#crafting my first legendary
archesa · 2 years
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My first legendary! Of course I had to start with Kudzu ^^ Now, Anwen has her bow (and so do Avalwyn and Gwynnyd!)
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mesmerblossoms · 1 year
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It's been a journey, but my spellcasters never have to worry about transmutation charges again!
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rpfisfine · 1 year
i think my problem is that sometimes im extremely traditionalist when it comes to ppl customizing the main playable character of a video game and sometimes im not. i will watch gtav playthroughs on yt where the person playing doesn't make a change to michael's appearance the entire game and i'll be like boringggg give him long hair and glasses and a stubble and put him in a suit. shave his head and make him wear strictly hawaiian shirts. do SOMETHING. but then i'll see a rdr2 clip where arthur has a moustache and sideburns and is dressed all dapper or a different clip where he has a shaved head and full length beard and is wearing like a floral print vest and i'm like that's not arthur you didn't read the source material. arthur wears the default beige coat and blue shirt for the entirety of the game and only lets his beard & hair grow long when he gets tb in the second half of the game bc its too sad for me to look at his pale sunken cheeks. also you smell so bad
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kimoi-boi · 3 months
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Took the time to clean up my inventories. I haven't been down to a single page in my inventory in YEARS. And my saddlebag is finally clear from bait. I had so much of it, even stuff I could easily buy again, even though I'm already Final Fish lmao.
Even my retainers' inventories have been cleaned up! They are all mostly at 175/175 yesterday. Ignore how full that third one is still.
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paper-mario-wiki · 18 days
what if you were isekai'd into an RPG fantasy world but you specifically reincarnated into an unbelievably powerful legendary sword and the first person to wield you was a child slave catgirl who used you (a legendary sword) to murder her slavers, and the story does not follow your journey to becoming a hero, but rather your newly adopted daughter's journey to becoming a slave liberating (and slaver murdering) hero as you support her as her adopted parent?
well that's Reincarnated As A Sword, and it's real good.
and there's no "she's my daughter but she's in love with me and wants to marry me" bullshit, she sees the protag (her cool sword dad) as a role model and a coach. and it's great.
if you're the type who gets sold on a show after being shown a clip, here's a good one under the cut. it's from episode 8, but there's no arc-specific spoilers. it's the establishing "i know what i must do" scene that sets up the rest of the story (the murdering slavers thing). but also it's sorta gruesome (in a fucking sick way), so fair warning.
[translation note cuz the subs are kinda low quality: her chosen name for her sword, "Shishou", is a title for someone who's seen as a venerated teacher. the word used to translate this into english is "Master", which might make you tilt your head a little bit considering the crux of the show is that she's a liberated slave. however, in this context the english word that refers to someone who owns another person is the same word that is used to refer to someone who has mastered a craft, because in english the nuance is implicative of someone dominating something. in japanese, there's no allusion in her using the word "shishou" to mean that he is her slave master, so don't worry about that being a dynamic the show pushes.]
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
Heya Factual! Been a bit! Hope you're having a good day! Really been enjoying your slime rancher Submas AU, and I'm. Glad to see the group's made it through the (presumably) hardest bit of their time on the ramge, and it's sweet to hear you intend to draw them some more in the future! Here's to hoping we get some more wholesome antics to recover from all the angst...
Also, since it's been such fun watching you craft this new universe these past weeks, I of course had to tailor my Asks to it- the first of which is: is this version of the far far range souly home to Pokemon inspired slimes, or does it still house a mix of the original slimes as well? And can the Pokemon slime become largos too? If so, is it perhaps part of their evolution? Are their slimes for every legendary? Is there an Arceus slime!?
And on that topic, do you think any other characters would translate over to this universe? Would there perhaps be slime versions of Grimace and the gang hopping about? maybe I'm overthinking it, but could team Rocket perhaps persist as a slime smuggling syndicate? With Jessie, James, and their loyal slime Meowth!?
Thank you!! I'm glad you've been liking my slime rancher AU stuff!! :DD Now as for your questions...
I'll be replacing all the in-game slimes with Pokémon. Its not exactly like "this Pokémon takes the role of the tabby slime, and this slime takes the role of the honey slime". Its just all random. Although I did want there to be a "pink" slime of sorts. (A common slime that could eat anything.) And so I made the Trubbish line take that "role" <XD
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And in case you're wondering which Pokémon will be added? I plan to just have the Unova region Pokémon present. With only a few exceptions here and there. Its makes sense considering all the humans in this AU are from that region <XD Here are some more examples of Unova region slimes! :)
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As for if the Pokémon can become largos? I haven't really figured that out yet.. I feel like it would be cool if the base slime to largo transformation mirrored Pokémon evolution.. buuut I'm having trouble figuring out how that would work as you can see here..
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This also begs the question of reginal variants. Maybe it would work like this..?
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Ahhh Idk, I'm still thinking everything over <XDD
Also, "Is there an Arceus slime?" Well he doesn't look like your typical slime.. but he's there!
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While we're on the subject of legendaries, the ones from the Unova region exist! And I know Giratina isn't in Black/White, but since I added Arceus.. I let him take the place of Tarrs...
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I haven't decided if any of the Pokémon slimes can even turn into Tarrs or not. I kind'a like the idea of Tarrs being these unknown beasts that are separate from slimes.. hmm.. who knows <XD
And lastly, Grimace and the gang? And team rocket? I don't think I'll be adding them in canon.. although I did draw a slime Grimace and Sylvester the other day! :DD
Aaaanywho, thank you for the ask! It really got my creative drive going for some reason XDD I've been pretty distracted these last few days working on my live Violet dex.. but I'd still like to come back and draw more for this AU sometime! Thanks again! :))
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bigskydreaming · 2 months
Every Nightwing writer of the last fifteen years: I've taken the guy famous for being regarded as one of the most competent and capable nonsuperhuman heroes of his generation, literally legendary for being one of the only ones every single other hero would not only drop everything to go help but that also pretty much every hero would love to have on speed dial to get HIS help in most any situation ever, and I've either completely isolated him and estranged him from every single member of his family and community, or I've enmeshed him so thoroughly with his family and community to the extent that literally none of the stories in his solo title would be capable of existing without their presences, they're that fundamental to the arcs and more integral to the solutions than he is himself. But why stop there?
I've ALSO taken the guy famous for personally crafting his two most iconic superhero identities, Robin and Nightwing, with the first being made so fundamental and integral to the superhero landscape by him, it became one of the most iconic legacy mantles in the DC Universe. And the second being so larger than life and associated with safety and security and meaning so much to so many people that even complete strangers can not fathom a world without Nightwing anymore and rush to fill the void any time he's not around, the figure of Nightwing is considered that ESSENTIAL. And I've stripped him of his basic sense of identity and autonomy either as a literally faceless and nameless spy or a literally masked and nameless Talon or else taken away his memories or blah blah blah in myriad other ways made it impossible for him to BE the figure who famously turned his sense of identity into not one but two separate icons forever stamped onto the superhero landscape and leaving their marks in untold ways, because what is the guy famous for his sense of identity without....his sense of identity? Just a guy!
Haha! I've done it! I've deconstructed Dick Grayson!
Me: You literally the fuck have not. That is not how deconstruction works. NONE of this is how any of that works. You sound so dumb right now. What did you accomplish, what was any of it for. What insights did it deliver, what did it reveal that was previously unknown about Dick Grayson when he was in the costume or possessed of his usual skillsets that couldn't be known until all of that was stripped away from him? How was he changed by any of these experiences or was he just reset to his default mode at the end of each one and then shoehorned into the next contortion before any actual reflection upon or development from all the preceding events was made possible? What do we know about Dick Grayson, what is new about him, what essential Dick Grayson-isms have been woven into the character due to your work, or did you simply change the set dressings over and over while repeating the same beats and intoning, Huzzah, A Dramatic Transformation Happens Before Your Very Eyes!
Every Nightwing writer of the last fifteen years: No, see, I don't think you get it. My work was transformative. I proved that if you take away Dick Grayson's friends, his superhero speed dial, his memories, his acrobatics, his name, his agency, his literal everything that makes him who he is.....he's just some guy. All those things are what define him! That's who Dick Grayson is!
Me: Right. The friends and colleagues who would all drop everything to help him or pick him as their first choice to Phone A Friend when in crisis because....he's Dick Grayson. His memories of....being Dick Grayson. The acrobatics that are synonymous with....Dick Grayson. The agency that famously lets him rebuild a sense of self and formidable will no matter how many times he's been brainwashed or mentally fucked with because at his core, below the surface of all those manipulations he remains....Dick Grayson. His literal everything that made Robin and Nightwing who and what they came to be known for....because of what he, Dick Grayson, imbued those mantles with to make them iconic in the first place. Yup. You really nailed it. At the end of the day he really is....just some guy. Your insights are just stunning. Incomparable. The stuff of legends. Gosh we'll miss your work but it'll definitely forever be remembered in the Writing Hall Of Fame for being absolutely fundamental to the characterization of.....Just Some Guy, I guess?
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jmdbjk · 1 month
I'm telling you, their life flashed before their eyes...
The staffs' I mean...
WARNING: CONTINUED POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT! I may or may not mention "Are You Sure?" scenes in detail and their outcomes during these long rambling messy posts beginning with the next sentence.
While on the kayaks, JK flipped over almost immediately. this sequence will be legendary in my mind:
All is well so far. Let's go kayaking! After being assisted by the Black Hall Outfitter staff, including Mr. Gino, they take off.
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At this point, staff is walking away, ready to get on a boat to follow. Everything is cool. But something's not right. Why is the horizon at a 45 degree angle?
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Staff has not noticed yet...
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Jungkook's $1700 Balenciaga fancy pants are about to get soaked.
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Jimin does not see what's going on behind him. Yet.
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I can read his mind: "WTF?"
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Staff finally notices and thoughts of living on the street start to flash through their heads...
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Jimin can't believe what he's seeing...staff is sprinting into action...
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He was first worried about his phone but one of the staff had it.
Staff thinking "I'm too old for this shit."
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Drowned Rat Jungkook was not on my bingo card. I need a new bingo card.
Meanwhile, Jimin fearlessly paddles out to the middle of the river wearing his $70,000 Patek Philippe watch on his wrist... gasp.
Please take a moment to appreciate that gorgeous sunset in the background.
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Seems some of Jimin's Slytherin has rubbed off on our little Ravenclaw (I know that's debatable but that's for another post).
Jimin was probably clenching so tight that flipping over would have been disaster for him.
Jungkook gets back in the kayak and is on his way... staff breathes a sigh of relief that they won't be jobless tomorrow.
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Remember when he said this?
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And this is how we know Jungkook is able to move past his own missteps.
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But still desires some sort of collateral retribution from those more fortunate than he:
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And this is the true and lasting take away from this little incident:
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A moment that can be a beautiful memory.
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And this is about the time this moment happened:
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Now we know.
Jungkook was about to put on his royal blue Salty to the Core t-shirt. He wasn't taking off a shirt, he had already taken off his wet shirt and he was about to put on a dry one. That shirt in his hands is not black. And now we know Jimin was about to put on his turquoise one. And now we know what kind of fun they'd had up to that point. And now we know Jimin was struggling with a stomach bug when this pic was snapped. And now we know that Jeep parked next to them was theirs. And now we know they were about to head to the campsite. And now we know why this photo was special enough to Jimin that he posted it on his Instagram for Jungkook's birthday. They'd just had so much fun doing something they never get to do. Definitely a cherished memory for them. It was so endearing to me. I feel privileged knowing so much about this particular day. I hope they are doing all right today...
Things I cannot relate to and will never happen to me:
• Driving over a bridge not realizing Jimin and Jungkook are the ones on those kayaks down there on the river.
• Shopping at Dick's Sporting Goods and running into Jimin and Jungkook while they shop for mens size small shorts and Nike slides.
• Sitting at a bar at my neighborhood craft brewery while global stars next to me sample several pale ales and hard sodas.
Again, I will end it here as I've used up the posts image limit. I will be back with part three of Episode 1.
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nattikay · 3 months
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wooooo they have proper refsheets
massive lore dump under the cut
Might as well start with Neynari. Probably the most striking thing about her visually is that she has a condition called leucism, which causes an underproduction of pigment. In Neynari's case, her leucism is a random mutation that resulted in the malfunction of her pigment-producing cells, rather than a genetic trait inherited from her family. Needless to say the clan was quite surprised when she was born hrh
Speaking of which, Neynari was born in the Aranahe clan to a couple by the names of Seylana and Vontxu. She was an only child and has an especially close relationship with her mother. Her father, Vontxu, was very quiet and reserved; he rarely spoke and was difficult to get to know. Seylana found his soft demeanor charming, but while Neynari loves her father and knows he loves her too, his personality made it harder for her to bond with him, so she was never quite as close to him as she was to her mother.
Her pale skin makes her a poor hunter--prey can see her coming from a mile away--but she more than makes up for her lack of hunting ability with excellent craftsmanship. Growing up in the Aranahe clan she is of course well versed in weaving and dyeing, but her true passion is beading. She absolutely loves making beads of all varieties and incorporating them into her weaving projects. Vontxu is actually the one who first taught her how to make them, and it was one of the few activities she felt she and her father could bond over. She used to sit for hours in the weaver's den with him, not speaking, just carving beads to their hearts' content.
One day a group of Aranahe artisans, Neynari among them, set off on a trading route to visit the Anurai clan. Neynari knew the Anurai clan also had a reputation as skilled artisans and was keen to compare their crafts. It was on this trip that she met Se'txelu...
(rewinds tape recorder) alright let's talk about Se'txelu now hrh. I mentioned how Neynari has a condition called leucism. Well, Se'txelu has the opposite: melanism (or I guess for a Na'vi it would be called cyanism). So while Neynari's body underproduces pigment, Se'txelu's overproduces it. Unlike Neynari whose condition was a random mutation, Se'txelu's is one that I headcanon as a rare but established recessive trait among his clan, the Anurai (actually google tells me that irl melanism is dominant but shhhhhh this is imaginary alien version I can do what I want with it lol). This Pandoran version of the condition, in my headcanon, requires just the right combo of genes to show up in the phenotype, so while several of the Anurai are carriers of the gene(s), it's very rare to have more than two or three indivduals who actually display it living in the clan at the same time, and sometimes there are none at all. At the time of this "story" there are only two: Se'txelu himself, and the current tsahìk, Awlun (who happens to be his great-aunt.) Before them, the most recent person to have it was Se'txelu's great-grandfather. 
The Anurai don't use human terms like melanism or cyanism of course; they refer to this condition as txonleng (shortened from txonä ta'leng, meaning "skin of night"), and because the dark color resembles the hide of the mighty palulukan which the Anurai canonically revere, it is generally believed that individuals born with txonleng are blessed by Eywa and destined to be legendary hunters, especially nocturnal hunters...which there may be a sliver of truth to, since they are naturally better at blending into the shadows.
In Se'txelu's case, though....well, he is good at camouflage, but alas, he's also kinda clumsy, which kinda cancels out any stealth bonus granted by his condition 😅 Despite his clumsiness, he is still a decent hunter at least, albeit a long ways off from "legendary" status (uh oh, potential source of angst for this usually happy-go-lucky dork).
When the Aranahe artisans visited his clan to trade, Neynari immediately caught Se'txelu's attention. He'd never seen anyone who looked like her before, and on top of that, she was quite beautiful. He was infatuated immediately. Lucky for him, she took notice of him too (they both kinda stand out in a crowd lol). Now, while Se'txelu had never seen anyone with leucism like Neynari, he had met two other people with his own condition, txonleng—his great-grandfather (although his memories of him are hazy since he was quite young when he died (of old age)), and Awlun (who of course is still alive and kicking)—so though his condition was rare he had never really felt alone because of it. Neynari, on the other hand, had never seen another Na'vi who wasn't standard blue, so meeting someone else who stood out like that was shocking and intriguing. 
The Aranahe trading party stayed with the Anurai for about a week. Se'txelu tried to work up the nerve to actually talk to Neynari. One day, she noticed him up in a tree and waved at him. Remember when I said Se'txelu was clumsy? Well, he tried to wave back...but in doing so let go of the branch he was gripping and fell out of the tree. Onto his face. And lost a tooth in the process. 
Neynari felt awful because she felt like the accident was her fault, and she came to check on Se'txelu once his bloody mouth had been cleaned up. But despite the initial awkward guilt, with that incident the ice, much like Se'txelu's face, was broken lol. They ended up talking for a long time after that, and clicked pretty hard. Neynari even gave him the joking nickname Sre'tìkelu ("tooth-lack") in reference to the now permanent gap in his smile. They continued to bond over the next few days, and when it came time for the Aranahe party to return home, Neynari found herself not wanting to join them...
Neynari's closest friend back home had always been her mother, Seylana. But tragically, Seylana had passed away of sickness about two years prior to Neynari's trip to the Anurai. With the loss of her mother back home, but the promise of a potential future with Se'txelu here, Neynari was wondering if she should stay and ask to join the Anurai clan...but would that be fair to her ancestors, and to the clan who had raised and loved her?
The night before the Aranahe were meant to leave, Neynari asked Se'txelu to take her to the nearest spirit tree. She connected to Eywa and spoke with Seylana's spirit, pouring her heart out to the memory of her mother and explaining her dilemma. Seylana comforted her daughter and encouraged her to stay with the Anurai. She wanted her daughter to have a bright and happy future and if she found that in another clan, so be it. 
Now with her mother's blessing, Neynari spoke with Awlun, the Anurai tsahìk, as well as with the leader of the Aranahe trading party, and explained the whole situation. She was allowed to join the Anurai, and she and Se'txelu began courting officially, and became mates not long after.
But wait! All these words and we haven't even mentioned Rolukx yet! Rolukx is Se'txelu's older brother, by roughly five or six years. When the boys were young, their father, Tanu, was involved in a hunting accident and almost died. He survived and is fine now, save a few scars, but there was a period of time where his condition was critical and his survival unclear. Se'txelu doesn't really remember this incident because he was too young, but Rolukx does, and it really affected him. Up until that point, he, like many young children, thought of his dad as invincible...this brush with death shattered that innocent belief for poor Rolukx; he became a lot more nervous and paranoid about safety and, well, mortality. One way he dealt with this trauma was becoming very protective of his little brother, even after they became adults (and to be fair, his worries over Se'txelu's safety aren't entirely unfounded because, again, clumsy dork lol). 
Though he spends a lot of his time keeping an eye on his brother, Rolukx is actually a musician and instrument maker by trade, and he's very good at it. The knife he carries is not (usually) used for hunting or cooking, but rather for whittling bone (and other materials, but Anurai clan so mostly bone lol) into intricate flutes and whistles. He plays them beautifully as well, but unfortunately suffers from stage fright and dislikes playing in front of others. The only person he'll consistently play for is his mother Lunaya, who was always very encouraging of his talents (he's a bit of a mama's boy).
Rolukx was a little wary of Neynari at first, as he felt like Se'txelu was rushing into this relationship with some random girl from another clan way too fast. But Se'txelu seemed happy, and when Neynari showed genuine interest in Rolukx's whittling skills, offering to teach him some Aranahe beading and weaving tips in exchange for some whittling and music ones, he warmed up to her and they wound up being pretty good friends, so Rolukx approves of his brother's relationship. 
Lunaya, the boys' mother, happens to also love beaded accessories and hit it off with Neynari right away. Neynari appreciates having her around because she reminds her of her own mother, even if Lunaya is much more extroverted and eccentric than Seylana was. 
(deep breath) sooooooooooo.....I think that covers most of it. those are my dumb dumbs, enjoy
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jinnie-ret · 1 year
could we maybe get a part two to fallen Angel? Maybe it could have her healing process, like her physical therapy process, and the fan reaction? I just love reading your work :3
fallen angel pt 2
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Stray Kids x Ninth Member!reader (Platonic)
content warnings: mentions of injuries (ankle, rib)
genre: fluff, angst
word count: 2.2k
after suffering a nasty fall in a Kingdom performance, Y/N is eager to get back on her feet, only to feel downhearted when she receives some less than motivating news. it's a good thing she has the boys there to support her.
Thank you so much @mynameisnotlaura for this request!! I hope you enjoy! :)
As always, if you enjoy please like and reblog! And my asks are open so be sure to leave in some requests if there's anything you'd like to see!
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Stray Kids' Fans in Uproar as Second Member is Removed from Kingdom: Legendary War
With just a few more weeks until the finale of the competition between six boy groups, a second member of the group Stray Kids has been removed from the show.
MNET have released an official statement saying:
"Due to faulty equipment that had not been properly authenticated by outside distributors, Y/N of Stray Kids sustained an injury that has prevented her from continuing in the competition. This is a very unfortunate situation and we wish her a speedy recovery."
However some fans have speculated that it was actually MNET's fault and that they should have checked the equipment themselves.
What do you think? Let us know down below:
First Hyunjin, and now Y/N, this is so sad to see our group of 9 go down to 7...
It's clearly MNET's fault! You could tell Chan was angry about something before making sure Jeongin was ok
I wouldn't be surprised if Bang Chan went off at the staff, we all saw how annoyed he was in that one vlive...
Our poor maknaes, I hope they're both doing ok! Jeongin, Y/N, fighting!
I hope the rest of the boys are doing ok, now that they're down two members...
The way you can see the moment things go wrong in the performance and Y/N still manages to keep a calm face!
Okay but you wouldn't have been able to tell that Y/N got injured until they showed it after the performance.
Y/N put her phone down sighing. She was glad there was no nasty comments from what she read but she still didn't feel all too optimistic. MNET had blamed someone else for her injuries, and had also denied her requests of participating in the competition once more. Sure, she wasn't fully healed yet, but they could have let her be a part of it somehow without her dancing too strenuously. And no, she wasn't going to accept their request to just sit backstage and watch. In any other world she wouldn't mind doing so, but she knew that MNET would manipulate their footage and craft a vision that reflected badly on her own part.
It had been a couple of weeks since they filmed that performance, and a week since the episode was released, and Y/N was still on bed rest. Anytime a member saw her hobbling about they'd immediately do the thing she wanted for her, or escort her back to her room. Cutting a long story short, she felt like she was in a hell of some kind. Y/N longed for her independence, which added on top of the reasons why she was feeling so angry and upset and just... jumbled at the moment. It wasn't even like she could hang out with Hyunjin, because when the members left for practice, not before checking up on her of course, she would be left alone in the dorms. Hyunjin was spending his hiatus at home at the moment, but she was excited to see him soon after filming for Kingdom was finished.
Shuffling out of bed, and letting out a harsh breath at the pain that hit her mid section, Y/N slowly stood, now having to hobble across her bedroom floor with crutches, careful not to further distress her sprained ankle. Some say she was lucky it was only a sprain, but really it was a pretty severe one that was she lucky it didn't do any permanent damage.
"You should be in bed," Lee Know sternly said, back turned to her as she entered the kitchen.
"How did you know it was me?" Y/N pouted, letting out a groan as she leant against the kitchen counter.
"Here let me, careful, careful," Han gently supported her weight momentarily, helping her into a seat and offering a smile at her.
"Thanks, Hannie," Y/N smiled at her squirrel like member, turning back to Lee Know.
"Not hard to distinguish the difference between crutches and hobbling, to normal footsteps. Plus you normally run in for my breakfasts but you can't do that at the moment," Lee Know tapped Y/N on the nose as he put a plate of pancakes in front of her.
"Hey... don't remind me," Y/N said, shoulders feeling tense as her irritation was evident on her face.
"Yeah, you'd normally be the first one in here," Seungmin chuckled.
"Stop," Y/N slammed her fork down against the table, feeling bad for suddenly lashing out but she also felt so annoyed at the fact she currently couldn't do less.
"Sorry, sorry, we won't mention it no more, unless you want to, okay?" Felix calmed her down, one hand on her shoulder as the other ran through her hair.
"No, it's okay, I'm sorry, it's just... It's really annoying, I've ranted enough about it, you guys already know what I think about it all," Y/N waved her hand dismissively after her apology.
"Doesn't mean we don't want to hear it," Changbin reminded her, as he always did, being the great listener he is.
"Yeah, plus you know you've got our support and the fans' too, right?" Jeongin quietly pitched in, still not fully awake himself.
"I know, I know," Y/N nodded, taking a bite of her pancakes, humming in delight.
"Good?" Lee Know rose an eyebrow from across the table at her, a satisfied smile appearing on his face when she nodded enthusiastically.
Bang Chan emerged from his room just a everyone was finishing breakfast.
"Come on, time to go!"
"You missed breakfast," Changbin tutted at him, Chan only able to respond with a sheepish smile.
"You have to go so soon?" Y/N asked quietly. She could already predict how her day was going to go. Lay down, watch Netflix, sleep, repeat.
"Sorry sweetheart, got a lot of recordings to do today and we need to practice for collab stages on the show," Chan felt bad for his dongsaeng, he could tell she was feeling lonely, but they all tried their best to keep her in the loop.
"I can't even sing on the tracks?" Y/N asked hopefully, but even she knew that the answer would be...
"No, I'm sorry, you know it could make your ribs feel worse if you do. And you know you've got a physio session today, right? Seojun hyung will come round to pick you up and take you there," Chan reminded her, as she let out a groan.
"Ugh, I forgot about that. At least it gets me out of the dorms for an hour or so," she tried to see the positive side.
"See, not too bad!" Jeongin tried to encourage her, but it fell on deaf ears, knowing no one else would want to be in her position right now.
"Can someone help me to the sofa before you guys head out?" Y/N asked awkwardly. She always was awkward when doing so, feeling a guilt of some sorts that crept up on her in these types of situations.
"If we must," Seungmin playfully rolled his eyes, but was gentle nonetheless as he and Felix supported her onto the sofa.
"You comfy?" Felix double checked, shoving a pillow underneath her lower back to help with the healing of her ribs.
Y/N nodded as she took in some deep breaths, the short walk from the kitchen to the lounge leaving her a bit breathless.
"Are you sure you'll be okay, Y/Nnie?" Han bit the top of his thumb worriedly.
"I'm fine, I've got Netflix to keep me company for now, I'll see you guys later," Y/N didn't even look at them as they left, turning the TV on and hoping to block out her jealousy and irritation.
There was a knock on the door before it was unlocked and Y/N couldn't believe that she had already watched 6 episodes of Modern Family.
"Hi Seojun oppa," Y/N greeted him as he helped her stand and grabbed her crutches.
"Hi, Y/Nnie, how are you feeling today? Ready for your physio?" Seojun said warmly.
"I'm never ready, you know that," she laughed as he helped her out of the dorms and took her to the physio session.
On the way there they listened to some music, and Y/N fought deep within herself to not put her all into singing along. She couldn't make things worse. She wanted to recover as soon as possible.
Throughout the session Y/N herself felt like she was making good progress. Seojun and her physiotherapist, Soyeon, praised her as she did her exercises.
"So, only 2 more weeks left, yeah? Then it's been 4 weeks like you said and I can start working again," Y/N said with a big smile on her face. She was in a good mood from how the session went, which was soon to disappear.
"Yes, I did say 4 weeks, but I also said 4-6 weeks. Unfortunately it seems like your body is taking longer to heal than we initially expected, which isn't anything to worry about but I believe your healing process will be more in the 6 weeks," Soyeon informed Y/N, feeling bad for the younger girl.
"Right, okay, yeah, that's fine... thank you as always, Soyeon," Y/N said with a tight lipped smile and turned to Seojun with a look that said 'I want to go home now'.
And he complied. The manager felt bad, hearing the sniffles Y/N tried to hide during the journey back to the dorms. But knowing the girl, he didn't want to make a big deal of it, and simply passed her a tissue, knowing she would be thankful.
He helped her back into the dorms and took her to bed, letting her rest and feeling slightly reluctant to leave, he eventually did, sending a text to the other Stray Kids members to let them know how she was doing.
'Y/N isn't feeling too cheery. Not a good result to the session today, she's back home now. Could do with some comfort I think.'
And with that, the boys rushed home as soon as they could, not wanting their fellow member to be feeling upset. They knew she was angry, but they hadn't really seen her sadness or tears since the day her injury happened.
"Y/N?" there was a tentative knock on the door.
But Y/N didn't answer, she was too busy being curled up warmly under her duvet, her own sobs sounding muffled to her as she listened to some sad music through her airpods.
"Y/Nnie, hey sweetheart," Chan said softly, brushing her hair out of her face and removing her airpods.
"Adele? Damn she is going through it," Seungmin muttered to himself as he put the listening device to his ear, wincing lightly when Changbin heard and smacked him on the back of the head.
"Go away," Y/N tried to pull the duvet over her head not wanting the boys to see her upset but failed.
"Hey, hey, none of that, what happened at the physio appointment today?" Chan asked worriedly, thumbs swiping away the tears that ran down her face.
"Was it something serious?" Jeongin asked frowning, hoping that it wouldn't be.
Felix sat around the other side of Y/N cuddling her behind gently, for comfort.
"I've got 4 more weeks of this. 4 more weeks of doing nothing," Y/N sniffled, Felix rubbing her stomach in circles with his hand that was draped lightly across her midriff.
"I thought it was 2 more weeks?" Lee Know wondered out loud.
"Me too, but now I'm stuck here like this for even longer. Something about not healing as they expected," Y/N hiccuped on her sobs.
"Calm down, you're working yourself up, it'll be ok, those weeks will fly by," Changbin soothed her as he patted her head.
"I just hate doing nothing. I feel like I'm making you guys do all the work and making you babysit me when I should be pulling my own weight," Y/N confessed after calming herself down a bit.
"It's not like that at all. Plus, we love babysitting our maknae," Han let her know, patting her leg from where he was perched on the bed.
"Speak for yourself," Seungmin joked, making Y/N laugh, and then stop from the pain in her ribs.
"Here, silly, take these," Lee Know handed her some paracetamol to take, shaking his head fondly at her.
"I'm not silly," Y/N sleepily muttered after taking the tablets, leaning back into Felix's arms.
"You are for thinking you're making us do all the work," Chan sighed, still smiling at the girl.
"Yeah, don't worry, there's plenty for you to do when you're up and about," Lee Know said with a devilish smirk.
"That's fine by me," Y/N yawned, eyes fluttering shut.
"She's the only person I know that can sleep so comfortably at the idea of having lots of work to do," Jeongin shook his head with wide eyes.
"Told you, works like a charm," Lee Know laughed quietly at his shocked face.
They all stayed until she fell asleep, leaving just her and Felix in the room in peace.
tagged: @oo-li
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placeholder-mcd · 16 days
(Obligatory "I sound like I'm speaking objectively from authority but this is just my opinion and it's okay for you to like media I dislike for whatever reasons you may have")
Okay so like. while "the minecraft move trailer is so bad that it makes minecraft story mode look good in comparison" is both true and funny, can we please not start pretending that story mode is a well-crafted piece of media. as someone who has played through it multiple times (first when it originally came out and I was 12 and thought it was awesome, then later as an interactive Netflix experience with friends for so-bad-it's-good reasons) I feel pretty qualified to say it blows
Like, yes. There are so many things that MCSM got right that the movie apparently got wrong. But, like, they're all extremely common-sense things to get right -- like having the whole thing be animated, and maintaining a visual style that feels consistent with minecraft, and spending time with individual aspects of the minecraft experience that have their own communities (like redstone contraptions). that sense seems a little less common now that the movie trailer exists, but still, these are all bare minimum expectations of a piece of narrative-driven media set in Minecraft.
MCSM still completely fails, however, to have any compelling characters (RIP Reuben you were just as annoying as everyone else) or non-grating dialogue. The universe they depict isn't even well thought out! Like, okay, example:
Right off the bat, they make a big decision about how they're going to handle MCSM: they are not telling a story about people playing Minecraft the video game, but are instead depicting a universe where Minecraft is inhabited by a civilization of NPCs that have identical abilities to a player (aside from like, pausing the game or changing settings or what have you). This, in itself, is not a bad decision, but it puts the writers in a position where they need to conceptualize what is effectively a Minecraft AU. You're not playing survival mode or creative mode, you're playing Story mode. In this AU, humans exist in the minecraft world and have for a long time (centuries, at least?), they've built cities, they have language, etc. Imagine you're Jesse. Imagine you've grown up inside of Minecraft. Everyone is playing on hardcore, there is no respawning, and you live in a world filled with strange and dangerous creatures that seem hell-bent on killing you. Why the Fuck does anyone go out at night. Why isn't literally everyone combat-trained. Why is Jesse acting like he's never seen a Creeper before. Why is Petra the only member of the main party who knows how to craft a pickaxe.
At the build competition, the party is surprised that the reigning building team has a beacon. But nobody takes a second to actually investigate what that means. Did their team intentionally spawn and defeat a Wither? Doesn't that make them more badass and legendary than the order of the stone? Is there a black market for nether stars? (I think Petra is probably the one who gave them the beacon since she also trades Ivan a Wither skull. But like. Why isn't literally anyone else just going and doing what Petra does. Why aren't they impressed)
Ivan having access to a Command Block is also insane. Like, it has potential to be an extremely cool choice -- did Ivan find a way to break the fourth wall? Did he find an exploit in Minecrafts code that allowed him to obtain this? The command block has the power to just generate resources out of thin air. Ivan could actually use it to become a god and give himself creative mode. But okay, we can assume that the command block is just... Different, in the AU. Fine. It's a computing center / power core for the Wither Storm. Sure
But, like. I, even as an 11 year old, knew everything there was to know about minecraft when I played story mode (and, unlike the Movie, MCSM was actually attempting to appeal to the existing fanbase), so watching these characters who have lived for DECADES within the Minecraft universe just. Be helpless and completely clueless as to how the universe works? It makes me hate like all of them. I don't care about Jesse or Gabriel and if I actually had the freedom to perform the basic actions I could perform in Minecraft -- mining, building, and crafting -- I could use my game knowledge to pretty swiftly end the entire conflict at like any point in the story. And I'm not very good at video games. But I would expect a character who's been LIVING IN THE MINECRAFT WORLD TO BE ABLE TO DO THAT. BECAUSE THEY'D BE BETTER AT MINECRAFT THAN ANY OF US.
The whole thing is a contrived and buggy mess that feels like it was written by a Hollywood CEO who watched someone play the game for 30 minutes, looked up some basic information like how to beat the game and whether there's any in-game lore, and then riffed on that until a script outline was finished. The programmers, visual artists, and composers clearly did a ton of work to make MCSM feel like minecraft. And they did a good job -- clearly, a much better job than the Movie is going to do. But that doesn't change the fact that the Story -- the focal element advertised in the title -- completely misses the fucking mark and centers around a group of characters who are largely incompetent and stupid in an unfunny and uninteresting way. MCSM was a shitty cashgrab by telltale games and I am not apologizing to it.
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blueiscoool · 5 months
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Remnants of a Legendary Typeface Have Been Rescued From the Thames River
Doves Type was thrown into the water a century ago, following a dispute between its creators.
The depths of the river Thames in London hold many unexpected stories, gleaned from the recovery of prehistoric tools, Roman pottery, medieval jewelry, and much more besides. Yet the tale of the lost (and since recovered) Doves typeface is surely one of the most peculiar.
A little over a century ago, the printer T.J. Cobden-Sanderson took it upon himself to surreptitiously dump every piece of this carefully honed metal letterpress type into the river. It was an act of retribution against his business partner, Emery Walker, whom he believed was attempting to swindle him.
The pair had conceived this idiosyncratic Arts and Crafts typeface when they founded the Doves Press in the London’s Hammersmith neighborhood, in 1900. They worked with draftsman Percy Tiffin and master punch-cutter Edward Prince to faithfully recall the Renaissance clarity of 15th-century Venetian fonts, designed by the revolutionary master typographer Nicolas Jensen.
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With its extra-wide capital letters, diamond shaped punctuation and unique off-kilter dots on the letter “i,” Doves Type became the press’s hallmark, surpassing fussier typographic attempts by their friend and sometime collaborator, William Morris.
The letterforms only existed as a unique 16pt edition, meaning that when Cobden-Sanderson decided to “bequeath” every single piece of molded lead to the Thames, he effectively destroyed any prospect of the typeface ever being printed again. That might well have been the case, were it not for several individuals and a particularly tenacious graphic designer.
Robert Green first became fascinated with Doves Type in the mid-2000s, scouring printed editions and online facsimiles, to try and faithfully redraw and digitize every line. In 2013, he released the first downloadable version on typespec, but remained dissatisfied. In October 2014, he decided to take to the river to see if he could find any of the original pieces.
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Using historical accounts and Cobden-Sanderson’s diaries, he pinpointed the exact spot where the printer had offloaded his wares, from a shadowy spot on Hammersmith bridge. “I’d only been down there 20 minutes and I found three pieces,” he said. “So, I got in touch with the Port of London Authority and they came down to search in a meticulous spiral.” The team of scuba divers used the rather low-tech tools of a bucket and a sieve to sift through the riverbed.
Green managed to recover a total of 151 sorts (the name for individual pieces of type) out of a possible 500,000. “It’s a tiny fraction, but when I was down by the river on my own, for one second it all felt very cosmic,” he said. “It was like Cobden-Sanderson had dropped the type from the bridge and straight into my hands. Time just collapsed.”
The finds have enabled him to further develop his digitized version and has also connected him with official mudlarks (people who search riverbanks for lost treasures, with special permits issued) who have uncovered even more of the type.
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Jason Sandy, an architect, author and member of the Society of Thames Mudlarks, found 12 pieces, which he has donated to Emery Walker’s House at 7 Hammersmith Terrace. This private museum was once home to both business partners, and retains its stunning domestic Arts and Crafts interior.
Much like Green, Sandy was captivated by the Doves Type story, and mounted an exhibition at the house that displays hundreds of these salvaged pieces, including those discovered by Green, as well as mudlarks Lucasz Orlinski and Angus McArthur. The show was supplemented by a whole host of Sandy’s other finds, including jewelry and tools. An extant copy of the Doves English Bible is also on display.
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“It is not that unusual to find pieces of type in the river,” Sandy said. “Particularly around Fleet Street, where newspaper typesetters would throw pieces in the water when they couldn’t be bothered to put them back in their cases. But this is a legendary story and we mudlarks love a good challenge.” The community is naturally secretive about exactly where and how things are found. For example, Orlinski has worked under the cover of night with a head torch, to search for treasures at his own mysterious spot on the riverbank.
For Sandy, the thrill comes from the discovery of both rare and everyday artifacts, which can lead to an entirely new line of inquiry: “The Thames is very democratic. It gives you a clear picture of what people have been wearing or using over thousands of years. And it’s not carefully curated by a museum. The river gives up these objects randomly, and you experience these amazing stories of ordinary Londoners. It creates a very tangible connection to the past. Every object leads you down a rabbit hole.”
By Holly Black.
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firefirefruit · 9 months
Steel in Her Veins | Table of Contents
Read On: AO3
Fair Warning: Written in a combination of first, second and third person POVs out of my own interest to test things out - I know - but SiHV will be rewritten soon in a consistent first person POV.
Characters: Fem!Reader x Roronoa Zoro
Synopsis: Her name is Kozuki Raya, but no one calls her by that name anymore. Using the alias of Tenguyama Raya as advised by her Gramps, Kozuki Sukiyaki, she is the descendant of the legendary swordsmith Kotetsu and a distant friend of the Shimotsuki clan.
Following in her ancestor’s footsteps, she dedicates her life to the mastery of sword crafting, wielding, and learning. With much of her life being taught by Gramps, she realises that the dormant power, ancient knowledge and ancestral secrets that thrum within her veins start to play a very important role in the way the future world is shaped.
Meeting the Straw Hats was not written anywhere within her blueprints, but – most importantly - meeting Roronoa Zoro wasn’t supposed to change the trajectory of her life either.
Table of Contents:
Chapter One: What Happens When a Swordsman Meets a Swordsmith?
Chapter Two: All Goop and No Blades
Chapter Three: The Golden Medallion
Chapter Four: A Cyborg, A Skeleton and A Lot of Limbs Walk Into A Shop…
Chapter Five: Oh, Ohara...
Chapter Six: It's Awful, Do It Again.
Chapter Seven: BWING!
Chapter Eight: The One-Eyed Marimooo
Chapter Nine: The Niece of Oden
Chapter Ten: Fight, Flight, Freeze
Chapter Eleven: The Bushido Code
Chapter Twelve: Read Me, But Don't Weep
Chapter Thirteen: A Line in the Sand
Chapter Fourteen: Enigma
Chapter Fifteen: Did You Watch Your Spine Run Away from You, Too?
Chapter Sixteen: Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue
Chapter Seventeen: Onigiri
Chapter Eighteen: Burn, Demon, Burn
Chapter Nineteen: Daemgar
Chapter Twenty: Minks and Vivre Cards
Chapter Twenty-One: Polar Twwwang
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Doctor Just Pinched Me
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Children of the Beyond
Chapter Twenty-Four: You Want to Come Over and Touch Me, Too?
Chapter Twenty-Five: One More Sword
Chapter Twenty-Six: Simple. Practical. Easy
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Alcohol. Love It or Hate It
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Sugar and Spice and Everything... Sooty
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Stupid Fucking Plan
Chapter Thirty: Fuck You, Too.
Chapter Thirty-One: Rubber
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Thorned
Chapter Thirty-Three: Sharp Metal, Be Damned
Chapter Thirty-Four: Aragnus
Chapter Thirty-Five: A Surly Monster
Chapter Thirty-Six: Dragon Taxi
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Washed Up
Chapter Thirty-Eight: A Doctor’s Steady Hands
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Spitfire
Chapter Forty: Sacrifical Lambs
Chapter Forty-One: Odenta
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markrosewater · 11 months
Maro’s Teaser for The Lost Caverns of Ixalan
Before previews for The Lost Caverns of Ixalan officially begin, I thought it would be fun to do another of my Duelist-style teasers where I give tiny hints of things to come. Note that I’m only giving you partial information.   
   First up, here are some things you can expect:   
 • a new card with the word “three times” in its rules text 
• a new land subtype  
• an aura card we’ve reprinted numerous times over twenty years appears with a new name and is one mana cheaper 
• a redone version of a popular mechanic that first premiered in 2009 
• a new mechanic representing crafting  
• a card capable of animating both artifacts and enchantments   
• a popular Tempest sorcery returns as an “enter the battlefield” effect   
• a new ability word that cares about what is in your graveyard  
• some counters in the set: bore, chorus, dread, finality, landmark, lore, net, point, stun, and time; one of which is a new deciduous counter 
• some creature tokens: 0/1 green Dinosaur Eggs, 1/1 colorless Gnomes, 1/1 white Vampire, 1/1 blue Merfolk, 1/1 black Bat, 1/1 black Fungus, 2/2 black Skeleton Pirate, 3/1 red Dinosaur, 3/2 red and white Spirit, 3/3 green Dinosaur, 4/3 black Vampire Demon, 4/4 white Angel, 4/4 white and blue Golem (note that some of these tokens have additional abilities) 
 Next, here are some rules text that will be showing up on cards:   
   • “As an additional cost to cast this spell, tap four untapped artifacts, creatures, and/or land you control.”  
• “Until end of turn, target artifact or creature becomes a Dinosaur”  
• “Then destroy all other creatures if its power is exactly 20.”  
• “When you <new keyword>, <new keyword> again for the same value.”  
• “Whenever you’re dealt combat damage, the attacking player gains control of CARDNAME and untaps it.”  
• “Equip – Pay {3} or discard a card.”  
• “Whenever you cast a permanent spell using mana produced by CARDNAME, up to one other target permanent you control becomes a copy of that spell until end of turn.”  
• “Skeletons you control get +1/+0 and have haste.”  
• “If a triggered ability of another creature you control of the chosen type triggers, it triggers an additional time.”  
• “When there are 1,000 or more time counters on CARDNAME, sacrifice it and each opponent loses 1,000 life.”  
  Here are some creature type lines from the set:  
 • Artifact Creature – Dinosaur Gnome  
• Creature – Salamander Wurm  
• Creature – Merfolk Warrior Scout  
• Legendary Creature – Bat God  
• Creature – Capybara  
• Legendary Creature – Skeleton Spirit Pirate  
• Artifact Creature – Nautilus  
• Creature – Beast Horror Spirit  
• Creature – Fungus Snail  
• Creature – Dinosaur Skeleton Horror  
  Finally, here are some names in the set:  
 • Braided Quipu  
• Calamitous Cave-In  
• Careening Mine Cart  
• Chupacabra Echo  
• Diamond Pick-Axe  
• Eaten by Piranhas  
• Out of Air  
• Pirate Hat  
• Sovereign’s Machuahuitl  
• Spelunking  
 Tune-in to see Lost Caverns of Ixalan’s debut on October 24th on twitch.tv/Magic and on our official YouTube channel. The full story drops October 20th. 
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nerdieforpedro · 2 months
I love how you write and it makes me so glad you are here.
can I ask what inspired you to start?
signed - a maybe inspired future fic writer
This is such a wonderful ask! 🥰
I'm glad you enjoy my writing. I have ideas and I write them is my short answer and explains nothing I realize.
The long answer:
I've written fanfic before, off and on for maybe the last 10-15 years. Very different fandoms. Started out with anime, dabbled a bit in Yaoi then transitioned to Marvel and now I'm firmly planted in the Pedro Pascal, Oscar Issac, Benny Miller triangle of hotness.
Fanfic for me is an expression of a story, show, movie, video game or pice of media that I enjoyed so much, I just had to make something. I can't draw, no mixing of hot tracks or beats, I've just started dabbling in photo editing this year and am a beginner at that. It's all purely fun for me. I enjoy it and it's fun to share with other people who create and are like, "Hey! You like that? I like it too. Let me see yours and I'll show you mine. Where'd you get the idea for that?" And then hilarious conversations leap from there.
What inspired me to start specifically in the Pedro Pascal fanfic world was The Mandalorian. It was the first time I realized, "that's the man I've seen before!" And then realized I've seen Pedro Pascal in many of my favorite shows, (The Mentalist was watched for the sake of completion. After season 6 and the first episode of season 7, there wasn't a real reason to continue other than spending time with my mom. She's fine, when I tell people that they think she's passed on but the woman is still lifting 50 lbs mulch bags in her mid seventies. She more than fine.) I then became fixated on this man, reset the password on my AO3 account and found Pedro Pascal character fanfics. I was then led back to Tumblr which before I was on years ago for anime and read fics by @secretelephanttattoo ( I shall always sing about Headshots. It inspired the first fic I posted on Tumblr and is just so damn cute. El is also just a sweetheart.) and @morallyinept whose Tendrils fic only deepened my brain rot for that tall beskar bucket, she's also a dear friend who's made me laugh, cry in a good way, inspired me and very time I turn around she's crafting something new. Fics, banners, self-care, doodles, smut, databases, and all sorts of Pedro interviews and dialogue. Because I'm a fangirl of them both and many others actually, I keep 👀 on them.
What keeps me going is the fandom overall and that despite, recent tribulations let's say politely, we're all still here. Geeking out over a goofy, handsome, I know he gives the best hugs, actor who loves what he does and has been working at it for years and it's finally paying off.
I've met wonderful friends and moots who reach out, give me encouragement, tell me I do well (I'm starting to listen to them I swear. I'm not good at taking compliments in person so it's even worse online FYI.
So I hope this answers your ask and I do encourage you to write that weird, funny, smutty, cute, sweet, dark, twisty, angsty fic that you want to write. I do hope whoever you are, you tag me in it so I can read it. 🤭
Special love to the following and if I left anyone off, I'm sorry. It's after work, I rubbed my eyes, wipes my glasses because I got them wet while writing this and it was a lot:
@maggiemayhemnj @megamindsecretlair @soft-persephone @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @magpiepills
@mysterious-moonstruck-musings @for-a-longlongtime @i-own-loki @undercoverpena @connectioneverywhere
@soft-girl-musings @perotovar @julesonrecord @lotusbxtch @604to647
@yorksgirl @pedroshotwifey @fhatbhabiee @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @bitchwitch1981
@jessthebaker @avastrasposts @inept-the-magnificent @lady-bess @grogusmum
@schnarfer @boliv-jenta @iamskyereads @iamasaddie @chaithetics
@tinytinymenace @yourcoolauntie @alltheglitterandtheroar @musings-of-a-rose @rhoorl
@trulybetty @laurfilijames @wannab-urs @legendary-pink-dot @din-cognito
@sin-djarin @beefrobeefcal @spacecowboyhotch
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dipandpiptit · 11 days
Here is what I wrote down in Berlin after my m&g, if anyone is interested. I'm posting the video and the photos as well because I'm so happy I managed to do and say everything I had planned 😃 I feel like I rambled a lot but the whole thing took 2 minutes.
Hug felt brief rushed automatic (if you want a nicer one go with one hand over their shoulder and hold for a second)
Dan asked if I want to have signed what was in my hands
I said yes, they signed the things and without prompting Dan said what kitties do we have here or something like that.
I told him they're my cats and my puppy and that I actually named the puppy Danny, they laughed
Dan asked if I want a selfie, I said yes but I want to tell you something first. At that point it immediately stopped feeling rushed and they focused entirely on me and waited.
I said first, come to Prague, they said we want to we'd love to. Dan said I have to I've never been.
Second I want to ask how wide is your reach on the piano
Phil got what I asked and translated for Dan
I said I'm actually jealous of his hands
Dan said just above an octave, nine or ten keys. I told him that's not true called him a liar to his face while pointing at him 😂 He said, no it is true! (for context mine is nine keys so ten for him is so not possible)
I said lets compare hands than. They put them in front (phil started) I made a photo.
I love the moment when Dan turns to Phil and goes, can't even fit my hand in a photo!
Then I said actually I want to properly compare them sorry I'm obsessed.... And phil went, with hands? I laught no.. yes.. well.... with the reach (I love the fact I became a victim of Phil’s legendary wit)
Then they took the separate photos of their hands against mine
And than the selfie
I asked them if we have time I have one other idea, that I'd like to recreate the ending of the crafts video with me being the demon. They said okay and stood at each side of me I saw they're not really doing it so I went I'm too small/you're too tall though, they moved closer and crouched and did the faces (I'm the demon phannie).
Then I went away, on the way turned around and said I'm looking forward to the show so much and that it's gonna be great, it's gonna be amazing, did an okay sign with my hand.
Almost forgot my signed things (that I let Phil hold and struggle with the whole time), forgot my phone that they gave to security 😅
Overall it was amazing, it's so nice to see how aware they are of the importance of the meeting for each individual person. It was my first time meeting them and I'm so so happy about it 💙😭🥰💙💙💙
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