#crash on the levee
jt1674 · 9 months
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planetwaving · 5 months
i could honestly listen to these three on repeat for ever. just non stop the rest of my life i would be happy
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throneofsapphics · 1 year
Hey! I would loovee a part two of ‘Theirs’, maybe where reader pulls away from nessian because she doesn’t trust them (especially intimately) after what happened
And they’re just in agony but realise if they act the way they did before, they might lose her forever
I’m a sucker for angst with a happy ending😅 (if you want)
theirs part two 
Nessian x f!Reader
(part one)
Summary: Everything came crashing out, the flood gates opened. “Is there a way to fix this? I felt violated, hurt, and neither of you even bothered to ask.”
Warnings: some angst, discussions of SA/dubcon, not proofread
A/N: thank you for requesting it! sorry it took so long, this is a bit shorter and kinda went off script
The next morning, both of them acted as if nothing was wrong. Like it was another ordinary day with the events of the previous night washed clean. You couldn’t wash that fear out of your memory. Sure there was arousal present, but the entire night had not sit right with you. Still, you kept a smile on your face and kept up the pretense. Mainly because you didn’t know what else you could dol. You didn’t find your own release that night either. Maybe they didn’t know, or were trying to punish you. Either way, it didn’t matter right now. 
Cassian leaned in for a kiss as he left, he was already running late, but you turned your head, letting him leve one on your cheek. He frowned at you but didn’t time to question it as he took off. You let out a slow breath as he flew away. He hadn’t the time to question it and you planned it that way. Nesta wasn’t present either, and you know she would’ve had questions. She’d always been particularly observant. 
You tried to put up a good front, but after a week Nesta finally brought it up. 
“What’s wrong?” It was just the two of you, in the library. 
“Nothing,” you said shortly, returning your focus to your book. She snatched it from your hands, marking your page and setting it aside. 
“Talk to me.” Her words were a plea, almost begging. “You’ve barely kissed or touched either of us all week, haven’t spoken much - you’re turning into a ghost.” 
You didn’t know how to answer her, what kind of words would actually explain it. Nesta waited not-so-patiently, but she could see you were thinking and held her tongue. “That night, after Rita’s,” you spoke quietly. “Put yourself in my shoes.” 
Anything else, you might’ve burst into tears and left her to her thoughts, searching for a place you could find some peace and solace. 
You knew Nesta would speak to Cassian about it, and they’d likely try to find you after dinner - you’d taken to eating somewhere else, feigning work to do. 
Sure enough, they showed up and you ended up in one of the cozier sitting areas. 
“I thought you enjoyed it,” Nesta started. 
“My body did …” you took a few deep breaths, calming yourself. “But I didn’t feel safe.” 
“Why didn’t you say something?” Cassian countered. 
“You didn’t give me a chance,” you snapped at him. 
Nesta’s eyes widened. “I’m sorry.” Out of all things, you never expected Nesta to apologize to you. Actually, you’re not certain you’ve heard those words come out of her mouth before. “How do we fix this?” 
Everything came crashing out, the flood gates opened. “Is there a way to fix this? I felt violated, hurt, and neither of you even bothered to ask.” Your breathing grew heavy, fists clenched, a tightness in your chest.” 
“A safeword.” Nesta blurted out. 
“It’s not just about sex,” you snarled, “I was having fun. FInally introducing you to my friends, and you couldn’t wait til the Gods-damned night was over before dragging me out.” 
You left the room, any longer and you might’ve said something you would truly regret. 
It took months for them to earn your trust back. So many discussions on boundaries, and you could tel they were really trying. They asked to meet your friends again, in a different setting, and you relented. If there was any jealousy, they kept it firmly under wraps. You loved them, with all of your heart, and managed to trust again, to let them back in. 
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thefreakandthehair · 2 years
here we go! the first of my So Much (For) Stardust x Steddie project! this was originally inspired by this post and my tags on it, but then Fall Out Boy released Heaven, Iowa and I haven't known a second of peace since. shoutout to @bayouteche for reading this through, as always, and to the Discord peeps for tolerating my FOB worm era. <3
A few deep breaths and he starts. 
“I can’t stand here and pretend that I know Eddie better than anyone here. I probably know him the least,” Steve starts, uncharacteristically nervous and sweaty with his friends’ eyes on him, all equally wet and red-rimmed. “But I can stand here and say without doubt that Eddie is—” 
He stands stark still, the realization that Eddie is past tense slams into him like a hammer to the skull. Steve clears his throat and wipes a hand down his face, pausing at the bridge of his nose to pinch the place he’s learned after years of practice will hold back the flood. It doesn’t work this time, tears falling at too quick a clip, crashing over the levee. 
“Was, one of the bravest people I know. Not just for what he did for us, for this town, for the world, but for showing up as himself in a place like this. And it’s… it’s so fucked that we have to honor him here in silence, in the town he died saving to protect his goddamn memory. That we can’t memorialize him as loudly as he lived, that we can’t lov—” 
A sob cracks his chest open unexpectedly, guttural and agonizing sounds spilling from his mouth.
He can barely say the word, can barely choke it out without giving it all away. Steve’s always fallen too fast, always fallen too hard, and this time, he’d speedrun through a sexuality crisis mid-apocalypse on his way to Eddie. But then he was gone. And he’s still gone, and Steve’s trying to put that into words without outright saying it, but how can say the word love now and not crumple to the forest floor under the weight of it? Of losing the possibility?
After a few long seconds, Steve manages to situate his metaphorical mask and continues as best he can. 
“Dustin, you said it best a few days ago. That more people should’ve gotten to know Eddie, and now they just don’t know how much they’ll miss. But I do. We do. And we always will.” 
A shiver runs through Steve, the wind and moonlight wrapping his scarred skin in what almost feels like an embrace. 
[read the rest of scar-crossed lovers on ao3!]
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makethatelevenrings · 2 years
Angel By the Wings - Fourteen
Chapter Warnings!!!!!: depiction of a panic attack is in this chapter. i based it off of how i experience panic attacks. there is also discussion of medication used to calm an individual down which is, again, based off my own experiences. panic attacks and anxiety differ from person to person and should be treated through your own healthy form of coping.
Series Masterlist
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You kicked off your shoes at the front door of your apartment and walked into the silence that met you. Your funeral black clung heavily to your body as a constant reminder of your grief. Grief that you didn’t deserve to have. How could you possibly claim to feel grief for a man who others knew so deeply? You only knew him for a year. You couldn’t imagine how Sarah felt right now.
You were unmoored and drifting off to sea, the waves of sadness lapping at your heels and threatening to pull you under. Tears burned at the corner of your eyes and pooled along your lashes. You shook your head as if to ward off the inevitable shattering of the levee holding your emotions back.
Clasping your hands over the counter, you sought for something to give you stability, but then your eyes landed on the small book seated next to your paper towels. Agatha Christie. You never…you never finished the book for him. He died never knowing the fucking plot twist or who did it.
The cold granite countertop bit at your skin and sank into your heavy bones. You were slipping. Falling. Sliding down to meet the hard floor below you. Your hands clasped the novel that was seated on the counter, a bitter reminder of words unread.
“Oh god,” you sobbed. You shuddered with the weight of your shame. “Oh god.”
The world was blurred by hot tears that coursed down your cheeks. A hiccuping sob escaped you and then a startled keening wail followed. You tried to reign it in and silence the panic that was consuming you, but you couldn’t grasp rationality in that moment.
The floor was cold against your cheek. When did you slide down to lay on the ground? It was nice against your flushed, hot skin stained with sticky tears. Something was shaking your leg and you tried to think of what it was. It stopped vibrating before starting up once more. You slapped your hand along your thigh and located the offending device. Your phone.
Tossing it across the kitchen, it hit the wall with a thud, but you couldn’t be bothered to care. Your teeth clacked together as tremors wracked your body. What was wrong with you? Were you sick? You just wanted it all to stop. The pain, the tremors, the tears. You needed to get it together. You needed to be calm.
A knock sounded on your door, but you couldn’t bring yourself to answer it. No more bad news. The world needed to stay out, out, out. You just needed a moment to recollect yourself and then you would be fine. You would be fine, right? It would all be fine.
The door opened and heavy footsteps stamped into your small apartment. The ringing in your ears muffled any words that were being said, but the gentle touch on your cheek could be one of two people.
“Oh, darlin’,” Jake breathed as he kneeled down next to you. He pulled you into his chest and smoothed his hand over your hot cheek. You pounded your fist against the linoleum floor and he quickly caught your wrist and brought your hand up, resting your palm against his chest.
“No, baby, please. You’ll hurt yourself.”
“Damn it, Jake. Damn it, I didn’t finish the story. He didn’t know how it would end.” Anger surged through your veins and coated the all-encompassing sadness that clung to you. You threw the book across the room and didn’t even flinch as it crashed into something and clattered to the floor.
“God, darlin’, I’m so sorry.” Jake curled his arms around you and rocked you back and forth to soothe you. You wept, your lungs heaving for air with choking, ragged gasps. He pressed his lips to your temple, quiet shushing ghosting over your skin.
“Baby, you’re scaring me,” he murmured. “I think you’re having a panic attack.”
You nodded since words had decided to fail you and Jake hummed. “Rooster’s on his way too, okay?”
Your fingers curled tightly into his shirt and you shook your head. Jake sighed and tangled his fingers with yours, bringing your palm up to meet his kiss.
“You scared the shit out of us when you disappeared after the funeral.”
“H-he doesn’t need to worry about me. Neither of you do.” You sucked in a ragged gasp. Jake could feel your pulse race under his touch. He knew he could handle this on his own, but seeing you like this was tearing him up inside. He saw the steadiness of Bradshaw. The compassion he held, something that Jake seemed to lack.
“He’s already on his way,” Jake explained. “No one could get in contact with you. We were all worried.”
“I’m sorry,” you wept. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
“Shhh, shhh. You’re okay. Nothing to apologize for, sweet girl. Oh, darlin’, you’re breaking my heart like this.” He pressed your head to his chest and rocked you gently. Another knock sounded on the front door and Jake called for them to enter.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Bradley whispered when he saw the sight before him. You must be a sight; trembling, sobbing, and babbling nonsensical apologies.
Jake muttered something to him and you watched as Bradley’s shoes disappeared from view. A pathetic whine escaped you and you buried your face further into Jake’s shirt.
“I know. I miss him too sometimes,” Jake said. The confession would have shocked you more if you were coherent, but for now you just sought solace in the camaraderie his words offered.
Bradley returned sooner than you thought and he kneeled down in front of you, one hand holding a blister pack of some kind of medication and the other a glass of water.
“This is benadryl,” Bradley explained. “It’ll help calm you down, but you’ll get really tired. Can’t panic if you’re asleep, right?”
As he spoke, he broke the pack open and extended a small flat pill towards you. Hesitantly, you grasped the medicine and slid it between your lips.
“Easy, darlin’. Easy. Small sips.” Jake stroked your hair back with one hand and he raised the glass up with the other. “Drink it down. That’s good. Good girl.”
Your eyes fluttered shut as he pulled the bottle away. You sagged against him, your chest heaving from your panicked breaths.
“Shh, shh. I gotcha.”
Bradley took the glass back and set it on your counter before taking one of your hands in his. “I used to panic too when I was a kid. My mom had this little trick. Can you breathe with me, sweetheart? In and out. That’s good. In and out.”
You followed his breaths until you began to feel less shaky. Jake wiped the tears off your cheeks as you sniffled. Still clinging to Jake, you reached out until your hand cupped Bradley’s cheek. His eyes softened and you nodded.
“Thank you,” you whispered. “I’m sorry for worrying you.”
Bradley moved his head so your palm slipped over his lips and he pressed a delicate kiss to your soft skin. Your breathing hitched with a soft sob and Jake smoothed his hand down your cheek.
“Everyone leaves me,” you said softly. “I don’t know why. Did I do something wrong?”
The two men exchanged a look. Jesus fuck, they made a mistake never telling you about the mission. Was this really what you thought?
Jake extended one of his hands and Bradley scooted closer, clasping his hand against his chest and placing you between their two large bodies. The searing heat of their combined weight touched you with a delicate embrace and between the crying and benadryl, exhaustion crept up on you quickly.
“Don’t…don’t leave me,” you murmured. “Please.”
“We won’t,” Bradley assured you. “We won’t. I promise.”
And they didn’t.
You woke up hours later with the distinct feeling of cotton shoved inside your head and your face puffy from tears shed, sandwiched between two bodies on your shitty mattress. Running a hand down your side, you realized that someone had changed you out of your black clothes and into soft flannel pajamas. Bradley’s soft breath puffed across the back of your neck, one of his hands cradling your hip as he guarded your back. Jake stretched out on the other side, an arm slung loosely across your waist as he tucked your head under his chin.
They stayed.
You shut your eyes, reveling in their warmth, and let yourself wonder what it would be like for everything to be okay. But how long would this last? Natasha and Bob were injured during training. What would their mission actually be like?
Bradley’s hand tightened on your hip. “I can hear you thinking.”
“Stop apologizing, sweetheart. Just relax.”
You sank back into his touch and met the blue eyes blinking up at you. Jake’s lips lifted into a small smile and you bumped your forehead against his chin.
“Thank you.”
“Hey sweetheart?”
“Yeah, Roo?”
“Your apartment is a piece of shit.”
“Gotta agree with him on this one,” Jake added. “You’re staying at my place until we can find you somewhere that isn’t a health hazard.”
You couldn’t find it in you to argue. Not if you got to stay like this.
Tag List: @mizzzpink​ @xoxabs88xox​ @dreaminglandsworld​ @khaylin27​ @loveforaugust​ @phoenixssugarbaby​ @atarmychick007​ @mak-32​ @itsmytimetoodream​ @krismdavis​ @emma8895eb​ @startrekfangirl​
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cleverlittlejay · 1 year
Kinda messed up that the Ineffable Bureaucracy song "Everyday" by Buddy Holly also comes with a break up song.
"American Pie" by Don McLean is about the plane crash that killed Buddy Holly. The pre-chorus and chorus is
The day the music died So, bye, bye, Miss American Pie Drove my Chevy to The Levee, but The Levee was dry And them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey in Rye Singin', "This'll be the day that I die This'll be the day that I die"
So if you're a fan of Ineffable Bureaucracy, please don't (or do) imagine the relationship ending for whatever reason (break up, death, Heaven and Hell) with American Pie playing in the background
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muxas-world · 23 days
when will motogp finally move on from the shadow of retired old man? are they planning to cling to valentino forever? feel bad for my man😭
Sadly cause his fanbase (valefans), especially men, are annoying and tend to harass riders because they can't move on or act like normal people ☠️.
This is neither the first nor the last time a rider has said someone crashed on purpose or it was a fault, etc. But because this involves Pecco a Vale rider and Alex Marc little brother, their fanbases just have to harass the other side. And this time, because of Pecco's outof-touch comments, Vales fans did the worse and started to overreact to Alex leving heat and just nasty comments on his socials....(It's not like Vale had anything to do with this he didn’t put a gun to Pecco’s head to make him say those things, which is why it's annoying to me that Vale gets blamed. But also doesn't help his annoying fans can't act like normal people)
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
"...you knew?"
Vax and Kiki, please.
22. "...you knew?" setting this in vamp machina! it's gonna gonna be vaxleth adjacent, bc i got this idea and couldn't stop chewing on it.
"Percy, wait!"
He's not listening to her. He's triple-checking the locks on all the windows and doors, pulling out boxes and boxes of wooden bullets from every crevice of the apartment, shoving bottles of holy water into her hands. "It's fine, okay? We'll fix it. I'll fix it."
He's not listening to her. "Percy, can we just talk about this—"
He hasn't stood still since it happened, since he walked in on a scene she knows to be straight from his nightmares. There's a book, some leather-bound thing that looks to be half a millennium old, open on the coffee table. "There's a spell in there, I think, can you look? Something about deinvitation. See if it's something in your wheelhouse."
Keyleth is just standing there, unmoving in the center of the apartment, holding a washcloth to her neck. The blood's starting to seep out under it. She doesn't know what to say next.
So Percy keeps going. "If you need anything from the shop, let me know and we'll go together once the sun rises. You're not staying in this apartment alone, not until we can make sure that fucker can't get back in here."
She wants to cry, but she thinks maybe her body forgot how. "Percy."
Something about her voice, now, stops him, and his face melts into something halfway between pity and worry. "Hey." He comes over, pulls her into a hug. She feels dirty sinking into it. "It's okay. It's not your fault. They're so good at this, at tricking people. I should have been here, yeah? This is my fault."
Her body is remembering now. "Percy..."
He pulls out of the hug to take her crumpled face in his hands. "Do not blame yourself for this. If he comes near you again, I'll kill him."
"I invited him in."
He kisses her forehead, and oh, she deserves whatever storm comes barreling her way. "I know. It sucks, but it happened. It was a mistake."
He frowns. "What do you mean?"
The words are so faint, she can hardly hear them herself. "I knew."
The realization is a full-body process. The brow furrows, then the spine straightens, and the jaw sets. His eyes go cold, distant. "...You knew?"
There's just no way he'll understand it. "I love him, Percy." The tears are flowing hot, fast, unrelenting. "I...I let him in. I let him..." She presses the washcloth harder against the spot where, less than half an hour ago, Vax was sensually pulling from her life force. "I knew what I was doing."
Percy skitters back, then, as if she'd slapped him. In all her life, she's never seen such betrayal in someone else's eyes. She imagines he'd be less hurt if she gutted him from navel to sternum with a knife from the kitchen, if she doused him in oil and set him aflame. Whatever was between them, whatever friendship, whatever family, whatever trust, she watches it shatter in real time.
She wishes she regrets it.
They stare at each other for a long time, maybe minutes, maybe days. She says nothing, because there is nothing she can say to make this better. When the cold stillness becomes too much to bear, Percy spins around, stomps out the front door, slams it shut behind him. She collapses, then, all of the guilt and the sorrow and the anguish crashes down on top of her, the levees broken. She sobs, arms clutches around her middle, until the hard floors dig into her knees, until her tear ducts run dry, until through the same window through which Vax fled, she sees the sun beginning to rise.
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worstcrystalbearer · 8 days
Day 12 - "Quarry"
"That's right, keep going. You're almost in position, just get to that next shrub." The linkpearl didn't sit well between her horn and head, but Uzuki managed a little "okay" as she kept running through the Thanalan desert. Stopping slowly, gently, without skidding, she scooted behind the scrub on the ground and made her body as small as she could.
Without further direction coming to her over linkpearl, all she could do was wait. But she wasn't waiting for long when a sudden burst of movement caught her eye - A flash of fur and claws, heading right for the dried-out bush she was waiting behind. She was tempted to reach for her sheathed sword, but suppressed the instinct that came to those with weapons and suddenly stood up instead-
"Ooof!" The marmot crashed right into her gut and sent her sprawling, but Uzuki forced herself to wrap her arms around it and hold on tight as she fell backwards. Rolling in the dirt, leather mitts taking the brunt of the furious creature's clawing and biting, she didn't have to wait long for the voice over the linkpearl (also somewhere in the dirt) to show themselves. A young highlander man in the armor of a Gladiator came jogging over, holding a small wooden cage. "In here, quick!"
With a concrete goal in mind, Uzuki could finally push herself onto her feet and use the burst of energy to shove the escaped pet into the guild-provided cage, and the other young adventurer slammed it shut with a shout of "Hells yeah!"
"I can't believe we're losing half the reward over a ribbon."
Considerably less joyous now, the two adventurers, plus a third Miqo'te girl with a bow who had helped them track the runaway rodent, grimaced as they counted out their reward gil in Uld'ah's Quicksand. "These rich gits, always looking to scrape a little off the top..."
While she shared her teammates' frustrations, Uzuki had at least been warned by Jana to expect this kind of legal foul play. Wealthy clientele who submitted leves to the Adventurers' Guild had ways of making sure they got their money's worth while also finding ways to send that gil back into their own pockets. Skilled hunters themselves, in a different sense... And with jobs this lacking in danger, there was no end to the rank and file adventurers they could dupe.
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bookgeekgrrl · 17 days
My media this week (1-7 Sep 2024)
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i'm 3 eps in and murph's hair is still throwing me when i first see it. but i love that they get to sit next to each other.
Prisoner's Base (Nero Wolfe #21) (Rex Stout, author; Michael Prichard, narrator)
Wild with Happy (Colman Domingo, author; full voice cast) - "deeply imaginative dark comedy about death...performed by an all-star cast including Domingo, the legendary Oprah Winfrey, Tony Award nominee Sharon Washington (New York, New York), Tony Award winner Alex Newell (Glee, Shucked), and Golden Globe Award winner Tyler James Williams (Abbott Elementary)." - short but extremely entertaining
Trouble In Triplicate (Nero Wolfe #14) (Rex Stout)
The Second Confession (Nero Wolfe #15) (Rex Stout)
A Safe Place To Land (Gloromeien, kahey2804) - "Bucky Barnes had it all—grease under his fingernails, dog fur behind the cushions of his couch, a cozy place to call his own. The house, the truck, the dogs, the works. A ride-or-die, close-knit community. A patch of land he could wander. A mountain view to inspire him. After six tours of duty and nine months in captivity, Bucky knew how bad things could get, so he didn't dare ask for anything else. Especially not someone to hold. Until a tall, blond super-soldier crash-landed into his quiet life and threatened to make all his dreams come true." - really excellent shrunkyclunks; creative use of canon events into a well-structured AU. really, really enjoyed this
💖💖 +166K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
take guesses on exits, one has to be right (queermccoy) - 9-1-1: bucktommy, 12K - I just love a truck stop sex worker AU, bless those writers that put them into the fandoms
The Prenup (spqr) - Suits: mike/harvey, 6K - new Suits fic! incredibly written, totally non explicit but super hot - the perfect way for them to flirt
Stigma (the_deep_magic) - The Eagle of the Ninth: marcus/esca, 12K - love a good take on soulmarks, one that manages to be both 'we were made for each other' AND 'we fucking chose each other' simultaneously
Monét's Slumber Party - s1, e3
Handsome - Pretty Little Episode #3
D20: A Starstruck Odyssey - "Rolling Up The Hill" (s12, e2)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Was That the Worst Social Interaction in D20 History?" (s8, e2)
D20: A Starstruck Odyssey - "Wrecked on Rec 97" (s12, e3)
D20: Adventuring Party - "The Ball Continues Rolling Up" (s8, e3)
Re: Dracula - September 1: Am Writing
Re: Dracula - September 2: Suck From my Wound
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Wild Life Week: Exploring Our Alien Planet with Cara Giaimo
Welcome to Night Vale #253 - instructions for folding
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Kaos
Re: Dracula - September 3: Anything of a Young Ladies
Short Wave - Are You Overestimating The Algorithm?
How To! - How To Cook at Home Like Sohla El-Waylly
Handsome - Seth Meyers asks about passports
Switched on Pop - Sabrina Carpenter is more than Short n' Sweet
⭐ 99% Invisible - Not Built For This #5: The Little Levee That Could
Vibe Check - Do Some Witch Sh!t
Re: Dracula - September 4: He Has Deserted Me
Code Switch - Going back to school with schizoaffective disorder
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Wild Life Week: Celery Makes A Nature Documentary
It's Been a Minute - The SMACKDOWN: Video Games vs. Journalism vs. Robert Frost
Shedunnit - In The Dentist's Chair
⭐ Ologies - Coffeeology (COFFEE) with Peter Giuliano
Re: Dracula - September 5: Patient Greatly Improved
Wild Card - Kacey Musgraves is trying to get right with time
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Wild Life Week: Why Would a Researcher Pull a Lion’s Tail?
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Songs To Boost Your Confidence
Short Wave - Dogs Go Viral For 'Talking' To Humans — But Can They?
Endless Thread - Ignore All Previous Instructions
Re: Dracula - September 6: Terrible Change for the Worse
Dear Prudence - My Wife Thinks I Had an Emotional Affair With My Best Friend. Help!
Dear Prudence - Prudie Plus: My Sister-In-Law Is Dealing With Infertility and Is Now Hateful to Everyone. Help!
It's Been a Minute - Gen Z asks: what is school for? Plus, rebranding gentrification
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Beetlejuice Beetlejuice And What's Making Us Happy
⭐ 99% Invisible - Not Built For This #6: Maximum Temperature
You're Dead to Me - Leif Erikson
Re: Dracula - September 7: I Have Sown my Corn
⭐ Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - John Leguizamo
Dvořák Symphonies Nos 6-9 [London Symphony Orchestra] {2024}
Carly Rae Jepsen
personal 'Liked Music' playlist
Short n' Sweet [Sabrina Carpenter] {2024}
Rock Radio • Popular
Presenting Kacey Musgraves
Presenting Bay City Rollers
Bay City Rollers Radio
"Everlasting Love" [Love Affair] Radio
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haku2naomi420 · 2 years
• 決壊 「けっかい」 - burst (e.g. dam, embankment, levee), breach, collapse, washout, rupture
• 損壊 「そんかい」 - damage, destruction
• 壊滅 「かいめつ」 - destruction, annihilation, devastation, catastrophe
• 破壊 「はかい」 - 1. destruction, disruption 2. [computing term] (application) crash
• 崩壊 「ほうかい」 - 1. collapse, crumbling, breaking down, caving in 2. [physics term] (radioactive) decay, disintegration
• 壊す 「こわす」 - 1. to break, to destroy, to demolish 2. to wreck, to ruin, to spoil, to damage 3. to break (a bill, etc.)
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Norwegian Bokmål for Total Beginners (January 2024 Crash Course)
16. Basic Verbs 2
Welcome back! Today we have 10 (well, 12) more basic verbs for you, as well as a how-to on the past tense
å lese (v2) - to read
å skrive (v) - to write
å si (v) - to say
å snakke (v1) - to speak
å sove (v) - to sleep
å se (v) - to see
å spille (v2) - to play
å jobbe (v1), å arbeide (v2) - to work
å kjøpe (v2), å handle (v1) - to buy*
å selge (v) - to sell
*Å kjøpe is the most general way to say 'to buy'. Å handle is mostly used to talk about grocery shopping (å handle mat = to buy groceries)
Grammar: 4 Verb Groups
There's a fair bit of grammar here, so take your time with it. You don't have to memorise it all today; just be aware of it so that when you're immersing/studying otherwise, you can spot these different forms and make mental notes.
You may have noticed I added some things in brackets to our vocabulary list this time. What's v1/v2, you ask? Well, it indicated the verb group.
There are 4 groups of weak verbs in Norwegian (there are exceptions and sometimes they belong to multiple groups):
Group 1: verbs with more than one consonant before the final e (å snakke, å elske)
Group 2: verbs with 1 consonant before the final e (å like, å kjøpe), 2 Ls (å spille) or nk/ng (å tenke)
Group 3: verbs that end -ve, -ge or -eie (å leve, å lage*, å leie)
Group 4: verbs that end in a stressed vowel (å bo)
*Å lage is also, for whatever reason, a group 1 verb. I told you there are exceptions. Don't panic; I promise you pick it up through immersion and you'll get to a point where you'll know a verb's group based on vibes alone.
Why are verb groups important? Because they tell you how to form the past tense.
Group 1 verbs: you have two options! Either add -t (more common, more conservative) or change the final -e to an -a (more radical)
å snakke -> snakket/snakka
å jobbe -> jobbet/jobba
å elske -> elsket/elska (love)
Group 2 verbs: the final -e becomes -te:
å like -> likte
å kjøpe -> kjøpte
å lese -> leste
å spille -> spilte (note: the double L becomes a single L)
å tenke -> tenkte (think)
Group 3 verbs: the final -e becomes -de:
å leve -> levde (live)
å eie -> eide (own)
å leie -> leide (rented)
Group 4 verbs: add -dde
å bo -> bodde
å tro -> trodde (believe)
å snu -> snudde (turn round/back)
There are also strong verbs. These are irregular and you just have to learn them. Here are some from this series so far:
å være -> var
å ta -> tok
å gjøre -> gjorde
å dra -> dro
å komme -> kom
å gå -> gikk
å få -> fikk
å gi -> ga/gav
å drikke -> drakk
å skrive -> skrev
å si -> sa
å sove -> sov
å se -> så
å selge -> solgte
There's a third form of the verb too, but we'll leave it there for today.
Like I say, don't worry about memorising this. Reference this post when you want to write things. Whenever you're reading things or listening to something, see if you can spot the different verb endings even if you don't know the verb or understand much of what's being said.
If in doubt, you can check how to conjugating a verb by looking it up on ordbøkene.no and clicking "vis bøyning".
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fortheturnstiles · 9 months
♪ 🤨
crash on the levee (down in the flood) by bob dylan and the band
Well, it's sugar for sugar And salt for salt If you go down in the flood It's gonna be your own fault
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carbuckety · 8 months
tagged by @appleisms to *checks notes* hit shuffle on my songs & how they will coincide with your 2024 . ok. thanks boss :3
January: Pretty Fly For A Rabbi by Weird Al (uhhh)
February: Hummingbird by B.B. King (🥺)
March: Birthday by the Beatles (but my birthday is in february lol)
April: Walls (No. 3) by Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers
May: Thanks For The Pepperoni by George Harrison
June: Swing Low, Sweet Chariot by the Carolyn Hester Coalition
July: I Heard It Through The Grapevine by Marvin Gaye
August: Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer by the original Broadway cast of Cats
September: Crash on the Levee by Bob Dylan & the Band
October: Don't Do It (Live at the Academy of Music 1971) by the Band
November: Desolation Row by Bob Dylan
December: Spiral of Ants by Lemon Demon (perfect bc it's the last song off the album and loops perfectly into the first song XD)
tagging ermmm hhhhh @rodeoromeo @scary-ivy @dykeseesgod ya
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twopoppies · 1 year
Hi i just read When the Levee Break, a prison au. It is a hidden gem. Highly recommend. Words_on_pages is the author. What a fic. Have you read it?
Hi sweetheart. No, never heard of it. It sounds like it might be a bit dark for my tastes, but I appreciate the recommendation!
When The Levee Breaks by words_on_paper (Mixed ratings, 3-work series, 39K)
When Louis finds himself sentenced, it’s the last thing he fucking expected. But here he was getting a crash course in how to navigate the brutal society of prison life. And as if things weren’t difficult enough, there was his cell mate, Styles. His eerie behavior and unflinching stare were two things he couldn’t seem to escape. Strangely enough, as Louis endures the ebbs and flows of day to day life for a prisoner, he becomes the one constant in his fucked up world.
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kvothes · 3 months
Absurdly excited that I can think of another levee mention - Hurricane by Thrice :)
i knew that posting my list was basically a request for more levee recs lol, @nobrashfestivity offered crash on the levee by bob dylan and levee camp moan by son house so consider this mini playlist…2!
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