#cqc post
Y'all please stop sending bad things to my inbox 💀
My asks are for requests, not for your weird frustrations in regards to my page and beliefs!!
I'd also like to clarify, unless it is a VERY important matter, or a matter in which I feel the need to respond, I probably won't respond to these rude/weird asks! Especially if someone is saying something bad/weird (/neg) as an anon. (Anon asks are OK! WHEN THEY RELATE TO MY REQUESTS OR ARE NICE THINGS :3!)
I would love requests related to what I said I'd do as a request in my pinned post! Other than that, my inbox is truly for asks!! (with the exception of kind words and nice questions, etc!)
But just this once, I will answer questions that I've been asked, albeit indirectly, because I want to just get it out there. This is the last time I will interact with those bad asks in any way!
I will NOT vilify any REAL disorder or condition unless you are harming someone and proud of it. Past harmful behaviors that are being WORKED on do not concern me, do not involve me in them. IF you feel my page is not a safe space for you or a place you'd like to interact with, then don't! I do not want you on my page if you will feel unwelcome!!!
This is supposed to be a place where you will feel comfortable and welcome. Please only interact to both of our comfort levels. If you feel safe and comfortable and welcome interacting, then be my guest!! I love seeing new blogs pop up, and sooooooo many people have been so sweet! (Honestly, some of yall are just so nice, I'm smiling over here!)
Also, I do not care if you think I am "really disabled" or if you believe me regarding my disorders/illnesses/etc. You are not my doctor, your validations OR invalidations regarding my health does not affect me.
Something about me or my page or my communities is obviously affecting you if you need to send me hate. In that instance, I recommend you to get off the internet, for at least a bit, and find and/or do something you enjoy. You deserve to feel happy, but you will not find that by sending me mean things on my page. My health and happiness are my own, and I will simply ignore your hate.
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A reminder
PLEASE do not start discourse on my page, whether that be syscourse or identity discourse or any other sort of discourse. It is draining. I do have my opinions on all of these things, but this blog is not about that.
[Pt: PLEASE do not start discourse on my page, whether that be syscourse or identity discourse or any other sort of discourse. It is draining. I do have my opinions on all of these things, but this blog is not about that. End pt]
Thank you, and you deserve to be happy, sending love and joy to anyone reading this. I hope you're having a good [timezone.]
PS: if you sent an ask/request before, please resend it if possible! My inbox was being weird and I accidentally deleted a few things!
I'm looking forward to hearing from you :3!
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tvckerwash · 11 months
thoughts on wash's fighting style and his position in pfl because I can (utc because it's really long lol):
wash is very unique among the freelancers for a variety of reasons, one is that he doesn't specialize in one specific area of anything, he's a jack of all trades who is able to fill in for other freelancers if necessary. for example in s9 when york was supposed to be unavailable for lock picking/infiltration duty, carolina immediately went to wash (and we are ignoring that york is not shown to be good at lock picking!) if she trusted wash to fill in for their specialist in one area, I feel it's not a stretch to imagine that he can do so in other areas as well.
need a snipper but north and wyoming aren't available? wash can cover. need someone to get into the enemies' computer systems in place of ct, south, or york? wash can cover. need someone for stealth or reconnaissance in place of florida? wash can cover. etc etc.
wash's combat style reflects that jack of all trades, master of none thing very well too, as the way that he fights is very grounded and pragmatic when compared to the rest of the freelancers. a lot of people like to portray wash as less skilled than the other freelancers, but in truth I believe that wash being able to keep up and compete with the other freelancers despite his lack of dramatic flare is a show of just how competent and skilled of a soldier he is. wash is so good at doing what he does that he doesn't need all that extra bullshit to get the job done. sure, he might not look as Cool and SexyTM as the others while doing it, but completing the mission and surviving to live another day takes precedence over all else.
another way of looking at it is that wash fights in the same way that the odst's do, that is to say that he fights like a human who cannot plow his way through the battlefield in the same way the spartans can. wash's style of fighting is one that employs careful planning and targeted hit and run tactics—this is most obvious in recovery one and s6 whenever he's fighting against the meta.
I also feel it's important to note that wash is not a cqc fighter, he can handle himself if he gets into a cqc situations but his primary weapon is the battle rifle—which is a mid/long range weapon. if I'm being honest wash's way of fighting makes waaaaaaaaay more sense if you look at him not as someone who is trained to primarily fight against other humans, but as someone who is trained to fight against 8ft 2 ton aliens with plasma weapons that can slice through the hulls of UNSC battle cruisers (ships designed to travel through space!!!) like a hot knife cuts through butter and have the technology to raze entire planets to the ground in a matter of minutes.
I also personally believe that wash has the most military experience out of all the freelancers right behind florida, wyoming, and maine (who I hc as a spartan iii). we know that wash did his basic training in the leonis minoris system (a canonical halo system) and that system had two of the three planets glassed by the covenant in 2537, and wash directly references these events in the washed hands interview in the fan guide and the way he says it implies that he likely completed his basic training that same year. now I have some grievances with the timeline given in the book when it comes to the events depicted in the freelancer saga because it's just kinda weird, but everything prior to that bit is actually fine (though I hate the way that they decide to number the timeline lmao).
now in halo canon the human/covenant war ended in 2552, and according to the timeline in the rvb fan guide that was 1 year after alpha was sent to blood gulch. project freelancer is first cleared for funding 7 years BBG (before blood gulch), and recruits the 50 freelancers 5 years BBG. doing some math we can determine that pfl was cleared for funding in the year 2544, and the freelancers are recruited for pfl in 2546. so assuming wash finished his basic training in 2537 that would mean that he was in the military for 9 years before he joined pfl, and while wash is addressed as a corporal (e-4) in the washed hands interview he was most likely demoted to that after he was court martialed, and he was possibly going to be dishonorably discharged from the military because of his disorderly conduct.
using the current standards used by the us marine corps when it comes to rank progression, wash was most likely a sergeant (e-5) who was very close to being promoted to a staff sergeant (e-6). wash as a sergeant would've essentially been the assistant manager/co-leader of the platoon he was in while his staff sergeant was the manager/leader, and that would explain why he was able to even get into an argument with his CO in the first place. I believe wash held a similar position in pfl, as it's kind of implied that he did some management stuff in pfl (talking with internals/upper brass, him feeling comfortable with openly questioning carolina about whether york should be allowed on the sarcophagus heist, and of course he shows the ability to direct and somewhat lead south in recovery one, and him leading church, caboose, and the reds in s6, and him taking charge of the meta in s8).
even if wash wasn't a sergeant as a corporal he would've been in a position to be the leader of a fire team, so basically wash isn't some rookie who had no clue wtf he was doing as many in the fandom like to characterize him; he is an experienced and battle hardened soldier by the time he joins pfl no matter how you look at it.
to put all of that into context, carolina is born 29 years BBG, which would be 2522. so during pfl she's in the 24-28 range and she wouldn't have joined the military until 2540. I actually personally head canon that wash is the same age as carolina, but that he illegally enlisted at 15 because of a crappy home life, but ignoring my head canon and assuming that he joined the military at 18 instead, he would've been born in 2519.
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anim-ttrpgs · 2 months
Why So Much Combat in an Investigation Game?
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Just about every time someone picks up this rulebook, we get asked “There’s more pages dedicated to combat than investigation. If this game is about investigation, why are there so many pages dedicated to combat?”
There are two answers, which are really two explanations of one answer.
The first is verisimilitude. Eureka wants the players to have a very believable and grounded experience with combat in the game, which is not something that most players and Narrators are able to consistently improvise off the top of their heads, so the rulebook provides detailed guidelines for this in the form of its combat rules. Combat in real life is also very dangerous and deadly, and survival of it often has less to do with an individual’s skill at throwing punches and more to do with their preparedness and knowledge to just not get into a disadvantageous position in the first place.
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The second reason is Eureka is a game, and it's a game about investigation. Eureka wants the investigators to be investigating, not punching and shooting their way through all their obstacles. To this end, Eureka has to make punching and shooting into something very dangerous to the survival of the investigators, to discourage it as a solution in all but the most desperate circumstances. However, if combat is to be deadly, it also needs to have a lot of depth and strategic possibility, or else it wouldn’t be fun–and as a game, Eureka is meant to be fun. Rolling a couple dice that you and your character have little control over the outcome of, then finding out that they are just dead for a (believable) post-hoc reason, isn’t very satisfying.
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Eureka wants the party’s skill in investigation to determine their survival in combat as much as if not more so their Firearm or CQC skills. This is how these two philosophies on combat rules writing come together. The depth and realism of Eureka’s combat rewards preparedness with survival more than it rewards raw stats, and the emphasis on investigation creates preparedness.
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It is the investigation that tells the investigators that the building next to the warehouse where the gangsters are hiding out has a fire escape they could use to jump across to the warehouse roof, and from that they can sneak to a loft that will put them directly above the villains—and it is the intricacy and extensiveness of the combat rules that dictate that by being on the loft when they attack, which they got to by investigating, they have a huge advantage, but still no guarantee of survival.
They have the element of surprise which will allow them to attack first and also opportunity to make a Stealth Attack, and then once that is over, they still have cover while the gangsters have none.
The reason Eureka dedicates so many pages to combat despite being an investigation game primarily is to elevate and supplement the investigation gameplay by providing a real sense of danger as well as providing the Narrator a wide range of game mechanic tools to raise the stakes and provide obstacles, and provide the investigators and their players a wide range of game mechanic tools which they can use to cleverly overcome those obstacles.
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We have provided a simplified set of “Basic Combat” rules, but these are an optional rule, with the default and intended way to play being to use every mechanic afforded to investigators and NPCs to the fullest degree.
[There is also a secret third reason why Eureka dedicates so many more pages to combat than to investigation, and it's because at the time of writing this, the chapters covering investigation have been copy-edited, while the chapters covering combat have not yet been. The copy-editing process reduced the page count of the investigation sections by about 25%, and will do the same to the combat sections when we get around to it. By the way,(You can also get the latest PDF for FREE for a limited time by joining the A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book Club!]
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Elegantly designed and thoroughly playtested, Eureka represents the culmination of three years of near-daily work from our team, as well as a lot of our own money. If you’re just now reading this and learning about Eureka for the first time, you missed the crowdfunding window unfortunately, but our Kickstarter page is still the best place to learn more about what Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy actually is, as that is where we have all the fancy art assets, the animated trailer, links to video reviews by podcasts and youtubers, and where we post regular updates on the status of our progress finishing the game and getting it ready for final release.
Beta Copies through the Patreon
If you want more than just status updates, going forward you can download regularly updated playable beta versions of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy and it’s adventure modules by subscribing to our Patreon at the $5 tier or higher. Subscribing to our patreon also grants you access to our patreon discord server where you can talk to us directly and offer valuable feedback on our progress and projects.
The A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book Club
If you would like to meet the A.N.I.M. team and even have a chance to play Eureka with us, you can join the A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book Club discord server. It’s also just a great place to talk and discuss TTRPGs, so there is no schedule obligation, but the main purpose of it is to nominate, vote on, then read, discuss, and play different indie TTRPGs. We put playgroups together based on scheduling compatibility, so it’s all extremely flexible. This is a free discord server, separate from our patreon exclusive one. https://discord.gg/7jdP8FBPes
Other Stuff
We also have a ko-fi and merchandise if you just wanna give us more money for any reason.
We hope to see you there, and that you will help our dreams come true and launch our careers as indie TTRPG developers with a bang by getting us to our base goal and blowing those stretch goals out of the water, and fight back against WotC's monopoly on the entire hobby. Wish us luck.
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casscainmainly · 1 month
So, I saw your Cass & Jason should fight (& Cass should win obviously) tag and totally agree with your stance!
However, given how often Jason's been characterized as an incompetent "Thug" due to classism, I'd ideally want it to let both characters shine, which can't happen in a pure CQC scenario.
At top form Jason's a bit better than Bruce, (UTRH - Comic) which is enough to not get instantly shit stomped but not really enough to make spectacle or show off either characters best side.
Not sure how one could arrange it in current comics, but my ideal was always an alt timeline where Bruce died or had to step down post War Games & was replaced by Cass.
Naturally the dynamic with Red Hood is different, in that there isn't one, he avoids the new Batman like the plague and relies on backdoor hacking & spying to work around or sabotage her.
Thus its been a steep learning curve and exploration of Cass's other skills, IE detective work, people reading, weapons expertise (We know she's trained in guns & such after all)
A series would be ideal, but if it was just one comic issue, ideally the first third sets up the status quo & what is about to break it.
The second third lets Jason's strategic side shine, he's got ambushes, bombs, flares, those miniguns popping out of cars he loved so much.
Then the third and final segment is when Cass has finally found wherever he slipped away to after thinking he got away.
"... I don't suppose all the guns and bombs wore you out enough to make this easy on me did they?"
Cassandra just smirks.
Cue the final third (Or at least a decent portion of it) being an epic, but pointedly one-sided overall, duel. With every weapon, martial arts technique and piece of scenery put to use. All in the name of dragging out the fight for the audiences sake and cos it makes sense character wise.
Naturally Cassandra wins.
Oh my goodness?? You should write comics because I would read the HELL out of that. I definitely think Jason's intelligence has been weirdly diminished recently (definitely classism, combined with DC's push since New 52 to make Tim the 'smart' one and Jason the 'strong' one because why were they LIKE that in B&R: Eternal).
And Cass' arc in learning detective skills is one of the most underrated things in Batgirl (2000) and beyond! She is a detective and, while she for sure punches her way through stuff, her intelligence shouldn't be sidelined for her fighting prowess. So basically you've written the arc of my dreams.
Also I adore the idea that whoever takes the mantle, Jason will be there to be super annoying. Happened to Dick, and will happen to Cass as well. He's a multi-generational hater.
Someone write this please!!!!
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petermorwood · 1 year
In reaction to this post, @irlactualwizard wrote:
This is beautiful. On the note about maces and the like, they're traditionally horseback weaponry. I'm unsure of the usefulness or practicality of a dagger tucked away in a weapon primarily used from 'higher ground' or where CQC wouldn't be common. I mean, fall off the horse, drop the mace and draw the saber or katar. Although, redundancy is what keeps humans alive. It does strike me as odd that they wouldn't have shoved an extra weapon in just for the niche.
That notion of dropping the mace then drawing something else with longer (or for really close quarters, shorter) reach is something which may well have happened, though not just because it was an exclusively cavalry weapon. All the other weapons were also used from horseback, and in one instance its original Indo-Persian name is pretty specific about equestrian origins.
The zaghnal, that wicked pick-axe thing...
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(yup, there's a dagger...)
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...has a European equivalent called a "horseman's pick" and supposedly copied from Ottoman weapons which would have been zaghnal-shaped; this one is Polish or Hungarian...
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The hatchet-knife bhuj was - per Wikipedia, Bygone Blades and Oriental Arms - a popular weapon with the Gujarati and Sindhi cavalry, who also wore a distinctive style of full armour...
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(yup, there's a dagger)
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(This time there's a gun, and probably a dagger too because why not?)
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Most conclusively, the proper name for Indo-Persian battleaxes is tabar / tabarzin, which means "saddle-axe".
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These included some of the few real-life examples of double-headed battleaxes (with daggers, but of course...)
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Though popular in fantasy art, IRL usual practice was to have an axe on one side and something different like a hammer or pick on the other side in case the axe wasn't effective enough against whatever kind of armour the opponent was wearing.
And of course even single-headed axes often had the usual dagger tucked away.
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Here's yet another with a sword-hilt (also possibly a dagger) and a built-in matchlock gun...
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And here's one where some warrior just couldn't make up his mind.
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Here's a mace with a similar (khanda broadsword) hilt:
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I took a close look at various mace-pics I've posted (here and here), something I should have done before, then searched further on-line, and I'm starting to think they had no daggers because mostly their hafts were solid rather than hollow...
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Thanks go to @irlactualwizard for prompting me to track down an answer to my own question - though I'll be waiting for someone who knows far more about Indian weapons to correct me. :-P
Finally, here's a display case showing three more maces, a couple of the double- (here triple-) -bladed daggers called haladie, and a few examples of what Indian weaponsmiths could do with the basic concept of a sword blade...
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...including making use of a European hilt, top row second left. Its blade may have been mounted on an Indian khanda or talwar hilt, which happened often enough to create a whole class of "firangi" (Frankish) swords.
There are many more pics on my blog and elsewhere. Once again, for fantasy edged-weapon inspirations, India is a great place to start...
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vendetta-if · 2 years
Chapter 4 Public Update 🎉
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First of all: Happy new year, everyone 🥳🎊 I wish all of you an awesome year ahead!
Now, on to the Chapter Update! Chapter 4 contains 46K words which brings the total word count to 189K words! Chapter 4 is actually the largest update yet that I've done in a month clocking at 46K words instead of the usual 20-30K words update (I really pushed myself this month, didn't I 😅)
However, this update doesn't just bring the entirety of Chapter 4, but also some new and tweaked stuff on the previous chapters. So, I would recommend playing from the beginning if you want to see what's changed for yourself. I'll list out things I changed from the previous chapter below.
Now, a lot of you are probably aware of this already, but some of the things you'll do in this chapter are:
Meet Yvette and finally have a proper conversation with her (a lot of variations and different decisions).
Choose what you feel about her now. Do the years soften your hatred for her? Or maybe they've made you resent her even more?
Meet the rising star superhero—and your mother's protégé—Skylar Moore.
Meet the black sheep of the ECPD, Detective Santana Valdez.
Have a talk with the CEO of the Constellation Agency!
What have been updated in previous chapters include:
- Added a new clothing style, which is the “All black” clothing style to match the style that Luka is wearing (popular demand 😆)
- Added flavour texts for those choosing “Beatrice” or “Virgil”/“Vergil” codename.
- The skill check limits in Chapter 3 have been lowered. To succeed in the hotel entry, you’ll need at least 50 in the corresponding skill instead of 55. And to succeed in the CQC combat, you’ll now only need (Combat + Grav) or (Combat + Umbra) at least 105 instead of the previous 115.
- Make the Police Commissioner’s unsavoury connection to the Nemesis Project more apparent.
- Tweak how MC reacts to executing the Police Commissioner. Now, it’s based more on whether you chose your MC to be ready, hesitant, or don’t want to kill him in Chapter 2 when talking to Grandpa.
Oh, and also, I'm planning to make quick and fun polls on the ROs and Yvette in my CoG Forum post, so, if you guys have an account there, consider casting your vote 😁
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intermet179 · 1 year
Theory: Splatoon's story modes are inherently inspired by Metal Gear
Point 1: Agent 3 is the equivalent of Solid Snake. -Protagonist of first game, important to the next ones -Hired by some people -Fight and destroy Weapons of Destruction (Octoweapons/Metal Gears) -Fight Final Mecha that big baddie is controlling (Metal Gear REX, Octobot King; Liquid Snake, Octavio) -Said Big Baddie is of the same bloodline (Liquid Snake, also a clone of Big Boss like Solid Snake)/Animal Group (Octavio, a cephalopod) Octavio is hence the equivalent of Liquid Snake, the Octobot King being Metal Gear REX.
Point 2: Captain Cuttlefish is the equivalent of Big Boss/Nαked Snake. -First Captain/First Snake -Presumed deαd by end of ROTM/Metal Gear saga, but: -Cuttlefish is found dehydrated/"dead" but then is revived by Captain 3's tears -Snake goes to Big Boss' grave at the end of MGS4, but then sees the alive Big Boss beside him -Cuttlefish "hires" and trains Agent 3, Big Boss trains Solid Snake in CQC combat -Cuttlefish is same species as 3, Solid Snake is clone of Big Boss
Point 3: Agent 8 is the equivalent of Raiden/Jack the Ripper -Main Game Plot involves Agent 3/Solid Snake -Born a child soldier (Jack)/Octarian Soldier (8), and finding freedom at some point in time. -Captured by someone at some point in time (Commander Tartar/Solidus Snake) who they kill at the end of their game -Had an old name (Jack, 8's pre-amnesia name is unknown), given new one by mentor character (Raiden is named so by Snake, Cuttlefish assigns Agent 8 with that title) -Fight Big Thing With Laser near/by the end of their game (NILS Statue, has Ink Laser, Metal Gear RAY [MGS2], has Hydraulic Cutter) -Will most likely not hesitate to KΙLL Tartar is hence the equivalent of Solidus Snake aka George Sears, the NILS Statue being MGS2's Metal Gear RAY.
Point 4: Return of the Mammalians is the equivalent of Metal Gear Solid 4. -Final game story-wise with their respective character groups -Characters from all around the series -ROTM would have featured Agents 4 and 8, and does feature Callie, Marie, Cuttlefish, and Octavio as major parts of the story… -…just as MGS4 involves many characters from the other Metal Gear Solid games, such as Revolver Ocelot & Liquid Snake (As Liquid Ocelot), Raiden, and Big Boss -With new characters as well (Deep Cut, MGS4's side characters) -Pilot old enemy thing to defeat big enemy -Solid Snake (with Otacon) pilots the Metal Gear REX to defeat Liquid Ocelot's Metal Gear RAY -New Agent 3 (with Octavio) pilots the Octobot King L3.Gs to defeat Mr. Grizz, the final big bad
Therefore, we can assume (as it's not out yet) that Side Order will be the equivalent of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance -Involves major character(s) from past game, those being Off the Hook, and MGRR being Raiden's post-MGS4 spinoff story -Protagonist is presumably Agent 8, who we've established is the equivalent of Raiden. -Protagonist Octoling (8) is wearing a new outfit, as in MGR after the prologue Raiden has a new cyborg body -Will more than likely touch on some darker themes as Octo Expansion did (while all of Metal Gear is pretty dark) -What's presumed to be a new Octoshot in trailer art, like how Raiden has a new High Frequency Blade with his new cyborg body -Even though Raiden's always wielded an HF Blade, it's just a new version, like how Agent 8 has always had an Octo Shot, this is presumably a new version -Might also have to do with the Octoling themselves as there are flashback-like images in the trailer, and MGR also has Raiden question his own philosophies
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gremoria411 · 9 months
Alright, so I’m gonna be taking a break from Gundam G Generation Posts for a little bit, since I’ve got other stuff I want to talk about. So, to temporarily cap this off, I’m going to be talking about one of the two suits that directly inspired this series of posts;
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The GB-9700 Gundam Belphagor, originating in SD Gundam G Generation F was an anti-Newtype mobile suit constructed by United Nations Earth for Use in the 7th Space War. Newtypes were commonly employed by both the United Nations Earth and Space Revolutionary Army during the war, with their loss in combat greatly effecting the momentum of both sides, since they were typically well equipped, piloting either Gundam’s (for the UNE) or Febral’s/Bertigo’s (for the SRA). As such, the United Nations Earth constructed a suit specifically designed to combat newtypes. Ironically, the best pilot for such a suit was a Newtype themself. Like the preceding Gundam’s Airmaster, Leopard and X; the Belphagor was fitted with a Flash System, essentially a catch-all term for Newtype weaponry, typically used by UNE forces to control G-bits, simplified versions of the “mother” mobile suit, shown below:
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However, the Gundam Belphagor’s flash system instead allowed a finer degree of control over the mobile suit, allowing the pilot to more effectively counter remote weaponry. To this end, it was equipped with heat wires in the arms to destroy any funnels or bits the enemy might employ. Additionally it was armed with beam sabers (stored in the hips), a sonic smasher cannon (which would eventually become the mega sonic cannon mounted on the Virsago), a set of atomic scissors on the knees and the arms could fold out into what are termed “strike claws”, which each mounted a beam gun and high-output beam saber.
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I like the design, since it still has a lot of the Gundam X-style features, but pushes them in different directions - the X has the long-range Satellite Cannon, the Belphagor has a bunch of CQC grappling equipment. I like how thruster-heavy it is, really sells that it’s supposed to close in and wreck things. The colours are (at least for a Gundam) quite neutral, so you pay more attention to its armament. I like how sleek the chest is (and as an aside, I like how all of After War Gundam’s have a sorta gem on their design). The pointed feet feel like they’re evoking something but I’m not sure what. I really love how built-up the arms are - you can tell that they’re gonna do *something*. The head’s apparently based on Devilman, by Go Nagai, which is pretty rad, and ties into the suit’s purpose as a Newtype-killer.
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metalgearstranding · 16 days
Hi hi hope you don't mind me ranting about Ocelot a bit cause I didn't want to clog up tags of that one post and I love talking about the kitty man.
I assume they meant privileged as in. well I always assumed he is a bit of a rich boy, honestly. Like, his upbringing must have been horrible in terms of what and how he's been taught, but he obviously has a good education and training that the Philosophers (or whoever it was that trained him, with his distaste for them I'm assuming it's them) put a lot of time and money in. How harsh was said training is open to interpretation, but they definitely didn't want him harmed enough to not be able to get the job done AND think for himself. He knows many languages, is really skilled, got a position of Major and his own unit that answers only to him at a very young age too. I think there is an mgs3 call that implies part of it was because Volgin knew he's The Boss's son. So like, special treatment and all.
I don't think it in any way takes away from how miserable his childhood must have been though. I just can't shake away the idea of him looking at some regular every-day item and going well how much can it be? Hundred dollars??
Oh yeah, of course, I always assumed the same thing. So yes, you're right, in that way he'd be totally privileged. And maybe part of Ocelot's refusal to indulge in self-pity is him recognizing that he just can't because he knows he was lucky?
I guess I got tunnel vision-ed on this one, because I'm aware of this aspect of his life and the ways it must have influenced him, but to me it really doesn't weigh much in the balance? All I see when I think of his life is what was taken away from him, his freedom and his loved ones.
But also, I think that in a way, his real privilege are his genetics lawl I bet he's highly educated, but that doesn't count for shit if you're dumb as a brick, and to me it's obvious that Ocelot is just naturally gifted. He's scarily intelligent and he learns quickly, and he's eager to learn and get better too. He got lucky enough to get the basics, but I'd say that he as owes who he is primarily to being self-taught. I don't think anybody taught him his fancy gun tricks, and although the idea of his mother teaching him a few moves in Groznyj Grad is heartwarming, I think he just really learned some CQC just by watching Snake and his mom.
So yeah. But I do really love the idea of Ocelot as snobbish and having expensive tastes lmao The guy really is a creature of duality (I don't believe in astrology but he really do be a gemini XD), and the materially privileged aspect of him clashing with his far west aspirations is one of my favorite things about him.
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paladin-official · 1 month
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I don't do this often, but I recently got art of my oc Replika HANR (Hüter Angriff Nahkampf Replika - Guardian Assault CQC Replika) or Hahn (rooster), commissioned from Pitpainty on twitter.
I've rambled about them before, but the tl;dr is that they're Replika knights and heavily armoured melee specialists, often designated as guards for facility or squad commanders due to their high loyalty and devotion. If enough people ask I might post a more detailed infodump again, or feel free to dm me if you want!
The black/red variant is the standard appearance for Hahns, and the white/blue variant is a specific unit, HANR-331 "Ritter", who is the main character in a story I will eventually get to writing.
Please do not repost or re-upload the images anywhere, do not reblog without the caption, and do not remove credit!
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-ponyic : gender related to 'My Little Pony'
Mane 6 and Spike xenogenders below cut!!!
Twisparkleponyic-a gender related to Twilight Sparkle from MLP
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Flutterponyic-a gender related to Fluttershy from MLP
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Rainbowponyic (Alternatively, Dashponyic)-a gender related to Rainbow Dash from MLP
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AJponyic-a gender related to Applejack from MLP
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Rarityponyic-a gender related to Rarity from MLP
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Pinkiepieponyic-a gender related to Pinkie Pie from MLP
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Spikeponyic--a gender related to Spike from MLP
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That's it :3
Buh-Bye everypony ^3^
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tvckerwash · 9 months
thoughts on ct's fighting style and her position in pfl because I can (utc bc it's long lol):
okay so I like to jokingly refer to myself as THE wash meta/analysis guy, but I also absolutely love ct if anyone wasn't aware (she's my 2nd fav character behind wash if you couldn't tell lol), but as much as I love her it's honestly pretty difficult to write any sort of 'objective' meta or analysis posts about her because we don't know shit about her. so while this is meant to be a companion piece of sorts to this wash post, I just wanted to make it clear that a lot of this post is going to be based around my personal interpretation of ct (though I will try and be as objective as possible where I can be).
so much like wash, I think ct is also fairly unique among the freelancers for a few different reasons. one of them is that she's one of the few freelancers to wear a unique set of armor instead of the usual mark iv, and I think that ct's armor can actually tell us quite a bit about her skill set and what kind of role she possibly held. ct wears the eod helmet and chest which is primarily designed for protection from explosives, but when it comes to ct the more important information is that the eod armor was designed with less available grabbing surface than other armor variants. she also wears the scout shoulders, which is a variant that is focused on stealth capabilities.
from this information, we can easily deduce that ct's skill set primarily revolves around be slippery and sneaky, and when paired with what we see in the show it's pretty clear that ct is an intelligence operative. I think that ct is specifically a cyber operations specialist, and that prior to being recruited for freelancer she worked in ONI's section one (the actual intelligence gathering sector of ONI that is used by other UNSC branches).
another unique aspect about ct is that she is the only freelancer to consistently arm herself very lightly, with her primary weapon(s) of choice being two M6G magnums, and her other weapon(s) being two combat knives. this goes inline with what I've said above, and due to how lightly she arms herself I believe that ct generally isn't involved in any heavy combat scenarios. this point is supported by team b's failure to retrieve the briefcase with the access code during the heist in s9 (seriously, who tf thought it was a good idea to put 2 snipers and an intelligence operative all together as one team for a smash and grab retrieval mission??).
now to actually break down the whole 1.5 fights ct has in s10, I think that she probably somewhat shares wash's more grounded and pragmatic approach to combat as a whole, with the exception of her preference for duel wielding (which I personally headcanon is a thing she chooses to do because it makes her feel like an action/spy movie protagonist).
in both of her fight scenes ct seems to rely very heavily on her ability to plan ahead and get the jump on her opponents to take them by surprise (dropping from the ceiling to take out the two marines when she met up with the innie leader in the scrap yard, and using her armor enhancement to conceal her real position which allowed her to pin tex's arm behind her back), and I think it's safe to say that she probably isn't the kind of cqc fighter than can mow people down left and right like carolina can.
as mentioned above, I think ct's main goal is to take her opponents out in the quickest, quietest, and most efficient ways possible, much like a spy or an assassin, and while her loadout is great when she is in ideal circumstances where she's able to sneak around and avoid unnecessary combat, I don't think it's very good when it comes to drawn out encounters. we see this in her fight against tex and carolina, as while she handled herself pretty well it seemed like the longer the fight lasted the sloppier ct ended up getting, and eventually she made enough minor mistakes that carolina was able to knock her off her feet and disarm her in a single move, and tex, who was now aware of ct's armor enhancement, was able to cut her down.
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crusabre96 · 2 months
I recently posted an image of some Bolt Action units I was in the progress of painting and I thought it would be the right time to show some photos of the game I had two weeks back against my regular opponent.
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My force was pretty standard for Soviets, with a few niche picks here and there like the T-20 Tractor a personal fav of mine that carries my SMG squad into the fray and a T-70 and a BA-10, my opponent who i'll reference as CH plays the Japanese so brought along his starter force that he acquired at the end of last year.
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Here is the board we played on, my deployment was in the red zone while CH deployed in the blue, we had five objectives, one in each quarter and a final one in the centre, the idea was to defend the objective in your own zone while attempting to take as many as possible, the narrative being the Soviets need to hold the train station to allow more troops to be brought in at later time while the Japanese would aim to hold the mountain pass to do the same.
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The first two turns were a mix of units moving into position taking pot shots here and there, mortar shots flew over head most of which would end up hitting my conscript squad in the station but a majority of the action would take place near the forest and hills where vehicles would end up dueling it out.
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By Turn 3 the forest quarter of the board would become a grave yard of vehicles, a truck was taken out of action,CH's Lunge-Mine would strike a killing blow to my T-70 leaving me with no tank support and my T-20 would end up immobilized from his tank but I would get my revenge later when my BA-10 struck a managed to destroy his tank by striking it in the side armour with it's Light Anti-Tank gun.
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The loss of my T-20 and would stall and ultimately end my chances of performing a strike into his deployment zone as my SMG Squad would have to slog there way across the board to lock down CH's Grenadiers but on the other and of the table things were looking bad, not only was CH's troops able to remove one of my squads from a house but his truck was able to spear its way into my deployment zone and destroy the conscript squad guarding the station using it's embarked troops, at this point things were lookin grim so I had to pull in my Scout Squad to bulk up the right side and prevent a full overrun, this decision would prove useful in changing a devastation loss to a modest one.
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As more and more of my troops began to fall inflicting what casualties on the enemy as they could I found myself in the worst position and I considered conceding but as I looked at my Scout Squad and BA-10 I saw a chance, not a chance to fully win but a chance to claw back something, I would end up pulling back my BA-10 to assist my Scouts in removing the Grenadier squad from the Station which they achieved and managed to retake it and in the forest section my lone sniper was able to secure the quarter thus giving me 2 objectives against CH's 2 but the deciding moment would come on turns 5-6 as unit after unit would charge into each other brawling it out in deadly CQC skirmishes but in the end CH's HQ was the king of the hill thus ended any hope of a victory for me.
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It was fun and very tense game, it had been a while since the two of us had played Bolt Action (6 Months) and even then we are still new to the game so we probably missed a few things here and there but we enjoyed are selves.
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anim-ttrpgs · 9 months
Last night on patreon we launched the biggest update for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy released since we launched our patreon.
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We're in the home stretch towards the kickstarter launch, which we plan to be in April of this year.
Here's a look at the complete changelog for this version, it even comes with a new and super improved character sheet you can take a look at right here.
Have started working on replacing the examples of play with updated ones that actually fit the current and slightly more stable version of the rules. These will be found in various chapters. You can see them in the table of contents.
Added a new core skill, the Wealth skill, used to determine if the investigator can afford purchases
New Mandatory Fear: Poverty
Added “scene” to quickterms.
Added “Ticking Clock” optional rule. 
Added a bit about diegetic discussion of clues to “Role of Investigators”
Added another optional rule for handling total composure loss.
Fixed and clarified some traits 
New traits
 Better clarified that investigators should be encouraged to make as many investigation rolls as possible and only consider avoiding them when there is a clear and logical risk associated with them.
Better clarified that multiple investigators may make investigation rolls on the same clue
New optional skills: religion, pickpocketing
Added some advice on how to roll and use interpersonal skills during dialogue. 
Added a codified system for determining investigator starting items. 
After many requests, moved the trait list to chapter 2.
 Added “Irregular forms of damage” section, handling poison and drowning and potentially other irregular forms of damage in the future.
Better clarified the injured status and fixed a misleading mistake
Added more advice about how eureka’s combat was designed with planning in mind, but not with the intention of the group pausing combat scenes constantly to discuss plans
Added many new firearm accessories, including Laser Sight and Flashlight
Clarified where an “SMG” would fit into the firearms categories. 
Slight edit to Ducking, now does not work at close range unless the ducking character has cover
Slightly updated the Escape rules to make it harder to escape from stronger opponents and easier to escape from weaker opponents. 
Melee attacks from characters on the ground will have a lesser penalty if done with CQC instead of Athletics. 
Hunting is now codified. Ambush predator hunting tables are fully functional despite some blanks. Will probably leave parts of the tables blank for kickstarter backers to fill in. Social predator tables are not yet functional. 
Made it clear that monster traits from certain monsters go together
Fairies get a bonus to Wealth but it can be capped by composure. 
Added a whole new playable monster, the thing from beyond.
Minor tweaks to vampire
Tweaks to wolfman. Can now die permanently from anything while in normal human form, and must eat twice as much food to feel sated, resulting in -1 to Wealth rolls to buy food.
Major updates to witches and fairies, can turn people into toads now and witches can ride brooms. Fairies can take voices. Witches now have a more regular true nature despite it still necessarily being a bit of a vague one.  
New mage trait 
Edits to existing mage traits. 
Made clarifications to the distinction between mage traits and monster traits
Rearranged some of the layout of chapter 8 to make the rules for different monsters easier to reference mid-session
Started work on the index for real but it’s still a long way from being usable
Clarified use of the dark contract is not actually recommended
As you can see, there's a whole bunch of new helpful systems and mechanics, there's more of a structure, the rulebook is easier to use, and there's even a whole new playable monster, the thing from beyond! Hopefully, I can manage to make a post about this new monster soon, but in the mean time you can see for yourself for just $5 on our Patreon.
You can also visit our website for more info and even download the free demo version of the game there.
Check us out on itch.io too!
And if you'd like a chance to play this, join the ANIM TTRPG Book Club!
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boomboomgaff · 9 months
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Mirage IIC armour core
Sorry for not posting halo stuff, was too busy being Santa for my wife and three kids, also merry Christmas!
The mirage IIC armour has some weird proportions I think, idk what it is but there’s something kinda off about it maybe the arms or the shoulders. Nevertheless it looks awesome with the right person customising it, once I finish the season three pass I’ll change up this armour but for now I don’t really have all that much customisation items. Hope you all enjoy.🙏
In-keeping with the theme of cost-effectiveness, the Mirage IIC builds on the foundation of the GEN1 Mirage and Semi-Powered Infiltration armor program. Some helmets compromise the full range of GEN3 capabilities, this significantly reduces their cost, complexity, and the augmentation requirements of the operator. All this results in a multi-role powered assault armor that meets baseline GEN3 Mjolnir standards. Mirage IIC's reactor is built into the techsuit, being covered by the chestpiece.
MIRAGE IIC helmets compromise the full range of GEN3 capabilites to significantly reduce cost, complexity, and operator augmentation requirements compared to the Mark VII baseline
(I ain’t writing allat)
Components of my build
Coating: Grey Hunter
Helmet: CQC
Visor: Sardonic
Chest: TAC/Aegis Puck
Shoulder pad L: UA/TACUP A22
Shoulder pad R: UA/TACUP A22
Gloves: Rift Alpha
Wrist: N/A
Utility: N/A
Knee pad: UA/Type SYI
Armour effect: N/A
Halopedia reference images.
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genopaint · 8 months
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Decided I'm gonna start posting some of the more important daily dragons on their own since I put a lot of work into them! Starting with this guy!! But I'll still post them together with the weekly bunches!
Daily Dragon #14 - Bullets Breaker
An aggressive, mean hitman who loves doing what he does. In addition to his weapons, he's also very skilled at CQC. When enraged, the red marks on his body glow and he gets a massive power boost!
Yeah not even feeling like shit could stop me from doing this. Although, this is the first redraw/redesign!! I knew I wanted to do this guy when I started. He's an older OC I used to call "Dark Drago"! But I wanted to give him a new name to go with the redesign
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Not sure when that original design would've come from but I wanna say maybe 2015/2016??? I made it cause someone said a dragon I drew in my notebook looked edgy and I was like "you think THAT'S an edgy dragon? Watch this" and made this guy
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