#cr c3e31
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lessattitudemorealtitude · 2 years ago
In the aftermath of the Ludinus reveal, Liam has Caleb’s misery face on like super hard. He does this expression with Orym a couple of times, but Caleb’s misery face was a staple of C2, I recognize it very well and it’s here full force
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crabridgedart · 8 months ago
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C3E31 Abridged - Art by @agarthanguide, @shmaba, @larkspurns and takayuuki_art
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orymofthepieashari · 3 years ago
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This episode got me screaming every twenty minutes and frantically message my friends about what the fuck is up with that?!
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piesa2 · 3 years ago
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bell’s hells top 10 super fun times
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angelsndragons · 3 years ago
so episode 31, really the last three or four episodes, honestly, crystalized a lot of what i have been working on behind the scenes when it comes to the hells so let’s talk. warning: as always, this a long post.
because the thing is, the thing is, bells’ hells have been a control party almost from the word go. control parties, for those who don’t know, build themselves to go around obstacles and find new, different win conditions for encounters. control parties have a million different ways to handle these objectives. they can avoid combat altogether via stealth, charisma checks, or other pointed party actions. they can, as the crownkeepers did with the crocodile, find a creative way to neutralize an encounter. this doesn’t just apply to combat, by the by. social encounters provide ample opportunity for a control party to flex their muscles and steer their targets towards the party’s objectives. the haunting of the moon tower is a perfect example. they tend to be more creative and aware of their environments and the people within them than their glass cannon and cockroach counterparts. they have to be. you can’t redefine victory conditions without that awareness or creativity. control parties are just willing to try new things in ways that other parties can’t (glass cannons tend to be built for just damage) or won’t (cockroaches prefer optimizing the action economy).
the hells are several different control modes smushed together into some semblance of a balanced party that can switch on a dime and adapt. they can playfully booby-trap their way through a museum job then roast their opponents alive before flipping back to friendly assistance once the threat has been neutralized and they’ve won. the hells are much more interested in gathering and using information than their c1 or c2 counterparts; they’re also much better at extracting it. whether it’s fearne and orym scouting out enemy bases or numbers, fcg and imogen running roughshod over other people’s minds to find it or being irresistible enough that information is just handed to them, or chet, laudna, and ashton scaring the information out of opponents, all of them have some way of pulling information together (using it is still a skill the group is working on but they’re getting better). in combat, laudna and imogen easily cycle between environmental control/support (think imogen’s hunger of hadar reskin and laudna’s form of dread) and big damage numbers, chet literally has two modes he can fight in, while ashton and orym have a number of ways to control enemy movement and attacks.
and the thing about last episode and this most recent string is how the cast has built characterization into and from the mechanics and abilities. the hells are a control party, and they all have control issues. every last one of them.
ashton - traumatic brain injury that left them their unreliable at best memory, sometimes unable to rein in their impulses, and a rage they’ve only recently learned to channel and use, a man who wants very clearly defined roles and relationships (and oh boy it says something that ashton is the one who best knows their limitations and has gotten used to living with this lack of control).
chetney - werewolf who has lost control of the beast once that we know of. has issues with authority and people having control over his creations and livelihood.
fcg - has been denied autonomy and personhood for much of their existence, can snap to murderbot mode when sufficiently stressed with no memory of what occurred.
fearne - oh fearne, she has issues with cages and how things need to be free but also how she collects the things and people she cares about (she’d never keep them but at the same time...). after all, if she collects them, well, she can’t be left again, right.
imogen - has to maintain a stubborn, rigid control over her feelings, thoughts, and powers at all times or else something could explode. literally, in some cases. or worse, she’ll be subjected to every passing, awful thought of every person around her and who wants that, really?
laudna - a potential puppet on delilah briarwood’s strings. her control issues stem from her (pretty justified given her life) fear that everyone will leave her, that she’s not worthy enough for people to remain by her side. if she just controls herself and finds the one thing that others want, they’ll stay, they have to, right?
orym - like imogen, orym’s holding himself together by the skin of his teeth sometimes. he’s trying to control situations and fights around him so that this time, maybe, hopefully, his loved ones won’t be hurt, never mind if he gets hurt in the process.
part of what fascinates me so in the last several episodes is how out of control the hells have felt and the catalysts for that. yu, who manipulates and worms their way around obstacles and uses others and changes the win conditions and gets what they want in the end, a dark mirror of the hells’ own tactics turned on them. ira, who has controlled and manipulated and wiped out any good intention fearne’s parents had, right down to smearing away their memories and emotions. delilah, who gaslights, manipulates, and abuses, whom they cannot escape without leaving one of their own to her “tender” care. fcg, who weaponized what little actual vulnerability this party has been able to let itself feel.
so strap yourselves in, folks, we’re in for a long haul here.
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demisexualemmaswan · 3 years ago
I love when C1 and C2 characters just inhabit the player’s bodies for a hot second
Like any time guns or residuum comes up Percy takes full control of Taliesin for a brief second
And obviously Vex takes over Laura whenever money or bears are involved
But truly the best one so far this campaign was the Ludinus reveal in e31 and Caleb took over Liam to go “I KNEW IT”
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leglessstreetlights · 3 years ago
i love how bells hells solely operate by fucking around and finding out.
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Orym's message to Keyleth through Imogen.
following threads;
dark fae influences;
members of Cerberus assembly;
power players in Marquet;
one month out from trouble;
stay the course?
missing home.
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alesieben · 3 years ago
"I don't think anyone here is as afraid of you as you are"
Fucking Ashton being so need insightful to protect FCG is just *incoherent noises*
I love all of Taliesin's characters so damn much it's almost irritating
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lessattitudemorealtitude · 2 years ago
Ira revealing that the other Exandrian working with the Unseelie court is Ludinus, and Liam slamming his fist to the table and being like “I KNEW IT”
Gods, I knew this spoiler ahead of time, and it still sent an excited thrill through me. Caleb dying underneath Liam’s skin
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marvelousbelladonna · 1 year ago
“If one of us falls out of line the rest of us bring them back in” -Orym
15ft away in your view, you see Orym. You just see this *nods head*
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rosegrlwrites · 3 years ago
Following threads. Dark fey influences. Members of the Cerberus Assembly. Power players in Marquet. One month out from trouble. Stay the course?
The words come through as Keyleth sits in the garden after a meeting. They're not from anyone she's ever heard before, but she knows who they're from. This is not good. Not what she expected, either.
"I thank you for the message, whoever you are. This is disconcerting news. Stay the course carefully. I'll pull threads on my end. Stay safe."
Keyleth takes a breath, steeling herself in the comfort of the garden. She is going to need help.
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i-am-shitpost · 3 years ago
Ashton and Fcg friendship my beloved
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vicshush · 3 years ago
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[ID: Against a dark blue to purple blue gradient, a mottled red moon with sketchy lines extending from it hovers between two sets of text. The moon is meant to be the strange moon Ruidus from Critical Role's Exandria setting. The purple text above is a quote from Critical Role campaign 3, episode 31 : "We might as well set our goals high, right?" by the character Imogen Temult. Below, bright red text reads "Shoot for the moon. Kill the gods." /end ID]
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shaynomore · 3 years ago
Anyone else catch that Ashton never got to make a save for heat metal?
Fcg obviously didn't, lad's made of metal. Laudna did. Ashton didn't, which I guess has to do with their scars?
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dnd-n-tea · 3 years ago
Whenever someone betrays the Bells Hells they really just stand there afterwards like:
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