#courier: julius
pinetreevillain · 4 months
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Got the whole squad up in here (but i can’t get over crying over you)
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nooklingposting · 2 years
Ides of March
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Joshua Graham just loses it occasionally
Bonus reaction:
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irradiatedcatboy · 1 year
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Commissioned art of my Courier Julius made by DrowzyDeer.
Courier Julius
Strength : 2
Perspection: 6
Endurance : 2
Charisma : 7
Intelligence : 6
Agility : 7
Luck : 7
Tag skills: Repair, Science, Speech, Sneak
Traits: Skilled, Wild wasteland
Companions: ED-E & Vulpes (I love mods)
He barely remembers anything from before he was shot by Benny. When he joined the Legion Caesar gave him a new name and identity: Julius
(I usually just call him courier because I’m lazy.)
Age: 26-28
Gender: Trans male
Karma: Evil
Disclaimer! I changed some stuff since the canon and honest hearts sucks. First I made Caesar trans because why not? I think it makes his character and ideology much more interesting. Also Joshua and Caesar were lovers and Vulpes is their biological son. Fox boy doesn’t know it. Pretty much everything else is the same tho.
He grew up in a vault separated from everything. (Yes I gave him the same backstory as the lone wanderer) He’s mean, holds grudges and has superiority complex towards most people of the wasteland. He views them as dirty and uncivilized. In the vault he received standard education and learned many useful skills that would later help him survive the outside world.
He left the vault few years before in the hopes of better life. He was a spoiled brat and had no idea how rough things would be outside.
His new focus in life is finding a place to stay and maybe have a stable life at some point.
During the game:
He’s a petty person and wants to destroy the Strip because of Benny. The fact that one bullet was enough to fuck up his brain and steal his memories makes him furious. Helps the Omertans with their little terrorist attack as well as returns the White gloves to cannibalism.
Other fun things his done: blow up the brotherhoods bunker, sold Arcade to legion, got everyone killed in Sierra Madre, nuked NCR etc.
Fighting is something he tries to avoid, but not because he’s a pacifist. He’s just a coward and knows most people could kick his ass in combat. His extremely lucky to be alive.
NCR has declared him a terrorist, Mr House is dead and he’s too lazy to go with the yes man route so Legion was the only option for him. He’s quite curious about their ideology since he has no home, family, friends or anything left. He hopes to find purpose for his life there.
Most companions don’t like him at all and Boone, Arcade and Veronica hate him. Raul is the only one willing to tolerate his bs. Oh and Julius won’t travel with Lilly since he’s afraid of mutants. But he’s okay with Cass, Rex and ED-E.
Caesar sees him as useful pawn so he gives the courier a new name and purpose. He’s seen as a helpful outsider (and a degenerate) by most of the Legion but they tolerate him. Vulpes is assigned to protect and make sure courier stays loyal.
During his time serving in Legion Julius ends up visiting Nelson quite often and meets someone very special to him. He’s lonely and traumatized man looking for comfort and Dead sea sees him as an opportunity to move up the ranks. I mean if Caesar likes this new guy so surely sleeping with him would be beneficial, right? Well not exactly, after Caesar figures out why courier is so eager to visit Nelson as often as possible he makes sure to remove Dead sea permanently.
Dead sea is killed and Julius is told his lover was promoted and send to another outpost. Thinking his lover has abandoned him Julius doesn't question what he’s told. He has no reason to doubt Caesar.
After the break up with Dead sea Julius is more focused on his newly found career and doesn't start new relationships with anyone. Vulpes is fully aware of what actually happened to Dead sea but he won’t talk, he has no reason to question Caesar’s decisions.
Caesar is a dying man with god complex and in his head the courier and Vulpes are meant to be the future leaders of the Legion. (Just like he and Joshua were supposed to be) Vulpes is his flesh and blood after all, and the courier caries the same anger and pain as he does. Surely these two would be a good choice to lead semi-militaristic cult.
As long as Julius gets to enjoy the benefits of being favored by Caesar he’s very loyal. However if he ever stopped receiving the special treatment he wouldn't hesitate to stab Caesar in the back. And if he ever found out what happened to Dead sea, he would kill Caesar.
The only time he ever considered running away was during his final delievery job. He was told to find the burned man and give him letter written by Caesar. Julius was nosy so he read the letter with Vulpes and they found out who fox bois parents were. Caesar wrote the letter because he thought he was going to die and wanted to say goodbye to his former best friend and lover. (I hate honest hearts so I changed it.)
After Hoover dam:
Julius helped Caesar with the tumor problem and was in front lines during the battle for Hoover dam. He gained good reputation and respect among the Legion. And since Legion has very cult like mentality, the courier was viewed as almost religious figure after all he’d done. Caesar saw this as an opportunity and against his wishes, Julius was forced to take even bigger role in Legion.
His new ”job” or rank would require him to works as an ambassador and convince as many people as possible that Legion was the right choice. The education he received in the vault and his somewhat charismatic personality made him a convincing preacher. At some point he started believing what he was saying, maybe Caesar really was the son of Mars and maybe what they were doing was right.
Eventually all the violence and destruction he saw in the following years took it’s toll. There was no courier anymore, only Julius who was created by Caesar was left. Vulpes stayed by his side all those years as a loyal guard dog. Their relationship was close but not romantic.
Due to his desperate need for a home and family, he had accepted his role in Legion and started spreading the word of Caesar through the wasteland. Where he went the air smelled of decay, ground would burn and turn into ashes.
Julius started slowly becoming more and more deranged with his preaching and used brutal ways of converting and executing those who refused to obey. The story of the burned man had stick with him and it became his signature way of execution. It was the price of his own freedom.
8 years after the battle of Hoover dam, Caesar died and Vulpes was supposed to become the new Caesar. However not everyone was happy with the new leader so Lanius challenged him to a fight in the arena. Vulpes got destroyed. The next problem was Julius and his followers. Lanius saw them as a threat so the logical decicion was to order his execution.
Julius had collected decent following during his time as a preacher and his fanatic followers were willing to die for him. In the end Lanius got what he wanted and Julius was crucified at the same place as Benny was. Most of his followers were either crucified or burned alive.
After the couriers death some of the legionnaires continued spreading his story around the campfire. The people who witnessed Julius burning down towns and commit crimes in the name of Caesar also remembered him in their ghost stories.
The Legion fell apart few years after Caesar's death and the land could start healing.
(I got tired of trans characters always being victims or pure saints so I wanted to make something else. Sorry this was a mess.)
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tf2shipswag · 1 year
if you signed up to the pair-up collab form thing, here is where you will find your collab partner(s)!!!!!!
if you for any reason need to change who you are paired up with or need to drop out, feel free to just dm me!
once finished with your pair up image, dm it to me or send it to me in an ask :3
[for organization purposes, i will be highlighting every collab that has already been finished and submitted!]
lots n lots under the cut!!
Jasmine (The Informant) [@laytonsartblog] vs. Loafette and Crumbsy (as a duo) [@gofishgo and @honeysparklesmash]
Robin Willson-Pierre [@puntastic-artist] vs. Aarang Kyung (The Witch) [@kisbunzies]
Jimmy B. Water [@cathansfish] vs. Chico [@girafferobot3000]
Phantom [@midori-berry] vs. Armani Barone (The Decoy) [@friendlyengie]
Dee [@midori-berry] vs. Faith Dawn [@jesi-jess]
Benedict Octavian Nostitz [@jesi-jess] vs. Felix O'Mulligan [@necodama]
June (Spyder) [@a-scary-lack-of-common-sense] vs. Kathleen (The Scavenger) [@froyocorp]
Cáspio Marina/Fishy (The Fisherman) [@lovemygfsnieprtf2] vs. Mirasol Carpio [@tepikvinxi]
Bugeye [@tepikvinxi] vs. Dante Novikov (The Poisoner) [@fairysbrew]
Cam and Jr. (as a duo) [@fl00rbr3ad] vs. Rene Lambert and Alois Dietrich (as a duo) [@solemn-vow and @allthepandasintheworld]
The Conductor [@cjsees] vs. CD Fence [@nonhumanmakesart]
Elijah King (The Assistant) [@gordonfreemanreal] vs. Julius Jameson (The CopyCat) [@0rangejulius]
Mathilda Vogel [@stangeranfanficion] vs. Jay [@leo-undrgrnd]
Novak Vindicta/Asher Constantine [@pheonixsupportsyou] vs. The Scrapper [@violetkatgrove]
Shifter [@ozianthus-arts] vs. Darnell [@general-marzipan]
Elaina (The Maid) [@itsameghoulmint] vs. Scout (Sky COTL AU) [@that1randomname]
Bloodhound [@slcknasty] vs. Brodie (The Courier) [@sicc-nasti]
The Cartographer [@fratboycipher] vs. Benjamin Madden [@princessartseyrandomness]
Uwe Pfeiffer and Morbius Pantazis (as a duo) [@skylordgrey and @rottingcompost] vs. Ammo and The Time Traveller (as a duo) [@lalazynax-blog and @littlemacbagel]
The Intern [@queensqueercourt] vs. Butcher [@junkbrainz]
Lia Olivero and The Sailor (as a duo) [@hootsimedes and @robin374] vs. The Target [@inputs-chaos]
Daniel Peltola (The Signaller) [@ultrakill-gabriel] vs. The Nurse [@fictofaggot]
The Therapist [@hazardtoons] vs. Jay the Janitor [@beepiesheepie]
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juliusofcaesar · 29 days
[There’s a slight ring of a bell as a traveling merchant and their group walks into Cottonwood Cove, the brahmin packed with food and everything they’d need to survive. Some legionaries walk over and ask the merchant what’s their purpose for being here, while others just look up from the ringing. By the parts of the passing conversation you can hear, the merchant is apparently named Percy Anderson.]
(Hi, How are you? Hope you’re doing well, I’m here to roleplay.)
[Julius looks over and watches with some intrigue— He figures it’s best to hang back and listen as his betters speak to the merchants]
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essayofthoughts · 2 years
I have a question of vital importance for you:
Rich nobles tend to have horses. Ergo, the de Rolos (both the original family and the squad we might see this week) likely had/have a stable with some fine mounts.
Any thoughts as to any de Rolo's favorite horses?
(My aunt has a fairly high-end barn so I chatted with her about the subject during my chaotic weekend, so it’s been on my mind a lil!)
So... based on the kind of setting Exandria is, there probably wouldn't be much by way of distinct modern horse breeds. Instead you're dealing with much more broad types - ponies, carthorses and cobs, ploughhorses (also called draught/draft horses), hot-blooded coursers, destriers (warhorses), rounceys and palfreys.
For the most part, I think Whitestone, given it's isolation and utility, tends towards cobby carthorses - cobs are solidly, at times stockily built and usually pretty well-equipped for colder climes - and draft horses as a matter of necessity. While I imagine that a few Whitestone nobles in the past might have imported a destrier or two, those probably got diluted and bred into the cart and draft horse lines (some draft horses today likely have some old warhorse blood in them; carrying an armoured up knight isn't easy). Coursers would be possible for couriers, but lighter, faster horses tend to not be so well-equipped for the cold; it's quite possible they just have a stock of speedy cobs they use for that. Also, coursers would be trained for battle at times, used as warhorses by those unable to afford a destrier - they might have been popular with a few lords, but I doubt they had many purpose-bred coursers and quite likely they were bred with local cobs to be better equipped for the climate.
Palfreys are... well traditionally, a lady's horse. Medium size, mild-mannered, smooth-gaited. Still potentially useful in other ways, but meant for casual, domestic riding and I imagine most of the de Rolo women rode palfreys. There'd always be exceptions - I imagine the terrifying Lady Melanie de Rolo probably rode a cob - but for the most part, a palfrey is meant for casual riding by people of middling experience.
The men probably rode courser-cobs or rounceys - rounceys are more all-rounder horses, used for work but possible to train for war. I imagine the Grey Hunt, if it were ever large enough to have stables of it's own, would probably primarily have rounceys, there to ride, carry, and hunt.
As for horses preferred by specific known de Rolos... well that depends a lot on your own characterisation. I think Cassandra probably started out with palfreys but after the occupation likes a mild-mannered courser. Easy to command but also able to go fast when required. I think the children all learn to ride on palfreys, just because it's safest. I think Julius liked to show off with high-spirited horses, but didn't mind riding whatever was available. I think Percy preferred not to ride much, but was a capable enough rider to manage with whatever horse he was given.
I think the de Rolo parents had a pair of palfreys, for riding down to town or the surrounding farms, not quite matched but certainly complementing each other.
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ofstarsandskies · 9 months
{from Mana} She's still slightly terrified of Julius and even Ludger but she has come to bring them gifts. For Ludger there is a few cookbooks and a few daggers. For Julius she made a few tomato plushies, and since Sunny said something about him wanting a prized possession box, he gets one with little cats carved into the side. And she brought Lulu some treats she got from the katz. "Happy holidays from my family to yours!"
@pastelfates cause the boys got gifts (and some in return~)
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Right as Ludger's oven went off, so did their doorbell. Did Nova come early? "Nii-san, can you get the cookies?" It might be a gamble to ask, but surely Julius wouldn't set the house on fire opening an oven door. Guess they'd find out.
Anyway, the door! To his surprise, his guest wasn't Nova (well she wasn't too surprising; she's never early) or even Zig; Mana came bearing gifts! "Oh, Merry Verius Evening to you too, Mana!" Ludger greeted. "Could you step inside for a minute? I've got something for you in return!"
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"Merry Verius Evening to you, Mana," Julius managed to not burn anything down by himself, allowing him to offer the welcome guest fresh, warm cookies. "We're both honored you'd come to personally deliver our gifts. Then again, finding an interdimensional mail courier is the bigger hassle." Not unless Lady Norn pulled small favors, wherever she was.
"While I stall for time, we have gifts for you and Ms. Sunny as well. We kept them in Ludger's room so Lulu didn't use the box as a scratching post--" A loud ting rang from the railing in Ludger's closet. He told him not to stash it too far back; little brothers never think ahead. "--So they should be unharmed. But while we wait, do you mind if I open mine?"
Julius set the cookie tray down on the table and opened his box. His eyes settled on the tomatoes first, big shock, giving them a gentle squeeze. Definitely plush; good thing he tested first. "These are lovely, Mana. My room needs a bit of sprucing up."
As for the cute kitty box, it took Julius a second to realize the inspiration behind it. When it clicked, he couldn't help a hearty chuckle, "Ms. Sunny got a good memory-- I didn't think she'd remember that compliment on her prized possession box idea." Suffice to say, he'd already put one thing: an old photo of Ludger's 10th birthday party Julius used to remember why he never stopped fighting.
How it held up without creasing this long, call it an Origin's miracle.
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And after all that talking, Ludger returned with custom gift boxes cut into a sunflower and rabbit respectively. "Sorry for the wait! I uh-- I'm sure Julius said why," Julius' wry smile said as much. "I won't talk your ear off after you endured his stalling. Merry Verius Eve to you and Sunny!"
Mana's box held two items: the first, a hand-printed and published fifty paged animal pun book, illustrations included, by Julius himself. At its side would be a doll of the book's cover mascot, a custom sewn Bunnykins. Its arms were positioned and reinforced enough to hold Mana's new book, should she want to display them both.
Sunny's box also came with two separate things: Ludger's gift was a hand-selected copy of several Elympion and Rieze Maxian dishes cook book Ludger tortured a copy machine to cobble together. Julius' gift required some serious networking to recover a milennia old Spyrix casing which Julius managed to buff off the rust and dirt off of. Wouldn't trump her milennia old keepsakes, but it'd sure try its best.
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"Enjoy the holiday your world celebrates! We're happy to have you around any day you'd like--" Wait a second... did Mana have cat treats in her hands? Well, it was the holidays; he'd let it go this once. "A-And I'll open my gift if you don't mind!"
A new set of twin daggers! Always good to have a backup-- his Ardent Vesperias weren't shining as much as they used to. "I'll never turn down a nice pair of weapons," He'd give them a test run out on the Highroad when it warmed up. The books though, oh they'd get used right away! "And cookbooks from another world? Sign me up every time! Thank you and your sister both! Keep warm and safe!"
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govindhtech · 9 months
Cryptography’s three primary categories
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Cryptography, from the Greek words meaning “hidden writing,” encrypts sent data so only the intended recipient can read it. Applications for cryptography are numerous. Cryptography is essential to our digital world and protects sensitive data from hackers and other cybercriminals, from WhatsApp’s end-to-end message authentication to legal form digital signatures to cryptocurrency mining’s CPU-draining ciphers.
One of the first cryptologists was Julius Caesar. Modern cryptosystems are more advanced yet work similarly. Most cryptosystems start with plaintext, which is encrypted into ciphertext using one or more encryption keys. The recipient receives this ciphertext. If the ciphertext is intercepted and the encryption algorithm is strong, unauthorized eavesdroppers cannot break the code. The targeted receiver can simply decipher the text with the correct decryption key.
Let’s start with robust cryptography frameworks’ key features:
Confidentiality: Only the intended recipient can access encrypted information.
Integrity: Encrypted data cannot be altered in storage or transit between sender and receiver without detection.
Non-repudiation: Encrypted information cannot be denied transmission.
Authentication: Sender, receiver, and information origin and destination are verified.
Key management: Data encryption and decryption keys (and related duties like key length, distribution, generation, rotation, etc.) are secure.
Three encryption types
Hybrid systems like SSL exist, although most encryption methods are symmetric, asymmetric, or hash functions.
Key symmetric cryptography
Symmetric key encryption, also known as private key cryptography, secret key cryptography, or single key encryption, employs one key for encryption and decryption. These systems need users to share a private key. Private keys can be shared by a private courier, secured line, or Diffie-Hellman key agreement.
Two types of symmetric key algorithms:
Block cipher: The method works on a fixed-size data block. If the block size is 8, eight bytes of plaintext are encrypted. Encrypt/decrypt interfaces usually call the low-level cipher function repeatedly for data longer than the block size.
Stream cipher: Stream ciphers convert one bit (or byte) at a time. A stream cipher creates a keystream from a key. The produced keystream is XORed with plaintext.
Symmetrical cryptography examples:
DES: IBM developed the Data Encryption Standard (DES) in the early 1970s. While it is vulnerable to brute force assaults, its architecture remains relevant in modern cryptography. 
Triple DES: By 1999, computing advances made DES unsecure, however the DES cryptosystem built on the original DES basis provides protection that modern machines cannot break.
Blowfish: Bruce Schneer’s 1993 fast, free, public block cipher.
AES: The only publicly available encryption certified by the U.S. National Security Agency for top secret material is AES.
Asymmetric-key cryptography
One secret and one public key are used in asymmetric encryption. This is why these algorithms are called public key algorithms. Although one key is publicly available, only the intended recipient’s private key may decrypt a message, making public key cryptography more secure than symmetric encryption.
Examples of asymmetrical cryptography:
RSA: Founded in 1977 by Rivest, Shamier, and Adleman, the RSA algorithm is one of the oldest public key cryptosystems for secure data transfer.
ECC: ECC is a sophisticated kind of asymmetric encryption that uses elliptic curve algebraic structures to create very strong cryptographic keys.
One-way hash
Cryptographic hash algorithms convert variable-length input strings into fixed-length digests. The input is plaintext, and the output hash is cipher. Good hash functions for practical applications satisfy the following:
Collision-resistant: A new hash is generated anytime any data is updated, ensuring data integrity.
One-way: The function is irreversible. Thus, a digest cannot be traced back to its source, assuring data security.
Because hash algorithms directly encrypt data without keys, they create powerful cryptosystems. Plaintext is its own key.
Consider the security risk of a bank password database. Anyone with bank computer access, authorized or illegal, may see every password. To protect data, banks and other companies encrypt passwords into a hash value and save only that value in their database. Without the password, the hash value cannot be broken.
Future of cryptography
A quantum cryptography
Technological advances and more complex cyberattacks drive cryptography to evolve. Quantum cryptography, or quantum encryption, uses quantum physics’ natural and immutable laws to securely encrypt and transfer data for cybersecurity. Quantum encryption, albeit still developing, could be unhackable and more secure than earlier cryptographic systems.
Post-quantum crypto
Post-quantum cryptographic methods use mathematical cryptography to generate quantum computer-proof encryption, unlike quantum cryptography, which uses natural rules of physics. Quantum computing, a fast-growing discipline of computer science, might exponentially enhance processing power, dwarfing even the fastest super computers. Although theoretical, prototypes suggest that quantum computers might breach even the most secure public key cryptography schemes in 10 to 50 years.
NIST states that post-quantum cryptography (PQC) aims to “develop cryptographic systems that are secure against both quantum and classical computers, and [that] can interoperate with existing communications protocols and networks.”
The six main quantum-safe cryptography fields are:
Lattice-based crypto
Multivariate crypto
Cryptography using hashes
Code-based cryptography
Cryptography using isogeny
Key symmetry quantum resistance
IBM cryptography helps organizations protect crucial data
IBM cryptography solutions offer crypto agility, quantum-safety, and robust governance and risk policies through technology, consulting, systems integration, and managed security. End-to-end encryption tailored to your business needs protects data and mainframes with symmetric, asymmetric, hash, and other cryptography.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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zooterchet · 1 year
Military Achievements (Mother's Side):
Pharsa Phenius: Removal of prosecutor's law, dependence on defense, for legacy of testament given immediately; prevention of claim of genome as imbibed inheritance.
Pharaoh Nectaebus: Religion as embezzling code, prevention of tax, as guilty, in legal code.
Julius Caesar: The Noble's Trinity, as opposing form, unless dead, homosexuals to be hunted of those devising peasantry.
Emperor Nero: The relief of Pontius Pilate, by destruction of Christ, for demanding invention as election rig, through prize fight.
Milesius of a Thousand Battles: Identification, of opposing force, as refused commander, comrade.
U'Niall of the Nine Hostages: Arrangement of spy's rings, around wealthy, with trade grievance offered, through Connaught, Ireland.
Constantine O'Neill: Allowing false son, to inherit share, as defender of Judaism, religion of outcast.
Shane O'Neill: Adoption as source of police.
Friedrich Nietzsche: Seal, as disruptive student, as psychosis, instead of world leader.
Hugh O'Neill: Establishment of hats, instead of helmets, as spy's code, those couriers to betray on kill by enemy force; raiding of own quartermaster.
William H. Tracy: Writing of nemesis, as exactly the same as hero, as publishing stunt, to haze iconography of hero if abusing victim as villain in own comic.
Alice Charlebois: Establishment of literature, as gender trade in pair, to survive POW camp.
Alan Moore: Complex form of logic, to give to artist to make linear, to oppose psychiatric system.
David "Chet" Charlebois: Establishment of five print, method pistol writing, to kill anyone claiming as own technique, katana; Japanese Steal.
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xptrust · 2 years
Veni vidi vici
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I would encrypt the message "hello" as "mjqqt". We would agree that I would encrypt my messages by shifting each letter 5 (the shift number) characters to the right (the direction). It is called a substitution cipher because each letter in the plaintext is substituted for a letter in the ciphertext.Īssume that I want to communicate with my parents. A type of substitution cipher, the sender and receiver agree on the key - a shift number and direction (left or right) - and, to encrypt, the sender shifts each letter in the plaintext in the chosen direction and by the number of spaces indicated by the shift number to create the ciphertext and, to decrypt, the receiver shifts each letter in the ciphertext in the opposite direction and same amount to restore the plaintext. One of the earliest encryption schemes was employed by Julius Caesar to keep his messages safe. Using a good encryption/decryption scheme and key to protect a message means that the sunglassed snooper has no way of knowing the contents of the message even if they know the algorithm used to protect the message. The data shared between communicating parties that can be used to configure the encryption/decryption scheme is called a key. If the methods of encryption and decryption are known, why can't the sender's foes use that information to recover the plaintext? Because encryption/decryption schemes usually rely on the sender and the intended recipient sharing some data that is used to configure the encryption/decryption scheme in a particular way. In an encryption/decryption scheme, there is a corresponding algorithm for taking the ciphertext and reversing the encryption - the process is known as decryption and is performed by the receiver.Įncryption/decryption schemes are publicly known, well documented and standardized. This process is known as encryption and is performed by the sender. In an encryption/decryption scheme, there is an algorithm for taking the original message (the plaintext) and transforming it to something that an eavesdropper can't understand (the ciphertext). The need led to the development of encryption.Įncryption/decryption methods are known as schemes. In other words, the sender and receiver had to assume that the spy knew the method by which they were keeping a secret and still be able to communicate privately. What the secretive sender needed to communicate with the reluctant reader was a method of communicating that could protect the information whether a spy knew the means for its protection or not. The technique of " security through obscurity" did not hold up long when exposed to dedicated adversaries. Whether by hiding the truth or using trusted intermediaries, early furtive senders would rely on surreptitiousness to keep a message secret. The battle between the coy and the nosy has been fought back and forth throughout the ages. No matter the mechanism, there have always been people who wanted to keep certain communications secret.Īnd, for as long as there have been secrets, there have been people dedicated to exposing them. Sometimes the writer would mail a letter and seal it with a wax stamp to indicate to the reader whether the message had been opened in transit. Sometimes the speaker would tell the message to a trusted courier who would deliver the message to the speaker's counterpart. Since the beginning of time people have sent messages that they only wanted the intended recipient to understand.
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ju1ian · 4 years
this is a very long post about an OC i wrote for Fallout New Vegas.
i never got around to actually laying out Julius’ whole story line, and i don’t think i ever will, so im gonna summarize it. (it ended up being kinda long sorry) im gonna put it under a read more but idk what that means for mobile users, please forgive me. blacklist ‘fonv’ or ‘Courier: Julius’ if you don’t wanna see this.
-gets shot by Benny -wakes up in Goodsprings with absolutely no memories, no name, and INT. 1 -sets out on a journey motivated by nothing else other than finding Benny and killing him. -meets Vulpes in Nipton, likes him a lot. has no idea what or who The Legion is. -meets Arcade in Freeside after getting stabbed, likes him a lot too. (these are conflicting interests.) -stays in Freeside for a short while helping people (the kings, the followers, etc.) forms a strong friendship with Arcade. -makes it to The Strip, kills Benny, finishes his delivery, tells House to fuck off. -travels back to The Fort to meet with Ceasar and see Vulpes again, brings Arcade. -Caesar gives him the name Julius. Vulpes gives him a Legion brand on his left shoulder blade. (this is important for later) -becomes very attached to Vulpes (has a strong romantic interest in him), forms a father-son like bond with Caesar, easily becomes a stand in for Joshua Graham in Caesars life except a whole lot dumber. (extreme endurance and blood lust.) -relationship with Arcade becomes strained to the point that Arcade decides to break things off and abandon him. -kills Arcade to stop him from leaving him, falls into a depression.  -takes work with the Happy Trails Caravan to distract himself from how upset he is, doesn’t tell anyone he’s leaving. -meets Joshua Graham in Zion, they are similar but very different.  -Joshua tries to get him to leave, because he reminds him too much of Ceasar and the Legion, but Julius refuses, and explains why he can’t go home. -spends a lot of time with Joshua Graham, learns about God, doesn’t really understand it, but he likes him. quickly forms a father-son like bond with Joshua as well. In this time, he works though his regret and depression surrounding Arcade’s death. -helps defeat the While Legs, but doesn’t let Salt Upon Wounds be spared. -tries to convince Joshua Graham to come back to the Mojave with him because he needs him, but Joshua refuses. (he stills gives him a set of those sweet clothes though) -before he leaves, Joshua urges him to try and reevaluate his choices concerning Caesar and the Legion. -returns to the Mojave and The Fort in those sweet ass clothes. Everyone thought he was dead. -tells Vulpes and Caesar about his cool trip. Caesar thinks it’s bittersweet. Vulpes thinks it’s stupid. -gets sent on a recon mission at Camp Mccarran, where he comes into contact with his sister who he has no memory of. She is an NCR soldier.  -she tries to talk to him, using his real name, which is Marc-Antony. she reveals to him that they were both NCR soldiers, but he left due to being tired of the NCR’s ways. -he has no memory of this, and doubts it as fact. however, she reveals to him that they both has NCR tattoo’s on their left shoulder blades.  -when she tries to show him this, she finds that his has been branded over with the Legion bull. by telling him this, he realizes Vulpes knew the whole time that he was former NCR, and didn’t tell him.  -he still tries to deny that his sister is telling him the truth, and leaves Camp Mccarran with unwanted information, and a migraine. -over the next few weeks, he starts to get more unwanted memories about his life, and starts to pull away from Vulpes and Caesar, no longer trusting them. he believes they have used him as a blank slate because he was without memories and willing to comply with whatever they wanted from him. -regains full memories of his life as Marc-Antony, and can’t reconcile that with the life he’s been living as Julius. this leads to him abandoning his place at the Fort and hiding out in the Mojave while he tries to make sense of his life. -while hiding out, he get’s the Mysterious Radio Broadcast on his pip boy and decides to investigate it, ends up in Big MT.  -gets lobotomized by the scientists there. -has a lot of time to reflect on his life and his choices while trying to find a way out of Big MT. -once he finally helps the scientists, and settles things between the Think Tank and Mobius, he decides to ask them if they can remove his memories before they give him his brain back. -they comply, and he decides to rid himself of the memories of Marc-Antony’s life, deciding he was much happier as Julius, in his life with Vulpes and Caesar. -returns to the Fort, where everyone thought he was dead once again.  -Vulpes is especially happy to see him back to his old self, and not distant like he had been before he disappeared. -Caesar sends him to battle at the Hoover Dam. They win.  -he lives a relatively happy life with Vulpes for a few years. -due to his incredibly bad karma, one day while he’s partaking in his favorite drink Sunset Sarsaparilla, he accidentally drops a bottle of it on the ground, the cap flies off and hits him in the forehead, killing him instantly. 
-important notes that would be explained further in detail if i ever actually wrote this in depth like i want to- -Julius is compelled to collect eyeglasses. this is because Marc-Antony actually needs glasses to see clearly, Julius just thinks the world is a bit blurry. -Julius adds Arcade’s eyeglasses to his collection once he is dead. -Julius routinely sends Joshua Graham letters from the Fort once he returns, but Joshua never writes back.  -Julius favorite food is Radscorpion Venom Casserole, but he can almost never eat any because he chews on the inside of his cheeks. -Once he gets those clothes from Joshua Graham, he never takes them off.
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irradiatedcatboy · 1 year
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My Legion aligned courier Julius ~
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funkydikdik · 4 years
Courier, pointing gun at Caesar: call me Brutus
Caesar: ????
Courier, looking at Arcade: ????
Arcade: 👍👍👍😊
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purpleberrypunch · 3 years
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j.c - who or what is that - joch. jolicoeur celeste. what do y’all think? this is on the hotel uniform
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frangvski · 3 years
my oc creation process so good i literally woke up one day in november 2020 and went "what if brian molko and vaslav nijinsky had a son lmao" then deadass opened fallout new vegas and decided he finna be a cowboy mailman I love this lil dude so much 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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whiterexpper · 5 years
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Fallout NV
Courier Six
Name: Before he went to the Mojave, his nickname was actually Caesar. He may have been a courier, but he was brutal in fights. His names changed to Julian a while after learning about the legion. But if you still yelled Caesar, his head would turn quick.
Age: He’s young, 25-28 but he won’t tell. It’s either between or either one of the two.
Looks: He has white hair, no, not bleached. He was born with it and no one knows how or why. His father thinks it might be from ancestors or his grandparents. He’s got a scruffy beard and bright yellow eyes. Radiation change? Probably, probably not. He’s got an odd “Ill kick your ass if you touch me.” Look, he doesn’t even smile unless it’s one of his friends. The last time he smiled was when he got to kill Benny. (Yikes, you okay bud?) he’s a bit built too, he always climbs the mountains when he thinks the route is faster (it isn’t) and ends up climbing back down and either running/fighting people who’s in his way, or, he walks past bc he doesn’t have time. He always wears the riot gear. But if you go to the casino or just the high-end New Vegas area, he’ll change into a general outfit he found from the Divide. He loves it. That’s also when you’ll get to see his hair, and snarky ass face. Big scar down his right cheek to the top of his eyebrow. Two small ones as well, one on his lip and the other on the bridge of his nose.
Personality: He’s mean. Sarcastic. Charismatic. An asshole. He doesn’t want anything to do with you, but if you help him, or get to know him, you’ll soften him up and realized how rough he’s had it in the past. He’s not cheerful and is obviously hiding something dark that he doesn’t like to talk about but if you do get him to talk about it, hold him. Close. And tight. He needs it afterwards and you’ll realize it. ANYWAY, He can be a pain in the ass because he doesn’t listen to anyone else’s shit unless it helps the situation or him. He’s such a shit when it comes to teaming. He and Boone didn’t get along well at first but later found peace.
Weapons: Maria. And the Bowie knife. When I said he loved the general outfit, I didn’t mention he loved acting like one. “Do this!” “Do that!” , I told you he’s a prick and he’ll show off his combat moves by killing a death claw with Maria or a Bowie knife alone. He’ll be injured and his pride will get in the way. (“DONT touch mEEEE” kinda stuff or, “IM FINE FUCK OFF!” ) but he’ll cave in when it bothers him or ruined his outfit with stained blood.
Favorite people?: He likes Rex and Cass a lot. Ulysses is his guide and he’ll sit with him for hours on the cliff, bringing snacks and drinks to Ulysses and watching the divine stand still. He’s a baby when it comes to close people. Joshua Graham, oh man. Father figure? I fuuckin THINK SO- He’ll do what he says and he’ll look up to him. He accidentally called him dad once and ended up hiding in the ruins of the crashes school bus. (Leave him be he’s embarrassed.)
That’s about it though, I might add some things later. Idk but he’s my favorite.
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