#counting decades
puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 218
“Moom, there’s yellow-eyed creeps fighting ninjas outside the window again!” 
Danny sighed, taking a deep breath- in for ten, out for eight- as he set the pot he was cleaning back in the sink. Dan- currently six- came running in from the living room of the apartment, where he was watching TV. Or he should have been if not for the bullshit outside. 
He sighed again, picking up baby Ellie- currently closer to two- out of her highchair (even if she could just float out) and let his oldest drag him to the window. Sure enough, another fight was happening, with no vigilante in sight stopping it. Look, he knew most people didn’t live here, but it was still rude. 
“Jordan, remember how I told you how violence isn’t always the answer?” Danny asked sweetly, Dan’s expression shifting to a wicked grin as he opened the window. “Feel free to practice tossing some fireballs while I clean up your sister, yeah?” 
Ah, the sweet sound of surprised cursing and startled ecto-signatures. Maybe they’d be polite enough to take their spar elsewhere. 
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constantlyfalling · 2 years
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🌦 rainy drive 🌦
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Honorary appreciation post for this mentally exhausted sweetheart.
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A recent acquisition originally published in 1965, and sure to be an interesting read ...
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shinybulbasaur · 3 months
Rules: Make a poll with five of your all-time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite!
I was tagged by @suddenrundown, thanks for the tag! I was so tempted to put "eliot's baseball hair" but I resisted (also polls don't allow strikethroughs. sad). tagging @michinaranja, @vero-niche, @acidmatze and anyone else who wants to play!
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hoofpeet · 4 months
was looking at the hoofology tag cuz i love penny and on an old ref sheet post of the main 4, it says penny’s trans!! :o
is that still true cuz i’m guessing things have changed over the years with them
og post was from like 2020 i think
Yeah still canon !! Mayhaps it hasn't come up in a while but Dane and Penny are both trans 👍
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tanoraqui · 16 days
I’m not personally a headcanonner of Maglor living in Rivendell in LotR under a new name, but if he is, I adamantly believe that he is not Lindir (“song guy”) but rather Erestor (tentatively glossed “lonely brother.”) Tragic humor or bust!
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literallyjusttoa · 8 months
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Left this abandoned in the drafts (which is a bit ironic) but it's a spin on this post, where instead of Apollo just being locked in some room on Olympus somewhere, he's bound to the ruins of an abandoned Ancient Greek city. Maybe somewhere near Delphi, maybe Troy, idk.
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superchat · 4 months
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i keep using this as a reaction pic and im definitely going to hell for it
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swordsmans · 1 year
prompted by a baffling conversation with one of my friends + overall trends with events like big bangs. apparently i am deeply underestimating the amount of, like, actual consumption crossover between fanartists and fanwriters. i've been operating under the assumption that the majority of fanartists don't read fanfic and that fanfic is a relatively niche thing mostly shared between fanwriters with a few outlier exceptions. like, that the "communities" or w/e are relatively separate??
this is possibly because i've been out of "fandom" for a few years (or bc im not on twitter/insta where the artists hang out), but i feel like most of my friends are other fanwriters and most of the people who actively engage with fanfic on tumblr/ao3 are also fanwriters (and vice-versa with fanartists gravitating to each other). however. my friend disagrees? neither of us are actually artists tho so i'm putting the question out to the crowd. (more thoughts) ->
side note: i didn't include an option for being BOTH a fanartist/fanwriter because 1) you're like rare and exotic birds to me 2) i'm trying to figure out who falls into which category based on what community you "identify" with the most. if you write the occasional fanfic but you mostly think about/create fanart, you're a fanartist; if you mostly write fanfic but every now and then will think about/make some art, you're a fanwriter. the group you're more likely to engage with. that kinda thing.
side note 2: you will see i have included an option for fanwriters who don't/rarely read fanfic. i know you exist because that is my category. i read fanfic but do so rarely these days. i'm selective because i dont have a lot of time on my hands. this is possibly another reason why i feel like engagement between fanwriters is so high, because if i'm going to engage with a fanfic i'm gonna put my whole ass into it since that's the kind of engagement that makes me happiest from a writer's perspective.
for reference, when i say "engagement" i'm talking about leaving kudos, comments on ao3, asks/comments on tumblr, tags on reblogs... that kinda thing.
with all of this in mind, this could literally just be because fanfic writers are more willing to engage with other writers bc of their own shared hobby and/or because fanfic writers know what kind of engagement theyd prefer on their own fics and act accordingly--and non-writer/artists are just more willing to engage in general because that's the primary way you participate in fan communities. on the flip side, fanartists might just straight up be a really quiet bunch... possibly because your thing (affectionate) is "visual" more than "verbal" (if that makes sense).
basically... this is exactly what i'd like to know LOL.
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This one's for the millennials. Any other Humongous Entertainment enjoyers out there?
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canisalbus · 1 year
I noticed you've been making more art of Machete and Vasco after they met again as adults - is this canon? Do they get to rekindle their friendship after all, or is it still brief and bittersweet? (I love your characters and art, btw!)
Thank you! I'm glad you like them!
It's canon, I believe. After their confusing and apprehensive friends-to-lovers involvement ended in their early 20's, their paths end up crossing again unexpectedly in their mid 30's and things gradually grow from there.
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404-art-found · 7 months
Hi it's come to my attention that not everyone who likes Buddy has read the fic series that spawned it? If I had a nickel every time I saw someone who either hasn't read the fic series or didn't know there was a fic series about it, I'd have 3 nickels, which is too many nickels
This is its origin story! How it met its crew! Trials and tribulations! It's 26k words worth of Buddy stories! So if you like Buddy please make sure you read the fic series that has its story and heart in it. please. please. pl
Also I've written other Lethal Company fanfic and do plan to write more so. Reminder I have an AO3 and I Write Things
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starakex · 2 months
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rap cryptid
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Because in the light, you are untouchable.
(flickering gif/possible eyestrain below the cut)
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#rb#my art#ace attorney#klavier gavin#flashing gif#flashing warning#eyestrain#art stuff#i dunno if this counts but#animated gif#when i say may art program *crunched* the gif#i mean it fucking CRUNCHED it look at that thing. tbh i kinda like the uncanny look it gives it though#i am losing my mind about this stupid fictional rockstar. 'hes a diva who freaks out and loses his shit over his keys going missing.'#'lol he even put his logo on his boot prints! haha thats so funny-'#do you understand that every. single. person involved with state v. gramareye felt watched.#the mishams were fucking *terrified* for almost a decade because of the looming threat of kristoph's retribution. and they were right.#zak was putting road behind him for years#hiding in the shadows so he couldnt be found. but he was found anyways.#klavier was kristoph's *brother*. he knows how cruel he can he up-close and personal. but hes not dumb. no#unlike everyone else he chose a strategy that actually worked: becoming so visible that it would be hard to make him disappear quietly.#of COURSE his shoes are like that. you know exactly whose boot prints they are. he plasters that logo on everything. youll know it's his.#ofcourse he made himself so popular. there would be massive public outcry if he was hurt or went missing.#and when he finally returns to the same city as kristoph after his brother's been arrested for murder thinking hes safe?#his keys disappear. why wouldn't he freak out? he's felt the looming weight of a threat to his life over his head since he fled at 17.#he needs his keys to use his bike. to get into his house. to the break locks on his stuff. stuff in his mind kristoph may now have access t#sure hes a diva#but he is also a scared little brother who is doing his goddamn BEST to avoid the painful retribution he knows kristoph had for him#because in the light? you are untouchable#there are too many eyes to see you go
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