#court jester anon saga
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ladyniniane · 1 month ago
Someone pointed out you reblogged a AI post in error and you didn't take it down so why are you reblogging anti AI posts? You are red flagged in our small community on Discord and here already as a blog to avoid because we don't support people who promote AI in writing or art, and we raise awareness of people who are sus or use it in their own work or are in favor of its use. We can remove you from our list if you clarify your position
A note to my community: I'm apparently a very evil and problematic person who supports AI. Please stay safe, unfollow and block me!
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ladyniniane · 6 days ago
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Vous voyez les enfants, c'est pour ça que la drogue c'est mal.
You and @ladyniniane are frigid man haters who have to bring down other more attractive and sexually active women who are in good relationships and love their man and kids because you're both jealous and nasty stinking human beings. I love my husband and my family. Yes I am French and I am happily married and like my life. Is it not astounding I am happy? You are both disgusting little virgins and no wonder nobody wants to break your hymen.
T’es vraiment un naze!
@ladyniniane 😂
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Thank you for the laugh anon, this is how I imagine you behind your screen.
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ozzgin · 3 months ago
ozz, why did I just realize your married to three different anons?? And also how ?? Did they just show up and declare marriage?
Oof, it feels a little bit like opening Pandora's Box, but here it is:
One day, someone asked me to marry them. Some time later, I received a similar offer, to which I responded I'm already in such a partnership - though I wouldn't be opposed to a second spouse. I began searching for flights to Bhutan, so we could figure out a legal arrangement. That was the first Honeymoon.
Shortly afterwards, the gates burst under a flood of madness. This is, I'm afraid, the only way to accurately describe the events. The spouses kept pouring in, birthing the Ozz Harem. I had to come up with an application form, and designated uniforms. Wedding after wedding. Jealousy fights. Butt juggling. Have you ever tried to find a bridal dress for a literal horse?
Then came the divorces, and the cuck chasm. Started a sax duo with queenie-the-court-jester. Got kidnapped. The cryptids snuck their way into our household. unicornymous wrote a literary saga inspired by the chaos.
Eventually, the first adoption request came in. That was Baby Anon's grand entrance. Some spouses were against it. We held a referendum, and 400 people decided the baby's fate. The kiddos kept coming, so I had to acquire a trench coat to conceal them. Put some of those tiny hands to farm work. The critters established themselves in the family: rats, rat swarms, bacteria, weird uncles.
There you have it: the summary. I've included the tags below, so you can observe the legend yourself.
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ladyniniane · 2 months ago
Vous ne connaîtrez jamais le contact chaleureux de l'étreinte d'un homme. Votre lignée prendra fin avec vous. Tu es vide et stérile. Ton ventre est un désert
C bo ptn.
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ladyniniane · 2 months ago
God you are so fucking repressed it hurts. If you don't want children or don't want a relationship that's fine. I will fight anyone who denies you that right. But you start crossing the line putting it on another people that they have to live like that too because you think it's the right way to live and everyone else is wrong. Same with writing fics. If someone wants to write a romance story with pregnancy in it then big goddamn deal. You don't like it don't read. You probably left a review saying it was a shit story because there was a baby in it. You can point out they should tag it correctly if it's triggering to you but you seem to be fucking hating on people who are in relationships or have children.
😂😂😂😂 Wow, seems I’ve hurt a nerve here!
Thank you, anon! I had a good laugh!
To think that you could have done something productive, like taking a shower, instead of writing such a long, useless message😘.
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ladyniniane · 2 months ago
Blasphème ! Vile vierge sorcière hérétique adepte de l'IA ! Vos péchés ne sauraient rester impunis ! La cour d'internet a rendu son jugement ! Vous êtes excommunié de ses sphères et exclus de tous les sacrements que sont les "j'aime", les reblogues, ou les commentaires ! Repentez-vous en vous prosternant devant le Saint Anon, Saint des bobiats, et en suppliant qu'il t'absout de tes péchés ! Sinon, il n'aura d'autre choix que de vous frapper d'anathème et vous finirez seul dans l'hiver glacial !
Je persiste dans mon hérésie ! Que les dix plaies des images de Noël IA s'abattent sur vos reblogs !
Je suis sorcière ! Hérétique ! Relapse !
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ladyniniane · 2 months ago
Do you suffer from paranoia because this is the second time now I have messaged. Nobody is asking you to apologize either like you can just go OK I reblogged in error so I'll delete it no biggie. That's what the rest of us do. Instead you're like making people are forcing you to confess and apologize for a mistake? The issue is you knew it's AI and you still want to keep the post up that's all. Maybe stop reblogging anti AI posts if you're just refusing to stop reblogging AI art because you can't have both hun
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ladyniniane · 2 months ago
Well as an artist, I am concerned about AI scraping so if that's trivial to you then go off I guess. I was just curious when someone pointed out you reblogged an AI post and when I checked, you hadn't deleted it. Your whole attitude sucks by the way. Maybe when AI scrapes your own art and writing you'll be a little more understanding to other people when they point out you're supporting it with reblogs and a flippant attitude
Oh my, you're really obsessed with me😂!
I can picture you seething behind your screen and checking my blog in real time to see if I have answered.
Anyway, long story short: I'm an adult with real adults concerns. Reblogging an AI post by mistake isn't one of them. I'm not going to beg for forgiveness or anything. The tone of my answer matched the tone of your ask.
The people I interact with know my real stance on AI. I don't need to do some empty virtue signaling.
By the way, if you're really an artist, why not come off anon?
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ladyniniane · 2 months ago
Vierge glaciale challenge
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Inspirée par @lilias42, je relève à mon tour le défi de dessiner une "Vierge Glaciale qui Déteste les Hommes" (selon les termes accidentellement stylés de notre bouffon préféré).
Ce terme m'évoque plusieurs choses. Une guerrière au bouclier, une sorcière des glaces, une cavalière de la steppe et du désert...Mais j'ai aussi pensé à Yuki Onna.
Voici donc le résultat, inspiré par les représentations de sorcières japonaises. J'ai reproduit le maquillage des dames de la cour avec les sourcils rasés et deux ovales dessinés à la place + les dents noircies. Il a un côté très étrange qui colle très bien. Sur le côté, il est écrit "Yuki Onna".
Son histoire :
Koyuki est la fille unique d'un châtelain pendant l'ère Sengoku. Seule héritière de son père, elle prend le contrôle du château à sa mort. C'est cependant une position précaire dans cette époque troublée. Koyuki n'a de plus aucune envie de se marier.
Un jour, elle rencontre dans les montagnes une prêtresse ermite, (sans doute une divinité ayant pris cette apparence). Cette dernière lui transmet un manuel d'escrime rédigé par Tomoe Gozen ainsi que les secrets occultes des Yuki Onna.
Avec ces armes physiques et surnaturelles, Koyuki a tout pour défendre ses terres. Sa lignée prendra fin avec elle, mais qu'importe. La dame blanche entrera dans la légende.
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ladyniniane · 2 months ago
Vous n'êtes qu'une vierge glaciale qui déteste les hommes et qui ne sait pas dessiner et vos OC sont Mary-Sues. Votre écriture est superficielle et ennuyeuse
Omelette du fromage ! Roh, bah alors, tu fais un caprice ? Je croyais qu'il y avait trop de négativité dans les fandoms. En tout cas, compte sur moi pour continuer à faire exactement pareil 😘!
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ladyniniane · 2 months ago
I don't know if you're new to fandom but the etiquette to follow regarding your personal opinions on other people's fic, is to keep it private. By that, I mean you don't post about it in your Tumblr or other platforms, even vaguely, you don't leave comments or bookmark it with derogatory remarks etc. Keep your negative opinions to your DMs and private Discord chats. I mean this very respectfully because there is so much abuse and rudeness in fandom spaces already without us adding to it.
Mmmm...Didn't you write "don't like, don't read" in your previous message? Then, why are you still on my blog🤔?
Honestly, you should seek help if a rant by a random stranger on the internet affects you so much.
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ladyniniane · 1 month ago
Je trouve cela très très grave. Tu es allée beaucoup trop loin, la limite à été franchie. Je ne pense pas que tu puisses te repentir d’une telle faute.
On peut remercier cet anonyme vigilant et qui a su remplir son devoir de délation envers cet autre anonyme qui est venu courageusement t’annoncer la sentence.
(Sarcasme, mais ai-je besoin de le préciser 😁 ?)
De toute façon, je n'ai pas l'intention de me repentir !
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ladyniniane · 2 months ago
Ô grande vierge glaciale, ne ressens-tu donc aucune honte face au crime de l'IA commis ? Tu décimes des peuples avec une image IA dont tout le monde s'en tape le cul. Mais attention, la police de l'internet est là pour veiller au grain (de la connerie). 🚔👮‍♂️👮‍♀️ Les mains en l'air !
Noooon ! Je ne me rendrai jamais ! Je continuerai à décimer des nations avec mon coven de vierges glaciales vieilles filles misandres !
Car depuis la rébellion de Lilith, je suis la première femme libre (ah non, ça c'est du Renée Vivien par contre) !
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ladyniniane · 2 months ago
tu es moche en personne et frigide.
tu mourras vieux et seul. tu es une vieille fille
Attends, je mourrais "vieux et seul" mais je suis aussi une "vieille fille" ? Il y a un petit soucis là🤷.
Par contre moi j'ai quelque chose qui te définit bien 😉 :
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ladyniniane · 2 months ago
Glad to know that I live rent free in your head, anon.
Now log off, take a deep breath, touch some grass. Everything will be fine.
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