#crazy long rant ig lmao
emmycron · 2 months
You know what I absolutely fucking hate? idk if other countries do it but in the uk, they put straight up gore on cigarette packets. Like "ohh this will happen to your lungs" or whatever. This, I imagine, does absolutely nothing to deter smokers because you tell literally any smoker that they're damaging themself because they smoke and they'll go "I know lmao".
The main people who will be affected by these images are kids, and you know what? craaaazy take? I think as a society, we should actually avoid subjecting children to potentially very traumatising gory and real pictures. These kids won't grow up not wanting to smoke, they'll grow up not being able to engage with SO many different things without full on breaking down. Countless career paths locked off for life. Lives will be ruined.
I wasn't traumatised by this, but I AM severely traumatised from childhood abuse, same condition, and let me tell you, now as an adult, life is hell and you do not ever get over it. So many things I just can't do, mundane everyday shit like water going down a fucking sink has me on edge. Being near babies will have me trying my hardest not to break down.
Barely anyone takes it seriously, because PTSD is "the thing only soldiers get" to most people. Like yeah I've never been to war and I can only imagine the horrors soldiers have to endure, but my god when every day feels like dodging bullets, you'd crack. The fact I'm alive is a miracle.
Whoever was responsible for this has just subjected so many people to a life of torture. What the fuck were y'all thinking.
Even not including kids, I imagine MOST PEOPLE are not too fond of seeing gory shit when casually going about their day. That being said, because it just reminded me, why the fuck is every other social media just liveleak now? Like sure, I go onto twitter to watch porn and jerk off and see someone get shot to death instead 👍 there is no way this shit is advertiser friendly, but it keeps showing up! Someone's allowing it for a reason, so I do wonder, what the fuck are they preparing us for? Are they trying to desensitize the public in the event of a war breaking out? UK seems to be heading towards a civil war rn. Shit's crazy
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
I like how I was without power for like less than 12 hrs and I already started having a psychological breakdown SJFKVLLV
#and just when i hit rock bottom. my led lights turned on and blinded me#idk i went to bed early cause there was nothing to do#and it was fine#and then i suddenly woke up at 4 smth and couldnt go back to bed#and it was just that thing where you cant fall asleep and you cant do anything else#so your brain just goes on an hr long rant about how horrible everything is and how useless you are#it got to the point of 'why do you even post anything you do. youre pointless'#why :( why must my brain take any chance to plunge my self worth into the guttrr#tho honestly i feel so deprived lately of talking to anyone abt my stuff :(#but it was even worse today bcs i was just resigning myself to getting stir crazy and even more deprived#bcs my friend said to me that it might take days for the power to come back 😭#and i really was not mentally prepared to be stuck with my brain for any longer#lmao tho i was like hey maybe i can work on some writing-#but then electricity decided to shine its power and light upon me#idk if i can sleep anymore which really sucks#i feel physically and mentally tired but i dont think i can go thru the self hatred rant again#ig its like i try to think of other things like fic or oc scenarios but then its like weirdly tiring and i just can't#but then somehow have the energy to just overthink every little horrible thing#and make myslef feel like a worthless undesirable person for like an hr on end#dont take this as if i cant be stuck with myself and my thoughts#but just not at this evil time of night where everything is cruel and out to get me#anyways i digress. i feel lonely :/ like an unwatered plant or smth lately. and this just pushed me further on that note#catie.rambling.txt
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stgosupremacy · 2 months
Hi! I just wanna say I love ur blog! I like how you see and talk abt Goh's character ❤️
I know some people (mostly those toxic pokemon fans) REALLY don't like Goh, and it upsets me bc it feels like me and them watched a completely different character on screen.
What do you think about it? I just don't get how they can hate him!
omg hey fellow goh lover!!!!!! 🥰 i also just wanna say thank you for the lovelyyyy message because i ask the same question daily honestly
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(sorry i had to use that the animation is too slick)
it actually upsets me a lot too that people don't see the good in Goh! im glad you think the same <3
okay there's some instances (yes im saying this 💀) where even i think goh went a bit too far like even though i think it's sick he caught suicune i do get why people were so mad about it? but cmon that was a bit too much hate 😭
Ash hadn't caught any legendaries his entire journey so yeah Goh catching suicune at the early-ish start of his journey was....just a bit like oh ok wow even for me lmao but yk that topic will probably never calm down lets be honest
Then there's him just catching every pokemon without battling, that I also get why ppl are mad because I was rewatching the unova anime a few days ago and a lot of the episodes had an emphasis onbattling before catching, and you can say that goes for the rest of the pokemon anime after that too...up until journeys 😂
Goh is a bit of a rulebreaker in that instance, i get that, but if people hate him taking so much screentime for Ash
(heads up the episode where goh goes on vacation and meets tokio again is the 1st episode in the anime history without any scene of Ash in it at ALL which is pretty crazy)
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then I'm sure we wouldn't want to see Goh battle e v e r y single pokemon he catches, like his goal is literally to catchem all as well BUT BUT THEN AGAIN, that arguement is pretty weak i guess, and i understand why people would be mad, but I really dont like when they genuinely just hate him excessively 😭😭
His character development was really nice in my opinion, and I really like how he more often emphasised the fact the reason why he wanted to catch throughout the series, and he reeaaaally understood pokemon better and forged such nice relationships with all of them
(also i was a bit sad Ash didnt get any galar starters too but....im sorry i feel like they're too perfect with Goh im proud of him)
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he's really adorable goofy sweet amazing incredible gay and literally the entire package there are those minute things about the pokemon catching yadayada but that basically is forgotten when i watch him on screen
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gonna reinforce my point about how he is perfect with the Galar starters...im sorry but look at them.
(you cannot talk to me about the drizzle episodes I will literally start crying. Also the grookey errand episode and that hug. Omfg)
You can see how much he cares for his pokemon (all the hugs above omg stop 😔💖) and I wish other people would also see that 😭 😭
He's so sweet and kind now especially at the end when Ash finally managed to help open his heart to other people and also Ash himself 😛 😛 OK I told myself I wouldn't bring satogou into Goh's honour post but they're another reason I love Goh so much, they compliment each other so well and I couldn't think of anyone else more perfect for Ash I love them both 💗🥺 (... In case you hadn't noticed)
Then again, it's still opinion based ig, not gonna fight about it 💀
Sorry this was such a long response (but cmon what were yall expecting..) but I kind of felt like I was gonna do a post like this sometime soon so thank you for anyone who voluntarily read this long-ass rant about Goh and @louie-inc for asking the question too!! 💕 💯 💕 💯
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m0ther-of-p3arl · 4 months
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Paranoid Jon is funny to me tbh. the supplementals are comedy gold sometimes...always shit like "Supplemental: I broke into Martin's house and found a strange rainbow flag .... I... investigated, Tim's house and he told me to get the fuck out... Both are EXTREMELY suspicious and are probably trying to kill me ....... oh and I found Sasha repeatedly stabbing a picture of me. at least i know i can trust her"
Jon got so paranoid he became less of a hater, so Tim had to pick up the slack ig because JESUS CHRIST he has no chill... Timothy Stoker Worlds #1 Jon Hater VS Martin K Blackwood Worlds #1 Jon Lover
as ALWAYS free my boy Martin ,,,, why is everyone so mean 2 him ,,, what did bro do. besides lie on his CV. only a little bit... just have a tea party w him man!!!!
The NotThem saying "It hurt Sasha." idc if its a classic horror movie mistake i'd scream shut up too.... fuckin ASSHOLE god i hope its gone forever and ever
Elias being an EVIL LITTLE RAT MAN. did not expect that ngl- i didnt think much abt Elias lmao. what the hell is he??? they kept saying some silly titles that i imagine are important for later but rn im just. "hey What The Fuck?"
Extended sounds of brutal pipe murder is possibly one of the funniest sentences ive ever seen though. im going to say that sooo much now. forever and ever. did NOT expect Jurgen Fucking Leitner to show up and did NOT expect Jurgen Fucking Leitner to be working with Gertrude and did NOT expect Jurgen Fucking Leitner to immediately get metal pipe'd to death. crazy shit
And I looked up the Jurgen Leitner rant as soon as I finished, like you recommended- and um. im GOING to memorize that one day mark my words. for now i'll be quoting paypal.com/IFuckingHateJurgenLeitner every chance i get
SORRY FOR RANTING IN YOUR INBOX AGAIN i just have Thoughts and too many of them .. .. this will very likely happen every season/major event im not gonna lie
AUGH I am so sorry its takEN ME SO LONG TO GET TO THIS ;; twas not my intention :///
i love love LOVE reading your thoughts augh!!!! extended sounds of brutal piper murder is a massive meme in the fandom along with jurgen leitner rant and.. dig..... you're learning the ways...
please continue to rant in my inbox its awesome
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ham1lton · 4 months
Hey! ik you’re on hiatus but i had a crazy dream that i think was funny so i wanted to share it with you cause it reminded me of your fics!
so essentially the dream was of this african-australian oc who is dating charles leclerc and no one really knew how they met until she was doing this stand up comedy show (i watched some clips before i slept ig 💀) and she was talking about how she never dated a white person before charles and so when she met charles and was small talking with him, she was trying to rationalise her attraction to him as him being mixed with something (she was denying the obvious LMAO)
So when they were talking, she was like “so are you mixed with something? black, asian, hispanic??? 🤨) and he was blushing and like mumbled “no i’m Monegasque” but she didn’t hear it well and was like “morrocan? Oh that’s so cool!!” and so he had to awkwardly interrupt her impending rant and be like “no monagasque like monaco 😭” and so they were both blushing and embarrassed 💀
But obviously it worked out bc she’s telling the story to the crowd in her comedy show and everyone loved the story and tifosi fell in love with her even more! And this wasn’t part of the dream but imagine charles being asked about it during media day and having just being flustered and saying that’s how they met 💀
ANYWAY long rant but i love your fics, i think they’re great and i hope your hiatus goes well ❤️ i just thought the dream was funny and it reminded me of the readers in your fics 😭💀
i’m gonna be honest, i get monaco and morroco mixed up too sometimes i don’t blame her 😭🫣
no because this is actually so fun?? this is lowkey inspiring me to do a stand up comedienne x charles smau maybe. i’ve neglected the charles girlies for a while.
wait cause i would love to see one where he is an audience member and she either takes the piss out of him or flirts with him. either has great potential. i love funny girl x hot bf couples. we don’t get a lot of them 😔😔 maybe i’ll write it.
thank u for enjoying my fics!! i’m glad u find them entertaining!! :D
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hi hello i hope ur having a great day!
this is by no means trying to be a rant post but i just needed a different perspective on this issue so to speak. i got into an “argument” (one sided tbh LOL) with an ashleon shipper (which…. is whatever… ig…) and they were saying that ashleon is canon in re4 remake and i was like how ???? they were completely mischaracterizing aeon too. so im just really confused bc before i became a hardcore re fan and was an outsider so to speak, i just assumed that leon and ada were an “item” bc thats how they have always been portrayed. and then i go on here and retwt (eww) and ppl do not think that AT ALL. ppl think ur crazy for thinking aeon is a canon thing. i just feel like im missing a puzzle piece all the time bc its like … i thought it was pretty obvious? and its so hard to hear the other side on these conversations bc they are so rude and judgmental and dont want to have a civil conversation and hear the other side. so i just wanted to get ur perspective on this issue and why ppl might not automatically think aeon is a thing bc i really like ur takes on aeon as a whole! this also isnt trying to be negative or a shitpost, i just want to hear a different positive and ig “constructive” perspective on this!
okay thank you lol
yeah i dunno tbh, there's a few very loud ashleon shippers that are claiming that it's canon but i don't know what kind of like cognitive dissonance you gotta be suffering from to think it's canon. i half the time think they're doing it to purposely piss off other shippers so i just don't engage with them lmao
i think that out of all the ships in re, other than like ethan and mia- aeon was the only other one pushed to be canon. i'd argue that chris and jill are barely even romantic (even though i don't care for the ship, i know lots of people ship valenfield) (im more of a clairejill or jill carlos fan meself) (reminder again ship whoEVER YOU WANT IDGAF SKDFBSK)
typically when it comes to promos and stuff, aeon tends to be pushed together though (like from capcom) so that's always been kinda cute and nice. (i love seeing all the teppen art of aeon, and random capcom promos of aeon together)
i just feel like because the ship is "not conventional" it gets a lot of backlash, particularly because the female character doesn't adhere to social norms and gender roles. and typically because aeon falls into this category, people are quick to tear down ada because of it
it's just the same shit lol. i just choose not to engage with it cause i got better shit to do with my time
i'm not the one going into blogs to scream about how i don't like the ship that they're posting and talking about
(me talking about the anons i still get to this day that are like OMG AEON SO BAD BLAH BLAH BLAH, and im like- did you make a tumblr account to do this or-)
feel free to send me a dm if you wanna chat tho lol
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seraphinashaw · 1 year
Hi! I forgot my original question but I guess I'll ask you some other things 💚
❥ Do you like Melanie Martinez? If so, what's your favorite album/song?
❥ What's your favorite color? >:D <3 (Mines Green, purple and yellow :>)
❥ What's your opinion on the group? (Killian, Julius, Seamus, Kelly, etcetera)
❥ What's the worst part of being a woman? (I LOVE how you're trans! I'm a natural born woman and I rlly wanna be a boy. But I WANNA HEAR WOMAN FROM YOUR POV, DEAR <3)
I LOVE your albinism! I love people that are albino, have vitiligo, etcetera! They're so eye-catching and so are you! You're absolutely gorgeous and I 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 your clothing choice!
☆ Have an amazing day/night!!!! ☆
✫ ℳℯ𝒾ℳℯ ✫
omg hi babes xx so many questions 4 me!! 😳 sry if i get a wee bit incoherent i'm still hung over 😹😹 i'll do my best to answer ❤ this might get long just cuz of the amount of questions asked LMAO
i've known about mel from the start, but to be real and controversial here i'm not rly interested in her music? like it just isn't rly my style i don't like it very much LMAO, it's kinda um... teenager music 2 me, sorry if ur a fan lol. i do think she has a nice voice tho
as 4 my fav colour.... have 1 look at my wardrobe choices and notice the only colour i wear other than black 😹 i'm a purple girl all the way 😼 i like matching my eye colour LOL
the other girlies are crazy LMAOOO they definitely took some getting some used 2. i'm used 2 being the crazy one but they make me look normal 😭😭 2 be real with u i thought killian was cishet at first... 💀 and he got RLY mad when he learned of this 😹 (can u blame me tho? he literally is into ancient rome and his misogyny is smth else 💀) as for julius, um. he gave me free gender affirming surgery and did a good fucken job sooo legally i can't say anything bad 😹 he is like a bestie 2 me, even if he doesn't acknowledge anybody as a friend LMAO. seamus and kelly are rly smth else too, i love hanging w/ them cuz there's always smth mad going on w them😹😹
the worst part of being a woman, mmm. the underboob sweat 😹 jk sorryyy LMAO. i can tell u as some1 who's presented as male b4 that ppl def are much, much nicer and more lenient w/ u whenever ur a man. i also need 2 be more cautious ig now that i pass as female? cuz men LOVE 2 try pulling things w/ me thinking i'm 'vulnerable' and all that. i have stood strong tho, i haven't rly had too many problems myself cuz i'm a bad bitch, and they never know what's coming 😼 if u decide 2 transition 1 day ull prolly notice the opposite will happen 2 u, i hear this from transmasc ppl at least.
girll u rlly made my day with this 😽 keep this up and ull make me blush LMAO. thank u tho 😌 i kno i'm hot and cool but the reminder is always welcome 😼
u have a good day 2 babes xx
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bruiisedpetals-a · 1 year
long NON RP RANT — about work bc the audacity!?!??!   tldr: a girl who had applied and interviewed and confirmed her trial shift to be a barista last week and was V EXCITED so we cancelled another person for her trial .... showed up, said hi, chatted a bit, had a look inside, then said she was going for a walk to look around the area bc she isnt a local, and within 5 MINUTES (literally. five) ghosted, disappeared, text my boss and said “yeah nah bye”, and left me alone handling the whole place.  cue endless work for me w double the usual customers, and a shift that lasted three hours longer that it should have bc of the ghosting.
rel context: i work in a small coffee & bagel place, two people on one shift: one on coffee & point of sale and another to be the cook, we also have two online food delivery providers so we take orders in person and from two apps + i’m a barista and have line cook kitchen prac & experience so am actually a ‘cook’ ig?
so i mentioned in my post when i was half asleep yesterday that i had a new person coming into my workplace for a trial today, so i stayed late to prep for weekend trade + restock stuff, and came in early to set up everything just in case. we were v busy yesterday with food as it was so i had a lot to restock, and w mothers day tomorrow everything needs to be topped up more-so. that a lot of work by itself to be honest but manageable in between cooking, esp when you have an extra set of hands when its quiet to help.   look if you have seen any cooking show you might see that set up, prep and pack down take THE LONGEST ok.
 — our permanent staff consists of me and K, we have two other locations so we get help from Z and J, and they can usually cover the shifts that K and i can’t  (eg. K can’t do saturdays, i cant do every 3rd tuesday)  but they manage other locations so they are not available without prior notice.       so basically the only person who was available to work today was me, even my boss was busy moving house w his wife, 4mo and two under 8yo’s. —
this morning i’m at work at 7am, turn on things etc, set up my cooking stuff, open the coffee machine, nothing crazy. at abt 7:45am im chillin outside having a coffee and a smoke and someone walks up and it turns out to be the trial girl. we chat a bit etc, i show her inside and the machine    (she’s a barista and i’m the cook on shift)     —   i say that i just heard from my boss myself, bc she had spoken w him earlier that morning, and he’s on the way and should be here within 5-7 mins   ***technically we open at 8am but i was waiting for my boss but had checked the time to keep track & i had just text my boss back so i saw the timestamp***
so at 7:59am i head inside after i finish my smoke and she’s going to have a look where i told her there is free close parking for next time bc she took the train, at 8:04am my boss walks in and goes “WOW IT’S 8:04AM AND SHE’S NOT HERE lmao” (he did not yell it he’s a g - that’s just how i knew what the time was alksjfhg)     and i go “no she’s just having a look down [street] bc of the parking i literally saw her a few mins ago” and proceed to open the doors etc.  meanwhile i see my boss on the phone calling her, after a moment he comes over with a Whole “i cant fkn believe this” Face on while he’s on the phone.  i’m thinking “??? i hope trial girl didn’t get lost in these lil crossover streets damn”
(it’s 8:07am, from now the customers start. they DO NOT STOP until at least 11am, it was at least double the normal turnover of profits during that time so thats ur ref for how BUSY it got)
boss goes “ur not gonna believe this” and show me the mssg from trial girl who basically has said “hi i went to ur shop, and i had a wander around the area and its just not good enough for me so i’m on my way home”. she’s GONE. in those five minutes. she got up, lied to me, and was at the nearby train station leaving. boss is floored and i’m like !>?!??!?!@#!#?who IN THE FK does this?!?!? but the customers so *professional me is present rn*
between her and boss there’s a little back and forth (text, she wont answer any calls) where he literally pleads with her bc there is NO ONE who can come in an assist me and she confirmed yesterday and she WAS HERE, she continues to be like “mmmm well ik that we discussed this and i said that i would be here and its been set for days and i applied LAST WEEK etc. but... no sorry im going back to bed” and then blocks him.
& this whole thing takes place between
7:59AM — 8:07AM.
i was there from 7am - 4:35pm  / my usual saturday is 7:45am - 2:30pm
WHO DOES THAT. WHO IS THAT UNPROFESSIONAL. WHO??? WHOMST??? SHE WAS SO FKN RUDE I WAS liVID. LIKE. why LEAD us ALL ON. we all need to make a living do U THINk he can afford to lose a whole day of trade?? he’s got a whole FAmILY and his wife cant work rn bc she’s just had their 3rd child.   i live PaYCHECK to PAYcheck.  like this is life this isnt a game????   you are 29YRS OLD why cant u act grown 
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hailieshapedbox · 2 years
my younger cousin has a lot of mental health issues and its really affecting everyone in the house n we dont know how to help him help himself/: its a bit tormenting on everyone. ive tried to help a lot but i had to stop bc it was affecting my mental health and he started be really mean, now i see why everyone has to minimize how much they can help and be around. i just gotta vent real quick though bc i cant take this sometimes. my uncle missed his psych appointment with his main dr. twice and had me reschedule it bc his assistants that fuck everything up, had it all fucked up. i made my uncle buy a whiteboard to keep track of all his shit bc i have enough projects for myself, i texted him multiple times throughout the week about the appointment and helped with other reminders on top of other things for his business (and his friends jewelry start up). i texted him the day before and the day before that about the appointment, i put a post it note on the coffee maker that his friend just let fall aside and got coffee all over (but still it was right on the counter), and he still woke me up to ask me what time it was at and even had the nerve to tell me to get ready in an hour to “help get him going and get him over there”. bruh i went back to sleep, i was up for 2 hours tryna sleep laying there like a dead fish or whatever they say n barely got a couple hours. ive told him so many times ive been dealing with insomnia and he just thinks everyone has trouble sleeping and doesnt understand n ive told him im underweight and how i have no energy and its like nobody ever hears me when i ask for help. hes woken me up probably 10x now n i started hurting myself tbh bc my peace was being too intruded. i got handle and control of that though, i dont wanna hurt myself you know. but only coping method that ever helped. whatever when i got up i did knock on my cousins door n ask if he heard his dad and i texted him bc he didnt say anything. i went to go work out. when my uncle got home he saw me working out and tried to get me to go with and ik its only bc he wants me to sit in the office so he can nap in the car. i even made a joke about it and he agreed laughing and went to go take a nap. instead of going to tmobile to get this kid a new sim card that hes been needing and begging for for going on two months. lmao bruh i try
this was just one morning i could write books of diary entries accumulating my emotions but i dont have time for that tbh im procrastinating n finally writing out bc i just want this week to be over i want it to be monday i want it to be next month when my brothers getting here and my mom comes over and imma make ed come back in town.
idk if yall noticed but until valentines day, i hadnt posted anything the entire month of february. took this long being single to realize valentines day is my favorite holiday and i couldnt missy opportunity to share my heart. i even posted on iG for the first time in like a year. i love love, its all i am, its all i need.
ive had so many post ideas too, but everyone is asking so much of me. its crazy because a few months ago i fucking begged the universe for more responsibility and god damn did i get it, im really trying hard to manage and stay aligned any way i can. im getting close to getting really good. im tryna get there so soon bc i see it through so clear but i just cant. even stopped drinking and cut back on weed a bit bc i just dont have time for it.
i had a whole other thing to rant about and i could have so many others, does kinda help to vent it especially writing. i forgot what it was once i started writing about valentines day and happier things. its funny how easy it is to flow into different emotions, yet so hard to control that and discipline that. even when i then after put myself into my happiest spaces, just doesnt always work. thats why when i see the opportunity for happiness i take it and thats why i dont get stuck on things easy, i hate stagnacity (wrote a song about that the other day). not easily influenced, but easily inspired. music actually usually does it. well imma go see if it still smells like campfire in the shower n do that or something else productive n try to make the most of whats left of the day. fuck i usually post this kinda stuff in the middle of the night so not to many people see it, i try not to be a bother or negative. love you all always
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
it makes me so glad u like my saeru post bc honestly i get so scared sharing my kagepro opinions in this cold world but like yeah it's makes zero sense whenever i see people try to view saeru the same way they view the other characters bc that's seriously not the point😭. saeru is like sad from an objective standpoint but in kagepro's narrative alone he's what is holding the characters back from developing and gaining happiness. like the only thing abt him is that he's a fabricated shallow version of what being human is like and even then hes only the horrible parts bc he was created from despair. he's meant to be azami's, and by extent all of the mkdn and co's trauma holding them back. if someone tries to find any understanding in his actions then it defeats the whole purpose of his character. a true saeru fan wouldnt try to find empathy in his character but that sounds a bit crazy uhm. anyway sorry for the long ask just kagepro's narrative is so special to me so it makes me a bit insane. *closes the door to my cage and locks it*
1. i totally get you. ive been into kagepro for almost 10 years, ive grown up with it but only started sharing my content when i made this blog (like 5 years ago) and while ive always been loud abt my opinions i think im only NOW like REAAAAAALLY letting loose. i know what it's like to be nervous abt sharing ur opinions lol but u should keep doing it even if u think no one is listening bc someone IS listening and even if someone isnt WHATEVER i love living in delusion talking to myself that's what i do best
2. EXACTLY EXACTLY IT IS SO SO REFRESHING TO SEE SOMEONE GET IT SO PERFECTLY AND PUT IT INTO WORDS SO PERFECTLY TOO like i barely have anything to add because u just say it so perfectly. saeru IS a tragic character in the way it is created from despair like u said but the fact is that since it cannot feel anything like love u can never truly feel bad for it when it dies... it never wanted to help kenjirou, or save hiyori, or give haruka his life back. its purpose through and through is to keep killing everyone precisely because it brings tragedy. like sure it wants to live forever etcetcetc but what it wants to do is bring misery bc that's what it is
i think ppl are generally bad with characters like these because they try to give everyone a humanity?? like with alien characters for example. like it's such a pet peeve to me that people always wanna apply human principles and feelings to characters that are not... human. and the whole point is that they don't understand it and have to learn it or they just understand it differently or like in this case are straight up incapable of it. like this is so interesting. it is so interesting to have a character u will NEVER truly understand fully precisely because of your existence as a human vs their fictional non human existence. THAT'S the kind of thing that's so fun and interesting abt fiction and writing stories and characters, i think. srry that's kind of an unrelated rant that could apply to dozens of characters but here specifically it's like... yeah. there is definitely something interesting in humanizing saeru and making it be one of these characters who learn what love is and etc but that comes at the expense of kagepro's message and the question is why do u even wanna do that so bad. saeru is not THAT lovable anyway fuck that guy fr
because in my professional kagepro experience and here i am about to get a little bitter, 90% of the time it comes from being horny over omg posessed sexy anime boy bc ive never seen ANYONE objectifying clearing when its in kenjirou's body‼️‼️‼️ personally, that's also why im so UGH EYE ROLL at ppl sympathizing saeru but that's more personal lmao. *shakes fist* like mamoru miyano was 1000% chosen as haruka's va thinking primarily of saeru, secondarily of konoha, and haruka as the oh well he's here too ig. i am so sure. i am so DAMN SURE. u got sexy anime voice guy???? are you SERIOUS??? AND THE FACT HE VOICES SAERU EVEN WHEN NOT POSESSING KONOHA AND SOUNDS...LIKE THAT... MAKES IT MORE THAN CLEAR. THEY WANTED PEOPLE TO OBJECTIFY SAERU SO BAD. AND THE WORST IS THAT IT WORKED AND I WILL ALWAYS HATE IT FOR IT.
...........anyway. yes. i love long asks ty for writing to me and reading my tags and also for writing that awesome post (bow bow bow bow)🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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cubedmango · 15 days
hi, long time no message but this is kr anon - i just saw that you recently finished all (?) of build and i wanted to say congrats!! 🎉 and gotta say i really love the gentoku fanart/redraw you posted lmao, that meme really is him to a t (esp. after ep. 20 and before his turning point in like ep. 40) 😭 ngl i did think you would enjoy his overall arc, but i didn't expect you'd be that much of a gentoku stan by the end hfkhjwrfhs good for you though!! (also remember when i brought up aa/build parallels or what aa characters, especially the canon toku fans, would think of build, and i felt like if not misora bc of the similarities they share (more on this another time, though i also think sento and his dad's relationship has shades of maya and mia's relationship with misty), maya would be a fan of [redacted]? yeah i was talking about gentoku lol) and maybe we'll be seeing some more build fanart/content from you soon, if you're up for it? 👀
btw so sorry for the months-long radio silence, but it took far longer than originally expected for me to finish the rest of the show and its movies (excluding the v-cines for now, so you have one over me there lol, plus i also haven't seen the specials/webseries and the build episodes of zi-o, and some of those recent episodes of kr outsiders ig) especially with life getting busier and more hectic for me in general (university life and all), but let me just sum it up for now as me having enjoyed the ride from start to finish, even with some bumps along the way 🥹❤ [1/?]
(rest below)
sadly i don't have time rn to write/share my usual long responses to your commentary and stuff, though i actually started writing a reply to your answers from when i sent my last messages, back in march i think? 😅 i would have loved having more of episodic discussions/episode-by-episode breakdowns with you as you went along, but since you beat me to it by finishing the series on your own (which is totally understandable dw, esp. since i really didn't message you anything for the last several months), it won't be necessary anymore ig but i still want to eventually share that original reply i'd been writing so it won't feel wasted haha, and along with what i'd promised would be my overall review of everything i've seen so far, i'll do my best to send these messages to you by this weekend now 🫡 in the meantime, feel free to rant and ramble about build (like, ryusen truly is one brain chemistry-altering ship for the ages huh... makes me feel very 'go crazy go stupid' 😭) at me, even wrt the stuff i haven't seen yet bc i know the gist of them anyway, and i'll also be sharing some more links to build tumblr posts and tweets like before - though i see you've already started rbing more build fanart and edits (not sure if you based them on what i included in my original compilation though or if you've been combing through the build tumblr tags already?) so i'll have to make sure the ones i'll link rn aren't ones you've rbed already [2/?]
also when you say you think you've finished all of build, does that mean you've seen both hei gen final & forever + the specials/webseries + the build episodes of zi-o? or are you planning to only watch those at a later point, like the movies will be for after you've seen the other seasons they're crossing over with? but also no pressure if you just don't want to watch them rn for whatever reason, but just in case you do want to or you just want to keep the proper order in mind wrt at which point of the main show the specials or movies are situated in if you've seen all or most already (though i assume you've more or less checked the order from when you started watching the spin-offs after finishing the show): [3/?]
eps. 1-14 -> heisei generations final -> eps. 16-19 -> birth! kuma-televi!! vs. kr grease hyper battle dvd -> eps. 20-21 --> raising the hazard level with 7 best matches special & rogue miniseries -> eps. 22-41 -> kr prime rogue hyper battle dvd -> eps. 42-45 -> be the one movie -> eps. 46-49 -> final stage stageplay (though this was technically set during the actual finale, as you've seen) -> eps. 1-2 and eps. 1.5-2.5 of the succeeding season zi-o (since zi-o is basically an anniversary season celebrating 20 kr shows since 2000, thus basically being a giant crossover show like its spiritual predecessor decade and primarily consisting of arcs of like 2-3 episodes paying tribute to a certain season (sometimes actually featuring one or more actors from that season - not necessarily the actor for the mc though - and sometimes not if there are scheduling conflicts, etc.), and so is the 20th and final heisei kr show before zero-one marked the start of reiwa, though the timeline shenanigans here are so wonky and weird that you don't really have to consider these eps. canon if you want)
-> heisei generations forever (officially non-canon to the main timelines of both build and zi-o, though still a good enough homage to build's main story with a decent amount of ryusen) -> build new world: kr cross-z -> i heard the idol otaku is dating his fav special (basically just kazumi/misora nonsense from what i've heard, unfortunately) -> build new world: kr grease (i saw that you weren't keen on both new world movies as most build fans i know also weren't esp. bc of the het shenanigans (+ the weird evolt stuff that i've heard kinda feels like it's invalidating we already saw/learned in the main show, and it feels more like they just brought him back because they were milking his sheer popularity as a kr villain) that are apparently pretty typical of v-cine movies when compared to heavier gay coding in the main shows, sadly, so you can also take a page out of those other fans' book and not consider the nw movies canon or only cherrypicking the elements you like, but wrt the banjou stuff in cross-z specifically, i don't think him and yui are meant to be an unambiguously canon couple the way kazumi/misora and gentoku/sawa became in grease, as you can see a clear difference in how romantic both latter couples acted (even if i don't like both lmao, though i tolerate gentoku/sawa more than i do kazumi/misora simply bc i think g/s has funnier scenes than k/m, even with gentoku's unnecessary sexual proposition towards sawa in ep. 1 back when he was evil) vs. b/y, and also just the way banjou treated kasumi, his only 100% clearly canon girlfriend, vs. how he treated yui up to the end of the movie, and the girlfriend/date/best match comments in the movies seem to feel more like just jokes/trolling in hindsight (esp. since the b/y "date" at the end was literally just them selling stuff *sento* made, like something something sento is always somehow involved with banjou and his girlfriends, or 'girlfriend' in yui's case, so... lol. anyway), and also banjou appears to blatantly check out a shirtless killbas before they find out about him being the villain so ig the bi-coding was technically still going strong, plus the fact that yui just straight up disappears in grease which is supposed to be a direct sequel to cross-z and just isn't mentioned in any way (on which i have some bts info to spill btw, more on that in my next message) while sento and banjou continue to act like partners as usual, and in fact get paired up in a way that sets them alongside the pairing up of k/m and g/s in the same movie - so tl;dr: aside from the fact that we can just straight up ignore those movies, i don't think we have to worry about the yui stuff as a genuine invalidation of ryusen's romantic subtext-that's-practically-text, though it's still unfortunate they tried to pull this shit in the first place even if ultimately very half-assed and halfhearted, and you just kinda have to laugh at the audacity of doing all that *after* banjou made his little speech about sento being his hero, like you said)
-> kr jeanne and kr aguilera with girls remix (a revice spin-off included here on a technicality bc of sawa's presence, along with female characters from a few other kr seasons both in the heisei and reiwa eras alongside the titular female riders who i think i've told you before are the first major example of a lesbian-coded pairing in kr, though iirc they sadly also get hit with some plausible-deniability "they're like family/sisters" comments here though not really in the main show) -> kr outsiders (basically fanservice cash-grab slop from what i've been told that essentially is a suicide squad-esque project where various villains/evil riders from different seasons are assembled to battle a bigger bad guy, and evolt and misora are there in like a couple of episodes so 😔) [4/?]
(also i think there are like a few stageshows - different from the stageplay - that mostly feature the characters as played by suit actors only and are mainly crossovers with other seasons, as seen in this playlist which also includes non-build-related stageshows, youtube . com/playlist?list=PL0DBnMkUNDE3zk9hDvvihG9H_rBv6siTE&si=auHNcClmv4_a93S1, but idk if that covers all of them or if there's some missing, and unfortunately i think most if not all of the videos aren't subbed yet 😅) anyway i'm glad to hear you loved build just like i did, and hope you enjoy the rest of your kr journey! 💕 if you want some recs (for kr or mainstream toku in general), i can give you a brief list based on what i've gathered from other people since i'm also still a beginner for the most part 👍🏼 and thank you so much again in general for entertaining my asks and messages since the beginning last year, i'm just glad to have someone else to talk to about this stuff sjfhfkdhfas [5/?]
the stuff from tumblr: tumblr . com/sleepiestashu/700321086698553344/i-will-never-get-over-this-clip tumblr . com/raimei-p/718407651195748352 tumblr . com/gurayura/638313188734173184 tumblr . com/t-u-i-t-c/697842377983967232/silverwind-inukai-atsuhiro-kamen-rider-build tumblr . com/gurayura/190258714717 tumblr . com/summerrheannan/175883578861 tumblr . com/writing-in-sin/705753172018364416 tumblr . com/writing-in-sin/705934353292836864 tumblr . com/pleuvoire/659804099395600384?source=share tumblr . com/writing-in-sin/706518453622898688 tumblr . com/katsuragitakumi/624283580914384896 tumblr . com/katsuragitakumi/623545387915083776 tumblr . com/gurayura/190258714717 tumblr . com/keruworld/178191732809/things-that-cant-be-helped-these-two-precious tumblr . com/keshi-zumi/180792173152 tumblr . com/veeranger/179497372829 tumblr . com/keshi-zumi/179900052937/20181109 tumblr . com/takeru-tenkuuji/165057772349/be-the-one tumblr . com/takeru-tenkuuji/172014607710/are-you-ready tumblr . com/takeru-tenkuuji/643767818792370176/had-my-partner-watch-kr-build-and-finish tumblr . com/hiiiiiiiiiiho-blog/187010482966 tumblr . com/tsunflowers/665938709540126720/sento-coded-poses tumblr . com/heartvisor/716129755541405696/whenever-a-weird-t-shirt-crosses-my-dash-i-can tumblr . com/42wv/164432280570/here-comes-dr-pepper tumblr . com/sakurai-keiwa/638006761079685120/so-id-been-watching-kamen-rider tumblr . com/t-u-i-t-c/697714949310513152 tumblr . com/riderontime/667708174309146624/banjou-introducing-himself tumblr . com/peonypaint/682351924868218880/taking-a-spring-walk-together-id-two-digital tumblr . com/riderontime/668542674347982848/while-i-think-sentou-can-actually-express tumblr . com/yucca-persica/682512948095238146/so-im-continuing-my-kamen-rider-journey-and tumblr . com/sakura-neko6/679805498986463232/%E3%81%A1%E3%81%A3%E3%81%A1%E3%82%83%E3%81%84%E3%83%99%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88%E3%83%9E%E3%83%83%E3%83%81-small-best-match-boys tumblr . com/sakura-neko6/682522776141266944 tumblr . com/angeli-cal/681830647152672768/made-this-for-my-boyfriend-and-im-super-proud-of tumblr . com/jade-lop/680046866647449600 tumblr . com/meiuya/679835343407693824 tumblr . com/aokisouta/647356801407434753/best-match-rooftop-cinematic-universe-kamen tumblr . com/gurayura/644571893590032384 tumblr . com/kabutoraiger/643229452004999168/is-he-yknow-mimics-sento-sitting-on-the tumblr . com/kabutoraiger/641224933913083904/delighted-by-the-sento-on-this-shirt-design-3 tumblr . com/gurayura/642737313511866368/because-queenvernage-likes-nose-kisses tumblr . com/chilipepperconverse/749698516994129920/started-a-build-rewatch?source=share tumblr . com/kabutoraiger/649592805251022848?source=share tumblr . com/kabutoraiger/173938637978/i-should-be-working-right-now-x?source=share tumblr . com/kabutoraiger/176282612867?source=share tumblr . com/kabutoraiger/182461346822?source=share tumblr . com/kabutoraiger/728992489454845954?source=share tumblr . com/kabutoraiger/173803704162/sawatari-kazumi-specific-farming-memes?source=share tumblr . com/kabutoraiger/177176575102?source=share tumblr . com/kabutoraiger/171151040612/the-real-joke-is-that-banjou-isnt-straight-but?source=share tumblr . com/skeletonflower/747697203006554112/rabbit-tank-sparkling?source=share tumblr . com/m1ontee/746695053897089024/hazard?source=share tumblr . com/cina-full-moon-xanadium/747038237131997184/maekawas-6-year-old-son-sitting-down-to-watch-the?source=share tumblr . com/cina-full-moon-xanadium/747037066263756800?source=share tumblr . com/backtornado/176039367474/build-characters-react-to-you-contracting?source=share tumblr . com/number-one-toku-robot-lover/699306511051227137/sorry-but-timetoddddavis-s-tags-on-this-post (ngl seeing this post makes me tear up every time 🥺) tumblr . com/katsuragitakumi/180418205938?source=share (this shit goes so crazy like dhfjgwsjnfs) [6/?]
the stuff from twitter: twitter . com/funkyfunkyradio/status/1779275103596847521?t=psnLYCbT5mZCw4faWyfIZQ&s=19 twitter . com/Ponzu_SHT/status/1781660945946989008?t=Pg4sEboZIQN5vckidseaAA&s=19 twitter . com/KRfights/status/1783857906238079024?t=R1SvsO46XJLL7MxAtzipqw&s=19 (the card in the pic is merch following the Chemy card gimmick of the 2023-2024 season Gotchard, since iirc every new season tends to release merch for previous seasons based on their current gimmick) twitter . com/spidergenome/status/1744784670477386169?t=-1tjcLDe9zG4jLBvqVT2_A&s=19 twitter . com/cynonic/status/1707816360146039062?t=kDrhlIdwWRo0785HtrFqMQ&s=19 twitter . com/YRXCL/status/983380559182282752?t=JGM8aE0XtgCXqJwHcxiUxw&s=19 twitter . com/___racccoon/status/1510534991477805057?t=smM_s1knTKq2uNmv7NDwwg&s=19 twitter . com/JONA0207DIO/status/1643296242536153088?t=IeCo7FtikefmBIAWVDGBxQ&s=19 twitter . com/8038_2gou/status/1750502615866339675?t=5biOP7Vg4ePOwZzeNXlo1A&s=19 twitter . com/P3ACH0520/status/1456516201769623554?t=eMZUeWioRHpiaViI6LRWjw&s=19 twitter . com/P3ACH0520/status/1438183667663204356?t=-zj-0yFcvZdmlFg8691cpw&s=19 twitter . com/P3ACH0520/status/1756927961461395601?t=o3T10kxtFYEQZShzSrG6Vg&s=19 twitter . com/yuro_yuro_yuro/status/1754065358775038247?t=ZPaPsx3ttai0AotqTKHeOg&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1755964588338930078?t=R5IgHSGIJvJN5wTqAmbSoQ&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1756108264259940752?t=HWKUDpWv2ne6bufIxB7ZBQ&s=19 twitter . com/ichippon/status/1745683922086682872?t=XARw2xrhfsvcAPA-uH1xaA&s=19 twitter . com/00x_sio/status/1757760751375421810?t=wbODL8gTEL-RKEwbUZfIFQ&s=19 twitter . com/___racccoon/status/1535042965160067072?t=Qcj6PG8TGaTQWeBS8XUsYQ&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1757767410537353382?t=9h2DHOKD_5gqzvv1JXPjVg&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1756800454690852966?t=1cfA96Ve1zOuemgtvKsong&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1756695765785727082?t=1cfA96Ve1zOuemgtvKsong&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1756449394038116785?t=1cfA96Ve1zOuemgtvKsong&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1757896417312477291?t=1cfA96Ve1zOuemgtvKsong&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1758616156921876588?t=1cfA96Ve1zOuemgtvKsong&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1759347800146428012?t=1cfA96Ve1zOuemgtvKsong&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1761149499076981106?t=1cfA96Ve1zOuemgtvKsong&s=19 twitter . com/TokuStats/status/1759592516599296272?t=1cfA96Ve1zOuemgtvKsong&s=19 twitter . com/totome_17/status/1757758979579724080?t=0w9ZYUUT0MdIco4qbYNnQQ&s=19 twitter . com/1010_mumumu/status/1735287016181694882?t=3tRVABh9xFYcpj-zxECjYA&s=19 twitter . com/sasakura34/status/1672218720599683072?t=fgsjGz7n5F-fI56t5t84Cw&s=19 twitter . com/6W6pig/status/1669966178591346688?t=tM0nhcJVzlnRF63tEQt0xA&s=19 twitter . com/itotk32/status/1644461276071084033?t=A9srwyexOeq1TdYLz1P_VQ&s=19 twitter . com/6W6pig/status/1667937476856659968?t=BN0OxLfsms8b-R3mUmt-aw&s=19 twitter . com/fanzhazhazha1/status/1668911037687689217?t=UmIoxUEBwiUc6ZehH09wWA&s=19 twitter . com/Heyear_0609/status/1668270429142675457?t=hP7Tx-xWtjB1nANSPg5abQ&s=19 twitter . com/6W6pig/status/1620039685920935938?t=vPBjNykZU10DXr1l9YkrWg&s=19 twitter . com/oi_nanndedayo/status/1737450554857812029?t=_QAjrtWq-gJFSkY_2Zi2dQ&s=19 twitter . com/oi_nanndedayo/status/1740709126882365594?t=epUZbphcvxvt0dp3YvtHFg&s=19 twitter . com/KRfights/status/1758546842181063053?t=KbhACtwcvenQSfxmHL7wUQ&s=19 twitter . com/GaMwanG_/status/1759600273763545282?t=eSIBTzMbNDQRPjH9sBPe7g&s=19 twitter . com/st05_uoxou/status/1758821836127957202?t=gIUzv9uALvzjQCJ2Dl2vnA&s=19 twitter . com/mysillycomics/status/1235409655532269568?t=y36Wzm7AIrpelkicXlWfZw&s=19 [7/?]
also i noticed you rbed the ryusen cake by the ocean edit, so i'm linking 2 other edits from the same user (i shared one of them before but idk if you saw them since they might have gotten buried under everything else, so sharing them again just in case): tumblr . com/shirleyjakcson/654666138019594240/i-dont-know-about-this-power-of-science-stuff-you?source=share tumblr . com/shirleyjakcson/654696259298476032/dragon-rabbit-theres-no-way-a-combination-like?source=share and there's also this video that i linked in one of my earliest messages, since i also don't know if you've already seen it youtu . be/-Gjzr5HmmfY?si=-RhP-86SUOTs8Uic and from the same user, here's an out-of-context edit that's a 'comprehensive guide' to kr (aka memes summing up each rider mentioned in the song, which is an abridged version of 'george karizaki's rider system,' a character song for the guy of the same name from the season revice in honor of revice airing in 2021 - kr's 50th anniversary - and which is sung by his actor hamao noritaka and basically lists every rider in the showa era, every primary and secondary rider in the heisei era (excluding kuuga bc no secondary rider in the first place) and for the first 2 seasons in the reiwa era, and every rider in revice's main show), in case you want to pick your next kr season instead based on a meme you want to understand here lol youtu . be/N6zw0IGkUFY?si=fbCsMgploCWMuI0m and since the video doesn't have subs, this page has the lyrics so you can keep up with which rider is which: kamenrider . fandom.com/wiki/George_Karizaki%27s_Rider_System [7/?]
also i think i forgot to mention way before that kasumi's actor risako ito is also known for starring in the 'long long man' commercial, which also aired in 2017 (assuming you don't know about it already as well), and well i just find it funny that apparently this is the kind of stuff she finds herself drawn to acting in like ajfhkjwshs youtu . be/6-1Ue0FFrHY?si=kjyG9FzsqwwVN6a8 and if you want fic recs, i'll just link them next time since these messages are getting longer than i anticipated again (assuming you haven't been reading fics already, too) and a couple more accounts you might want to check out on twitter: the daily build twitter account @ daily__build which posts pictures of the cast both in-character and as themselves (some of which were already in the tumblr posts i shared earlier), which hadn't been updating for a while bc it's run by a brazilian but now it's back, happily + @ tokustats, a lot of whose tweets i included in my previous link compilation, and it's basically sports graphics (mainly nba i think?) edited to fit various toku shows (i think they linked all their build graphics in one thread, but you can also search for the graphics with the hashtag kamenriderbuild). anyway i hope this isn't too overwhelming for you, and feel free as well to take your time in checking everything out :-) [8/8]
KR ANON!! WOAH HI !!!! omg its so great to hear from u again, i hope ur doing good and ur university stuff is going well, it sounds v busy akfjdskjf i understand the grind 100% 😔
as for the stuff ive watched, i finished the main eps first and then went for basically everything i could find that i knew had the build charas/story involved, so the only stuff from everything u mentioned that im missing are the 4 eps from zi-o, the revice spinoff, outsiders and the stageshows. i was thinking of leaving the crossover movies for later at first but then i also didnt wanna wait for if/when i watch ex-aid or zi-o so i just went for them (esp since u mentioned banjou chara development for one of them which i was Rlly curious about) and i enjoyed both, non-canon as they might be akfjdksf.. i think ill check out those zi-o eps but i probs wont watch the whole show (yet at least)
but yeah it rlly was a rollercoaster holy shit that entire final arc in the show was fucked up and evil?? in the best way possible??? i was crying literally the entire last three eps help ... the silly little rabbit w a death wish was too real...... i def saw what u meant by the end bit being weaker but honestly it didnt feel too bad to me, it probably wouldve been better executed if they had more eps to work w (which ik are strictly consistent for every season) + those actors that werent able to film, but i feel like for what they had to work with they did a rlly good job bc i was still hooked and Invested(tm)
i only got to the other stuff afterwards so i didnt rlly watch the whole story in chronological order (which. i probs shouldve???) but i did enjoy those a lot too esp the second stage play as u already saw akfjdksjfkds that and be the one were.... man....... the found family. the ryusen. Kiryuu Fucking Sento. Good Lord. i dont think ill ever recover from the rain and the music box and 'hes my precious partner, our relationship wasnt a fabrication' that was worse than getting stabbed i think
also the rogue spinoff like i went in already liking gentokus chara a Lot after seeing the whole story so i was biased but i think they showed his desperation and spiral into insanity (? if it makes sense) rlly well there, it was def a lot more brutal but somehow i ended up liking the fight scenes in there more than the main story ones maybe bc they didnt have much of the cgi? either way it was a good insight into gentokus past/chara (and a little bit of takumis too who i always like seeing) and now i can Genuinely put him in the 'poor little meow meow who killed people' box so yay :) my silly shirt man i care him :)
then theres the new world movies which.....sigh......... Yeah............ those sure were movies ......... the comphet honestly didnt even bother me that much bc im so used to ignoring when writers pull shit like that (tho the whole banjou/yui thing did give me a fic idea in a way that i started outlining afkjdksgj) but the way they just undid the entire logic of the new world with the point of it being that its entire existence is only possible w evolt and the pandora box no longer existing is just. Eugh. like i get they have to have some sort of villains bc this is toku and the action has to be there but it just makes no sense in the sequel setting where its supposed to be A Normal World.??? we couldve had two movies about ryusen navigating life in this world and slowly finding their family again or smth like that but nope. kill the canon with rocks who even cares /s
anyway yeah i did enjoy the ride overall and im feeling very unwell over these guys so thank u sm again for recommending build it was a great time even tho i took . fucking forever to finish it 😭 also im super down to watch more so if u have recommendations for any other ones pls do share!! one of my mutuals also recd den-o and ryuki so i might go for one of those next and maybe ex-aid too later, but yea if theres any show besides those u think are good id love more recs 👀 ill be looking forward to the review u wanted to send me earlier too im super interested in what u thought abt it
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m1ckeyb3rry · 15 days
LMAOO LinkedIn coming in clutch but either way still exciting!! Does this mean after this you’ll be able to channel your inner yuki for fic writing omg you’ll have all the scoop on what the modeling process is like firsthand
AHAHA affirmations that’s the word I was looking for but FR before you sit down to write you hype yourself in the mirror draw on the stubble and get into the zone
FUNERAL INVITES SHEHWJSISJS I have no words for that I’m sure the graphics would go hard as usual though
STILL ALIVE AND NOT POSSESSED I’m crying yes please we don’t want to BECOME Barou…Karasu taking care of baby birds and tullias pokemon…no stop I thought we agreed on no swerving IM SWERVING I’m fr mentally imaging all of this and omg….wait the apron and the jeans and t shirt….its so domestic looking…..im in danger….
SHSHS excited either way!!! I bet the fluctuations are kinda annoying LMAO actually lowk reminds me of bot activity ik there’s a lot of those on twitter
No because what happened to our thinking skills there’s no way Nagi’s getting kicked out be so real…SHSH HELP LMAO ALSO YEAH the princess thing is also something i find annoying like he doesn’t LIKE being called princess…ill also add in that half the time they stick another word in jp on it that gets lost in translation sometimes but they’re explicitly saying like “bossy princess” for lack of a direct translation but whenever they use princess even alone because of that context it’s heavily implied that they’re using it to describe how spoiled chigiri acts…? Like how he takes extra long getting ready at the expense of others, so like how a princess would act like being the center of the world LMAO so yeah his visuals are just a bonus but the nickname is usually a jab at his “my pace” sorta personality lol….ok anyways that rant turned out a lot longer than I expected I find that people misconstruing things because the nuance got lost in translation is my pet peeve although I can’t really fully blame people ig if they don’t get it LOL
When I first saw the SpongeBob my first thought was “me???” but I ignored it because I thought I was being too insane but YESSS KEEP TJEM COMING I love getting silly content honestly even if it’s not bllk related I’m happy to receive anything you find funny I’ll never turn down a good meme NAGI CHIGIRI EDIT wait that one part where chigiri slowly opens his eyes kinda…..um anyways
People filly ignoring the rectangles for building ass background when jjk s2 first aired (they’ve since adjusted it in the blu ray release iirc) but let’s be real none of us are watching it FOR the animation so why are so you pressed….
LMAOOO wait on that note imagine going to the gym with Barou I’d be scared shitless fr I bet he’d be good at making sure you’re doing everything correctly though LOL omg didn’t know we had a gym bro amongst us…/j LMAO wait that routine sounds refreshing lowk??
Also commentary on some posts I scrolled past while getting to your response THE BAROU POST “let’s talk about him OUT of the uniform” IS CRAZY thats actually peak brain performance though that line hits hard im excited to see that scene animated ok but my turn to convert ooooh you wanna convert to hiorism so bad oooh (i need that gif of the hypnosis hand wave) I think I saw the vision after LN digging when I heard there was Karasu content and then ofc nel had some nice panels of him and the rest is history….come join us….i bet pursuit will seal the deal though trust….you know you want to…I’ll admit the vibe feels very different from Karasu and Barou for obvious reasons LMAOO but he’s still got the sassy streak too (unlike isagi) I’m a sucker for duality lowk
- Karasu anon
linkedin always comes through HAHAH my pfp for that is just a random headshot so i figured it worked and ig it did!! omg oaeu yukimiya is abt to be so accurate you’re right
i’m reciting aikulations every time i sit down to write!! the stubble please 😭 using eyeliner to draw it on and whenever someone sees me i’m just like dw abt it i’m oliver aiku (which incidentally is a very aiku thing to say)
okay but…imagine reader is too sad to make the invites…so she gets nagi (and his reuniclus) to do it…and this is what they come up with it
Tumblr media
please appreciate my calligraphy/artistic skills LMAOAAO nagi does his best (the handwriting is neat because reuniclus uses its psychic powers to do it not because nagi suddenly took a penmanship class or smth)
no because not to further the swerving agenda but i was listening to music earlier (tik tok audios) and a chemtrails over the country club audio came on my fyp and it’s so karasu x reader coded 🌝 “you’re in the wind” karasu with his birds “i’m in the water” reader with her gyarados “nobody’s son” karasu runs away from the gym to prove himself to yayoi “nobody’s daughter” barou left reader to go on his journey…younger siblings who are desperately pursuing their older siblings (karasu figuratively as he’s pursuing yayoi’s talent and reader literally as she’s pursuing barou wherever he is) UNITE 😰 NAGI COME BACK WE NEED MORE PARALLELS WITH YOU KARASU IS WINNING AGAIN also omg domestic karasu is killing me just imagine him cradling a baby pichu (tullia’s infernape is a boy and eggs are the same species as their mothers + infernape and the pikachu line are in the same egg group so it’s possible) in one arm walking around outside of his gym with a bottle because the pichu’s mother rejected it so it has to be fed formula hourly and tullia’s too busy that day so karasu takes in the role…imagine you just see the intimidating butler coded gym leader walking around babying this little pichu while he has his phone between his ear and shoulder saying bullshit like “you’re a mediocre dumbass otoya why would you send out a fairy type against yukimiya’s fucking steelix bro give up chris prince does NOT want you” LMAOAOAO
yeah i’m sure i have bots following me because i never go through and look at my followers like some people do and delete the bots so there’s def a few!! sometimes someone will have an account that looks like a bot though and they’ll comment on one of my posts and i’m like hello you’re a real person??? so aside from not caring/not having the time or energy to comb through my followers i also don’t want to accidentally remove someone who’s just shy or doesn’t want to set up their account because i get that!!
that’s what i always understood it as!! like they’re making fun of him for being self centered and prissy it’s no different than nagi calling barou “maid barou”/“maid king” HAHAHA whenever people are like “chigiri’s a princess that’s why everyone likes him and thinks he’s pretty 😌” i’m like bro chigiri would genuinely crash out if he heard you rn LMAOAOA honestly i didn’t know abt the japanese extra word but i feel like it’s made relatively obvious that it’s meant to be rude?? like a) chigiri gets annoyed when people call him that, b) isagi straight up says he’s a “selfish princess” at one point, and c) if nagi, karasu, AND otoya (bllk trash talking kings) are calling a character a name it’s safe to assume it is not meant to be kind 😭 LMAOO no because like him or hate him no one can deny that nagi will have a comeback i don’t understand people who genuinely believe he won’t (although i will say i saw a comment calling him “the interviewer” and i had to laugh)
HAHAHA OKAY I WILL KEEP THE EDITS AND MEMES COMING!! you have unleashed a monster…pls no nothing is ever too insane for me that was literally my first thought OSFJJDSN AND YESSS NAGI CHIGIRI DUO ‼️ i completely agree that clip of chigiri is sooo good that’s the chigiri i need people to write about more because it’s who he really is!! like he’s very much more so 😏👹 than he is 😜💖 bro saved isagi from death in the and was fully ready to square up with shidou in the last ep of s1 LMAOAO LET’S TALK ABT IT 👆🏻
i love my routine it’s so fun!! not too high stress or impossible either because the gym should be enjoyable and imo it’s better to do less but be consistent than go crazy for a week, burnout, and never go again 😰 okay ykw i think barou would be sweet to workout with like he’d either leave you alone and be focused on himself or he’d kindly correct you (given that this is off field barou he’s probably used to dealing with his little sisters so he knows how to gently tell someone they’re wrong) actually you know who would be insufferable though??? KARASU 😭 as much as i love him i would never go to the gym with him unless it’s as a spectator because bro is constantly in your business, critiquing you, and he’s a younger sibling (and if his actual older sister is anything like yayoi well…) so he has no concept of sensitivity about it either he’d just be like “yo that squat was mediocre asf do this instead so you don’t suck 🤣” his advice is flawless though because he’s a gym regular (have you seen his quads and arms 🤤 i KNOW bro lifts) but you def cry at least twice per session 😓
HELPP I WAS LIKE WAIT THIS SOUNDS WRONG LET ME INCLUDE THE PANEL I’M REFERENCING no because it’s literally an entire subject of conversation in the barou version of the oaeu that he’s always taking his shirt off LMAOAOA nagi fr cooked calling him the stripper king 😭
i feel like hiori is more in line with nagi when it comes to my favs vs karasu/barou…like pale haired sassy gamer who seems quiet and sweet but is actually secretly brutal at heart?? which one am i referencing 🧐 i think i always imagine wb hiori when i think of him and while i love wb hiori he’s very heavy on the melancholy aspect of his character and not so much the humor and sass potential that he has (it’s touched on a bit in fwtkac but he’s kind of irrelevant and also kind of childish there so it’s not the same) okay wait lowkey now that you mention pursuit imagine spin-off reader inserts with the side characters 🤩 like a hiori x reader but it’s not pursuit reader (who’ll just be referred to as the reluctant champion if she’s mentioned in the spin-offs) it’s someone completely different…or a yukimiya one…or even karasu or otoya…maybe a barou prequel?? the verse is just so developed they’re all honestly possible
wait omg imagine a karasu spin off after he’s a gym leader where he’s like “i’ll never find love” and then he ends up lowkey beefing with the new reader who’s the gym leader of a different gym and slowly ends up falling love and we get to see him all domestic and cute but also as a pro battler and gym leader…BONUS POINTS IF NEW READER HAS A CRUSH ON YUKIMIYA JFCJDNDJS it’s giving “we’ve got five ways to kill a crow at home” the five ways to kill a crow at home:
okay today’s video is a tabiori edit!! do i ship NO (as you know) but the edit itself is cute and this ask has been very karasu and hiori focused so it’s all good
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Friday, February 23rd, 2024!
7:55am: I slept for so long and woke up with no alarms this morning :) feels amazing. Still had a huge orange chunk come out of my nose but it's less than before, I just don't know when it will stop lol (I literally had to get up while writing this and do another one). Last night I had to go to sleep unexpectedly early bc I had a milkshake and it made me so bloated omg. I think I'm officially at that age where I really can't just be eating anything 😂 of course I can bc I'm an independent woman 💅 but not without The Consequences. Also I just popped my BC in and I'm ready for my period to stop and also for the stomach issues to stop omg it's been rough out here. It really feels like spring break should be today, but the pros to it being next week are that it's one week closer to the end, I won't be on my period at all, and hopefully it will be warmer!! I'm tired of this cold ass weather!!
I feel good today besides the random brain thoughts that I don't particularly want. I need to figure out how to replace those thoughts with ones I do what. This journaling, as much ranting as it is, definitely helps me I guess regulate my runaway thoughts. I really want to take a post poop nap though those are the best so ttyl lmao.
10:47am: omg I continued to sleep until 9:50am I don't know how to explain to people how much sleep I really feel like I need. Idk it's probably depression but that's literally ok I'm just doing what I can. I still miss him and that's ok too. I don't really miss him I literally miss just having someone to talk to. But he fucked up and it's his loss, not mine. He lost a genuine person, and I lost a liar who cheats and steals money and nothing he does is genuine, it's all fake to get people to like him so he can use their shit for all it's worth. What's crazy is he's so fake he doesn't even care about these cats after he kept saying he misses them oh boohoo me it's like losing two kids, then blocks me so he'll effectively never fucking see them again. He's literally so fake AF. I take pride knowing I'm not a fake ass bitch and I don't lie to people. Doesn't matter if people believe me or not because I know I'm not lying about anything. If you think I'm lying, you just have something else going on in your life that you have to deal with clearly. This image of them getting on the bike together I think will stay with me for a while, I guess visuals are really my downfall. I know I'm the bigger person bc I literally said yeah y'all are cute together before he stopped speaking to me and everything was chill. It was chill because I made it chill. I made this entire friendship what it was and I'm really convinced of it now tbh. I don't like him, I like me and how I act towards him 😂 I like nice people, aka myself lmao.
If everyone likes me except for you.... Sorry I don't think I'm the problem boo 😘 just a matter of time before he does some more stupid shit I'm sure I'll hear about 🙄
Happy Friday!!
1:02pm ate my ramen leftovers and my boss is buying me CFA Cobb salad for work later :') people are awesome ❤️
10:09pm: JFC my feet hurt like hell. I wish I had a guy to rub my feet fr but one day lol. I just realized he didn't block me on sc so I could technically add him back whenever, I wonder if he's waiting for me to do that?? Hmmmm he's such a narcissist it's wild, plus the whole posting at me when I'm technically blocked on ig is actually crazy af. I bet $200 if he adds me back on ig that post will magically be gone or the caption would change. He's so petty and acts like a little bitch. Literally can't relate 💀
11:40pm: finished my law assignment and I'm so tired I think I'll eat my salad leftovers and literally pass out. My eyes are literally burning.
I really just be out here gaslighting tf outta myself. I'm sitting here like wowza I wish I had "guy" to vibe w me after getting done with my hw.... But it's been so long it's funny that I forget, that man in particular would NOT want to chill with me after I'm finished with my hw!! Name literally one time when he ever fucking did that?? Literally he never fucking did. I'm so gaslighting myself into thinking we'd be doing anything rn, he would've pissed me off all night and then would probably be asleep rn. There would not be random drive thru trips bc he's on a lame ass diet and won't stfu about it and there wouldn't be cuddling bc he would've pissed me off the entire afternoon sitting on his ass making fucking messes instead of contributing anything ever to the home we share and it would infuriate me!! That's not attractive 🙄 so yeah gaslighting tf out of myself to think that would be happening 🤣 it's been so long I forget how exhausting that bullshit was!! Don't go back sis you literally hated it!! Wack AF and manipulative tbh.
One day, there will be a man, he will rub my feet when I get off work, even better he'll see the insides of my shoes, know that I'm too busy/ADHD to remember to get insoles, and would surprise me with new insoles for my shoes ❤️ that's what care and love looks like. We will have a cute snack and then probably fuck before bed bc we are both grown and not scared of a little period fr, and he would get me a towel and draw up a shower for me afterwards and I'd come back into the clean bedroom with no dirty shit on the floor and get into my made bed and snuggle with the real love of my life who loves and respects me 🥰 manifesting lol 💕
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my main problem is that my ambition is off the charts, but my follow-through is a solid 0 yikes
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yesimwriting · 3 years
hi, i love all your work! could i please request headcanons for what it'd be like to go from being enemies to lovers with nikolai lantsov.
thank you:)
A/N maybe i moved this up on my request lists bc i woke up today and went 'nikolai lantsov'
- i'm being a little liberal with cannon bc my mind first went to 'princess! reader who hates nikolai bc they're competitive and then they have to team up together to try to get their parents to break up their arranged marriage but fall in love in the process (this might be a little undetailed but i'm thinking of writing a full fic or mini-series with this plotline so let me know if you'd be interested!! i could see a smutty ending to that fic but idk,, lmk what you thing ig lol)
- Ok so first off enemies to lovers with the loml nikolai lantsov would be SO GOOD bc he's so dramatic and obviously attractive so even though you hate him you know he's hot,, there's never a dramatic realization that he's attractive bc it's just a fact
- butttt you'd rather give up any claim you have to your family's throne than feed his already gigantic ego
- okk but lets get to the beginning of your enemies to lovers relationship
- so basically every summer your parents go and stay with Nikolai's family at this super fancy vacation home bc your parents are both royalty and your kingdoms have a very healthy relationship
- just bc it's the summer season doesn't mean it's summer vacation,, so as children for about a month you two share a tutor,, and when i tell you that created a rivalry so fast i mean it
- you're not the eldest princess and you're always trying to be the best for your parents approval, nikolai just wanted to impress the really smart girl who had a pretty laugh (poor nikolai lol,, he had no way of knowing how important being the best in school no matter what was to your self esteem)
- maybe if you two could communicate you’d like each other a little better at this point but it starts when you’re pretty young and by the time you’re like 13 it’s a solidified dynamic (and 13 year olds are the MEANEST and most insecure people in the world so that’s when your relationship turns to full enemies)
- now that you’re 13 you have more princess-y requirements, especially over the summer. So when you see that Nikolai gets to practice with swords and gets more free time while you have to practice setting tables you hate him more than ever. 
- Nikolai senses that you’re extra hostile but he has no idea why,, he tries asking once but he makes a joke about how ‘maybe you’re jealous bc youre no longer the center of my attention’ and even though he’s just trying to ease the tension you feel like he’s making fun of you
- so that’s when things get aggressive, but at that point summer is almost over so it’s whatever
- next summer comes and you’re still SO MAD at him,, so when you get to the estate you’re like ‘i’m not even talking to him idc how quiet these next three months are’ 
- and you get there all determined to hate him,, but once you get there and see him something in you cracks bc he had the audacity to spend the last year going through puberty AND LIKE HE’S ALWAYS BEEN CUTE BUT THIS IS SOMETHING ELSE 
- so youre mentally panicking bc how do you even talk to someone that looks like that now???? but then you remember that you didnt even want to talk him so in a panic youre like ‘maybe i can avoid him and he’ll just assume it’s bc i hate him bc i do,, who cares if he’s unbelievably hot now’ 
- nikolai doesn’t assume anything, he just gets to the estate and is like ‘why hasn’t she insulted me yet?? is she suddenly too good to give me attention?’ so during the lessons that you still share he gets an idea
- he decides to one-up you in everything bc that’s always gotten a reaction out of you 
- it works,, every time he corrects you or steals an answer from you, you’re ready to snap but then you look at him and take in his stupidly perfect face and  you just shut up 
- nikolai thinks it’s not working so he just tries harder
- by the end of week one you can’t take it anymore so when the tutor leaves at the end of lessons you snap, you tell him off for how often he’d repeat what you said and change a few words and get all the praise from the tutor
- on the inside he’s like ‘took long enough’ but the more you rant he’s like ‘is she okay???’ he’d be more concerned if you weren’t threatening his pride and at this point he’s still annoyed bc if you were that annoyed you should have just talked to him instead of ignoring him for a week
- he’s thinking that just bc you got really pretty over the last year doesn’t make you too good to yell at him on the daily
- the worst thing anyone can do to nikolai is ignore him LMAO (lowkey relatable)
- so he starts arguing with you and you’re so upset that you forget about how aggressively attractive he is 
- and you two are alone in this room and the more you argue the closer you two get
- the climax of the argument is when neither of you are yelling, you’re just so mad you’re beyond raising your voice and once you’re both at that point it goes like this: 
“Nikolai Lantsov, you are the most insufferable person I’ve ever met” 
“Well then, Darling, you should look in a mirror.” 
“You are so entitled, so ridiculously self obsessed that it ruins your attractiveness.” 
“...” he literally just like blinks twice. “You think I’m attractive?” 
“Uh? No--i didn’t say that at all, maybe if you didn’t have the language comprehension of a child you’d understa--” he just reaches forward, grabs the collar of your dress, and kisses you. 
- it’s your first kiss so you have no idea what you’re doing and it’s with some one you CANT STAND and you’re so mad bc you had expectations for your first kiss and he’s taken that from you--but the thing is,, 
- he’s good at it. Like really good at it. Like so good it makes you curious about what he does the nine months of the year he’s not stuck here with you bc there’s no way he hasn’t had practice. 
- but you’re also extremely confused and nervous and aware of how stupid you’re being (and a little hormonal bc being 14 isn’t easy) and then he places his hand on your cheek and that snaps some sense of reality into you bc it’s one thing to enjoy the kiss but another thing entirely to want him to escalate it
- so you place one hand on his chest and push him off of you slightly. He takes the hint, pulls away enough to look at you and then you two just stare at each other 
- your hand is still on his chest and you have absolutely no idea what comes next, but you find yourself looking at his lips
- since you haven’t slapped him or pulled away more than a few inches he thinks maybe things are okay so he leans forward slightly and kisses you again. 
- you reciprocate a little too fast, the kiss lasts two seconds before thinking about how insane you’re being so you push away entirely. 
- He lets you go,, and in the most awkward display ever you’re like ‘uh I need to go,, i can’t be late to ball preparation lessons’ and you leave that room faster than you’ve ever left a room in your entire life. 
- the next day you consider pretending to be sick to avoid him but that would only give him more power over the situation so you go,, and he’s just sitting there calmly
- youre on edge the entire day but he never even jokes about it
- a part of you is a tiny bit annoyed bc who kisses you and then pretends it never happened? but overall, you’re relieved 
- the days pass and it never comes up but now whenever you two argue you think of how quickly kissing him both shut him up and got rid of your tension 
- the summer goes by quickly, your usual dynamic has returned and you wonder if he even remembers kissing you. twice. in a row. 
- the next couple of years are normal,, even when you two no longer take lessons together you still dont like him. He’s just so assured and he takes such joy in bothering you. 
- and then one summer your parents sit you down and they’re like ‘we need to plan the future alliance of our kingdom’ 
- you’re a little confused bc you’re rarely allowed to sit in on these things bc you’re a girl and you’re basically meant to just be a royal’s bride--and then you realize why you’re there. 
- you start protesting before your father can finish announcing your engagement 
- the parents were smart bc they announced it at the end of summer so you two couldn’t drive them crazy or conspire
- the first thing you do when you get back to your castle is write to him for the first time ever 
- your letter is basically ‘pls tell me you’re doing something’ 
- the two of you talk until you come up with the plan to get your parents to break up your engagement 
- your parents dont really care about your feelings and they expect the two of you to argue with them,, but they care about the kingdoms
- so you two decide that if you act like youre so in love that you let your duties slip the engagement will end,, especially if you two are in love in a toxic way 
- so the next summer you two make sure to flirt and act like youre totally obsessed with each other and skip lessons together and just are constantly together and acting like you’re on a honeymoon
- your parents are like ?? since when 
- at one point you flirt with a random guard just so Nikolai can have a ‘jealous outburst’ while your families are strolling through the garden 
- ngl jealous nikolai had you ready to RISK IT ALL,, you were ready to drop the plan and marry him on the spot 
- he notices bc he notices everything about you and when your family walks away he gives you a quick kiss and youre stunned,, much to his delight 
- your desire to break up your engagement takes a slight backseat in your mind bc you decide to set off on a secret goal to make him flustered
- it doesn’t take much, your dresses get a little more risky, your comments get a little more suggestive
- the only problem?? he seems to have his own personal goal and it’s to make you even more flustered than he is
- soon the two of you are lost in layers of pretend and competition
- when your parents are finally thinking about delaying the engagement and keeping you two away from each other until you calm down a little (i feel bad for them,, an entire summer of being surrounded by the ULTIMATE sexual tension) 
- you’re sad and you don’t know why bc this is what you wanted, but then Nikolai stands up and says that you two planned for this and he has the letters to prove it (he was ready to drop the receipts LMAO) and youre like ??what are you doing?
- and he says he’d rather marry you then never see you again bc now all he wants is to get know you bc he has no idea how he wasted so much time arguing with you 
- and you just meltttt but your in front of your entire family and his as well so you just sit there for a minute and then you tell him you feel the same way 
- but the summer’s over
- you kiss him before leaving and he says you’ll have to visit bc he can’t go an entire year without seeing your ‘pretty face’ 
- you promise to visit him soon
- your at home for exactly a day and a half before getting an invitation to visit him 
- you laugh bc the only way that letter could get to you that fast is if he mailed it before you even left 
- you say yes obviously,, and spend some time having a really cute fall-dating vibes together until you figure out how you really feel 
- and you feel like he makes your heart STOP and that’s why you hated him,, bc you didn’t like being vulnerable 
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ryansjane · 3 years
I don't know of it's weird but I kinda feel bad for Chimon? Like I've followed the 2000s line since a long time, and they were always together and their IGs are filled with each other's pictures (the "grow together" pictures are just-🥺🥺🥺) and now I feel like GMMTV has left Chimon behind.
Nanon has always had bigger roles and more presence in their reality shows.
Ohm, as we know, is literally a BL veteran, he's been in so many! And now Bad Buddy is a golden key to fame for the both of them.
But Chimon? He doesn't have any big projects coming up (to my knowledge), and in all his previous work he was almost always the second lead.
He has a "permanent BL partner" so to say, in Pleum, but they haven't worked together in a long time barring a few Oishi posts or something lmao.
Anyways, I just wanted to rant about this. These three have always been balanced, and I feel, on the same level of talent (which is immense). But after Bad Buddy, Nanon and Ohm are going to be on a different level of fame and Chimon is going to be left behind only because he doesn't have the right opportunities. I feel sad for him :( GMMTV better doesn't do him dirty and give him bigger roles more frequently. We want to see more of him!!!
Sorry to rant here but I don't know who else would tolerate this lmao. Okay, thankss I'll go now.
(btw loving your gifs, as always!)
hi anon! first of all thanks for the compliment about my gifs! and also, I understand your feelings completely as I'm also ALWAYS worried about my own fave, off, getting left behind. I'd say that's a pretty natural feeling when you love someone & want the best for them. in some sense, I do agree that chimon not being in bad buddy is not the best move for him as he was the one that people shipped with nanon & now that fandom is gonna greatly diminish to be replaced by ohmnanon shippers. honestly, and that is pure speculation so don't come for me or take anything I say as the universal truth, but for me it's kinda crazy that gmmtv would immediately exclude chimon from having a ship with nanon when they know the power of their ship. I mean nanon & chimon are gmmtv's most popular ghost ship (so many people actually COMPLAINED when bad buddy was announced bc chimon wasn’t there) so for me I feel like they offered chimon ohm's part & he turned it down (AGAIN, JUST SPECULATION.) it's very clear that chimon is clearly turning to straight romances, with his role in put your head on my shoulder where he has a ship with gigie again like in hctm (though second lead as you say he never is main lead...), and the upcoming show the player where he plays a ship with namtan (!!! frankly I cannot wait it's gonna be iconic lol.) so anyways I just feel like chimon is just not looking to act in any bl anymore, and especially since his ship with pluem has kinda been dead for years now (though they revived it with that armshare ep lol I didn't know pluem could be so flirty :')) & I don't think they're gonna get a new show together, not when pluem seems to also not want to go in the bl direction. THAT BEING SAID, I think it's much too early to tell if chimon is gonna get left behind or not. I'd say he has a history of getting really good roles (except his first movie sweet boy, that was a mess lmaooo), and he's also a really good actor with already a lot of fans to back him up. I do hope for him though he'll get great upcoming roles so his fanbase can grow, but seeing how gmmtv has treated chimon until now, I don't think they'll give up on him so easily :)
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