#veronica winston
mariekanker · 30 days
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roommates who hit each other
[ID: A lineup of 4 different cartoon characters. All of them are standing upright and looking towards the viewer. The first one from the left (Azalea) is a tall chubby biracial (Dominican + Irish) woman with a large triangular nose that juts out of her face drawn similarly to a simplistically drawn snout. She's looking towards the viewer curiously and her mouth isn't shown. She has long coily brown hair with a blonde streak hung up in a round shaped ponytail with a scrunchie with a stray hair sticking up from the top of her head. She has red glasses with a red chain, a black sweater, a long orange skirt with a large graphic of a purple flower on the side, large black shoes with short heels with black pantyhose, and small pearl earrings that the dangle down. She's holding her hands together over her waist. The second character (Veronica) is a black woman with a dark purple scorpion tail and a dark heart shaped cat nose. She's smiling and her mouth is drawn like a cat's mouth. Her dark hair is shoulder length and is drawn in simplified blocky lumps. She’s wearing a black sweat shirt with a graphic of an orange centipede wrapping around the shirt. Her pants are white with a dark purple belt. She is also wearing black boots, upside down cross earrings, and one purple fingerless glove on her left hand that she’s holding up near her face. The glove has a graphic of a skull and crossbones on the back. Her other arm is down, and her right hand is missing the ring finger. The third character (Daisy) is a minotaur with a completely black furred cow head, neck, and legs, but a tan skinned human abdomen and arms. She's looking down towards the viewer with a neutral expression and is standing completely rigid with her fists clenched. She's loosely modeled after a highland cow and has a thick dark green mane of hair with a blue nose and small pink eyes. Her right arm has a square spiral tattoo running down it. She's wearing a light purple unbuttoned shirt with white spiral shells and stars lining the edge of the sleeves and the bottom of the shirt. Her undershirt is light yellow with sweat stains on the stomach and underboobs. Her jean shorts are a dull green and the sleeves are jagged at the ends. She is wearing no shoes, showing her dull green hooves. She's also wearing a watch on her left arm, a dog tag necklace, a yellow nose ring, and a faded pink ribbon is tied around her right horn. The last character (Trixie) is a pale skinned short, fat woman with thick pink curly shoulder length hair covering one eye and a large round nose. She looks uninterested and tired, and her mouth isn't shown. She is wearing a dark turquoise jacket with a blue heart on the right shoulder with a green T-shirt with the NFPA 704 diamond symbol on it where instead of numbers the quadrants say "X, Y, A, B", similar to the layout of a video game controller. She is also wearing a blue long skirt with a lighter blue and a white stripe and blue bottlenose dolphin slippers. The background are two different photographs of the inside of a house, heavily edited to have entirely orange and green color palettes. The one on the left is of a kitchen, and the one on the right is of a living room. /END ID]
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17 years old Veronica Bennett - Aka Ronnie Spector – during lunchtime at George Washington High School in Washington Heights, Manhattan (1961).
Photos: Winston Vargas
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awweshuuks · 1 month
“Cherry fumbled” “if I was cherry I would have folded” “dally was so hot what’s wrong with cherry”
Hey! So he basically assaulted her and asked if the carpet matches the drapes! And in the books he’s described as ugly as well! Hope this helps!
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
Jax Teller & Opie Winston & Sibling!OFC (Veronica Winston)
Whumptober 2022: No.27 Pushed To The Limit- Muffled Screams
Warnings: 18+, language, angst
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: The way I’ve missed writing for Veronica so much is criminal. I love her.
SOA Taglist: @mijop @chibsytelford @thanossexual @anditsmywholeheart @i-just-read-stuff @bport76 @withmyteeth @garbinge @buckybarneshairpullingkink @punkgoddess-98 @black-repunzel99 @jitterbugs927 @fanfic-n-tabulous @fuckyeahopie @mijagif @frattsparty @winchestershiresauce @i-love-scott-mccall @passionatewrites (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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When she rolled into the parking lot for her apartment building, she immediately noticed that there were already two bikes up front. She let out a deep sigh as she pulled her helmet off her head, propping it against her hip for a moment as she weighed the pros and cons of turning around and going for a ride, or walking right into whatever was undoubtedly taking place at her apartment.
Things had been tense all over. It had been a bit since she was even all that involved with everything that the club was doing, having been busy enough to stay on the outskirts of it all. But she knew that things were rough. She hadn’t seen Piney in weeks, and it had been a bit since she had seen Opie as well. While it wasn’t as though the men of the Winston family were the type to make a habit of weekly dinners together, she knew that if it went more than a couple days with no sightings and not hearing anything from them, calls or texts, that things were getting a little rough.
And, if that hadn’t been enough, Jax turned up on her doorstep the night before looking like an entire mess. His clothes were bloody but he was unscathed, which raised more questions than it answered. She’d had her comments for disturbing her sleep schedule locked and loaded, but she’d forgotten them all when she saw the look on his face after opening the door.
He didn’t want to talk about it. Typical. Just like her brother, just like her father. None of them ever wanted to talk about anything. She wasn’t all that much better, but she certainly wasn’t quite as bad. She didn’t try too hard to pry. She had gone enough years facing the disappointments that followed trying pull information out of any of them. Instead she gave him exactly what he had shown up for: a beer, a shower, and a spare bed to use for the night.
She didn’t know if Jax had told Opie where he was staying, or if Opie had shown up looking for her and found Jax instead.  The last that she had heard, the two of them really weren’t on the best of terms. While that might have changed, she knew was that there was a slight chance that she was going to walk into a trashed apartment because of the two of them. If that ended up being the case, she was going to make them clean it up, too.
She shouldered her bag, carrying her helmet in one hand and her keys in the other. As she padded her way up the stairs, she didn’t even make it completely to the second floor before she heard the muffled yelling undoubtedly coming from her apartment. She could identify Jax’s yells from a mile away. She groaned internally the closer that she got to the door.
Instead of heading right in, she waited on the other side of the door for a moment. She pressed her ear to it, not to hear Jax, but to hear whatever it was that Opie was going to have to say in response to it. Her goddamn neighbors knew Jax’s side of the argument by this point with the way that he was yelling.
“I don’t care!” Opie finally snapped, yelling back.
Veronica’s eyes widened, and she almost stepped back from the door. She couldn’t remember the last time that she ever heard her brother raise his voice like that. She almost put her key in the lock, afraid that Opie wasn’t going to stop at just yelling. But she was too desperate to know what the fuck was going on between the two of them that neither had taken the time to tell her about.
Opie’s voice was a little quieter when he spoke up again, but still loud. Veronica could make out the words just well enough from the other side of the walls. “You had no right to come here, to come to V of all fucking people.”
There was a long stretch of silence after that. It wasn’t often that Jax was left with nothing to say. She gave it another beat before finally slipping her key into the lock. When she pushed the door open, she was still half-expecting a mess, but surprisingly everything was perfectly in place except for the two men standing on the opposite sides of the small table in her kitchen.
She stepped in, pushing the door shut behind her but not bothering to lock it, feeling like one or both of them currently staring at her were going to leave soon. She dropped her bag to the floor, trying not to feel out of place with the way they were both staring at her so intently.
“It’s my apartment, you know.” She set her helmet down on the table between them. “If anything I should be the one looking at the two of you like that. Especially when I can hear your arguing all the way from the stairwell. So,” she tucked her hands into the front pockets of her jeans, “what’s going on?”
Neither of them said anything, each looking at the other trying to figure out who was going to say something first. Opie just wanted to hear Jax trying to explain the entire situation, no matter how slanted his pitch was going to be. He wanted to know what kinds of lies he was going to be telling everyone when they asked about it. He wanted to see Jax push Veronica, the only person in their world who was too forgiving for their own good, to her absolute limit.
She looked back and forth between them again. “Someone? Anyone?”
Jax finally broke the silence. “Opie shot Clay.”
Veronica’s eyes went wide, “What?”
Opie shook his head, clenching and unclenching his hands. “Tell her why, Jax.”
Fear shot through Jax’s body. “Ope—”
“Tell her!” he snapped.
Worry saturated Veronica’s entire facial expression as she looked at Jax. He shook his head, running his hands back through his short, messy hair. “Clay…Clay shot Piney.”
Tears sprung into her eyes, bottom lip trembling as she tried to process what she had just heard. “Wh-what?”
“Clay killed our old man,” Opie’s voice was frigid. He was speaking to his sister but he couldn’t take his eyes off of Jax.
She wiped at the teas on her face. “When, when did all of this happen?” She sucked in an unsteady breath, focusing more on her brother now than Jax. “Why the fuck am I just hearing about this now?”
Opie shook his head. “I just found out. Went to the cabin a couple nights ago.”
“You’ve known for a couple nights?!” she snapped. “Why didn’t…why didn’t you tell me?”
“Wanted to take care of Clay first.”
She let out a humorless laugh. “Jesus Christ. That’s, he’s my dad too, Ope. I should’ve been your first call after you found out.”
Jax tried to intervene on his behalf. “V, listen—”
“And you,” she cut him off, turning and walking over so that she was toe to toe with him, “you came here last night knowing all of this shit? And you didn’t tell me either?!”
Jax’s face softened a bit, knowing that he could scream in Opie’s face all he wanted, but he could never do the same to his little sister. She looked slightly up at him, tears in her eyes, and suddenly they were all kids again and they just found out that Mary took off.  It felt like she had been sad ever since then. But Jax couldn’t remember the last time he saw her like this. It had been a long time since he saw her anger almost outweigh her sadness.
He wanted to be able to rattle off the reasons why he didn’t say anything, but as he looked into her big, sad brown eyes, he knew that there was nothing he could say that would be good enough. He couldn’t not answer her, though.
“I didn’t…” he shrugged helplessly, “I don’t have all the facts. Neither of us do,” he said as he motioned back and forth between himself and Opie.
“The facts?!” V brought her hands up like she was going to grab Jax’s entire skull between her hands. She clenched her fists before interlocking her hands behind her head, trying to stave off the urge to completely combust. “The facts are that my dad is dead, Jax! And it’s Clay’s fucking fault! The facts?” She scoffed, but it came out like a choked, sad sound, “Are that you knew all of that and you showed up on my fucking doorstep,” she shoved his chest, “asking me for a place to stay!” Tears spilled out onto her cheeks, “And I let you in!” Her face dropped into her hands as she sobbed.
Jax’s voice was soft, “V,” he reached to put his hand on her shoulder, “I’m—”
She jerked away from him, shaking her head. Her voice was quieter now, shaky. “Don’t touch me.”
Jax pressed his lips into a thin line for a moment as he tried to figure out how to do any damage control that he could. “I didn’t—”
But Veronica wasn’t having any of it. “I don’t want to hear anything that you have to say right now.”
“Get out of my fucking apartment, Jax.” She paused, waiting for him to start moving. When he didn’t, she said, “You have ten seconds until whatever Opie did to Clay looks like an act of mercy compared to what will happen to you.”
Tears were still spilling over onto her cheeks, and while Jax knew that Veronica didn’t have a violent bone in her body, he knew that Opie absolutely did. He wished that they were still kids, that he could hug her and she could try to be mad about it for a second but then she’d let it go because it was what she needed. Those days were long gone, though. And judging by the look in her eyes, Jax seriously wondered if they would ever have anything close to that again.
With a deep sigh, Jax nodded and stepped towards the door. He looked back at both her and Opie. He was half-expecting Opie to have something else to say, even if it was just another comment to try and twist the knife deeper into the entire situation. He stayed quiet, though, his eyes locked on Jax like he was begging for him to do something stupid. For once, though, Jax didn’t. He pulled the door open and slipped out, shutting it quietly behind him.
When it was finally just the two of them in the apartment, Opie turned and looked at his sister. He really had shown up to tell her about their dad. He would tell her what she needed to know about Jax and Clay, too, but he knew that she needed to know about their father. He hated that it all played out the way that it did, but when he showed up to her place to find Jax grabbing a drink from the refrigerator like he lived there and had never done a damn thing wrong, he couldn’t stop himself.
He walked over to her, leaving just enough space between them so that if she wanted to hug him, she could, but if she wanted space, she could have that too. He couldn’t blame her for either reaction.
“I’m not,” she shook her head as she wiped more tears off her face, “thrilled with you either right now, Opie.”
He nodded. “I know.”
“Why didn’t you call me?”
He sighed, shaking his head. “It all happened pretty quick. I went to the cabin to check on pops, found him dead, and before I could even do shit, Unser showed up.”
“Yea. He’s the one who told me it was Clay.”
“Jesus. Did everyone know my dad was dead before me?”
Opie let out a quiet chuckle. It wasn’t funny, but he still couldn’t help but to laugh a little at the absurdity of it all. How did this become their lives? “Sorry, V.”
“You should be. I…I shouldn’t have had to hear that from Jax.”
He saw the way that her bottom lip was starting to tremble again and he made the executive decision to reach out and pull her into a hug. She was tense at first but she didn’t fight him on it. After a few seconds she broke, sobbing into the t-shirt that covered his chest. He wrapped his arms tighter around her, resting his chin on top of her head.
“Did you kill him, at least?” she mumbled into his chest.
Opie’s face scrunched in confusion as he tried to hear what she had just said. “What?”
She pulled away so she could look up at him. The sadness in her eyes was quickly turning back into anger. “Clay. Did you kill him?”
Opie shook his head. “No. Jax saved him.”
She scoffed, shaking her head. She couldn’t really be too surprised by it, though—the Teller-Morrow ties were tightly bound despite how messy they were. Stepping back a little more, she gestured to his arm that was wrapped in gauze. “That what this is all about?”
Opie nodded. “Yea. He said he was gonna kill me, but…”
“His aim that bad? Or did he take pity on you?”
“Whatever one makes you feel better.”
She let out a half-hearted laugh as she shook her head. Taking a deep, staggered breath, she met Opie’s eyes again. “What now, Opie?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. Feels like it’s out of my fuckin’ hands now…yours too.”
“Apparently it was never in mine to begin with.”
“If you weren’t all that I have left, Opie,” her voice was soft, sad in a thousand different ways, “I would tell you to get the fuck out of my apartment too.”
“Do you really want me to stay?”
“You’re my brother,” her voice cracked. She gave herself a moment to try and get herself together. “And I’m so, so unbelievably mad at you right now. But I want you to stay.”
He nodded, pulling her back into another hug. “Alright. I’ll stay.” He gave her a minute before he asked, “Any of your neighbors gonna call the cops because of all the yelling?”
She couldn’t help but to laugh. “I doubt it. But if they do, I’m giving the cops all of Jax’s info. Put a domestic dispute on his rap sheet along with everything else.”
Opie chuckled. “That’s fair.” He paused, his expression sobering. “I am sorry.”
She sniffled, nodding. “I know.” She raked her fingers back through her hair. “When you know what’s next, will you tell me?”
“I will. Promise.”
“Good.” She wiped the last of the tears off her face. “We’re not done talking about this. But I just, I need a minute to sit with it.”
She sighed, nodding, “Okay.”
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Johnny: You believe me?
Dally: Johnny, you’re the last good person on this planet. I‘d believe cartoon birds braided your hair this morning.
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How far has your relationship gotten physically? If you know what I mean? 😜
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thanakite · 2 years
Leo D'Amato from Veronica Mars
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Is so drastically different from Winston Schmidt from New Girl
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That I legitimately forget they are played by the same actor all the time
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part 7 of idk how many
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jayswritings13 · 11 months
Glee: Santana Lopez Relationship Headcanons
Scooby-Doo: Mystery Gang x Reader - Fred, Velma, Daphne, & Shaggy
Multifandom: Black Hearts - Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice), Heather Chandler (Heathers), Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz (Cobra Kai), Eddy (Ed, Edd, n' Eddy), & Dallas Winston (The Outsiders)
TMNT 2012: Headstrong & Independent Blind! Reader with April & Raph
Holiday Songfic: Winter Things - Tory Nichols (Cobra Kai)
Holiday Songfic: What Christmas means to me - Santana Lopez (Glee)
Holiday Songfic: I'll be home for Christmas - Lexie Grey (Grey's Anatomy)
Holiday Songfic: Where are you, Christmas? - Curtin Gang (The Outsiders)
Holiday Songfic: Christmas (Baby, please come home) - Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)
Holiday Songfic: New Year's Day - Veronica Sawyer (Heathers)
Holiday Songfic: Kissing in the Cold - Robbie Shapiro (Victorious)
Miraculous: Secret Identity reveal with Marinette & Adrien
Multifandom: What else can I do? - Quinn Fabray (Glee), Samantha LaRusso (Cobra Kai), & Adrien Agreste (Miraculous)
TMNT 2012: Turtles saving reader
Multifandom: Hello Nurse - Robby Keene (Cobra Kai), Santana Lopez (Glee), Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom), & April O'Neil (TMNT 2012)
Multifandom: Congrats, Grad! - Santana Lopez (Glee), Donatello (TMNT), Eddy (Ed, Edd n' Eddy), & Ponyboy Curtis (The Outsiders)
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juancarlos-ortiz · 4 months
Marked for Carnage - Chapter 1 (Juice Ortiz x OC Fic)
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Marked for Carnage Masterlist
A/N: This is chapter 1 of my Juice Ortiz x OC multi chapter fanfic. I am hoping to mesh this story line with all 7 seasons of SOA. This is an 18+ fic so if you are under 18 please do not interact or read. The themes may not hit 18+ for a few chapters but I intend them to as the story progresses. I apologize that there isn't much Juice x OC in this chapter, I was really wanting to set a foundation for my OC and how she is tied into this world. My asks are open if anyone has any questions about my OC. Also I aplogise if there are any errors, I have a toddler and a baby so I'm doing this on the fly. I hope you enjoy :)
Word Count: 2390 words
If there was one thing that Veronica Winston wished for it was that she had taken the job offer from Mercy General rather than St Thomas. Sacramento was close enough to Charming without being too close, but - being the push over that she was - she had let her father talk her into moving home. "Nothing's more important than family," he had stated, using her brother's recent release from prison to really drive the point home. Now here she was, stalking the hallways of St Thomas Hospital, the scent of antiseptic flooding her nose, as she followed the directions given to her by the admin staff to the nearest elevator. She had just about ran from the desk when the lady behind it asked if she was related to "those Winston's."
She pulled her long, dark hair out from the ponytail she'd put it in, hoping it would provide some kind of barrier between her and anyone who may recognize her. It had been nearly 10 years since she had last stepped foot in Charming. Her stomach had been lead weight since she had driven past the welcome sign at the edge of town. She jabbed the elevator button as she stopped in front of the closed doors, tapping her foot impatiently. She quickly scanned the area behind her, regretting the action as soon as her eyes met his. Jax Teller. Quickly she looked away and hoped that he hadn’t seen her.
"Ronnie?" She sighed when he called her name. Shoving her phone into the pocket of her scrubs she turned and smiled at him. "Hey Jax," she sent a silent prayer to the elevator gods that the stupid thing would hurry up and arrive. "Jesus, how long has it been?" he asked, pulling her into a quick one armed hug. "Nearly 10 years," she shrugged, kicking the toe of her shoe on the linoleum. "Yeah I guess so… your Pops didn’t say anything about you being back in town?" he asked, adjusting his cut. Her eyes found the Vice President patch sewn there. She raised her eyebrows. "I ah… asked him not to tell anyone. Ope too." Jax cocked an eyebrow and angled his head in question. "Alright…" he murmured. "I'll keep this under wraps then." Ronnie smiled appreciatively.
 "You visiting someone?" she asked. His face dropped and suddenly she regretted asking him. "My kid is up in the NICU. He had surgery last night." Ronnie sighed and shook her head. "Shit Jax, I hope everything's ok." He shrugged and glanced down the hallway. "He's looking ok. Strong little guy. Shit with Wendy ya know…" he shrugged. "Damn, she still not got her shit together?" she asked. Jax shook his head. "Well he is a Teller. I'm sure he will pull through." Jax grinned proudly and nodded. "Well, you should come by Gemma's place sometime. She's still in the same house. I'm sure she would love to see you," Jax began to make his way down the hallway, throwing a wave behind him as he left. "Yeah, sure," Ronnie mumbled half heartedly. The elevator doors finally opened and Ronnie got in, pressing the button for the bottom floor. She found the doors she was looking for, the sign above indicating that she had reached the morgue. Of course, it would be strange to admit that she felt at home in a morgue. Which is why she never said it out loud. But it was true. Pulling her hair back into it's ponytail she walked through the doors, ready for a fresh start.
10 hours later Ronnie stood in the parking lot, stretching her back as the balmy early evening air settled around her. It appeared that being an assistant medical examiner in Charming wasn't going to be as fast paced as her previous location. She had spent part of her morning reviewing the one case they currently had open - a hit and run that had happened in the Charming jurisdiction although only by literal centimetres - and then the rest of her time she archived historical paperwork and counted down the minutes until her scheduled breaks. Ronnie groaned at the pain in her back, cursing herself for sitting with shitty posture for her whole shift, when suddenly someone cleared their throat. She turned and spotted the row of Harley's parked against the curb.
A guy around her age, with golden brown skin and a mohawk with two tattoos inked either side of it, sat on the bike at the very end. He was sporting one of the most gorgeous smiles she had ever seen and he was directing it at her. Ronnie's stomach buzzed, but she told it to pipe down when she spotted the cut she was wearing - one with a patch identical to her brother and fathers. She looked around in case he was looking at someone else, but they were the only two souls in the lot. "Nice ink," he said, jutting his chin in her direction. She looked down at her right arm, as if noticing the various designs tattooed there for the first time. Feeling her face warming, she met his stare. "Thanks, you too," she murmured, before walking to her car and hastily getting behind the wheel. Putting the key in the ignition she started it up, cursing and looking back at the man on the bike in her mirror as the engine coughed and sputtered before starting up. Pulling out of the lot, Ronnie began her journey home.
Juice smirked as he watched the black Toyota SUV pull out of the hospital parking lot. He had never seen the woman who had driven it away before, but the fullness of her hips and the soft curving of her waist had him wanting to see more of her. Juice would admit that it didn't take much to rev his engine but the way she had raised her eyebrow at him in indifference, how her tattoos covered the soft looking skin of her arm and the groan she let out as she stretched her back… almost had him adjusting himself in his pants. "Hey idiot," Tig smacked him up the back of the head. "What's got you so goddam happy?" Juice only grinned and shook his head. "Just thinkin' about Sack and that deer." Tig laughed and pointed straight at him. "Bet you're glad you're not the bottom of the food chain no more, huh?" Juice nodded as he watched the rest of his brothers exit the hospital, strapping his helmet on and starting up his dyna.
Ronnie sat on the small sofa in her loungeroom, an open beer on the coffee table and a microwaved dinner on her lap. She aimlessly flicked through channels, stopping briefly on the local news channel when she saw the headlines "San Leandro Warehouse Fire, Multiple Deaths." "Jesus Christ," she mumbled, taking a sip of beer. Suddenly, her phone ringing pulled her attention from the tv. Flicking it open, she saw her father's landline number and answered. "Hey Pop," she smiled. "Hey sweetheart," her father's rough timber came through the receiver. "How was your first day?" Ronnie smiled. She had missed this. Her father only really called once every couple of months when she had been gone from Charming, and she was certainly guilty of avoiding calling him. But since being back he seemed to really be interested in what was happening in her life.
"It was good dad, same shit different state really." Piney laughed. "Well that's good to hear, Ron, good to hear." She rolled her eyes at the nickname. "Listen, I was going to head over to Opie and Donna's place for dinner. Why don’t you come too? See the kids and say hello," Piney trailed off, leaving the buzz of the phone line ringing in Ronnie's ears. "I don’t know dad, I mean… I've already had dinner and," she paused, blowing out a sigh. "I don’t think Ope would want me there." Her father grunted on the other end, no doubt rolling his eyes identically to the way she had moments beforehand. "He's your brother. Of course he wants you there," he said. Ronnie closed her eyes. "Alright, I'll come see them. Do you need a ride?"
Ronnie pulled up out the front of her brothers house, parking her car next to Piney's trike. She made her way up the path to the front door, wringing her hands together in anxiety. She tersely rapped her knuckles against the door, her stomach in knots. Donna pulled the door open, her eyes widening at the site of her sister-in-law. "Veronica!" she exclaimed, glancing back into the house. "I didn’t know you were coming," Donna said, awkwardly smiling. "Oh, shit sorry, I thought dad might have said something. He kind of… invited me I guess," Ronnie said. Trust Piney to not say shit. "It's fine," Donna stepped aside, motioning for Ronnie to enter. "Come in. I've just served dinner, are you hungry?" Ronnie shook her head as she entered the house. "Nah I already ate. Thanks though." She continued to blindly follow the hallway, hoping she was going the right way.
The hall opened up into the dining room and Veronica stopped short as she saw Piney, Opie and her niece and nephew, Ellie and Kenny, sitting at the table with plates in front of them. "Hey," Ronnie cleared her throat. "Hey Ope. Hi Ellie, Kenny." She waved at the kids. They awkwardly waved back, glancing at their dad. Opie dropped his fork, making Ronnie and the kids jump as it clattered against his plate. "Ope?!" Donna started from behind Ronnie. "Not hungry," he grunted out before he made his way out the back door into the backyard, slamming the door behind him. The silence in the room was deafening as Ronnie internally fought with what she should do next. She smiled at the kids again before she followed her brother through the door. Opie sat on a porch swing that was in the back corner of the backyard, a lit cigarette between his lips.
Ronnie made her way over to him, her black boots scuffing along the short patched of turf and dirt. "Those things will kill ya, you know," she motioned to his cigarette. Opie ignored her, taking a long drag. "Look, Ope…" she began, pushing her hands into her pockets. "I know you’re not my biggest fan right n-" "You really think you can just come back like you didn’t just drop off the face of the earth for 10 years?" he cut her off. Ronnie sighed, running her hand over her hair, gathering it over one shoulder. "Dropping off the face of the earth is slightly dramatic, don’t ya think?" Opie met her eyes, his mouth a hard line. "Dad was already sick before you left and you just disappearing only made him worse. You missed my wedding!" he took a another draw of his cigarette. "My kids hardly even know their Aunt…" he laughed without humour and shook his head. "And you just walk in and say hi? You really think that would be it?"
Ronnie sighed and sat next to her brother on the porch swing. "I'm… I'm sorry Ope. I couldn't stay," she cracked her knuckles, habit her mother always scolded her for when she was little. "I honestly didn’t realise I'd hurt you this bad." Opie shook his head, knocking his knee against Ronnie's. "You're my baby sister," he mumbled. "We already had so much time apart after mom and dad divorced. It felt like I had gotten you back for a little while and then you just took off." Ronnie's heart sank. She never gave her brother much credit for just how much he loved his family - although he didn’t always show it. "Shit Ope. You know I didn't do it to hurt you. I had to get away. Away from," she swallowed thickly, her skin crawling. "Him." Opie scoffed. "You know we wouldn’t have let him put his hands on you. Me, Pops. Shit even Jax would put a bullet in his head before he let you get hurt."
Ronnie shook her head. "But he did put his hands on me Ope. Distance," she sighed. "Distance felt like the best option. And this place. This town," she motioned with her hand. "Everywhere I went it felt like him. Felt like he had tainted it somehow. Even being back now," she shivered, running her hands up and down her arms. "I'm sick to my stomach Ope. He could pop up anywhere." Opie turned to his sister, his stare cutting her off. "You see one glimpse of him, you tell me. I won't let that shit stain near you." Ronnie smiled flatly, patting Opie's back and standing. "Yeah yeah, I'll put you on speed dial," she smiled. Opie huffed a laugh and stood.  Ronnie smiled and pulled him into a brief hug. "Still not okay with you going ghost," he said. She nodded, pulling away. "I know. But I'm here now. And I'm gonna make up for these last 10 years."
Ronnie walked arm in arm with her father to where their vehicles were parked. "Well after your brothers tantrum, that all seemed to go okay," Piney said, leaning over to kiss his daughter on the head. "Yeah Pops, you know Ope. He's soft at heart. Won’t be long and I'll be back in his good books," she smiled, watching Piney climb aboard his trike. "You working tomorrow sweetheart?" he asked, buckling his helmet on. She nodded, unlocking her SUV. "Yeah I'm always working." Piney smiled, his old heart warming knowing there was no longer distance between him and his two kids. "Alright, I'll follow you home. Make sure you get there safe." Ronnie began to protest and then remembered her conversation with her brother. "That would be great, thanks Pop." She slid into the drivers seat of her car and tried to start the engine. The car coughed and chugged once before it conked out completely. "Piece of shit," she slammed her hands against the wheel. Piney lifted his arms in a questioning manner. She jumped out. "Car won’t start." Piney motioned back to Opie's house. "Get your brother to drive you home, I'll get someone from TM to come tow your car to the garage tomorrow." Ronnie sighed and bid her father farewell before she made her way back up the path towards Opie's house.
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proserpiiart · 11 months
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More artfight attacks!
Also if anyone wants stickers of their attacks, hit me up! I have a sticker order I'm putting in soon anyway and can totally slip in some of these chibis if you want them. I can give you 4-5 sticks for 10eur including shipping!
Characters in this one:
Vron by @beefosaur Eris by @syrren Yuri by @smallnico Winston by @blueringart Veronica by @spookberry Liu by @panstarry
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mariekanker · 1 year
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fucked up roomates only 1 will survive
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swooning-skulls · 2 months
--- character list
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blue - currently interested | red - not taking requests | green - no romance | pink - yandere allowed
i will occasionally write characters not on this list, that doesn't mean they will be requestable.
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{...live action...}
BULLET TRAIN: Lemon, Tangerine, The Father, The Wolf
COMMUNITY: Jeff Winger, Britta Perry, Annie Edison, Abed Nadir, Troy Barnes, Shirley Bennett, Ben Chang, Dean Craig Pelton
WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS: ---coming soon
YOU: Joe Goldberg, Peach Salinger, Guinevere Beck, Candace Stone, Love Quinn, Forty Quinn, Delilah Alves
YELLOWJACKETS: ---coming soon
FALLOUT: Lucy MacLean, Norman MacLean, Chet, Maximus, Thaddeus, Cooper Howard, Lee Moldaver, Bud Askins, Henry "Hank" McLean, Betty Pearson
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A.N.) depending on the continuity, i may decline romantic requests for scooby-doo characters since they're not adults in all continuities.
SCOOBY-DOO (all except hbo velma): Norville "Shaggy" Rogers, Scoobert "Scooby-Doo" Doobert, Fred Jones, Velma Dinkley, Daphne Blake, Thorn, Luna, Dusk, Vincent van Ghoul
G1 MONSTER HIGH: Frankie Stein, Clawdeen Wolf, Draculaura, Lagoona Blue, Cleo de Nile, Ghoulia Yelps, Deuce Gorgon, Clawd Wolf, Toralei Stripe, Scarah Screams, Abbey Bominable, Spectra Vondergeist, Operetta, Venus McFlytrap, C.A. Cupid, Nefera de Nile, Mr. D'eath, G. Reaper, Ms. Kindergrubber, Mr. Rotter, Mr. Where
G3 MONSTER HIGH: ---coming soon
SONIC BOOM: ---coming soon
LOVE, DEATH & ROBOTS: ---coming soon
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{...video games...}
MARIO FRANCHISE: Mario, Luigi, Pauline, Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Princess Rosalina, Yoshi, Bridette, Bowser, King Boo, Wario, Waluigi, Vivian, Goombella, Madame Flurrie, Lady Bow
FALLOUT NEW VEGAS: Courier 6, Arcade Gannon, Craig Boone, Lily Bowen, Raul Tejada, Sharon Cassidy, Veronica Santangelo, ED-E, Rex, Christine Royce, Dean Domino, Joshua Graham, Benny 'Gecko', Legate Lanius, Robert House, Ulysses (MORE COMING SOON)
FALLOUT 3: The Lone Wanderer, Butch Deloria, Charon, Clover, Cross, Dogmeat, Fawkes, Jericho, RL-3 (MORE COMING SOON)
FALLOUT 4: Nate, Nora, Cait, Codsworth, Curie, Danse, Deacon, Dogmeat, John Handcock, Nick Valentine, Piper Wright, Preston Garvey, Ada, Old Longfellow, Porter Gage, Bobbi No-Nose, Desdemona, Erikson, Ham, Irma, Kent Connolly, KL-E-0, Pickman, Red Tourette, Swan, Tinker Tom, Travis Miles, Vault-Tec Rep, Whitechapel Charlie (MORE COMING SOON)
COD: COLD WAR: Bell, Russell Adler, Lawrence Sims, Frank Woods, Alex Mason, Dimitri Belikov, Perseus, Vikhor "Stich" Kuzmin
RAINBOW SIX SIEGE: ---coming soon
APEX LEGENDS: ---coming soon
OVERWATCH: Soldier 76, Reinhardt, Sojourn, Mercy, Winston, Tracer, Genji, Mei, Brigitte, Echo, Lucio, Pharah, Zarya, D.Va, Baptiste, Bastion, Doomfist, Moria, Reaper, Widowmaker, Sombra, Sigma, Ramattra, Junker Queen, Roadhog, Junkrat, Wrecking Ball, Hanzo, Ashe, B.O.B., Symmetra, Lifeweaver, Zenyatta, Orisa, Illari , Venture
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iridescentmauve · 2 years
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iridescent! nineteen, they/she, black.
robin buckley & nancy wheeler's girlfriend!
i write for: the outsiders, marvel, riverdale, stranger things, the black phone, topgun & more ( check tags )!
p.s, i only write for fem! black! reader. taglists.
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will write for:
stranger things: mike wheeler, robin buckley, ( platonic only ) will byers, eddie munson, steve harrington, nancy wheeler, lucas sinclair, ( platonic only ) erica sinclair, dustin henderson, max mayfield, chrissy cunningham, el hopper, joyce byers, jim hopper, angela & jonathan byers.
the outsiders: dallas winston, ponyboy curtis, sodapop curtis, darrel curtis, johnny cade, twobit matthews & steve randle.
riverdale: betty cooper, jughead jones, cheryl blossom, tony topaz, sweetpea, veronica lodge & archie andrews.
the black phone: vance hopper, bruce yamada, finney blake & robin arellano.
topgun: bradley bradshaw, pete mitchell, alex seresin & natasha trace.
i am not okay with this: sydney novak, stanley barber & dina.
marvel/mcu: steve rogers, peter parker ( all ), stephen strange, mj watson ( mcu ), gwen stacy, natasha romanova, wanda maximoff, t'challa, kate bishop, carol danvers, druig, makkari, sersi, ikaris.
never have i ever: ben gross, fabiola torres, eleanor wong, aneesa qureshi, evie & paxton hall-yoshida.
twilight: jasper hale, edward cullen, jacob black, isabella swan, rosalie hale, emmet cullen, carlisle cullen, esme cullen & alice cullen.
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won't write for:
stranger things: billy hargrove, alexei, murray bauman, carol, tommy, jason carver & dr. brenner.
the outsiders: tim shephard, curly shephard, cherry & anybody that's not on the will write for list.
riverdale: anybody else that's not on the will write list.
the black phone: the grabber, griffin stagg & gwen blake.
topgun: anybody who isn't on the will write list.
marvel/mcu: tony stark, bruce banner, agatha harkness, pietro maximoff & any others that aren't on the list.
never have i ever: devi vishwakumar, eleanor wong & kamala.
twilight: victoria, renesmee cullen, aro, jane, laurent, marcus & leah clearwater.
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drabbles-mc · 1 year
Whatever You Can
Opie Winston & Sister!OFC (Veronica Winston)
For Day 8 of @whumpril 's 2023 Challenge: comfort food
Warnings: 18+, angst, grief, alcohol
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: I know I write a lot of sibling dynamics when it comes to my OCs. And I love them all and no one can stop me from writing them and making more 😂 But there is just something sooooo specifically tragic about V and Opie that I love so much. I feel like I've put so much of me into her character in the pieces I've written for her and she has such a heavy heart but a good heart. I love her. Also, its a completely separate fic from this one, but I picture this taking place in the same universe as This Fic if you're interested in more angst lmao
SOA Taglist: @littlekittymeow @i-just-read-stuff @fuckyeahopie @justreblogginfics @garbinge @fanfic-n-tabulous @camelia35 @winchestershiresauce @artemiseamoon @passionatewrites @buckybarneshairpullingkink @mijagif @paintballkid711 @frattsparty @jitterbugs927 @nessamc @camelia35 @withmyteeth (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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Opie saw his sister’s motorcycle parked in the driveway before he even pulled in. Over the years, he’d grown to be able to spot the sleek white bike from yards and yards away. He was trying to take a deep breath as he cruised his own bike in to park next to hers. Given the circumstances and the state of everything, it was perfectly reasonable that she would be at his house. And yet, he had still been thinking, almost hoping that he was going to come home to more emptiness.
Cutting the engine on his bike, he swung his leg over and started to make his way towards the front door, removing his helmet as he went. It was hanging limply from one hand as he reached forward with the other to pull the front door open. He allowed himself a moment of hesitation, like he was really going to turn and walk away from his own house, before finally closing his hand around the doorknob and pulling it open.
When he stepped inside, everything was quiet. He couldn’t hear the kids, not even distantly like they were in the backyard. The television was off, no radio playing music throughout the house. It was nearly silent. Silence was what he expected when he was home, especially over the last few days. But Veronica always brought some kind of noise with her. She always either had a movie playing on the television, or made sure that the radio was on. If a place was silent while she was in it, she must’ve really been feeling the full weight of all that had happened. No one would be able to blame her for that at this point.
Opie kicked off his boots at the door, discarding his helmet there as well. In the back of his mind, he knew that he should call out to her, announce himself somehow to let her know that it was him and not someone else, but he just couldn’t seem to force any words out. He padded through the house, quiet to an impressive degree for someone his size, for someone who had so much weight currently resting on their shoulders.
Once he got closer to the kitchen, he could start to hear a little bit of noise. It wasn’t ruckus, but he knew that she must’ve been getting up to something in his kitchen while he was gone. She had always been one to try and stay busy, but there was no way that she was going to allow herself to have any kind of downtime at this point.
She heard the creaking of the floorboards beneath his feet, and greeted him without turning around to face him. “Hey.”
If he hadn’t already been concerned about her for the myriad of other reasons the universe gave him at the moment, Opie’s worry meter would’ve spiked the second that she didn’t look at him when she said hello. He stepped in closer to her, standing right behind her and towering over her the way he did everyone in their family except for his father.
“What’re you doing here, V?” he asked, skipping over the pleasantries entirely. He didn’t have the energy to even try and pretend, especially not with her.
“What does it look like?” she retorted, still not turning around.
Reaching forward, he gently rested his hand on her shoulder. “Look at me.”
She froze for a moment, not turning around, not continuing to fuss with the pans that she had situated on the stove. Opie couldn’t see her face but he could imagine that she was trying to get herself together a little bit. She sniffled and shook her head at herself before finally turning around, causing Opie’s hand to slip from her shoulder.
Opie’s heart had been in a constant state of crushed ever since he had seen Donna’s body laid out on the blacktop a few days before. But the look on his sister’s face as she stared up at him was like another punch in the gut that he didn’t need, one that he hadn’t been ready for. Her lips were turned down in their usual sad frown, her brown eyes heavy with sadness, red and glassy from tears both shed and unshed.
Veronica knew better than to think that Opie was going to start some big, deep conversation about everything that had been going on. She knew that he wasn’t going to want to talk about the funeral, or Donna in general, or the club. If there was one thing in the world she knew about, it was her brother, and that’s why she didn’t wait for him to ask questions before giving the answers to them.
“Mary, uh,” she reached and wiped at the edges of her eyes, like that would stop new tears from appearing, “had to run a couple errands. So I told her to take the kids with her and I would get dinner situated while they were out.”
“I coulda made dinner,” Opie countered.
She shook her head. “You wouldn’t have, though.” Her voice didn’t have any malice to it—she was simply stating a fact.
“It’s fine,” she followed up, her voice soft. “You know me—I just, I need to be doing something useful.”
Opie knew that it would’ve been the perfect moment to thank her for helping so much with the kids over the last few days while everything had been hitting the fan, but the words died on his tongue. Instead, he nodded to the stove behind her and asked, “What’re you making?”
“Mac and cheese.” She saw the look of confusion on his face and rolled her eyes, a smile almost starting to tug at her lips. “From scratch. All your boxes of Kraft are still in the pantry.”
“You could’ve used them.”
“I know. I just,” she shrugged helplessly as she looked back at the stove, “comfort food, you know? Figured it wouldn’t hurt.”
“Need help?” he asked, knowing full-well that she had it completely under control.
“No. I got it.” She saw him about to take a step back, most likely to head off and lock himself in his room at least until their mother and his kids got back, if not longer. She spoke up before he could step too far. “Could use some company, though.” She paused for a beat when she saw his hesitation. “Please.” She let out a sad laugh. “The only adult I’ve been able to talk to in the last forty-eight hours has been Mary.”
His facial expression didn’t change much, but her remark got a bit of an amused huff out of Opie, a sharp exhale through his nose as he shook his head and went towards the fridge to grab a beer for himself. “Sounds rough.”
Veronica just gave what she could of a smile as she nodded and turned back to the pan on the stove that she had been preparing to put in the oven. Opie leaned back against the counter a few feet away from her, silently watching as she got everything ready. It wasn’t until that moment that Opie realized that everyone had been checking in on him, because of course they would, even if he didn’t want them to. But apparently no one had been going through the trouble of tracking down his sister. He’d never admit to it out loud but he knew that that was the price she paid for being the one of the two of them who knew how to keep it together and take care of everyone during a crisis—no one was offering to help take care of her.
“Kids were okay at your place?” he asked.
She nodded as she pulled the oven door open. “As okay as they can be. I’m not sure, you know, how much all of it has really sunk in yet.” She set the pan in and shut the door. “I’m sure it’ll come in waves for a while.”
She set the timer on the oven before following Opie’s lead and getting herself a beer from the fridge. She hadn’t been drinking at all, despite the fact that she had definitely been wanting to, because her niece and nephew had been staying at her place. She popped the top of the bottle and brought it to her lips, not getting nearly as much relief or satisfaction out of the first sip as she had been hoping for. It was a lot to ask of one beer.
She leaned so that one of her shoulders was resting against the closed door of the fridge. She was facing Opie as he leaned back against his counter. She stared at him while he stared at the floor. Opie wanted nothing more than to go and lock himself in his room, sit on the floor because he still hadn’t been able to bring himself to sleep on the bed. But Veronica never asked him for anything. If him standing there silently was something that he could give her, something that she wanted, it was the least he could do after everything.
He had no idea how long the two of them stood there silently like that. He couldn’t bring himself to look over at her, to see the sadness on her face that he couldn’t do anything about. He couldn’t bring himself to confront his own feelings about it all let alone someone else’s.
Even though he wasn’t saying anything, Veronica could feel the tension and restraint rolling off of him like waves at high tide. It felt like if he was going to drown underneath it all, he wasn’t going to be going down alone.
“Ope?” his name came out cracked with emotion, but still a soft whisper.
It got him to finally look over at her. His frown deepened when he saw the tears on her cheeks. “Yea?”
Setting her beer bottle on the counter, the glass bottom clattering louder than it needed to, she stepped in and wrapped her arms around him in a hug. He hesitated for a moment, his intense desire to be alone, to withdraw into himself, battling it out with logically knowing that he needed to be there for his sister. Finally, he got his arms to cooperate as he draped them over her shoulders and hugged her back. He could feel her tears soaking through the fabric that covered his chest—it was the realest thing that he’d felt in days.
Sniffling, she turned so that her cheek was resting against his chest rather than her forehead. Blinking a few more times, inadvertently causing a few more tears to fall, she forced out, “We can’t lose you too.”
He wished that he had something profound or at least comforting to say in response to that, but he didn’t. Even if he tried to string something together, Veronica had never been one to fall for his lies. She might not call him out on them, but she never believed them. There was no use in trying to spoon feed her platitudes now.
Minutes ticked by filled with more silence. Veronica peeled herself away from Opie, wiping fresh tears from her face as she did. She found herself leaning right next to him, the outside of her arm brushing against the outside of his. Grabbing her beer bottle, she took a long drink out of it before letting it dangle from her hand in front of her.
Finally, she said, “I don’t know what you’re planning on doing, but you can’t do it all on your own.”
He shook his head. “I’m not planning on anything.”
She waited for him to finally give her a small glance. Her voice came out with more certainty than it had for their entire conversation. “You can’t make your kids lose the only parent they have left in the process of getting even.”
“Getting ev—”
“Don’t,” she cut him off, her voice quieting again. “Don’t treat me like I’m stupid, Opie.” She paused and when he gave a nod of assent, she went on, “Whatever the details of this shake out to be, I know someone is going to pay for it. And, and they fucking should. But not if it kills you in the process. Not if it puts you back inside. Your kids don’t deserve that.”
“Nothing’s happening, V.”
“Not yet. But it will. So just, please, okay?”
Even if Opie had wanted to say something in response to that, the timer going off would’ve put a stop to it. Turning around, he reached and shut it off, the lack of beeping sending the house back into silence. Rather than addressing anything that his sister had just said to him, he said, “Come on, dinner’s ready. Mary will be back with the kids soon.”
Letting out a deep sigh, Veronica knew and tried to accept the fact that it was all that she was going to get from Opie for the night. Grabbing the oven mitts, she nodded towards the upper cabinets as a signal to Opie to open them. “Grab the plates for me, then.”
The two of them moved around each other with the ease of two people who spent more time together than not. It’d been a long time since they lived under the same roof, but some muscle memory never went away. Opie watched as his sister used her foot to lift the oven door closed while she held the pan in her hands, the sadness on her face giving way to focus for just a brief second. And in the moment, as fleeting as it was, they were just a brother and sister getting dinner ready for their family. No tragic backstory to be found.
The sound of Mary's car in the driveway brought them back to reality. Veronica looked over at him as he went through the motions of getting glasses and silverware out.
“You promise?” she asked, not elaborating because she knew that she didn’t have to.
He couldn’t lie to her. So, he promised what little he could as the front door opened. “I’ll do what I can."
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v-via-a · 11 months
After the drama with Sodapop and Steve, Effy had slightly calmed down, feeling sorry for what happened but still also annoyed Sodapop had not called over or had rang, Effy didn’t dare either, she sadly thought it was over with, until three days later there’s a knock on her door…..
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3 days Later
Dancing around my room to singing. Packing my bag for the night for Evie's since Dallas and Tim were out of town for the night for their jobs.
I didn't know what to do, So I whispered I love you, He said that he loved me too, Felt so happy I almost cried then he kissed me….
I hear a knock on the door, I hate answering the door when i'm alone incase if it's the welfare, i peak outside to see Sodapop standing there. I run out of my room down the hall to the door. I take a deep breath in opening the door.
"Hey" I  look him up and down "What are you doing here?" trying to act calm.
"Is Dallas here?" he questions looking over my shoulder.
"No, he had to go out of town with Tim for the night, i'm going to Evie's house soon when's she's back from her date with Steve"
"They talking again?"
"Yeah just today, she's stubborn but she loves him"
"I think you and Evie are better match for each other" he cracks a smile at me making me laugh.
"So, um you just here to stand or...?"
"Effy i'm sorry, i'm sorry to Dallas, i'm sorry to you a million times, it broke my heart when you walked away when i tried to ring and no answer"
"You tried to ring?"
"Yeah" he nods his head.
"Damn it Dally" i laugh cursing him, my body leans on the side of the door making it swing. "Come in before you leave all the hot air in"
I close the door behind him walking to the kitchen opening the fridge rooting for Pepsi.
"So, what made you come over here? Just to say sorry?" I crack open the cans pouring the pepsis into cups handing one to him, i take a big gulp as i start ti feel myself getting nervous.
He takes a swap of his drink almost finishing it already before speaking. "Um, firstly i was a major dick, so i went to town today and um, you remember that apology gift Steve was blabbering about? Well i don't want to give it to you standing in the kitchen drinking sodas"
"Fine follow me" I throw our cups into the sink.
"Where?" he asks before following me.
"To my room?" i look back opening the door waving him in.
"Oh, yeah sure" he walks in first as i walk behind closing the door.
We walk inside as she walks to her stereo putting on some different music. I look around her room, it's been a while since i were here it's changed it's colourful yellow with mixed of other colourful decor. I could see on her wall polaroids of her and Evie, she was always so creative, she had fairy lights taped to the wall hanging low with small pegs so the polaroids hung. The next picture were of her and her other friends Veronica and Winona then Dallas and of all of us, then me and her when we were younger. It was about two years ago, we were by a river bank on a hot summers day.
Tulsa Hill Top Lake 2 Years Ago
"Come on Effy!" her friend Veronica yelled at the end of the bank.
"I'm coming!" she yelled back jumping taking off her shoes.
There were a whole load of greasers there that day. Everyone in their swim trunks and bikinis and people who came last minute in their underpants.
"So who's going first?" a greaser asks with me standing beside him and Effy.
"I'll go first! See how deep it is"
Without a second thought she ran jumping off . She always been a daredevil, not thinking before she does something, she's not afraid to do most things. A few gasps were let out with her friends yelling out her name. All of us could hear a big splash. I ran to over look to the the foam where she had landed but she was no where to seen. I didn't give it a second thought when i jumped off, i could here Ponyboy yelling out my name. It was so fast i didn't even have to think what i had done, it was all in the matter of seconds. Thankfully i went feet first like a perfect dive. I heard myself on impact as i go underneath opening my eyes in chance of seeing her. I pop back up to the surface yelling her name.
"Effy!? Effy!?" i flared around looking all around me when i see her pop up like a spring.
"Golly that was deep" she laughed pushing her hair back from her face.
"You scared me half to death you airhead! Do you know how lucky you were the jump wasn't that high!?" i pushed her angry but in relief smiling.
She started to laugh as she splashed water in my face and i do the same. It was back and fourth until we stopped to breathe.
"Did I really scare you that much?"
"Yeah you did!"
"Awh I always knew you cared for me!" i could feel her feet kicking staying afloat.
"Well thankfully I do" I got closer to her. "You're struggling to stay afloat in one spot aren't you?" i look at her it took her a few seconds to answer smiling.
"Yeah-when i'm in the water i don't usually stand around talking" she came closer to me i could feel her feet trying to balance on mine.
Seeing her smile and laugh made my heart race. I didn't know why. We both looked at each other as our smiles slightly dropped. I lean in closer and I kiss her. I thought to myself in my head - fuck fuck what have i done - the dread quickly stopped as i felt her kiss me back.
"Move!" we break apart. I looked up quickly to see Ponyboy and Johnny jumping off. We quickly break apart as i push us both out of the way as it took them a second to pop back up.
"Jesus Effy could've yelled up how deep this was!" Ponyboy wiped his eyes coughing.
"Shut up" I splashed water on him we start play fighting making waves at each other.
Soon I see Veronica and Winona join Effy as we slowly break apart slightly. We could still see each other. The day felt like i was going to last forever it was so bright and hot out. I was messing around with Steve and Ponyboy when I look over at Effy to see her and Dallas dunking each other in the water with her on his shoulders.
I'll never forget that day, when i first kissed her.
After that we didn't say much about it, we were 14 so at the time we didn't think much about it, we still always hung out and went to places together, another shared kisses at new years or out partying.
Until we ended up at the same place again last month, just as summer started.
We both got there early before anyone else. It was just us two. As before we both jumped off together. But this time i scared her. I hit the water first i tried to swim back up but my foot got tangled in something and couldn't move for a few seconds.
"Soda?" Soda!?" I heard her yelling and felt her body go back under the water flaying towards me her arms and hands moving everywhere accidentally kicked her. I could feel my foot being finally released as i quickly grabbed her as we both came back up to the surface as we gasped in the air.
"Shit!" I choked spitting out water.
"Don't do that shit!" she slapped my shoulder. I could see she was upset wiping her eye as she pushed back my hair out of my eyes with her other hand.
"It's nice to know you care"
"Of course i do you stupid bastard!" she came closer to me cupping my face. "I've always cared!" she leaned in and kissed me. I pulled her in closer to me as she wrapped her legs around my waist.
"Effy, i don't know how to say this, you're the only girl i want, i can't stand to see you with anyone else" I felt my heart racing around.
"Yes, I'll be with you, i've always wanted to be with you, but Dallas can't know, just for now" she smiled at her as our heads touched together.
When i kissed her, finally being my girl.
"You still have this?"
"Of course don't you?"
"Yeah it's on my locker"
The record player starts up the song and of course it's Kate Bush.
"What is this song?"
"Wuthering Heights"
"It sounds haunting"
"That's the point" you just have to get into her dance.
"Her dance?"
She starts to sing and dance around me with all these crazy poses.
"Come on!" she grabs my hand as i try to mimic her moves.
We start to dance all over her room with the song getting more wild and higher. She knows all the words and her voice sang beautifully she always did. She came closer to me smiling up as she starts to sing slowly into my ear, wrapping her arms around my neck swaying side to side. She looks back up at me. I pick her up spinning around she laughs as her hair gets tangled in her face. I always love it when i see her laughing and smiling.
" I love you" I blurt out.
Shit shit shit i blew it i fucked it up.
"Say it again" she stops singing, she asks demanding,
"I love you, i've loved you for the longest time" i say it louder as i put her down on her feet.
Those three words.
I never heard them before only from Dallas wishing me a good night as he always does even when we fight. My heart beats faster and faster until the words basically are pouring out of my mouth -
"I love you too, i'm sorry for being a mega bitch"  I reply like i was out of breath.
"What about Dallas?”
"Dallas is my brother, but he can stay mad at me for the rest of our lives if he wants, he'll get over it" i lean in kissing his cheek to his neck.
He whispers my name as his teeth graze against my skin to my neck and collarbone. i feel my body tense as he slowly and gentle bites down. My hands wrap around his neck as his hands trail down my back under my shirt skin to skin. I feel my heart start to race and my blood going hot and cold.
"You sure about this?" he questions breaking the kiss.
"Yes, i am" I trail up and down his face, pulling on his necklace.
I pull him in for another kiss, he pulls me in closer to him going from my lips my to neck, to my collarbone again.  I laugh as it tickles me. We break apart as we both slowly took off one another's clothes piece by piece until nothing was left. My heart raced more as it became more real, seeing him standing there with nothing else on with his arms wrapped around me, his soft skin.
He brushes to my thighs going closer and closer making me shiver.
"Is that okay?"
"Yeah, keep going please" i beg.
My hands graze across her back and thighs, her skin is so soft it's like silk. I look at her all over my breath taken away as her beauty, my hands trailing all over. I pull back to look at her as she falls apart. I brush strands of her hair from her face. I cut off her moans slipping from her lips with another kiss.
"I have protection" i whisper to her, i quickly check to my wallet finding it hidden, ever since we started dating i carried one, i know it sounds weird but it was always in the back of my mind to stay safe.  i rip open the condom with my teeth quickly putting it on me. I pull her back up on my lap, we both leave out a gasp, as she sits on me with me as i push myself into her. I put my hands on her hips as we get into the rhythm, we start slowly but after time we go faster. She gasps again i kiss her to quiet her down. Her body moves up the bed with each of my thrusts. her back arches with her chest connecting to mine. my hands loose control touching her chest to holding onto her ribs tightly to hold her, she guided me down her to meet the force at which my hips drive into hers.
"Don't leave me after this" she whispers into my ear.
"I won't...never again, i love you" i lean her down on her back kissing again as my thrusts get harder pushing her down onto the back on her back my fists hit off the headboard. Wrapping her legs around my waist pulling me in, i can feel her nails dig into my back, making me dig deeper into my neck.
"I love you" she whispers.
I can't keep control, i let grunts out loud not caring hearing her and seeing her liking it, it made me crazy, just looking at her does.
"God you're so beautiful" I whisper. She smiles at me biting her lips letting out small moans. The headboard was rocking against the wall, the mattress made a squeak when i push into her faster and harder but i don't care.
"Keep going like that" she begs.
I grunt closing my eyes as i feel myself getting closer. There was knocking on the front door loudly calling out her name but it didn't sound like Dallas. She looks over at her window with her eyes widening, Both realising it was open but the curtains were shut. The music was still playing loud. She looks back at me in shock as i pull up her up without breaking the rhythm. Covering her mouth. I go faster and harder as i get closer. The song changes again, we have probably been listening to the entire soundtrack by now. I get why she likes the music, you get so lost in it. Just hearing her moan my name into my ear, made me more wild. I could feel her nails dig in trailing down my back hard i think i'm going to bleed. I push my face into her neck with my teeth going hard as she pulled on my hair leaving out another moan of pleasure that got me enough of letting a loud one last grunt out hearing one last sound from her as we finish the same time. We both lie there, drenched in sweat holding onto each other as if we would let go we would loose each other.
"That was amazing" I huff out of breath.
"You made me see stars" she looks at me smiling.
I kiss her again as she slowly gets off. After we freshen ourselves up the seperate bathrooms. I walk in to see she was on her bed again sitting with a blanket with stars and moons draped over her legs reading a comic.
As i walk into my room i was still seeing stars. I didn't know how to feel but only like i was floating on a cloud. I see the small gift next to my locker. I had completely forgotten about the gift he was on about i dare not to peek.
I smile at him as he walks back into my room laying down next to me. I get the courage to ask him about the gift trying not to sound needy.
"So um, what was that gift you were on about?"
"Oh yeah I have it here" he reaches over to my locker with a small bag.
"Here, i know it's not much but"
I open up the bag to see a book, i gasp in awe sitting up.
"You didn't!" I smile at him scanning the book with the title.
The Haunting of Hill House
"I know how devastated you were when you lost it at camp and how dallas gave it to you, how hard it is to find these days"
"I love it!" i hug him tightly.
"Does this mean you're still my girl? Even if it means getting decked by Dallas, it will be worth it"
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i've never written anything like this before so sorry if it's bad 😭❤️❤️
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