#cotta 2021
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aristocratic-otter · 1 year ago
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Howdy y'all!
It seems like I can only find the wherewithal to post on Sunday these days. Please don't stop tagging me for Wednesdays, though! I have hope that I'll build up the free time for it again!
Thanks to @prettygoododds, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @larkral, @wellbelesbian, @artsyunderstudy, @nightimedreamersghost, @rimeswithpurple, @shemakesmeforget, @whatevertheweather, @ileadacharmedlife, @facewithoutheart, @cutestkilla and @alexalexinii for tagging me over the last couple of weeks!
First things first, To Heal A Broken Mind is in the homestretch, y'all! It ought to be done in the next two weeks, and then goes to my beta, and then I finally get to share it with @yellobb-old and the rest of the world! Here's a bit of softness from the final chapter:
“I love you!” I blurt, and then squeak and hide my face in his shoulder. But he doesn’t let me hide, just chuckles and lifts my head up so I’m facing him again. . 
“I love you too,” he says solemnly, and I feel tears burn at the corner of my eyes. “But hold that thought. After tomorrow, say it to me again. And I’ll do the same. And we’ll start our new life…or, at least, my new life, with you in it. For good this time”
Westward Son is also on the downhill slide, both in the story and in the completion of it! I estimate that the final chapter will go up before November. Here's our crew getting to know a new friend:
Acorn knows where all sorts of forest gleanings may be had. He shows us berry bushes that still have ripe fruit, though chilled by the frost. He digs up squirrel hordes of acorns (his namesake, he chuckles), along with other nuts and seeds. And, while he is strictly a plant eater, he isn’t offended when we hunt the beasts of the forest. He even shows us the best places to set traps or string fishing lines. 
When I ask him if he’s bothered by us eating meat in his presence, he’s philosophical. “Should I grow angry at the puma or the wolf because they consume the beautiful deer and rabbits? Their needs are not mine, and so I am content with eating differently from humans, because I am not human.”
The next chapter of Saving Simon Snow is coming soon, lol (and so is Simon) (warning for smutty snippet below):
It’s harder than you’d think to roll your eyes and sneer in disgust when the love of your life is rocking in and out of you, and you feel so full that you’re certain you’ll burst. But I put in the work. 
“Consummated? You’re a moron, Snow,” I grumble, even as he steadily takes me apart. 
He laughs. “I feel like you should call me Simon when I’m fucking you,” he says, panting. 
“You’re a moron, Simon,” I repeat obediently. 
Here's a little bit of tension from Snow Fox (next chapter also up in a day or two!)
Gareth comes into view, his pistol now pressed to the back of Malcolm Grimm’s head. “I tied up the Lieutenant, Sir. Shall I give the rest of these blackguards the same treatment?”
Forgive me, Baz.
“As you please,” I tell Gareth, keeping my tone light. “And no need to be gentle.”
From my CORB, The Heart in The Well, Baz is in a spot of trouble.
A sharp pain in my skull, and I found myself facing a hobgoblin. He was holding me up by my hair. Hobgoblins are related to goblins, but their skin is more greenish-grey than green, and they’re far uglier. But they eat people, just like their prettier cousins. I wondered if I was about to be their next meal. 
I hoped they’d choke on me.
From what I am currently calling "Simon the TikTok Dancer" (which will absolutely not be its final name), try to guess who Simon's teacher is 😉
At least Snow’s obvious progress makes what I have to tell him tonight easier. I’ve been dreading it all day. San Diego State University starts up again on Monday, and so our dance season is over. I have to say good-bye to Snow, at least for the school year. 
I indulge myself in watching him dance, not eager to bring down the mood already. 
I can see spots where his control is rough, and areas where he needs more precision, but truly, he’s already beautiful to watch.
And finally, a little Simon and Baz bonding from Stars, Flowers, and Children:
Simon is bubbling over with excitement, and I can’t help being infected with his enthusiasm. The moment we reach the pond, he spins to face me with a wild grin and says, “We’ve found Blackbeard’s lagoon, Baz! His buried treasure must be nearby!” 
I stare at him. What on Earth is he on about?
Simon’s smile fades a little. When he speaks again, it’s in a softer, more coaxing tone. “Come on Baz. Haven’t you ever played a game of make believe?”
Is that what this is?  “I didn’t grow up around many other children,” I admit, stiffly. 
Simon’s expression softens into something that looks very much like pity. It’s intolerable. 
I'm actually posting well before midnight for once, so I'm going to tag generously. Welcome and join me if you'd like, friends!
@angelsfalling16, @aroace-genderfluid-sheep, @annabellelux, @bazzybelle, @bloodiedpixie, @bookish-bogwitch, @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @captain-aralias, @cosmicalart, @confused-bi-queer, @dragoneggos, @erzbethluna, @frjsti, @fatalfangirl, @gekkoinapeartree, @giishu, @hushed-chorus, @ionlydrinkhotwater, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @ileadacharmedlife, @j-nipper-95, @jbrrring, @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists, @krisrix, @larkral, @letraspal, @martsonmars, @messofthejess, @melodysmash, @moments-au-crayon22, @moodandmist, @mostlymaudlin, @onepintobean, @prettylightsbigcity, @palimpsessed, @sillyunicorn
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389 · 25 days ago
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Jonathan Saiz Fire (Cabinet No. 1), 2021
vintage carved wood cabinet (Spain ca 1850s) filled with handmade terra-cotta idols, fertility fetishes, gemstones, human teeth, secret objects of personal meaning- and encasing 6 wish-granting candles 108 x 60 x 30 in
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genevieveetguy · 1 year ago
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The Tsugua Diaries (Diários de Otsoga), Maureen Fazendeiro and Miguel Gomes (2021)
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 1 year ago
I'm pretty sure Scobie hinted at it in Endgame. I've only just now made the connection after seeing this post from @sassyfrassboss and William's announcement for Cape Town.
What makes the House of Windsor unique with this dance with the media is the competing households within it, all with their own agendas, and all doing their best to please their bosses. Up until the Queen's death, there were three houses, each with a team assigned to work with the media: Kensington Palace for William and Kate, Clarence House for Charles and Camilla, and Buckingham Palace for the monarch. There were also smaller teams under the BP umbrella who worked with other family members like Edward and Sophie, Princess Anne, and (pre-departure) Harry and Meghan. Though all part of the same institution, the rivalry between these teams is real in many ways and often derails a unified message. Each house is often angling for the same space in newspapers, hand-waving for attention with regards to their work, grabbing the ideal dates and locations for their tours and engagements, or scrambling for first dibs on charitable causes. And this rivalry often causes rifts, problems, and confusion downstream after a particular household offers breaking news or choreographs a PR operation. It was an 'absolute headache' when Charles, William, and Harry all wanted to do similar high-profile environmental work, an aide once told me. 'None of them were into the idea of collaborating; they all wanted their own big moments away from the other...It was all about competition, and the households were purposefully holding information back so others couldn't try to get ahead,' they explained.
So going down the rabbit hole:
Summer 2019 (July or August) - Harry announced Travalyst.
December 2019 - William announced the Earthshot Prize.
January 2020 - Charles announced the Sustainable Marketplaces, which evolved in 2021 as Terra Cotta.
The only reason I think these charities are what Scobie is alluding to is because of how butthurt and bent out of shape Harry got when William announced the Earthshot Prize. I can't remember what he did anymore - was it that new picture of Archie with the mountain/lake behind him or was there something more? - but whatever he did, it was immediately apparent he didn't like William's work at all.
And now with hindsight, Harry probably thought he had called dibs on environmental work when he launched Travalyst, so it wasn't fair for William to have co-opted it with the Earthshot Prize a couple months later and then it equally wasn't fair when Charles threw his own hat into the mix.
But I think the joke is on Harry. William and Charles's projects were fully developed when they launched, to where now, 4 years later, they're very successful and have name recognition all over the world. Meanwhile, no one knows what Travalyst does, people think it's a grift for Harry and Meghan to write off all their travel expenses and accept travel freebies under the guise of sustainability, and Harry's been kicked off the board. He's still listed on the website as Founder and Patron, but it's been made vrey clear in a couple of articles when the website was updated that Harry's not involved in the company anymore other than being a lightning rod for controversy.
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lostaff · 4 months ago
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mvp114 · 1 year ago
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GP Memories: 2021 Italian GP ↳ Oscar and the Nutella biscuits saga
Paul: so we went in the uhm, autostrada... like, autogrill stuff to eat something on the way. Michele looked at me- [can you finish your panna cotta, please?] no, no, just tempting you a bit more.
So, Michele stopped in a- uuh, and looked at me with the Nutella stuff and says "this is for us" so I say, "yeah, good idea!". So, we start to eat and then came the last two ones, he looked at the tube and was like, "f*ck you, you ate everything... it was for Oscar!" what? No, you didn't say that!
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nevesceramics · 2 years ago
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Trans Terra Cotta Tile Series - 2021
the companion to my figural sculpture series are these terra cotta relief tiles, of more home life scenes for trans folks. Hopefully making more work like this soon, I love relief!!
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fernthewhimsical · 4 months ago
Fern's Nehalennia Deep Dive: pt 2
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On the votive stones found dedicated to Nehalennia some symbols are repeated again and again. Through those, we are able to get a pretty clear image of the aspects that belong to Nehalennia.
the Sea and Water
It is no coincidence that her temples were at the coast, near the mouth of the river Rhine. She was the Goddess who protected voyage over Sea and possible over the river. On her votive stones Nehalennia often stands with one foot on the bow of a ship, holds a rudder, or there is a shipping wheel leaning against her throne. From this we know she was a Goddess of protection over sea. Traversing the sea has always been dangerous: the sea can be calm or tempestuous. Navigation was difficult, and the closer you came to shore, the more dangerous it became. Having a patroness guide and protect you would have been very important. But the sea is not the only water Nehalennia ruled over. In 2021 new findings were presented by Jasper de Bruin for the Museum of Antiquities, Leiden. Nehalennia's temple was probably a place where cargo was changed from small ships that could traverse the river, to big ships that could traverse the sea. Evidence was also found of four big water wells in the "garden" of the temple. Which is thought to be where the ships would load up on clean drinking-water for their journey.
Abundance and Harvest
On many of her stones Nehalennia is holding a basket or cornucopia filled with fruits, especially apples, and breads or grains on her lap or in her hands. There are also votive stones where there are apples displayed on top, as if it is an offering that is left there for her. On the sides some stones have wheat, trees of life, or vine ranks, all symbols of abundance and harvest. On one stone there is even a hunter holding a bow, showing that she was believed to provide for her people in many ways.
Commerce and Trade
By far most of the votive stones found have been offerings from traders who went overseas to wend their wares. It brings up the question if she even was a Goddess of the sea at all, and not one specifically of trade over sea. On the stones the traders would start their offering with Deae Nehalleniae, followed by their name, where they are from, and what they were trading. It always ends with V.S.L.M. from vōtum solvit libēns meritō (“has fulfilled his vow freely as merited”). Because the traders stated their own trade, as well as where they came from, we know quite a lot of the devotees of Nehalennia. Trades mentioned are those of salt, fish sauce, earthenware, terra-cotta statuettes, and wine. There are also stones offered of those who were seafarers by trade, moving cargo from one place to another.
Protection and Loyalty
On many of her votive stones, there is a dog patiently waiting at the Goddess' feet. In many cultures, dogs are used for protection and as patient guardians. They are loyal to their family, and will fight off threats when needed. The presence of a dog on many stones can mean that the devotees saw Nehalennia as a loyal protector. Something reflected as well in the shorthand V.S.L.M.: "as merited", so something she has proven to them, probably over and over again.
But, that is not the only reason for the dog to be her loyal companion. In some of the tribes in her territory, the dog was seen as a guide to the underworld/Otherworld. The dog would take the souls of those departed, and bring them to their final resting place. There is also the bow of the ship, on which Nehalennia often rests her foot. This we often see on other votive stones of Gods connected with death and dying. This all points to Nehalennia also serving as a psychopomp: one who guides the souls of the deceased to the afterlife. There are more myths connecting travel over water to the journey of the soul after death. Ynys Afallach, or the Isle of Avalon is a mystical island shrouded in mist (also one of Nehalennia's attributes) where the dead are brought to rest. There are more islands scattered through European folklore like this, including one off of the coast of Zeeland. Legend has it that once a year the local fisherman were contacted by a mysterious figure to sail their boats in the dead of night. As they reached the boats it would lie so deep in the water, as if carrying a great burden. Once their destination, often an island, was reached, they would hear a voice call out the names of the dead. And the boat would rise and rise as if one by one the souls would depart the boat.
As a Goddess of abundance, harvest, and protection, the step to a Mothergoddess is a short one. However from Nehalennia there is also more evidence that she was seen as a mother. In the same area as where she was revered, a group of Goddesses called the Matronae, or "mothers" were also honoured. Most often depicted on votive stones in groups of three. On two stones with Matronae the Goddess Nehalennia has also been identified. One by name, and the other by her iconic pereline and dog.
Guiding light
As stated before travel by sea was dangerous. Navigation was essential and often happened by stars, the guiding lights in the sky. But that was not the only light important to seafarers; without a lighthouse to show where the shore is, and what is a safe place to land, the journey is that much more dangerous. The same for lanterns on the ships themselves, to make them visible in the dead of night. To other ships, and to those on shore waiting for their arrival. To me, those guiding lights are part of Nehalennia's guidance and protection.
[Link to the Masterpost]
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sitp-recs · 2 years ago
hi hello i’ve been compulsively playing hayday for the past 48 hours and am in desperate need of farm / cottagecore drarry, if you’ve read any new ones recently (bc i’ve literally gone through everything on your list you’re actually a godsend) i would appreciate it soooso much if you shared xxxx
Hi anon! That’s the cutest ask I’ve ever received haha I hope you enjoy these farm & cottagecore recs :)
To the Rhythm of the Waves by @tsauergrass (2020, G, 2.7k)
They found a lot of things together: the cottage, the garden, their lives, each other. Then one day, Harry finds a hammock.
Home is Where the Nifflers Are by @primavera-cerezos (2020, G, 4k)
Draco has a soft spot for animals with nowhere to go; soon his and Harry's small flat is bustling with adorable, semi-dangerous creatures.
Country Roads by maraudersaffair (2021, E, 8k)
On his farm, Harry grows magical crops and keeps magical creatures. His Muggle-Repelling and Masking Charms are not doing well and he’s attracting unwanted attention and suspicion from his Muggle neighbours. The Ministry sends Draco to make sure that everything abides to the International Statue of Secrecy.
the treehouse near primrose downs by @softlystarstruck (2022, M, 14k)
Draco and Harry have been roommates for years, so buying a magical house in the countryside shouldn’t be a big difference. But in between fresh loaves of bread and beds of wildflowers, things start to fall into place.
Life Is The Flower (For Which Love Is the Honey) by @bafflinghaze (2016, T, 15k)
The Malfoy Manor lands are lush and verdant. Bees hover over carpets of flowers, and ducks paddle in the pond. It is a place far removed from bustling London and pesky reporters; it is a place where Harry finds what—and who—he didn’t know he was missing.
amid this warm and steady sweetness by warmfoothills (2019, E, 21k)
Harry is not living in a period drama, no matter what his friends or his new house or Malfoy’s sudden affinity for horse-riding might suggest, and if one more person uses the word courting, he’s going to start hexing people.
What Makes a House a Home by @writcraft (2022, E, 27k)
Ten years after the Battle of Hogwarts Draco Malfoy wakes up in an unfamiliar house owned by none other than Harry Potter. Even stranger is the snow in September and a night sky without any stars. Naturally it’s a matter of life and death, because isn’t it always?
On Your Shore by @xanthippe74 (2020, M, 35k)
Clearing out a remote house full of cursed collectibles in the Outer Hebrides? Not a problem for an experienced curse breaker like Harry Potter. Spending a week with the straight, happily-married man that he’s starting to have feelings for? And sharing a bed with him at night? Surely Harry can handle that, too. But both the house and Draco Malfoy have secrets to uncover, and Harry might be in deeper water than he thought.
Through the May Air, Over the Ocean by @tsauergrass (2019, T, 45k)
Draco Malfoy never expected to find himself in Scotland or being stuck in a cottage with Potter—but wonders never cease. A story about warmth, a story about falling back in love. A story about a flock of sheep in the distant fells of Scotland.
The Bolthole by aideomai, GallaPlacidia and Tepre (2020, E, 54k)
Harry is a hoarder, Draco is grief-stricken, and both are capable human adults who can definitely spend a month in a cottage in the Cotswolds together without ever talking about the time they slept together in eighth year. Yeah, no, totally.
Sweet Creature by bananagege, bribitribbit (2018, T, 63k)
Harry loves his sheep, his dogs, the tranquil countryside farm he's turned into a home. He doesn't need Draco Malfoy screwing it all up. But, god, what else is he supposed to do about Draco Malfoy sleeping with a lamb in his bed?
The Kitchen Thieves (and the Kitchen Herself) by @potteresque-ire (2018, E, 67k)
In a deserted cottage miles away from Hogsmeade, two young spirits waited for a new owner to call the place home. One day, Auror Harry Potter bought the cottage. One evening, farm wizard Draco Malfoy showed up to spend the night with Harry...and steal a pepper shaker from the kitchen. Maybe Kate can tell you all about them? She’s the spirit who looks after the kitchen, and she’s got quite a bit to say…
all the western stars by @oflights (2022, E, 78k)
Draco is a Seer who has been struck with terrible, uncontrollable visions of the deaths of everyone around him, triggered by touch. He retreats to an Unplottable Black family cottage to research his condition and fix it. Things are going relatively well until Harry Potter shows up at the cottage with a furry condition of his own.
Knead by laughingd0g (2020, E, 83k)
This is not a story about Harry renovating Grimmauld Place. This is a story about coffee shops and brewpubs, about Ginny and Luna on a farm with creatures, about magical Oregon, coastal road trips, flying, friendship, and Draco Malfoy's lean arms.
Wild, orphaned (2016, E, 92k)
“No,” Harry said, by way of greeting. Malfoy’s blonde head rose slowly, carelessly. “Get out.” “I feel as though we’ve already established this, Potter,” Malfoy responded. “And I feel that what we established was that you telling me to get out of places really doesn’t make me more likely to vacate them.”
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good-rwbyaus · 5 months ago
Currently stopped at March 24, 2021. Will continue going through them. These are organized by mod and put in reverse chronological order (most recent). Once I see writings of a mod, I'll add the mod name there such as Mod Red, Mod Violet, Mod Pink etc.
Posts I've reviewed will have the mod name tagged in if it wasn't already added.
Warning that I don't know a lot of the crossovers.
I may start putting like a tag for post length cause some are like less than 30 words while some are huge. Any ideas for a good cutoff for small, medium, large?
Posts under the cut. - mod lilac
Mod Green:
Ozcury AU - Mercury mentoring Ruby in a kick-based style
Berta Beef - (LetterKenny reference)
Ozcury AU - Watching Penny and Ruby interact has Mercury convinced they're dating
Ozcury AU - Mercury whacking Cinder while pulling off SAO Abridged Kirito's "humans are a write-off as a species" lines
Mercury and Emerald with a kid AU - Mercury's bad choice of movie material for his daughter
Kobayashi Dragon Maid AU starring Saphron and Terra Cotta-Arc
Vampire Mercury Black AU - Emercury
Crack Ship One-Shot Neo x Penny
Dog Faunus Jaune AU One-Shot
Mercury Meets Deadpool instead of Cinder after killing Marcus AU
KonosubaAU! character's comments on Darkness!Pyrrha's masochism
Yang embarassing Ruby at her wedding.
Crack!Alternate ending of the Fall of Beacon for Pyrrha discovering she's a Salem clone.
Star Trek Fan AU
Vampire Mercury Black AU - Mercury's casual convo with Emerald about hunting
Vampire Mercury Black AU - Mercury on Witches and Necromancers
Vampire Mercury Black AU - Meeting Tyrian
Ozcury AU - Sass-off while fighting back to back with Ironwood
Salem finds it awkward and disconcerting to talk to Oscar
Ozcury AU - Not quite fully in control.
SAOAbridged!Kirito Mercury doing the Bridge speech.
Ozcury AU - seeing Penny in Atlas
Mama Black, the Winter Maiden
Singer Mercury
Ozcury AU - nsft - Not quite asking the right questions with Jinn
Ozcury AU - awkward meeting with Ironwood
Weiss chasing Jaune AU
Conspiracy Theorist Raven AU
Mod Yellow:
BatFamAU - Emerald after meeting the Joker the first time and the BatFam's reaction
BatFamAU - Fanart of Em from thatfreak03
BatFamAU - Batgirl Emerald facing the Joker for the first time
BatFamAU - Batgirl Emerald taught Bruce's bad tastes in companionship
BatFamAU - semblance descriptions for the BatFam
BatFamAU - Battle of Haven (I think this is Mod Yellow's but I'm not sure since it was untagged.)
BatFamAU - Emerald Wayne's first gala
BatFamAU - ModAsk: Waynes' Thoughts on the Schnees?
BatFamAU - ModAsk: Is Season 1! Ruby a fan of the Batfam?
BatFamAU - ModAsk: Lazarus Pit?
BatFamAU - ModAsk: Emerald's Thoughts on Other Batman Characters
LazyTownAU (Crack AU)! Pyrrha alternate ending to Fall of Beacon
Accidental Pun Master Raven (it puns in the family au)
Remnant saved by Salem getting a cold (Sick Salem AU)
BatFamAU - ModAsk: Did Batfam intervene at the Grimm invasion?
Bleiss AU nsft: "This isn't a nude beach!"
Redemption AU - Ruby and company unwittingly getting Emerald and Mercury to defect
CampCamp AU - Harrison is Ozpin's son.
BatFamAU - on the Fall of Beacon
BatFamAU - Emerald and thoughts on the other Batgirls
BatFamAU - ModAsk: Who is Azazel?
BatFamAU - Emerald and thoughts on the other Robins. Also, the Tim Test
BatFamAU - ModAsk: Ironwood's thoughts on Bruce Wayne
BatFamAU - ModAsk: Is Bruce part of the Ozpin's inner circle?
BatFamAU - Training and Bruce Wayne
BatFamAU - Which Kingdom is Bruce Wayne in?
Crack!The Real Reason why Salem hates Oz
Ozpin picks Nora as the Fall Maiden instead.
BatFamAU - Bad habits die hard.
Everything is the same but ruby speaks in owo and uwu UVU ovo
BatFamAU - Emerald meets the Batman
Mod Lilac:
Untitled Piece - The end of a dream and Ruby's attempt to make it right.
Accidental Cult AU - 6. Blaspheme (and maid!Ruby's reaction)
Actors and Actresses AU - The Schnees Play Monopoly
Accidental Cult AU - 5. Worship
Accidental Cult AU - 4. First Recruit
Fleeting AU - Ozma returns to the Beginning with nothing but a whisper to come. Everything changes.
Accidental Cult AU - 3. Ruby meets Weiss again
Accidental Cult AU - 2. Chance Encounter
Accidental Cult AU - the Church of Weiss Schnee / Maid Ruby AU
WinterMaiden/ Untitled Goose Game AU - picture
Dabbing is the real reason why the worlds ends Crack AU!
Persona AU picture - Ozpin as Igor
Unnamed Crack Time Travel AU Part 3 - Featuring Chronic!Backstabber!Syndrome!Cinder
Evil Ozpin AU - except Ozpin is more "this is hella inconvenient evil"
Prankster Summer Rose
Crack!Blake writes very terrible smut. Jaune likes to use it to interrogate his enemies. Poor Tyrian.
Uncle Crow AU - Intermezzo
Unnamed Crack Time Travel AU - part 2
Ozma lets Salem play out her megalomania fetish. She gets tired of it very quickly.
Unnamed Crack Time Travel AU - part 1, features ChronicBackstabber!Cinder and DonewithEverything!Ruby
Misc (Submissions, Reblogs or I don't know who wrote them aha):
Crack!Headmistress Ruby AU - unknown
Adopted Mercury Arc - submission by plaidgamer64
CosmoKyrin's collection of nuts n dolts - them as animals.
Young Headmaster Ozpin AU - "now unlock it"
No one believed that Jaune has a girlfriend, not even his family - moistmailman
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wellbelesbian · 1 year ago
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WIP Wednesday
or tuesday i guess, because tumblr started glitching when i scheduled this and clearly got the day and time wrong
thank you for all the tags this past week @confused-bi-queer @cutestkilla @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @fatalfangirl and @ileadacharmedlife
here's some of chapter three for my @carryonthroughtheages fic. i'm making pretty good progress on it, considering how i usually procrastinate until the last minute for fic events. i mean, i still haven't even finished my 2021 fic. it guilt haunts me, and i promise i'll get to it eventually.
but for this fic, three chapters and various smaller scenes done! yay! i'm hoping to have at least the first five chapters written before the first chapter is due to go up, and i have a poll i need answering regarding how i should post it, but i'll put that after the wip:
Already, he’s looking through the shelves, pulling random books down and tossing them aside when they’re not what he’s looking for.
“Hey!” Niamh shouts. “Quit wrecking my shop!"
"What are you after?” Gareth asks from his spot on the floor.
“Maps!” Simon shouts back, head buried in the stacks.
“Uh, what’s going on?” Agatha asks me. I shrug, as lost as her. Niamh and Simon continue to argue.
“Where the hell are your maps?”
“This is a queer bookshop, why the fuck would we have maps?”
“Uh, there’s a map book right here.” Shepard says, pulling the right book out from its place. Simon falls upon it and starts flicking through the pages rapidly.
“We need a mining town. We can go over the union’s head, give directly to the people!”
“That’s mad.” Niamh shakes her head.
“It’s brilliant!” Penelope says.
“Just mad enough to work.” Gareth agrees, getting to his feet.
okay, so my question is, once the COTTA posting period is up and I can post the rest freely, should I have a weekly release schedule, or drop all the completed chapters in one go then release whatever is left as i finish it? each chapter is about 1,600 words, btw.
i'll tag everyone who tagged me on sunday, as well as @prettygoododds @imagineacoolusername @ic3-que3n @forabeatofadrum @facewithoutheart @bazzybelle @theearlgreymage @aristocratic-otter @blackberrysummerblog @hushed-chorus @ebbpettier and @youarenevertooold
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aristocratic-otter · 1 year ago
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Thank you to @artsyunderstudy, @alexalexinii, @alleycat0306, @bookish-bogwitch, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @cutestkilla, @facewithoutheart, @aroace-genderfluid-sheep, @j-nipper-95, @iamamythologicalcreature, @wellbelesbian, @nightimedreamersghost, @angelsfalling16, @larkral, @rimeswithpurple, @prettygoododds and @fatalfangirl for the tags over the last week. You all are writing such interesting things! So many brilliant AUs (my favorite!)
Welp, I'm still on seven WIPs, though I'm on the last chapter of two of them, so there's hope of that dropping soon. Here's a snip from each (except the secret one).
From my WIP where Simon is a Tiktok dancer (among other things):
Snow steps cautiously closer and looks down at the screen of my phone. He’s silent while the video plays, and then gestures for me to play it again. I do. After the second play-through, he steps back. Then he lifts his hands in imitation of the clay character in the video, and lets them flow through the motions the character made. I nod. He’s got the motions down perfectly, even if he’s not got the speed or abrupt pauses. He’ll learn, though. 
From: The Snow Fox (new chapter up tonight!):
“Let the boy go, Redcoat,” I growl. Best not let him know I recognise him. He’s never seen me, as me, before. Though I’ve seen him several times over the last year, from the protection of various disguises. 
Tarleton’s hand twitches towards his pistol, so I jerk my gun at him. “I’d hold still if I were you, Redcoat,” I state casually, as if we two were just having a conversation. “I’ve really got no reason to keep you alive, but if you try for that gun, I’ll definitely have a reason to see you dead.”
From Stars, Flowers, and Children:
 I start by cutting away all the extra length that’s getting in his way. But then I spend a long time with my comb detangling his sun bleached curls and trimming them until he’s got a head full of bouncy sunshine. 
Simon lets me do what I want. In fact, I find that when I finally set down the comb and snips, he’s snoring gently, having fallen asleep as I worked on his hair. So I take a risk and indulge myself by running my hand through his curls, pulling each one straight and then releasing it to coil back against his skull. He sighs in his sleep and I freeze, but all he does is press his head back against my hand and mutter, “Don’t stop, feels good.” 
From Westward Son:
I can’t help but smile at Simon’s machinations. “Got plans, have you?” I tease. 
His eyes glint in the light from the fire I’m still holding. “Do you blame me?”
I snort. “No. I’d almost certainly be plotting along the same lines if it were me waiting.”
From To Heal a Broken Mind
“I am thinking about it,” I admit. “My mind just has the capacity to do both.”
He laughs gently and lifts his arm up from where it’s encircling my rib cage. He brushes my hair out of my eyes and leans forward, letting his lips brush against mine. “I must be doing a shit job if you can think about more than my mouth on your skin right now,” he whispers. 
I shudder. He’s got a point.
From Saving Simon Snow (new chapter this week!)
Simon pulls back so abruptly that I’m dizzy. “Baz,” he says urgently, “do you still hate me?”
It takes me several seconds to recover my wits enough to understand the question. I’m still fighting the urge to pull his gifted mouth and tongue back to my neck when I realise what he’s asked me. 
My mouth opens and closes uselessly for a moment before I sigh. 
“Simon,” I croak, and then pause to clear my throat. “Simon, I never hated you.”
Tagging for Wednesday, or any day you want to join in:
@bazzybelle, @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @cosmicalart, @confused-bi-queer, @dragoneggos, @erzbethluna, @frjsti, @hushed-chorus, @ic3-que3n, @ileadacharmedlife, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists, @krisrix, @letraspal, @messofthejess, @moments-au-crayon22, @moodandmist, @mostlymaudlin, @raenestee, @thehoneyedhufflepuff, @theearlgreymage, @tea-brigade, @whogaveyoupermission, @whatevertheweather, @yellobb-old.
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lamaisongaga · 1 year ago
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In a jaw-dropping surprise performance at The Sphere in Vegas last night, Lady Gaga left the audience in awe as she joined U2 on stage, delivering an unforgettable rendition of some of the iconic U2 hits. To top off the night, Gaga wowed the crowd with her chart-topping sensation, "Shallow." But it wasn't just her vocal prowess that had everyone talking; it was her fashion statement that stole the show.
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Known for pushing boundaries and setting trends in the fashion world, Gaga chose a distinctive look for the memorable night. For the occasion, she veered away from Celine, opting instead for a piece from Alexander McQueen's menswear collection.
Gaga donned the Spring/Summer 2021 classic black grain leather biker jacket, a statement piece with a price tag of $4,250. The jacket featured signature snap buttons, hammered stud zipper detailing, and a luxurious quilted red silk lining.
Alexander McQueen Classic Biker Jacket ($4,250.00)
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Her slim cat-eye black acetate sunglasses are the brand new Terra Cotta by Korean eyewear label Gentle Monster ($320).
Gentle Monster "Terra Cotta" Sunglasses ($320.00)
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To complement her bold ensemble, Gaga sported her signature sky-high Flamingo-1020 black vinyl platform boots from the exotic footwear brand Pleaser.
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daughterofhecata · 11 months ago
Guess who just finished their long-ass cotta/peter bdsm fic that has been in the works since literally early march 2021
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pagesandplaces · 4 months ago
Taylor Swift Lipstick
Okay this is going to be a lot - I've spent the last few days trying to sleuth all I can on what lipsticks Taylor Swift wears because I'm obsessed and wanted to have it all in one place (this is mainly for myself) (also I am specifically currently obsessed with her VMAs 2024 lipstick colour choice, Taylor if you're reading this, drop a girl a line with what it is).
I'll update this periodically as I get more information.
So confirmed lipstick we know she wears:
Velvet Matte Lip Pencil Dragon Girl by Nars
Satin Lip Pencil Luxembourg by Nars
Everlasting Liquid Lipstick Double Dare by Kat Von D
Obsessive Opulence MatteTrance Lipstick Christy by Pat McGrath (British Vogue)
LiquiLUST™ Legendary Wear Matte Lipstick ‘ELSON 4’ by Pat McGrath (Bejeweled Music Video)
Retro Matte Liquid Lipcolour Back in Vogue by MAC (Miss Americana Documentary)
Lust 004 Kit in Vermillion Venom by Pat McGrath (I Don't Want To Live Forever Music Video)
Satin Lipstick Demetra by Lovecraft Beauty (Elle US)
Artist Route Creme Lipstick Rose Wood by Make Up Forever (Tumblr Post)
Color Intrigue Effects Lipstick in Poppy by Elizabeth Arden (Allure)
Aqua Rouge #7 Red Lipstick by Make Up Forever
Retro Matte Lipstick Ruby Woo by MAC
Morocco Lipstick by NARS (First Chief's game confirmed by Lorrie Turk)
Unconfirmed lipsticks and their associated events:
Lip Souffle Matte Creame Lipstick Inspire by Rare Beauty (Taylor Swift TikTok 2021)
Soft Pinch Tinted Lip Oil Delight by Rare Beauty (Chiefs 2024 Season Game Opener)
Retro Matte Lipstick Bronx by MAC (Chiefs 2024 Season Game Opener)
Liquid Lip Luxe Mattee Devoted Terra-Cotta Rose by Tom Ford (2024 VMAs)
Dramatique Mega Lip Pencil Nude Oasis by Pat McGrath (2024 VMAs)
Kind Words Matte Lipstick Wise by Rare Beauty (Instagram Post July 2023)
Lip Souffle Matte Cream Lipstick Fearless by Rare Beauty (Long Pond)
Matte Trance Lipstick Guinevere by Pat McGrath (Miss Americana)
Always Red by Sephora
Cruelty Free Makeup Dupes (nv = not vegan/ v - vegan)
Vice Lipstick Bad Blood by Urban Decay (nv)
Charlotte Tillbury (nv)
F.E.N.T.Y. (nv)
bareMinerals (nv)
Rare Beauty (v)
E.L.F. (v)
List of Cruelty Free/Vegan Makeups
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j-nipper-95 · 2 years ago
WIP Wednesday
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Thanks for the tag @hushed-chorus, @martsonmars. and @cutestkilla. I’m loving reading everything you’re posting (and Demi, can we just with the latest chapter of What Remains After the Storm?! Because it was incredible!! Check the fic out if you haven’t already!)
I actually managed to finish writing a scene for part two of ASR this week that’s been bugging me for months. I lost the previous draft in a USB crash back in 2021, so to say it’s a relief to finally have it finished ready to be torn apart in editing is ... maybe relief is the wrong word, but we roll with it.
Here’s a snippet I’ve reworked slightly that I already had written.
“What’s going on?” Aira asked.
Lauren turned to find her staring wide eyed between her and her dad. Right. The last time Aira had been in a situation like this, they’d been running for their lives from an explosion and avalanche, Lauren’s blood freezing in the wind chill.
A floorboard creaked out in the hallway.
“Duck,” Lauren said.
“What?” Aira squeaked.
Lauren swept her arm to the side, using the air to nudge Aira out of the way, before one of her throwing knives was flying through the air. The blade found its mark in the man’s thigh, and as he reeled with the impact Lauren shoved a column of air that sent him tumbling out on to the landing and over the banister. A chorus of shouts rose up from the ground floor.
This second part of ASR is rough!! Like, oh my God I can’t believe how rough it is. It doesn’t flow, the villain motivations and actions are so unclear/dull, it needs some serious work, and hopefully my editor will be able to help with that. You know when you’ve just been staring at a problem for too long and can’t make head nor tail of it anymore? Yeah, that’s where I’m at.
Thank God I have COTTA to bounce back and forth from for the next few months.
Tagging: @you-remind-me-of-the-babe​ @fatalfangirl​ @palimpsessed​ @larkral​ @ivelovedhimthroughworse​ @prettylightsbigcity​ @stardustasincocaine​ @letraspal​ @bazzybelle​ @shrekgogurt​ @aroace-genderfluid-sheep​ @blackberrysummerblog​ @frjsti​ @aristocratic-otter​ @confused-bi-queer​ @ileadacharmedlife​ @mostlymaudlin​ @subparselkie​ @bookish-bogwitch​ @krisrix​ @writer-nori-bard​
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