#creative software market share
blogaarti · 2 years
Creative Software Market Size, Share, Status and Forecasts 2022-2029
Despite being the most competitive area today, software development offers plenty of job opportunities. The ongoing technological advancement and innovation in both hardware and software services are driving substantial growth across the creative software market. With the internet's evolution to Web 3.0 and metaverse coming into existence, technologies such as blockchain and VR pacing at the forefront of software development. Notably, the demand for audio and video files delivery to end-users is creating new opportunities for the players in the creative software market. In addition to this, the growing number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are also playing a vital role in market expansion. The ease of accessibility and greater availability of software development is set to spur exponential growth across the creative software market. 
For More Industry Insights Read:  https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/creative-software-market
Increased Demand for Audio-Editing Software Owing to Propel Market Growth
The growing demand for high-quality audio products across the media and entertainment industry has created a subsequent demand for audio editing software. The increased emphasis on noise reduction and cancellation in the entertainment industry is further boosting demand for audio-editing tools. This has promoted their applications in various areas including production, recording, audio optimisation, playback, and audio. Moreover, the expansion of audio-streaming platforms has enabled emerging and unknown artists to upload and stream their music on such platforms. This has unlocked tremendous revenue opportunities for the audio editing software market. As a result of this, the growing demand for audio editing tools is demonstrating significant growth prospects for the global creative software market. 
Sound and Video Recording Software to Build Momentum for Creative Software Market
The surge in the digitization, extensive television broadcasts, and applications of cloud-based solutions have unfolded growth opportunities for global audio and video recording software. Besides, the growing usage of smart gadgets coupled with the advancements in OTT and streaming technology has further intensified this demand. Global audio and video software market growth graph has further steepened by the increasing demand for high-definition audio and video material and trend of remote working. Such a paradigm shift have prompted sound and video recording software vendors to make tools available and accessible for consumers. This is mainly underpinned by an aim to get consumers to acquire expertise in these tools and increase conversions. In coming years, the rising demand for audio and video recording software is likely to prolong the expansion of the creative software market. 
North America to Sustain Dominance Amid Major Breakthroughs in Technology
Technological advancements coupled with the presence of key players are driving the expansion of the creative software market in North America. Augmented demand for audio-video recording and editing platforms in the music, live-streaming and entertainment industries is also likely to bode well for the regional market. Furthermore, the trend of remote learning has resulted in increased demand for e-learning and creative software development as it offers flexibility and accessibility to students. Such a favourable scenario is expected to unlock novel revenue opportunities for the creative software market in North America. 
Prominent Market Players
Some of the major players in the global creative software market include FXhome Limited, TechSmith Corporation, Adobe Inc., MAGIX Software GmbH, Nero AG, Movavi Software Limited, Sony Creative Software INC., Corel Corporation, CyberLink Corp., and Wondershare group. 
For More Information Visit: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/creative-software-market
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Copyright won't solve creators' Generative AI problem
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The media spectacle of generative AI (in which AI companies’ breathless claims of their software’s sorcerous powers are endlessly repeated) has understandably alarmed many creative workers, a group that’s already traumatized by extractive abuse by media and tech companies.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
Even though the claims about “AI” are overblown and overhyped, creators are right to be alarmed. Their bosses would like nothing more than to fire them and replace them with pliable software. The “creative” industries talk a lot about how audiences should be paying for creative works, but the companies that bring creators’ works to market treat their own payments to creators as a cost to be minimized.
Creative labor markets are primarily regulated through copyright: the exclusive rights that accrue to creators at the moment that their works are “fixated.” Media and tech companies then bargain to buy or license those rights. The theory goes that the more expansive those rights are, the more they’ll be worth to corporations, and the more they’ll pay creators for them.
That’s the theory. In practice, we’ve spent 40 years expanding copyright. We’ve made it last longer; expanded it to cover more works, hiked the statutory damages for infringements and made it easier to prove violations. This has made the entertainment industry larger and more profitable — but the share of those profits going to creators has declined, both in real terms and proportionately.
In other words, today creators have more copyright, the companies that buy creators’ copyrights have more profits, but creators are poorer than they were 40 years ago. How can this be so?
As Rebecca Giblin and I explain in our book Chokepoint Capitalism, the sums creators get from media and tech companies aren’t determined by how durable or far-reaching copyright is — rather, they’re determined by the structure of the creative market.
The market is concentrated into monopolies. We have five big publishers, four big studios, three big labels, two big ad-tech companies, and one gargantuan ebook/audiobook company. The internet has been degraded into “five giant websites, each filled with screenshots from the other four”:
Under these conditions, giving a creator more copyright is like giving a bullied schoolkid extra lunch money. It doesn’t matter how much lunch money you give that kid — the bullies will take it all, and the kid will still go hungry (that’s still true even if the bullies spend some of that stolen lunch money on a PR campaign urging us all to think of the hungry children and give them even more lunch money):
But creative workers have been conditioned — by big media and tech companies — to reflexively turn to copyright as the cure-all for every pathology, and, predictably, there are loud, insistent calls (and a growing list of high-profile lawsuits) arguing that training a machine-learning system is a copyright infringement.
This is a bad theory. First, it’s bad as a matter of copyright law. Fundamentally, machine learning systems ingest a lot of works, analyze them, find statistical correlations between them, and then use those to make new works. It’s a math-heavy version of what every creator does: analyze how the works they admire are made, so they can make their own new works.
If you go through the pages of an art-book analyzing the color schemes or ratios of noses to foreheads in paintings you like, you are not infringing copyright. We should not create a new right to decide who is allowed to think hard about your creative works and learn from them — such a right would make it impossible for the next generation of creators to (lawfully) learn their craft:
(Sometimes, ML systems will plagiarize their own training data; that could be copyright infringement; but a) ML systems will doubtless get guardrails that block this plagiarism; and, b) even after that happens, creators will still worry about being displaced by ML systems trained on their works.)
We should learn from our recent history here. When sampling became a part of commercial hiphop music, some creators clamored for the right to control who could sample their work and to get paid when that happened. The musicians who sampled argued that inserting a few bars from a recording was akin to a jazz trumpeter who works a few bars of a popular song into a solo. They lost that argument, and today, anyone who wants to release a song commercially will be required — by radio stations, labels, and distributors — the clear that sample.
This change didn’t make musicians better off. The Big Three labels — Sony, Warners, and Universal, who control 70% of the world’s recorded music — now require musicians to sign away the rights to samples from their works. The labels also refuse to sell sampling licenses to musicians unless they are signed to one of the Big Three.
Thus, producing music with a sample requires that you take whatever terms the Big Three impose on you, including giving up the right to control sampling of your music. We gave the schoolkids more lunch money and the bullies took that, too.
The monopolists who control the creative industries are already getting ahead of the curve on this one. Companies that hire voice actors are requiring those actors to sign away the (as yet nonexistant) right to train a machine-learning model with their voices:
The National Association of Voice Actors is (quite rightly) advising its members not to sign contracts that make this outrageous demand, and they note that union actors are having success getting these clauses struck, even retroactively:
That’s not surprising — labor unions have a much better track record of getting artists’ paid than giving creators copyright and expecting them to bargain individually for the best deal they can get. But for non-union creators — the majority of us — getting this language struck is going to be a lot harder. Indeed, we already sign contracts full of absurd, unconscionable nonsense that our publishers, labels and studios refuse to negotiate:
Some of the loudest calls for exclusive rights over ML training are coming not from workers, but from media and tech companies. We creative workers can’t afford to let corporations create this right — and not just because they will use it against us. These corporations also have a track record of creating new exclusive rights that bite them in the ass.
For decades, media companies stretched copyright to cover works that were similar to existing works, trying to merge the idea of “inspired by” and “copied from,” assuming that they would be the ones preventing others from making “similar” new works.
But they failed to anticipate the (utterly predictable) rise of copyright trolls, who launched a string of lawsuits arguing that popular songs copied tiny phrases (or just the “feel”) of their clients’ songs. Pharrell Williams and Robin Thicke’s got sued into radioactive rubble by Marvin Gaye’s estate over their song “Blurred Lines” — which didn’t copy any of Gaye’s words or melodies, but rather, took its “feel”:
Today, every successful musician lives in dread of a multi-million-dollar lawsuit over incidental similarities to obscure tracks. Last spring, Ed Sheeran beat such a suit, but it was a hollow victory. As Sheeran said, with 60,000 new tracks being uploaded to Spotify every day, these similarities are inevitable:
The major labels are worried about this problem, too — but they are at a loss as to what to do about it. They are completely wedded to the idea that every part of music should be converted to property, so that they can expropriate it from creators and add it to their own bulging portfolios. Like a monkey trapped because it has reached through a hole into a hollow log to grab a banana that won’t fit back through the hole, the labels can’t bring themselves to let go.
That’s the curse of the monkey’s paw: the entertainment giants argued for everything to be converted to a tradeable exclusive right — and now the industry is being threatened by trolls and ML creeps who are bent on acquiring their own vast troves of pseudo-property.
There’s a better way. As NAVA president Tim Friedlander told Motherboard’s Joseph Cox, “NAVA is not anti-synthetic voices or anti-AI, we are pro voice actor. We want to ensure that voice actors are actively and equally involved in the evolution of our industry and don’t lose their agency or ability to be compensated fairly for their work and talent.”
This is as good a distillation of the true Luddite ethic as you could ask for. After all, the Luddites didn’t oppose textile automation: rather, they wanted a stake in its rollout and a fair share of its dividends:
Turning every part of the creative process into “IP” hasn’t made creators better off. All that’s it’s accomplished is to make it harder to create without taking terms from a giant corporation, whose terms inevitably include forcing you to trade all your IP away to them. That’s something that Spider Robinson prophesied in his Hugo-winning 1982 story, “Melancholy Elephants”:
This week (Feb 8–17), I’ll be in Australia, touring my book Chokepoint Capitalism with my co-author, Rebecca Giblin. We’re doing a remote event for NZ on Feb 13. Next are Melbourne (Feb 14), Sydney (Feb 15) and Canberra (Feb 16/17). I hope to see you!
Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
[Image ID: A poster for the 1933 movie ‘The Monkey’s Paw.’ The fainting ingenue has been replaced by the glaring red eye of HAL9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey.]
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sanshofox · 1 year
Artists getting sad after the „who’s the artist, what’s your age“ trend thing on socials. They see many of them being a very young age with already good skills.
Here my try for words of comfort: consider the differences when you grew up and how the younger gens grew up. Nowadays there‘s easier access to tools, gadgets and knowledge with faster paced society.
With better developed internet you can find all kinds of references, tutorials, brushes and whatnot to help you developing your skills or to get a better understanding of how each skill works (if traditional, crafting, digital and more). And now you have all kinds of places to share your stuff on and be part of a community that share the same interest for art and even can give feedback. Artists now using the internet as a platform to earn money and showing their how-to’s. What I would have given as a kid and teen to have that through a „simple mouse click“.
I remember back then when not every household had internet and even if, it wasn’t stable nor fast. You only had a few sites to visit, that you knew were save to go on, and even less sites when it came to art. I remember one german art site and years later on deviantart (and both were in their very toxic era back then. Very closed off at times and tutorials being seen like a „do not reveal the secret to it“ magic trick kinda vibe).
It was hard to find out about stuff because we didn‘t have that global connectivity and marketing etc that exists now to discover things.
And also being „limited“ as a kid and teen on what you could use. Nothing that was right at hand was digital. So you couldn’t experiment with media types for example. So no vast library on tools that imitate all kinds of things, i.e. brushes in procreate. Everything needed to be made traditionally with what you had. I remember I had two of those how to draw anime artbooks (and back then it were two out of very few options actually), pencils and a few copics. You had to make the most of it.
Photoshop you had to use by mouse and was veeery costly (one software CD cost over 2k). I think wacom tablets weren’t a thing until my late teens?? 🤔
And please don’t take this as a rant, I am actually feeling rather nostalgic about it. Those how to draw anime books were hilarious when I think about them now haha. I think I still might have one?? 👀 And I still have those very first copic markers 🥰
It doesn’t matter how you started or what age you are comapred to others. That you keep on making art is what counts. Skill needs to be developed, but passion and creativity/imagination comes from yourself. Skill isn’t what keeps you on doing it, but the love for it is.
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demifiendrsa · 5 months
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Bethesda Softworks will close Redfall developer Arkane Austin, Hi-Fi RUSH and The Evil Within developer Tango Gameworks, as well as Alpha Dog Games and Roundhouse Studios, according to a companywide email sent out by Microsoft Gaming president of game content and studios Matt Booty this morning.
Full email
Today I’m sharing changes we are making to our Bethesda and ZeniMax teams. These changes are grounded in prioritizing high-impact titles and further investing in Bethesda’s portfolio of blockbuster games and beloved worlds which you have nurtured over many decades.
To double down on these franchises and invest to build new ones requires us to look across the business to identify the opportunities that are best positioned for success. This reprioritization of titles and resources means a few teams will be realigned to others and that some of our colleagues will be leaving us.
Here are the changes going into effect:
Arkane Austin – This studio will close with some members of the team joining other studios to work on projects across Bethesda. Arkane Austin has a history of making impactful and innovative games and it is a pedigree that everyone should be proud of. Redfall‘s previous update will be its last as we end all development on the game. The game and its servers will remain online for players to enjoy and we will provide make-good offers to players who purchased the “Hero” downloadable content.
Alpha Dog Studios – This studio will also close. We appreciate the team’s creativity in bringing DOOM to new players. Mighty DOOM will be sunset on August 7 and we will be turning off the ability for players to make any purchases in the game.
Tango Gameworks – Tango Gameworks will also close. We are thankful for their contributions to Bethesda and players around the world. Hi-Fi RUSH will continue to be available to players on the platforms it is today.
Roundhouse Games – The team at Roundhouse Games will be joining ZeniMax Online Studios (ZOS). Roundhouse has played a key role in many of our recent game launches and bringing them into ZOS to work on The Elder Scrolls Online will mean we can do even more to grow the world that millions of players call home.
With this consolidation of our Bethesda studio teams, so that we can invest more deeply in our portfolio of games and new IP, a small number of roles across select Bethesda publishing and corporate teams will also be eliminated.
Those whose roles will be impacted will be notified today, and we ask that you please treat your departing colleagues with respect and compassion. We will provide our full support to those who are impacted in today’s notifications and through their transitions, including severance benefits informed by local laws.
These changes are not a reflection of the creativity and skill of the talented individuals at these teams or the risks they took to try new things. I acknowledge that these changes are also disruptive to the various support teams across ZeniMax and Bethesda that bring our games to market. We are making these tough decisions to create capacity to increase investment in other parts of our portfolio and focus on our priority games.
Bethesda remains one of the key pillars of Xbox with a strong portfolio of amazing games and thriving communities. As we look to the future, there is an impressive line-up of games on the horizon. In 2024 alone we have Starfield “Shattered Space,” Fallout 76 “Skyline Valley,” Indiana Jones and The Great Circle, and The Elder Scrolls Online‘s “Golden Road.” As we align our plans and resources to best set ourselves up for success in this complex and changing industry, our teams across Arkane Lyon, Bethesda Game Studios, id Software, MachineGames, ZeniMax Online Studios, and the Bethesda publishing and corporate teams will be well-positioned to build new IP, explore new game concepts, and expand on our existing franchises.
Messages from each studio
Arkane Austin
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Tango Gameworks
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Alpha Dog Games
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delyth-thomas-art · 6 months
Tired Webcomic Creator Noises
Gags … ah yes lets make art into mindless content spat out by Ai cos we've been literally killing creators with inhumane workloads to spit out as many episodes as possible for mindless consumption.
I make my comics with passion and love of the craft! I have a degree in Comics, I spent years...years learning, practising, experimenting, adapting. I recall the days where you may get a page a week, or a few at the start of the month back in the 2000s era of self hosted webcomics and smackjeeves. (Rant below)
I've had to learn how the whole scrolling format worked to adapt to where all the readers had gone to, having been taught the traditional print page formats. And now cos its suddenly a massive money maker for these few hosts and they've pushed creators to the brink with the sheer volume they want pumped out that of course they want to use AI.
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But it will speed up colouring! I have multiple tools available by the software I use and made by the wonderful people who love creating that colouring isn't that much of a chore, Its my fav part honestly. And its also a job sector within comics, colourists are skilled artists and this is another way to trim the fat, to pocket more money and keep churning out the 5th millionth villainess story.
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Yes I am in most views a tiny creator, I haven't even broken their 1000 sub goal to even try applying for ad rev in the near 5 ish years on webtoon. But what I make I love, I spend hours researching folklore, scripting, drafting the whole kabudle like many other creators. And other than the kind supporters on my Patreon and Ko-fi I don't make much from the hours, days, weeks I pour into what I make. But at least I know its made with my own hands. That its made with love as corny as that sounds.
Ai is creeping its tentacles into everything, now ethically trained ai tools to help smaller creators would be fine. Most creators already rely on 3d tools to speed up things like backgrounds for webcomics. But when we don't know what its trained on, and is marketed wholesale as something anyone can use to make "content" is where it gets insidious. I am all for anyone with the desire to create and tell a story to go out there and do so, whether a beginner or a master. Part of the joy of a long running webcomic is seeing the artist grow both artistically and literary. But with ai it will be all one homogenous style, a copy of what ever is the hot thing. We already have amazon stuffed to the teeth with ai generated books, videos, merch and more all to be sold in some get rich quick manner. (need I point at the Willy's Wonderland incident). Youtube videos being spat out by faceless accounts stealing and regurgitating content at the speed no human video making team can easily match without cutting out quality or fact checking.
It is tiring. Creatives as a whole are treated poorly for decades, and now with the rapid late stage capitalism, website /social media enshitification and the blind headlong rush into the next big money making thing (watches the nft crash). I can't deny Covid sped this up, as everyone was locked inside and turned to what we creators made for comfort. But that content eating boom, lead to more demand, faster output and tighter budgets. We are seeing journalists being cut, game designers in their thousands and recently Dreamworks cutting a bunch and pushing to make their Robot film come out sooner due to public demands.
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Skilled creatives are being treated like disposable fast food restaurant employees. Used til they burn out, get injured and even die! And then are simply replaced.
I've never been a creator with huge ambitions to work at places like DC, Marvel or Top Cow. I simply wished to create and share stories with the world, to bring smiles, to create art that evokes emotions, inspires others to look around themselves and create too.
Art is for everyone. You just need to take that scary jump, there is a whole array of welcoming communities willing to teach and share. I wouldn't have improved so much without the kindness of the webcomic groups I've discovered and learnt from. Everyone is always learning, and there no shame in not knowing how to do a thing. Even I started with the cheesy how to draw books as a kid and made my own pokemon and digimon.
Don't let the world treat your art as content. It is "ART" as much as what's kept in the louvre is seen as art, so is that little stick man doodle on a postit.
So Try something new, try a new material, a new style.
And support the artists you enjoy, tip their Ko-Fi, pledge to their Patreon, buy a sticker or print. Share their posts and tell them what you love about what they make.
Don't let machines steal away the art in HEART.
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dungeonmalcontent · 9 months
I don't know how imminent this might be, but I would like to remind 5e homebrew writers of the Roblox-ification of d&d that will likely happen if the core VTT play style shift that WotC/Hasbro seems to want actually takes off.
Because if 5e (or 6e or whatever the play tests result in) becomes a primarily VTT game and gets mashed together with DnD Beyond so that all resources are virtual, and the DMsGuild VTT store gets merged into it (though they'll more likely make their own at that point). That's basically VTTRPG Roblox. You get a small market of creatives working on projects and games and resources for a game framework, selling their work for dramatically less than it's worth while the game publisher itself just takes in the lion's share of the money when popular modules and resources get sold.
This is part of why I think it's not going to be 5e. 5e has it own sunk cost at this point. I had liabilities and connections with virtual marketplaces and other contractual obligations. But if they make "6e" all they need to do is make the framework and only keep on software support folks and fire all their creatives while they leech money off of transactions in a fan-creator marketplace. Just like Roblox. They don't need to publish manuals or expansions or modules, because fans can do that. They get to basically recreate the ecosystem of post 4e licensing, but everyone actually still pays them dues.
Anyways. Yeah. Whenever or if it ever happens, just don't use the official WotC VTT. Doesn't matter how convenient it is. Its success is the benchmark for that shift. And it doesn't matter if corporate says they won't kill their game in that way, that is where they want to take it.
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yvetteheiser · 3 months
Yvette Heiser - Phone Photography Essentials without Formal Education
In today's digital world, the art of photography has become more accessible than ever. You no longer need a formal education or expensive camera equipment to create stunning images. With advancements in smartphone technology, your phone can be a powerful tool for capturing professional-quality photos. Here’s everything you need to know to excel in phone photography without a formal education.
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Understanding Your Phone’s Camera
Before diving into photography, it’s essential to understand the capabilities of your phone’s camera. Modern smartphones are equipped with high-resolution sensors, multiple lenses, and advanced image processing software. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the various settings and features available on your phone's camera, including HDR, portrait mode, night mode, and manual controls for ISO, shutter speed, and white balance. For more detailed insights, consider exploring resources like Yvette Heiser Texas – All You Need to Know about Phone Photography.
Mastering the Basics of Photography
Even without formal education, you can learn the fundamental principles of photography. Start with the basics:
Composition: The rule of thirds, leading lines, and framing are essential techniques that can help you create balanced and visually appealing photos.
Lighting: Excellent lighting is essential for taking outstanding photos. Natural light is your greatest ally, so it's important to learn how to use it effectively. Understand the differences between soft and hard lighting and how to leverage shadows and highlights to enhance your images.
Focus and Exposure: Ensure your subject is in sharp focus. Most smartphones allow you to tap the screen to set the focus point. Adjusting exposure can help you manage the brightness and contrast of your photos.
Leveraging Photography Apps
One of the advantages of phone photography is the plethora of apps available to enhance your images. Here are a few must-have apps:
Editing Apps: Tools like Adobe Lightroom, Snapseed, and VSCO provide robust features for tweaking exposure, contrast, saturation, and other elements. They also come with presets and filters that can add unique and creative touches to your photos.
Camera Apps: Apps like ProCamera and Camera+ offer advanced manual controls, allowing you to fine-tune settings like ISO, shutter speed, and white balance.
Special Effects: Apps such as Lens Distortions and Afterlight can add unique effects and overlays to your photos, helping them stand out.
Building a Strong Portfolio
Your portfolio is your introduction in the photography world. Create a diverse collection of your best work to showcase your skills and style. Include different subjects such as landscapes, portraits, and macro shots. Regularly refresh your portfolio with updated and enhanced photographs. Sharing your portfolio on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest can help you reach a wider audience and attract potential clients.
 Networking and Marketing
Building a successful photography career requires more than just taking great photos. Networking and marketing are essential components:
Networking: Join online photography communities, attend local meetups, and participate in photography challenges. Networking with other photographers can lead to collaborations, referrals, and learning opportunities.
Social Media Marketing: Use social media to market your photography services. Regularly post your work, engage with your audience, and share behind-the-scenes content. Consider creating a website to establish an online presence and make it easy for clients to find and contact you.
 Continuous Learning and Experimentation
Photography is an ever-evolving field, and staying updated with the latest trends and techniques is crucial. Follow industry leaders, read photography blogs, and watch tutorial videos. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new styles and subjects. Continuous learning and experimentation will help you grow as a photographer and keep your work fresh and innovative.
Excelling in phone photography without formal education is entirely achievable with dedication and practice. By understanding your phone’s camera, mastering photography basics, leveraging apps, building a strong portfolio, networking, and continuously learning, you can create stunning images and establish a successful photography career. Yvette Heiser- Is it possible to start a career in photography without formal education? Embrace the journey, and let your creativity shine through your lens!
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Hey, what does disruptor mean? I saw it when looking at your answers. I’ve also seen people joke about it on twitter but I can’t find a meaning to it.
It's a term I personally loathe, but I'm willing to do some recent cultural/intellectual history to explain where it came from and what it means.
The term disruptor as it's commonly used today comes out of the business world, more specifically the high tech sector clustered in Silicon Valley. Originally coined as "disruptive innovation" by business school professor Clayton Christensen in the mid-to-late 90s, the idea was that certain new businesses (think your prototypical startup) have a greater tendency to develop innovative technologies and business models that radically destabilize established business models, markets, and large corporations - and in the process, help to speed up economic and technological progress.
While Christensen's work was actually about business models and firm-level behavior, over time this concept mutated to focus on the individual entrepeneur/inventor/founder figure of the "disruptor," as part of the lionization of people like Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerburg or Elon Musk, or firms like Lyft, Uber, WeWork, Theranos, etc. It also mutated into a general belief that "disrupting" markets and, increasingly, social institutions is how society will and should progress.
I find these ideas repellant. First of all, when it comes to the actual business side of things, I think it mythologizes corporate executives as creative geniuses by attributing credit for innovations actually created by the people they employ. Elon Musk didn't create electric cars or reusable rockets, Steve Jobs didn't design any computers or program any OSes, but because they're considered "disruptors," we pretend that they did. This has a strong effect on things like support for taxing the rich - because there is this popular image of the "self-made billionaire" as someone who "earned" their wealth through creating "disruptive" companies or technologies, there is more resistance to taxing or regulating the mega-wealthy than would otherwise be the case.
Even more importantly, treating "disruptors" like heroes and "disruption" as a purely good thing tends to make people stop thinking about whether disruption to a given industry is actually a good thing, whether what tech/Silicon Valley/startup firms are doing is actually innovative, what the economic and social costs of the disruption are, and who pays them. Because when we look at a bunch of high-profile case studies, it often turns out to be something of a case of smoke and mirrors.
To take ridesharing as an example, Lyft and Uber and similar companies aren't actually particularly innovative. Yes, they have apps that connect riders to drivers, but that's not actually that different from the old school method of using the phone to call up a livery cab company. There's a lot of claims about how the apps improve route planning or the availability of drivers or bring down prices, but they're usually overblown: route planning software is pretty common (think Google Maps), when you actually look at how Lyft and Uber create availability, it's by flooding the market with large numbers of new drivers, and when you look at how they got away with low prices, it was usually by spending billions upon billions of venture capital money on subsidizing their rides.
Moreover, this "disruption" has a pretty nasty dark side. To start with, Lyft and Uber's business strategy is actually a classic 19th century monopoly strategy dressed up in 21st century rhetoric: the "low prices" had nothing to do with innovative practices or new technology, it was Lyft and Uber pulling the classic move of deliberately selling at a loss to grab market share from the competition, at which point they started raising their prices on consumers. Availability of drivers was accomplished by luring way too many new drivers into the labor market with false promises of making high wages in their spare time, but when the over-supply of drivers inevitably caused incomes to decline, huge numbers of rideshare drivers found themselves trapped by auto debts and exploited by the companies' taking a significant chunk of their earnings, using the threat of cutting them off from the app to cow any resistance. And above all, Lyft and Uber's "disruption" often came down to a willful refusal to abide by pre-existing regulations meant to ensure that drivers could earn a living wage, that consumers would be protected in the case of accidents or from the bad behavior of drivers, etc. As a policy historian, however, I find the extension of "disruption" into social institutions the most troubling. Transportation, health care, education, etc. are absolutely vital for the functioning of modern society and are incredibly complex systems that require a lot of expertise and experience to understand, let alone change. Letting a bunch of billionaires impose technocratic "reforms" on them from above, simply because they say they're really smart or because they donate a bunch of money, is a really bad idea - especially because when we see what the "disruptors" actually propose and/or do, it often shows them to be very ordinary (if not actively stupid) people who don't really know what they're doing.
Elon Musk's Loop is an inherently worse idea than mass transit. His drive for self-driving cars is built on lies. Pretty much all of the Silicon Valley firms that have tried to "disrupt" in the area of transportation end up reinventing the wheel and proposing the creation of buses or trolleys or subways.
Theranos was a giant fraud that endangered the lives of thousands in pursuit of an impossible goal that, even if it ould have been achieved, wouldn't have made much of a difference in people's lives compared to other, more fruitful areas of biotech and medical research.
From Bill Gates to Mark Zuckerburg, Silicon Valley billionaires have plunged huge amounts of philanthropy dollars into all kinds of interventions in public education, from smaller classrooms to MOOCs to teacher testing to curriculum reform to charter schools. The track record of these reforms has been pretty uniformly abysmal, because it turns out that educational outcomes are shaped by pretty much every social force you can think of and educational systems are really complex and difficult to measure.
So yeah, fuck disruptors.
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nanowrimo · 2 years
5 Tips for Completing Your NaNoWriMo Novel Draft
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Every year, we’re lucky to have great sponsors for our nonprofit events. Freewrite, a 2022 NaNoWriMo sponsor, is a dedicated drafting device designed just for writers, free of distractions. Today, comedian/writer Natalie Kim and Freewrite staff member Colin Butts share a few tips for helping you reach the end of your first draft this November:
Hello from Freewrite!  We’re thrilled to be taking part in the 2022 NaNoWriMo challenge. If you’re unfamiliar, we make dedicated drafting devices for writers without the distraction—or temptation—of browsers, email, apps, or notifications so you can get into and stay in writing flow. When it is time to edit, your drafts seamlessly sync with the cloud for export into Scrivener, Final Draft, Word, Google Docs, or your software of choice.
At the core of Freewrite’s design philosophy is an encouragement to move you forward. Intentionally lacking editing capabilities, Freewrite drafting devices help writers write more, not better. In this case, quantity trumps quality.
Ok, enough about Freewrite. How about insight from 2020 NaNoWriMo participant Natalie Kim about her experience drafting her project and what tips she has for you going in:
1. Make it a ritual
For NaNoWriMo in November 2020 I committed to writing after dinner, no matter what. Once my butt sank into our cat-scratched chair, my fingers immediately danced across my Freewrite keyboard and did not stop until I hit 1000 words. A car filled with clowns could have crashed into my living room and I would continue typing.
Also, there is no question that writing on the Freewrite helped me reach 50,000+ words. Had I used my laptop to write I would have 50+ browser tabs open, searching for “JUST ONE MORE THING”.
With the Freewrite it was just me and the words.
2. Always move forward
I remember the advice an instructor in a graduate film writing class said about the first draft. He said: “Never go back and edit your first draft while you are writing it. Always move forward”. I followed his advice and I did not read what I had written. I gave it the cold shoulder and moved on.
3. Guard your mind from the noise
Try an experiment during NaNoWriMo: Refrain from consuming media like podcasts, episodic shows or mindlessly scrolling social media on your phone. 
And before you throw your sneaker at me, hear me out.
Your mind is a valuable resource that must be protected from the mediocre din of every day society. You never know where your next precious idea will appear: walking back from the coffee shop, loading the dishwasher or driving back from the mechanic. Our greatest ideas emerge when we have a clear mind; free from other people’s ideas and voices. 
4. When you’ve reached 50,000 words
In Stephen King’s book, On Writing, King says that when you finish the first rough draft you need distance from it. King believes that if you read the first draft too soon you will be tempted to tinker with it. You might think it is harmless to tinker but it ultimately results in your work looking become a loaf of bread vivisected by a toddler: a doughy, crumbly mess.
Instead give the rough draft some breathing space. Then come back to it.
5. In conclusion
Please do feel free to use the helpful advice and throw out the rest. Go forth with confidence and be steadfast with your writing. 
50,000 words, here you come!
Don’t forget to check out Freewrite’s special discount offer for NaNoWriMo writers! 
Natalie Kim is a comedian who likes to remind everyone that we are not as different as we think we are. This summer, she was a resident of St. Nell’s Humor Writing Residency for Women and performed in clubs around New York City. She is currently working on a collection of humorous essays about being the tough-talking, loud mouth kid from Suffolk County, Long Island.
As Head of Marketing for Freewrite, Colin Butts loves hearing from creative writers about their ideas and stories in development. Helping to provide a product that removes barriers for drafting artists makes his work deeply purposeful. Colin loves to read, is starting his own first short story, and enjoys adventure travel, yoga, and video games when he’s not busy in the literary world.
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coworkingspaceinpune · 5 months
Finding Your Perfect Fit: Tips for Choosing the Right Coworking Space in Pune
In today’s fast-paced business landscape, the choice of workspace plays a pivotal role in the success of entrepreneurs, freelancers, and startups alike. For professionals in the tech industry, where flexibility, collaboration, and innovation are paramount, selecting the right coworking space in Pune can make all the difference.
Tech workers frequently encounter particular difficulties at work, such as the requirement for specialist tools or the desire for an exciting and innovative environment. Thankfully, Pune’s coworking spaces meet these demands by providing a variety of facilities, services, and tech-specific networking opportunities.
Tech professionals frequently lament the lack of access to state-of-the-art infrastructure and equipment. A lot of new businesses and independent contractors find it difficult to pay the hefty overhead of opening an office. At a fraction of the price, coworking spaces in Pune provide cutting-edge amenities like ergonomic workstations, conference rooms, and high-speed internet. For instance, Spaces Coworking in Pune provides a specialized tech hub with the newest hardware and software, allowing tech workers to interact and work effectively.
Another challenge faced by tech professionals is the need for a collaborative environment conducive to innovation and creativity. Traditional office settings often lack the energy and dynamism required to foster brainstorming sessions and idea generation. Co Working spaces in Pune address this pain point by curating vibrant communities of like-minded individuals from diverse backgrounds. By working alongside fellow tech enthusiasts, professionals can exchange ideas, share insights, and form valuable partnerships. Testimonials from members of The Mesh Cowork in Pune attest to the supportive and collaborative atmosphere that has helped them overcome creative blocks and achieve their goals.
Additionally, tech workers frequently look for chances to advance their careers and increase their skill sets. Coworking spaces in Pune organize a range of professional development workshops, seminars, and networking events for individuals working in the tech sector. For example, The Daftar Coworking Space in Pune frequently arranges hackathons and coding bootcamps, giving tech workers access to the newest trends and technology and invaluable learning opportunities.
In conclusion, choosing the right coworking space in Pune is essential for tech professionals looking to thrive in today’s competitive market. By considering factors such as infrastructure, community, and opportunities for growth, professionals can find their perfect fit and unlock their full potential in the dynamic and innovative ecosystem of coworking spaces in Pune.
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harshtechseo · 6 months
Top 10+ Free Forum Posting Sites List for 2024
In the digital age, where connections are made with a click and conversations span continents, online forums remain a cornerstone of the internet community.
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These virtual gathering places serve as hubs of discussion, information exchange, and camaraderie for individuals with shared interests. Whether you're seeking advice, sharing knowledge, or simply engaging in lively debates, forums offer a platform where voices can be heard and connections can be forged. In this ever-evolving landscape, here are ten free forum posting sites that stand out as beacons of community in 2024.
1. Proko
Website: Proko
Artists and art enthusiasts converge on Proko's forum, where discussions range from technique tips to critique sessions, fostering a supportive community of creatives.
2. Rocket Software
Website: Rocket Software
With a focus on technology and software development, Rocket Software's forum provides a platform for professionals to share insights, troubleshoot issues, and collaborate on projects.
3. Roomstyler
Website: Roomstyler
Interior design aficionados gather on Roomstyler's forum to exchange ideas, showcase their designs, and seek inspiration for their next home decor project.
4. Ads of the World
Website: Ads of the World
Marketers, advertisers, and creative minds converge on Ads of the World's forum to dissect the latest ad campaigns, share industry insights, and brainstorm ideas for future projects.
5. RoutineHub
Website: RoutineHub
Developers and enthusiasts of iOS shortcuts gather on RoutineHub's forum to share their creations, troubleshoot issues, and collaborate on new shortcut ideas to streamline daily tasks.
6. Reddcoin Wiki
Website: Reddcoin Wiki
Crypto enthusiasts and supporters of Reddcoin engage in discussions on the Reddcoin Wiki forum, sharing news, updates, and insights into the world of digital currencies and blockchain technology.
7. Plaza Pública CDMX
Website: Plaza Pública CDMX
Citizens of Mexico City gather on Plaza Pública CDMX's forum to discuss local issues, share resources, and organize community events, fostering civic engagement and participation.
8. Kitsu
Website: Kitsu
Anime and manga fans unite on Kitsu's forum to discuss their favorite series, recommend new titles, and connect with like-minded individuals who share their passion for Japanese pop culture.
9. Glitch
Website: Glitch
Developers and creators converge on Glitch's forum to share coding tips, troubleshoot issues, and collaborate on projects using Glitch's collaborative coding platform.
10. Product Hunt
Website: Product Hunt
Entrepreneurs, innovators, and tech enthusiasts gather on Product Hunt's forum to discover and discuss the latest products, apps, and startups making waves in the digital world.
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In a world where digital connections often feel fleeting and ephemeral, online forums offer a sense of community and belonging that transcends geographical boundaries. Whether you're a seasoned professional seeking to expand your network or a hobbyist looking to connect with others who share your passions, these free forum posting sites provide a platform where voices can be heard, ideas can be exchanged, and meaningful connections can be forged. So dive in, join the conversation, and become a part of the vibrant online communities that define the internet landscape in 2024.
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a-halo-for-you · 1 year
Useful Online Resources for Creative Students
Tips to controlling your creative chaos.
Studying Creative Writing and Theatre led me to exploring more about myself as an individual as well as an aspiring writer and actress. And in my writing I managed to compile a few more secret helpers to my party so when I am on the verge of a meltdown due to stress and writer’s block, there’s always a helping hand to get me out of a tricky situation. 
Every writer has their tools, from their brain to the type of pen they most prefer to make notes with and which software they prefer to work on. In this article I will be going through some of the tools that have best helped me through my time at university. 
⊱ ────── The Dictionary and Thesaurus ────── ⊰
I know, I know, not particularly exciting and original but it is imperative for us to have these at the ready, whether through technological means of the internet or in printed editions. We have all been in that place where there is a word on the tip of our tongues but we just can’t find it and that is where these come to our rescue. 
⊱ ────── YouTube ────── ⊰
YouTube has plenty of channels dedicated to writing, publishing, editing etc. It also has footage of our beloved authors who give plenty of valuable advice from their extensive experience in the job. It is also home to many wonderful playlist channels- no doubt helping me with the flow of my stories a few times or concentrating on studying an essay. 
⊱ ────── Spotify ───── ⊰
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Speaking of music! Music is probably a number one for me personally, it creates the atmosphere internally before you cry, sweat and bleed it out onto the pages yourself with your own words. Spotify is my favourite as with a student discount you can get a premium membership that means no advertisement interruptions. You can also spend time creating different playlists for different works, for characters, settings or a collective emotion.
⊱ ────── Pinterest ────── ⊰
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Now, if you have not come across the wonders of pinterest I must direct it towards you as some are stimulated by music others are stimulated by photos. Helping to visualise characters, clothing, setting they have many wonderful photos for this, as well as plenty of information that can be shared on history, culture, creative ways to get rid of a body etc. There are also posts specifically tuned for writers, a large amount coming from Tumblr blogs which I would also recommend looking at. 
⊱ ────── Reedsy ────── ⊰
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The next site I recommend is Reedsy. Reedsy is an online blog and website that connects writers, editors, artists and publishers. They have writing software where you can write your book in a publishable format, they have apps and tools that vary from generators and prompts to online classes that you can subscribe to. They also have writing competitions which help to create portfolios for new writers. At Reedsy you can meet other like minded individuals through the marketplace and post for your online portfolio.
⊱ ────── Fantasy Name Generators ────── ⊰
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Now to some writers, using Generators can seem like a cheat but if you’re stuck then this website is a good place to go, whether you’re struggling with world-building or character creation and need some good names there’s always something you can find and note down. A tip to give would be to take two names and mix them to come up with something new, that way it also feels a little less of a cheat. 
Finishing here, I hope that any of these tools are useful for you as they have been for me in organising my creative chaos. And my last piece of advice for any unpublished writer or writing student would be not to compare your works in progress with any published works. Who knows which draft number it is so don’t compare it to your first!
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skill-guru · 2 months
Transforming Lives: The Skill Guru Foundation Journey To Empower Youth
In a world where the divide between privilege and poverty continues to widen, the importance of education and skill development cannot be overstated. The Skill Guru Foundation stands at the forefront of this battle, bridging the gap between opportunity and underprivileged communities. With a heart full of compassion and a mission grounded in action, The Skill Guru Foundation is committed to transforming lives through education and skill development.
The Genesis of The Skill Guru Foundation
The Skill Guru Foundation was born out of a deep-seated belief that every child, regardless of their socio-economic background, deserves the opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed. Our journey began with a simple yet powerful vision: to create an online platform where corporate employees, retired individuals, and skilled volunteers could connect with underprivileged children and provide them with the guidance and mentorship they need to thrive.
This vision has grown into a thriving community of mentors and students, each committed to the shared goal of education for all. Through our programs, we have seen firsthand the transformative power of knowledge and skills in breaking the cycle of poverty.
Empowering Through Education
At the heart of our mission is the belief that education is the most powerful tool for empowerment. The Skill Guru Foundation provides a unique platform where skilled professionals can share their knowledge with those who need it most. Whether it’s through one-on-one calls, messaging, or virtual classrooms, our volunteers are making a real difference in the lives of the children they mentor.
Our programs focus on a wide range of skills, from basic literacy and numeracy to more advanced subjects like digital marketing, video editing, and software testing. We believe in equipping our students with the tools they need to succeed in a rapidly changing world. By providing them with relevant skills, we are not just preparing them for the future; we are helping them build it.
A Holistic Approach to Skill Development
The Skill Guru Foundation is more than just an educational platform. We take a holistic approach to skill development, recognizing that true empowerment comes from nurturing the whole person. Our programs are designed to build confidence, foster creativity, and encourage critical thinking.
We understand that every child is unique, and so are their needs. That’s why our mentoring approach is tailored to each student, ensuring that they receive the support they need to overcome their individual challenges. Whether it’s helping a child develop a passion for learning or providing them with the skills to secure a better future, our mentors are dedicated to making a lasting impact.
The Role of Corporate Partnerships
Our mission would not be possible without the support of our corporate partners. Companies and their employees play a crucial role in our programs, offering not only financial support but also the time and expertise of their staff. These partnerships allow us to expand our reach and impact, ensuring that more children can benefit from our programs.
Corporate employees who volunteer with The Skill Guru Foundation find it to be a rewarding experience that enriches both their personal and professional lives. By sharing their knowledge and skills, they are giving back to the community in a meaningful way and helping to create a brighter future for the next generation.
Success Stories: The Impact of The Skill Guru Foundation
The true measure of our success lies in the stories of the children we serve. Each one represents a life changed, a future made brighter by the opportunities we provide. From the young girl who, through our digital marketing program, discovered a passion for technology, to the boy who, with the help of our mentors, gained the confidence to pursue higher education—these are the stories that inspire us to continue our work.
One of our most heartwarming success stories is that of a young boy named Ravi. Ravi came from a family where education was not a priority, and he struggled to keep up in school. Through our program, Ravi was paired with a mentor who recognized his potential and provided him with the support he needed. Today, Ravi is excelling in his studies and dreams of becoming a software engineer. His story is a testament to the power of mentorship and the difference that one person can make in a child’s life.
Looking Ahead: The Future of The Skill Guru Foundation
As we look to the future, The Skill Guru Foundation remains committed to our mission of empowering underprivileged children through education and skill development. We are continually expanding our programs, reaching more children and offering new opportunities for growth and learning.
Our vision for the future is a world where every child has the chance to succeed, regardless of their background. We believe that through education and mentorship, we can make this vision a reality. But we cannot do it alone. We need the continued support of our volunteers, corporate partners, and donors to help us reach our goals.
How You Can Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved with The Skill Guru Foundation. Whether you’re a skilled professional looking to give back, a company interested in partnering with us, or someone who simply wants to make a difference, there is a place for you in our community.
Volunteering your time, donating funds, or spreading the word about our work are all powerful ways to contribute to our mission. By getting involved, you are helping to create a brighter future for children who need it most.
Conclusion: A Call to Action
The work of The Skill Guru Foundation is not just about education; it’s about transformation. We are changing lives, one child at a time, by providing the tools and support they need to build a better future. But we cannot do it alone. We need your help to continue our mission and expand our reach.
Join us in our journey to empower the next generation. Together, we can make a lasting impact and create a world where every child has the opportunity to succeed.
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Michael Jackson Vector Face Drawing Pack
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The "Michael Jackson Vector Face Drawing" pack is an essential companion for design enthusiasts and artists looking to capture the iconic essence of Michael Jackson through vector drawing. With a wide range of optimized and verified file formats, this pack provides immediate access to SVG, AI, EPS, PNG, JPEG, and PDF, ensuring unparalleled flexibility in the creative process.
Package Contents:
SVG Files: Perfect for scalable vector graphics, ideal for print and web.
AI Files: Compatible with Adobe Illustrator, offering full control over stroke manipulation.
EPS Files: Suitable for import into a variety of vector graphics software.
PNG Files: Transparency included for easy use on various colored backgrounds.
JPEG Files: Ideal for online sharing and high-quality printing.
PDF Files: Optimal for professional printing and document sharing.
Possible Artistic Applications:
T-shirts: Create unique shirts celebrating the music icon.
Murals: Immerse spaces with Michael Jackson's energy through bold and vibrant murals.
Mugs and Cups: Customize your daily beverages with the legendary face of MJ.
Tapestries: Add a touch of elegance to your home with Michael Jackson-inspired tapestries.
Stickers: Decorate laptops, bags, and more with stickers paying homage to the king of pop.
Flags: Display your love for Michael Jackson with custom flags.
Tattoos: Permanent or temporary, carry Michael Jackson's legacy on your skin.
Decals: Versatile decorations for cars, windows, and more.
Glass and Wood: Experiment with different materials to create unique art pieces.
Other Creative Possibilities: Let your imagination run wild and create unique items that reflect your passion for Michael Jackson.
Legal Usage:
This vector drawing can be used for both personal and commercial purposes. While you are free to sell your creations made with this graphic, resale of the source files and design is strictly prohibited, as well as online distribution of the files. This ensures the protection of the original artwork and its creators, preserving its value and authenticity in the creative market.
Final Note:
With the "Michael Jackson Vector Face Drawing" pack, Michael Jackson's artistic legacy comes to life through your creations. Explore the creative potential of this vector drawing and add a touch of the magic of the king of pop to your artistic projects.
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harmonyhealinghub · 2 months
Celebrating a Creative Milestone: 1000 Designs on Canva! Shaina Tranquilino July 31, 2024
I am beyond excited to share a fantastic milestone with all of you today! 🎉 I recently received a notification from Canva, awarding me a cute milestone badge for creating 1000 designs! This achievement feels incredibly rewarding and motivates me to continue my creative journey.
Canva: My Go-To Design Tool
For those of you who might not be familiar with Canva, it is a powerful, user-friendly design platform that caters to everyone—from beginners to professional designers. I use Canva extensively for my Etsy shop, Tumblr, blogging, and social media. Its versatility and ease of use make it an indispensable tool in my creative toolkit.
Why I Love Canva
User-Friendly Interface: Canva’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes designing easy and fun. Even if you’re a novice, you can create professional-looking designs with minimal effort.
Extensive Template Library: Canva offers a vast array of templates for every occasion and purpose, whether it’s for social media posts, marketing materials, or personal projects.
Free and Paid Options: Canva is free to use, with an optional membership (Canva Pro) for those who want to access more advanced features and a broader range of assets. The free version is incredibly robust, but the Pro version offers additional perks that are worth considering.
Collaboration Features: Canva allows you to collaborate with others on your designs, making it perfect for team projects or getting feedback from friends and colleagues.
Access Anywhere: Whether you’re on your computer or mobile device, Canva’s cloud-based platform ensures that your designs are always accessible.
How I Use Canva
Etsy Shop: I design product listings, promotional materials, and shop banners using Canva. The professional templates and customization options help me create eye-catching visuals that attract clients.
Tumblr: Canva helps me create engaging posts and blog headers that stand out in the Tumblr feed. The ability to customize each element means my Tumblr page always reflects my unique style.
Blogging: From blog post graphics to Pinterest pins, Canva provides all the tools I need to make my blog visually appealing. High-quality images and infographics make my content more engaging and shareable.
Social Media: Canva’s social media templates save me so much time. Whether I’m designing Instagram stories, Facebook posts, or Twitter headers, Canva has me covered with perfectly sized templates and a wealth of creative options.
Encouraging Creativity
If you haven’t tried Canva yet, I highly encourage you to give it a shot. It’s a fantastic tool for anyone looking to enhance their creative projects without the steep learning curve of more complex design software. And remember, it’s free to start, so there’s no risk in trying it out!
Reaching 1000 designs feels like a significant milestone, and I’m grateful for the journey so far. Each design has been a step towards honing my skills and expressing my creativity. Here’s to many more designs and milestones ahead!
Thank you for being part of my creative journey. Whether you’re an Etsy seller, a blogger, or just someone who loves to create, I hope Canva becomes as valuable a resource for you as it has been for me.
Happy designing! 🌟
Feel free to share your own Canva creations and milestones in the comments below. Let’s inspire each other to keep creating!
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Sources of wealth as per placement of Shree Lagna (SL) in birth chart:
1st house: If Shree Lagna (SL) is in the Ascendant or 1st house, you will earn through intelligent/intellectual work, freelance work/self entrepreneurship, creative works
2nd house: If Shree Lagna (SL) is in the 2nd house, you will earn through financial institutions, creative arts (like singing, literature etc.), you may also continue family business.
3rd house: If SL is in the 3rd house, you may earn through counseling, journalism, media related works, social media, software/IT related works, creative arts (writing/dancing/sculpture etc), travel & tourism, freelance work, online marketing etc.
4th house: If SL is in the 4th house, you may earn through agriculture, horticulture, environment related field, fishery, teaching, library related works, park related works, construction work, real estate, vehicles etc.
5th house: If SL is in the 5th house, you may earn through film industries, sexual work, spiritual/religious activities, share market, writing/authorship or any creative arts, teaching, or any intelligent/intellectual work, education related business etc.
6th house: If SL is in the 6th house, you may earn through foreign trade or foreign company, service oriented job or business, healing, diplomatic service, INGO etc.
7th house: If SL is in the 7th house, you may earn through self entrepreneurship, partnership business, any work that influences masses etc. You may also earn through foreign resources.
8th house: If SL is in the 8th house, you may earn through mystical/spiritual works, research, astrology, philosophy, healing, investigation (spying too), sexual work, healing, psychiatry, museum related works, insurance company etc. You may also earn through foreign resources.
SL in 8th house also indicates unconventional source of earning, marine related works etc.
9th house: If SL is in the 9th house, you may earn through religious work, preaching, publishing books, travel related works, counseling, professorship, research, advising etc.
10th house: If SL is in the 10th house, you may earn through reputed job, government field, and any kind of self entrepreneurship. Person can grow in whatever field he is interested.
11th house: If SL is in the 11th house, you may earn through innovative work, social network, social media, spiritual works, astrology etc. Person can grow in whatever field he is interested.
12th house: If SL is in the 12th house, you may earn through medical professions, any kind of healing, foreign land/company/trade, tourism etc.
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