#covid can and will disable a perfectly healthy person
silhouette-cosplay · 2 days
Thank you thank you thank you for cosplaying with a mask on, caring is a beautiful look 🥹
As an immunocompromised person it means the world for me to see you and I would feel less self-conscious going out there in a costume and a face mask if I weren't the only one in the room wearing one!
Éowyn with a mask on is my very definition of a hero 🤩😷
I feel like masking is the lowest bar rn and yet 😅
I’m glad my doing it can make a small impact though. I was disappointed (though not surprised) to see that my group at the con was one of only a handful of folks masking, but I can’t control everyone else, only look out for myself and those closest to me. I just can’t imagine going to a crowded convention where con crud was ALREADY a thing, and now we’re in another huge covid wave, and so few people seem to care.
I’ve seen firsthand how covid can wreck your life. You do not want long covid, no matter how much it may seem like just a bad cold.
Anyway, getting off my soap box now! I will continue to mask and encourage folks to do the same.
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sheathandshear · 1 year
I guess what bothers me about a lot of disability justice approaches to healthcare -- the "doctors must trust that patients are the experts of own bodies" approach -- is that this is the perspective of people with high health literacy written for audiences of people who also have high health literacy, most of whom I think truly do not grasp just how many people have extremely poor health literacy, especially those from groups who for reasons of race, class, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, and/or often a combination of these factors are less likely to have access to accurate health information and culturally competent, trustworthy healthcare providers. When it comes to health and wellness, quite a number of people in our society don't know jack about shit! Even more hold a number of factually inaccurate folk beliefs that range from unhelpful to dangerous. (Hell, even if you have a high degree of health literacy, you probably hold some unexamined false beliefs too, because that's how culture works!) It's true that people are the experts on symptoms as they feel them, but most people are not experts on what those symptoms mean in a medical sense or what can be done about them.
It's a massive blind spot and a symptom of the larger problem of Disability So Educated -- that the vast majority of disability/chronic illness advocates/activists are heard ARE experts on their bodies, because they've had to become experts, but they were able to do so because they are a) literate in English, b) medically literate, c) information literate, and d) have access to and understanding of how to navigate the internet, whereas your average person, particularly your average disabled person, is not. And if you want to create a radical healthcare system that is truly equitable and just -- as opposed to an oligarchy of the educated, i.e. what we have now -- that proposed system has to account for both EDS/MCAS/POTS patients who come in with a 4" three-ring binder of medical literature AND patients who firmly believe that ivermectin cures COVID, vaccines cause autism, co-sleeping with infants is safe, there's no difference between a rescue inhaler and preventative medication, and having an average blood sugar of 600 is perfectly healthy as long as you feel fine.
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revginapond · 3 years
When a post where you give your expertise goes viral, you get a lot of interesting responses...
For example:
People suggesting that the mRNA tech *hasn't* been around for 20 years and that it's never been tested, yadda yadda yadda, even when you provide written proof from Nature magazine, a well known and respected scientific source.
"Oh, but people still get sick even if they get vaccinated." Yeah, no kidding. I actually said that. The vaccine keeps you from dying and most likely keeps you from being hospitalized. Flu vaccine works similarly.
"But I'm perfectly healthy, not fat, and it was only like a bad cold, so I don't need a COVID vaccine." Well, aren't you special! But, surprise, you still need a vaccine because there are others in the community who aren't perfectly healthy. Are you saying that the immunocompromised, the disabled, fat people, diabetics, the elderly, your grandmother, your friend with cancer, the guy who picks up your trash, etc., should just die from COVID because getting a vaccine is a such a chore for you to do? Oh, you didn't mean it like that? Then what do you mean? Because when you put it that way it sounds like you're all ok with people dying. Or do you blame people for their disabilities and diseases and think they deserve to die? Yeah, I went there, and no, your "healthy" ass isn't any more important than mine, TYVM.
"Oh, but it's still transmissible, even if you get the vaccine!" Yes, that's true. But you should still get the vaccine. Know why? Because viruses mutate, friend. Less likely to do so if people are vaccinated against it. If you don't get a vaccine, YOU could possibly be where the next mutation happens! And really, it could go either way (omicron or delta) and you would have no say in what it mutates into! Do you really want to be THAT person? I don't. (Also, look up Typhoid Mary. You don't want to be her.)
"My body, my choice!" You're not wrong. And I can choose to not associate with you because of your choices. Businesses can choose not to serve you because of your choices. The Government can choose to impose consequences for your choices. Everyone gets freedoms, not just you personally.
Variations on "Oh, but the flu has killed more people!" Bitch, please. COVID has killed 5.5 MILLION PEOPLE worldwide in 2 years. There hasn't been that many people dead in the world in such a short time since probably WWII (I could be wrong about this, but from what I could find quickly, this is the biggest.) You realize that's a lot of people to take out of the world in 2 years, right? There's a reason why there's global shortages right now.
Variations on "But my brother's cousin's friend and this other person I know go blood clots and DIED from the mRNA vaccine!" Dude, I'm sorry for your friend, but you're more likely to be hit by a car than get that reaction from the vaccine. Like I said, getting reactions from vaccines are normal. Severe reactions like that are NOT common.
Several: "UR an idiot! You have no idea what you're talking about! Fuck you! U R a moron! BITCH DIE!" lolz... (These asks just get blocked, so...) So many people get so bent out of shape when you ask them to do their civic duty in regards to public health!
Tumblr...keeping it real...
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ravensim · 2 years
thank you! people are careless with other’s lives. I’ve heard people say, “well those numbers are mostly disabled and elderly people,” it is so incredibly hurtful to hear such rhetoric as a disabled person myself. I know of so many immune compromised people who have been housebound since the early days of the pandemic and still are. As well as the fact that covid is a virus that could very well disable people who once were perfectly healthy, ie through long covid, and they will become one of the lives that don’t matter.
And regardless of those who are especially at risk, it can still be a horrible virus to go through, and needing to quarantine does throw a wrench in schedules. No-one wants to be sick! God forbid people are careful with their health and compassionate about other’s.
Sorry for the rant, I just really appreciate what you said!
Agree 100%. Stay safe, & I hope you have an amazing weekend ahead of you 💐
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aqueeraphale · 3 years
Honestly one of the best but most emotionally taxing experiences I had in academia was when my history of comics and my pandemics course lined up perfectly.
Because like. It was incredibly psychologically validating for me, a person who already had no social outlets before COVID, to see that I'm not completely fucking alone in what I consider rational approaches to several discourse topics.
Like. Will Eisner's Spirit would get cancelled on the spot here because of the noxious racist caricatures in it, and don't get me wrong, I do in fact condemn that shit wholeheartedly (as did the creator later in his life, but I digress). But it's also a landmark work in the history of both noir and comics as a medium (both Jewish art forms contributed to here by a Jewish man, if anyone wants to count their diversity points).
Like. I get it. I really do. Chronic trauma fucks with your ability to integrate things, especially when it's your parents, because parental abuse asks a small child to integrate two things that are fundamentally exclusive ("my parent loves me"/"my parent hurts me"). That usually leads to splitting, the phenomenon of only viewing things as "all good" or "all bad" and nothing in between. (No, you don't have to have BPD to experience it, it's just more common in people with BPD. See that misconception on here a lot, but it appears in completely neurotypical people sometimes too.)
And the queer history we treaded in my pandemics course while we were talking about the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Feeling the chronic illness solidarity with people trying to get their fucking illnesses identified, discussing the whole 'innocent victim' phenomenon that happens as per American cultural Christianity, watching queer leftists get up in arms with each other over minutiae. I spent so much time in that class (the only semi-openly queer person there) talking about how I've seen all this before.
Like. Even when I was first introduced to discourse culture, young and ready to be traumatized by it, I was vaguely aware that I'd seen this before and it didn't work. I went along with it anyways, and pretended to go along for years after I broke formal alignment with the whole anti movement. I'm not proud of pretending to go along, but honestly, I had bigger shit to deal with, so I could table confronting my delusions of persecution for a bit.
The point I'm trying to make here is that we, as leftists and artists and traumatized people and punks and disabled folks, have done this before. We've done every fucking bit of this before, and it only ends up reinforcing the cycle of center-right and far-right tug of war on the fucked-up American political stage.
Please, activists everywhere. Read the Hays Code and the Comics Code. Experience underground art that flipped off the censors and contemporary pieces that skirted around it. Noir, Fritz the Cat, what-fucking-ever, just find art that was transgressive in its time and try to understand why. Watch How To Survive A Plague, if you can mind the trigger warnings, read And The Band Played On and pick apart the sensationalism that was necessary to get it published from the truth.
We've done this before. Do some digging, and learn from the mistakes of the activists who came before.
At some point, if I have the spoons to transcribe, I might find some Eerily Similar Passages from the Hays and Comic codes (conservative nonsense unsupported by science even in its heyday) and from arguments I've seen by purity culture activists here (ostensibly leftist, liberated, and working towards things that are demonstrably healthy for psychological health). Because I read the Comics Code and spent the whole time going "motherfucker, it's this shit again."
Oh, and to fit the fact that we're on Tumblr:
Tumblr media
[Image ID: a lavender banner. On either side are exhausted-looking hand-drawn emojis staring despairingly at their phones. The text in between them reads: "I don't have the spoons for discourse, so I probably won't respond. Behave or I'll block you. Thanks." End ID]
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kabutone · 2 years
i feel like a lot of people consider me irrational or overly anxious for still isolating, social distancing, and most importantly masking (PROPERLY). like some people will outright say it, and say “people who still mask are living in fear” or, for people that were previously responsible and decided to stop prematurely, “the pandemic is over.” cause here’s the thing, right. covid is still spreading, in large numbers, and while it may not be killing as many people the same way that it used to, it’s still just as dangerous but in a different form. maybe you wont die, but you could develop long covid, it’s a nearly 1 in 5 chance. and with how much anti-maskers seem to hate disabled people, you’d think they wouldnt want to become disabled themselves?
there’s also a lot of people who used to mask, and don’t anymore. however they claim that they’ll put on a mask if asked. sometimes someone will say “hey, i’ve got a disability and if i get covid i WILL for sure 100% will die. can you put a mask on?” and they go “oh, of course!” and they do it. but here’s the thing, you usually cannot tell from looking at someone whether they’re disabled or not. so does every disabled person have to explain their life threatening illness to you? do you expect that you can only mask “when needed” because every disabled person will announce it to you? maybe every time a cancer patient enters a store, they should get on the loud speaker and tell everyone they’ve got cancer so that you’ll put your mask on. surely, it’s easier for someone to talk about a sensitive personal topic with a stranger than it is for the stranger to just wear a fucking mask? it is literally impossible for you to know the health status of everyone in a public space with you. might i also add, young 20-somethings can also be disabled. just because the person next to you is obviously a young adult doesn’t mean they’re not disabled or at risk.
so then the usual response is “well just stay home then” oh thats right! if nowhere is safe to go, high risk people simply will not go anywhere. they can starve to death at home, or they can risk their lives at the grocery store, since nobody wants to make the grocery store a safe place to be. how silly of me to forget that disabled people are inherently lesser, and therefore hold no value in our society and wont be missed if they just never re-enter again! so yea, high risk people ARE waiting until it’s safe again. also, its not even safe for perfectly healthy people either. you can take a few hits of covid before you die or become disabled, but many high risk people will likely die after ONE infection. so when you’ve got one infection left in you before you die, PLEASE no complaining when your life is put at risk! after all, you expect everyone else to just shut up about it and not complain about like, dying or whatever.
now what about those high value abled people?? so WHAT if you have an elderly or disabled relative, who cares if they die? basically everyone else is perfectly fine with saying goodbye to their family, so, what, you still give a shit about your parents and grandparents? how irrational and neurotic, why value the lives of your loved ones when you can … go to a concert or something. anyway, come on out and get infected. your high risk relatives will stay home, and if you bring back covid and infect them and they die, well, your fault for being sad about it i guess?
anyway, maybe YOU don’t care if the high risk people in your life die. and also, im sure all your high risk friends and family see you saying you don’t value their lives and im sure that makes them feel really good. but personally, i really don’t want my friends or family to die, and i know thats super controversial and nobody has ever felt that way before. but people like me still exist, people that love their friends and family, and value their lives, and want them to be alive, and its not your choice to decide that you want MY loved ones to die just because you want YOUR loved ones to die
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*sighs again*
So..... it’s been another Sunday and the CDC has recently accounted that only 6% of people who died with covid actually died from the disease while the other 94% had underlying causes. And of course the pastor at the church my parents dragged me to has come to the immediate conclusion that there really is no pandemic and it’s all just been an attack to single out the church and stop them from meeting in person....
Now there is a lot I can say about this but I would first and foremost like to say that this in no way means the pandemic is over unless you’re completely fine with throwing disabled, elderly, or immunocomprimsed people under the bus to fit your perspective. As someone who was fortunate to have access to medical care I can safely say that my experience has been a struggle on its own and I cannot imagine what would happen if I did not have the privilege of receiving the care that I had or if I had other conditions like asthma that could have make my symptoms worse.
In all truth I am a bit skeptical when people say that the majority of patients “died of underlying causes.” You may not know this without actually researching it but covid19 has the ability to cause complications. When I got infected I didn’t just get covid I also got pneumonia BECAUSE of covid. It was a common complication that comes with being infected with the virus and if I died I would probably also be labeled as a patient who “died of other complications” despite being perfectly healthy prior to infection.
I’m just.... so TIRED of people trying to down play the pandemic because they want things to be normal again. I’m TIRED of people not taking this seriously. And while I hope no one ever has to suffer the same thing I went through a part of me wants them to know the struggle of not being able to breath for weeks, the reality of how fast your health can go down hill in a matter of days, the inability to even enjoy the smallest comforts like food, and the fear of not knowing what will happen next or if you will even survive this new disease. Maybe then people could learn to have the smallest amount of compassion and humanity for others.
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kendrene · 4 years
I think so many abled bodied people make fun of/are rude to disabled people because we are a constant reminder of what could happen to them. Being born healthy and staying that way through life is like winning a lottery ticket. And even people with perfect/perfectly working bodies and minds can have accidents or fall prone to chronic illnesses.
And, besides, what people try their hardest to forget is that the majority of the population will become disabled with old age. In part it's society's fault, because of the emphasis on productivity as value, but ablebodied people actually buy into this shitty rethoric until it happens to them.
We're seeing it clearly with the pandemic. Covid can leave people with severe (possibly chronic) issues months after infection. And all of a sudden, you see all these posts creep up on social media going, "oh, gosh it's so hard being sick and tired all the time! and the healthcare system sucks! Ugh!" Like, yes, we've been telling you but you didn't want to listen to us until it happened to you and affected you personally.
Sucks, uh?
(and yeah, people get to this epiphany through other things too - but it's happening on such a wide scale now it's way more noticeable)
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didanawisgi · 3 years
Note that views expressed in this opinion article are the writer’s personal views and not necessarily those of TrialSite
I always get vaccinated. I have been fully vaccinated with the Moderna COVID vaccine. My three daughters have all been vaccinated.
I recently learned that these vaccines have likely killed over 25,800 Americans (which I confirmed 3 different ways) and disabled at least 1,000,000 more. And we’re only halfway to the finish line. We need to PAUSE these vaccines NOW before more people are killed.
The CDC, FDA, and NIH aren’t disclosing how many people have been killed or disabled from the COVID vaccines. The mainstream media isn’t asking any questions; they are playing along. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and others are all censoring content that goes against the “perfectly safe” narrative so nobody is the wiser. Tony Fauci, the “father of COVID,” is still in his job even though all of this is his fault. Cliff Lane, who reports to Tony, is still sandbagging early treatments so that people will falsely believe that the vaccine is the only option. The Democrats are still asleep at the wheel by refusing to request Fauci’s unredacted emails from the NIH which will prove he covered up the fact he created the virus in the first place. Biden is clueless urging Americans to vaccinate their kids with a deadly vaccine that has likely killed more than 25,000 Americans so far. Academics in the medical community are nearly all clueless, urging people to get the safe and effective vaccine. When I tried to bring this to the attention of leading academics they told me I was wrong and not to contact them ever again. Sound too hard to believe? I don’t blame you. But there is a reason that this article is the most popular article that has ever been on TrialSiteNews with over 1M views so far. It’s because everything I’ve said is true. And nobody will debate me live about it. They all refuse.
Based on what I now know about the miniscule vaccine benefits (less than a .5% reduction in absolute risk), side effects (including death), current COVID rates, and the success rate of early treatment protocols, the answer I would give today to anyone asking me for advice as to whether to take any of the current vaccines would be, “Just say NO.”Waiting for Novavax (and other traditional vaccines) is a much safer option. If you get COVID in the meantime, treating with early treatment protocols that incorporate fluvoxamine and ivermectin is vastly superior to getting the most dangerous vaccine in the last 30 years.
Vaccines are particularly contraindicated if you have already been infected with COVID or are under age 20. For these people, I would say “NO! NO! NO!”
In this article, I will explain what I have learned since I was vaccinated that totally changed my mind. You will learn how these vaccines work and the shortcuts that led to the mistakes that were made. You will understand why there are so many side effects and why these are so varied and why they usually happen within 30 days of vaccination. You will understand why kids are having heart issues (for which there is no treatment), and temporarily losing their sight, and ability to talk. You will understand why as many as 3% may be severely disabled by the vaccine. You will understand why doctors aren’t reporting these as vaccine-related.
What I find deeply disturbing is the lack of transparency on how dangerous the current COVID vaccines are. Healthy people could end up dead or permanently disabled at a rate that is “off the charts” compared with any other vaccine in our history. Look at the death report in our government’s official Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) summarized in the tweet below. This is the most deadly vaccine we’ve ever made by a long shot. That’s why they have to give you incentives to get vaccinated. They need to vaccinate everyone BEFORE people read this article or watch this video of Dr. Peter McCullough explaining clearly why the current COVID vaccines are unsafe and completely unnecessary for our children.
The stopping condition of a typical vaccine is 25-50 deaths. But there isn’t a stopping condition for this vaccine! It appears we’ve killed over 25,800 people (based on CDC “unexplained deaths”) and nobody is batting an eye. The CDC is focused on how to vaccinate more people. Clinics today report as high as a 10:1 ratio of vaccine-related cases to COVID cases. So now we have a new health emergency: deaths and disability from the vaccines.
But this is just the beginning of our story. We have a lot of ground to cover. I’ll talk about Fauci, NIAID, CDC, Congress, academia, Cliff Lane, and more. I will close with action items you can take and how to treat vaccine victims.
Before we jump into the details, here are some key points:
At least 25,000 deaths from the vaccine. The OpenVAERS team think it is over 20,000 due to under reporting. But we looked at the CMS database and it appears VAERS is under-reporting by 5X. And the CDC excess unexplained deaths are 25,000 as well. It matches up.
NOBODY will debate me. People resort to personal attacks because they can’t attack the facts. But nobody who counts (e.g., over 10K Twitter followers) will debate me. I’ve tried everything. People are too afraid I’ll win. If you have at least 10K Twitter followers and agree to a recorded live Zoom debate, just say so in the comments below.
Biodistribution data shows massive accumulation in ovaries of the LNP (which instructs cells in ovaries to sprout toxic spike protein). Whoops. That was never supposed to be leaked out. We obtained it via FOIA request. The CDC never told you about that one, did they? Of course not!
82% miscarriage rate in first 20 weeks (10% is the normal rate). It is baffling that the CDC says the vaccine is safe for pregnant women when it is so clear that this is not the case. For example, one of our family friends is a victim of this. She miscarried at 25 weeks and is having a D&C on 6/9/21. She had her first shot 7 weeks ago, and her second shot 4 weeks ago. The baby had severe bleeding of the brain and other disfigurements. Her gynecologist had never seen anything like that before in her life. They called in a specialist who said it was probably a genetic defect (because everyone buys into the narrative that the vaccine is safe it is always ruled out as a possible cause). No VAERS report. No CDC report. Yet the doctors I’ve talked to say that it is over 99% certain it was the vaccine. The family doesn’t want an autopsy for fear that their daughter will find out it was the vaccine. This is a perfect example of how these horrible side effects just never get reported anywhere.
25X the possibility of myocarditis for teen boys (can lead to heart failure and death)
Kids already have natural immunity (Science Magazine article), so there is no benefit to vaccination, only risk. Have you ever seen the risk / benefit analysis by the CDC?? Ask for it before you consent.
No point vaccinating those who’ve had COVID-19: Findings of Cleveland Clinic study. No benefit, only risk.
Doctors who attribute adverse events to the vaccine are punished (such as Dr. Hoffe). So under reporting is incentivized.
The CDC refuses to say how many people have died and is “still investigating” heart damage in kids even though it is obvious why (free spike protein causing clotting and inflammation). A 25X increase when the only “new” thing is the vaccine isn’t hard to figure out. Ask the CDC for their current top 5 hypotheses for the cause. It will be more than amusing to see what they say. If it isn’t the vaccine, heads should roll.
The CDC is deliberately misleading the American people. Check out the side effects page. Death, disability, excessive miscarriage rates, heart attacks, stroke, inability to walk, talk, or see, Bell’s Palsy, persistent pain, Parkinson’s like symptoms, re-activation of shingles, blood clots, etc. are all missing.
>500X more deadly than the flu vaccine
COVID vaccines have generated more adverse reports in the last 6 months than all 70 vaccines over the past 30 years combined. They missed that one.
Defective virus design (s1 was never supposed to be free, inclusion of PEG was unnecessary and allows LNP to be widely distributed)
Strong opposition to vaccination by extremely credible voices like Malone, Geert Vanden Bossche, others
NIAID (Cliff Lane) is improperly manipulating the COVID Treatment Guidelines to make it appear these drugs do not work, thus giving the world the false impression that the vaccine, even if imperfect, is the only way out. Ivermectin and fluvoxamine have been confirmed in Phase 3 trials. Ivermectin has a very high quality systematic review, the highest possible level in Evidence Based Medicine. Repurposed drugs are safer and more effective than the current vaccines. In general, early treatment with an effective protocols reduce your risk of dying by more than 100X so instead of 600,000 deaths, we’d have fewer than 6,000 deaths. NOTE: The vaccine has already killed over 6,000 people and that’s from the vaccine alone (and doesn’t count any breakthrough deaths).
Vaccines skipped proper toxicology studies in order to bring to market faster. We don’t know what we don’t know.
The unpredictable and horrifying side effects of this vaccine on heathy kids, such as the 16 year old girl who was unable to speak and see just 48 hours after being vaccinated
Debilitating side effects can happen at any time because vaccine victims are very similar to COVID long haulers (Dr. Bruce Patterson has discovered this) and we all know that long haul can start at any time (even when the disease is asymptomatic) and could be incurable.
Because the vaccine is not perfectly safe, the government is required by law to warn people of the death and disability risks caused by the vaccine and to obtain informed consent. Always be sure to ask for the 50 most serious side effects and how often they happen. And find out whether they will compensate you if you are disabled for life from the vaccine. This is important because the blood clots can form anywhere with this very unsafe vaccine....
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mxenigmatic · 4 years
2020’s Self Care Books for Trying Times
With Covid-19 a global pandemic that is still lingering in the air, and keeping our connections at a social distance, added how here at NYPL our librarians miss the frequent interactions with our patrons, I was contemplating on ways to keep our reading connected, our souls warm, and our health having its self care. Before google, I’d rely on the plethora of information our branches hold on any challenge in life I’d be facing. Now with a myriad of problems we can tackle, and resources we can all use to improve our lives, I wanted to tackle grounding and elevating ourselves to cope with our surroundings, than advice I can provide on financial, relationship, life goals, etc.
In this blog “2020’s Self Care Books 4 Trying Times” I’ve comprised my 20 favorite titles for the year 2020 on wellness, people’s journeys, and how health experts can help guide us to a calm and vibrant place for our wellbeing. From parenting tips, to self acceptance, coping with a mental health disorder, or even self care rituals, the need for healthy habits is a topic we all can relate and rely on to keep us striving through this winter, and being united through our current unstable climate. We should never be ashamed of our experiences, asking for help, and addressing challenges in our lives to be at peace with our pasts, content with our present, and hopeful about our futures.
What is Self-care, according to very well mind, describes a conscious act one takes in order to promote their own physical, mental, and emotional health. There are many forms self-care may take. It could be ensuring you get enough sleep every night or stepping outside for a few minutes for some fresh air.
What is mindfulness? Mindfulness refers to being in the moment. This means feeling what our bodies feel, letting ourselves think without judging our thoughts, and being aware of our environment. It is about paying attention on purpose to both what is happening inside and outside of you.
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Out!: How To Be Your Authentic Self by Miles McKenna
Topics: Coming Out, Self Acceptance, Family Dynamics
Activist Miles McKenna came out on his YouTube channel in 2017, documenting his transition to help other teens navigate their identities and take charge of their own coming out stories. From that wisdom comes Out!, the ultimate YA guide to the queer lifestyle. Find validation, inspiration, and support for your questions big and small--whether you're exploring your identity or seeking to understand the experience of an awesome queer person in your life."
Dancing at the Pity Party: A Dead Mom Graphic Memoir by Tyler Feder
Topics: Grief Counseling, Coping with terminal illness, Bereavement. Family Estrangement
Tyler Feder shares her story of her mother's first oncology appointment to facing reality as a motherless daughter in this frank and refreshingly funny graphic memoir.
Superpowered: Transform Anxiety Into Courage, Confidence, and Resilience by Renee Jain and Dr. Shefali Tsabary
Topics: Health, Fitness, Selt Esteem.
The perfect tool for children facing new social and emotional challenges in an increasingly disconnected world! This how-to book from two psychology experts—packed with fun graphics and quizzes—will help kids transform stress, worry, and anxiety
Teen Guide to Mental Health by Don Nardo
Topics: Teens, Mental Health, Body Image, Puberty
Todays teens face and are expected to deal with a wide array of personal, social, and other issues involving home-life, school, dating, body image, sexual orientation, major life transitions, and in some cases physical and mental problems, including eating disorders and depression. This volume examines how many teens have learned to cope with and survive these often stressful trials and tribulations of modern youth.
Turtle Boy by Evan Wolkenstein
Topics: Social Life, Friends, Relationships, School Stress
Seventh grade is not going well for Will Levine. Kids at school bully him because of his funny-looking chin. His science teacher finds out about the turtles he spent his summer collecting from the marsh behind school an orders him to release them back into the wild. And for his Bar Mitzvah community service project, he has to go to the hospital to visit RJ, an older boy struggling with an incurable disease. Unfortunately, Will hates hospitals. At first, the boys don't get along, but then RJ shares his bucket list with Will. Among the things he wants to do: ride a roller coaster, go to a concert and a school dance, swim in the ocean. To Will, happiness is hanging out in his room, alone, preferably with his turtles. But as RJ's disease worsens, Will realizes he needs to tackle the bucket list on his new friend's behalf before it's too late. It seems like an impossible mission, way outside Will's comfort zone. But as he completes each task with RJ's guidance, Will learns that life is too short to live in a shell.
How To Make A Better World: For Every Kid Who Wants To Make A Difference by Keilly Swift
Topics: Activism, Human Rights, Organizing
If you are a kid with big dreams and a passion for what is right, you're a world-changer in the making. There's a lot that can be changed by just one person, if you know what to do. Start by making yourself into the awesome person you want to be by learning all about self-care and kindness. Using those skills, work your way up to creating activist campaigns to tackle climate change or social injustice. This fun and inspiring guide to making the world a better place and becoming a good citizen is packed with ideas and tips for kids who want to know how to make a difference. From ideas as small as creating a neighborhood lending library to important ideas such as public speaking and how to talk about politics, How to Make a Better World is a practical guide to activism for awesome kids.
All About Anxiety by Carrie Lewis
Anxiety. It's an emotion that rears its head almost every day, from the normal worries and concerns that most of us experience, to outright fear when something scary happens, to the anxiety disorders, that many kids live with daily. But what causes anxiety? And what can we do about it? All About Anxiety tackles these questions from every possible angle. Readers will learn what's going on in their brain and central nervous system when they feel anxious. They'll learn about the evolutionary reasons for fear and anxiety and that anxiety isn't always a bad thing--except for when it is! Most importantly, kids will discover new strategies to manage their anxiety so they can live and thrive with anxiety
Dictionary for a better world: poems, quotes, and anecdotes from A to Z by Irene Latham
Topics: Inspiration, Self Help, Advice
Organized as a dictionary, entries in this book for middle-grade readers present words related to creating a better, more inclusive world. Each word is explored via a poem, a quote from an inspiring person, and a short personal anecdote from one of the co-authors, a prompt for how to translate the word into action, and an illustration".
I feel... meh by DJ Corchin
(E-book)Topics: Health, Fitness, Management
This series helps kids recognize, express, and deal with the roller coaster of emotions they feel every day. It has been celebrated by therapists, psychologists, teachers, and parents as wonderful tools to help children develop self-awareness for their feelings and those of their friends. Sometimes I feel meh and I don't want to play. I don't want to read and I have nothing to say. Sometimes you just feel...meh. You don't really feel like doing anything or talking to anyone. You're not even sure how you're feeling inside. Is that bad? With fun, witty illustrations and simple, straightforward text, I Feel...Meh tackles apathy—recognizing it as a valid emotion, while also offering practical steps to get you out of your emotional slump. It's the perfect way for kids—and adults—who are feeling gray to find some joy again!
Violet Shrink by Christine Baldacchino
Topics: Phobias, Relationships, Social Skills
Violet Shrink doesn't like parties. Or bashes, or gatherings. Lots of people and lots of noise make Violet's tummy ache and her hands sweat. She would much rather spend time on her own, watching the birds in her backyard, reading comics, or listening to music through her purple headphones. The problem is that the whole Shrink family loves parties with loud music and games and dancing. At cousin Char's birthday party, Violet hides under a table and imagines she is a shark gliding effortlessly through the water, looking for food. And at Auntie Marlene and Uncle Leli's anniversary bash, Violet sits alone at the top of the stairs, imagining she is a slithering snake way up in the branches. When Violet learns that the Shrink family reunion is fast approaching, she musters up the courage to have a talk with her dad. In this thoughtful story about understanding and acceptance, Violet's natural introversion and feelings of social anxiety are normalized when she and her father reach a solution together. Christine Baldacchino's warm text demonstrates the role imagination often plays for children dealing with anxiety, and the power of a child expressing their feelings to a parent who is there to listen. Carmen Mok's charming illustrations perfectly capture Violet's emotions and the vibrancy of her imagination. A valuable contribution to books addressing mental health."-- Provided by publisher.
Check out this link to a presentation by NYPL’s Children’s Librarians, Sarah West and Justine Toussaint on Mindfulness/Social-Emotional Self-Esteem Picture Book Spotlight. Featuring popular book titles in our database of the past few years promoting kids well beings!
Pre-2020 Books
Aphorism by Franz Kafka
Topics: Life Quotes, Recovery, Future Planning
For the first time, a single volume that collects all of the aphorisms penned by this universally acclaimed twentieth-century literary figure. Kafka twice wrote aphorisms in his lifetime. The first effort was a series of 109, known as the Zurau Aphorisms, which were written between September 1917 and April 1918, and originally published posthumously by his friend, Max Brod, in 1931. These aphorisms reflect on metaphysical and theological issues--as well as the occasional dog. The second sequence of aphorisms, numbering 41, appears in Kafka's 1920 diary dating from January 6 to February 29. It is in these aphorisms, whose subject is "He," where Kafka distills the unexpected nature of experience as one shaped by exigency and possibility."
This Book Loves You by PewDiePie
Topics: Life Skills, Inspiration, Food 4 Thought
A popular blogger shares humorous pieces of advice and positivity, including "Never forget you are beautiful compared to a fish" and "Every day is a new fresh start to stay in bed."
The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck: A Counterintuitive Approach To Living A Good Life by Mark Manson
Topic: Self Help, Happiness, Motivation
In this generation-defining self-help guide, a superstar blogger shows us that the key to being happier is to stop trying to be 'positive' all the time and instead become better at handling adversity. For decades we've been told that positive thinking is the key to a happy, rich life. But those days are over. 'Fuck positivity, ' Mark Manson says. 'Let's be honest; sometimes things are fucked up and we have to live with it.' For the past few years, Manson--via his wildly popular blog--has been working on correcting our delusional expectations for ourselves and for the world. He now brings his hard-fought wisdom to this groundbreaking book. Manson makes the argument--backed both by academic research and well-timed poop jokes--that improving our lives hinges not on our ability to turn lemons into lemonade, but on learning to better stomach lemons. Human beings are flawed and limited--as he writes, 'Not everybody can be extraordinary, there are winners and losers in society, and some of it is not fair or your fault.' Manson advises us to get to know our limitations and accept them. This, he says, is the real source of empowerment. Once we embrace our fears, faults, and uncertainties--once we stop running from and avoiding, and start confronting painful truths--we can begin to find the courage and confidence we desperately seek. 'In life, we have a limited amount of fucks to give. So you must choose your fucks wisely.' Manson brings a much-needed grab-you-by-the-shoulders moment of real-talk, filled with entertaining stories and profane, ruthless humor. This manifesto is a refreshing slap in the face for all of us so we can start to lead more contented, grounded lives."
Zen Pencils: Cartoon Quotes From Inspirational Folks by Gavin Aung Than
Topics: Writing Development, Expression, Quotes
Gavin Aung Than, an Australian graphic designer turned cartoonist, started the weekly Zen Pencils blog in February 2012. He describes his motivation for launching Zen Pencils: I was working in the boring corporate graphic design industry for eight years before finally quitting at the end of 2011 to pursue my passion for illustration and cartooning. At my old job, when my boss wasn't looking, I would waste time reading Wikipedia pages, main biographies about people whose lives were a lot more interesting than mine. Their stories and quotes eventually inspired me to leave my job to focus on what I really wanted to do. The idea of taking these inspiring quotes, combining them with my love of drawing, and sharing them with others led to the creation of Zen Pencils.
By: @Mx.Enigma
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nickylovesrefugees · 5 years
Coronavirus myths and facts
I am writing this as a doctor with an interest in infectious diseases who is currently studying a masters of international public health. Myths and facts about COVID-19. Please share if you think this is worthwhile. References in link at the end.
Myth: “COVID-19 is just like getting the flu”
COVID-19 is not just like the flu! The symptoms are often similar, that’s true. But there are key differences:
Mortality: 0.1%
Vaccine availability: Vaccine updated yearly
Scientific understanding: Excellent
R0: 1.2
Mortality: ~3%
Vaccine availability: Does not exist
Scientific understanding: Limited, highly unpredictable
Note: R0 is the number of people that the average infected person then goes on to infect
So essentially - coronavirus is much more contagious, is many times more deadly, there’s no vaccine and it’s highly unpredictable.
Myth: “Coronavirus is killed by warm weather”
I saw this floating around in a chain email purportedly from “Stanford University”, which claimed that a temperature of 26 degrees would kill the virus. There is no evidence to suggest this. If this were the case, the virus would die inside our bodies (~36 degrees) and nobody would get sick… It is important to note also that the WHO points out that cold weather similarly does not kill the virus.
Myth: “Drinking warm water kills viruses”
Nope. Water doesn’t have any toxic effects, and warming it slightly doesn’t change that. Even if it did, the virus is in your airways, not your stomach.
Myth: “If you have a runny nose, you cannot have COVID-19”
Another ridiculous claim. In general, in medicine, never/always statements are rarely correct, especially when looking at symptoms. There are always variations in symptoms between different people in the real world.
Myth: “Hand sanitiser is better than soap and water”
False. It’s the other way around. Soap breaks down the fatty bilayer which forms the “envelope” or wall of the viral particle. It does this in a similar way to ethanol-based handwashes, but most commercial hand sanitisers have a lower ethanol content and are not as effective. To be effective against coronavirus, your hand sanitiser should have at least a 60% ethanol content.
Myth: “I’m young and healthy, if I get coronavirus I’ll be fine”
Many young people who get COVID-19 will suffer a flu-like illness and not need hospitalisation but there’s also strong evidence that young healthy people can also get very sick with COVID-19. For example, more than 50% of patients admitted to ICU in France were under 60.
Myth: “If you can hold your breath for ten seconds without coughing, you cannot have COVID-19”
If it were that easy to diagnose coronavirus, the hospital and GP system would be under a whole lot less pressure. Once again, these simple, “too good to be true” claims are exactly that.
Myth: “Antibiotics can treat COVID-19”
Antibiotics have no activity against viruses - they are used exclusively for bacteria. Occasionally, very unwell people with COVID-19 may develop superimposed bacterial infections in hospital, and is this setting antibiotics will be used. But this is to treat the bacterial pneumonia, not the COVID-19 infection. Currently, there are no WHO-recommended medications to treat COVID-19, although reports are coming out of some countries that some antivirals usually used in treatment of hepatitis or HIV may be beneficial.
Fact: Ibuprofen should be avoided in patients with COVID-19.
Ibuprofen, sold under brand names such as nurofen or advil, is an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). It’s used for a variety of inflammatory conditions, and is also sometimes used for fever that is not responding to paracetamol. However, a paper was published on March 11 in the Lancet linking increased ACE2 levels (an enzyme that coronaviruses use to bind to target cells) with COVID-19 infection. This is relevant because ibuprofen can increase levels of ACE2, at least in rats. More research is needed in this area, but for now the WHO has recommended avoiding ibuprofenin COVID-19, and instead using paracetamol. This also implies that theremay be an argument for withholding ACE-Inhibitors (a common blood pressure medication) but the European Society of Cardiology recommends that they are continued.
Fact: Healthcare workers on the front line are doing their absolute best in a very difficult time.
Many of my best friends are working on the front lines as junior doctors, GPs, emergency or medical registrars, nurses, pharmacists and other allied health professions. They are doing their best, but the situation is constantly evolving, and guidelines continue to do change. As such, they may not test you for COVID-19 when you are expecting a test, or otherwise treat you in some way that differs from your expectations. Rest assured that they are working very hard to keep up to date, and to behave in a manner that prioritises not only your health, but also public health and the best possible allocation of resources. Please be patient and honest with, and kind to, them in these challenging times. Speaking as one of them, we really do care about you.
Fact: Panic buying deprives vulnerable people of vital necessities, and is completely unnecessary.
I’ve touched on this earlier, but please do not hoard groceries. Many elderly or people with disabilities do not have the luxury or option of visiting multiple stores, so if they go to a supermarket that has had its shelves cleared out, they have no backup option and may be forced to go without. If everyone were to return to how they shopped a month ago, everyone would have enough food!! The supermarkets never run out of pasta or toilet paper normally, and they will stop running out if people just shop normally. The supermarkets are not going to close, there is no need to hoard food.
Fact: We still have a lot of control over what happens over the next few weeks.
Here, we must learn from the examples of other countries. If we continue to treat COVID-19 with the same cavalier attitude, continuing to attend large events, public places like gyms, churches etc, we will follow in the footsteps of Italy, which now has over 30,000 cases and over 2,500 dead. The death toll there is now climbing by hundreds per day. On the other hand, a combination of widespread closures and shutdown measures, combined with individuals taking responsibility to do their absolute best, will see us closer to countries like Singapore or South Korea, which have dramatically curbed their cases.
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Fact: Social distancing will save lives.
Social distancing will dramatically reduce coronavirus spread. This works both because undiagnosed cases of COVID-19 have less opportunity to spread, and because uninfected people have less opportunity to encounter coronavirus as you go about your life. So please take it seriously, even if you are feeling perfectly well. Stay home unless it is absolutely essential that you leave the house. Wash your hands often, with soap and water. Avoid touching your face.
In summary, we need to make informed, evidence-based decisions to combat this pandemic. It poses grave public health risks if not taken seriously, but we can do a lot to mitigate these risks. This needs to be led by Government, but in the absence of decisive leadership there, we must take the lead ourselves. But our response needs to be one that continues to look after the needs of our most vulnerable members of the community.
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woke up angry at my ex again & kinda wishing I'd been as abusive and violent and anger-management-issues as they said I was lol,
(they said this about me pulling them by the wrist for 0.5 seconds 1 time, and also yelling at them when i lost my cool maybe two or three times, )
when really what i should have done was push him down the stairs and destroy his fucking phone, and THEN he would've had something to cry about
Idk I raised my voice at a guy I'd never met before yesterday cus I was NOT just gonna stand there and let a Ukip voter lecture me about racism 🤡 (ik he's a ukip voter cus my client told me, this was at work, my client is a poc and very much enjoyed the show when i schooled this guy, anyway there should be background checks on carers to make sure no disabled poc has to deal with racist carers but that's another matter entirely) Anyway it turns out that even old white men know how to shut up if you yell/growl NNNOOOOOO at them loudly enough, and I swear I wouldn't have had the backbone to stand up to this guy just a few months ago, and I definitely didn't when I was with my ex cus he deliberately kept me small and meek and compliant as much as he possibly could,
and maybe now that my anger and aggression are actually, finally manifesting in ways that are useful and can be productive,
I mean I wouldn't really go within 10ft (or 10 miles) of my ex these days cus I'd clock him as a toxic and probably narcy person, and someone I do Not want to be in a relationship with, but anyway he really thinks I was angry back then 😂, sweet summer child
I wasn't angry really, not the way I am now. I was just trapped and cornered and desperate, I was having all of my boundaries trampled every single day and he still wanted to tell me what I could or couldn't do with my new partner, a year+ after we broke up.
I was just in fight or flight mode. And my reactions were freeze or fawn more than anything and very, very occasionally he drew out the fight and then used that to claim I was abusing him. Lol
Ok yeah Covid meant we had to stay living together for much longer than was healthy but also I was perfectly ready to be civil and just not let it descend into the absolute shit show it became. it's not my fault that he had no interest whatsoever in being civil. it's not my fault he made me feel dread and anxiety 24/7 in his last 6 months here. it's not my fault he literally set things up for me to HAVE TO overhear him chatting shit about me and my friends on the phone to his new partner - which he was doing, also, like 24/7, and especially if I wanted to go to sleep and did not want vitriol from the room next door to permeate my dreams. I told him many times that this wasn't ok. He did it to our flatmates too. After being told it was a dick move and really upsetting, he doubled down and did it even more, now in flavours of Extra Loud and Extra Obnoxious. he was literally rapping (B A D L Y) about me being abusive outside of my room in the middle of the night on more than one occasion. which of these people sound more abusive to you? the one in their room, minding their business, escaping to their flatmates room for safety, escaping to work, escaping to the park to hang out with their new partner for the first time in 3 weeks at the start of the pandemic,
or the one outside the room at any and all hours of the day, on the phone constantly, Loudly speaking and singing and rapping about how the other one is abusive?
even if the one who's being sung about has lost their temper with the singing one in the past? on less than a handful of occasions?
Anyway I doubt my ex realises I'm back on tumblr otherwise I'd be fending off anons about how I'm "using my public platform to smear him" like when i vented on twitter to my 60 followers, never mentioning him by name lol. totally different from the callout post he put on his Facebook to his 3000+ friends of which we had more than 100 in common 🙃
anyway it's angry hours and if given the chance, I would definitely push him down a flight of stairs, so it's probably best for him to stay away from me forever.
0 notes
coronaviruscorner · 5 years
Coronavirus Myths and Facts
I am writing this as a doctor with an interest in infectious diseases who is currently studying a masters of international public health. Myths and facts about COVID-19.
Myth: “COVID-19 is just like getting the flu”
COVID-19 is not just like the flu! The symptoms are often similar, that’s true. But there are key differences:
Mortality: 0.1%
Vaccine availability: Vaccine updated yearly
Scientific understanding: Excellent
R0: 1.2
Mortality: ~3%
Vaccine availability: Does not exist
Scientific understanding: Limited, highly unpredictable
Note: R0 is the number of people that the average infected person then goes on to infect
So essentially - coronavirus is much more contagious, is many times more deadly, there’s no vaccine and it’s highly unpredictable.
Myth: “Coronavirus is killed by warm weather”
I saw this floating around in a chain email purportedly from “Stanford University”, which claimed that a temperature of 26 degrees would kill the virus. There is no evidence to suggest this. If this were the case, the virus would die inside our bodies (~36 degrees) and nobody would get sick… It is important to note also that the WHO points out that cold weather similarly does not kill the virus.
Myth: “Drinking warm water kills viruses”
Nope. Water doesn’t have any toxic effects, and warming it slightly doesn’t change that. Even if it did, the virus is in your airways, not your stomach.
Myth: “If you have a runny nose, you cannot have COVID-19”
Another ridiculous claim. In general, in medicine, never/always statements are rarely correct, especially when looking at symptoms. There are always variations in symptoms between different people in the real world.
Myth: “Hand sanitiser is better than soap and water”
False. It’s the other way around. Soap breaks down the fatty bilayer which forms the “envelope” or wall of the viral particle. It does this in a similar way to ethanol-based handwashes, but most commercial hand sanitisers have a lower ethanol content and are not as effective. To be effective against coronavirus, your hand sanitiser should have at least a 60% ethanol content.
Myth: “I’m young and healthy, if I get coronavirus I’ll be fine”
Many young people who get COVID-19 will suffer a flu-like illness and not need hospitalisation but there’s also strong evidence that young healthy people can also get very sick with COVID-19. For example, more than 50% of patients admitted to ICU in France were under 60.
Myth: “If you can hold your breath for ten seconds without coughing, you cannot have COVID-19”
If it were that easy to diagnose coronavirus, the hospital and GP system would be under a whole lot less pressure. Once again, these simple, “too good to be true” claims are exactly that.
Myth: “Antibiotics can treat COVID-19”
Antibiotics have no activity against viruses - they are used exclusively for bacteria. Occasionally, very unwell people with COVID-19 may develop superimposed bacterial infections in hospital, and is this setting antibiotics will be used. But this is to treat the bacterial pneumonia, not the COVID-19 infection. Currently, there are no WHO-recommended medications to treat COVID-19, although reports are coming out of some countries that some antivirals usually used in treatment of hepatitis or HIV may be beneficial.
Fact: Ibuprofen should be avoided in patients with COVID-19.
Ibuprofen, sold under brand names such as nurofen or advil, is an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). It’s used for a variety of inflammatory conditions, and is also sometimes used for fever that is not responding to paracetamol. However, a paper was published on March 11 in the Lancet linking increased ACE2 levels (an enzyme that coronaviruses use to bind to target cells) with COVID-19 infection. This is relevant because ibuprofen can increase levels of ACE2, at least in rats. More research is needed in this area, but for now the WHO has recommended avoiding ibuprofenin COVID-19, and instead using paracetamol. This also implies that theremay be an argument for withholding ACE-Inhibitors (a common blood pressure medication) but the European Society of Cardiology recommends that they are continued.
Fact: Healthcare workers on the front line are doing their absolute best in a very difficult time.
Many of my best friends are working on the front lines as junior doctors, GPs, emergency or medical registrars, nurses, pharmacists and other allied health professions. They are doing their best, but the situation is constantly evolving, and guidelines continue to do change. As such, they may not test you for COVID-19 when you are expecting a test, or otherwise treat you in some way that differs from your expectations. Rest assured that they are working very hard to keep up to date, and to behave in a manner that prioritises not only your health, but also public health and the best possible allocation of resources. Please be patient and honest with, and kind to, them in these challenging times. Speaking as one of them, we really do care about you.
Fact: Panic buying deprives vulnerable people of vital necessities, and is completely unnecessary.
I’ve touched on this earlier, but please do not hoard groceries. Many elderly or people with disabilities do not have the luxury or option of visiting multiple stores, so if they go to a supermarket that has had its shelves cleared out, they have no backup option and may be forced to go without. If everyone were to return to how they shopped a month ago, everyone would have enough food!! The supermarkets never run out of pasta or toilet paper normally, and they will stop running out if people just shop normally. The supermarkets are not going to close, there is no need to hoard food.
Fact: We still have a lot of control over what happens over the next few weeks.
Here, we must learn from the examples of other countries. If we continue to treat COVID-19 with the same cavalier attitude, continuing to attend large events, public places like gyms, churches etc, we will follow in the footsteps of Italy, which now has over 30,000 cases and over 2,500 dead. The death toll there is now climbing by hundreds per day. On the other hand, a combination of widespread closures and shutdown measures, combined with individuals taking responsibility to do their absolute best, will see us closer to countries like Singapore or South Korea, which have dramatically curbed their cases.
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Fact: Social distancing will save lives.
Social distancing will dramatically reduce coronavirus spread. This works both because undiagnosed cases of COVID-19 have less opportunity to spread, and because uninfected people have less opportunity to encounter coronavirus as you go about your life. So please take it seriously, even if you are feeling perfectly well. Stay home unless it is absolutely essential that you leave the house. Wash your hands often, with soap and water. Avoid touching your face.
In summary, we need to make informed, evidence-based decisions to combat this pandemic. It poses grave public health risks if not taken seriously, but we can do a lot to mitigate these risks. This needs to be led by Government, but in the absence of decisive leadership there, we must take the lead ourselves. But our response needs to be one that continues to look after the needs of our most vulnerable members of the community.
0 notes
✈️ what is your dream city and why? 🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like? ☁️ talk about your dream universe. ☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend? (emoji asks; sorry if a bit late)
No problem! Thanks so much for the ask, anon! And if it’s okay with you, I’m going to combine 🌠 and ☁️ into one and put my answer to that at the end, since it’s a bit long. And by “a bit long,” I mean VERY long. For which I apologize.
✈️ What is your dream city and why?
I’m afraid this isn’t going to be a very deep answer, but I’ve always wanted to visit somewhere in Italy—maybe Rome or Venice—to see its beautiful culture, architecture, art, and music. (Although the only Italian I know comes from sheet music—forte, allegro, ritardando.) Barcelona would also be a beautiful place to travel to, and I’d actually know the language there!
Also, my 12-year-old Anglophile self is telling me to put London, so I’ll put that too.
☀️ What do you like the most about your best friend?
I’m going to talk about two of my best IRL friends here. (As far as I know, neither of them are on Tumblr.) I’ve known them both since elementary school; I saw them both recently at my graduation party, and it just reminded me of how much I love them.
One, who’s probably my oldest friend of all (I’ve known her since second grade), is seriously the kindest, nicest person you’ll ever meet. She always tries to see the best in everyone and always has a kind word for someone; the people she loves, she loves with her whole heart. I sometimes feel like I don’t deserve her!
The other one, I love because she’s not afraid to be herself, with her kooky sense of humor and her creativity and her absolute passion for the things she loves (film production, D&D, theatre, classical music). She knows who she is and is confident and unapologetic about it; I can only wish for that kind of confidence. She’s going to Florida in the fall to study film production and acting, and I just know she’ll thrive.
☁️ Talk about your dream universe, and 🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like?
(I’ve combined these because if I was all-powerful and had control of the world, it would probably look a lot like my dream universe. Some of these will involve alterations of science and of human biology—I’m basically playing God here, pretending I have ultimate control of the Earth Control Panel. And, of course, this is by no means a complete list and it’s coming from the mind of a naïve, inexperienced 17-year-old girl [it almost reads like a writing prompt for a school assignment, as I read back over it], so please keep that in mind as you read this list.)
First I’d look at a lot of the current crises in the world and, with a snap of my magical finger, solve them all. For instance: No more Flint water crisis or famine in Yemen. No more genocide or concentration camps anywhere. The COVID-19 pandemic is officially over; everyone is immune to the disease, or at least everyone has easy access to working vaccinations in the foreseeable future so they can be immune, and those who currently have it or are suffering from complications of it are miraculously cured. Also, there are no more anti-maskers or anti-vaxxers.
I’d look at all the terminal illnesses—cancer, AIDS, dementia, advanced heart and lung diseases, etc.—and either declare them to just not exist anymore, so that everyone in the world who currently has them makes a miraculous and painless recovery, or create some sort of cure for each one that’s without major complications and easy to acquire and administer for everyone in the world who needs it. I can do that. I’m God now.
More ongoing, insidious problems like systemic racism would probably be harder for me to fix, even if I was God. But in my dream universe which I’m in charge of, there would be no prejudice or hatred, and everyone would be free to live freely as who they are. Everywhere in the world, LGBTQ+ people are allowed to marry whomever they want and present however they want, without fear of prejudice, discrimination, or arrest. Everyone in the world is free to practice their own religion and beliefs (provided it doesn’t hurt anyone). Those with disabilities are treated without prejudice while also having easy access to whatever medical aid, adaptive devices, etc. they need to live a healthy, successful life. Women can live their lives without fear of sexualization, sexual assault, or r*pe. Racial minorities can live their lives without fear of discrimination, hate crimes, or being killed just for the color of their skin. On that note, police brutality just doesn’t exist anymore, and the American police system has been heavily reformed so that cops really, truly keep everyone safe and protected. (And it certainly doesn’t look like this.) Women, racial minorities, and LGBTQ+ people are fairly and equally represented in schools and in the workforce, and their pay is equal to that of their cishet white male peers. This, of course, is an incomplete list of what I’d do to completely erase discrimination and prejudice (and if I were an all-powerful and all-knowing God instead of a 17-year-old with a limited perspective, I’m sure I’d think of more things). But it’s a start.
The Earth’s climate is—boom!—fixed. The global temperature is much lower and the levels of emissions in the atmosphere and of air & water pollution are no longer so dangerous. Ecosystems are perfectly sustainable, and there’s enough food for everyone to eat (and that food is accessible and fairly distributed to all). Y’know what, while I’m at it, I’m switching all sources of energy to renewable ones that don’t pollute the Earth. And anyone, or any corporation, who messes up this balance—who significantly contributes to pollution or global warming and makes the Earth in danger of going back to its previous condition—will be severely punished. Just to make sure we’ve all learned our lesson from the past several years and decades when the planet was on frickin’ fire.
While I’m talking about ecology: Turtleducks are real now. They’re real, adorable creatures who live alongside regular turtles and regular ducks in ponds & lakes, and they are very happy and loved.
The very rich—especially billionaires—are required to pay proportionate taxes that accurately reflect their wealth and net worth, and tax evasion, fraud, and generally hoarding their wealth are all actions that are heavily punished. The very rich are also required to pay their employees, company workers, and those working under them a fair, livable wage, as well as to give a significant percentage of their income to legitimate causes and charities.
While I’m on the subject: everyone gets a fair, livable wage that allows them to comfortably pay for food, shelter, healthcare, education, and other necessities. And the price of college and of healthcare are—if not free—at least significantly reduced. No one is ever three bad months away from being homeless, and there’s virtually no possibility of families being put in the hole by a medical emergency or a less-than-stellar university scholarship.
Public education gets a ton more funding, and teachers’ salaries in particular are much higher than they currently are. Libraries also get lots more funding, resources, and employees and are open later so they’re accessible to more of the working public. Speaking of accessibility and libraries: research papers no longer cost $40 to even access and read past the abstract. And if they do, then the majority of that money actually goes to the author!
Menstruation isn’t a thing anymore. Also, childbirth is much less painful and dangerous for the woman; the rates of death in childbirth are cranked down to 0%.
Chocolate becomes one of the healthiest, most nutritious foods you can eat. Its taste remains unchanged. And while I’m at it, same for potato chips.
The Tumblr app actually works instead of being a garbage hellfire pit that crashes if I click on a video the wrong way.
Universal language translator device thingies like in Star Trek are a thing. They work perfectly.
And finally, the stars are just a little brighter, and there’s less light pollution, so everyone—including those in big urban areas—are able to look up at them at night.
[Emoji Asks]
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jessicakehoe · 4 years
This Week’s Need-To-Know Beauty News
Glow Recipe launches new cactus water-based PHA and BHA toner
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Help reduce the appearance of pores, smooth, and hydrate skin with this innovative new product. Here’s how to use it in your daily routine: 🍉 Cleanse, and then move on to this first liquid treatment in your routine. Dispense into the palm of hands and gently pat into skin—don’t wipe away or rub. Follow with your eye cream, serum, moisturizer, and SPF or overnight mask (depending on the time of day!) 🍉 If you prefer to use a reusable cotton pad, you can dispense the product onto the cotton pad and gently pat into skin. Again, don’t wipe or rub to minimize friction 🍉 Free of silicone and synthetic dyes, and certified #CleanAtSephora Available exclusively at @sephora and @sephoracanada today. Available at #SephoraInJCP and @cultbeauty May, @meccamaxima 5/26, and @douglas_cosmetics June. *Our model @aleciarodriguez__ is retouch-free* #glowrecipe #crueltyfree #watermelonporetight
A post shared by Glow Recipe (@glowrecipe) on Apr 17, 2020 at 9:02am PDT
Korean skincare brand Glow Recipe has launched a new product for your top shelfie. The Watermelon Glow PHA+BHA Pore-Tight Toner, inspired by the popular Korean beauty aqua peel treatment that suctions out dirt while simultaneously injecting pores with hyaluronic acid, is basically a facial treatment in a bottle. This product has a perfectly balanced formula of six per cent hyaluronic acid + six per cent pore-refining actives (PHA and BHA) — the PHA gently exfoliates the surface of the skin while the naturally derived, oil-soluble willow bark BHA works deep within the pores. Uniquely, the product’s formulation is based on cactus water rather than your typical H2O. The desert-resilient cactus plant is notorious for retaining moisture in barren conditions, and translates the same tactics onto the skin, with a “stretchy” texture. Shop the toner now on sephora.ca. And if you’re looking for more skincare TLC, check out these six new beauty launches.
UNICEF Canada, Food Banks Canada and Help Age Canada utilize MAC Cosmetics’ recent Viva Glam donation for COVID-19 relief
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You can help those impacted by COVID-19 right from home with #MACVIVAGLAM. Get the Lipstick that gives back with 100% and see how local organizations like @unicefcanada, @foodbankscanada and @helpagecanada are using our donation to protect Canada’s most vulnerable communities during this pandemic. Swipe to meet our partners on the front lines! @unicefcanada is donating essential personal and medical supplies while working with governments to ensure that children have access to healthcare, continuing education and psychosocial support. @foodbankscanada is providing meal support to clients in quarantine by supplying local food banks with the foods and resources they need. @helpagecanada is safely delivering food, medication and personal care products to Canadian seniors to let them know they are loved and not alone.
A post shared by M·A·C COSMETICS CANADA (@maccosmeticscanada) on Apr 16, 2020 at 12:35pm PDT
MAC Cosmetics’ charitable program Viva Glam recently donated $10 million USD (roughly $14 million CAD) to support vulnerable communities during the coronavirus pandemic — and the local recipients are already making good use of their grants. Globally, UNICEF has partnered with the World Health Organization through the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. All money collected funnels into training and equipping communities and healthcare workers to prevent, detect and treat COVID-19. Canada’s branch is just as thrilled to be assisting. “UNICEF Canada is deeply grateful to MAC Cosmetics Canada for its commitment to protect the world’s most vulnerable children during the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Linton Carter, chief development officer of UNICEF Canada. “Our global response includes providing critical hygiene and medical supplies, access to continuing education and psychosocial support. We are also working with governments to ensure children have access to health care, including routine vaccination programs.”
With the funds that HelpAge Canada is receiving, they have been able to launch a national appeal to support isolated, low-income seniors in Canada. Preventing loneliness triggered by isolation and fostering healthy, active communities is their aim. “HelpAge Canada is proud to stand alongside our Canadian seniors and provide the safe delivery of food, medications, hygiene products and personal care and to let them know they are loved and are not alone,” HelpAge said in a release, acknowledging that older people are at the highest risk of COVID-19 infection, which has further isolated them from basic necessitiesy. “On behalf of HelpAge Canada, our tireless partners, and seniors everywhere in Canada: Thank you MAC Cosmetics Canada for your generous support!”
If you want to contribute to MAC Cosmetics’ efforts, 100 per cent of MAC Viva Glam lipstick purchases will go toward further assisting these organizations. Plus, you can share an Instagram message of support using #MACVIVAGLAM.
Eau Thermale Avène launches the Skin & Cancer program in support of cancer patients across Canada
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REDUCE ACNEIFORM ERUPTIONS using Cicalfate+ Restorative cream: it heals, sanitises and soothes your protective skin barrier, with its isolating bandage texture, to help the healing process of acne pimples on the face or body. . ATTÉNUER LES ÉRUPTIONS ACNÉIFORMES en utilisant la crème Restauratrice Cicalfate+ : elle cicatrise, assainit et apaise votre barrière cutanée protectrice, avec sa texture de pansement isolant, pour favoriser le processus de cicatrisation des boutons d'acné sur le visage ou encore sur le corps. #AvèneCanada #AvèneMoment #LeDondApaiser #SoothingByNature #ThermalSpringWater #Cicalfate
A post shared by Avène Canada (@eauthermaleaveneca) on Apr 12, 2020 at 8:21am PDT
Skincare brand Eau Thermale Avène has launched its Skin & Cancer program, a project aimed at preserving the health and comfort of cancer patients’ skin. Launching with seven products — a thermal spring water spray to soothe weakened skin, a gentle cleansing lotion, two different creams, a healing balm, a non-comedogenic sunscreen and an SPF-infused tinted compact — the line aims to alleviate the impact that cancer treatments pose to the skin. “The side effects range from mild discomfort to extremely disabling situations which can even prevent patients from continuing with the cancer treatment itself,” said Dr. Didier Guerrero, consultant dermatologist at Avène Dermatology Laboratories. Eau Thermal Avène is known for its thermal waters, which hold healing properties, and are sourced directly from the springs of Avène. In line with the brand’s 30th anniversary, Eau Thermale Avène has partnered with the Canadian Cancer Society, and will donate $1 for every limited-edition bottle of the Avène Thermal Spring Water Spray sold, until their 2020 goal of $15,000 is reached. Find them in all pharmacies across Canada.
Haircare and skincare brand Monat produces hand sanitizers and disaster relief kits for frontline healthcare workers
Photography courtesy of Monat Global
Haircare and skincare brand Monat is stepping in to support the current global circumstances. Monat Global has established a Gratitude Program, which has allowed the brand to distribute disaster relief kits, filled with a variety of personal care items. So far, they have given approximately 1,000 disaster relief kits to frontline healthcare workers across four Canadian hospitals.
Additionally, Monat has shifted gears in its own manufacturing facilities and started producing hand sanitizer. The company has made 240,000 bottles of hand sanitizers thus far, providing 27,000 of them to Canadian hospitals. “Making an impact on the communities in which we live and work is a fundamental part of our DNA. Seeing our communities in need made this a simple decision.” Stuart MacMillan, president of Monat Global said.
The post This Week’s Need-To-Know Beauty News appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
This Week’s Need-To-Know Beauty News published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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Post 3
This post is going to cover my wife’s perspective in regards to our son’s diagnosis with Cystic Fibrosis. I started to try and write this by myself from what I knew her experiences were, but I found that was not as easy as I thought and did not seem as interesting to read. Thus I decided to use the question and answer format for this post. I asked the questions and the responses and answers are my wife’s. I hope you enjoy the read.
Q1: Did you have any idea during your pregnancy or after William was born that he may have a disability?
A1: No. I had done a few standard blood tests that most pregnant women get that rule out things like cystic fibrosis. I was negative for the most common CF gene mutation as well as signs for other issues. When he was born, his vitals were great and he looked perfectly healthy so I had no idea.
Q2: What were your thoughts and feelings during William’s repeated blood tests in the hospital in the days after he was born? Were you worried or did you just think it was an error during testing?
A2: I was worried very little at the beginning because I had no reason to think he may have CF. As far as we both know, no one on either side of the family had CF. As each blood test came back slightly elevated, I started to worry a little more. The doctor though reassured us that these blood tests are very basic and can be inaccurate. He said that these blood tests on newborns can come back elevated but often level out after about a week. So, more in-depth testing would have to be done to actually determine if he had cystic fibrosis or not.
Q3: After the blood tests continually came back elevated and William had to begin getting sweat tests done, did you begin to worry?
A3: Like I mentioned a minute ago I started to worry more and more with each blood test. I wasn’t panicking though. Deep down I felt like he didn’t have CF and the sweat test would prove that.
Q4: After the first inconclusive sweat test how did you feel?
A4: I was very frustrated and honestly, pretty pissed. I was supposed to be at home loving on my new baby and healing from a csection. Instead, I was sent to an understaffed special lab and forced to sit in a heated room with my newborn baby bundled up in a fleece hat and multiple blankets. The thought of having to put him through another sweat test was heartbreaking, especially because I didn’t think he had cystic fibrosis.
Q5: On the day we first found out Willie had CF, when I handed the phone to you, what were Dr. Friedman’s exact words if you can remember?
A5: He said, “William’s sweat test came back positive. So, he does have cystic fibrosis. The results for the test are from 1 to 100 and anything over 50 is considered positive for cystic fibrosis. William came in at 68.” I’m pretty sure he was still talking after that but I don’t remember. I heard that he had cystic fibrosis. I kind of went numb after that and I remember just putting the phone down pulling Willie to my chestvand just crying.
Q6: What were you feeling when you first realized and comprehended that Willie had CF?
A6: I was scared and heartbroken. At the time, I thought CF was a death sentence and he wouldn’t live past his teens or early 20s. I didn’t want him to live hooked up to oxygen or grow up waiting for a lung transplant.
Q7: What was the hardest part in that first month after his diagnosis?
A7: Two things. Because we didn’t know his pancreas worked yet or not, I had to give him enzymes every time I breastfed. I was horrible at remembering to give him the pellets in the middle of the night. The other thing that was hard was full grasping that this didn’t mean he would die young.
Q8:What has been the hardest part since that first month?
A8: Hands down his breathing treatments. He hates them and cries and screams when he has to do them. I do one every morning and one every night. The morning one is hyper saline and takes about 45 mins and the one at night only takes about 15 so it’s not as bad. It’s so sad because I know this what I have to do to make sure he can live a long healthy life but I hate making him cry like he does.
Q9: How has having a son with CF affected how you view life?
A9: Wow, thats a loaded question so I’ll just give you the jist. I’m more grateful for the health I have personally. It has caused me to think a lot more about death and our vulnerability as humans. We aren’t promised tomorrow or an easy life at that.
Q10: How has having a son with CF affected your outlook on the Covid-19 situation? Has it affected your daily life differently than if he had not had CF?
A10: Oh my gosh has it affected my outlook! I’m concerned about you and I getting it but I feel like we’d be fine. William on the other hand is considered a high risk patient because of his CF. I think I’d be worried for him even without him having CF but because he does have CF, I’m hyper aware of germs anyway and this just takes it to a new level. It makes me OCD and anxious about every little detail. I know my daily life right now with a CF son and COVID-19, I go above and beyond most. I do my best to sanitize everything but also carry around hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes just in case I need them.
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