Kawasaki in 2019 that went as far as mandating fines against repeat offenders, among other measures.[7] [6] It required the government to start “implementing measures” to eliminate such speech/behaviors, as well as to “respond to requests for consultation” from victims, but did not directly mandate consequences for offenders. [7] I suspect from some of what I read that Osaka has picked up a similar ordinance, but I didn’t find anything detailing it specifically. Osaka and Kawasaki are home to the largest and second-largest population of Koreans living in Japan. One major thing neither of these measures did, though—and something activists have been pressing for—is to establish standards for considering discriminatory motivations when issuing sentences against those who have committed violent crimes. To pick an example that made the news last year, a man committed arson out of openly admitted hatred for the Koreans he targeted, but nowhere in the trial or discussion of his sentence did the prosecution ever bring up discrimination.[8] [8] https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20220829/p2a/00m/0na/015000c Also, it’s worth noting that both of these measures were aimed at ethnic discrimination—speech and behavior targeting people living in Japan while being themselves, or being children of, people of non-Japanese ethnicities. They did not address discrimination based on e.g. religion or sexuality. Folding both of those points together, the image we have of the CRC is of a violent hate group whose existence is regarded as perhaps distasteful and extremist, but not actually illegal. Even what few laws Japan has now wouldn’t have applied to anti-heteromorph discrimination, because, while they may look wildly different from a prototypical Japanese person, heteromorphs still are Japanese, and therefore not protected by a law based solely around ethnic discrimination. Incidentally, the ordinance in Kawasaki laid out a number of specific examples of the kind of behavior it was looking to address, and one of those examples was likening victims to something other than human. I know why that was included in the context of anti-Korean sentiments,[9] but it certainly does shade e.g. Dabi calling Spinner a lizard more harshly to know that there’s legal precedent for categorizing such dehumanizing language as hate speech. [9] An extremely common form of anti-Korean hate speech in Japan is to refer/allude to Koreans as cockroaches.
“These days, one faction might only reject people with animal properties, while another focuses its hate on people with irregular heads.” This is a good echo of the sort of factionalization you see in organized religion, wherein the minutiae of tenets that seem similar to an outside eye are the topic of vicious, vehement inter-group debate. More to the point, however, it provides an excellent illustration of the senselessness of bigotry. They can’t even keep their own discriminatory dogma straight! Probably the second most common complaint about the story’s use of heteromorphobia—after calling it retconned-in bullshit that didn’t exist until Chapter 220—is that it’s illogical, that it makes no sense to judge people because they look a little different in a world where everyone is now a little different from the way we see the world. And I wonder if the people who say that are listening to what they’re saying. “Illogical bias that has no foundation in reality is unrealistic?” What do these people think bigotry is? Racism, sexism, xenophobia, ableism, religious discrimination, all the many different shades of queerphobia: all of these are built on foundations of fear and hate for people who are fundamentally still as human as anyone else, yet they all exist, and have existed, and will go on existing for quite some many years still. Because irrational hatreds are, by definition, irrational. Heteromorphic discrimination is the most realistic societal dynamic in the entire series! That little rant aside, I also want to highlight the first group in the excerpt above—people with animal properties. Check any talk on the theme of, “So you can believe dragons but not black people in fantasy?” and you’ll run into the ways people are much more ready to suspend their disbelief for full-on fantasy than for something that, rightly or wrongly, pings them as incorrect, and it’s easy to imagine animal-associated heteromorphs running into a similar issue: it’s fine for people to just look weird, but looking like an animal, that’s bad and unnatural. A heteromorph who just looks like nothing in particular other than “non-baseline” is not evoking the baggage of animal anthropomorphization and cultural animal symbolism that someone who looks like a bird, a lizard, a dog, an orca, etc. is.
Chapter 223:
Shigaraki refers to Gigantomachia as a gorilla. It’s debatable how much this is of a piece with Dabi calling Spinner “Lizard”—Machia’s only actual animal quirk is Mole, not anything simian, nor is Machia particularly ape-like in anything other than his large size—but it does stand out to me that Spinner, who we know to have strong opinions about animal epithets, just refers to Machia by name or as “the big guy.”
Chapter 224:
Mr. Compress calls Machia “our pet gorilla”; see note above.
Chapter 226:
Curious introduces the idea of quirk counselling, telling us that its goal is to align people to a unified understanding of how the world and society work, but that it’s flawed in that it winds up emphasizing peoples’ differences instead. The advisor at the hospital raid will include quirk counseling in his litany of grievances, so I’ll discuss its possible utilization against heteromorphs more there, but for now, recall that I talked previously about how quirk-based behavioral tics might vary from person to person by comparing Hound Dog with Sansa. With that in mind, it’s not a big reach that some heteromorphs might run into similar problems with quirk counselling.
There are a good number of what appear to be heteromorphs through the Curious fight; whatever the MLA’s core views on quirk supremacy, the organization self-evidently makes ample room for heteromorphs, even if, like e.g. the red panda guy in the crowd jumping Toga inside the noodle joint, they don’t seem to have any other stand-out powers beyond the fur and fangs.
Chapter 229:
Twice notes in his flashback that something about his eyes always rubbed people the wrong way, scared them. We’ll eventually see this same thing with Tenko on the street—a totally normal-looking child, but the look on his face scares people away even more than the blood. And I can’t help but think, “If even a totally baseline person’s eyes can creep people out, how much easier—and more extreme—is that reaction for the more out-there sort of heteromorph?”
Gori makes the tiniest of cameos in Twice’s flashback, playing backup off to the side when we will, in current times, find him having worked his way up to the interrogation chair himself.
Chapter 230:
Geten brings us quirk supremacy via his understanding of the MLA’s goals. It’s hard to say how accurate this is, since the MLA leadership is inconsistent on what exactly their vision of Liberation entails. Whatever it is, it certainly doesn’t seem to dissuade the MLA’s own heteromorphs, though of course there’s a big difference between how e.g. Spinner or Ojiro versus Gang Orca or Mirko would fare in a societal quirk free-for-all. Likewise, the MLA is a cult, so one can’t discount the likelihood of double-think in its members.
Chapter 232:
Re-Destro talks about the state of the country in Destro’s infancy, a period in which metahumans suffered “constant abuse—blatant discrimination.” Merely for speaking out that her child was just like everyone else—that his special power was just a quirk—Destro’s mother was killed by an anti-meta mob. This gives us further evidence of the violence metahumans faced. Of course, in that time, the hate wasn’t distinguishing between types of quirk, but with that being said, an emitter and a transformer can still hide the truth about themselves with far more ease than heteromorphs—recall All Might’s discussion about the early days of quirks back in Chapter 59, in which the panel showing four people with quirks contained only one baseline person. It would be entirely unsurprising for an outsized number of the metahumans killed in those days to be heteromorphs.
Chapter 233:
The confrontation between Trumpet and Spinner gives us Trumpet clucking about Spinner having a weak meta-ability—Gecko lets him cling to walls, and that’s about it. It’s a striking contrast to someone like Mirko or Gang Orca, or even Tsuyu, all of whom have some combination of big power moves and a veritable fleet of sub-abilities. We can see the way Hero Society prizes powerful, flexible quirks in this. Having a strong quirk can help overcome the societal bias about heteromorphs, but if you’re stuck with a weak quirk and a weird face, you lack that metaphorical ticket out.[10] [10] Incidentally, the fandom reflected some of that attitude as well. There was a widespread assumption that Spinner’s quirk would be really useful or situationally powerful, otherwise why would Horikoshi have hidden it for as long as he did? Then, after the reveal, there was a certain amount of complaining that Spinner was useless to the League, and why even bother with him? Sometimes, life imitates art in some very unflattering ways.
Trumpet brings up that Spinner was a recluse, “mocked and pilloried,” and we see Spinner in his hikikomori days. What we’ve gotten on Spinner up to this point suggests that the abuse he endured was mostly verbal, though one can imagine it was pretty rough when he was young enough to be the target of school bullies. There’s a certain amount of temptation to minimize that in comparison to his response: most people who are bullied or targeted by discrimination don’t grow up to become terrorists. But there was, we will eventually find, more visceral stuff going on—and parts of the country that were even worse than Spinner’s hometown.
Spinner spent most of his life trying to fit himself into the world around him; his strongest parallel in the League in this regard is Toga, as they were the two that held themselves back, let the world define what they were and how they should act, right up until they saw something that caused them to snap.[11] Trumpet tries to do much the same to Spinner here (albeit probably less as an intentional psychological attack than Skeptic’s attempts on Twice), but Spinner, like Toga, is long past the point where he would swallow that abuse without fighting back. When you tell someone they are something long enough, they eventually start to believe it—but if you aren’t careful, they’ll start to embrace it, at which point those weaponized words change hands. [11] Shigaraki and Dabi, by contrast, pushed back harder, trying to get the world to accept them and never accepting it when their families (and particularly their fathers) told them to stop. Twice was ejected without getting the chance to try to contort himself into a shape that fit the world, whereas Mr. Compress seems to have been raised to reject his society's accepted norms from the start.
Chapter 234:
We see an image excerpted from Quirks and Us, a children’s book published by Curious’s outfit, that exhorts the reader not to judge people by their quirks. It really, really begs the question, “If this is what’s being said in literature published to coax people towards anti-suppression radicalism, what on Earth is normal society saying?” Regardless of that absolutely wild disparity, though, the fact that there are children’s books being published about quirk bias being wrong suggests that the world very much does have a problem with quirk bias. Indeed, that much has been shown throughout the series, not merely in terms of anti-heteromorph bias, but also the bias against “villain quirks,” as well as the widespread idea that people with weak quirks—or no quirks at all—are weaker people overall, pitiable folk who lack the power to live their fullest lives or pursue their dreams unhindered.[12] People on more than one of these axes of discrimination will, as in real life, be more likely to experience discrimination and violence. [12] Villains like All For One and Geten may say it more loudly, but it’s not only villains who believe it—perfectly good-hearted people like All Might and Midoriya Inko fall into that trap as well.
Chapter 237:
Nothing much to say about Shigaraki’s flashbacks save to note that, if people won’t stop to help a lost and bloodied (and baseline) child, they sure as hell won’t intervene in anti-heteromorph bullying. Recall that Kirishima was accused of sticking his nose where it didn’t belong for trying!
Thanks as ever for reading along, everyone! How was the new footnote format? Should I keep that up for lengthy meta going forward?
I was kind of expecting to be able to wrap this up (the main canon, at least) in one more post, but I underestimated the amount of writing I'd be doing for the first war arc. For next time, then, I'm looking to cover the Endeavor Agency, Paranormal Liberation War, and Dark Hero Villain Hunt arcs. See you all then!
#bnha#heteromorph discrimination plot#on heteromorphobia#bnha worldbuilding#bnha meta#my writing#creature rejection clan#tw racism#tw hate crime#bnha spinner#iguchi shuuichi#meta liberation army
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The only ones who belong in a mental hospital, are those who allowed mutants to live among us
- Creature Rejection Clan
...Ok, I think you've missed your meds.
Can we get a nurse up here? We've got a lost patient!
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A detailed description of Kaylas fathers death. And yes. She witness the whole thing. I wanted to practice horror writing. TW !!!!!
#my hero academia#orignal character#alchiap#Amy Chiappiniello#horror#mha#bmha#Wattpad#healer#creature rejection clan#death#blood#gore
0 notes
thinking about the late-game reveal that all for one was really focused on building up groups that could cause chaos or sow unrest all over the world, and that he had connections with organized crime and other organizations (and that overhaul was probably part of some sort of exchange/deal with the yakuza) , and it just makes it. really funny. that shigaraki took down like. multiple groups. and i think in another timeline he could have been the best worst villain ever. raised by father of all evil but never let in on any of his business practices, he now goes around just. destroying shit he doesn't like and in the process he accidentally dismantles a good chunk of all for one's network of nonsense.
#shigaraki tomura#'but we know your dad!' the creature rejection clan pleads.#'father?' shigaraki says. 'yeah i killed that guy too.'#just a bloody comedy of miscommunication and nonsense.#i think there actually might be a fic out there where the lov tries to evil and keeps on accidentally doing good stuff?#tt talks#it's late time for nonsense
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man, this Compress flashback sure is focused on Spinner
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a pure creature 🦄
he speaks in a very quiet and soft voice, almost a whisper. just like he would stomp his hoof to cast magic in his true form, he can pretty much slam his fist on the wall or table to do the same.
things that curious students learned about unicorns, despite his class being not about unicorns but about artifact enchantments:
contrary to common belief, they really don't care about your virginity. isn't it a little silly to imagine that unicorn would want humans to go extinct to start considering them worthy? the purity unicorns are drawn to is of your thoughts, your intentions, your heart. they won't come over to liars, traitors, murderers, people who let the darkness and corruption into their souls. they would react negatively to infidelity (as it is the form of betrayal), but not to just people physically loving each other. and how do you think unicorns reproduce?..
yes, there were people who were riding upon unicorns, especially elven people because they naturally reject corruption, but that doesn't make unicorns their "mounts". letting someone ride upon their backs is simply for convenience in terms of speed and maneuverability, just like you would give a piggyback ride to a friend with sprained ankle. the polite way to say it would be "riding with the unicorn", not "riding the unicorn", it's extremely rude.
unicorn horn dust, a rare, expensive, and extremely potent ingredient for healing potions and medicine, comes from baby horns that unicorns shed the first few years of their lives, much like humans lose their baby teeth. they gather and keep their baby horns. to get one of those from unicorns, it must be traded or received as a gift, but not stolen or taken by deception and violence - it's an unforgivable crime. and there's no worse soul corrupting act than to kill a unicorn. the horn taken from a dead unicorn loses its healing power.
unicorns' names are related to the sky, stars, light, flora, weather, precious gems and metals, and their surnames (clan names) are also related to these plus local geography, for example if a clan lives by the river, their name might be water related. clan can decide to change their name, for example if it moves, or splits, or changes its lifestyle. name of a particularly fierce clan can include "storm" or "thunder" part. only unicorn equivalent of royalty can have clan names with "moon" in them (like Silvermoon, or Moonflower).
a unicorn truly loves only once in their lifetime, and to fall in love with someone with a short lifespan is a tragedy that will lead to a lifetime of heartbreak, sorrow, and loneliness. that's one of the reasons why they don't usually befriend humans and aren't keen on getting to know them on personal levels, but they have better relationships with elves.
a question that he couldn't answer for sure:
if a unicorn stabs someone with their horn, will that person die or be healed? who knows. are you willing to find out? no? hmm...
#he's here on simeon's request because simeon saved his life#if he ever lets any human ride atop him into a battle it'll be simeon#s:aurelias#adelar’s storytime#adelar shows imaginary people#ts4#simblr#the sims 4
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A.N.: Content Warning, Blood, Violence, Religious Imagery.
"By the Christians, it is written
That in the black Myrthian age
There existed an addiction to blood, blood, blood, blood
Drink it up, fifty years 'bout enough, time to come back
They want to call the bluff
Ok then, time to come back (what up)"
Sam Waymon & Clipping – "Blood of the Fang"
Celeste stood in the doorway of her bathroom, stupefied.
Terry's red-rimmed eyes held her planted there until her brain-fog lifted by digesting the words he spoke.
He wanted to keep their baby.
She groaned internally as her acceptance of the lexicon shift—fetus to baby—snagged a hold in her heart and mind. Had he been a human and said those words, she would've shouted with joy and hugged him. Instead, she glimpsed the fangs in his parted lips, noticed how the lateral incisors of his bottom teeth were sharp, too.
That's how he appeared standing there, blocking her path out of the bathroom. Is that what their child would look like? A ferocious creature preying on people?
Terry's eyes darted from her face, and he took a deep breath. When he spoke to her again, his fangs retracted. The illusion had forever been broken. She could never see him as a human again.
"Please…keep my child. I'm sorry for putting hands on you…that wasn't right. It was uncalled for…I reacted blindly to Abai being here."
"They said they'd be waiting for you if you showed up again. They had a message for you, too. You can't hide from them forever."
"Pack some things. You're coming with me," he said.
"I'm not going anywhere with you."
Terry gripped her arms tight.
"Do you want to be here at nightfall when a deadly vampire clan shows up looking for me? Huh? They probably have one of their human familiars watching this house right now, ready to contact them because they've seen my face."
"They said they would protect me and the baby—"
"They don't give a damn about you!"
His voice reverberated in a tone not human. Celeste's eyes watered with fear. Terry stroked her arms gently and pressed his forehead against hers.
"You are carrying something they have been dreaming about for centuries. Our baby is their bargaining chip for something your human mind can't even conceive. If this child can go full term and be born…they will have no further use for you."
"If this child goes full term? You don't think she can?"
"No human woman has ever carried a damphir. There's no telling if your body will reject the foreign vampire genes along the way. I am a Daywalker, a vampire of the rarest kind. That means our child will be one, too. They will use her and kill you."
His eyes told no lies.
"Why do you want me to keep her? You make it sound like her life is beyond danger. Why would you want to bring a child into the world to face harm? Hmm? Why risk my life?"
Terry's eyes watered.
"She's my only chance to have a family that I can keep with me if she makes it through. She'll live a long, long time Celeste…and I won't be alone anymore. I love you, and if I can keep a part of you around to cherish like the other family members I've lost…then she's worth fighting for."
"What about me, Terry? Will you throw me away once you have what you want?"
"I want you both," he pleaded.
Celeste's eyes welled up. The pain and yearning in his voice weakened her. He cradled her face.
"I have to hide you in a safe place."
"Where will we go?"
"I need to get you to Mémé's place."
"We should take all of her things with us then."
"Go pack a few days' worth of clothes. I'll put her stuff in my truck bed. It has a retractable cover over it. Hurry!"
"Her boxes are in my sewing room, and some of her papers are on my desk in there."
Terry went to retrieve his great-great-granddaughter's belongings, and she ran into her bedroom and threw clothes and underwear into a small travel suitcase. She dumped toiletries from the bathroom into a plastic baggie and froze when the doorbell rang. It was only five thirty in the evening. The sun didn't set completely until seven thirty.
"Answer it," Terry said.
He stayed near her bookshelf.
Celeste held her breath. She made out the figure behind the colored glass and sighed.
"Micah," she said.
She opened the door, and her relief poured out in a nervous laugh. Micah stared at her with concern.
"I came to check on you. Took the night off instead of wondering if you were okay."
Terry came from behind her and Micah's face grew tense.
"The clouds…" Terry said.
He opened the security door and stepped past Micah. Celeste looked up at the sky the way Terry did.
Dark, steel blue rain clouds blotted out the sunlight, turning the sky a menacing shade of impending doom.
"Ohmigod," Celeste said.
Micah tilted his head to look at them.
Streaks of lightning appeared like white spider veins flashing across the sky. A flock of unknown black birds flew in the sky within a giant circle.
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"It's too late. The sun is hidden. I can't get you far enough away without them tracking us," Terry said.
He ran back into the house and grabbed Miss Irma's boxes. Celeste grabbed her suitcase.
"What's going on? Where are you going?" Micah asked, grabbing her hand.
"I can't explain. I'll call you if I can," she said.
Micah squeezed her hand.
"Duchess…tell me. The truth."
Terry carried two boxes at a time and collected Miss Irma's life on two trips.
"Celeste, we have to leave…now!" Terry said.
Rain threatened to fall. From the corner of her eye, she noticed a slow moving low fog filling up the street. Celeste shook uncontrollably, remembering what happened the last time she got caught in a fast-moving fog. She locked her front door. Micah stayed on her.
"Duchess!" Micah said, his eyes full of fear.
"I have to hide from some people. We thought we had time, but the sun is gone," she said.
She jumped into Terry's truck. Micah tried to open the passenger door and drag her out. Terry rushed forward and shoved him against the truck bed, his fangs bared and ready to tear the life out of her cousin.
"Terry, don't! He's our baby's family," she shouted.
Micah held his hands up to protect his face.
"I knew you weren't shit!" Micah spat out.
He wrenched his eyes away from Terry and looked at her.
"Go to St. Augustine's. Father Mbenga can hide you," Micah said. "It's church, though. I don't know if he can go in."
Terry released Micah's shirt and looked at her.
"I can ask him to invite you in again. Will that work?" Celeste asked.
"He invited me in before. It should still be safe for me to enter," Terry said.
"I'll follow you guys over there," Micah said.
He carefully backed away from Terry and fumbled with his keys to press his key fob. Terry climbed into his truck quickly and took them several blocks through the Quarter to hide in the fog. He drove with one eye on the road, and the other watching the surroundings. Celeste kept expecting the white van with ghouls to sideswipe them, preventing their escape.
"Where are the people?" Celeste asked.
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The empty streets blanketed with fog were an anomaly. There should've been plenty of people still walking around and filling the Quarter with life. They headed north and parked in front of St. Augustine's. The church stood like a gothic rendering of salvation.
Terry jumped out of the truck first and ran to Celeste's passenger side, helping her get out. He held her hand tight and kept her near his side. Micah pulled up behind them and ran to the locked church doors. He banged on them and pulled out his smartphone.
"I'm calling the church office number," Micah said.
"Can we break in?" Celeste asked.
The fog swirled higher, covering them in a thick layer. Visibility diminished and with it, the dampening of sound all around them. Their voices sounded like they were in a closed vacuum. The acute silence and shroud of whiteness around them gave Celeste the sense that they had entered another dimension where only the three of them existed. Micah's voice became loud on his phone.
"Father Mbenga? It's Micah Profitt…I'm outside the church with my cousin Celeste and her…boyfriend. We need your help right now! Please let us into the sanctuary!"
The longest seven minutes held Celeste in a vise grip as they waited for the priest to open the church doors.
"What is happening?" Father Mbenga said, swinging one of the double doors open.
Micah grabbed Celeste's hand and pulled her inside first. They turned to look at Terry.
The father of her child looked so helpless standing there with uncertainty in his eyes. Celeste wanted him with her.
"Invite him in, Father Mbenga," Celeste said with a calm and firm tone.
She didn't want to take any chances.
"Come inside, son," Father Mbenga said.
Terry took a step forward.
Celeste locked eyes with him. She clutched the priest's arm.
"I need you to say 'I invite you inside'," Celeste insisted.
Father Mbenga looked confused, but he glanced at Terry and spoke the words.
"I invite you inside the house of the Lord. Will that do?"
Terry walked across the threshold.
Nothing happened. Celeste hugged him.
"What's going on here?" Father Mbenga asked.
Micah ushered the priest past the vestibule and into the main sanctuary. Father Mbenga flicked on more lights and they moved to the front pews. Celeste sat next to Terry and Micah perched across from them in another pew. The priest stood in front of the tabernacle.
"What do you need help with?" Father Mbenga asked.
"Duchess got herself mixed up with a vampire. She's pregnant by him," Micah said matter-of-factly.
Celeste put a hand over her face.
Father Mbenga, thankfully, didn't laugh them out of the church. He stared at Terry thoughtfully and took off his glasses. Pulling a handkerchief from the pocket of his slacks, the priest wiped the lenses carefully and then placed the round glasses back on his kind face.
"Show me," Father Mbenga said.
Terry stared at the priest, doubt clouding his expression.
"Show you?" Terry said.
Terry glanced at Celeste, unsure. Micah jumped up and slammed his right hand into his left.
"Will you show Father Mbenga what you are?!" Micah shouted.
Celeste gripped the edge of her seat, feeling uneasy. Terry stood and faced the priest. His body blocked her view of the shorter man.
"Mother Mary…Father of God!" the priest shrieked.
Celeste lowered her head. She knew exactly what Father Mbenga experienced. The confirmation of something otherworldly brought on feelings of terror. It knocked all previously held beliefs out of whack. Father Mbenga backed away from Terry and ran to the tabernacle. He gathered himself together and slowly turned to face Terry again. He held out a six-inch gold cross.
"You are an abomination…a scourge upon the earth…." Father Mbenga said.
Terry confronted the frightened priest and took the cross from his hand, placing it back on the tabernacle.
"That doesn't do what you think," Terry said.
"But this does!" Micah shouted.
Micah rushed behind Terry and choked him with a long, silver-linked chain. The skin on Terry's neck sizzled and blistered. Celeste screamed. The odor of burning vampire flesh sickened her.
Terry fell to his knees. He grabbed the chain, but it burned his fingers and he cried out in horrible pain.
"Micah! Stop it!" she screamed.
She ran to her cousin to pull the thick, five-foot long chain off of Terry, but Father Mbenga grabbed her arms and yanked her away.
"What the fuck are you doing?!"
Father Mbenga shouted at Terry.
"In the Holy Name of Jesus, I invoke the keys of St. Peter and the Church's authority…I bind each and every demon in and around Celeste Profitt and around us…in Jesus' name I bind them all, and I bind any demons supporting them, their evil leaders, and any minions of Satan…"
Father Mbenga's voice rose to a crescendo and blood drenched the silver chain slicing Terry's throat. Micah gained the upper hand and looked victorious wearing Terry down.
"Please…stop this…we came here for help to save me and my baby!"
"You won't have that vampire's baby, Duchess! It will destroy you and give these demons more evil to use!" Micah yelled.
Celeste stared at her cousin as if she'd never seen him before.
She truly hadn't.
Paralyzed with shock, Celeste could only watch helplessly as her beloved cousin tried to murder her lover.
"Micah…please…he's not what you think—"
"I tried to warn you, Duchess. Back in the Quarter, I told you to leave him alone."
Her eyes watered, and Micah's face blurred.
"My job is to spot these bloodsuckers…but you ran into his arms like a fool. Now look at 'cha," Micah panted, "Pregnant with a demon's seed."
"She's innocent," Celeste pleaded.
"She?" Micah said.
Terry slumped forward onto his stomach, weakened and damaged by the silver chain. He still breathed, but Celeste heard the gurgling of blood in his throat. Micah draped the chains around Terry's arms, binding them together behind his back.
"It's a girl," she said.
"Blasphemous," Father Mbenga spat at her.
He released her once Terry was no longer a threat. The priest had a wild look behind his glasses. Celeste knelt down near Terry.
"Get away from that unclean thing!" Father Mbenga barked.
Micah pulled her from Terry and glared at her.
"Trust me, Duchess, we know what we're doing," Micah urged.
The double doors of the church blasted open. Celeste and Micah whipped their heads toward the entrance.
The Deacon, Abai, stood at the entrance with his long black coat flared out behind him. His clan flanked him, gnashing their teeth and frustrated by the barrier. Abai's gaze stayed on Father Mbenga.
"Stupid little priest," Abai barked out. "Nothing you do will stop us from taking what we want."
Father Mbenga pointed at Abai.
"You are not welcome here! Evil cannot enter God's house without my permission."
"Celeste…dear sweet, Celeste. Invite us in and we will save our brother."
"I alone have the power to invite others into the House of God," Father Mbenga yelled with conviction.
"She is a member of this church, therefore, she too can invite us in, Father," Abai said.
Father Mbenga and Micah stared at Celeste. She could nearly smell the fear on them. Jerking away from Micah, she knelt down and tugged on the silver chain. Terry groaned. She lowered her face to his.
"Celeste, get away from here if you can…save yourself…save our baby…" he whispered in agony.
Two firm hands wrapped around Celeste's throat. Father Mbenga threw her against the tabernacle and she spun around to claw his face with her nails. He choked her again, squeezing the life from her and the baby.
"The fuck are you doing? Leave her alone!" Micah shouted.
Micah grabbed Father Mbenga's arm and yanked him away. The priest reached for his gold cross again and pulled it apart, revealing a sharp blade beneath. He stabbed Micah in the side.
"You lil bitch!" Micah said.
He staggered back and fell to his knees with blood gushing out of his abdomen. Slamming his hands over the wound, Micah glared at Father Mbenga.
"We're supposed to wait for the others to come and handle this…not attack my cousin. Are you fucking crazy?!" Micah shrieked in a weakened voice.
Celeste gasped for air and fought not to pass out. She crawled on her hands and knees toward the open entrance doors. If she couldn't trust humans not to kill her, she had to run from them it seemed.
Father Mbenga jumped on her back and circled his thick fingers around her neck once more.
"You're a filthy whore lying down with them!"
Father Mbenga banged her face against the floor as he strangled her. Celeste reached out her right hand. She could barely make out the shape of Abai standing at the entrance.
"Celeste! Say the words! Let us save you and the baby!" Abai shouted.
Abai's voice sounded stressed and, more importantly…afraid for her. Could Terry be wrong about him?
"I…I…I invite you all in…." Celeste gasped out.
The world spun into a graying darkness as she watched swift obsidian shadows whip past her. A blood-curdling scream rang out and broke off abruptly. She could breathe freely again. The soreness in her throat pounded with the rush of blood in her veins.
Micah whimpered and wept quietly behind her. She rolled over and sat up. Rubbing her neck, she waited for her eyesight to clear.
"Don't kill my cousin," she said.
Her voice came out low and almost unintelligible.
Twelve strikingly beautiful Black vampires stood around Micah and Terry. Evenly six males to six females, they all stared at the floor. Father Mbenga's lifeless body was a crumpled heap in the center of them. She knew it was lifeless because the priest's head sat ten-feet away upon the tabernacle with a look of shock on its bespeckled face, the dead mouth wide open and frozen with the final breath of life that came out a scream. Blood dripped down the side of the tabernacle in long vermillion streaks, with the bladed gold cross impaled down the center of his forehead.
Micah kept his hand jammed against his stab wound, his expression woozy from the blood loss.
Abai glanced over at her.
"Come here Celeste…free our brother from his chains," Abai demanded.
Micah shook his head at her.
"Duchess…don't help them. They want us dead! We're food to them…stay back!" Micah begged.
The vampire named Mia crouched down and dug her claws into his side, ripping Micah's wound further. His cries of pain echoed throughout the church. Mia licked his blood from her claws and stomped over to Celeste.
"The Deacon gave you a command…do it!" Mia said.
She slapped Celeste across the face, leaving another scar that would need time to heal like the last time they met. Celeste lashed out and punched Mia in her legs. Mia lifted her by the throat and held her high.
"Mia…put…her…down," Abai said.
Mia dropped Celeste to her wobbly feet and punched her in the gut, knocking a loud breath out of her. Dominique flew at Mia and shoved her face back.
"Don't you harm it. Keep your jealousy in check," Dominique hissed.
Abai reached out toward Celeste.
"Free him for us," Abai said, his tone stern.
"Promise not to hurt my cousin," Celeste said.
She rubbed her belly and the pain there almost caused her to pass out. All the other vampires except for Abai and Dominique snarled at her, their monstrous fangs gleaming from the lights inside the church.
"No harm will come to him," Abai said.
"Don't believe them, Duchess. Don't worry about me. I'm good with God…I can die in peace and receive my salvation. You won't if you listen to them," Micah said.
The unexpected loud thud on the roof forced their eyes toward the ceiling. Other loud poundings struck the roof in different places.
A large winged creature crashed through the roof and landed on top of the tabernacle. Celeste's blood ran cold and fear gripped her even more than being surrounded by a vampire clan. At least they looked somewhat human.
The thing on the tabernacle was the stuff of childhood nightmares.
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A gargoyle.
Skin the color of mottled stone with horns protruding from its forehead, the monstrosity had sharp fangs just as deadly looking as the vampires. To Celeste's catholic eyes, it looked like a grotesque mockery of an angel turned inside out. No genitalia was present.
"Gadreel," Abai said, with a touch of disdain. "Still simping for God, I see. Tell me forgotten brother…do you really think the most high…the most hypocritical Lord… will let you Old Ones return to heaven once you've done your penance for ten thousand years more?"
Abai glanced at the ceiling, listening to the movement above them. He talked tough, but Celeste sensed apprehension.
"You, Arakiel, Baraqiel, Kokabeel, Danuiel, and the others…don't you get weary of being used to go against us, your equally fallen siblings?" Abai sneered.
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Celeste and Micah both screamed and slammed their hands over their ears, the pain from the sound of the gargoyle speaking making their eardrums bleed.
"Gadreel, there are humans here. You can't speak the language of heaven without harming their weak ears. Aren't you breaking the rules of your penance? You vowed to protect them, remember?"
Gadreel focused his attention on Celeste. His deep-set eyes looked like pewter stones.
"Leave us, human woman. There is no need for us to deal with you until that sin in your womb has been born," Gadreel said.
He spoke to her in English, his voice sounding like the creaking of giant ancient doors that should remain closed. Celeste rose to her feet and used the pews to help keep her balance with all the anxious trembling she experienced in her limbs. Her stomach churned with so much fear she thought she might puke, but she had to be strong for her baby.
She started weeping.
Keeping the baby became a top priority. Father Mbenga turning on her, calling her a whore and even her own cousin calling the little one inside her a demon seed, shored up her resolve to keep it. Her upbringing in the church taught her that God had a purpose for everything in her life. Celeste chose to have faith of a mustard seed at that moment.
Stumbling over to Terry, she dropped weakly on her knees and pulled apart the knot in the chains, freeing him from bondage. She tossed the chain on the pew and tried to lift him up. Mia pushed her away and turned Terry over.
"Terry…Terry…" Mia murmured with soothing affection.
His eyelids fluttered and opened slowly. He looked up at Mia, who stroked his hair and touched his throat that clotted with blood. The woman had love in her eyes. She kissed him on the lips. Celeste's stomach tightened.
"Duchess?" Terry said.
He pushed Mia back, his eyes darting around, looking for her. Mia snarled, her fangs wet with saliva.
"I'll fucking kill you!" Mia shrieked.
The vampire lunged at Celeste, and all hell broke loose in the sanctuary.
Faster than the human eye could follow, more gargoyles crashed through the roof all over the church. Abai and the other vampires battled the gargoyles, but Celeste could not follow their unnatural speed fully. She caught glimpses of shadows or felt dark streaks moving, like the buzzing of mosquitoes flapping past her ears when she couldn't swat them fast enough. She sensed the whooshing of air above her and witnessed pews and the tabernacle crashing to pieces, destroyed with all the tussling and tearing of flesh. Blood rained around her from the vampires and gargoyles that were injured. Crimson blood dripped everywhere along with a dark orange fluid that had to be from the gargoyle's wounds.
Under great duress, Micah crawled to her, and she helped him get on his feet. They limped together toward the double doors. She paused in her steps to rest because Micah was so heavy. Glancing back, she caught a flash sighting of Terry sprinting toward her. Gadreel flew at him with an outstretched wingspan ten-feet across and lifted Terry off the ground. Terry used his claws and razor-sharp teeth to rip chunks out of the gargoyle's shoulder. Other gargoyles flew above them, fighting vampires who kept attacking even while they were being shaken like rags back and forth high above her. The horror flying about the church looked like a hideous medieval painting of Dante's inferno come to life.
Mia leaped high into the air and landed on Gadreel's back to help Terry knock him into a wall.
"Get out of here, Celeste!" Terry screamed.
Another gargoyle grabbed Mia mid-air, ripping her face to shreds. Gadreel burst through the rafters carrying Terry, making another gaping hole in the roof.
Celeste couldn't help him.
She could only help herself and her cousin.
Turning back to the entrance doors, Celeste's blood pressure dropped, and she passed out on the floor.
Micah toppled right over her.
Chapter 14 HERE.
#terry richmond#scary terry#rebel ridge#terry richmond fanfiction#rebel ridge fanfiction#Black vampires#black supernatural#Halloween 2024#aaron pierre#uzumaki rebellion#terry richmond smut
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Design for ida and her shuteye minions
(intended as a stand in for tfone airachnid but still her own character separate from that)
She was once a lifeless computer called sentinel that tarantuals remade into what she is today. his loyal right-hand lady and his eyes to the outside world. Her story fills nightbird with false hope that joining the six clan is progress towards her goal
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Ida is a strange creature, she doesn't speak unless spoken to and is completely socially inept, but is always watching and recoding everything, her Shuteyes are essentially the transformer version of tumors, pieces of her body that take on a pseudo life of their own and grow out of control, but thanks to being pumped full of dark energon they degrade at the same rate that they grow keeping her functional and allowing her to reanimate them as extra eyes she can see through
She sits at the top of the six clan's hierarchy even though she lacks the six modes they're known for and observes the whole world and reports it back to her master Tarantulas with utmost loyalty, as in her eyes he liberated her from a life of servitude, not realizing thats just a lie to get her to serve him.
Before she was a real transformer, ida was a computer called sentinel aboard the maximal ship the axalon, where she served as a security system during the beast wars, as the conflict progressed the axalon was eventually destroyed, and and sentinel was left behind at the bottom of the ocean, until the wounded tarantulas found it after everything was over and used it for parts to build him a loyal enforcer, tarantulas told ida of her origins spinning it to sound as though she was a slave of Tarantula's enemies which he freed, and now is endebted to him, inexperienced with the world she bought it wholesale and never questions tarantula's orders, in fact she has even grown to take some delight in the cruelty he has her inflict on people
Ida works alongside the bubbly and energetic Navi-ko to ensure the six clan do as tarantulas desires, their origins as lifeless machines are well known and learning of them led nightbird to believe they were the ideal people for her to be around and that the six clan would grant her the personhood she so desperately desires but realized too late that their even though they had sparks their lifestyles left them with no lives of their own, and stripped them of many things nightbird idealized about life that she didn't realize she already had. They have no personal connections, no hobbies, only their work, and used their own authority to reject any attempt at steering them away from that.
What kind of life makes someone so devoid of aspirations? One without accountability, living in the comfortable top of their society Ida has never had to deal with consequences for her actions, she doesn't even have to hold herself accountable for enjoying the horrible things she does because she does it for Tarantulas and that has twisted her into even more of a cold calculating lifeless robot than she ever was. Not realizing she's optimizing her aproach to cruelty to pay some imaginary debt but because she likes it
#transformers#transformers fanart#cybertronian#robot#robots#character design#maccadam#decepticons#maccadams#predacons#transformers from a to z#Ida#transformers prime#transformers prime micron theater#transformers one#airachnid#tfone airachnid#shuteye#botbots
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MOON 4 (Final)
- Redstar tries to feed the woods. She really does. But the woods are silent. Nothing tries to take her. Feeling dread, she remembers Lakestar’s words when she was a ‘paw herself – that the Woods could smell StarClan’s scent if it tried to be fed again. It hated being tricked.
(Redstar, leader, female, 63 moons)
Redstar had waited with her back turned from the Woodcrawler nest for several hours now. She watched as the sun set on the horizon, and the nocturnal creatures started emerging from their dens. Crickets sang and the occasional owl called in the distance.
Still, she waited.
She had to.
The woods darkened even further as the claw-shaped moon peeked through the canopy. Redstar gazed up towards the sky. She was greeted with the shining stars of her ancestors above, their light twinkling with determination to fill the sky enough to make up for the moon's minimal presence.
So why did Redstar feel so resentful?
Her tail twitching in anger, she disrupted her vigil and turned around to stare at the very same den that a Woodcrawler had killed her from, several moons ago. When she first came here in newleaf, looking to feed the woods, she encountered the most disturbing effigy that she had ever seen a Woodcrawler emerge from. At the time, she could only feel pure terror as the hollowed eye sockets of a cat's skull bore down on her; its unhinged jaw was stretched unfathomably wide as mimicry of her words clawed its way out of its throat.
Only when she was finally home, back within the safety of the camp walls, did she decide that it must've been decayed remnants of a Fake Cat - weaponized by the creatures of the woods one last time before being absorbed back into their underground dens.
And that angered her.
She knew that the woods had no mercy and no sense of morality. It had no qualms about using the skins of the dead to lure their prey. It was just one more way to torment ForestClan and anything else they hunted. So what was this, exactly? This freakish disinterest in hunting her, taking her, whatever it was that Woodcrawlers did. This was the fifth time she went out in the middle of the night, to this same den, only to return to her clan with nothing. She could feel the disappointment and the worry in their eyes. She was failing them. She was scaring them, and she didn't know what else she could do. She couldn't just attack the roots around the den - if StarClan couldn't heal her fast enough, she could lose multiple lives while she was being dragged away by an agitated monster. But if she had to go one more night without being taken, then...then...
Redstar's heart sunk in her chest. She recognized the heaviness of her eyelids. She sat back down and closed her eyes, sighing deeply. She never thought it would hurt this much to, out of all things, have the woods reject a meal.
Did they catch an unfortunate Twoleg? Did a poor rogue or loner wander too close to a tunnel?
Was it her?
Redstar's tail thumped against the ground as her memories stirred in her head.
She remembered when she was an apprentice, a long time ago, before she held any resentment towards Lakestar. It was a cold leaf-fall morning, and Redpaw at the time felt numb. Iciclepaw had just lost her only sibling to the apprentice trials, and while Cliffpaw was comforting the white she-cat with a gentle touch, Redpaw just felt confused, and empty. She didn't know what to tell Iciclepaw.
Lakestar decided to help train Redpaw while Redpaw's mentor was in the medicine den. It was then that Redpaw prompted her leader. "Lakestar? Is it true that you have nine lives from StarClan?"
"Used to, yes. I have less now."
"...But still more than the rest of us, right?"
"You don't need to play coy, Redpaw. I know what you're asking. And no, I cannot sacrifice my lives to feed the woods."
"How come?"
"It just doesn't work that way. The Woodcrawlers can tell. My scent, and those of protectors of secrets - StarClan touches us in a way that the woods can smell."
Redpaw must've given her some kind of look, because Lakestar's sharp green eyes pierced her own. "The woods can remember being tricked, Redpaw. And it remembers when someone's wronged it."
As Redstar opened her heavy eyelids and returned to the present, she couldn't help but ruminate on her predecessor's words.
For the longest time, she thought she was simply lying. There could be no other explanation for her refusal to sacrifice her lives, other than cowardice.
But now, she shook at the thought. Was she telling the truth?
"...You will take my lives," she hissed at the black den before her. "You will gorge yourself on them and nothing else. Do you understand? You won't ever get a choice. Not anymore. I don't care how long it takes."
The crickets and the tree frogs sounded her reply.
Redstar turned her back towards the den coldly. She looked up at the stars one last time.
She wasn't sure where Lakestar went after she died. She tried not to think of it. Especially not after she heard her screaming over and over as Living Tendrils stole her remaining lives, while she begged StarClan to not let the roots trap her. Redstar spared her clan mates the task of confirming her final death - but she never forgot the sound she made as the deep roots swallowed her into the pit.
Still, Redstar thought. Maybe this was one last vengeance, one last trick from Lakestar. If she were here, she would laugh at her. Laugh like the woods were surely mocking her now. Go on. Jump in. Feed the woods.
She wouldn't give up. No matter what, she wouldn't ever bow to the woods and the cruel traditions of her predecessors. That time of ForestClan was over.
She will be different. She will be better. She will bring lasting moons of peace to ForestClan, and allow her clan mates to feel safe, for once in their lives.
She made a promise to them. She had to.
#warrior cats#clangen#warrior cats clangen#clangen art#clan generator#wc oc#wc art#warriors cats#forestclan#forestclan moons#Redstar#Lakestar
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Warnings: corruption, innocent female reader, cunnilingus, oral female receiving, virgin reader, Sukuna x reader.
Minors dni
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/5b3b3006b7c3b28611878b3a695da998/3e41a20c54ca5d82-33/s540x810/1457d6a31292886ec80688bed2fb1d9fc442d2f0.jpg)
You release a heavy breath, releasing your anxieties. You smooth your hands over the transparent white gown, and adjusted your kosode over it. This is what your family wanted, to offer something to Sukuna for his good will. What were they offering?
Well it was simple, you. Sukuna had quite the taste for women, the pickiest playboy to ever be seen. Considered a God amoung men, a God among sorcerers. You pray you don't get rejected as soon as you open the door.
You walk slowly, adjusting the short sleeves of the silken fabric. You try to fill your face with confidence and prepare to lilt your voice. You were going to become his concubine, with his permission of course.
The shrine is dark as you enter, the room decked in treasures. You pass servants as you walk up to the doors of the throne room. A cheerful looking shrine maiden greets you. "Hello, what is your business with the lord?" She asks.
"I am a offering." You state simply, slowly raking your hands over your outfit to prove your point.
"Ah, another concubine?" She asks softly. She tilts her head at you in worry. "Are you sure?"
"Yes." You lie. You're entirely unsure. Who would ever be sure when being offered to a temperamental being?
"Then enter." She states simply, slowly opening the huge door in front of you. The doors were at least 8 feet tall. You gulp and walk, trying not to think of how huge this man is. If he can even be classified as a man.
As you soon as you enter you keep your head down, walking to the base of the throne and kneeling. The jewels in your hair clanking as you do.
"And you are?" You hear above you. The voice dark and eerie, ringing off the huge walls.
You state your name and clan quietly, trying to speak as attractively as possible. "I am a sign of goodwill. If you will have me, lord Sukuna." You speak softly.
You hear a laugh, one that tempts your head up but you don't. It didn't matter what he looked like. The only thing that mattered was protecting your family. If warming the bed of a God is what you must do, it's what you will do. "You're quite the loyal thing aren't you?" He quips. A smile in his tone.
"Yes sir." You reply. Your knees hurting from the constant contact to the ground.
"Raise your head. Slowly." He commands. "I wanna see how pretty you are."
You slowly lift your head as told. Inching your head off the ground at a turtles pace. Finally he's in view. He had four arms, interesting markings, and he was huge. You underestimated how big he would be. He narrows his four eyes, examining your face. "Ah you're a cute thing." One of his four arms reaches out, beckoning you.
You slowly rise off your knees, thankfully, and walk to him. Stopping when his arm signals. He signals you to spin around, and you do. This is emrbassing, you felt like an item in a display case. His gaze didn't stop that feeling either. "At the very least they are offering a pretty creature. Tell me, are you expirenced?" He asks with a stern face.
"I am a virgin sir. I have yet to bloom past being kissed." You respond earnestly. Emrbassed at your lack of knowledge as a concubine.
He lifts an eyebrow amused. "They're giving me a virgin, as a concubine?" He laughs out. An evil smirk spread across his lips. His aura overpowering. "It seems they do not respect me." He says earnestly. You're quick to look surprised and rebuttal.
"No, lord Sukuna. I simply refused any and all contact...with any man I've met." You say softly, looking at him with pleading eyes.
"They offer me a virgin, an inexperienced thing. They're basically asking me to teach you." He hums and reaches a long arm out, pulling you close. His arm gently sits you in his lap, causing you to blush. "That's fine, I'm merely teasing you girl. I like the idea of corruption." He speak with a michevious grin. His face revealing the several disgusting thoughts in his head.
"Curruption?" You ask confused. You understand but you also don't. Completely sheltered your entire life.
"Yes girl, corruption." He laughs, stroking your hip. He leans in and whispers into your eat. "I'm going to turn you into a full fledged flower, girl." He teases, one of his several hands undoing your robe.
Your tender flesh revealed to his four evil eyes. The see through fabric underneath nothing more than a temptation worn for him. "A virgin concubine in lingire." He says amused. Running a hand between your breasts, not exactly touching them but hinting at it. "You become more and more fun." He licks his lips.
"I only put the outfit on in hopes it would be convincing." You say nervously, your pretty face knitting in emrbassement.
"It is. Tell me girl, do you truly know who I am?" He asks sternly, his face turning from soft amusement into a cold gaze.
"You're lord Sukuna. God amoung men and sorcerers. That is all I know, sorry sir." You say softly, biting your bottom lip.
He laughs, face humorous again. "Is that how I was described to you? Geez you're an innocent little thing. I must change that." His quick hands rip the fabric from your body, leaving your outfit tattered, and your bare skin revealed.
You squeak embrassed, tempted to cover yourself up. Blushing so hard it reaches your thighs. "Sukuna!" You shout surprised. You were about to apologize but he laughs.
"That's right, contuine to shout my name girl." He quips, standing while continuing to hold you. Two of him arms letting you sit against him as his broad frame walks the shrine. Your naked body pressed against his still clothed one. The silk of his robe kissing your skin. "Albeit I rather it be a shout of pleasure." He says smiling, his words honeyed.
You're set on a bed, soft sheets greeting your flesh. You look up at him through your lashes, his tall stature making you feel tiny. "Are we going too..." You ask biting your bottom lip.
"What else does it look like?" He asks cockily. "I'm not exactly a patient man, and you served yourself up on a silver platter. One who denies a meal obviously has never gone hungry before." He licks his lips slowly, leaning against you. He kisses the side of your neck, working up to your lips. Kissing you deeply, it feels heavenly despite the demonic man. His lips moving in sync and teaching your inexperienced ones. You moan into it, surprisingly leaning towards him as he pulls away. You slowly open eyes back up, looking at him.
"I love being looked at like that." He grins, rubbing your thigh before going between them. Quickly cracking your legs open to see.
"Sukuna that's so...emrbassing." You say simply, wetness pooling between your legs. He watches you grow wet with a grin.
"If this is emrbassing, tell me why are you so wet?" He rubs two fingers between your folds, teasing your clit softly. "That is unless you have a thing for humiliation. Do you girl?"
"No it's just, we kissed so." You tilt your head away emrbassed. It surprises you when he bawks out a laugh.
"A kiss is all it takes?" He licks his lips slowly, part of his tongue gently touching against you in the process. "Then should I kiss your lips again?" He asks.
You nod slowly, expecting him to rise up and kiss you but he doesn't. He dives into your cunt, lapping between your folds. You moan loudly, reaching a hand down into his hair. "That's not my lips!" You shout between groans of pleasure.
He chuckles into your wetness, forking his tongue at your clit before pulling away. "Nonsense. Your lips were just begging to be kissed." He grins. "Though not the ones on your face." He goes back in. Lapping up your juices and groaning into you like a starved man. Your legs twitch, trying to snap closed around his head, but his strong arms keep you open.
He slips his tongue inside you, two fingers teasing your pleasurable pearl. Moving at the same pace at your clit, as his tongue does inside. "Sukuna-kuna that's so-" You try to talk, but your mind is blank. Nothing more than the feeling of pleasure greeting your mind. "Feels good." You finally come to a conclusion, simply praising him for the pleasure you feel.
Eventually you feel an unfamiliar knot in your stomach. Your moans becoming higher pitched, and your hips bucking subconsciously. "Wait something feels weird- like fire." You whimper out. Both of your hands pulling at his hair, trying to push him away. His tongue only starts to move faster, drinking down anything coming out of you. "I can't- I don't know what this feeling is!" You whine loudly
Finally he pulls his tongue out of your hole and sucks hard on your clit. Making you come undone. " 'Kuna that's aaa so good!" You whine. Back falling down onto the bed as he sucks at the cream of your orgasm. "Soo good."
He laughs and pulls away with a grin. "That's it my little concubine. How did it feel, cumming for the first time?" He asks, his face proud.
"Like a white noise washed over me. It burned but...in a good way." You say between pants. Still utterly confused at the feeling but reveling in it.
He strokes the side of your face gingerly, you nuzzle your face into his hand. Desperate for the contact. "Tell me girl, do you want more?" He smiles lazily at you. Now that you can clearly see his face again you blush. His sharp chin soaked in your juices.
"Yes, please." You say softly. He grins broadly.
"Good girl."
#sukuna#sukuna x reader#jjk x reader smut#pure smut#jjk x reader#jjk x you#jjk fanfic#jjk smut#smut#fanfic readers#fanfic#jujustu kaisen#sukuna jjk#jjk sukuna#sukuna x reader smut#big evil men#hot#fypage#tumblr fyp#fyp#oneshot
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Blood and bones:
There's only one type of graffiti the gang does, namely the type that covers up something offensive or derogatory.
I.E: Someone grafitied the creature rejection clan logo in a predominantly mutant neighbourhood. They can’t clean it then and there but they can cover it something nicer and come back to clean it later.
I could totally see that
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Shigaraki, season 1: I hate everyone Shigaraki, season 7, renaming the MLA from metahuman to paranormal, taking down the creature rejection clan etc.: I hate everyone EQUALLY
#mha#shigaraki tomura#tomura shiragaki#bnha#league of villains#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#cocopop's posts
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We are the purgers of the impure
- Creature Rejection Clan
Did you escape from the mental hospital?
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TMNT AU (Ascension)
For centuries, the Hamato and Foot clans waged a relentless war, marked by bloody battles and deep rivalries. In one of these decisive battles, the Hamato clan emerged victorious, leaving a trail of destruction and pain. Oroku Keiji and his wife, leaders of the Foot clan, were killed, and among the rubble of their hideout, the leader of the Hamato clan found a baby, little Oroku. Moved by a sense of compassion and honor, he decided to take in the baby, renaming him Kage Hamato. Despite the disapproval and distrust of the other clan members, he adopted the son of his enemies as his own grandson, making everyone promise never to reveal the boy's true origin.
Hamato Yoshi, known as Splinter, and Kage grew up together as brothers, but their relationship was always marked by tensions and rivalries. Yoshi was reckless and immature, while Kage was temperamental and proud. The members of the Hamato clan, except for Yoshi and his grandfather, avoided Kage, treating him with distrust and coldness. Yoshi, on the other hand, was treated with affection and care, which only increased Kage's resentment.
During training, Yoshi stood out for his speed and agility, while Kage demonstrated impressive strength and determination. However, Kage always remained in Yoshi's shadow, which increased his frustration and his desire to prove his worth to everyone in the clan, especially to Yoshi's grandfather, whom he deeply admired.
At the age of 14, Kage began to have disturbing visions of a dark creature with a snake-like appearance and piercing red eyes. The creature whispered in his mind, filling him with doubts and fears. These visions deeply affected Kage, increasing his insecurity and fear of being rejected by everyone. Over time, the creature began to haunt Kage, appearing as a ghost and whispering things in his ear. Kage tried to tell Yoshi and Master Shirou about it, but he was afraid they wouldn't believe him and would think he was going crazy.
These visions and the growing sense of isolation began to erode Kage's sanity, leading him to question his own identity and his place in the Hamato clan. The dark creature, which seemed to know his deepest fears, used this to manipulate Kage, planting seeds of doubt and distrust in his mind. Kage found himself increasingly isolated, fighting his own inner demons while trying to maintain a facade of strength and determination.
The tension between Kage and Yoshi continued to grow, with Yoshi often showing impatience and criticism towards Kage's behavior. Yoshi's grandfather, although trying to be fair, also began to worry about the changes in Kage's behavior, fearing that something dark was taking over Kage.
#tmnt#tmnt au#tmnt 2012#teenage mutant ninja turtles#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#teenagers#tales of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#Tmntraphael#rottmnt#tmnt 2018#rottmntoc#rottmnt season 3#rottmnt mona lisa#tmnt shredder#tmnt splinter#tmnt raphael#tmnt leonardo#tmnt donnie#tmnt michelangelo#tmnt mikey#tmnt miwa#tmnt karai#tmnt fanart#character art#tmnt 2003 x reader#rise of the tmnt movie#tmnt 2007 x reader#tmnt 2012 fanart#rise of the tmnt#tmnt raphael x reader
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something that's really stood out to me, reading delawaredetroit's meta posts, is that shigaraki didn't really crystallize his motives as a villain until he was introduced to the league of villains. stain and izuku both comment on it--before the training camp, his hate is aimless, and his message is muddled. but by the time he kidnaps bakugou, his villain recruitment speech has teeth. it's coherent, and it draws on both his experiences and the experiences of the other members of the league of villains. tomura wants to be a hero for them because they are family, but also because it was with them that he realized his purpose and his motivation.
#like this is in THEIR name.#pre summer camp shigaraki wouldn't have gone after the creature rejection clan#shigaraki tomura#tt reads bnha
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Here is some information about the Hazbin Villianz AU!
The Logo
The Hazbin Villianz AU is an AU that takes place after the events of Boku No Hero Academia within the afterlife. This will be focusing more on the big, bad villains who have died during the events of Boku No Hero Academia (however, there are a few exceptions for non canon deaths) and seeing how they would do within a more extreme setting such as the Hellaverse.
Author's Note
For those who are unaware, the concept of the Hellaverse was created by Vivziepop, the creator of Hazbin Hotel. This is not a crossover between characters from both fandoms but is instead a crossover between two very unique concepts and seeing how they mesh together. I'm literally throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks with this AU.
Main Characters
Shigaraki Tomura/Tenko Shimura
Toga Himiko
Dabi/Touya Todoroki
Magne/Kenji Hikiishi
Twice/Jin Bubaigawara
Spinner/Iguchi Shuichi
Mr. Compress/Atsuhiro Sako
Kurogiri/Oboro Shirakumo
Side Characters
Muscular/Goto Imasuji
All For One
Overhaul/Kai Chisaki
Endeavor/Enji Todoroki
The Shimura Family
The Todoroki Family
Background Characters/Minor Characters
The Creature Rejection Clan
Other Deceased Villains and Heroes
Random Civillians of Hell and Heaven
Episode Ideas
I'm not 100% certain with these episode ideas, so don't be surprised if I change some things. BTW, the episodes are not in order, and the titles are not the actual episode titles, just keywords!
20-25 Minute Episodes
Episode 1 : An Unexpected Reunion (Part 1)
Introduction to first group of main characters. This will reveal each of their goals, problems, family, and some new friends that they have made within Hell. It is unknown whether this is mere fate or just a big coincidence that they were able to reunite.
Episode 2 : An Unexpected Reunion (Part 2)
The second half of the main characters will be introduced and will reveal a bit more about Hell's society as the group tries to get comfortable in their new home for all of eternity.
Episode 3 : New Life, New Powers
The group comes to realize that their quirks are nonexistent within Hell. Instead, they develop new abilities depending on how long they've been in hell. There is not a set in stone moment where demons develop their new supernatural abilities, so they'll have to figure out how to activate them when they wish to use them.
Episode ??? : Family Matters
Another unexpected reunion between Touya and his father, Enji Todoroki, who ended up in hell due to the issues he created within their family. Will begin to introduce the societal standards between Heaven and Hell.
Episode ??? : Research Squad
While researching in the library for information about demon abilities, they can't seem to get any clues as to when or how to develop their abilities further. As the group splits up to find more information, Shigaraki finds a mysterious man who may know something about what they are looking for.
Episode ??? : Extermination
One day, the group is curious as to why demons are more frantic and even going as far as barricading themselves within their homes and buildings. After a bit of investigating, they come to realize that the yearly extermination is almost upon them.
(There are so many more ideas that I could list, but I'm too lazy to do so.)
Sooo... Will this become an actual series?
Well, since I started making this AU by doodling BNHA as Hellaverse characters, I'm not entirely sure what the overall plot would entail. But I will definitely be making fan art and doodles for this AU. So, I guess we'll have to wait and see!
#alternate universe#crossover#crossover au#hazbin hotel au#hazbin hotel#boku no hero academia#my villain academia#bnha#mha#mha au#bnha au#hazbinhotel#au info#shigaraki tomura#jin bubaigawara#touya todoroki#shuichi iguchi#sako atsuhiro#kenji hikiishi#toga himiko#all for one
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