#creator plays XV
Me, making my coworker’s coffee: —real problem is that Square Enix was relying on the brand name recognition for Versus XIII as “another game by the brilliant Tetsuya Nomura” and understandably Nomura couldn’t keep up with the demands of being expected to produce multiple Triple A games, and thus the game was taken away and given to a different director and rebranded as Final Fantasy XV. This caused several problems —do you want pumpkin?
Coworker: ooh pumpkin sounds good
Me: it’s best with brown sugar cold foam, lemme give you that too. Anyways a lot of the problems stemmed with being renamed/rebranded but the underlying concepts didn’t actually change and are divorced from their base ideas. This also wasn’t helped by 1) the new director straight up saying they couldn’t make a good story and instead focused on the game, and 2) the game was then rebranded as a ~multimedia experience~ with a feature length movie, a five episode OVA, two novels, multiple DLCs, backstory for the main character that only is available as a ps4 demo,
Coworker: a fucking demo? Also can I get a blueberry muffin?
Me: a motherfucking demo, yes. Do you want it warmed up? Cool. That made it impossible to actually experience the story coherently. On top of this, Tabata’s strengths as a director/storyteller do not lie in character interactions, which is something that Nomura excelled at. I’m not saying that Nomura’s version of Versus XIII would’ve been perfect, but it would’ve delivered on the character drama that was the main reason the trailers and game were enticing to begin with. Now we just have a weird backstory for Noctis getting mortally wounded as a child for…? Extremely flimsy? Reasons? In comparison to how originally that event served as a catalyst for Noctis and Stella to have a bond of fate around them as people who had near death experiences
Coworker: god I can’t imagine going this hard into a game like this. Are you like? Okay?
Me: absolutely not :)
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doodlenoodleboi · 2 months
A fellow Toasty lover I see...👀
Do you have any headcanons for them yourself, both general and within a relationship? I'm curious :3
Nakedtoster Headcanons!
◦ Toast loves Final Fantasy as everyone knows and because of that he’s becomes rather irresponsible with money when it comes to it. Buying the books, props and every single game.
◦ Toast and Xyx are the best of friends Toast can find your IP address and Xyx loves trolling people
◦ When Toast gets in a relationship and his significant other gets any type of hate online best believe Xyx is trolling them online, it’s a hobby of his.
◦ Toast owns a pair of pink cat ear headphones half as a joke and the other is because he likes cats and his hair is pink.
◦ Toast has been misgendered often in public because of his pink long hair.
◦ Toast comes off as the type to have a comfort game like, animal crossing, Minecraft, or Roblox.
◦ He doesn’t own many consoles he’s a PC and a Nintendo switch and maybe a Ds or something from when he was a kid.
◦ Toast is not against doing inherently feminine things like makeup and painting nails if you want to. He might not even take off the color off hid his nails because he’s too lazy.
◦ If you’re in a relationship with Toast he most likely sees you as a friend and a lover next.
◦ He would love it if you played Final Fantasy XV comrades with him and Xyx.
◦ He definitely wears those cringey shirts saying I left my video games for this not because he likes them but I they were gifts and couldn’t care less what he wears most of the time.
◦ If you have been with Toast long enough eventually he might dedicate a character In the games he makes to you.
◦ When it comes to dates with Toast they aren’t common given he is an introvert but you will be treated to snacks and Resident evil and the bad Final Fantasy movies he claims doesn’t do them justice yet but watches them anyways.
◦ Toast is the type of guy to go to comic con and other conventions, after all it’s hinted that he is a content creator with his Final Fantasy advertisement.
◦ He generally likes anything concerning Capcom for the most part and enjoys story more than combat.
◦ He can solve a Rubik cube no problem and rather good at puzzles of all sorts.
◦ I don’t know why but once again I see him as a monster energy drink consumer not so much on G fuel not even if he was payed.
◦ Toast can cook but only basic things like a proper breakfast and a sandwich dinner is a 100% on you or take out because even if he tried the food might be bland. He is willing to learn through.
◦ From what I can tell Toast dyed his hair he’s a natural blonde that dyed his eyebrows brown/black or he’s a brunette that has to bleach and dye his hair every so often. Whatever the case is, Toast would appreciate it when you help him with his hair.
◦ When it comes to you guys first kiss he is rather clumsy out of all the Blooming panic love interest I think he has the least romantic experience.
◦ Every year he allows you to pick out his glasses frames as he couldn’t care less what he picks through most of the time it remains the same and you’re just putting random frames on his face to see how they look.
◦ Toast doesn’t necessarily need glasses but he’s couldn’t see the writing on the board in the back of the class. He still wears them today to “enjoy the effort but into the games and graphic blah blah.” He doesn’t want to admit that he’s actually a bit blind.
◦ His favorite thing on would probably be a sundress (an actual sundress) or cosplay/ convention clothes.
◦ He loves the taste of Pepto-Bismol
◦ He does have back problems given his horrendous posture during gaming.
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rulanarinrush · 3 months
incredibly random, baseless, probably wrong thoughts+questions about drdt. like, there's literally no evidence behind any of these thoughts. they're dumb. open to discussion bc i like hearing thoughts. as per usual i didn't rewatch anything bc i'm lazy</3 so if something is wrong sorry and also this is not a theory and also this is not a criticism of the series, if you can somehow think of this as one. also sorry if this is incredibly obvious or has been proven by the series already too lol
Also I went searching a bit to see if there's anything I remembered that's referenced here, but the only theoryposts that I can find that use ideas from them are from @/1moreff-creator (for color theory). if anyone else recognizes ideas that r similar here I in no way mean to plagiarize you and if you want credit or brought up these ideas already just lmk (Or if you want me to take this down that's fine too)
david mv baseless thoughts: color theory+roman numerials here, thank you to 1moreoff
could the "subtract 4 due to tetraphobia" be a reference to arturo's "mind exercises 1 2 3 4?" I think I've seen some thoughts swirling around the fandom that it refers to the roman numerals like Veronika's, Whit's, Arei's, etc., as in literally taking 4 out of them like Whit's XV-IV becomes XI Mai's, but maybe considering it's colored green like in Arturo's section, it's referring to him? What does this mean? i dunno. could it mean he only lives to chapter 3? or chapter 4? either Whit or Veronika is involved with him as either his killer or victim? Or Hu or Teruko are involved(if you buy into that color theory thing, which I wouldn't doubt, there's a lot of visual symbolism in this series.) Could be anything. Everything in this MV is interpretation until the (main) story progresses. probably wrong about this being important to Arturo too! wrong thoughts everywhere.
could J's "do it like that, let's live together" be a reference to her+her family literally living together?(as in, the line is literal with them) not elaborating cuz it's just a guess. i think some of the drdt side characters have colors in this mv too, since although the same colors show up many times, they are usually in different shades of the color. i think the only colors i remember with the same shade showing up a lot is a dark red and black.
what is going on with that broken clock stuck with a fork in it having approximately the same frozen time as Xander stabbing Teruko in like... was it episode 5?(read the clock as 15:31, or some time close to that idr) i think so. considering there's a fork-like object, that might have been the weapon used to play optometry simulator with Xander's eye. it's probably a bit more symbolic than at face value something something xanruko but. more guesses. eden immediately becomes suspicious but like ehhh. funny coincidences. i don't want to think about it, plus it's such an immediate connection that it's almost suspicious in and of itself.
k i think that's it for any weird(and wrong) thoughts on the mv
why did Teruko bump into Xander? i don't mean this in a super deep philosophical way, I just mean that logically, she bumped into his eye, meaning it was a (semi) head-on collision where their faces were both facing each other. It could be that Xander bumped into her head from behind but I'm really trying to envision that and it's not working. maybe i have rocks for brains :( but yeah it sort of implies that Xander was going back to the dorm rooms which... why tho? if she turned the corner and bumped into him, he would have to be going in the direction of the dorms(i think, unless there's some secret passage shenanigans going on). so like. did he already get that note to kill teruko and just sort of went back there to check for stragglers? forget something in his room, even though teruko proved they can't go back inside? if it's the former why didn't he just bare-hand teruko to death in the infirmary?(JOKE) this is another dumb question that honestly needs no explanation i just like thinking about needless things.
I don't think the girl Eden kissed is Mai
ok before I get booed off the stage!!! Like everything else here I'm not opposed to the idea or this being wrong. I'm just thinking that in order for the motive to work, Eden would actually have to like. remember which girl it is. if it is Mai that makes Eden immediately suspicious, because I feel like with how much of an impact she had on the class they would have brought her up at least once if they can remember her, even if she is dead. I mean none of the class seems to remember any maybe past time in East(?) Hope's Peak, so. Anyone even remembering is suspicious. weak argument i know, it just boils down to "you would think Eden would remember which girl it is she kissed" when I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation to untangle that knot, but this entire post is full of weak thoughts for a fittingly weak mind 😔
(cw: description of murder but like ...this show... uh... you know) what is going on with how needlessly complicated Arei's murder method was? Like, what's the motive behind it? obviously it'll be explained in part 2, but why wouldn't the kiler just let her asphyxiate? I know i know human decency, but mercy is a luxury these days. and if the killer accidentally applied too much force her head would snap off like a funko pop and i really doubt any killer wants to deal with that mess so like. why take the risk? there are plenty of easier options that i can immediately think of like suffocation or drowning. i don't really think "quick death" works as an argument here since it probably takes longer to set everything up with the fish than wait for her to die. I have my guesses for this but they contain so many logical leaps that at this point you're better off letting a wheel randomly pick her killer and going with that.
what is with Eden's tendency to get involved in every murder? Ch2 is obvious, but in Ch1, let's assume that plot armor was on Xander's side and Teruko used up all her luck. It's still hypothetically possible for her to have pointed out Xander as the killer and defended Charles due to seeing the wound in the infirmary. from a story-writing perspective, i kind of get why she had to be in the room and be told to leave, but that's still suspicious to me. another weak thought.
what's with the eerie level of sympathy that whoever constructed the motives has for whoever has the entire family died secret Xander? (I'm just going to say this secret is Xander's just to have an easy way to refer to it, but I fully acknowledge it could be someone else's. I just think it's his due to parent(s) and sibling(s). Hypothetically, Teruko would just be kinda :/ at a more than 1 sibling reveal and Levi only brings up having a mom, though I get this is a weak argument too considering that others are unaccounted for.) All the motives are written with some level of blame in it, some being a bit hostile(like the 3 time attempter) but Xander's feels like it barely works as a motive due to how...kindly it's worded. I get why it does work, but kind of like how they say death games say more about their creators than their participants or human nature, I think it's revealing of something about either the audience, the mastermind, or the traitor that his is worded in such a way that it's like "well... okay...so?" like yes Xander absolutely wants to keep it a secret based on the infirmary talk with Teruko, but it really inspires no sense of urgency and it's not anything new to anyone; not the audience(us, I mean), not the mastermind or traitor(assuming they're not amnesiac), not to whomever owns the secret(probably), just the participants and maybe the hypothetical audience in drdt's fourth wall. And it inspires sympathy by specifically absolving the secret owner of guilt, which no other secret does. Sure it works as a gut punch but unless the character was already at a breaking point, it's a very weak motive.(imo, of course) not that weak motives are new, but...
"disowned" and "doing the laundry" are incredibly funny euphemisms Levi. No context, moving on
Lastly, I did some thinking about what Teruko's plan is in ch2 ep 7. No clue what that is! But I was thinking about Veronikas(? sorry idr) hypothetical plan where they just bore the audience out like a certain mainline dr title. Even though it's not entertained as something practical, I do think that the hidden text in the about page implies that it wouldn't work due to the fact that they can just starve to death according to timelooper. Is the hidden text even talking about this specific killing game and not one that's happened in the past or future with completely unrelated characters? who knows lol. but the pronoun "we" in it during the segment at the end of "i wish i could feel something" paragraph is kind of weird if this looper is not with the killing game participants, or at the very least watching, with different scenarios playing out each time. It's weird to just plop this on the page and have it not be relevant to the story in some way. Anyway, even if starvation is simply an entire chapter motive on its own, the fact that they all collectively starve to death without a murder means this is something that mastermind is chill with. So, despite the comforts that the mastermind/broadcasters provide the students with, there is some kind of soft time limit in this game, though I'm sure that can be artificially messed with at will. Regardless, I think it implies boring people just doesn't work.
why was this so long uh thanks for reading all of this random nonsense ig. it helps me get my thoughts out. idk what it does for you but i hope you found it. mildly ok. thanks to this fandom for always coming up with new ideas it's always interesting, and of course if i accidentally referenced an idea you had and forgot it like i said at the beginning just tell me
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silver-wield · 3 months
I'm curious about the dark themes in Versus XIII. Only saw the trailer of versus...I didn't play 15 because I got annoyed with all the dlc
This has all the original xv info. The main thing I remember is something about kids being infected with darkness and wanting to kill themselves which was a lot for a T rated game.
I'm still low key mad we didn't get this story because it sounds awesome ❤️
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I have a question if I may, please. How do you think a Final Fantasy game would be received if the game was void of magic?
Do you think Square Enix would ever tread that path and make a FF game where magic did not exist in the game, and instead you only could use weapons to defeat your foes?
I find it difficult to think they would, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about and was curious about your opinion on it. Thank you.
Short answer: If you take the magic out of Final Fantasy, you basically have Parasite Eve. Good game, but it’s never going to have the wide appeal that Final Fantasy has.
Longer answer:
And I think if you take the magic out of Final Fantasy you kind of take away a huge chunk of its identity. Whether it’s in the form of crystals or materia or some kind of divine lineage (or whatever else), magic plays a huge part in the atmosphere of the games as well as the plot.
Hell, entries like FFX and XV (among others) can’t even happen if the main character can’t do magic. Multiple games have themes of cloning and human/genetic experiments and would probably take on a more sci-fi slant without magic. Some of the mild body horror elements would be more pronounced as well. And don’t get me wrong, there’s definitely a crowd for that — Parasite Eve still has fans to date, after all — but it’s not going to be as appealing to a broader audience.
Also, sort of relevant to your ask: franchise creator Hironobu Sakaguchi gave an interview earlier this year and talked about what went into the decision to use “Final Fantasy”. Funnily enough, it was almost “Fighting Fantasy”.
That’s all just my two cents, tho. Lol.
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Lee Dong Wook (Korean Actor) - Ideal Partner Tarot Reading
All readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Before requesting, read the pinned post and appropriate linked post
Tarot readings are my hobby - I’m not obligated to accept any of the requests nor to complete them, it’s my choice, not duty
Waiting time is long, even several months
If you can’t wait, please, seek other tarot reader
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: /
Deck: Mythic Goddess Tarot + Goddesses and Sirens Oracle
Spread: Ideal Partner
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Lee Dong Wook
Stage Name: Lee Dong Wook
Group: Korean Actor
DOB: 06.11.1981
Sun Sign: Scorpio
Chinese Sign: Metal Rooster
Life Path Number: 9
Masterpost: Solo Artists
Ko-fi - Voluntary Tip for Readings
Happy Happy Happy and the Happiest of Birthday to Lee Dong Wook!! This beautiful and charming man, the Mr. Darcy of KDrama! I wish him all the best yet to come and joy and love and respect. May he always be merry and surrounded by good people! 💖
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Lee Dong Wook
Lee Dong Wook (Korean Actor)
Deck: Mythic Goddess Tarot + Goddesses and Sirens Oracle
Spread: Ideal Partner
Body - XV The Devil (Ananke - Rebirth) + Morgana Le Fae (Magic)
Wook’s special person doesn’t have to be the most beautiful creature in the world, in fact, they can have features speaking of what they have been through in the past, something that might put superficial people off. However, due to the fact they have been reborn, shed all the past addictions, bad habits, toxicity, let go of their past and started to rebuild themselves anew, they have certain magic magnetism. Their eyes are mysterious and they are not easy to read, their fashion says nothing specific about their true personality. They will only reveal their true self to those who are worth it and everybody else can only guess what’s going on behind their poker face.
Heart - 8 of Swords (Restriction) + Hathor (Contentment)
Wook’s perfect match is likely someone who has been through heartbreaks before and they have probably, quite sensibly, decided to put some thick walls and heavy locks around it so no more fickle individuals can come and play with it again. Putting restrictions on their own heart and feelings brought them needed contentment. They can now experience joy which they themselves bring and regulate, they are the creators of their own happiness and live in peace without their moods being dependent on someone having a grasp on their heart. Wook might need to put some real effort in to find the way to them. However, he’s a man up for the challenge.
Spirit - Queen of Pentacles (Unifying), 2 of Pentacles (Balancing Resources) + Rhiannon (Self-trust)
Wook’s significant other is someone well balanced and with a nearly maternal approach towards people they love. They are caring and nurturing but at the same time they will try to support others in a healthy way - teach them how to handle things on their own rather than doing everything on their behalf. This person is likely healing at the time from their past and they are reinstating their self-esteem and self-trust again. They are learning how to be themselves and how to say no when something doesn’t align with their true path. It’s possible they have been through manipulation or gaslighting in the past and now they need to start trusting their own instincts again.
Soul - XIV Temperance (Bao Gu - Healing) + Boudicca (Unity)
We are hitting the same theme in this reading again and again. Wook’s ideal partner has a little beaten soul. They are going through a process of healing after being treated with disrespect or cruelty even. They are collecting the pieces of their own core, glueing them together, assembling themselves like a jigsaw puzzle. On the other hand, their experience with mistreatment might actually help them to help others, to be the balm on their wounds because they simply know how it feels. Wook’s ideal person is a strong individual deep down in their soul, they don’t give up easily even when they have been temporarily defeated or when the enemy has vastly bigger power than them.
Time - 7 of Cups (Abundance of Options)
Here the cards are not exactly sure when or at what occasion Wook meets his ideal partner. It can be really any time. It’s more like an uncertain future type of card so I dare to say they haven’t met yet and it’s not even decided whether they will actually meet. It’s possible Wook will simply miss his ideal partner on the way, never meeting them.
Place - 6 of Swords (Healing)
However, if Wook manages to find his destined lover (or they find him) and they decide to live together, their home will be a place of deep healing, a secure, protected and blessed place for both of them, a safe harbour, their very private space where nobody is allowed to disturb them. They might actually live extremely privately, their home being a top secret location, no journalists knowing where it is.
Zodiac Sign - /
I have to say, I love to do Lee Dong Wook's readings because this man is so special, it's never boring. There's always something completely unique I find out in the reading. I swear he's gonna stay a bachelor for the rest of his life because finding someone who could actually satisfy him, that's a Herculean task. Although I could be a good substitute if he comes and asks me, no problem. 😂
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Yeah, consider the option, Mr. Lee. I'll be here waiting for you. 😂
Thank you for reading!
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promptisgiftexchange · 4 months
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Here is the wrap-up of our sixth week of posting for the Promptis Gift Exchange. Individual works are listed below. 
The entire collection can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Promptis_Gift_Exchange_2024/works
 Please be sure to give our creators some love on Ao3!
Weekly Wrap-up #6
Title: A New Dawn -(Art)
Gift For: libbysketch
Rated: General Audiences (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: Decided to combine 2 of your prompts to gift you a cozy little scene of older Noctis and Prompto, working and their own cat cafe, A New Dawn :D
Title: Scents And Sensibility -(Fic)
Gift For: DestinyIslandWanderer
Rated: Mature (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: They say a beta is an alpha’s best friend. So Prompto is more than happy to be the supportive beta best friend of Crown Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum. Except as they grapple with all the embarrassments of puberty, Prompto may not actually be the beta he always thought he was.
AKA It’s no big deal that Noctis is an alpha and Prompto just presented as omega. Nothing could change their friendship (it’s going to change their friendship).
Title: All My Stars Lead To You -(Fic)
Gift For: KatrinaEagle
Rated: Teen (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: Prompto is finally going to meet Noctis in person when their online D&D group plays a Live Show at Kweh Con.
Title: Welcome to our Town!-(Fic)
Gift For: Blivvi
Rated: Teen (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: Prince Prompto Aldercapt has a Great Idea! During the signing of the Peace Treaty between Lucis and Niflheim, he will show Prince Noctis around his home! Surely this will be fantastic! ...Probably. ..... Maybe.
Noct on the other hand has a few thoughts and feelings about the peace treaty, and also about Prince Prompto himself.
Title: Dreaming like the Dead -(Fic)
Gift For: SalamanderSocks
Rated: Teen (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: Noctis didn’t know his father would die, when he left Insomnia. He barely remembers his mother, so he doesn’t know if he knew back then. But he knew how his maid would die, before she did. It was an accident. As a child he only had a vague concept of what it meant to inherit the powers that came with the name Lucis Caelum, until something surged in him one day and he touched his maid’s wrist with an intend he didn’t understand and then he saw it.
Soulmate AU, where you dream of your soulmate's death, unless you're a Lucis Caelum.
Title: Rotenburo -(Fic) Mod Note: The author has locked this piece to the Archive. You must be logged into Ao3 to view it.
Gift For: Amarilly
Rated: Explicit (please mind the tags on Ao3)
Summary: Turns out Noctis has never been to a hotspring and Prompto is dying to give him an experience he'll never forget.
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linkles-art-blog · 1 year
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So, back on the 15th of last month, I had made a colored sketch version of this post, as I wasn’t really sure if I would be up for committing the time necessary to finish the artwork in full for quite a while, if ever; however, since I was, in fact, able to complete it after all, I would now like to make a much more proper post for it here on my art blog.
This is my take on the “Meet the Artist!” type of posts that you occasionally see floating around the various parts of Tumblr (except, seeing as that I’m also a writer, I added ‘author’ to it, too).  As stated above and as most of my blogs’ urls imply, the name that I most typically go by online is, of course, Linkle — although, there are some exceptions on a very select few other platforms.
My main hobbies are (obviously) writing and drawing, although I am also a gamer who loves playing video games, listening to music, reading books and poetry, and watching various shows and movies on TV — including a few anime series.
My favorite series out of all of the fandoms I am in is, without a shred of doubt, Bungou Stray Dogs and its related topics, but I also am a very big fan of the Legend of Zelda, Doctor Who, Stargate (particularly SG-1 and Atlantis), Final Fantasy, Xenoblade Chronicles, Ace Attorney, Pokémon, and so, so many other (for me) somewhat minor fandoms that I haven’t mentioned here, but still love dearly all the same. 💖 If I’ve ever loved a series, chances are I will love it forever and ever.
As a creator, I am primarily an artist, writer, and theorist, who takes great pride in drawing my favorite characters and pairings and writing meta articles, analyses, theories, and fanfics for the fandoms and topics that are close to my heart (with my primary focus being especially centered around Bungou Stray Dogs and the general topic of Arthur Rimbaud — both in BSD and in real life, the research of which I take extremely seriously).
As a gamer, some of my favorite games of all time are Xenoblade Chronicles, the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and Majora’s Mask, Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, Code Vein, Final Fantasy IX, X, and XV, Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Pokémon Platinum Version, Rime, Super Mario Galaxy, and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE! (And there are probably some others I’m forgetting as of writing this, too. lol)
If you have any other questions about me, you should check out the Informational Grand Directory that I have pinned on my main blog! ^-^ Thanks for reading, and I hope to maybe see you around sometime!
Do not repost this artwork anywhere without my explicit permission or claim it as your own. See F.A.Q.s for details. Songs I listened to while drawing this:
Santa’s Real by Sasha Sloan
House with No Mirrors by Sasha Sloan
Carried Away by Shawn Mendes
Rip Up the Recipe by Shawn Mendes and Constance Wu
Take a Look at Us Now by Shawn Mendes and Javier Bardem
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wandringaesthetic · 1 year
Watched this video slowly over the past couple of weeks because the creator does something I've done.... ummm, more than once, that not that many people do, which is play the entire Final Fantasy series, in order, in their original format, while contemplating the history of the series, the history of video games, and one's navel.
I don't agree with him on everything. (I like FFX considerable more than he does and FFIX considerable less, for example). And much like I don't recommend actually playing through the series like this to everyone, I also don't necessarily recommend watching all of this video (maybe just the final segment), but some of his insights on the earlier games' gameplay and the way FFII is treated are things I thoroughly agree with. And I think if I had played FFXVI on the heels of XV rather than XIV, I might feel a little more positive towards it.
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so anyways xv has something to fucking Say about the kings of Lucis but it can't seem to actually form a fucking coherent thought to save its life.
The fact that all the kings we know the name of and see their faces are characterized by physically helping their people, either by sidequesting (Noct) sealing away daemons (Regis) healing (Ardyn) or performing quarantine (Somnus) seems to indicate that this is by design and intentional. This is further exacerbated by the main gameplay loop and draw of the game BEING the sidequests and exploring the open world, exploring every little thing and going around helping people.
So you would fucking think that this ties into how the kings of Lucis are perceived and how the game talks about them, right! You'd think that this would play into the fact that in XV the divine right of kings is worryingly literal with the fact that the Caelum house has access to magic and battle prowess that the normal person simply cannot have!
It's even worse too when you juxtapose Regis against Noctis because Regis is noted as being a rather conservative king. He's playing a losing game for the ~25 years of his rule and 'hiding' behind the New Wall, whereas the entire time you control Noctis as the new King (ch 2 onwards) he's defined by helping his citizens in times of need. He does menial tasks, and also hunting dangerous creatures that normal people can't have a hope of surviving against! A noble endeavor that highlights the themes of the game: ""many have sacrificed for the king now the king must sacrifice for all" right, right?
WRONG. This concept is NEVER FUCKING TOUCHED UPON, and yet it would be the easiest way to make the shitty plot point of Noctis dying make sense! Nevermind the fact that the game gives you very little reason to care about the world itself, let alone Insomnia and simply lacks weight about any of it's worldchanging events.
If they took even an onze of effort to connect the tie of the main gameplay loop to the narrative crux, it could've hit so much harder and better. Instead you just get told “hey Noct has to die to save the planet from the sick darkness lol” Make it his choice, rather than being told this is something he has to do by the questionable wisdom of a god who stole his face. (seriously bahamut looks almost creepily like Noctis take that as you will)
I still cannot believe the devs legit said oh yeah we knew the narrative was crap. hhh gnaws on this piece of media it sucks but i'm fucking obsessed with it.
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ffxvficrec · 6 months
by dollgutzz Following the sudden death of his father, Noctis develops severe insomnia due to night terrors. Prompto tries to stay up with him and give comfort, but it starts wearing him down as well. Eventually, Noctis suggests a very physical solution. Words: 5623, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Prompto Argentum , Noctis Lucis Caelum , Ignis Scientia , Gladiolus Amicitia Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort , Angst and Hurt/Comfort , Insomnia , Anxiety Attacks , Night Terrors , brief mention of nausea , Prompto is doing his best , Making Out , Literal Sleeping Together , and the sex kind of course , Frottage , Hand Jobs , Nipple Play , Spanking , Whining , Multiple Orgasms , Anal Fingering , Sleep Deprivation , Anal Sex , writing Noctis super slutty as per usual , Blow Jobs , Anal Fisting , Overstimulation , Happy Ending , Top Prompto Argentum , Bottom Noctis Lucis Caelum
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ao3feed-ignoct · 1 year
Come, Morning
read it on AO3 Here
by HisGlasses
A walk on the beach, a dream and a goodbye. Or: A dream sequence of how Noctis' farewell to Ignis could as well have played out, if it was not for the campfire scene and them all being together to fight in Insomnia.
Words: 1137, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 12 of Moments of Ignoct - ficlet collection
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Ignis Scientia, Noctis Lucis Caelum
Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
Additional Tags: Farewells, Parting Ways, Dream Sequence, sad but hopeful, Songfic, it felt like I was writing poetry, in the end it's probably just kitschy, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
read it on AO3 Here
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gamewithrosebunny · 2 years
The biggest games coming out in 2023
Hogwarts Legacy. This action/role-playing game is due to release on the 10th of February, created by avalanche software and published by warner bros. Set in the infamous wizarding world universe fans will be able to become a student at Hogwarts, be sorted into a house and much more.
Fire Emblem Engage. This Nintendo Switch exclusive releases on January 20th, the tactical role-playing game is led by protagonist Divine Dragon Alear who awakens with no recollection of their past.
Forspoken. Coming from the final fantasy XV creator Luminous Productions, the Japanese role-playing game promises lots of challenging and diverse exploration in this universe.
Dead Space. Returning on the 27th January fans of this series will see a visual makeover done on the game, it also modernizes this horror classic with a redesigned map, more gruesome moments and dynamic horror events.
Wild Hearts. This monster-hunting game is due to be released on February 17th, coming from Omega-force creators of the iconic game Toukiden, with its stunning visuals, ghastly beasts and blend of combat and crafting fans have much to look forward to.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Coming March 17th. The trailer sets the tone for more of a dark adventure, set 5 years after the events of Jedi: fallen order, the galaxy is set further into darkness will Cal be able to protect the legacy of the fallen order?
The Legend of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom. One of the most anticipated games coming to the Switch on May 12th 2023, Breath of the wild 2 will take us back to Hyrule as the desiccated corpse of Ganon has arisen, only now we will be able to explore islands in the sky and have even more abilities and weapons.
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Moving on to quick notes on games I've played on Steam since June and didn't finish but left in the "maybe I'll get back to this some day" category, part 2 of 2:
A Good Snowman Is Hard to Build: Great presentation, feels good to play, but I think I've probably had enough Sokoban-derivative puzzles for one lifetime by now
Yankai's Peak: More puzzles, seems fine but didn't really grab me
The Solitaire Conspiracy: I like the idea of turning a solitaire game into some kind of spy/espionage/thriller kind of thing, but I wasn't into it enough to finish the story
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3: I was curious if any of the non-Nintendo Warriors games (not counting P5S, which I might try if I get on ok with P5R some day) would actually do it for me. This one definitely feels pretty dated, and it's not a very good PC port either. Doesn't help that I don't actually care about One Piece either
FTL: I kinda forgot to play it for several years, and now it turns out I don't really like it anyway so I wasn't really missing out
Shadowhand: Another game that mixes story and solitaire, and it's vaguely ok, but I wasn't super into either aspect of it
Dissembler: More minimalist puzzles that weren't really doing much for me
Dragon Age Inquisition: I'll probably try it again at some point if I'm bored and can get a controller to work right with it to see if that helps, but I wasn't feeling it. I've never been super invested in the Dragon Age world/story (some of the characters are great though), but also it's just super ugly? Like it's a lot more advanced than the first two games on a technical level, but the art style changes are really not pretty
King's Bounty: Dark Side: Continuing my tradition of getting bored of every King's Bounty game other than The Legend within a couple hours
Hand of Fate: I was curious about where it was going until where it went was weird/bad realtime combat, and then I learned that that's something I don't want in a card game
Devil Daggers: I am not great at this game, but I had fun learning the basic mechanics and getting better each run...but not enough fun to stick with it for more than a couple hours
Soul Calibur VI: I made a character in the character creator, then I went to start the story mode that has the tutorials in it and it wouldn't let me use that character and I had to make another one, and then it was less fun than I remember the old SC games being and I got bored and stopped
Killer Instinct: Seems ok I guess, but the feel of it wasn't clicking with me
Final Fantasy XV: So many mixed feelings. I really want to like the boy band road trip, and there are aspects of it I was genuinely enjoying, but there are just way too many things that were annoying me and added up. It's pretty decent at character interactions but absolutely terrible at exposition and conveying information about the world, and I've been spoiled by things like XC3 letting me fast travel anywhere at any time. This one could probably get its own post to include everything though
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luupetitek · 2 years
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Zero Escape game spoilers on the picture! Not in the description though x'v Aaand another bunch of the stickers! New chapter, new characters~ At least some of them x') Those who played the game certainly noticed changes in characters, but speaking of Virtue's Last Reward, we've changed much more than just them. As the first chapter was amazing and I LOVED it, the VLR was... quite a letdown 😬 (...)
More of my opinion about the game (spoilers free) below the cut!
999 was just excellent in every aspect! Story wise, with interesting characters, shocking plot twists and I was just amazed how PERFECTLY everything fitted, with every small detail. Like ideally cut out puzzle pieces, creating a coherent whole where each thing learnt while playing was important. There was just not too much room for many changes to the gameplay, as... well, they weren't necessary! But the VLR... oh god, it just felt like a very long anime with too many filers, too many... stuff! As if they'd try to throw into this plot EVERYTHING that's ever appeared in sci-fi stories and they glued that together, hoping it will hold to itself. And I'm amazed, but not by the perfection, but how they managed to put there so many things, so many plot twists and reveals and still make it so... empty. Most of the endings were very repetitive, leading to learn some... minor things, that most could be just put together into one timeline, with an exception of the last ending that had a very strong punch, to just leave you emotionally drained and damaged. I guess they just had to fill it with whatever to make the playtime impressive, but... yeah, it visibly lacks the creator's soul from the previous part. And after seeing some game screens and hearing things from the DM, who's played the original, I doubt we'd enjoy playing it the way it was (she didn't, lol) and so the changes were BIG. Both to characters, who were mostly painfully plain, annoying and lacking any depth and logic to their actions, and to the endings that... well, same x'd My kingdom for some logic! That's why we've created many many new things, making the story only lead to the same results, as we had to stick to the main core of the plot for the next chapter. But tbh, we've added and changed so much stuff I believe it's not the same game anymore, lol xV But I really love it this way! Especially with all the fleshed out characters ♥ And I was really sad to say goodbye to them at the end x'C Characters played by me: Ted, Sigma, Mathias Characters played by @RikoIngram: Dio, Rho, Nintendo Characters played by (lovely DM~) @Inai-Nerse: Alice, Juno, K
You can also see 999 set on my blog under the #nonary tag~ _________________________________ You can find me on: (@Luupetitek) Deviantart | Instagram | ArtStation | Ko-Fi donations
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drawerofstuff00 · 2 years
Facts about Samsonian Masterpost
Twitter Archive
(Dates and times correspond with time of posting, not canon)
July 2, 2020 - 4:03AM
He can change size while in Full Armor Mode to assume the appearance of a Giant Robot. His initial Max Size is around 200 Meters but eventually reaches 750 Meters with an increase in strength and speed relative to size.
July 2, 2020 - 11:42PM
Samsonian has access to 3 Modes:
1. Normal Mode, very human-like.
2. Armored Mode, partial transformation is possible.
3. Giant Robot Mode, Size depends on many variables.
July 12, 2020 - 11:44AM
Why is he called Robot Guardian and not Cyborg Guardian?
The creator of the Robot Guardians initially made full robots but after transitioning to human volunteers, opted not to change the name of the program.
August 14, 2021 - 8:25AM
He's a simp, but he tries (and fails) to hide it. 😂
September 9, 2021 - 11:09AM
His armor is described perfectly with this picture.
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June 17, 2022 - 6:13PM
His namesake enabled him to joke about a "Delilah" in his past, but Robot Guardian Personnel are advised against letting him talk about her.
The Nanomachines are unable to compensate with sufficient antidepressants in these instances.
July 20, 2022 - 3:07PM
Samsonian's story takes place in a version of the 21st Century where superheroes were a phenomenon of the previous century and are slowly aging out of service and existence.
This is one of the catalysts for the creation of the Robot Guardians.
July 21, 2022 - 4:25PM
There are 5 other Robot Guardians, totalling up to 6.
Their naming conventions are as follows:
Supplementary Robot Guardians are later recruited as well...
July 23, 2022 - 5:01PM
Most of Samsonian's family lives throughout a good portion of Central, Coastal and North Texas. Further details remain a mystery for now...
August 2, 2022 - 6:07PM
While he's not allergic, he can't eat shellfish.
August 9, 2022 - 9:05PM
The youngest living "superhero" is a man named Terra Montes.
Samsonian and others like him have some sort of cybernetic or biological enhancement that gives them their powers. Terra was born with super speed in 1998 (Age 26).
August 18, 2022 - 9:45AM
Another Robot Guardian named Herculean is so powerful that he was legally required to reveal his real name to the public.
His name is Ronald Lee.
September 1, 2022 - 7:08AM
Look at all pictures of Samsonian in full armor.
His mouth is never open.
That's because it's a faceplate, not his actual face. The shape is similar (just without any pores).
September 9, 2022 - 4:56PM
Today is Samsonian's Birthday!
In real life, he would be 23 years old.
During the main events of his story he is 25.
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September 15, 2022 - 3:03PM
Samsonian's design was inspired by many characters, including Guy from Gaogaigar, Samus Aran's Power Suit from Super Metroid and Noctis Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV.
September 17, 2022 - 6:12AM
Of the 6 Core Robot Guardians, Samsonian is the youngest at age 25 (b. September 1999).
He is also among the tallest ones at 5'11 before cybernetics and 6' post-transformation.
October 9, 2022 - 8:36AM
He still dabs well into the 2020's.
October 10, 2022 - 6:57PM
Samsonian is sometimes nicknamed "Samson" or "Sam" to make addressing him easier.
October 15, 2022 - 9:50AM
He has played a certain video game that was changed from "Versus" to a "Mainline Title".
He likes both concepts.
October 21, 2022 - 11:59AM
Due to his transformation capabilities (Armor Forming and Size Change), Samsonian also possesses an "Emergency Mode" that activates with his fight-or-flight response.
This mode can potentially damage his body if used for too long.
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