#court jester's emo moment
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science-lings · 29 days ago
Okay, I actually need to yap about DKoS!Bruce bc he was so fascinating to me, and also other thoughts i wanted to share
Spoilers for the Dark Knights of Steel
So this guy is a bastard child of the previous queen who grew up as a human among gods, He's inherently lesser in the eyes of the people and most of all, in his own eyes. He doesn't act like a prince and he doesn't get treated like one typically. He's more comfortable as a knight, protecting the royal family that can fly and shoot fire from their eyes. He feels responsible for keeping them safe like no one could keep his parents safe.
Magic killed his parents, and magic is what the closest thing he has to a family is weak to, so he makes it his mission to make sure what happened to them never happens to anyone in his kingdom, so when he gets word from Tim that the kingdom of stroms sent a magical assassin to take out the king, he's paranoid and following every magical lead he can to prevent the worst. So when he catches on to something being not quite human about him, he assumes it's dark magic or a curse and that he should be banished or imprisoned. He's the monster he's been hunting, at least in the way that he's not as human as he thought he was.
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He, of course, confesses this in front of the reason he's not entirely human, one of the people who has been lying to him his entire life. Like imagine your son thinking that there's something evil and wrong about him and suggesting he be imprisoned for it when that part of him was the part of him that came from you. congrats, you are Jor-El. you are also killed before the conversation ends. And because Bruce couldn't stop a magical arrow coming out of nowhere, this causes an even bigger rift between him and his 'family' because it was his responsibility. So his second father is dead and his brother blames him and likes to say things like 'he's not one of us' and his adoptive mother won't stand up for him anymore and he still just internalizes that grief and guilt and goes out to do his duty because that's all he has left.
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It's so important to make Bruce blame himself for everything and think he's too fucked up for anyone to love him <3.
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I know he's kind of an asshole but he's also supposed to be <17 and so mentally ill that multiple characters from multiple kingdoms are like 'yeah that kid's fucked up' and I really don't blame him for the classic fantasy thing of outlawing magic, very BBC merlin vibes actually. He's not as much of a hypocrite as the story seems to want him to be because his reaction to the possibility of being magic is 'i belong in the dungeons to actually, lock me up'
anyway Harley & Bruce besties compilation
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I love you court jester/ royal advisor Harley and her little emo knight bff
in addition to the above, Bruce's love language is getting bullied
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Dick: You privileged bastard
Bruce, smiling: (wow this little crime baby is so clever, I need to adopt all of them like stray cats) what if I gave you all jobs and swords and legal immunity?
Sidenote, I love the robins, especially whatever sibling rivalry is going on between Jason and Steph
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anyway back to the sad stuff
So, Bruce has been lied to about his parentage his entire life and he watched his father get killed in front of him moments after finding out that he was his father, and that would fuck anyone up but he's still trying to make sure Kal is okay. But things are Bad after he finds out about his backstory he wants to tell his brother and he's afraid to tell his brother and he's trying to be vulnerable when the person who he thinks is his brother stabs him with a shard of kryptonite and sends him flying to the ground and leaves him for dead. So like, that would probably not help his identity issues. For a while he's still referring to himself as a monster and due to his past he can't fit in with the monsters any more than he could fit in with his family of gods. He's an outsider everywhere he goes. Probably why he likes his little group of pickpockets turned court spies/ squires. They're all used to lingering in the shadows and not being noticed. They are also all So silly.
He has to go through discovering all his alien qualities all on his own, with his heat vision mostly coming instinctually when he is in physical and emotional pain, ie when Jor-El died, when he got the kryptonite yanked out of his torso.
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Peak Aura actually he's slaying
So we've established that his father lied to him and died, his og parents were killed in a magic attack he was also involved in, and because there is a curse on this man, Alfred has been lying this whole time too, and was also an alien, which was fine, until he got killed too and Bruce wasn't fast enough to save him even when the stress of the event unlocked his ability to fly.
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I think Harley was right, this kid is really going to need a hug
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at least he gets one. But also like, Kal has said some pretty nasty things to/about Bruce in this series, and the only one we see apologizing for anything is Bruce... I feel like there should've been more catharsis for him beyond Lara and Kal wanting him to be king bc that is obviously not a role that he wants, he denies it so many times but no one listens. I think he needs to be accepted as a Kryptonian and part of the family more than he needs to be seen as worthy of a throne. He was excluded from the field trip to make the phantom zone projector with the other Kryptonians which felt a little weird to me.
A scene that i would write though would actually be Bruce having a conversation with Lara, his last parental figure who he could convince himself would be the least likely to love him. I mean, her husband cheated on her to make Bruce and after Jor-El died, she treated Bruce less like a family member or even the son of a family friend and solely as a soldier.
The catharsis comes in when we remember that Bruce was the reason the Waynes and the Els were still close, because they all loved him so much that it fixed whatever issues his creation caused. That he was so easy to love that any misgivings were forgotten. I think Bruce really needs his last remaining parental figure to say that. Like he's not just one of the greatest warriors but he's still a kid who just lost two parents in addition to the original two. I think he really needs to cry. I think he deserves it. I personally need to see it.
Time to end it on a good note, his friendship with Beastboy which gives him a badass dragon-riding war-ending moment
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Also fuck you Constantine for fireblasting Tim through a fucking rock wall for being the funniest character in this whole story.
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Cass being the unsung hero and also avoiding being in the middle of a war, queen behavior I wouldn't want to be a part of all that either. I still wish she got more than a page, they should've at least had a party where all the characters we've seen hang out and all the robins get to reunite with Bruce.
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jestroer · 3 years ago
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Today i present to you a little thingie inspired by My Very Good Friend Is Changing from MVGFIC AU series which I ADORE. It’s written by @zombiiehorse and if you enjoy supernatural stuff and unsettling stories i recommend for you to give it a read! As well as it’s other stories btw!
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mar64ds · 2 years ago
where do i begin with my funny little friend... jevil is a character that i have always thought was really fun: a secret difficult boss fight, a mysterious connection to gaster and overall i think he has a really funny personality, i've always really liked him! he wasn't my favorite character and i don't think i was as invested in this character as everyone else was in 2018, back when he was the most mysterious character that we had met so far, but when chapter 2 came out i kind of started to appreciate jevil more? Since we were all so focused on new content that made me remember how much i liked chapter 1 and my love for jevil grew more
I have always really liked his relationship with Seam even if we never see them actually interacting, I have mentioned before that they just seem to me like they would have a very Sam&Max dynamic asdfghjkl and i always like duos like that they are funny and endearing. And adding all that tragedy to their relationship makes it even stronger, I just really like these two and I don't care how their relationship is interpreted they are companions and i like them and if they don't talk to each other in the game again i will break my computer
I focus on him and Seam the most but Jevil is a character that is really fun to make interact with anyone, some based on canon material and others just fun concepts
I think the idea of him and Susie becoming friends (perhaps even family) is so sweet to me, these two have so many parallels and I love the way they interact, Susie is very blunt with him and that doesn't bother Jevil at all, they are two sharks prepared to fight!!
I personally like to think him and Gaster were genuine friends, that Gaster didn't mean for Jevil to end up the way he did, that they both just wanted a friend...
Him and Spamton are really funny, wacky cartoon characters in one room together what could go wrong, funny exes. I know I don't focus a lot on them but I like them and some very talented artists make such cool content of them that it makes appreciate them more, keep up the good work everyone
Jevil mentions Queen once but I really like to believe they got along really well, that maybe all the other kings were stuck-ups but she was always the one who found him funny the most..... 🥹 I think they are friends :)
Now for relationships that are completely made-up by me? Jevil and Toriel, they are friends to me, they are such close friends. Heartache used to be Jevil's theme!!!! They both like jokes!!!! They both have horns!!!!! They both feel trapped and lonely!!!!! They could be best of friends. I also think him and Papyrus could have really interesting interactions, they are both positive people, just two different kinds of positivity
Jevil is a secret boss that doesn't get much screen time and we barely know ANYTHING about him, so a lot of my headcanons are just based on what I believe he COULD have been like or could be like at the moment, it's all pure speculation and having fun with a character i like and that i think has a lot of potential, he's slowly just becoming an OC at this point lol. I like to believe he was a little prankster as a kid and the funny kid on school but he didn't have many friends, when he was a teen he goes through his 'emo phase' and tries to pretend he doesn't care about being a funny little jester anymore and focuses more on his 'grim reaper' style (and the reason why he does this it's not just because it's a funny idea it's because he's tired of being rejected for being so 'different', he's masking pretty much), when he's a young adult he goes back to trying to be a funny jester and he ends up becoming the court jester!! The rest is history and I think he meets Seam after he has been the court jester for a little while
I see Jevil as trans, ace and aroflux! Autistic as well! Jesters and rubber ducks are two of his biggest special interests, he stims with his hat, tail and hands and has a a chew stim toy in the shape of a spade! He of course also vocally stims all the time! He repeats words often and likes to imitate sounds. And I also really like the idea that he has a lisp!
This might sound silly but Jevil has helped me a lot with my confidence towards my autism this last year? Papyrus too, they both have helped SO much. I don't know, i'm a very insecure person and sometimes i think i'm extremely childish (not as in... a mean childish attitude, i mean having childish interests and things like that) or sometimes i can just feel very different from everyone around me, and thinking about Jevil i don't know makes me happy? Like i get it he's the court jester but he's a guy that likes playing games like roundabout and things like that, and he vocally stims all the time and it's established that he was very lonely but the people that cared about him? They cared, they cared a lot, he was someone that was missed. And uh... wow that means a lot i'm going to explode and cry
Anyway, i like jevil, worst character ever
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trans-douxie · 4 years ago
King Steve of the Buttsnacks
Douxie sighed, looking at the children before. Sure, they were good and capable fighters, and he was proud of them, but this? Being transported back to the past, with mere highschoolers? The wizard ran a hand through his hair. 
“Alright,” he started, gaining their attention. “We have been sent back in time. It is very, incredibly, important, that we do nothing here that will mess up history.” He emphasised, giving each of the children a point a look. “We have to tread carefully.”
“Alright!” “Yeah.” “Sure thing, emo wizard dude.”
Not even three seconds later, Claire was pulling out her phone, showing off some of the pictures of her and her friends to one of the knights. 
“Oh fuzzbuckets,” He muttered, face-palming. They were doomed. 
Training with the knights was a lot of thing. Exhilarating, fun, terrifying, but mostly eye opening. It really made him realize how much work it took, fighting and trying to help people. And- the others, they’ve put in so much work, to become people who help others. 
He was wholly unprepared for this. It was a bit overwhelming. 
Normally he was the coolest guy around, and the toughest. He wasn’t used to feeling so… weak. Steve would have to work hard to catch up, and become someone who could stand on his own, and help everyone. To become someone worthy of his ninja-kicking angel, and worthy of his best friend. 
And the best way to do that, was to stick with the knights, and learn what he could. 
Which is how he ended up here, drinking with knights of the round tablet. “It’s alright, Palchuck, we’re in Camelot, there’s no legal age for drinking.” Steve muttered, trying to summon the courage to drink the strange smelling beer.
“Oh, ya talking to yerself, boyo? We all been there! A good drink’ll make ya feel right as rain!” The knight laughed heartily, giving Steve a good pat on the back. 
“This yer first drink boyo?” Another knight asked him, and all Steve could do was nod mutely. 
“Aye, e’ryone! This is the boyo’s first ever drink!” The knight shouted, standing up and pulling Steve with him. “Let’s give ‘im a good audience for his first steps into manhood!” He shouted, and the other knights cheered him on, some shouting for him to chug it. 
“Alright Palchuck, it’s time to be a man.” He whispered, before throwing his head and chugging the beer down, some of it escaping past his lips. He gagged after swallowing it, but the knights were too busy shouting and pouring more rounds of drinks. 
“Here’s another one for ya, boyo!” Someone said, shoving another drink into his hands. 
Steve was on his third beer, and starting to feel it, when King Arthur joined them. 
“Oh, your Majesty!” Lancelot laughed. “Glad you could make it!”
“You know I wouldn’t miss it!” Steve watched as the king pouring himself two goblets of beer, drinking them one after another before pouring himself. “The weekly cheese eating contest is my favorite pastime!”
“The… wha?” Steve looked to the other knights for help. 
“Every week, we have a cheese eating contest.” Galihead explained. 
“And I am always the winner!” King Arthur laughed, finishing off another beer and wow, he was going fast with those. But here was an opportunity to prove himself to the knights!
“Oh, yeah? Well not tonight, cause the Palchuck is here, and he’s the best cheese-eater around!” He slammed his drink onto the table, some of the knights ooh-ing.
“Well, why don’t we make this interesting, then?” The king chuckled. “I am willing to place my throne and kingdom on the line, that I can beat you. And you…”
Steve thought for a moment. “My pursuit of knightdom! If you win, I will, uh, become a court jester!” There was a moment of silence, before the table erupted in noise. 
“Alright. We’ve been meaning to get some new entertainment for the court around here anyways.” With a laugh, King Arthur summoned a servant with parchment and quill, writing out the terms of the agreement. Everyone seemed a little antsy, but Steve couldn’t back out now.
“Sign here.” The king pointed, and after he signed, the king stamped it with his royal seal. “Alright, bring forth the royal cheese wheels!” King Arthur shouted, finishing another beer. 
The wheels of cheese were placed in front of each of them, and Steve grinned. Finally, all that time hanging out with Pepperjack would pay off. 
“On you marks, get set, go!” Lancelot shouted, and Steve started to eat like his life depended on it. Which, really, it did. There was no way he could give up being a knight, not when his friends needed. 
Everything else faded to black, it was just Steve and the cheese. He payed no mind to the king, or the knights, eating at fast as he could. Sweat dripped down his brow from the concentration. In what felt like no time at all, his cheese was gone. 
His surroundings came back into focus, and he looked around, everyone staring at him in stunned silence. The king was only half done with his wheel. He won. 
“I won! I won! Woo-hoo! Oh yeah, King Steve of the buttsnacks!.” He stood up on his chair, forcefully taking the crown from King Arthur’s head. Well, not king anymore. Steve looked to the side, and locked eyes with Douxie. His eye was twitching. Oh no. 
“What. Did. I. Say. About. Messing. With. The. Past?” Douxie hissed out at him, looking like he was about to lunge across the room and attack him. 
“Not to mess with the past.” Steve took out his phone, to send Aja one final message. ‘This is my last message. :(‘ It read. 
“And what did you do?” 
“Became the king of the past.” 
Douxie groaned, slapping a hand to his face. “Oh, we are so fucked.” As he said this, Douxie grabbed a goblet from one of the knights, drinking it down in one shot.
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katiewattsart · 5 years ago
29/10/19 : TEDDY BOYS. HAUL GIRLS. #1
What are they? 
Teddy Boy: (in the 1950s) a young man of a subculture characterised by a style of dress based on Edwardian fashion (typically with drainpipe trousers, bootlace tie, and hair slicked up in a quiff) and a liking for rock-and-roll music.
Haul Girl: A girl or women who makes a haul video.
The revolution will not be televised. 
The tv shows you what it wants to show you.
Television tells us what the people who run the TV stations want us to know. But social media today sometimes provides an alternative.
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Subculture - Under/Beneath 
We are looking today at youth and subcultures… their historicity and their contexts, and where we are with what might be called subcultures and youth cultures today.
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A genuine piece from the mirror in the 1980s.
Sex Pistols : This is one of the most infamous moments on television. Today it seems tame, but in 1976 this was enough to get the presenter fired.
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Like Duchamp's 'ready mades' - manufactured objects which qualified as art because he chose to call them such, the most unremarkable and inappropriate items - a pin, a plastic clothes peg, a television component, a razor blade, a tampon - could be brought within the province of punk (un)fashion...
Dick Hebdige - Subculture: The Meaning of Style
Hebdige’s book has long been consider the authorative text on subculture.
In the book he discusses the ready made aesthetics of punk. Punk was the first reaction to the developing politics of Thatcher and Reagan… here a refusal to take part in business as normal led to music that sounded amateur and fresh… the opposite of the progressive rock that had dominated the mid 1970s and early 80′s. 
Vivienne Westwood
Objects borrowed from the most sordid of contexts found a place in punks' ensembles; lavatory chains were draped in graceful arcs across chests in plastic bin liners. Safety pins were taken out of their domestic 'utility' context and worn as gruesome ornaments through the cheek, ear or lip...fragments of school uniform (white bri-nylon shirts, school ties) were symbolically defiled (the shirts covered in graffiti, or fake blood; the ties left undone) and juxtaposed against leather drains or shocking pink mohair tops.
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Jamie Red and others made zines that could be assembled in this same way, collaging and making work that felt it could have been made in the house, and often was.
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Subcultures are tribal, bringing people together to form loose relations outside of the mainstream.
Different subcultures:
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Even subcultures have subcultures… specific types of goth (steampunk, lolita) rude boys, K Pop sub genres, grunge punk rock etc
Once about a specific youth culture movement based around the disco music of the 1970s, clubbing subculture developed into rave culture in the late 80s and 90s, and has become a mainstream movement in the last few years. 
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Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore, Mark Leckey, 1999
“Something as trite and throwaway and exploitative as a jeans manufacturer can be taken by a group of people and made into something totemic, and powerful, and life-affirming.”
Subcultures are about a sense of belonging, often to people who feel excluded or disenfranchised from the mainstream.
Cosplay - form of subculture 
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The Joker and Harlequin are both characters who live for misrule, and both of them come from characters in the commedia dell’arte.
Harlequin relates directly to Harley Quinn… the Lord of Misrule was the peasant who was given the task of making sure that Xmas revellers got very drunk and very naughty.
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The World Turned Upside Down
These characters link back to the ideas of the carnival, a time when the world was turned upside down. Christmas was initialy this kind of festival. People didn’t know if they would make it through the winter, so they made merry whilst they could. In the carnival Kings become Jokers, Jokers became kings. 
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Carnival extracts all individuals from non-carnival life, non-carnival states and because there are no hierarchical positions during carnival, ideologies which manifest the mind of individuals cannot exist.
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...And finally in a few relatively rare instances, we find an extreme form of revelry in which the participants play-act at being precisely the opposite of what they really are; men act as women, women as men, kings as beggars, servants as masters, acolytes as bishops. In such situations of true orgy, normal life is played in  all manners of sins such as incest, adultery, transvestitism, sacri- lege, and lese-majeste treated as the order of the day...
Edmund R. Leach, Rethinking Anthropology
In Rabelais and His World (1965), Mikhail Bakhtin likens the carnivalesque to the type of activity that often takes place in the carnivals of popular culture. In the carnival, according to Bakhtin, social hierarchies of everyday life—their etiquettes, and normal structures—are turned on their head.
Court jesters become kings, kings become beggars; opposites are mingled (fact and fantasy, heaven and hell).
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Drag Cultures
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Much in the same way that Madonna, undeniable icon though she is, in no way invented voguing, neither did the queens on RuPaul’s Drag Race invent the concept of "shade", "realness" or any of the other essential sayings liberally adopted wholesale by the internet. But what the show has done is continually provide a potted queer history. Whether it’s through highlighting ball culture, trans activism, gender fluidity, or queens like the legendary Lady Bunny; or simply by allowing the contestants to talk about their lived experience, the show has put an all too rare slice of gay and trans history in American (and the world’s) living rooms and laptops.
Drag Race has brought a subculture into the mainstream. It has brought secret languages into modern parlay.
From RuPaul raising a pair of opera glasses to say archly, “I can’t wait to see how this pans out”, to season four queen Latrice Royale’s “the shaaaaade of it all”, social media’s gif game has been vastly bolstered by nine seasons of this show. A gif reaction needs to encapsulate maximum emotion, drama, and appearance – and the queens on Drag Race have all three in spades. Tumblr couldn’t create gifs fast enough in the early seasons, and the joy of so many strong characters, and sound-bites, means that there is a reaction for absolutely every occasion. Season 6 winner Bianca Del Rio named one of her world tours after her own much-gif’d catchphrase, “Not today Satan”.
Memes and online culture have helped the show become part of the everyday.
Historically, "sissy" has been used as an insult against feminine-seeming men. Ru-Paul’s Drag Race not only reclaims the word – “now sissy that walk” is the phrase said at the top of each catwalk, usually preceding a demonstration of almost gob-smacking creativity – but shows that adopting a truly feminine character requires massive amounts of charisma and self-confidence. The show is wildly popular with women, not simply because of the incredible looks and transformations served by each queen, but because it is a celebration of feminine mystique in all its forms.
It has helped reclaim a sense of agency in an era of toxic masculinity.
The little show that could has turned into a global behemoth, with tours around the world each year, and an annual convention in Los Angeles. Last year, a second US convention launched in New York, while London hosted the first European edition, DragWorld UK, which saw a number of the show’s queens and RuPaul’s right-hand judge, Michelle Visage, holding court. And as fabulous, glamorous and downright funny as the queens are, the real joy came from seeing the response of teenagers to meeting their idols. RuPaul and Visage are giving hope to lost kids around the world, whatever their gender, ethnic background or sexuality. By sharing their stories, the Drag Race contestants are giving comfort and inspiration to viewers, as well as swathes of entertainment.
The show has brought disenfranchised, often hidden cultures into the open. And given people something that not only entertains, but also empowers.
The difference between Drag Race US and Drag Race UK summed up in one perfect tweet…
With RuPaul’s Drag Race UK finally airing on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, it’s got fans realising just how different the two editions of the show are… International fans were subjected to the colourful world of British slang and swear words, leaving dozens bemused about what exactly the UK queens are actually saying…. But in a viral tweet shared by one of the British queens, it’s managed to capture the crucial difference between the US and UK versions of Drag Race.
Sum Ting Wong shared a screenshot of a Facebook post that so beautifully sums up the two shows:
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Drag is culturally derived, and finds its forms based on local customs. In the UK drag has a relationship to Vaudeville and play, which means it does something different to the american show. It is less about the act of putting on a show, and more about the comedic, slightly catty relations that we have come to associate with saturday evening tv here in the UK.
But that doesn’t mean it is mean in itself… it still brings a subculture to a mainstream audience. Remember, if I talked about this with you in the 1990s, I would face prosecution under Section 28
"shall not intentionally promote homosexuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality" or "promote the teaching in any maintained school of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship".
New Subcultures
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‘It's hard not to be struck by the sensation that, emos and metalheads aside, what you might call the 20th-century idea of a youth subculture is now just outmoded. The internet doesn't spawn mass movements, bonded together by a shared taste in music, fashion and ownership of subcultural capital: it spawns brief, microcosmic ones.
In fact, the closest thing to the old model of a subculture I've come across is Helena and the haul girls. Their videos are about conspicuous consumption: a public display of their good taste, carefully assembled with precise attention to detail. When you put it like that they sound remarkably like mods.’
Alexis Petridis 
Marie Antoinette, 2006 (Sofia Copolla) 
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jestroer · 3 years ago
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jestroer · 3 years ago
Not a particularly cute wedding present but oh well..... What you write what you get @samwasneverhere​
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Quite a dark fanart for A Guide to Being Unkillable from MVGFIC series by @/Samwasneverhere
Or, in short: Tango fucking dies! But not really?
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jestroer · 3 years ago
I really should have been drawing something lighthearted but kinda.., Slipped...? After reading this post by @theminecraftbee​. So yeah. Sorry..?
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(i am posting something cute right after this please i am not angst blog i draw fluff-)
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jestroer · 4 years ago
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some shit with dave
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jestroer · 3 years ago
So i now have a tag system!
I just made a tag system that’s it. I didn’t have it and now i have
SO, my main tags:
court jester’s art - obviously for my art! As simple as that honestly, all my art things are under this tag
court jester’s funny moment - as name suggests, tag for my incredible funny jokes and jests, such as funny textposts and most importantly memes which are all insanely funny and laughable
court jester’s fanfiction appreciation moment - different tag for my fanart for fanfiction because fanfiction is amazing and everyone should appreciate it and it’s writers
court jester’s dress moment - tag for me drawing people in dresses. It’s small now but i have a feeling that it might become a thing so im giving it a tag
court jester’s emo moment  - tag for art that you can consider a bit darker than everything else in my funny little blog mostly just so you can block it if you want just lighthearted stuff. Very little things but it is a thing!
promoted shitpost - tag for my textposts that are pleasant (its very little of them but they exist)
shitpost - just my textpost tag where i post whatever, really just talking stuff, sometimes stuff is cool and correct sometimes its me talking about my tea 
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