#creative non-fiction
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seraphim-viktorious · 6 months ago
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Reverent: An Anthology of Divinity
I am very excited to reveal that I've been accepted as a contributor for the Reverent Anthology, edited and managed by author @quintonli
This is a very special opportunity for me, and I dearly hope you will all stay tuned for updates and progress as it comes.
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benggonzales · 1 year ago
My _______ Valentine
LOVE is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it does not proud. It does not dishonor others, It is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. (1 Corinthians 13: 4-7). That is the best definition of love based on God's word.
LOVE is the most sweetest things that you would experience here in earth. Loving can also hurt you, because you need to risk something. It only hurt because you really love someone, that you will sacrifice everything for them. Loving someone is not easy but if you open your heart and mind for the true meaning of love, you wil just realize that "it's worth the risk" because you really loved.
The most comforting feeling is when you know that you are loved, this love I mean is not just Eros, Phileo, but Agape. That is 3 kinds of love, by the way. Eros is physical love or sexual desire and phileo is love of friend but the agape is the most sweet, it is deep, pure love and it is unselfish, and that is what love God is. He will never leave us nor forsake us. I experience His love and He never failed me, He restore my love and life.
People celebrating valentines day with their love ones, expressing their love through giving gifts, sweet chocolates and flowers. It feels so relief if you received that . We love each other and we have inspiration in life. It gives us strength when our beloved giving us an assurance that they will be on our side forever until their last breath.
LOVE is patient, but we get tired. Continue to love until you find who will be on your side until the end of your life. Other people find it useless, if you give. You are lose in your life. But the true one will help you win.
FEBRUARY 14, 2024
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gabrielmtc · 10 months ago
Baguio : The "Coolest" Place in the Philippines.
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                Baguio, elevating 1,500m above sea level, at an elevation this high, you will definitely feel the breeze gliding on your skin making your shiver.
 Many of us has been to Baguio for at least one point in our lives, and for me, I mean, my 10-year-old me, it was my first time.
                After knowing that we will go to Baguio for summer, I was excited, because all of the things I have hear about this place was, “sobrang lamig dito, parang ayoko na umuwi”. So the little me cant wait to find out what’s really there, if its really “malamig” or its just a placebo effect that if you are in baguio you’re the one of the coolest person in the country, literally.
                So, the time has come and it’s the day that we go the city, I woke up at 2 am, bags already packed, heck I even slept with my clothes that I will wear for tomorrow beside my bed. I was really excited, to come and see the beautiful views of mines view, the elegant, and the classy “The Mansion”, and of course the popular night market at the Harrison Road just shy of Session Road. It is a place where both kids and adults will be happy whatever the city offer. The rental bikes you can rent with your family and friends, the swans on the pond, and the horses that you can ride. For me, the moment I stepped out of the bus it was the horses that greeted me a welcome to their beloved city, I was so happy, probably because that  was my first time seeing an actual horse in flesh. Happy and excited, the little me was running out of joy at the park yelling, but of course only in my mind “sa Wakas naka rating na din ako sa baguio”. After an hour of exploring and appreciating the beauty of the city we finally went to our transient and that’s when it all sunk in, “damn, Ill literally be in this city for a week, that’s so cool”. Little me was so excited thinking what are the many things that my family and I will do for tomorrow, lying down on my bed, thinking, just thinking, until my eyes unconsciously closed, and I fell asleep.                 The next time I opened my eyes, its morning my family and relatives were already packing and getting ready for the first day of our tour, after I saw them, I quickly stood up and took a bath, even though it’s so cold as a Pinoy-cultured kid, I. have. To. Take. A. Bath       
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                Our first stop, Minesview Park, this place is unreal, the views on the Observation deck is breath-taking, while looking at the superb view I ate a delicacy called “sundot kulangot” in Tagalog, it literally means picking a booger from the inside of your nose. Ew, but as much as it sounds disgusting the taste of this food was so sweet and yummy, I really enjoyed eating the sweet candy while looking at the sweetest view in the whole city.
                I won’t be telling the whole tour in detail because it would take days for me to express it, like, 1 day for a day in Baguio? That would be insane!
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                There I also a day where we visited The Mansion, and since its only a walking-distance from our transient, you guessed it, we walked, inside the vicinity, a lot of people walking, some are towards the mansion, and some away, and in the middle of them, is a body of water and is probably a man-made river this sets a cool ambiance to the place that helps The Mansion be more elegant and dreamy.
                Last day was different, I mean commonly last day is the day where you so called “sulit” your time because those are the very last minutes of your tour, but us, we just stayed in our transient, rested, but for me, it was sort of experiencing to actually live in baguio, because of course the locals don’t tour everyday so this final day for us was like, how does it feel to be a baguio local-resident? Is it more relaxing than living in the suburbs of manila? So, in our last day we lived like locals and stayed in our house, watching tv, chilling near the chimney, and me, as a “videogame-addict” I went outside with my dad and looked for a computer shop nearby. And we found one, so I rented 1 hour to play, and this was one of the times that I said to myself “gusto ko tumira dito”. To experience living in a place much more cooler than manila is different, like everything is different. The air is so much fresher and cooler. But sadly, we had to leave the city and go back to reality.
                For me, that tour was very fun and memorable, I mean its my first time right? First for me is always the most memorable. And although I love Baguio so much, I just cant forget the place where I lived and grew up, yes other places might be cooler, and more beautiful, the place where we  grew up always has a special  place in our hearts, and that’s the reason it’s called “HOME” there’s nothing like it, as much as Baguio is relaxing, the feeling of resting in your own home  is unbeatable, that’s when you feel that you are really resting.
                I won’t forget Baguio, it still probably one of my favourite places that I visited. But as much as I love home, I can’t wait to go back, and I will go back to… Baguio: The “Coolest Place in the Philippines.
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robertpatrick · 11 months ago
the photo box, edit update
I’ve been busy with numerous other projects, but took a few days to reevaluate some suggested edits from my editor and have decided to delete this chapter and two others from “The Photo Box”. It’s not that I don’t like them, but they didn’t add anything to the memoir I have written. Thought I’d share this one as it’s a favorite of mine, a little darling, if you will. Sic Gloria Transit…
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keyboard-squared · 1 year ago
365(ish) Days of Writing: A Year of the Ups and Downs of Creativity
Discover a year-long creative journey through the good and bad of writing.
In between the uncertainties and fears is a place where the only thing happening is right in front of you. The only action you can take is the next one. The only moment that matters is the one you’re currently in. 365(ish) Days of Writing: A Place Called “Now” I’ve got a new series going, and it’s now in full swing. This blog is full of writing tips, resources, and lessons I’ve learned as a…
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sundaynightlive · 2 years ago
an essay a day keeps the complacency at bay
When I first read this for a class, it gutted me. I looked around at the faces of my peers and found them listless, bored, ready to be done with this session and every session after.
I felt silly for wanting to cry.
(expand for spoilers)
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philgennuso · 2 days ago
Bare Giant Weeping Willow #Photography #Hydra #ThursdayMyths #MicroStory
Photo by Phil Gennuso Arts The Giant Willow, down by the Hudson River, by Cornwall Landing, New York. It has been there forever it seems. At this time of year, cold Winter, the stems, the branches are bare and wave, give and take, alone in the wind. Every time I walk by this Willow, at this time of year, I can’t help but think of the ancient mythical Hydra, the multi-headed creature, from the…
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cupsofsilver · 7 days ago
Liturgy at the Cafe
How glad I am to share a Sunday communion with a latte and a dog in his winter coat. His soft brown fur and puppy dog eyes look up at me with a sweetness only dogs can muster. I politely introduce myself, compliment his good looks, and then say hello to his owner. That’s how etiquette works around here. Dogs come first; all the neighbours know it.  This handsome 3 year old is named Jack. I do…
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airial · 1 month ago
Granny Said Stop!
Soaring Through the Skies: The Long and Arduous Journey to Home
Granny said stop to the driver, as she tries to reach her destination. It’s a Monday and everyone wants to go home. I mer her when I rode the bus towards home, she was sleeping—a nap that suffices the heavy traffic jam and the long journey to wherever we are headed. I sloppily put on my bag in front of me, I was standing at the back of the bus I rode at 4:50PM near the place that I work, the sun…
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mwsa-member · 2 months ago
Surviving the stroke a minute with God: A Recovery and Rehabilitation Guide by Marty Martin
MWSA Review Pending  
Author's Synopsis
A personal account of the stroke experience and the recovery and rehabilitation process. A guide for stroke victims, family and caregivers on what to expect immediately following a stroke, and during the recovery and rehabilitation process. Filled with valuable must know information that will provide a guide to what to expect and plan for.
Format(s) for review: Paper and Kindle
Review Genre: Nonfiction—Creative Nonfiction
Number of Pages: 148
Word Count: 23000
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rozmorris · 3 months ago
Transitioning from non-fiction to fiction? Enjoy uncertainty and trouble
In many kinds of non-fiction, we tend to seek certainty. Answers. Solutions. But those qualities are not so desirable in stories. Most stories are about trouble in some way. But this is often uncomfortable for authors who are used to writing factual books. They don’t like trouble, ambiguities, uncertainties and muddy waters.     Here are a few examples I’ve recently seen from my work with…
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justforgetthepast-blog1 · 3 months ago
Looking Forward
Photo by Jaime Reimer on Pexels.com See, I am doing a new thing!    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?I am making a way in the wilderness    and streams in the wasteland. ~ Isaiah 43:19 (NIV) I have to say it over and over again. My mantra for a new cycle of this one-woman show–my passion project. For the 2025 Spring/Summer edition of Teach. Write., I would love to publish the poems,…
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iabookreviews · 4 months ago
Just Ask!: Be Different, Be Brave, Be You
Just Ask!: Be Different, Be Brave, Be You is the 2020 winner of the Schneider Family Book Award, and is a book written by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and illustrated by Rafael López to highlight the differences that can come to light with disabilities. I obtained this book as a physical copy and thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
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The genre of the story is creative non-fiction, and I've selected it to be used for the disability and differences section of the list.
Target Age Group
The target age group is listed as 4 to 7 years old, or preschool to 3rd grade.
In this book, all sorts of disabilities and differences are discussed and shared as experiences are shared. They all work together on a garden while talking about what they go through and what it's like, and pass on the torch as they carry on conversation.
The Schneider Family Book Award is given to books that accurately the disability experience of children and adults, and upon discovering it, I knew it would be a good list to locate a book for the disability and differences category. I did some browsing through the list and stumbled upon this book, and the bright colors caught my eye. After looking to make sure this book would work, I got a physical copy, and then got to reading.
The three criteria used for evaluation are Style and Language, Illustration, and Mood.
The style and language of this book doesn’t shy away from tough words and provides good information for young kids who might not fully grasp the concept of disabilities or other differences. It’s a case of a book not hesitating to jump in and inform readers of what they’ve picked up, and doesn’t try to make the information simpler in assumption that readers won’t get it. The only downside is that there is a lot of information placed on pages, and it might slowly dwindle the attention span of younger audiences that picked up the books or sat down for the storytime. Other than that, the creative use of questions to lead to the next person and page is something I thoroughly enjoy.
This is the 3rd book I’ve read with Rafael López as an illustrator, and I think I’ve finally gotten an understanding of how his style works. The shapes and style of people might change and be different, but there is always going to be bright color, full page illustrations, and beautiful imagery being used as a metaphor. Focusing on this book, the garden imagery and the combination of realistic scenes with fantastical ones is eye catching.
The mood of this book is incredibly lighthearted and full of cheer, as well as displaying an eagerness to teach and learn. The smiling faces in the illustration and the use of exclamation points and enthusiasm in the words help contribute to the mood. The positivity surrounding the discussion of disabilities and difference is incredibly helpful, as it lets kids know that there’s nothing wrong with someone being different in a way they can’t control. It sets the tone for when they go out into the world and see someone that’s acting differently or looks different, and knows that all they have to do is just ask if they want to know what’s different.
Sotomayor, S. (2019). Just Ask!: Be Different, Be Brave, Be You (R. López, Illus.). Philomel Books.
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jdrachel · 5 months ago
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(via What Do Mermaids Eat? . . . Corinne | John Rachel) Meet Corinne, a mermaid that was hit by a nuclear submarine. Read all about her and 18 other mermaids in the most uniquely beautiful fantasy/travel/cookbook ever! 
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janmorrill · 6 months ago
Day 10: Flight of the Flamingo - Or Not
Imagine you’re watching a flamingo. You can tell she’s an aged flamingo by her graying pink feathers and legs skinnier than perhaps even a flamingo’s legs should be. Now, imagine her clomping, step by step along a sandy shoreline. She’s surrounded by other flamingos, some bright pink and graceful. Others. like our Madame Flamingo, are older, but doing their best to retain the youthful grace most…
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cupsofsilver · 1 month ago
Once I Started a Poem with...
Once, while dancing the dance with some form of intoxication, I started a poem with: “I tasted God in a peach”. And, now, semi-sober, I find the whole idea quite bemusing. The implication of not only touching God but of tasting them too, as if they could possibly be something my measly tastebuds could fathom, let alone recognize as peach-like. I guess, in theory, if one were able to bear the…
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