#cover your eyes I guess
tohellandback99 · 1 year
So I was thinking about the various bits of Wendell and Wild merch that I would personally love to see and purchase from stores. I have a small plethora of things that I can think of. One of the things is a poster or something of Raul’s art to mount or display on my wall. Why? It’s something relating to Raul that isn’t on a t shirt or something generic that I can think would best show my appreciation of him than on any other type of merch. And he DESERVES some. I respect artists’ work, who talk about deep shit in their art that’s done symbolically and it’s also gorgeous why wouldn’t I? And now, I’ve found it priority for me to speak on this one thing just separately right now, and you will see exactly why. Cause what I JUST seen this morning has given me urgent cause of reckoning!
I just was minding my business and doing things around the house. I put the movie on of course as is my custom as a bonafide, STAN. I see this in the credits as I look over. my jaw DROPPED, and when I thought about why they might have changed it I was immediately depressed:
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WHY DID YOU CENSOR HER? Raul couldn’t have done this! This must be the initial drawing. It makes no sense to me.
People sexualize, fetishize a feminine body in every piece of media. Disproportionate, overly sexualized bodies all the time in animation. We put pink bows, lace and ribbons on women’s and GIRL’S bras and underwear, like it’s Christmas Eve but we never show or talk about what’s under a woman’s clothes and it’s not only exhausting to see. But degrading of a woman’s body. Not to mention all the actual harm it does.
The fact that they put it in the credits doesn’t do anything besides sweep it under the rug still and taunt us all at the same time!
How on earth is this “too much” for people when we have lord Belzer shitting out souls from his literal ass? I mean, really
Were they afraid this will turn David on? Or what Becky will say, who goes to every pta meeting and disproportionately freaks out about supposed “sex material” in media and literature, sex education? Talk of periods? Mentioning that oh, gay people exist and that’s fine? Says more about them than a stop motion character’s tits in a drawing. This is REAL, HUMAN anatomy. RIGHT HERE! Yes 🙌 This is reality
I just want to enjoy the bloody artwork! I’m not angry at the end result, I’m sad that that’s probably why they changed it is all.
I don’t know who made this, if this was all done by Pablo Lobato. I don’t know and if someone does I’m curious. but it’s amazing and I appreciate you for doing this even if it didn’t go through. I’m so sorry that you had to cover her boobs for parents who get “uncomfy.” Oh my god. 🙄
If I can get a print or something of this? this is the one I want. No censorship.
Was it Irmgard who censored this? It was Irmgard, wasn’t it? 😂 I bet it was Irmgard.
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collectorcookie · 4 months
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they released the full body image for the outfits and i now get to roast murr on unsafe lab practices (<- worked in labs before). Explanation in tags
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messrsbyler · 2 years
byler headcanon where…
mike, who loves writing as we all know, also loves to read (duh) and one of his favorite books is the hobbit and, well, he kind of loses it when will confesses to him he hasn’t read it yet. so next day at school mike shoves his copy into will’s hands and tells him to read it so they can talk about it soon. and will reads it… but he’s not as fast as mike and he kind of dozes off the pages a lot when a scene gets really stuck in his head. next thing he knows he’s doodling in the margins of the book whatever just happened in the previous chapter with a pen nonetheless.
ofc will panics bc he knows mike loves to have his books in pristine condition and will didn’t mean to basically deface mike favorite book? so as soon as he’s back home he rushes to his room to check his savings and see if he has enough money to get mike a new copy. he doesn’t. maybe jonathan could help him out, or his mom, but it feels wrong to make them responsible for will’s mistake. besides, that would be lying to mike, and that’s something will won’t do.
next day mike is waiting for him at the school’s entrance with a bounce in his step and vibrant eyes. he wastes no time to ask “so? did you read it? did you like it? what was your favorite part?”.
will bites his lip and mike’s eyes drop to the book he’s holding in his hands. “uhm, mike. i-"
“i sort of got distracted… while i was reading and i… uh-"
“hey” mike smiles at him and bumps their shoulders together. “it’s not big deal if you didn’t finish it yet. it’s a long book, after all. sorry, i didn’t want to pressure you.”
“you didn’t!” will rushes to say and mike’s brows spring up in surprise with a curious glance. “i mean, i haven’t finished it. but that’s not what i wanted… to say.”
“oh.” mike frowns. “so… you haven’t liked it so far? you don’t have to keep reading if-"
“i am liking it! a lot. but i also… i just… uhm, here. it’s better if you look by yourself.” will hands mike the copy did the book and glues his eyes to his shoes. his neck and cheeks prickle with heat at the same time something cold pools in his stomach. “sorry.”
“why are you-"
“just open it, mike.”
mike keeps quiet for a second and will can feel his eyes roaming through will’s body. and will knows mike is probably biting his tongue not to ask if he’s okay, if something happened, if it has to do with the upside down. he doesn’t ask, though, and will breathes a little better like that.
“okay, then?” and mike opens the book. and there, on the very first page at the title there’s nothing. mike keeps thumbing through the pages, probably confused. and then, “oh.”
yup, there it is. between the ending of a chapter and the beginning of another, will’s first doodle in the margins of the page. an illustration of what is happening in the pages with some of the blue ink smeared where will’s hand hovered too close to the paper and the smell of his ballpoint impressed on the page.
will looks up with his bottom lip still stuck between his teeth. mike’s eyes are pinned to the page, mouth barely parted and a frown barely hiding under his bangs.
“i’m so sorry, mike. i know you like to have your books as they come from the bookstore.” that is true. mike is the type of guy that rejects things like dog ears for marking a page or a broken spine. let alone a drawing in fucking blue ink in the middle of the book. “i- i kinda dozed off while reading? and i started doodling without noticing and then i saw what i did and it’s ink so i can’t erase it and- i thought on getting you a new copy. maybe next month? i probably can save enough by then-“
mike’s steady hand on his shoulder shuts will right up. he freezes under mike’s touch until his body recognises mike’s shape, the curve of his palm and the length of his fingers right where will’s neck connects with his shoulder. mike’s hand has been a constant weight there throughout their friendship. an anchor and a comfort, and so after the initial shock he gets whenever someone touches him (a little thing the upside down left him), will melted under the touch. his muscles go slack and he breathes out.
“will, i’m not mad.”
will blinks. he didn’t think mike would get mad. it’s hard to make mike mad, after all. well, no. that’s not true. it’s extremely easy to get mike worked up, but not for will. it’s as if mike has a few extra doses of patience reserved only for him. so, yeah. will didn’t expect mike to be mad, but he also didn’t expect to see mike smiling at him in that soft way of his, with a faint blush creeping up his neck and cheeks.
“you… are not?”
“of course not! are you kidding? will, this is so cool!” mike looks down at the drawing and his hand leaves will’s shoulder and a cold spot behind. mike’s fingers trace will’s defined lines in blue ink and it looks so… intimate. hell, is the sun suddenly hitting will with all its might? because he’s feeling a bit too squirmy and tickly on the back. and also a bit hot on the face. maybe he’s coming down with a fever. or maybe mike wheeler is being a menace to his health as always. “this drawing… it’s exactly what i see when i read the book.”
“really?” oh, great. just fantastic. more blushing.
“yeah. did you draw more?” mike thumbs through the pages and finds other two doodles, and he looks equally fascinated with both. “i… i love them, will.”
will could basically be classified as a new type of tomato right about now with how hot his cheeks burn. “you do?”
mike snorts and nods, looking up at will. “of course! why wouldn’t i? you know i love all of your art.”
deep breaths, byers. it’s not a good idea to hyperventilate right in front of your best friend you are in love with just because he loves your art. will clenches his hands and hides them in his pockets.
“uh, well. i just- i know you like to keep your books like brand new so- and that’s your favorite book too.”
“it for sure is my favorite one now.”
mike tilts his head and his eyes narrow to block the sunlight coming from will’s back. “well, because now you are in it, of course.”
“that’s- cool.”
“yeah. cool.” mike smiles and will smiles back, feeling like he’s standing on air, as light as the clouds and about to float away at any second. but, well, even if he did, will knows would be there to keep him grounded and next to him. the thought is a bit dizzying and will pushes it away. “so… i’m guessing this is why you didn’t finish it? spent all the time doodling the scenes?” mike lifts the book and wiggles it in front of will.
will sighs. “yeah. maybe it was that.”
mike considers this for a moment and… okay, will isn’t sure what mike is even considering. next thing mike is snapping his fingers and giving the book back to will.
“tell you what. why don’t we head to mine after school?”
will tilts his head. “to read?”
“just trust me.”
the day comes and goes and before will knows it the last bell is ringing and he’s pushing his bike out of school and down the street to mike’s house with mike right beside him. will notices not lucas nor dustin follow them beyond their own houses. will also notices mike stops at lucas house for a few minutes before coming back next to will so they bike to his home. oh, okay. so this is a mike and will thing, and not a party thing. cool. that’s cool.
will isn’t sure what mike has in mind as they climb down to his basement. they slump down in the couch and mike opens his backpack right away.
“get the book,” he tells will and will does.
when he sits back up and look at mike, will is surprised to find another copy of the hobbit on mike’s lap. that one looks more worn down, with a broken spine and yellow-ish pages. definitely not mike’s.
will tenses and then melts when he feels mike’s thumb running up between his brows.
“stop with the growing,” mike laughs. “you are going to start to look to much like me.”
will rolls his eyes but can’t help the smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “and what a tragedy would that be.” mike snorts and mike points at the book on mike’s lap. “where did that one come from?”
“i borrowed it from lucas.”
“oh. uhm, why?”
“so we can read! well,” mike gestures with his hands on the air like he does a lot when trying to get his point across. it’s a cute gesture will always notices. “so i can read while you draw.”
mike looks down at the book and there, again, there’s a faint shade of pink crawling up his neck and cheeks. mike shrugs and takes a breath in, looking back at will.
“i just thought i could, you know, read the book to you. out loud. i love the hobbit after all and a reread was long overdue. besides, like that you can keep drawing on my copy while i read to you.”
will’s eyes go a bit wide and he blinks in surprise. will knows mike as well as the palm of his hand, but there are moments when his best friend still manages to throw him out of balance in surprise.
“you want me to… keep drawing on your book?”
mike shrugs. it’s shy and contained, as if he was trying to make the gesture as small as possible. “if that’s okay with you.”
“is that okay with you?”
mike nods. “hell, yeah. like that, next time i read my copy i can see your drawings. i just… i don’t know… i think that would be pretty… cool.”
will stares into mike’s eyes and goddamnit his heart better not throw him under the bus by jumping out of his mouth directly into mike’s lap. “okay. yeah, let’s do it.”
they find a comfortable position on the couch that ends up both of them laying on it in opposite directions, each of them resting their head on a couch arm and getting a pretty good view of the other. it’s a bit of a tight fit, especially since they aren’t little kids anymore and the couch didn’t care to grow along with them during all these years. but will is comfortable right where he is, with his hip pressed against mike’s hip, his legs being mike’s arm support, and just having mike this close at all.
it’s also not the most comfortable position to draw and will’s hand is about to cramp like hell, but he’ll choose to be haunted by another demogorgon before suggesting to move even an inch from where they are.
so, with his blue ballpoint in hand and both books opened at page 64, mike starts reading and will sinks into the melody of his voice, butterflies flapping against the edges of his stomach when mike makes voices for each character and when he sings under his breath the songs in a made up melody. mike’s voice wraps around will and guides his strokes on each page. will absorbed every word, every sentence, each one being carved in his brain with mike’s voice. his heart is pounding behind his ribs, fast but gentle at the same time, and soon he is dragged into a world of fantasy where the only ones from hawkins who remain to exist are him and mike.
they keep going like that for about a hundred and something pages and before they notice it a couple of hours have gone by.
“stay for dinner? we can keep reading after,” mike says as he stretches his arms up. his feet push against will’s shoulder.
“doesn’t your throat hurt reading for that long?” will asks, noticing mike’s voice as turned a bit raspier in the last hour. not something he hates, by any means. but, yeah. will notices.
“nah, i’m good. so, do you wanna?”
will smiles and nods. “yeah, sure.”
they don’t finish the book that night, but will doodles on many pages and by the time he gets home, he can still hear mike’s voice bouncing inside his ears, comforting and soft and just so… mike’s.
will slumps on bed face first and smiles into his pillow like the idiot in love he is. his fingers ache for keep drawing, but he doesn’t want to keep reading what’s left of the book without mike. this is their thing now, something they share and will wouldn’t have it any other way.
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smalltimidbean · 10 months
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Hey Bean, you got a little- A little something- Right there- Yeah
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hauntinglyghostie · 5 months
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I don't want to be the one to tell you that the world is broke, but you're so innocent, you cannot separate fire from the smoke. [Up To No Good - The Hoosiers] shoutout to Bo (@//rainbowpufflez) for showing me this song. because it has NOT left my brain, and here we are.
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sometimes looking at like Self Help Strategies lists for the symptoms I'm having is always just like:
thing that I already do
thing I have tried 10 times
thing I already do
thing that I don't have the money to do
thing I already do
thing I've been doing since I was 10yrs old to no avail
thing that is impossible given my situation
thing that doesn't apply to me
thing that I already do
thing I have already tried
hrmm, oh wait, maybe finally- OH, yeah.. okay. thing that I already do but it was just phrased slightly differently
thing I have already done
#I think maybe productivity tips help less if the reason you're unproductive is partially like.. physcial health and other extenral things#out of your control. rather than just like having trouble paying attention or spending too much time on tiktok or whatever#all the strategic to do lists in the world are not going to somehow prevent me from waking up with a debilitating migraine or whatever#or having external stressors or lacking resources and connections or other Productivity Essentials etc.#especially many tips involve stuff like 'cut off from social media' since thats the modern day time waster for so many poeple#and it's like.. lol.. i can hardly even maintain a blog even thuogh i actively WANT TO DO SO. 'shut off your smart phone!' already#done babey i fucking hate smart phones i shall never use an app unless i am forced to. 'delete tiktok' yep. already covered. tiktok and#all of those thinsg are my enemies. 'save money by cancelling some of your services' cool. already ahead of you.#who the fuck is out here paying for like 10 different subscription services. pirated videos uploaded to google drive and youtube to mp3#my beloved. etc. etc. and so on. 'socialize less' .........LOL.. if only you knew.. mr.writer of the article. i can barely muster#talking to friends more than once a month and even less if I'm actively sick (often occurence) etc. etc. ... hewoo#I think maybe instead of generic productivity tips I need more like.. how to refocus and be productive anyway even if you have a headache#or are nauseous or etc. Not that those are always things to ignore. and of course you should let your body rest and etc. But plenty of peop#e have mild physical symptoms and just work through them. Ithink something about the way my body/mind is SOO hyper attuned to all#sensory information just makes it like... constantly 'GRR well I cant focus on WRITING right now because my lef#t ear feels weird and my socks are too itchy and my back has a strange pressure and I'm vaguely warm and my eye feels some ssort of#way it doesnt normally feel and I'm hyperaware of my breathing and also nauseous for no reason' and like half of those things I#think '''normal''' people wouldnt even notice or at least would be able to just live through. but for me it's like.. nealry impossible to i#gnore and soooo distracting always. like 'wahh.. nooo we can't draw or get anything done.. my legs feel slightly heavy or something!!'#like............. ok......... who cares. thats not even a PAIN sensation it's just something weird. but it's just like.. NO. constant#mental alerts about the 'heaviness' of your legs be upon ye. Though Imean like.. yes.. 70% of the time I am in genuine pain#or having some sort of actual ailment with trackable physical symptoms. but sometimes it's just like... we could totally be working right#now and ignoring this silly thing but my brain is fixated on it for no reason uncontrollably. etc. etc. I guess it's the same way that like#most people can go to a grocery store without the whole experience being so overwhelming and so much stuff going on at once#that they have to rest afterwards but like.. in my own HOME doing NOTHING i feel like I should be able to not get overwhelmed lol. ANYWAY#Rolling my bastard little rock up a dumbass hill and so on and so forth
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stitchthesewords · 1 year
Reckless Charge
With Decked Out 2 finally finished, Tango is able to rest a bit. Find a hermit every night who's bed he can share, see the sun occasionally, normal and healthy things for the local blaze hybrid. Following Etho home after a successful run for some sleep was exactly what Tango indeed to do. No more looking through his maze of redstone and carefully themed rooms for every minor bug, flaw, and crack in the system. A game for his family to enjoy at their leisure. That is, until Jevin accidentally reveals a far bigger flaw of Decked Out 2 to Tango - and it's one he can't just fix. Not on his own. His hands shake and the tiredness leaves him entirely as he's called back to Decked Out 2, back to home, in order to fix it before it's too late.
Relationships: OnScreen Etho/Tango, Implied PolyHermits
Major Characters: Tango, Etho, Tiny Tom
TW: Temporary Character Death, PTSD from the Life Series, Child in danger [but not harmed], Injuries, Panic Attacks
Hiiiii I got a little possessed by Decked Out 2 do you still love me. I blame @em-mermaid bc she was like 'what if the hermit kids' and i said 'what IF the hermit kids!!!' and. Well. Here we are.
Taglist below!
@atherix @braxiatel @greatbridge @ellalily @lesbianwilby @em-mermaid @loombarrow @sparksnevadas @aceofthefandoms @halfapersob
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gailynovelry · 3 months
A little bit of book design wisdom; an ideal cover title should remain legible from a certain distance and at a thumbnail size.
Part of getting this to work is letter thickness, part of this is text size, and part of this is making sure that color contrast distinguishes the text from the background. If you're struggling with contrast, slap an outline around the text. Even a really thin one can work wonders.
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obstinaterixatrix · 4 months
also I told them that I think I can say I don’t like 50s pop from the usa, but as we kept going I was like ‘well, I guess I do like [specific 50s pop song]’ and we kept having to narrow it down & sister thinks, specifically, I don’t like slow white doo-wop from the 50s. she might be right
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bitchy-peachy · 2 months
Nurse: sorry you can't dress like that at the hospital.
Me (after noticing other women showing way more skin than me): are you gonna tell them that or did you only single me out because of my appearance?
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nemoys · 1 year
do you ever just think of how jaw droppingly gorgeously gob smackingly beautiful alhaitham's eyes are. do you ever wonder why in the world he had to have pretty lashes to boot. because i do, and i have been, for the last three hours.
I also like to imagine that he puts on kohl (or kajal whatever you call it) every morning because holy shit the definition is crazy ??
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lrdvyke · 4 months
something i've begun to wonder ( going back to eyes once more for the frenzy ghkjsg ) is that the frenzy flamed villagers have little flames coming out of their eye sockets. originally i thought that's the progression of what would happen should both eyes be scooped out. the flame inside simply starts being more prominent or something along those lines. however, once you get inside the underground church leading to the three fingers, you see every single one of the merchants eyeless yet still able to do the frenzy incantations.
connecting the dots ( maybe ), there's a chance that the villagers still have their eyes, the flames coming out of them is simply just the progression of how the eyes go when infected. slowly, after a while, they will be aflame in your sockets until you either die to the frenzy, or scoop them out.
so, quality of life for escaped vyke; there's a high possibility that the last eye left to him will slowly start sparking into a flame if left in long enough. might be better for him, in the end, to scoop it out 🤔 or is it a lose-lose situation, where keeping the eye in for sure makes you succumb faster, but if you scoop them out there's another chance it will also make you succumb faster because that's what you're meant to do after all ( who knows what you see once they're out, you know—if given to the whole hivemind theory, that is ) ?
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zsofiarosebud · 7 months
@ the writer-filmmaker scripting my life: stop doing shit and go direct somebody else's life please. I do not like your match cuts.
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mercymaker · 11 months
also I just remembered my dream and it was literally loading into bg3 and finding out the mods/patch broke it beyond recognition and mal just looked like the forsaken undead from wow
yellow eyes, parts of her cheek missing, skeletal hands
not only that! I thought it looked cool so I decided to take some screenshots but every time I'd move the camera it would also move the terrain and squish the meshes it was INSANE
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moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
Calling it a night and I'm going to try and fall asleep before 2 in the morning
#and i want to ramble in the tags because eh i guess chatty mood#one thing i am quickly noticing looking at a few covers of spider-man & venom related stuff#is that the spider-man white-eyes design is so fucking cool actually#that's one thing that i am absolutely 100% on the comics side for#those white eyes just do Not look the same if they're not drawn in 2d#their design is so fun they feel so expressive#i feel like i did when i drew that like dozen of little bill ciphers making different faces#like i just unlocked a new thing you can do with your art and it's on my level and i need to try it out#i feel too sick for drawing though#when into the spiderverse came out and people were posting spidersonas i remember vaguely wanting to join in#but i feel like only now am i truly having the epiphany of how neat his suit looks#and i really do Not like the direction they took it in the movies#like the realism of it is kind of a turnoff for me#i like the way it looks in a 2d drawing but less the more realistic vibe of movies/recent video games#i love stylised shit!!!!! i love when stuff is stylised and works in ways that wouldn't necessarily work well irl!!!#i love the lack of texture and the textures you only get from a drawing#the fucking eyes...... i love those eyes#also i think i could be sold on the big pointy needle teeth venom has haha#i'm not too big into tonnes of teeth - two/four yeah i love vampires#but the mouthful of teeth was just a little too much for me at first#but the more i see it the less i find it yucky#i showed my friend a picture because i am incapable of being normal#and they were like oh he's so scary!!!#i got used to it personally and i just saw a style of vfx i'm not super fond of#ANYWAY. i love talking. if someone wants me to be background noise in vocal chat one day i love doing that#wow i have a ramble tag now
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sysig · 2 years
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What if DAX was a cat (Patreon)
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