petermorwood · 1 year
In reaction to this post, @irlactualwizard wrote:
This is beautiful. On the note about maces and the like, they're traditionally horseback weaponry. I'm unsure of the usefulness or practicality of a dagger tucked away in a weapon primarily used from 'higher ground' or where CQC wouldn't be common. I mean, fall off the horse, drop the mace and draw the saber or katar. Although, redundancy is what keeps humans alive. It does strike me as odd that they wouldn't have shoved an extra weapon in just for the niche.
That notion of dropping the mace then drawing something else with longer (or for really close quarters, shorter) reach is something which may well have happened, though not just because it was an exclusively cavalry weapon. All the other weapons were also used from horseback, and in one instance its original Indo-Persian name is pretty specific about equestrian origins.
The zaghnal, that wicked pick-axe thing...
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(yup, there's a dagger...)
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...has a European equivalent called a "horseman's pick" and supposedly copied from Ottoman weapons which would have been zaghnal-shaped; this one is Polish or Hungarian...
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The hatchet-knife bhuj was - per Wikipedia, Bygone Blades and Oriental Arms - a popular weapon with the Gujarati and Sindhi cavalry, who also wore a distinctive style of full armour...
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(yup, there's a dagger)
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(This time there's a gun, and probably a dagger too because why not?)
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Most conclusively, the proper name for Indo-Persian battleaxes is tabar / tabarzin, which means "saddle-axe".
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These included some of the few real-life examples of double-headed battleaxes (with daggers, but of course...)
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Though popular in fantasy art, IRL usual practice was to have an axe on one side and something different like a hammer or pick on the other side in case the axe wasn't effective enough against whatever kind of armour the opponent was wearing.
And of course even single-headed axes often had the usual dagger tucked away.
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Here's yet another with a sword-hilt (also possibly a dagger) and a built-in matchlock gun...
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And here's one where some warrior just couldn't make up his mind.
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Here's a mace with a similar (khanda broadsword) hilt:
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I took a close look at various mace-pics I've posted (here and here), something I should have done before, then searched further on-line, and I'm starting to think they had no daggers because mostly their hafts were solid rather than hollow...
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Thanks go to @irlactualwizard for prompting me to track down an answer to my own question - though I'll be waiting for someone who knows far more about Indian weapons to correct me. :-P
Finally, here's a display case showing three more maces, a couple of the double- (here triple-) -bladed daggers called haladie, and a few examples of what Indian weaponsmiths could do with the basic concept of a sword blade...
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...including making use of a European hilt, top row second left. Its blade may have been mounted on an Indian khanda or talwar hilt, which happened often enough to create a whole class of "firangi" (Frankish) swords.
There are many more pics on my blog and elsewhere. Once again, for fantasy edged-weapon inspirations, India is a great place to start...
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spectercrums · 1 year
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Priti Akanksha Varma
A redesign for Priti, a formidable warrior and captain. Her outfit combines a nauvari saree with chihal'ta hazar masha.
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thermodynamiclawyer · 8 months
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tabarzin of lyssa + guardian
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mythriteshah · 2 years
Pg. 2: Himnad Crusher’s Haubergeon
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The time is come for the annals of high fashion to embrace a… wilder side of things.  Descending from the untamed environs of Abalathia’s Spine, the armor of the Himnad Crusher becomes the gear of choice for Warriors.  The crystalline spikes upon the pauldron and greaves protect the wearer as they charge headlong through a snow-capped battlefield, and their skulled armet brings a deathly visage, making one’s eyes glow a deep bluish-violet when the Inner Beast is set forth.
The Warrior’s arm may not look extravagant compared to other weapons in this line, but this is no ordinary axe.  This Tabarzin - dubbed “Skadi” - is forged in an alloy of Himvat and Cloud Mythril, providing its sleek and permafrosted finish.  The very strength of the northern mountains flows through the weapon in the heat of battle, cloaking the Warrior in an icy aura that augments their blows with arctic savagery.
Become like the mountain king as you don the Himnad Crusher’s Haubergeon.  By keeping yourself warm and leaving your foes and friends alike gasping in fear and awe, primal fury has never looked - or felt - so good.
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herrings · 4 years
it’s nothing out of the ordinary –– a distant shout born from the heartened depths of a soft-edged heart, the separation of skin and bones from gravity as a hundred pounds of electric blue and zeal dive towards phlegmatic viridescence. sure, nothing out of the ordinary, when the sharpest teeth in caspar’s arsenal are bared as he shrieks, “happy birthday, linhardt!” but, you see, where brute force thrives, minuscule accuracy dies; caught in the heat of a burning excitement, once a shy ember tumbling about the vessels and veins in broad lungs, caspar’s lips aimed for the younger heir’s right cheek–– to say his angles were skewed would be a misnomer, truly, but the bergliez do not rot in failure! rather, the incident of a chaste crash of soft, plush lips against his own (though it creates an electrical malfunction in the root of his brain) causes caspar to hold his friend tighter, boot soles pressed firm against the ground. his cheeks burn brighter than the light of a thousand suns, the very round of his ears dyed a scarlet more rancid than blood. yes, yes, it’s nothing out of the ordinary. “it’s your birthday! hap–– happy birthday! seventeen!” absolutely, totally normal. nailed it. @tabarzin 
hours shrink into minutes as the final night of his sixteenth year inches towards conclusion. two figures remain perched upon a rug dyed golden medallion, items scattered ‘round them consisting of the following: a half-empty bottle of premium cider swiped from the dining hall’s storage, a mass of cavity-inducing confections paid by their allowances, and a now forgotten game of basilisk’s fang strewn between the two of them. birthday tradition becomes one of many timeless facets of their bond, initiated by a spontaneous wish once brazenly proclaimed by an eight year-old hevring: “i want to spend all my birthdays with you!”
perhaps in one of the greatest shows of caspar’s fidelity, the bergliez boy commits.
without fail, for as long as their physical circumstances allow, caspar is there besides him. times have shifted since linhardt’s younger self had made his wish, reality having settled upon the hevring heir’s shoulders. as fragments of childhood innocence die and lay forgotten, linhardt’s opinion of his birthday sours. as he reluctantly begins to fill the shoes of a seasoned adult, it dawns upon the poor heir: past the age of twelve, birthdays were a deceptive countdown towards the end of his individualistic liberties. still, as jaded as linhardt has become towards occasion and as outdated as the enthused request of his eight year old’s self had become, caspar commits. stubborn wisps of cerulean hair fill his vision, followed by a booming laughter, and linhardt finds time to time again: it’s the presence of his best friend alone that serves as a ray of light when thoughts fall grim.
so, he smiles.
it’s a coy little grin, hidden behind strands of viridian that come to obscure his features as he looks down at his pocket watch. a minute until the seventh of the red wolf moon bestows upon them, though caspar had begun to shout his greetings about ten or so minutes prior. heart thunders in the hevring boy’s ribcage, though he passes it off as a wave of secondhand enthrallment from his best friend’s animated elation. for every premature greeting that caspar initiates, linhardt’s made it his customary response to force out a sigh and remind him that the birthday greetings are supposed to come after the final night concludes. still, his upright facade never lasts for long. despite his best attempts to suppress it, his smile grows for every early greeting that his beloved friend gives. his cheeks ache by the time they’re at the final seconds until midnight, and the hevring boy comes to raise his head to cue caspar in. warm is his vision, hand with the pocket watch lowering as he begins to speak.
but, as always, caspar has different plans.
his best friend’s timing has always been faster and the bergliez boy greets him in a thunderous call. typical. what throws linhardt off-skelter is not the standard volume of his beloved friend, but how caspar lunges forward. always spontaneous, the bergliez second son is. however, for all the surprises that the smaller of the two had given him throughout the duration of their decade-strong bond, nothing could prepare linhardt for the sensation of lips against his own. caspar’s lips, precisely.
time becomes fragile glass as deep azure lock onto the opposite cerulean, eyes blown wide as even the universe seems to come to a haphazardous halt. successfully stupefied, linhardt finds that all he can do is stare as he’s held closer. carmine fills porcelain cheeks as his (caspar’s--? their’s?) heartbeat grows louder, louder, and louder.
if this were an accident, caspar would have backed off and apologized immediately. but he doesn’t.
he stays there. they stay there.
nemesis may work fast, but linhardt’s love for conspiracies works faster. did caspar mean to do that? it had to be a solid three seconds until their lips departed and caspar’s hand didn’t move away. there’s no dread reflected in his best friend’s features, only reckless confidence. linhardt stares, he stares and assumes until he hears caspar speak and--
“...eh?” linhardt responds, eloquently. he blinks, then realization strikes him. redden cheeks only deepen as the hevring heir gives a rare fumble, “oh, i mean... thank you. thank you for the--” he chokes, “the birthday greeting, caspar.” azure eyes dart away, pale fingers interlacing with one another as crimson shows little signs of leaving. silence fills between the two of them as curiosity desperately gnaws at linhardt and his cursed, insatiable need for knowledge. without realizing, he inquires: “.... was that my gift by any chance?” he continues in a smaller voice, “the kiss.” 
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armthearmour · 5 years
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A beautifully etched Tabarzin,
Length: 21 in/53.3 cm
Weight: 1.7 lbs/751 g
Iranian, ca. 1725-1750, housed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
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clathrose · 5 years
YOURE LITERALLY SO ICONIC THATS LIKE THE BEST WORD TO DESCRIBE U.... ur so pretty and smart like???? wow.... i love when u post selfies or some of ur writing bc im literally astounded every time u do
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clownguy · 6 years
🌺 :o !
you have SUCH a charming and bubbly personality. it makes you so pleasant! and you’re so intelligent i’m so proud of you for making it into fucking HARVARD!!
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gfslasher-remade · 6 years
IDT IVE EVER SEEN YOU BEFORE so i always picture u as being like..Very Sleek & fluid looking with like. vampire teeth & gold earrings & maybe in a billowy dracula coat or somethign too awnlcafsndklj
BHVBDSA god i wish..... the closest is the earrings but im hijabi so like... theyre secret 😏 
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theofficersacademy · 4 years
i hate to let her go but i don’t have the time or energy for two muses so, unfortunately, i would like to drop dorothea please ;;
Dorothea Arnault has been dropped and is now available!
- Mod Ree
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peashooter85 · 4 years
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Gold decorated Persian tabarzine, 19th century.
from Helios Auctions
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petermorwood · 4 years
Do you know of any information on traditional Kazakh swords and bladed weapons? Beyond just the typical curved sabre common across the continent?
Besides swords, they’d have carried bows, lances and daggers, probably of straight or curved kindjal type...
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...as well as maces and axes (good cavalry weapons).
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The couple of (lightweight) books I have about steppe nomads suggest their swords didn’t have the broad double-edged ‘yelman’ point of the Turkish kilij and were less curved than the Persian shamshir.
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This sounds as if they were an early form of Cossack (Kazakh?) shashka.
I found an image on this website which confirms my guess; the exhibit includes small cavalry axes which the Kazakhs called aybalta; the Indo-Persian word is tabar or tabarzin:
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Here are several more, photographed in 1899...
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...and here’s a Kazakh warrior holding one, with an unstrung bow slung at his back and a matchlock musket propped alongside him. The blade-like thing under the axe-head is indeed a blade, meant to discourage grabby hands.
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However there’s another display case on the same website which shows a sword that’s very like a typical shamshir...
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...and a recent archeological find looks like this...
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...though I think the quoted 7th Cent. BC-4th Cent. AD dating is far too early for that shape of sword and hilt.
IMO it’s a later sword lost or buried in an area now known for earlier artefacts, and someone unaware of how swords changed over centuries has assumed that it belongs to the same time-period as the majority of finds on the site.
As for how swords of the shamshir / kilij style got to Kazakhstan when the local style was noticeably different, I’d guess at “regional variations or war booty” and leave it there.
Here’s another page, originally in Russian (?), which has an overview of Kazakh weapons with some almost-familiar names: semser (shamshir), kylysh (kilij) and gurzi (gurz / spiked mace).
However in some languages “kilij” just means “sword” and “balta” means “axe” rather than a particular type of each. It was the same in the European Middle Ages, where the word for sword was all too often “sword”. All of which is rather a burr under the saddle of those who like their lists of weapons to look neat... :->
Anyway, I hope this helps a bit to answer your question.
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spectercrums · 2 years
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Priti Reference
Character Reference for Priti, an elected member of the Amba Sanctuary Council. A powerful warrior and military strategist, she is ready to lead the next generation of warriors to a brighter future! She wears armor based on pangolin scale and char-aina/mirror armor that she wears over her sari! The armor detailing took forever my goodness but I'm happy with how it turned out!
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indianclubs · 7 years
Gada (Mace) ladder style workout
Gada (Mace) ladder style workout that includes Indian Clubs, Persian Meels and Tabarzin Axes.
Gada (Mace) ladder style workout
This video is based on a Gada (Mace) ladder-style workout incorporating Indian Clubs, Persian Meels and Tabarzin Axes.
Gada (Mace) ladder style workout – DRUMBEAT
I am using a drumbeat in the background which is recorded at 60 beats per minute, and the idea is to keep up with the drumbeat regardless of equipment be it Gada (mace), Indian Clubs, Tabarzin Axes or…
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betabites · 4 years
Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lie Ren/Nora Valkyrie, Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long, Jaune Arc/Pyrrha Nikos Characters: Ruby Rose (RWBY), Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao Long, Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, Oscar Pine Additional Tags: Fluff, Light Angst, everyone has PTSD, Poorhammer, Canon Compliant, Background Relationships Series: Part 15 of Game Nights at Beacon Academy & Beyond
This game night, once again, there is Only War. Just at a smaller scale than last time. Only Battle, really. Only Skirmishing. Only seven kids trying to relax, and mostly succeeding.
Takes place during Volume 5, between Chapters 8 and 11. (My BMBLB fic index)
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herrings · 4 years
letters to bergliez.
                       10th of the verdant rain moon, imperial year 1170
today is the day. today is the day where asmund comes to collect the mail! oh, he’s been desperately awaiting for this moment since his wednesday lessons concluded, to where ink would soon splotch upon his little hands and mother would scold him for being too wasteful. the days dragged with the consistency of molasses; as miraculous as slumber was did its magic become ineffective against infinite minutes and painstaking days. by the time monday’s dawn breaks upon the hevring estate, linhardt’s already finished three-quarters of the week’s assignments in his restless state, only accompanied by the dreary drone of hevring’s ceaseless showers and the restless shaking of an impatient leg.
that’s to say, all that waiting pays off the moment the grandfather clock strikes five o’clock! it takes a miracle greater than what the goddess can accord for the small heir to rise and an even stronger will for him to wiggle out of his makeshift cocoon. a hand pats his bedside drawer, searching until the tips of his fingers brush against the creased edge of an envelope. the touch instantaneously summons forth the rise of a thrilled grin and linhardt feels his heart run, the anticipation of a furtive plan wards away any remnants of slumber. a seal of verdun green glistens in a near sunless room (it’s the wax seal that he’s stamped himself!), beneath the insignia of house hevring lays the woes of a boy separated by land and political disputes from a friend he dearly misses. but not for long, because father’s back at enbarr and he’s figured out the bergliez’s address, which means nothing will stop him from speaking to his best friend now!
well, except for if the letters go to ervin. but he doesn’t really care about ervin and ervin knows he doesn’t really care about him, so why would he want to send a letter to him? and why would ervin want to read it? he’s made sure to put caspar’s name in gigantic script on the back and even the front, to make it clear that the letter is for caspar von bergliez.
the treasured note is slipped into the pocket of his jammies. the occasional droplet of water hitting against the windowsill implies an incoming rain which means he has to keep the letter dry before delivery. his favorite blanket, wool dyed a deep pine green, is thrown over his shoulders and wrapped as a makeshift capelet before the small heir creeps out the threshold of his room and heads to the grand staircase. he has to be careful or else mother or one of the servitors will wake up and shoo him back to bed. if he goes back to bed then he’ll go back to sleep then, if he goes back to sleep, he won’t be awake by the time asmund comes to collect the mail and that means he has to wait another week before he can talk to caspar. he’s already waited enough!
it’s freezing outside. it takes about thirty seconds before linhardt starts shivering, fingers weakly grasping around his blanket tighter. mist falls heavily upon the territory as the sun shyly begins to peak over the mountains; it’ll be a while until asmund arrives. caspar’s letter has to be the first letter asmund collects though since it’s obviously the most important, so that eliminates any desire for the little hevring heir to escape back into the warmth of his family’s manor. burning nostrils aside, the young boy stays outside and gives an experimental huff, watching as his breath condenses. he wishes asmund could arrive faster.
         .  .  .  .
5th of the verdant rain moon, 1170
     to my best friend caspar,
did you read that? it says caspar, not ervin. if ervin’s reading this, do give the letter to caspar. it’s not for you.
if caspar is reading this, hi. it’s linhardt, your best friend. i wanted to talk to you again. do you know how to write a letter? i don’t think you do but that’s okay because i do and i’m going to help you! you say the letter is for me, linhardt von hevring, on top. that’s the greeting. then, you make some space and write what  you want to me. that’s the body. then you make some more space and sign your name. ‘your best friend, caspar’ because you’re my best friend. then you put it in an envelope and send it back to me.
does it rain a lot in bergliez? i want to go to bergliez but father said i can’t because your family are ‘barbarians.’  that means you guys are stupid. i don’t think it’s nice for him to say that, even if it's true about ervin. i heard it's very green in bergliez. i want to see what it looks like because it’s very grey in hevring, but i don’t think father will let me because your family is stupid.
i wanted to go walk to bergliez, but it’s a very long walk and i’ll get tired even if i want to see you again. if i get tired, i’ll go to sleep. if i go to sleep outside the estate mother says i’ll get kidnapped, which means i’ll get stolen. if i get stolen, she’ll cry and get her tears all over me. i guess since i’ll be kidnapped it won’t be me but she’ll get her tears all over someone and that’s rude. i don’t want my mother to cry and be rude so i can’t see you until father says i can. can you make your family less stupid so i can visit? you can start with ervin. tell him to read a book.
                                 from your best friend,                                             linhardt
P.S. by the way, this means ‘postscript.’ it’s supposed to be an ‘afterthought’ which is your thoughts after what you wanted to say. do you have pheasants in bergliez? they’re birds that taste good and have long tails. did you know they only live up to a year? that means we’ve lived the life of six pheasants so far! they’re birds but they can’t fly either. they like to run. i think that’s why they only live up to a year. birds are supposed to fly not run. maybe if they flew more, other animals wouldn’t eat them. @tabarzin
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