#cow skull tattoo
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charlie-maytattoos · 1 year ago
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Matching cow skull knees I did for Rebecca!
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stigmatacunnilingus · 1 month ago
I think a cow tattoo would be cute on my calf
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thejasmineillustrator · 2 months ago
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Skull Studies 2025
I don't think I will ever not enjoy drawing animal skulls and anatomy. These colourful studies are done with Ohuhu markers, painter pens and ink pens.
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othmeralia · 2 years ago
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I definitely know at least four people with a tattoo very similar to this image.
Image: The history of four-footed beasts and serpents (1658)
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amymor-theend · 4 months ago
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I'm studying to be a veterinarian. Once, while preparing for an anatomy exam, I drew this sketch. You can use it for your tattoos😉
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halloween-hoe-666 · 5 months ago
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Some recent stick and pokes done by me 😇
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noiivvern · 2 years ago
I should totally get a UFO cow tattoo
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bovinebloggerafterdark · 10 months ago
Do you have tattoos?
i have a few !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! three on my arms and a bunch of little ones on my legs :3 im planning on getting a longhorn cow skull on my chest at some point !!!!!!!!!!
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cnidocyst · 10 months ago
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roommates who hit each other
[ID: A lineup of 4 different cartoon characters. All of them are standing upright and looking towards the viewer. The first one from the left (Azalea) is a tall chubby biracial (Dominican + Irish) woman with a large triangular nose. She has long coily brown hair with a blonde streak hung up in a round ponytail. She has red glasses with a red chain, a black sweater, a long orange skirt with a large graphic of a purple flower on the side, large black shoes with short heels with black pantyhose, and small pearl earrings that the dangle down. She's holding her hands together over her waist. The second character (Veronica) is a black woman with a dark purple scorpion tail and a dark heart shaped cat nose. She's smiling with her cat like mouth. Her dark hair is shoulder length and is drawn in simplified blocky lumps. She’s wearing a black sweat shirt with a graphic of an orange centipede wrapping around the shirt. Her pants are white with a dark purple belt. She is also wearing black boots, upside down cross earrings, and one purple fingerless glove on her left hand that she’s holding up near her face. The glove has a graphic of a skull and crossbones on the back. Her other arm is down, and her right hand is missing the ring finger. The third character (Daisy) is a minotaur with a completely black furred cow head, neck, and legs, but a tan skinned human abdomen and arms. She's standing completely rigid with her fists clenched. She's loosely modeled after a highland cow and has a thick dark green mane of hair with a blue nose and small pink eyes. Her right arm has a square spiral tattoo running down it. She's wearing a light purple unbuttoned shirt with white spiral shells and stars lining the edge of the sleeves and the bottom of the shirt. Her undershirt is light yellow with sweat stains on the stomach and underboobs. Her jean shorts are a dull green and the sleeves are jagged at the ends. She is wearing no shoes, showing her dull green hooves. She's also wearing a watch on her left arm, a dog tag necklace, a yellow nose ring, and a faded pink ribbon is tied around her right horn. The last character (Trixie) is a pale skinned short, fat woman with thick pink curly shoulder length hair covering one eye and a large round nose. She looks tired. She is wearing a dark turquoise jacket with a blue heart on the right shoulder with a green T-shirt with the NFPA 704 diamond symbol on it where instead of numbers the quadrants say "X, Y, A, B", similar to the layout of a video game controller. She is also wearing a blue long skirt with a lighter blue and a white stripe and blue bottlenose dolphin slippers. The background are two different photographs of the inside of a house, heavily edited to have entirely orange and green color palettes. The one on the left is of a kitchen, and the one on the right is of a living room. /END ID]
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creehd · 9 months ago
SURPRISE!! its me again, ive moved into your walls.
Now... *flips through notes* You said Shredder is a Yakuza boss, which is just a delectable choice, and i shant ever get over it--
--BUUUUUT because hes Yakuza, does that mean hes...covered in tattoos? 👁👁
I meeean, i can kinda see some tattoos in the reference you drew for him, but i think we might need a shirtless reference, fOR SCIENTIFIC REASONS OF COURSEEEEE, absolutely no other reason.
I definitely dont wanna just see that buff man shirtless hahah nooooo *heavy breathing*
What is the Turtle's living situation like??? Is it still in the sewers? Do Casey and April visit them there? How different is their home in the AU compared to the modern depictions? I cant imagine sewers in the 20's were to much different than sewers now, but im still very curious :]
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Sorry for the never ending questions skajsksks
YES shredder does have tattoos! Alot of em are traditional Japanese dragon design ones, I will map out what his chest and back tats look like don't you worry-
AS FOR THE SEWER QUESTION IM GLAD YOU ASKEDDD I made the entire turtle lair in the sims bc of this ask SO here we are,
The entrance to the sewers is pretty basic, shoot off to 6 open rooms,
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Splinters room!! He's a pretty solitary guy so he has a place for meditation and a cozy lil chair he falls asleep in constantly.
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Here's the rec room/kitchen, Lotta areas for food making and eating, and a piano Mikey plays every now and again for everyone! They also have a dinky little TV set donnie managed to snag. (Infront the couch)
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The dojo!! Pretty basic, this is where the boys do their training!
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The bathroom/storage! Very rustic and stolen and or built by Donatello. Lotta extra stuff splinter brought over from japan and misc living stuff for the family.
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Now for the boys rooms!!!
Leo and Donatello share a room, leo keeps model trains and tons of books donnie can't house on his side, he's also got several Japanese tapestries to keep in touch with his heritage. He also has alot of art deco posters, he enjoys the colors and movement of them. He also keeps track of scout badges he's collected, because while be can't BE a boyscout, he loves the idea of scouting and following that code of values.
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Donnies side is much more technical. He tinkers and builds things while listening to the radio, he'll turn it on for both him and Leo while they do respective activities. He also has Japanese tapestries, mostly because when the boys were small splinter got them each their own, and he never took it down. He's got tons of books and maps, and more physics leaning posters.
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On the other side of the sewer, Raphel and Mikey share a room, in the middle they have a Foosball table they both enjoy from time to time, but on raphs side, he's got a punching bag (go figure) and a stereo radio phonograph, along with a chest of his things, his favorite stuffed toy, some art deco posters and a painting Mikey made him, along with a portrait of Casey, and a cow skull. He's taken the tapestry splinter gave him down. Says it clashes with the rest.
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And last but not least! Mikey has the brightest part of the sewer, he enjoys plants, and taking care of them, he says they add life to the home. Along with several paintings he's done and art deco posters he enjoys! He's got a desk for Journaling and an easel for his portraits. He's also got his Japanese tapestry hung, it gives him inspiration.
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All and all, not too different from their modern counterparts! I tried to make my little diorama art project as time period accurate as I could, for the sims yknow, but I think I did a pretty good job expressing my vision (although there was a sewer grate I COULD NOT find for the life of me so I just pretended don't look at it too hard)
April and casey visit on occasion, after all the portrait of Casey was painted by mikey!! Raph just felt... sentimental about keeping it. April visits less, due to grime, but she cares about her friends and can look past it after a good shower.
AND DONT YOU WORRY- I'll make a shredder tattoo masterpost, he's not covered head to toe, but he's pretty well inked up..
I had fun working on this alot tho!! Never apologize ur giving me an excuse to post about my brain worms
Questions or suggestions??? ASK BOX IS OPENNNNN ASK ME ABOUT MY 20S AU
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bratprincedyke · 2 years ago
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Gnarly cow skull tattoo for my bulldyke wife ☠️⚔️ @bratking_666 on Instagram for more badass dyke tattoos
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acheronist · 10 months ago
so this afternoon at work was a tiny bit disappointing becoz i really want to do interesting detailed art asap and my mentor is like. stock image stars and hearts and profoundly simple idiot proof designs ONLY !!!! until i get a better feel for the technique of actually tattooing on skin. which is fine but disappointing for me and my bachelor's degree in illustration.... 📉..... but then like two hours later the shop boss calls me and is like "my husband just bought eight freshly cleaned cow skulls from our buddy who does taxidermy / bone collecting. do you want to draw on one as an apprenticeship project or is that weird" LIKE OEUHIWUHDHOSUHF YES. YES. PLEASE YES. I WOULD LIKE TO PAINT ON THE SKULL YES. DID YOU READ MY DIARY. PLEASE LET ME PAINT ON THE SKULL. 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈
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substantial-gains · 2 years ago
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Akeno thought her days in the inking chair were done after getting that first tattoo that said "Property of Rias Gremory" on the top of her right tit, but it seems Rias has taken to using the fallen angel as her doughy personal canvas of sorts...
The Queen hasn't been able to sit down all day, her underboob in particular stings like a bitch, she can't see half of the ink she's gotten because she's so fucking fat, and is frankly too scared to ask about it.
So she's going to enjoy the cute li'l cow skull she got on the bottom of her breast and how much she loves her girlfriend while trying not to worry about everything else~
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castielsparkle · 2 years ago
week highlights so far
-sat on lots of benches outside
-looked at plant
-stood in night rain in abandoned building parking lot
-saw building infrastructure guts
-rode horse
-obtained cow skull
-obtained partial deer skull
-obtained partial fox pelt
-made book reading progress
-obtained cool art
-mouth has stopped bleeding enough to use straw for mcdonalds sodapops
-taco bell cashier said I Love You and gave me a free meal because they liked my piercings
-new wallet and it has a puppy dog on it
-saw a guy with an anti-possession tattoo in person
-made art progress
-made language progress
👆💙🏳️‍⚧️ love and peace for dexguy rn
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cowboycunt · 1 year ago
if i hadn’t already gotten a cow skull tattoo on my leg….. mr peck i am coming for your entire style
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nothingimportantanywhere · 1 year ago
For the fic ask thing, after re-reading Genesis, I've just gone over and over this passage so many times and I need to know what is going through Orpheus' head at this time. What is our boy feeling, thinking I just need you to peel him apart for me for this part:
Then she feels Orpheus’s hand on her cheek, and he calls her the word that only the Shu’kyani should know. She stares up at him, and he must see the question in her eyes. “My mother called me that,” he says. “But it seems to have been forgotten amongst our people.” “Probably on purpose.” “The githzerai -” the word seems almost obscene in his mouth. “Still use it. But they have stripped it of its meaning. They use it to refer to a child who has been hurt in a training exercise.”
Behind him there is a pail filled with steaming water, and a bundle of rags. She cannot quite believe it when he picks one up and starts to dab away the dirt on her face. The varsh scrub them down after, of course, but like they are removing stubborn dirt off the floor.
There is a pile of dirty rags on the floor before she can ask him if it was true the Vlaakiths, the first ones, had been chosen from the ranks of the Shu’kyani.
“I do not know about the first,” he says. “Why my mother chose her is a mystery. But the others? Voss says it was so. He says before the lich-queen, Shu’kyani were trained in tactics and history and anything else a Queen might need to know. And the best of them was chosen to be Queen, and to take the name. Lift your foot.”
He kneels before her, and scrubs the sole of dirt and blood. The tattoos on his skull remind him of the lightning strikes that she sometimes sees across the sky in the material plane. Something in Pa’zeth makes her reach out and touch him; for a brief moment she thinks he will lay his head into her naked lap. But after cleaning her legs he stands.
And just anything else you wanna add about it, and also how Voss is feeling too. I'm so obssessed about Pa'zeth are her disdain towards Voss because it's so real and raw and completely understandable to want to rip his face off. urgh.
This is about tenderness and connection. And, of course, about Gith, his mother. I think that I base a lot of Orpheus's characterisation around the loss of his mother. I think Gith did love her son, and he knew that, and he is proud that she was willing to do anything to save her people...but at the end of the day, she still left him behind. And with our mutual h/c about Zerthimon being his biological father, he's lost both of his parents, in a society that doesn't place any value on familial bonds. Not even Voss can really understand it, and perhaps he doesn't understand it either, really, because he can't articulate it; of course he thinks/knows his mother did absolutely what she thought she had to, but perhaps some part of him believes she's still going to come back. Some part of him is always going to be a little boy waiting for his wild, dangerous, clever, brave mother come back from raid. But to vocalise this is dangerous, because he needs to present this aura of absolute certainty. And here is this person, who is probably the only person not to have either cursed him out or fallen to his feet, who is as close to a mother as githyanki is, who stands there and says: you are wrong, and here's why. She's not cowed by Voss, or by the fact she might die for saying the wrong thing. She bears herself as bravely as any warrior, and perhaps he sees her as carrying the spirit of Gith with her; not in the way that she is a conqueror or violent, but in the way she says: this is my value, and I know it, and I would rather die than accept that I am less.
He also is confronted with the messy realities of what reproduction looks like for Githyanki now. Pa'zeth is literally bleeding talking to him. She is tired and dirty. There is honour in it but no dignity. And that viscerally offends him, because what did Gith fight for if not for the Gith to be more than animals? So he's giving all that he feels he can give to her, right now: dignity. Acknowledgement. Reassurance. What I feel like he's saying to her, "you should have been given much more than you've had." This is the only place Vlaakith has allowed tenderness in Githyanki society, because it was beneath her notice. But it's not beneath his. And he craves this tiny part of it for himself. In the same way that Pa'zeth wants to be more than an animal and in this moment he wants to be less than a Prince. He wants to be a boy again, just for a moment. At some point in his past he'd have sat with his mother after battle and washed the mud off her face. The true tragedy in this moment is that he can only give Pa'zeth what she wants by denying what he wants. Tenderness and vulnerability are still seen as weakness and he can't afford to display either. As for why Pa'zeth hates Voss? Because in her eyes, he's entangled with Vlaakith. At the end of the day, as far as she sees it, he's got everything he wants; silver sword, dragon, status and he has lost...nothing. She's not only seen all of her contemporaries die, but is now experiencing the loss of someone younger. And he's now there, thinking he can tell her what to do, how to act, what to feel. Perhaps unfairly, she sees him as complicit in a system that has killed millions of their people. Plus he manages to say all the wrong things, which, not his fault, but there's a reason Orpheus sends him out.
I am here, and I am listening to you.
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