#creative fannibaling
fragile-teacup · 2 years
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folie-a-deux · 3 months
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A unique one at that. I love it when Fannibals get creative. 😂
© lovewalk via Instagram
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defectivevillain · 2 years
this broken design
pairing: Hannibal Lecter/Reader
“Dr. Lecter?” You blink a few times, convinced that you’re dreaming. The man’s gleaming eyes and concerned expression seem a bit too realistic to be conjured by your sleeping mind, though. You’re not sure if you’ve ever seen him look worried. You quickly decide that you don’t like it.
“Hannibal, please,” the doctor responds nonchalantly. You stare at him in utter confusion. Just what is happening right now? You thought you were dreaming, but this feels a bit too vivid. “What are you doing out here?”
word count: 2.3k [ao3 version here]
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Reader’s pronouns are unspecified but masc-intended. You take the place of Will Graham, essentially. [Will is the mf blueprint and I love him,, I just wasn’t creative enough to think of a way to fit the reader into the story without replacing him ;( ]
Since Hannibal is your therapist, the relationship [although ambiguous] is ethically questionable. That’s par for the course to many Fannibals, but I’ll put this here in case you’re new to the fandom.
warnings: canon-typical violence, dissociation, breach of doctor/patient boundaries, insomnia, sleepwalking, cannibalism, spoilers for episode 1.
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Jack Crawford can’t take no for an answer. That’s nothing new, of course. However, it’s frustrating to constantly be on the receiving end of that disappointed glare of his. You can’t take it much longer. He seems to recognize that you’re beginning to break, because he calls in a doctor for your psychiatric evaluation: Doctor Hannibal Lecter. There’s one unspoken statement lingering in the air when you walk into the room: “You will pass this exam and return to the field.”
Against all odds, Dr. Lecter seems to be one of the more competent medical professionals you’ve worked with. He doesn’t poke or prod at things that make you uncomfortable, testing your limits to the maximum. He doesn’t look at you with the patronizing gaze you’re so used to receiving from your peers. Lecter looks at you and, sometimes, it feels as if he’s looking straight through you.
After passing the psychological evaluation—you have a strong suspicion that Dr. Lecter lied on those forms—you’re back on the field. Before long, Jack Crawford is ordering you to look at mangled bodies once more. You notice that it takes more out of you each time you look. Looking is exhausting and the longer you look, the more time it takes to return to your own body.
You’re able to cope until your encounter with the Minnesota Shrike. You feel your composure beginning to slip as you frantically look through files in the office of his construction site. Thankfully, you can finally put a name to the killer: Garret Jacob Hobbs. He’s a construction worker, a husband, and a father. The guy is entirely ordinary, almost scarily so.
When you arrive at the Hobbs’ residence minutes later, you can’t shake the feeling that he’s expecting you. The house is eerily silent and when you walk in, his wife is already dead. Dread churning in your stomach, you turn the corner, only to find Hobbs holding his daughter Abigail captive. There’s a knife pressed to her neck. The betrayed yet horrified expression on her face cements itself in your mind. You point your gun at him, but he slices her neck before you can shoot him. After firing one, two, three, nine shots, you kneel down and try to stifle Abigail’s bleeding. Your heart races in your chest and there’s a roaring noise in your ears. Amidst all the chaos, however, you can still sense Garret Jacob Hobbs staring at you with a sickening smirk on his face.
“See?” The man had asked, as the light faded from his eyes and his body slumped against the cabinets. You turn your attention back to Abigail, who is now gasping and panting heavily. Your hands shake as you desperately try to stop the bleeding. You’re too rattled to notice the sound of footsteps getting closer until there’s a hand on your shoulder. Dr. Lecter and you lock eyes and, even in the swirling mess of emotions running through your mind, there is overwhelming clarity. Dr. Lecter’s expression is far too calm. Just before you can contemplate that further, he’s gently pushing you to the side and tending to Abigail.
Everything after that passes in a blur. Abigail is taken to the hospital and Dr. Lecter accompanies her in the ambulance. Jack seems satisfied and disconcerted all at once. He pulls you aside and starts talking your ear off, but you admittedly can’t process anything of what he’s saying. Eventually, the agent gives up and leaves you to drive home. Even when you go to work the next morning, you can’t shake the grey haze that clings to your very being. “See?” Garret Jacob Hobbs’ voice rings in your ears. You did see; you only wish you hadn’t.
You begin to have weekly sessions with Dr. Lecter. Jack all but forces you to attend, but the sessions actually prove to be helpful. Dr. Lecter is certainly an eccentric character, that’s for sure. You’ve never quite met someone like him before, and you can’t decide if that’s a good thing or not. The therapist is certainly mysterious. You want to figure him out, but, at the same time, there’s a nagging feeling in the back of your mind that is still wary around him. You haven’t necessarily forgotten the strangely calm look on his face in the Hobbs house, the mechanical way with which he accepted the pervasive aura of death all around him.
As great as Dr. Lecter is, he can’t fix everything. Your sleep, for example, is continuing to tank by the day. Since your return to the field, it’s difficult to fall asleep and even more difficult to stay asleep. After the Hobbs incident, you’re plagued with nightmares of dark crimson rivers. A few times, you’re even forced to relive the encounter: the moment Abigail slumps to the ground, the moment you shoot Hobbs again and again and again-
The moral of the story is that you’re not sleeping well. Your sleep has never been great, but it’s also never been this bad. You muse on that thought as you lie reclined on your mattress, staring up at the ceiling. Exhaustion tugs at your very core, but your mind refuses to slow down for even a moment. A voice in the back of your mind tells you that you shouldn’t even try to go to sleep, unless you want to slip into a killer’s skin once more. After staring up at the ceiling for an immeasurable amount of time, your eyes finally begin to fall shut.
Shadows seep into your eyes, coloring your vision dark. For a moment, there’s nothing but darkness. Garret Jacob Hobbs greets you like an old friend, his whispers ripping through your skin and into your very core. You claw at your head and close your eyes, desperate to rid yourself of his haunting voice. Somehow, your effort seems to work and you can’t hear his murmurs anymore. You want to drown in the shadowed void that stretches around you but, suddenly, there are two lights ripping through the blackness. You put a hand over your eyes as the brightness burns holes in your vision. Your eyes water and it takes several seconds for the graininess around you to disappear. To your surprise, there’s a car parked just to your left. You take a step forward and squint at the driver. The window rolls down slowly and your breath catches. A shiver rolls down your spine, and it’s not just the cold air that causes it. 
“Dr. Lecter?” You blink a few times, convinced that you’re dreaming. The man’s gleaming eyes and concerned expression seem a bit too realistic to be conjured by your sleeping mind, though. You’re not sure if you’ve ever seen him look worried, and you quickly decide that you don’t like it.
“Hannibal, please,” the doctor responds nonchalantly. You stare at him in utter confusion. Just what is happening right now? You thought you were dreaming, but this feels a bit too vivid. “What are you doing out here?”
“I-” You try to say, but the words are stuck in your throat. His statement prompts you to look around and find out where exactly here is. Ultimately, you realize that you’re standing in the center of a road. It’s pretty dark outside. You look down and find that you’re still wearing your pajamas—a ragged shirt and sweatpants. Furthermore, there are scrapes lining your arms. You inhale sharply, beginning to feel panic seep into your bones.
Hannibal’s car door swings open and he moves to stand next to you. The therapist is dressed nicely, as always. You’d be more self conscious about your own attire if you didn’t feel so discombobulated. “What is the last thing you remember?” The man asks. You pause to ponder the question.
“Falling asleep,” you answer, after thinking about the past few hours. You were staring up at your bedroom ceiling. You must’ve fallen asleep at some point. There’s an infuriating lack of information- a gap from when you fell asleep to when you found yourself staring at the headlights of Hannibal’s car.
Silence settles in the air, thick and uncomfortable. You don’t know what to do or say, that could possibly justify this. Truly, one moment you were in bed and the next, you were standing in the middle of the road. You don’t exactly want to tell Hannibal that, but he seems to recognize the sentiment anyway. His brows are furrowed and his lips are pursed as he stares at you. His gaze is insistent and heated, so much so that you have to look away—lest you get burned.
“Come on,” Hannibal says. There’s an authoritative tone to his voice and you follow along instinctually. He helps you to his car with a hand on your shoulder. For a moment, you shiver in the passenger seat as he stares at you. Hannibal then shakes his head and takes off his jacket, putting it around your shoulders. You vaguely recognize that you must look truly pathetic, but you’re too cold not to burrow into the smooth fabric.
The moment he starts driving, you begin to remember your exhaustion. In actuality, you never got that much sleep. Judging from the radio in Hannibal’s car, it’s only two in the morning. You were only asleep for two hours and, yet, you walked all the way outside to the road. Gritting your teeth, you decide to look out the window. Despite your fatigue, your body doesn’t want to succumb to slumber. You have to settle for staring bleakly out the window.
“We’ve arrived,” Hannibal later announces. You blink dazedly, looking out the window to find a beautiful gothic home looming over you. Just before you can grab the door and get out, Hannibal is on the other side opening it for you. You fall in step beside him and allow him to lead you down the walk towards his home. He opens the door and allows you to enter first.
You feel extraordinary out of place here, as you usually do in Hannibal’s presence. The foyer has an elegant fireplace and deep blue accents. Paintings decorate the walls and there’s a vase of freshly trimmed flowers on one of the tables. You can see Hannibal having an internal debate with himself about giving you a formal tour or telling you about the pieces. He turns back to you expectantly and you follow him into the living room. You freeze in the doorway, upon realizing that you’re still wearing your shoes (which you don’t remember putting on in the first place). You quickly bend down and try to untie them, but your hands are trembling too much to do it.  
“Allow me,” Hannibal says, getting down on one knee. To your horror and humiliation, he proceeds to help you untie your shoes. You avert your eyes, feeling as if your skin is on fire. He must sense your discomfort, because he arches an eyebrow at you before untying them a little faster. Thankfully, Hannibal doesn’t offer to fetch you clean socks- you’re certain you’d die of embarrassment. Instead, the moment your shoes are off, he guides you to sit on the finely trimmed settee.
For a fraction of a second, when you look up at Hannibal, you see the cold, calculated gaze of a practiced killer. “You’re freezing,” Hannibal remarks. You swallow hard and watch with bated breath as he leaves the room. Perhaps you just imagined that. You look around the room, unsurprised to see hints of animals everywhere—what with the mounted antelope head and various skulls resting on the table behind you.
The Chesapeake Ripper sees his victims as animals, as pigs. You’re not quite sure why the killer comes to mind now of all times. Even so, you try to think about what you’ve gathered about him so far. He’s a middle-aged man with no current family. His tastes are eccentric and his murders are artistic performances. Furthermore, the killer is slippery. You’ve only found clues because, you suspect, he wanted you to find them. The killer is narcissistic; he knows he won’t be caught and prides himself on that fact.
Your head aches with the sleep you haven’t gotten. You rub at your eyes roughly, unable to shake the feeling that you’re on the crux of a realization. The Chesapeake Ripper… The killer refuses to leave your mind. Why is that thought plaguing you here, of all places? You’re in Hannibal’s residence, staring at the rather macabre animal imagery around the space, when it hits you. Everything clicks into place: the conveniently timed dinner parties, the luxurious lifestyle, the entire lack of shock on his face at the Hobbs’ house.
It appears you’ve found the Chesapeake Ripper.
Hannibal chooses that exact moment to reappear. There’s a blanket folded over his arm and a mug in his hands. He seamlessly weaves through the room, coming to a stop over you. You look up at him from your position on the couch. “Are you alright?” You nod mutely, not trusting yourself to speak. The clock on the wall ticks ominously. Your hands are still trembling at your sides, so badly that Hannibal reaches out and cups them in his with a worried expression. You’re certain your teeth are chattering in your mouth. You’re going to die. You’ll be the next Chesapeake Ripper victim. When you close your eyes, you see your colleagues from the Behavioral Analysis Unit staring down at your corpse on the investigation table. You take a deep breath and try to remain calm. Your heart is thundering away in your chest and you know you must look suitably harrowed.
Hannibal extends a hand and you realize that the Chesapeake Ripper is giving you a cup of tea. You watch mutedly as an organ harvester gently cleans the scrapes on your skin. A coldhearted cannibal is placing a hand on your cheek and looking into your eyes, searching for something. A murderer is placing a blanket over your shoulders.
Hannibal sits down after his thorough investigation. Meanwhile, there’s one thought running through your mind: You can’t fall asleep here. You absolutely can’t let your guard down in front of the Chesapeake Ripper, the very cannibal you’ve been chasing for years. You sip the proffered tea and pretend that everything is alright. Hannibal seems content to sit with you in silence, although you can sense his gaze burning into the side of your face. Stay awake, you tell yourself. Stay alive.
Your eyes slip shut of their own accord
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chapter two
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Mwahahahah. AHAHHAHAHH…. Yes. I had to get that out, lol.
The untying of the shoes scene is a slight allusion to the Death Note scene in which L washes Light's feet. That's one of my favorite scenes in the series, as it hints at the parallels between L/Light and Jesus/Judas and the idea of recognizing betrayal before it comes. [Unfortunately, feet also gross me the hell out, so I settled for the untying of the shoes. Haha.]
This is entirely unrelated, but i got my dna results back and apparently i’m lithuanian 😏 [it’s not that significant or specific of a percentage, but just lemme have this 🙏]. hannibal, if ur reading this, i’m just like you frrrr 😮‍💨 except minus, yk, the cannibalism.
anyway, thanks for reading <3
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disasterbuck · 3 months
screenshot friday sunday
tagged by @firefighterevandiaz @dangerpronebuddie @sunflower-eddiediaz 💕
The rules are simple: take a photo or screenshot any part of a current WIP (or finished/posted work if you prefer), and share it 🤍 open to any kind of creative work!
I'm gonna share some snippets from the buddie text fic I'm currently working on with @veronae-buddie. It's an AU where Buck meets Eddie through dispatch instead of Abby. Eddie sees Buck on tv and reaches out and they keep texting from there.
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No pressure tagging:
@dluoser @taketheplanspinitsideways @loudenthusiastic @wallywise @mxrcjqckspnchqsc
@i-am-married-to-my-fandom @therosesaredying @stillfuckingtired @classtrialguru @speggle
@awesome-igi @natnuszsstuff @olliesrants @crazyfangirlallert @delirium1995
@brah3280 @meanceclosetohell @anythingeverythingallofthetime @izzysbeans @sunflower-eddiediaz
@darkrose6578 @veronae-buddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @loveyouanyway @inell
@spicyrottingbrains @gnoeltop @idealuk @donationwayne @lemotmo
@firefighterevandiaz @realpersonwithrealfeelings @superlock-in-the-tardis @mjthe14thdoctor @strxwbereee
@idontknowwhatimdoing777 @ashleigh2658 @mari-lwyd-fannibal-blog @mineyneedsmoney @faithhopeandmisery
@spotsandsocks @unlifeira @tofanasmuse @pirrusstuff
Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed 💕
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OK SO!! Appreciation post for my mutuals and people who support me because yall are amazing and i genuinely enjoy interacting and talking with you guys and your just so creative and cool and funny and i look forward to talking and interacting with you guys everyday. Your support and love is appreciated and sent back in ten folds 🩵-from your fellow swiftie, Fannibal and ironclaw fan
@cannibalovers @idledreams4 @moonheart1313
@thesunoficarus1 @headphone-gremlin @agoraphobiaismyname @all-hail-supernatural
@lonelylesbian2 @cannibalsamruby
@daysofyellowroses @idksmtms @deerainy
(I’m sorry if I’m forgetting anybody, just know i do appreciate you all, and thank you for all the support and love)
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transhanniday · 2 years
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Upcoming Collection of Trans* Fannibal Experiences
Adapt. Evolve. Become: The Genderqueer Fandom of Hannibal
Submissions close 1st March 2023 *Trans in this instance is used as an umbrella term to include transgender, non-binary, genderqueer and otherwise non-cis people.  We have not sought to exclude intersex people in this definition, however not all intersex people identify as trans* and those who do are included under the above umbrella.
For TransHanniDay 2023 (8th April) we will be publishing a collection of fanfiction, essays, creative nonfiction, personal accounts and art about being non-cis in the Hannibal Fandom. 
The show has resonated with many queer fans, and we know that being in the Hannibal, Hannigram and Hannibal Extended Universe fandom, and the support of Fannibals has been part of many people's gender identity journeys. We want to capture that in a fandom led volume of fanfiction and non-fiction, featuring essays, creative nonfiction, personal accounts and art. If you are interested in contributing please read on!
How to submit: Submissions close 1st March. Submit via google form HERE  
Who should submit: Please ONLY SUBMIT IF:
you are aged 18 or over. For the sake of legalities, we are only accepting submissions from those legally considered adults in the region of publication - UK.
you are transgender, non-binary, genderqueer or otherwise non-cis. 
What to submit:
Creative nonfiction
Personal account
Art If you’d like to submit something else, please DM us on tumblr or twitter to discuss
One submission per person with the following exceptions: 
You may submit art and one form of fiction or nonfiction
You may submit one piece of fiction and one piece of nonfiction
Via one of the above mediums, we want you to explore with us in as much or little detail as you’d like, your journey as a non-cis Fannibal in the Hannibal fandom, and/or the impact NBCs Hannibal has had on your gender journey. 
A few points for consideration you may wish to explore: 
Whilst fanfiction will be accepted, our preference is for stories that explore what it is to be trans*
Has the show and/or being part of the fandom helped you explore your gender, or made you feel more confident in expressing it - even if only online. 
Has the fandom helped you with your transition and/or medical needs, such as donating for trans-clothing or surgeries? 
Do you want to write an essay exploring the connection between NBCs Hannibal and non-cis fans? Or perhaps one arguing that Will Graham is trans-coded?
Do you want to submit art of Hannibal, Will or another character that expresses how you feel about your own gender identity?
PLEASE NOTE: if your submission is successful you are welcome to use your real name or an online handle for authorship, but you will have the option to publish anonymously or under a pseudonym if you would prefer. 
Word counts: 
Minimum of 100 words Maximum of 7000 words  We would prefer to keep the word count around 3000, but understand that essays and fanfiction for example may go up to 7000 words, which is our maximum limit. 
Art submissions must come with a summary of your experience and/or what you are expressing in the art, this need not be more than a few sentences. 
Compensation: As a fan-led project we do not have any funding and so cannot offer monetary compensation. However, all contributors will receive at the least an e-copy of the collection. 
Due to the timeline it is unlikely we’ll be able to produce print copies, however if we are able to make print copies available these will either by not for profit or the resultant proceeds will be donated to appropriate charities.
Content Restrictions: 
Contributors must be transgender, non-binary, genderqueer or otherwise non-cis 
Contributions must relate to NBCs Hannibal and/or the fandom
The contribution must be your original work
Non-fiction: reprints maybe accepted, please query us via twitter or tumblr
Fanfiction: this can be old fanfic, including fic previously posted online including AO3
Fanart: this can be old fanart, including any previously published online
Explicit works are allowed, however more graphic works might not be accepted
It should go without saying, but we will not accept bigotry and hate speech: We may consider works that feature these things but do not glorify them. For example, we will consider works that discuss transphobia but not works that are transphobic.
Will there be automatic acceptances?
As this is all about personal experiences and relationships to the subject matter rather than a theme, we’re not going to be looking at it in the same way as other fanthologies might. That said, there won’t be any automatic acceptances, we will have to have a limit depending on the number of submissions. 
It is likely that all accepted pieces will be lightly edited for readability, but there will be no changes to the essence of the works. 
Anticipated Timeline: This is subject to some change.
January 1st - 31st: Submissions March 1st - 10th: Reading period March 10th: Final selection contributors will be notified March: Editing and formatting March 25th - 31st: Promo April 8th: Publication
What is Trans Hannigram Day?
Trans Hannigram Day or TransHanniDay is a day of celebration for trans* fanworks and creators in the Hannibal, Hannigram and Hannibal Extended Universe fandom. On this day old and new fanworks are shared with the intention of filling the timeline with trans* love!
Originally this event was Transcendence Fest, first held in December 2020. The first TransHanniDay was held on 8th April in 2022 in reaction to the release of a certain movie on that day.
Will this collection only be focused on Hannigram?
Technically the focus is on the fans, but we know the influence of NBCs Hannibal and the fandom itself goes beyond Hannigram. Both in written works and in art, other characters are accepted including those from NBCs Hannibal and those from other Mads and Hugh projects (Hannibal Extended Universe). 
For example, if Bedelia De Maurier or Adam Raki resonated with you as part of your gender journey, we’d love to hear about it. 
How can I prove I’m Trans*?
We aren't expecting you to and in no way expect you to out yourself either online or in real life. We will take on trust that you are who and what you say you are, including if you are questioning, between labels or do not like to use labels. 
As noted above, those who would feel more comfortable doing so, can have their work published under a pseudonym or anonymously. 
Who is publishing this collection?
This collection will be edited and published by Max Turner. Max is a gay transgender writer based in the UK, a Fannibal and the publisher of online publication A Coup of Owls. 
This publication will not be associated with A Coup of Owls, but will receive some promotion. 
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felidfannibal · 1 year
Hello i just wanna say sup to new followers and a heartfelt thanku to anyone whose reblogged my dalou inspired paintin recently cause ive been in a wee bit of a rut and reading all of the nice compliments rekindled some of the flame to continie creating. Just like. Knowing fannibals are still out there being one of the most supportive and delightful types of humans ive ever had the priviledge of crossing paths with made me really fucking happy in a world where everything feels a little too 'going through the motions'.
anyway if ur a person who takes any amount of time to appreciate the creative efforts of others you are a priceless and irreplaceable part of the art process and i respect the hell out of the energy it takes to leave a nice comment on somethin.
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honeygrahambitch · 1 year
So I'm new the the Hannibal fandom is hrab and wobster a typical level of shenanigans? I'm loving it, just curious.
I mean I joined the fandom 6 months ago so im not very old in terms of being part of it. I watched the series 3 years ago but only joined the fandom a lot later. But basically yeah hrab and wobster are rocking!!
And absolutely the typical level of shenanigans, the fannibals are extremely creative <333333
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hotmessteaparty · 2 years
Tagged by @insanityofvaas again, you are awesome pal 💕
3 ships:
Vaason (Vaas Montenegro x Jason Brody) which is obvious since I talk about little to no other thing here :D these two will always be my ride or die
Hannigram (Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham) believe it or not, I'm a huge ass fannibal and I considered writing fics about them several times but I'm just too scared. I feel like I'm not smart enough to write any of those two. Same goes for another big ship of mine (Johnlock)
Ghost x Soap x König which is the only throuple I ship and I would die for them. There is so much lovely art out there, especially on Twitter and patreon ❤️
first ever ship
Don't laugh at me but it's actually Drarry 😂 and this blog was a Drarry Blog when I first created Tumblr 😬😂 not so much of a Potter head anymore, due to jkr being a fucking psycho and I grew out of it kinda, but I still love going back to it sometimes
last song
Numb Encore by Linking Park feat. Jay Z
last movie
Don't knock twice. Haven't finished it tho
currently reading
The Vessel by Adam L. G. Nevill (100% recommended)
Those Girls by Chevy Stevens (can't decide whether I like it or not. Kinda boring and I don't feel any connection to the characters)
currently watching
The Office. Yeah I'm pretty late to the party, just started watching it a few weeks ago 😂
currently consuming
Ritter Sport Keks Schokolade and Gelee Bananen 🤤
currently craving
Creativity, cause it seems to fall flat for me lately
Again, if you like you can do this thing here too and if you don't that's cool ❤️ stay safe, love you guys @littlemissawry @writermml @merryandrewsworld @alexredgrave @jasonsnowwhitebrody @bolshieludi23
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hannibalstills · 1 year
FADserver is a pretty great place for a Fannibal discord! It's centered around Hannibal and HEU creatives supporting each other. I like it a lot there. You have to apply to fully join because they're big on safe community but that process is pretty quick and easy for legit fan creators. Good luck :)
Thank you SO much!! 😭 I’m genuinely tearing up lol. This is perfect 💕
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Secretary Update: Soon(ish), We Promise!
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Hey Fannibals!
We promise, the next part of Secretary IS COMING!!! :)
The fact that we didn’t post this note on Saturday should give you a small indication of how crazy things have been for us.
Our apologies, and THANKS to those of you who have sent friendly (and patient!) notes of encouragement :)
Chapter 5/Part 2 of Secretary has had a small delay, but rest assured that @fragile-teacup and I are 100% COMMITTED to getting you the next part asap (in a few weeks). And the wonderful @nephila-clavipes​ is also committed to more incredible art!
Life has conspired against all of us, including but not limited to:
1) Extreme Con Drop/Crud! ( @fannibalfest-toronto was amazing but the Drop is real folks)
2) Work Madness x 1000 x 3 (why can’t people just pay us to Fandom?!)
3) Act of Bees. (Don’t ask. Sigh.)
We LOVE writing this fic and your support and interest has been amazing and deeply appreciated. <333
Rest assured, the most important thing to us is to get you the rest of the story, BUT we want to give this fic the attention, care and nuance it deserves, so we’re just going to take the time we need to get you something you all can (hopefully!) enjoy.
Love you all. Thanks for your patience and kind encouragement. STAY TUNED! <333
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bamboocanoe · 6 years
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Chapter 8 is up!  |  or start from the beginning
Mostly written on a champagne buzz waiting for the calendar to roll into 2019. ;)
“You're up early. Is something wrong?" He sat up straighter against the headboard. She shook her head and slithered up onto the duvet, rubbing at heavy-lidded eyes. Will gathered her in next to him and kissed her forehead.
"Bad dreams again?”
Abigail nodded.
“I'm sorry sweetheart. Do you want to tell me?"
She shook her head.
"Okay then." He pulled her onto his lap, adjusting the duvet over them both and settling in. She smelled like sleep and faintly of the lavender and chamomile spray that they misted on her pillows every night. He thought it had been helping. He inhaled and closed his eyes, resting his cheek on top of her hair. Abigail picked up his hand and started tracing the lines on his palm.
She was quiet for a minute. Then, “Is Hannibal going to stay here? In Manchester?”
Keep reading on AO3 
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fragile-teacup · 3 years
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hellishrebukesystem · 2 years
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free-to-be-impaled · 7 years
Being in the hannibal fandom is cranking up your screen brightness to 100% to be able to see crack photosets
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transhanniday · 2 years
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Upcoming Collection of Trans* Fannibal Experiences
Name TBC Submissions 1st - 31st January 2023 *Trans in this instance is used as an umbrella term to include transgender, non-binary, genderqueer and otherwise non-cis people.  We have not sought to exclude intersex people in this definition, however not all intersex people identify as trans* and those who do are included under the above umbrella.
For TransHanniDay 2023 (8th April) we will be publishing a collection of essays, creative nonfiction, personal accounts and art about being non-cis in the Hannibal Fandom. 
The show has resonated with many queer fans, and we know that being in the Hannibal, Hannigram and Hannibal Extended Universe fandom, and the support of Fannibals has been part of many people's gender identity journeys. We want to capture that in a fandom led volume of non-fiction, featuring essays, creative nonfiction, personal accounts and art. If you are interested in contributing please read on!
How to submit: From 1st to 31st January Submit via google form HERE  
Who should submit: Please ONLY SUBMIT IF:
you are aged 18 or over. For the sake of legalities, we are only accepting submissions from those legally considered adults in the region of publication - UK.
you are transgender, non-binary, genderqueer or otherwise non-cis. 
What to submit:
Creative nonfiction
Personal account
If you’d like to submit something else, please DM us on tumblr or twitter to discuss One submission per person with the following exception - you may submit art and one form of writing. 
Theme:  Via one of the above mediums, we want you to share with us in as much or little detail as you’d like, your journey as a non-cis Fannibal in the Hannibal fandom, and/or the impact NBCs Hannibal has had on your gender journey. 
A few points for consideration you may wish to explore: 
Has the show and/or being part of the fandom helped you explore your gender, or made you feel more confident in expressing it - even if only online. 
Has the fandom helped you with your transition and/or medical needs, such as donating for trans-clothing or surgeries? 
Do you want to write an essay exploring the connection between NBCs Hannibal and non-cis fans? Or perhaps one arguing that Will Graham is trans-coded?
Do you want to submit art of Hannibal, Will or another character that expresses how you feel about your own gender identity?
PLEASE NOTE: if your submission is successful you are welcome to use your real name or an online handle for authorship, but you will have the option to publish anonymously or under a pseudonym if you would prefer. 
Word counts:  Minimum of 100 words Maximum of 5000 words  We would prefer to keep the word count around 3000, but understand that essays for example may go up to 5000 words, which is our maximum limit. 
Art submissions must come with a summary of your experience and/or what you are expressing in the art, this need not be more than a few sentences. 
Compensation: As a fan-led project we do not have any funding and so cannot offer monetary compensation. However, all contributors will receive at the least an e-copy of the collection. We are hoping that we will be able to send each contributor a print copy as well, but will not be able to confirm until further in the process. 
If we are able to make print copies available these will either by not for profit or the resultant proceeds will be donated to appropriate charities.
Content Restrictions: 
Contributors must be transgender, non-binary, genderqueer or otherwise non-cis 
Contributions must relate to NBCs Hannibal and/or the fandom
The contribution must be original. Previously published works may be considered, please query us via Tumblr or Twitter
Explicit works not permitted, including the art, though non-explicit nudity is fine
It should go without saying, but we will not accept bigotry and hate speech: We may consider works that feature these things but do not glorify them. For example, we will consider works that discuss transphobia but not works that are transphobic.
No fiction: this will be a collection of personal accounts in one form or another. We encourage biographical creative nonfiction but no fictional stories featuring Hannibal or other characters. Art exception: we welcome trans Hannigram, or other Hannibal characters art submissions as we know this is also an expression by artists of their own identity and how they relate it to the show/fandom, just as writing is to writers.
Will there be automatic acceptances? As this is all about personal experiences and not fiction, we’re not going to be looking at it in the same way as other fanthologies might. That said, there won’t be any automatic acceptances, we will have to have a limit depending on the number of submissions. 
It is likely that all accepted pieces will be lightly edited for readability, but there will be no changes to the essence of the works. 
Anticipated Timeline: This is subject to some change. January 1st - 31st: Submissions February 1st - 15th: Reading period February 15th - 20th: Final selection contributors will be notified February through March: Editing and formatting March 25th - 31st: Promo April 8th: Publication
What is Trans Hannigram Day? Trans Hannigram Day or TransHanniDay is a day of celebration for trans* fanworks and creators in the Hannibal, Hannigram and Hannibal Extended Universe fandom. On this day old and new fanworks are shared with the intention of filling the timeline with trans* love!
Originally this event was Transcendence Fest, first held in December 2020. The first TransHanniDay was held on 8th April in 2022 in reaction to the release of a certain movie on that day.
Will this collection only be focused on Hannigram? Technically the focus is on the fans, but we know the influence of NBCs Hannibal and the fandom itself goes beyond Hannigram. Both in written works and in art, other characters are accepted including those from NBCs Hannibal and those from other Mads and Hugh projects (Hannibal Extended Universe). 
For example, if Bedelia De Maurier or Adam Raki resonated with you as part of your gender journey, we’d love to hear about it. 
How can I prove I’m Trans*? We aren't expecting you to and in no way expect you to out yourself either online or in real life. We will take on trust that you are who and what you say you are, including if you are questioning, between labels or do not like to use labels. 
As noted above, those who would feel more comfortable doing so, can have their work published under a pseudonym or anonymously. 
Who is publishing this collection? This collection will be edited and published by Max Turner. Max is a gay transgender writer based in the UK, a Fannibal and the publisher of online publication A Coup of Owls.  This publication will not be associated with A Coup of Owls, but will receive some promotion. 
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