#courtney-heather conflict
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tenaciousanchorpersona · 2 months ago
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The old and the, real, new heather: these girls share similarities in that they order others around through their means of leadership, both via Bossiness and Intimidation, respectively, and they're both the antagonists.
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zanymk · 2 months ago
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"More like a B.I.T.C-"
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veiwryn · 9 months ago
Egypt Episode after Teams are formed pt 3. — Team Chris
Without Izzy on the (newly dubbed) Team Chris, the camel is more difficult to travel with. No one on that team can make it move, and the only reason they hadn't abandoned it, is because of Sierra.
Courtney was frustrated and nearly gave up when the uberfan pulled her arm and told the team they had to figure something out. That Chris wouldn't give them something without reason. She would go a little more into depth, like how in the final four challenge in season one—Sierra mentioning Duncan made Court very bitter for a quick moment—where Chris and Chef left only two bags with different items. Saying how Chris was definitely testing them, so they should take the camel!
Not wanting to argue with her potential ally, and being surprised by the logic, Courtney relented. And the team continued to bribe the camel, it wasn't until Courtney made a sound of frustration did the camel move.
"Courtney, do that again!" Called Gwen, without question the Type A does so. The camel moves a few steps forward. THE CAMEL MOVED!! Even if it was Gwen who said it, Courtney can't help but be happy that they finally found a way to get the darn animal to walk. Now it was time to venture off.
Rather than have Cody hanging by the tail, Sierra would cradle him. The geek shoots the camera an anxious look while Sierra wears a content smile. Courtney is at the front, while Gwen is in the back. Tyler and Sierra (with Cody in the fan's lap) act like barriers in case an argument arises. Not like they minded, Tyler was more than happy to talk with Sierra as Courtney instructed the camel to go.
(There'd be a confessional from Courtney about having to add "Fluent in camel" to her resume).
They're the last team to arrive to the Nile, and everyone else is half-way done with their boats. With Sierra's skills in basket weaving, they quickly catch up and managed to finish their boat around the same time as everyone else.
But another problem arises when they have to make the camel move onto the boat, it wouldn't budge. No matter what Courtney did, and the odd looks it got her from everyone, the camel wouldn't move.
Having some down time, Izzy would come over and say how she was impress by Courtney's camel talk, offering a few pointers. Izzy exclaimed how she'd wish to speak camel with Courtney more often before Eva came over to take Iz back.
Having learned a few things, Courtney uses it to move the camel onto the boat. (Although they're behind the other two groups). It does work.
Other stuff I forgot to mention for this team;
Cody would have a confessional saying how Sierra makes him uncomfortable. He wouldn't have a lot of speaking lines, but is seen by Tyler when he's not with Sierra.
Sierra, as much as I hated this plot, is creepy towards Cody. But it's mild. She mainly carries him around and reveals things about Cody, or any other contestant. While she wants to stick with Cody, but she acknowledges that helping Courtney would be more beneficial to the team. (And it wouldn't risk the elimination of her or her codykins). Plus, it's not like Courtney is giving her much of a choice.
Tyler, like Cody, isn't a prominent character this episode. He'd be used for comedic gags, and as Cody's escape from Sierra. However, there will be a small moment where he asks if Gwen’s okay and offer comforting words. Having no one else to confide in, this would be the start of the Gwen-Tyler friendship, even if they don't realize it yet.
Speaking of Gwen, not having Heather on their team doesn't give her or Courtney a person to blame. So the "blame" would fall onto Gwen. Instead of Heather being the target, Courtney will target Gwen, and she doesn't try to stop it. Instead prompting to distance herself from the CIT to make herself less visible. She tries to stay in the background, but she has her moments throughout the episode.
And I don't think I have much to say on Courtney.
Three teams in the Nile, and the end of the episode is approaching quickly. Let's see how the cast's time in Egypt end!
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fraudulent-cheese · 11 months ago
Actually I’m curious what’s your opinion on jo
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mediaevalmusereads · 2 months ago
Favorite Books of 2024
Ok, I usually do a whole post where I categorize every book I've read over the year into Good, Bad, and Meh. I read WAY too many books this year to do that, so you're getting this instead.
TOP 10 FAVORITES (if I have to choose - in no particular order):
A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller Jr.
This book blew through my expectations and, as a former medievalist, I was hooked on the way monastic life was reimagined in a post-apocalyptic setting.
The Overstory by Richard Powers
I've never read a book more passionate about trees and nature. The effect was both devastating and hopeful.
The Children of Men by PD James
This one also blew through my expectations, layering complex questions about the purpose of life atop a dystopian landscape.
Ducks by Kate Beaton
A graphic memoir detailing Beaton's experience working the oil sands in Canada. Melancholy but immensely compassionate towards itinerant workers.
The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen.
I'm not sure if this was "good," but for some reason, the worldbuilding and character dynamics stuck with me. I do think, however, it portrays the lived experience of discrimination well.
Native Speaker by Chang-Rae Lee
I loved the way this book thought about identity, culture, and language. Lee also has a gift for prose - I loved his sentences.
Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Fairies by Heather Fawcett
I usually don't like faerie books because too many of them portray faeries as humans with emotional abuse issues. This book, however, made them both whimsical and frightening, and I loved the dynamic between the two protagonists.
Dayspring by Anthony Oliveira
A queer retelling (mostly in verse) of the relationship between Christ and John the Apostle. The movement backwards and forwards in time was really elegant and there are so many hard-hitting lines in here. I also appreciated the author's thorough knowledge of secondary sources and other literary allusions.
Spinning by Tillie Walden
A graphic memoir about becoming a competitive figure skater and falling out of love with the sport. Walden's portrayal of numbness and depression is on-point.
Borne by Jeff VanderMeer
A delightfully weird post-apocalyptic tale that questions what it means to be a "person." VanderMeer's prose is so good I wanted to eat it with a spoon.
Honorable Mentions (in no particular order):
This One Summer by Jillian and Mariko Tamaki
Sleep Demons by Bill Hayes (review forthcoming)
There There by Tommy Orange
What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher
The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters
Worlds of Ink and Shadow by Lena Coakley
All That Remains by Sue Black
Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake
Sitting Pretty by Rebekah Taussig
Making Comics by Linda Barry
What My Bones Know by Stephanie Foo
Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherlands by Heather Fawcett
The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber and David Wengrow
The Garden by Clare Beams
Martyr! by Kaveh Akbar
You or Someone You Love by Hannah Matthews
The Daughter of Doctor Moreau by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Going Postal by Terry Pratchett
The Duke Who Didn't by Courtney Milan
Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver
Never Look Back by Lilliam Rivera
Silence by Shusaku Endo
God's Monsters by Esther J. Hamori
Conflict is Not Abuse by Sarah Schulman
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kijosakka · 10 months ago
Assistant Noah AU: How Alejandro would react to Assistant Noah trying to warn Owen about the Spanish Charmer, by calling the Charmer an 'eel dipped in grease'?... Would Alejandro be salty that he can't vote Assistant Noah off, since Noah isn't a contestant?... Would Alejandro charm + flirt harder with Assistant Noah? 😘
noah being an assistant here implies something very specific — being, he’d definitely know alejandro knows. this would mean more, except that noah is not here for the competition, he’s here for The Paycheck.
on noahs end at least i don’t think he would care much, but i do hesitate to say what alejandro specifically would think of the situation — because despite him being badmouthed (which. i will get to), it does imply favoritism that noah is telling owen, which he may assume to extend further to their team and potentially be an advantage point.
he is. wrong. noahs ‘favoritism’ extends to owen and not so much in challenges, but im sure there’s potential there for alejandro to try and make nice with owen to reap this favoritism (or at least cut down how much owen receives by being close, since noah doesn’t seem to like alejandro much) < but the turning point comes with that because noah just Does Not Care.
i’d imagine he’d be juuust as flagrant about his favoritism without it technically infringing on any rules, explicit or implicit (and the rest of the cast, sans maybe those like heather or courtney, would be aware that owen would never do anything underhanded or wildly unfair with those privileges so it’s not so major in that regard either)
anyway, alejandro sees what happens and tries to intercept on owen to reap some benefit or control over the situation, and it doesn’t work. where does he go from there? flirting!!
^ this has more to it than narrative, being mostly alejandro’s character and it’s existence, really. while in canon his charming is more consistently his ‘first option’ for his scheming, you can see it through his relationship through heather how it can be a failsafe instead — where he can’t explicitly scheme her away from the game like he could with team victory, he flirts with her to make her emotionally volatile.
(also something to be said about how it is, in a way, a manner of forcing himself control over at least a small part of it)
all my rambling to mean that since alejandro can do nothing about noah, he goes to reap control and petty enjoyment through trying to fluster him (and, back to what i said earlier, probably some vindication for being badmouthed). spoiler alert: it doesn’t work.
finally getting over to the being badmouthed thing, i would want it to mean something more exciting, but the kinda boring, semantical answer i can give is just that. noah would probably know because he has access to stuff like confessional footage.
don’t get me wrong there’s definitely potential for a misunderstanding-type situation where alejandro writes off his own intrigue in noah as ‘wanting to figure out how he knew’, and introduces the conflict when someone (likely noah himself) tells him that no, he just knows because he has footage access. that’s it.
^ it would theoretically kill alejandro’s interest, but retconned with that alejandro may reason (in a way to ignore his feelings. stupid man in Denial) that it would bother noah if he continues to flirt despite knowing this.
(and of course that like heather is the only person alejandro could drop pretenses around in canon, noah would be that to him here — because he could. noah knows, he knows noah knows, and there’s no explicit or immediate threat to his game by doing so < which might amp up post-owen elimination, after noah is soothed from his inevitable spite.)
which he would be kind of right about? i do mostly see noah as more pissed that it’s taking away from his job (probably more at chris’ insistence, as the viewers are eating it up) and there being a more definite pivotal point once owen is eventually eliminated.
(going more definitely two-sided, i’d imagine noahs own feelings developing as he needles for information through alejandro’s constant attempts at flirting and does genuinely appreciate the more genuine parts of himself.)
for an actual relationship between them though i do imagine it would have to come post-season — either route you take it, drama-bot or not.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year ago
Did you finish the S2 of the Total Drama Reboot (all the eps are out already) ? I did and while the season started strong the ending flopped badly imo.
Incoming spoilers (and long rant) if you haven't watched it yet:
The winner is not it I'm sorry. Wayne is a cool character but he had zero stand outs moments to justify his win. They tried to recreate Owen's win in Island but at least Owen was really strong in some challenges (including destroying the main villain Heather in the final 3 challenge). Wayne literally flopped hard in almost all of the challenges this season and then got hard carried by his best friend's boyfriend in the final 3 for his win. Also I don't understand how he got so many enthusiastic supporters when Raj and Bowie were the only characters he interacted with from that group, especially cause he didn't even need them as Bowie literally did almost all the work for him by himself.
Julia dominated this season but it felt hollow, she quite literally had no opposition left after she got Bowie booted off. Imagine if Heather got booted in the middle point of World Tour and Alejandro just freely dominated his way into a final 3 with the likes of DJ and Cody (which he somehow would've still lost just to have one of the good guys win). That's pretty much how I felt about the final 3 from this season. Mkulia (and their cheating conflict with Bowraj) did carry the first half, so I'm gonna give them that.
Priyaleb literally got turned into a Skave 2.0 with their flip floppity mess drama just without the "Keith" plot point at the end to bomb out their relationship completely. They turned Priya into a Courtney knock-off who's more obsessed with revenge and winning (even tho she already won a season) than her own boyfriend. She even seems to despise Caleb's personality and is only in love with the idea of having a hot boyfriend (just like Courtney seemed in love with the thrill of being with a bad boy than Duncan himself and we know how that relationship ended up). Honestly if they bring up this couple for another season they're def gonna have a huge messy break up, I just don't see them lasting with the way they've been portrayed in these last S2 eps.
Ngl but I actually enjoyed Ripaxel, even tho they were just the gross comedic relief side couple. Surprisingly Ripper treated Axel like a Queen (unlike Caleb who just kept embarrassing his girl over and over on international tv) and Axel stopped abusing him completely after they started dating, so they're unironically one of the healthiest TDI couples so far. And even tho they're the horny couple at least Ripper really does seem to have genuine feelings for her unlike Priya for Caleb.
And I really hated the Hockey Bros flanderization this season. Last season they were dumb himbos but they were still very competent in the team challenges, heck arguably the best overall from their team. But this season they literally got turned into man children who probably wouldn't be able to cross the street without Bowie around to take them by their hands. Which literally didn't make sense at all when this season was supposed to focus more on them than the last one.
They really had Millie go crazy in that one ep and almost kill Damien just to win a challenge, but honestly I kinda dig that. Her team was so boring that they needed at least one (secretly) unhinged member.
Bowie was clearly weaker as a character this season but he still served. Scary Girl was technically in only 2 episodes and you know she still SERVED. I didn't really care about the other characters this season tbf.
So overall it might still not be the worst season (I mean All Stars and Pahkitew still exist) but season 1 of the Reboot was def superior imo. While I'm not opposed to at least some of this cast coming back in a future season I really hope they create a new cast beforehand if they get the greenlight for new seasons cause they're already exhausting all the plotlines for this one and some of them already started to become flanderized. At the very least they should add new characters and change the location to shake things up if they still want to go ahead with this cast.
So Yes, I did finish Season 2
And much like season 1 I found it mid. I think Season 1 ended stronger, but started pretty weak. While Season 2 was the reverse
I did think it had a promising start, I even liked how Priya and Kaleb were set up for the drama. But after the reveal it kind of... fizzled out. Like they could have milked the drama more and Priya had a right to want revenge but Priya was never such a super angry revenge person before and it felt weird.
They turned Caleb into a complete idiot after they resolved the arc. He was smart, just not game show savvy. That was his thing.
I wouldnt call it anywhere CLOSE to the atrocity that was Skave. But it was a lot less fun. At least Priya calmed down at the end.
But the moment the season went down hill for me was when Damien got eliminated.
I really felt they were setting him up for something good in the character arc department but they didnt. I knew he was doomed the moment he found the immunity idol but it would have been a nice inversion to have HIM use it.
And lets be real, I didnt care about the final 3 at all, I knew Julia wasnt going to win because lets face it she is basically Diet Heather.
They even did something to her hair like Heather.
As for Wayne winning. I didnt care, it was going to be him or Caleb.
Season 2 could have used more Scary Girl. Every scene she was in was gold.
I also appreciated the tasteful cameos of Owen. MacArthur and the Tennis pros.
It wasnt anything awful, but i did find it fizzled out in the later half.
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chrismcleaneatspants · 5 months ago
Notice how Island 2007 in general had a habit of reducing characters to background for several episodes at a time, especially in pre-merge?
I know someone rightfully brought up Beth and how her lack of relevance between Heather forming the alliance and Beth quitting the alliance kinda made her story hollow, but there's more than just that.
Noah doesn't even say any sarcastic quip or speak at all between episode 1 and his elimination episode (we don't even see how he jumped off the cliff in episode 2).
Justin says nothing after the first episode, though at least he get some relevant moments in most of his screentime in four out of his five episodes.
Katie and Sadie don't have any relevance after episode 2 outside of The Sucky Outdoors (the episode that Katie is eliminated in), Phobia Factor (the only time Sadie is relevant between Katie's elimination and her own), and Who Can You Trust (when Sadie is eliminated), which does make it harder to see differences with Katie and Sadie, and robs us of getting to see an arc of Sadie try to face the competition on her own without Katie.
Tyler's mostly fine, even if the reasoning for his elimination was super weird because of weird challenge rules.
Cody, Courtney, and Harold also do pretty solid making the most of their screentime as far as the pre-mergers go and Eva and Ezekiel at least do as much as you'd expect for the first two boots.
Even the mergers aren't safe from this (outside the final 4 + Izzy and Lindsay).
DJ pretty much faded into the background after episode 11 and doesn't do much of relevance with even his elimination episode suffering for this, with his elimination being for a pretty unfair reason (Getting scared in a challenge he didn't know existed).
Bridgette and Trent are more or less just satelites for Geoff and Gwen. Granted Bridgette was slightly better about it pre-merge with her friendship with Courtney getting some attention in a couple episodes (plus Sadie for episode 7 before Sadie went back to fading to the background), and episodes 13-15 tried to bring some relevance for her individually with her friendships with Gwen and Leshawna and conflicts with Heather and Eva, but outside that she wasn't exactly the most relevant. We don't even get to see the skills Bridgette has in sports that Duncan claimed she had in episode 17 (being a reason why the Guys alliances voted for her).
Geoff kinda hit a lull after Bridgette's elimination and didn't get relevant again until his elimination episode despite doing solid with his screentime otherwise.
Leshawna also hit a lull after episode 17 and didn't get much relevant roles anymore outside the final 6 episode (episode 18 even has her skip the challenge yet suffer no consequence for that). They didn't even bother giving her a speaking role in her own elimination episode.
Granted when they shine, they're good but it's just that the season doesn't always pull its weight for consistent character focus.
yeah Island is very unfocused but considering how at least some of these characters have more to do in following seasons, it doesn't bother me too much.
though Island could have definitely done with maybe another slight revision and perhaps more characters should have been utilized in not just it but the remaining Gen 1 trilogy as well.
I really wanna know what goes on in the minds of TD's creative team in basically every aspect of the show, ya know?
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crunchyharold · 1 year ago
Hypothetically, if Harold got to compete in All Stars, what would you have wanted to see with him there?
this is a good question and i honestly haven't considered it much. because as much as harold is an all star in my heart, he's not really on the list of people that shoulda been in all stars but weren't.
i have. no idea what team he'd be on. since he's so morally neutral he just does whatever he wants. i'd like him to be a vulture and he COULD (rigging the votes n all) but i think fresh would make him a hamster
in existing seasons he didn't have much of a character arc but what little he had (conflict w duncan and them growing to reluctantly respect each other) was wrapped up fairly well in action, so he'd have to either have a self contained arc in all stars or build off on that somehow
tbf. i do think it'd be interesting to see him interact w all stars duncan since, imo, duncan bullied him mostly as a way to establish himself as a Bad Boy^tm. it made him feel powerful to pick on an easy target u kno. so i think all stars duncan would, upon realising that people don't take him so seriously anymore, take it out on harold but the pranks and jabs all keep flopping. kinda like gwen trying and failing to make up w courtney. there could be some neat parallels there
and harold would take duncan aside and be like. "listen man. this is so pathetic. you literally don't have to give me swirlies anymore if your heart isn't in it. i'd actually prefer it if you didn't." and duncan's like "WHATEVER DORK" and storms off but he actually listens and like. stops trying so hard
dunhar would be so funny. im sorry it would. they're on equal footing now and gwourtney would be so fucking confused.
aside from that i'd really like to see harold interact with sam (both geeky simps) and cameron (imagine their minds combining) and lightning (he would be obsessed with lightning) and svetlana (he would be obsessed with svetlana)
and maybe some interactions w heather? i like their dynamic a lot and it'd be cool if they FINALLY teamed up and worked together because they could be so powerful. maybe he could tell her that hiding the immunity idol is fucking stupid. maybe he could steal it instead of alejandro (i get the narrative relevance of alejandro taking it but i dont care lol)
i think he'd be like. booted either just before or just after merge.
if yall have any harold all stars thoughts lmk because i enjoy the concept a lot actually
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sleepfanaticc · 1 year ago
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these are just rough sketches but these are some of the designs for my chatfic on ao3 as a lil celebration for 8k hits. i had an idea to give gwen microbangs and now im obssesed.
(i think i might change courtneys design idk im conflicted abt it) (also heather isnt shivering idk why i drew those lines around her)
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popstart · 10 months ago
What ship/romantic relationship(s) would you think would be long-term/till death do us part type (if u have one of those)
the vast majority of total drama relationships are bleak as all hell and most definitely not long term, but that doesnt mean all lol
I imagine most ships with bridgette working out and "canonically" speaking (terry said on twitter) bridgette and geoff stay together. I see it. The time between action and wt was a fluke, world tour was a fluke, they get past it and love eachother and everythings ok.
Also now that im thinking about it i see rajbow lasting a long time bc theyre like. the domestic couple of all time. Bowie being raj's first gay crush does very little to make me seriously think they would break up. Ive known people who marry their highschool sweethearts/ the first person they date. its happened.
anyways thats it for canon relationships which people tend to agree with
as for ships, i see any bffs types lasting a long time. I think nowen is the best example of this. I cant think of anything they would realistically have enough conflict over to break up over lol
I guess still sailing on the bridgette express you could say bridgney. which. Also falls into the bff category. Im working with what i like here which is either doomed and tragic or actual bffls. Anyways similar situation to nowen i cant think of something that would realistically cause them to break up. The person that forever ago said courtney would be upset enough with bridgette to stop being her friend over her cheating on geoff was WRONG. they work everything out. live happily ever after. etc. etc.
As for couples that i think would decidedly NOT work out for one reason or another because i think that is also a fun question ill put them under the cut
I wont list every single god damn couple of all time because like i said, the vast majority of td relationships and ships are BLEAKKKK i will just say the ones that stick out to me or the ones that people seem to have different opinions on. I just wanna talk about this
Feels weird to put ripaxel here bc theyre essentially the same as bridgeoff but the difference between bridgeoff and ripaxel is 1) development time, 2) what development we see/dont see, and 3) time we've seen them together. We see bridgette and geoff courting for an entire season then at the end of the season we see the culmination of that and see theyre in a relationship. We dont ever really see them confess to eachother which means any damn thing could have happened in that time. Ripaxel though court for like 4 episodes and we see rippers confession and it is very bare bones. Bridgeoff last at the very least 3 years (if the rr ages are to be treated as canon) while ripaxel last….. a season. and we've seen essentially nothing from them. Anyways thats my 'why bridgeoff and ripaxel are different' thesis.
people seem to have it in their heads that gwourtney is a bffs type of ship and. You could not be more wrong SORRY. Ive said it before but if all stars is supposedly so bad at characterizing, whyyy is gwourtney the random exception. People that dont like the ship reasonably point out that their weird honeymoon phase in AS is not in character, and i wouldnt say its not entirely in character, but its certainly not what the ship is like long term. I dont necessarily think theyre doomed, I do however think it would take a truckload of working things out which is a coinflip of if gwen would be willing to go through that.
Ok moving on, heathney is most definitely doomed from the start. Ik this is my brand and i should have faith in them i just. Do not. I feel like if they met at an older age when they've both worked on themselves and mellowed out it could work, but I feel like they require such different things in relationships it would take. So Much Talking that the two of them would rather die than initiate. Heather very much shies away from physical contact and general loveydoveyness (all stars finale exempt which i have decided in my mind was them being annoying on purpose to fuck with chris) while courtney is fucking constantly initiating that shit (insert compilation of every time she rams her face into duncans). she is so CLINGY. anyways they would totally fight over their very conflicting ideas of what affection is like, nevermind the way they would actually get together would be infinitely fucked up in every single way. literally in every universe theyre fucked up and there is nothing i can do to save them i just sit back and watch.
im trying not to take the easy route and just list every single courtney ship but its so god damn easy shes so fucked up. every single relationship she has is fucked up, its time to talk about duncney. not even considering the fact they canonically break up in the show like 3 times, it was bound to happen eventually off screen/ after the events of total drama. Like, even if duncan never cheated on her, courtney was an awful fucking girlfriend LMAO. they were never gonna work it out since that is just Not how the two of them roll. At all. theyre both so emotionally closed off and distant that theyd have to go to so so so much couples therapy that neither of them would ever agree to to work it out. As is the case with all of these, i feel it could work out when theyve worked on themselves as adults, but the chances are slim. I think their time in island together was very honeymoon-phase-ish and if ISLAND is their honeymoon phase that really speaks of how bad their relationship can get.
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zanymk · 2 months ago
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ohsoulymoons · 1 year ago
My silly tropes for dear Courtney x ships
Hehe Part II
I Am Female Rage x A Man Could Never, but I Could
I think this fandom would be deadly and more erotic if we shipped Courtney and Jo more often like in general! (For me I like them to date, end up together, and have a happily ever after beating the shit out their ex-boyfriends or making a hater piss themselves!)
Courtney "I AM FEMALE RAGE" Nieto
I hate her so fucking much but she's mine x I'm utterly in love with her since the first day I realize she is dangerous.
I think this fandom would be more in lust, in yearning, in angsty, and bloodlust if we shipped Courtney and Heather more often like in general! (For me I like them to be enemies it's on sight they are trying murder each other's boyfriends so often, end up together by force to be dumped/villains for the sake the views of the show, and have a happily ever after together somehow after therapy or realizing maybe hey I love her?)
⭒𝄞✰☻𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓬𝓾𝓷𝓽☻✰𝄞⭒
I love my HOT MaleWife x That "Bitch" Is Mine, but that's my WIFE!
I think this fandom would be wooed, confused, conflicted, aroused, and in wonder if we shipped Courtney and Justin more often like in general! (For me I like them to end up together as plan and have a happily ever after together they realize maybe it's not so bad to be together!)
Justin "I LOVE MY HOT MALEWIFE" Hekekia-Cajucom
Courtney "THAT 'BITCH' IS MINE, BUT THAT'S MY WIFE!" Hekekia-Cajucom
°•★°« † »°•★°
I just want her only from now on x I grew up with notion I know better until I met you and I love you for the end of time.
I think this fandom would be held by wildfire romance, silly fun times, and loved by life if we shipped Izzy and Courtney more often like in general! (For me I like them to date, end up together, and have a happily ever after together 2 children and in their bunker home!)
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fraudulent-cheese · 11 months ago
I think im actually going to change who wins in my team escope tdwt au?
Originally Noah was going to win and alenoah was gonna be the final 2, but it felt both like a disservice to Heather's character who does have development over the course of the season and it wasn't super compelling to me (she's way more invested in the competition than Noah is + my personal agenda of making Alejandro loose the competition in every single AU i write) + Noah winning just not making for a satisfying ending
Heather in this AU would end up in a similar "previous antagonist becomes antihero due to a bigger vilain popping up" position as she does in canon, but it's combined with her making a genuine friend on the show in Harold; she's shown in the best light she's ever been shown on the show and while a good chunk of the audience is supporting Noah for the finale, she still has a decent crowd of supporters.
It's also my personnal mission to make Alejandro loose in every Total Drama AU i write apparently, and him loosing the tie-breaker is perfect for angst. Also i've seen my fair share of tdwt alenoah rewrites and none of them have included both in the final 3 tie-breaker so it would be fun to explore, with Noah only standing a chance against Alejandro thanks to his dodging ability and wanting to put an end to their endless pining...
It could go two ways - either Noah wins the Tie-Breaker or Alejandro wins the tie-breaker.
Noah at this point in the competition is sure of three things:
Alejandro's a very competitive guy, with a flare for the dramatics
Him and Noah have had been semi-friendly semi-fighting all competition, with it dipping more into a rivalry as of late (the thing keeping him trying after Eva's elimination)
And based on both of these facts:
Alejandro's most likely looking for a dramatic victory over him. Noah's not willing to give him that.
So, mid-spar, Noah's trying to solve this conflict once and for all - Not his brightest idea, but he's joined Total Drama so he's made worse decisions - and opts to be genuine while dodging Alejandro's hits. His earnestness does break through eventually, and confesses to him. They're both standing near the edge of the fighting platform, and are both tired as hell from the previous challenge.
That is the only reason Noah considers as the one behind Alejandro leaning in and kissing him.
After this is where the ending would diverge depending on who ends up in the final two: Alejandro would win by Noah falling into the water right afterwards on his own accord, and Noah would win by tricking Alejandro into falling into the shark infested water.
either making it to the final 2 doesn't change the outcome of Heather winning in the end, but it would change the banter and Helpers; Heather would pick Sierra (who got over Heather booting her back in Paris because she's "a sucker for redemption arcs") and Leshawna (who's friendly with her in this AU) while the boys would pick a combination of the third placer + one of their closest friendship on the show (Courtney and Noah for Alejandro, Alejandro and Izzy for Noah). Heather still ends up in the cage trap and is genuinly pissed at this, but Harold and Leshawna (through the power of friendship) snap her out of it with a similar line as in canon (that she's a better person now and either 1. more deserving of the win for them if she's against Noah or 2. the 'good guy' if she's going against Alejandro) and manages to climb up the volcano.
If Heather's against Noah, she catches up to him due to his garbage athletisism and if it's Alejandro, it's the cast catching onto his distaste of the "Al" nickname and using it against him (probably Owen and Izzy, the latter joining in for shits and giggles). If it's against Noah it'll be a roundabout way of having a friendship finale, it's just the good guy with friends vs the less good guy who's gotten better thanks to friendship and self reflection, and if it's Alejandro and Heather it's just bad guy vs good guy, more like in canon :p they could have a stupid dramatic swordfight with the dummies that Alejandro looses like an idiot and it gets him slipping to the volcano's base (because it would be a funny visual).
The volcano still explodes at the end, but i don't know if i want the "alejandro gets partially burnt" ending or "everyone (but the million dollars) is fine" ending yet. idk
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official-fresh-tv-blog · 2 years ago
So, I've seen clips of the new season and currently waiting to watch it in the US. But I got my own question. Besides the cannonical homosexual couple on the show, is there anyone else who identified as anything other than straight or cis gender?
I've seen headcannons of Zee being enby and pansexual that I really enjoy, but I was wondering if there really was anyone else that had a different lable- the latest season or overall.
Aleduncan are gay, trans, and totally canon.
Bowie and Raj are both gay cisgender men. We'll be milking their relationship and identities as gay men for at least the next five years.
Chase is sexually attracted to pizza.
Emma is a basic white bitch.
Heather has had relationships with Beth, Courtney, Gwen, Leshawna, Lindsay, and Sierra.
Justin is attracted to himself and only himself.
Noah is a straight, cisgender man masquerading as a gay, transgender man. At time of writing he has not yet been caught.
Ripper is attracted to women and identifies as an apache helicopter despite having no clue what that means. If our partnership with Fox Kids goes ahead then his character will be retooled as a TERF in training.
Wayne is a super supportive ally for gay and bisexual men. He draws the line at gay women though, they clearly aren't real.
Zee is actually straight and cisgender.
Of course these are subject to change depending on the network and whether another member of staff gives a conflicting statement on social media. - Ron the Intern
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
also if we're doing total drama dirtbags...let's see
gen 1: courtney, duncan, gwen, heather, alejandro, eva
gen 2: scott, b, lightning, jo, zoey maybe? at least in universe haha
gen 3: dave, scarlett, sugar (first two are must haves, last one just seems fitting for a show called dirtbags), amy/max/topher or even multiple of these 3 depending on how much gender and generation balance we want
I'm reluctant to use the name "Dirtbags", simply because it'd overlap with the canonical fake show and that's super confusing, but I was thinking something more along the lines of:
GEN 1: Heather, Duncan, Courtney, Gwen, Alejandro, Eva, Izzy*, Harold**, Sierra, Justin
GEN 2: Scott, Lightning, Jo, B, Anne Maria***, Mike****
There's more Gen 1 characters simply because Gen 1 had the bigger cast of a whopping twenty five contestants, and I wanted to have the customary sixteen cast members here (otherwise I'd probably scrap Harold and Izzy). I'm considering swapping out either Izzy or Sierra for Blaineley, but she doesn't really count as a contestant so much as a host, so she'll probably came a cameo as a co-host at some point instead.
* Izzy's a wildcard character, and generates a lot of minor conflicts in the show, so she's villain-adjacent.
** Harold's whole 'getting Courtney eliminated' thing really showcases his villain potential, so he's in the same category as Eva and B. The 'potential villain' characters are the ones who have the most conceivable revenge-fuelled villain arcs, which Harold definitely does.
*** Anne Maria is, again, a conflict character. A lot of her plot relevance revolves around her vanity impacting her usefulness to the team, or her infatuation with Vito sabotaging Mike and Zoey's relationship.
**** Mal. Also his alters are, again, a conflict generation plot device, making him villain-adjacent despite being a 'protagonist'.
Of course, Mike could be swapped out with either Zoey or Dakota (I haven't finished RotI yet, but Dakota has more villain potential than Zoey from what I've seen) but I kind of want to keep the gender ratio even, since that's what the show itself does.
Now that I'm thinking about it, Anne Maria and Dakota could easily be swapped. They're both about the same level of villain-adjacent, and Dakota has more incentive for villain-potential given the whole mutation fiasco. But I think Anne Maria deserves more screen time, so. 🤷‍♀️
Now, in terms of Gen 3... I don't know Gen 3. So I'll have to trust your judgement there. If I were to add some Gen 3 characters, I'd probably thin the herd here to make more room for them.
As for the name, I'm thinking something synonymous with antagonist or villain would work well enough, since the whole concept of this 'fan season' is putting the villainous characters through a series of morality test inspired challenges and hoping they come out of it as better people. Though something referencing the fact that they're, in theory, being rehabilitated into better people would also work.
Total Drama Rehab is out, for obvious reasons. As is Total Drama Baddies, because I guarantee that's already being used for someone's NSFW pinup collection or something, and I don't need that sort of association with any of my AUs.
Total Drama Scoundrels is the name I've been sitting on, but that might just be because I think 'scoundrel' is a funny word. Same as terms like 'fiend', 'rascal', 'scallywag' and my personal favourite, 'rapscallion'.
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