#costume party vlogs part 2
violivs · 18 days
NMTDaily: The last two costume party Ben vlogs
These are episodes 24 and 25.
Episode 24: Pedro’s beeeetch?!?!
- “How can she know me and yet not know me at all?”
- I love this line. I love this line a lot. It’s an adaptation of a line from the play, a line later paralleled in the play with “the god of love that sits above and knows me, and knows me”. Within NMTD, it connects back to Beatrice’s eventual “I’m glad that you understand me.”
- She knows and yet doesn’t know Ben because she was only friends with him for a few months before they fell apart, and now makes a bunch of anger- and hurt-based assumptions about him and goes off that. Yet she still knows him, knows exactly what to say to hurt him the most. Layers!
- Ben quickly arrives at “maybe no one is actually making fun of me behind my back and Beatrice is the only one laughing”, which is the truth for the most part. But he doesn’t believe it emotionally, so it doesn’t help. He still feels really insecure and anxious about everyone secretly hating or making fun of him.
- We know Pedro and Claudio often find Ben to be a little much, a little too loud, too stifling, too clingy. But they’re not laughing behind his back about it, they’re complaining to each other and eventually plotting to matchmake him with Bea about it.
- The song in the background is great because it’s essentially Beatrice’s POV about Ben. “Nobody loves you, everybody loves me.” “He is just an arrogant guy, thinks he can catch any girls eye… you’re just lonely inside, you really need to swallow your pride.” To have that in the background while Ben is venting about Bea and showing how insecure he is about how people perceive him- powerful choice. It’s in the background of the next episode too.
- Lots of great comments analyzing Ben’s character under this video, worth a read. Interesting observation by BeedlePencil that the school is in fact laughing at Ben AND Bea about their constant bickering and obsession with each other.
Episode 25: BATH
- Pedro is confused and concerned by Claudio’s disappearance. He also seems kind of drunk, himself.
- “Don’t shoot me!” “What?” “I’m the messenger, don’t shoot me.”
- “The chivalry of broship had been broken.” I love those moments where for a second we’re in 1598 again, like, chivalry? Oh you’re an adaptation of an old, old character, that’s right.
- The bird’s nest story is lifted directly from the play, and it’s incredible that the Candle Wasters made their modern Ben exactly the person who would think of that anecdote, even in a different time.
- Pedro’s FACE when Ben is saying birds are majestic creatures, especially flamingos. Pedro is pinching the bridge of his nose and clearly thinking “oh god, not this again.” Lol
- Pedro, still totally lost: “but… birds nests are for birds?”
- I thought Pedro was going to figure it out at first, but instead he changed the subject to Beatrice and wanting to know how Ben pissed her off so bad. Was he around when Bea was insulting Ben to his face earlier? Or did Bea go complain to him afterward? If she did, does that mean she knew it was Ben behind the Batman mask all along? Or was it just a general continuation of her Ben tirade because the person she was talking to before (Ben, and she didn’t recognize him) left and she needed someone else to rant to?
- “I was just being defensive” Does this mean there was a second half to the conversation where Ben took off the mask and confronted Beatrice? Because in Ursula’s party video, in the scene we saw, Ben never fought back in terms of insulting Bea back. He only defended himself by saying his bird video was insightful and he thought Bea was being harsh.
- Wait! In Ursula’s clip, Beatrice never says the phrase “Pedro’s bitch.” That means the scene HAD to continue beyond what we got in the video, with Ben revealing himself and Bea insulting him more. Wow. I should fic that, that’s a hell of a missing moment.
- That’s really interesting, that Bea starts ranting to a masked stranger about how annoying Ben is (and how she’s annoyed that he isn’t there), and then after the scene cuts off Ben takes off his mask and confronts her, she gets even meaner in return, and hurts his feelings so bad he goes and hides for the rest of the party. Now I’m sad we never got to see the inevitable corresponding later scene where she thinks back on her behavior and apologizes.
- Either Pedro witnessed the end of the fight or he ran into Bea afterwards, and he clearly thinks she’s significantly angrier at Ben than usual. I really want to know if Ben said anything in the second half of the argument to cause that or what.
- Pedro can’t help laughing at the “Pedro’s bitch” moment, which is definitely going to make Ben more anxious that Pedro really is laughing behind his back.
- We do also have some classic ingrained societal homophobia coming out with “Pedro’s bitch” in the idea that the most degrading thing for a man to be is submissive to another man, especially sexually. Pedro’s laughing, but it’s also probably pretty uncomfortable for him on a being-deeply-closeted level that he won’t even understand until later.
- “She said you thought I was really annoying and you only tolerated me” ah yes, the thing that every socially anxious person’s brain tells them 24-7. That no one actually likes you. She really does know exactly how to hurt Ben.
- Pedro is in Beatrice defense mode. “Give her a break.” He has a crush on her right now, comphet or not, so he’s inclined to take her side. The combination of her coming to his, the Prince of Messina’s, party as a princess, and her making it abundantly clear that she still hates Ben via this public fight, is what will push Pedro to ask her out in the next episode.
- The assault weapon sound effects lol, this absolute dork
- Do we think maybe Bea was in a “hit Ben with a constant stream of insults” mood because her Q&A video made her explain and contemplate her past relationship with Ben and re-litigating that made her feel hurt and vulnerable and angry at him all over again? That’s my best guess.
- This is a friend group that all meddles in each other’s affairs. “Maybe we need to stop this thing with [Hero] and Claudio- or is it with you now?” No wonder it all goes down as it does.
- Pedro’s “it’s not just her” refers to Ben, and hilariously goes right over his head.
- There’s some really excellent face-acting by Jake McGregor in this episode. All Ben’s facial expressions are absolutely delightful. I just like to look at him.
- Apparently “catch you later” “no you won’t” is a Sherlock reference, according to the comments. Love Ben taking an interest in one of Bea’s favorite shows enough to reference it!
- Don’t turn the camera on and off with your foot, Ben, ya nasty! Lol
- “baths + sleeping = no don’t do it” in the video description omg. Ben literally fell asleep in Pedro’s bathtub after this.
- Winner of the Comment Section goes to simondarrow with “wow I can’t believe Pedro Donaldson invented being cute and bisexual… legends only”
- also shoutout to the person who said Ben looks like he’s about to cry. I’m glad I’m not the only one tuned into his face journey this episode, poor kid.
- And the other person in the comments who wants to hug Ben. Hard same.
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leprosycock · 7 months
been putting some thought into things and with some tinhatting from joan and sea, i'm settled in the offbrand debacle theory hinging either mostly or entirely on the combined debacle of jrma's soft retirement and the streaming bubble popping along with the offbrand xmas party . follow this with me if you will:
jrma announces his soft retirement early last year. it's springtime. post-str3amer awards, pre-house fIipper. it's set to happen in 2024, but who are we kidding, he made his decision right then and there. 2023 was soft and unremarkable and the biggest streams he did were house fIipper and the shuffle stream. not very remarkable for a sendoff, but it was a sendoff nonetheless.
Iudwig hires jrma to be part of offbrand. he says it's the coolest thing about working there. jrma has always said he's wanted to retire in production and creative direction. it seems like an eventual happy ending for the time being.
Iudwig is extremely volatile, bitter, mean, standoffish, jealous, and snippy during house fIipper 1. he softens only when he gets to talk to j, who showers him in endless praise in turn. it's a fairly normal dynamic for them with lud just being especially pissy when jrma divides his time simply due to the nature of the game.
jrma and Iudwig are close enough over the summer where Iudwig races ahead of the group in qt's twitchcon vlog to hug jrma when they meet up for dinner, borrows jrma's con pass to give to qt when she loses hers, and offers jrma's setup to spu/uky to use at his leisure. things are going remarkably well.
2023 is sparse for collabs and the next biggest stream we get between them is the shuffle stream, where jrma puts on his typical self-fellating charade with costume changes and an elaborate performance and he and lud gaybait and play around with each other for hours. lud beams and glows and he and j are ecstatic just to be in close proximity to one another, touching each other whenever they can. they seem to adore each other.
the next stream we get is house fIipper 2. lud is noticeably weird and overly sentimental, full of stilted, out-of-character praise, petting jrma whenever he can and cooing at him, telling him how good he looks. it's rife with tension and it's easy to tell that something is amiss just from Iudwig's attitude.
next we have the offbrand christmas party that qt was forcibly absent from. she asked when it was, Iudwig said they weren't having one. she bugs him and bugs him and he dismisses her at every turn. he lies and says he's just gonna go out for the night and qt finds out that he was at the offbrand party via shakedrizzIe posting about it on instagram. she has a breakdown about it on stream and lud offers no real excuses, avoiding the subject instead. jrma was present. qt was not. on purpose. for reasons unknown.
this coincides with a very steady and rapid decline of streaming numbers. twitch is falling apart and youtube isn't fairing much better. especially when you've been maligned as a react andy and the public has turned against your bread and butter.
almost immediately after this party, dodgeball takes place and lud is mysteriously absent from all credits despite this being an offbrand project. st4nz is less than friendly towards him. afterwards, lud sharply and shortly mentions on stream that he had nothing to do with the production of the project at all.
sure enough, his name is largely removed from the company website and references to him being the founder and owner.
after this, lud lashes out at a small streamer who remarks that she's only familiar with him because of dollhouse and he has a mental breakdown rife with bitterness and indignation, wondering furiously if he's only ever going to be known for that stream, if that's all he'll ever be.
he and jrma are not seated together at the 2024 awards. jrma gets a vague passing mention in the offbrand ad that plays a few times and one more mention during a clip comp. that's all, compared to last year's insane tribute montage narrated by lud, the two of them sitting together, tweets, etc etc. he is also mysteriously absent from the name your pr1ce photoset posted by austin and will despite being a highly anticipated guest at the con show.
very odd timeline with a very sudden turn of events. it makes you think. it also makes one consider how Iudwig, in all his former trauma kid and personality disorder glory, links money to affection and affection to money. his love language is buying gifts. his love language is being gifted to, being showered with riches and glory, and i believe that something like that being revoked from him is akin to outright abandonment. abandonment is a terminal disease and one that becomes necrotized over time and rots from within and Iudwig is a devastating victim to it. his daddy dies and leaves him for dead to fend for himself and then, decades later, his second daddy dies and leaves him for dead to fend for himself once again.
i believe that once he realized that jrma was not going to be able to singlehandedly finance their fake fucking company where they scribble in lisa frank coloring books all day and poke st4nz with a cattle prod for fun, lud assumed he was in yet another state of abandonment and this didn't truly hit until lud either came to terms with this suddenly or he discussed it with jrma during the christmas party. jrma cannot keep offbrand afloat, he can't keep Iudwig afloat. by being unable to keep Iudwig afloat, he is no longer loyal. he no longer adores him. he is no longer Iudwig's teacher/mentor/father/crush and he is instead a selfish, unloving predator looking to take advantage of Iudwig and offer nothing in return—the offer that was always meant to be given was his body and his money and his time and his work.
because Iudwig is an insane person, i believe he took this as a personal jab and thinks that this was a long con in order to undermine Iudwig and the plan that he had for them to retire together. after everything that Iudwig has done for him and offered him, it's thrown back in lud's face. dollhouse was a scheme. replacement was a scheme. bro v bro was a scheme. everything that jrma has done is for the sake of entrapping Iudwig, making him soft and pliable, working his way into lud's heart in ways that no other person has managed to do before. and that's terrifying to Iudwig. compliments mean nothing to him, except when they come from jrma. it makes his chest feel warm. jrma gives and jrma takes and this time he took too much. and it hurts.
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steddietogo · 2 years
Made With Love
Part 3 of Steddie Tik Tok au: The Halloween Vlog
Read part 2 <<here
Robin is in a pinstriped three-piece suit, her short brown hair dyed black and slicked back, with a badly drawn moustache on her face. “Unhapphy, darphling?” She speaks around a rose stem she’s holding between her teeth.
“Oh yes,” The camera pans to Eddie lounging on an armchair. He’s ditched his usual band tee and ripped jeans combo for a tight black dress with the deepest neckline known to man, the long black fabric pooling around his feet. He raises his arm, bell sleeve flaring, and flips his straightened hair behind his shoulders with red painted nails. “Yes completely,” deep red lips curve into smile and he bats his eyes, heavily lined and dusted in smokey grey eyeshadow.
“Originally, we were supposed to be the Sanderson sisters for Halloween but someone—” Robin looks at something pointedly off camera, “—decided to go off and commit to a group costume with his long-distance babysitting wards without consulting us,”
“This—” Eddie strikes a pose as Robin gestures to them, “—was supposed to be a revenge costume but now we feel kinda bad because—” the camera flips around to show a pile of blankets on the couch, “Dingus is now down with the flu,” A hand emerges from its depths and flips them off.
“I think he’s going as The Thing,” Eddie says and they both snicker.
Eddie is in the kitchen using Steve’s recording set up. “My darling Gomez has gone off to party, it’s just me and Steve at home now,” he sighs dramatically, “Alas, I knocked him out with cough syrup so he won’t be up for a couple hours,”
“And I found this recipe for chicken noodle soup and I, Eddie Munson who cannot cook to save my own life, am going to put it to test since Steve keeps saying ‘anyone can make it’. Were gonna find out today baby,”. Eddie’s reading off of a book as he lays out everything he would need on the counter, announcing each item as he takes them out. “I hope I’m using the right pot and Steve won’t kill me,”
Eddie is slow dancing to Lady Gaga with a plastic skeleton meant for decoration, his dress swishing around him as he twirls with his inanimate dance partner. During a particularly enthusiastic dip, the skeleton’s skull breaks off from the rest of the body and rolls away.
“Betty! Noooo!” Eddie cries, falling to his knees.
“No one told me how sweaty cooking can make you,” Eddie’s twisting his hair up in a bun, “But I’m committed to it now, I will not be bested by soup,”
“Look at this, my make up isn’t the only thing melting in the heat,” He holds up a bent looking plastic spatula to the camera. “Its totally not because I put it too close to the stove but we’re going to hide the evidence so Steve doesn’t find out,”
“I accidentally added too much salt, went to the Internet for help and a lot of people say that adding a potato will help fix it,” Eddie explains as he is chopping one. “There are no potatoes in this recipe, so if Steve asks, I’m gonna tell him I have no idea how they got in there,”
“Here goes nothing,” Eddie shoves both sleeves all the way up his arms before dropping all of the potato pieces in at once, making a little bit of the boiling soup splash out of the pot missing him by inches. “Oh shit, that was close. Don’t try this at home kids,”
“Moment of truth people,” He’s ladling soup into a bowl. “Personally, I’m just surprised this came out edible, but let’s see what the chef has to say about it,”
The clip cuts to Eddie shuffling away from the camera that’s now facing the sofa where Steve is taking a nap. Eddie kneels before him, a gentle hand on Steve’s face as he nudges him wake. Cut to a bleary-eyed Steve sitting up and waving at the camera.
“Just know that if you give me food poisoning on top of the flu, I’ll never forgive you,” he says as Eddie is handing him the bowl. “Why’re there potatoes in here?”
“No reason,” Eddie smiles back innocently at the look Steve gives him before he takes a bite, and then another. Eddie watches, nibbling in his fingernails.
“Oh shit,”
“The potato actually makes it better,” he looks like he’s trying to sound annoyed but the smile on his face gives him away. “I’m gonna have to add potatoes to the recipe,”
“Wait. Does that mean my soup is better than yours?”
“It’s still my recipe, Munson,”
“You’re avoiding the question, Harrington,”
Eddie throws his hands up whopping and his sleeve smacks Steve in the face.
“I was standing there, Morticia-less,” Robin is back and the three of them huddle in the sofa in the darkness of the living room, the only source of light is the movie no one is actually watching.
“—and she’s was wearing that Kate Bush bat dress and we were like ‘that’s close enough’ and then we completely winged a little dance and I only tripped on my own shoe once, you should be proud of me,” Robin is wearing a sash that says ‘Hideout King’ and is going a mile a minute about the party she came back from.
“And then she kissed me when they announced us as the winners, she kissed me Steve!” Robin shakes Steve and then high-fives Eddie so hard he almost falls off the couch.
Robin is filming Steve launching candy corn from the couch and Eddie, now in his jammies, is on the other side of the coffee table trying to catch them in his mouth. Steve’s laughter is getting increasingly hysterical and his aim is getting poorer while Eddie practically dives left and right trying catch the candy. Steve looks like he’s going to fall off the couch in stitches. The video ends as three are celebrating a complicated twist dive Eddie executed and successfully caught the candy with in mouth.
Caption says:
@_eddie_munson who do you think edits all the footage?
user80085: who else questioning their sexuality rn?
Dustin H: RIP Betty, you will be missed 😔
Reefing Rick: Why tf don’t I have an Eddie Munson in a Morticia Addams costume cooking in my kitchen? God really has favorites huh
spring roll: So no ones going to talk about how Robin basically came out?
Gayby replying to spring roll: good for her
Part 4
A/n: it’s so funny to imagine Steve sitting in his room alone and reviewing an hour-long footage of Eddie messing around in the kitchen. And it cracks him up that every time Eddie messes something up he walks up to the camera and whispers ‘don’t tell Steve’
Steddie tag list: @deehellcat @eddiemunsonswife @missarte-beltane @grtwdsmwhr @kit-means-death
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meenatranslates · 2 years
[SSR] Taichi | MANKAI Party
Tumblr media
I wanna show everyone the cool side of me! But that’s not all, there’s more that I wanna show you. Lead Skill: A Form that Shines from Efforts Adlib Skill: My Guests are Happy Lively Friends
Translation under the cut
BIRTHDAY VLOG: Taichi - Part 1
—Hallway (Evening)—
Taichi: Thanks for filming me today, Kazu-kun!
Kazunari: No probs! I just hope that I took a good vlog~.
Taichi: I'm sure it's all perfect! I think you filmed the insanely cool me just fine thanks to you!
Kazunari: Alrighty, all that's left is editing! Should we go with the momentum and do it now?
Taichi: Good idea!
—Room 202—
Kazunari: Now then, let's start this right away!
Taichi: Let's go~!
Kazunari: Got any request for the editing? Like, any concept you want?
Taichi: Let's see... We're gonna show this to my fans at my birthday event later, so I want it to be stylish!
Kazunari: Okay~!
I'm gonna play the recording, so tell me any parts that you wanna use or cut, okay?
Taichi: Got it!
"Here's the handicraft store that I often go to as part of being the costume-making assistant!"
"My job is to predict the amount of fabrics we'll need while looking at Yuki-chan's design drawings, and to look for some threads of the right colors..."
"Ah! It's the thread that I bought for stitching before! At the time, I thought about the balance of the color with the costume, so I went with the number three~."
Taichi: .....
"Next is the Kung-fu dojo that I always go to! I'm gonna start my practice now, so I want you guys to see this~!"
"Here's my special skill! ...Hah! Yah!"
Taichi: .....
Kazunari: How's it?
Taichi: .....
Do I look cool in that recording, Kazu-kun...?
Kazunari: Ofc! I think you're plenty cool!
Though... something must've been on your mind if you say that, huh?
Taichi: Yeah... It's just that, I felt cool when we were filming earlier, but looking at this again... It's not that it's embarrassing...
I don't know, it just doesn't feel like that's ME.
Kazunari: Ahh, I guess it kinda does?
How do I say this... It's like, you were trying too hard than you usually do.
Taichi: "Trying too hard"...?
You're right! So that's why it felt so strange...
Kazunari: ...Speaking of, the theme for the vlog you need to present is "A sight you want to show your fans".
Why do you wanna make your vlog like this, Taicchan?
Taichi: That's... I was wondering what I should film, then Mucchan's vlog came into mind, which was about "showing his cool self".
Then I thought "I wanna show my fans the cool side of me too".
Kazunari: I see~. So that's why the vlog and your comments had that cool vibe when we filmed earlier.
Taichi: I even asked you to do both filming and editing since I thought you'd make my vlog look even more cooler.
I was too fixated on showing my cool self that I could only think of making myself look cool the entire time.
But I guess I'm still far from being cool, huh...
Kazunari: That's not true. The feeling of wanting to look cool relates to growth and hard work, so I think that's really important.
Still, you don't need to force yourself to do that...
Because I'm sure all your fans already know just how cool you are.
Taichi: Kazu-kun...
Kazunari: Now then! What should we do about the recording?
If you wanna do a retake, then I'll gladly be the cameraman again!
Taichi: Kazu-kun...! I'm so moved into tears~!
I'll take up on your words then... Let's start our vlog from the beginning again!
BIRTHDAY VLOG: Taichi - Part 2
—Handicraft Store—
Taichi: We'll begin our vlog at this handicraft store for today too!
Kazunari: Oui! I'm super glad we got the permission to film for the second time.
Taichi: I thought we wouldn't get it, but the store manager kindly permitted us since I always come to the store!
Also, I'm really sorry that you had to film me again.
Kazunari: Nah bro, I totes don't mind at all! More importantly, let's make it a vlog that you really wanna show to your fans this time, Taicchan!
Taichi: Yeah! We gotta make it show the true-to-life of me!
Let's do our best once again, Kazu-kun!
Kazunari: OK! The camera's ready now~.
3, 2 , 1.. and start!
Taichi: Hey there, is everyone watching~? It's me, Taichi Nanao!
I hope you'll have fun watching this vlog of mine!
Let's introduce our cameraman first. The one in charge of filming me is Kazu-kun from Summer Troupe!
Kazunari: Sup guys, it's Kazunari Miyoshi~! I'm gonna be his personal cameraman for today!
Taichi: I'll count on you!
Now then, the first thing I chose to show is this! The handicraft store~!
Kazunari: Yay~!
Taichi: This place is where I, who's also a costume-making assistant, feel indebted to!
Kazunari: Why'd you choose this store?
Because it holds a lot of memories of me being the assistant.
I can still remember why I started helping with costume-making too...
Besides, it's really hard to make costumes every time. But the joy of completing each of them is incredibly awesome!
Now then, let's go shopping right away! I need to buy some of the things that Yuki-chan asked me to for today!
Uhh, double tracing wheel, and more of those braid trims that we usually use... wait, what's a tracing wheel again!?
...Hehe, this actually happens quite a lot while I'm shopping.
Kazunari: What do you do at times like this?
Taichi: I either search on my phone or ask Yuki-chan!
First, I'll look up what a tracing wheel is... Ah, found it! Ohhh, so that's what it looks like!
Next is braid trim... Huh? Which one did he say he's lacking again? For this, we'll send a LIME to ask Yuki-chan!
Phew, we somehow managed to complete our errand safely!
It's kinda embarrassing that I couldn't remember the name of a tool I don't use much...
But yeah, this is what I usually do as costume-making assistant!
Well then, let's move on to the next place now~.
I've actually never shown this place to my fans not even once, but I want you guys to see it this time, so come follow me!
—Kung-fu Dojo (Evening)—
Kazunari: What's this place, Taicchan?
Taichi: This is the Kung-fu dojo that I always visit ever since the play "Fire up! Mantou Fist" that we performed long time ago!
I've been practising recently to learn this new technique, but its pretty difficult...
That's why I'm sure I'll fail many times for today as well.
But I want all the fans to know the genuine me, so I'll show you guys as it is!
Please take care of me today, Lee-san!
Lee: Will do.
Kazunari: GJ, Taicchan~! I think the vlog's coming out just perfect!
Taichi: Thanks! By the way, you kept cheering for me while I was practising, right?
Kazunari: Ahaha! You were doing your best so hard that I couldn't help and let out my voice!
Taichi: Your cheers made me feel really encouraged!
...Would the fans be happy with this vlog of mine?
Kazunari: I'm sure it'll be totes okay, since it's the best video ever with full of your charms!
Taichi: That's good to know! I wanna hurry up and show it to my fans~!
BIRTHDAY VLOG: Taichi - Part 3
*Director's default name as Izumi
Taichi: Ta-da! How do I look today?
Muku: Wow, you look really cool!
Homare: Hm, that looks very nice on you.
Kazunari: You're hella fine, dude! Gotta snap tons of pic~.
Taichi: Let's do our best for today, guys!
Muku: Yeah!
Kazunari: I gotchu buddy! We'll liven up your b-day event as much as we can!
Homare: I, too, have composed a poem of blessings for you. Do tell me whenever you need it.
Izumi: Is everyone ready? It's almost time to start.
Taichi: I'm always ready!
Izumi: Don't forget to take your photo at the end, okay?
Taichi: Got it!
(It's finally the time... I'm super nervous, but kinda excited too!)
Kazunari: Well then, since we've finished with our greetings...
Homare: It is time to call our main character for today to come out.
Muku: Everyone, please give a warm round of applause!
*clap clap*
Taichi: Thanks for coming today, everyone~! Taichi Nanao has finally arrived!
Fan A: Taichi-kun, happy bday!
Fan B: Happy birthday, Taichi-kun!
Fan C: Happy bday~!
Muku: Everyone would like to say congratulations, huh.
Homare: In that case, we will give you all a signal, so try to say it once again at the same time.
Kazunari: Ready guys? 3, 2, 1, go!
Fans: Happy birthday to you, Taichi-kun~!
Taichi: Woahhh, I'm super happy! Thanks everyone~!
Kazunari: Now then, let's go with the flow and get started with the first segment!
*clap clap*
Taichi: First is the "Vlog Viewing Party" segment!
The vlog is filmed with the theme of "A sight you want to show your fans", so that's what we'll be watching!
The one in charge of filming and editing is Kazu-kun~.
Kazunari: It's full of Taicchan's charms, so please enjoy it~!
Muku: I'm really excited since I haven't seen it yet.
Homare: I'm filled with expectations to see what kind of charm is packed in this vlog.
Taichi: Without further ado, let's start the video!
Taichi: "Hey there, is everyone watching~? It's me, Taichi Nanao!"
Muku: Is that... a handicraft store?
Taichi: Correctamundo!
Homare: Hm, it is interesting that Taichi-kun chooses this place as "the sight he wants to show his fans".
Taichi: "Uhh, double tracing wheel, and more of those braid trims that we usually use... wait, what's a tracing wheel again!?"
Fan D: Seeing him being flustered is so cute!
Fan A: Do your best~!
Taichi: "Phew, we somehow managed to complete our errand safely!"
"Well then, let's move on to the next place now~."
"I've actually never shown this place to my fans not even once, but I want you guys to see it this time, so come follow me!"
Fan B: Eh! Not even once!?
Fan C: Where is it~?
Homare: Oh my, this place is...
Taichi: "This is the Kung-fu dojo that I always visit ever since the play "Fire up! Mantou Fist" that we performed long time ago!"
Fan D: Eh, we can see Taichi-kun do Kung-fu!?
Fan E: I'm so happy!
Taichi: "Ahh, I failed again~!"
Kazunari: "You almost got it just now~."
Lee: "Would you like to end here for today?"
Taichi: "No, let me do it one more time please!"
Fan A: He's really working hard!
Muku: I didn't know he challenged this so many times...
Lee: "Well then, let us start from the beginning once more."
Taichi: "Yes, sir! ......HOH! YAH!"
Kazunari: "That's good, keep it up!"
Homare: You were almost there, Taichi-kun!
Fan B: Do your best~!
Fan C: So close!
Taichi: "Hahh, I almost got it though~. Like I thought, it's really hard..."
Lee: "It's already this late, so the next one will the last for today."
Taichi: "I understand. I'll do my best til I can learn it!"
Lee: "Now then, BEGIN!"
Taichi: "Hah! Yah!"
Kazunari: "Goooo~!"
Taichi: "Ora! Fuh! ...YAHH!!"
"......I-, I-, I did it~!"
Kazunari: "Oohh~! Grats, Taicchan!"
Fan D: Congrats!
Fan E: Yay~!
Muku: Woah, that's amazing!
Lee: "You've done really well for practising this technique."
Taichi: "It's all thanks to you, Lee-san! Thank you very much for today!"
"I-I did it~..."
Kazunari: "GJ, Taicchan! How do you feel right now?"
Taichi: "Suuuper happy!"
*clap clap*
That's all from my vlog. Thanks for watching, everyone!
...Actually, I had to re-film everything 'cause I didn't like the first take.
Homare: Is that so?
Taichi: I planned to only show the cool parts of me at first, but then it didn't feel like myself at all. It felt so out of place...
It was Kazu-kun who noticed why the vlog seemed like that.
That's why I decided to let you all see the current genuine me that doesn't try to look cool!
I felt a bit embarrassed that I looked bad at some parts, but I want those who always support me know this side of me too.
Muku: Taichi-kun...
Taichi: From now on, to make you guys think that even the genuine Taichi Nanao seem cool...
And to make you all feel glad for supporting me, I'm going to learn even more of all sorts of things and master everything!
That's why, I'd be happy if you guys continue to support me!
*clap clap*
Fan C: I'll always support you~!
Fan D: I love you~!
Kazunari: Taicchan who did his best is so cool! Y'all think the same thing, right?
Fans: We do~!
Taichi: Eh?
Homare: Hm, it was quite admirable to see the sight of you that keeps challenging without giving up for the sake of learning the technique just now.
Muku: That's right. You were really cool, Taichi-kun!
Fan D: So cool~!
Taichi: Everyone~! Thank you~!
Muku: Oh, seems like it's almost time to end...
Taichi: Already!? So quick~!
Homare: Time sure flies very quickly when you're having fun.
Kazunari: Oh yeah, we gotta take a pic at the end! Who's gonna be the cameraman?
Taichi: I want Kazu-kun, the one who did all the vlogging to take it!
Kazunari: Okie~!
Here we go~. Make a heart, please!
Taichi: S-sure!
Kazunari: Say 'cheese'~!
Homare: Hm, is it alright to not say 'cheese', Taichi-kun?
Taichi: AH!
Homare: I recommend you say 'Gorgonzola' instead...
Taichi: I-I'm fine even without all that!
Muku: Fufu, he's really flustered.
Kazunari: I'll take a pic of this Taicchan too!
Taichi: EHH!?
Story Clear!
FINALLY. Sorry that I've been keeping this card for quite a while. I couldn't really work on any stories while I was on school break, cuz I wanted to spend my time binge-watch/read all the animes and mangas I've missed out the last few months. I've missed doing this so I hope I'll get the next one done sooner or later :D
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gswmyunghwa · 2 years
festival of wishes  — plot call 
hi all!! so myunghwa wasn’t here for the last event so she is very excited about this one. the following are a few ideas to get started but of course i’m always more than happy to throw around other random plots😊feel free to either comment with the emoji if any of the following plots calls out to you or just leave me a like and i’ll message you so we can plot something else out!! i can’t wait to thread with many of you 💖
day 1 
💌 she doesn’t fully understand the customs of writing wishes. nonetheless, she is happy to play along and especially enjoys walking around and reading the wishes other people are leaving. your muse could join her in finding the funniest or best wish. or they could chide her for intruding into the private desires of people. 
🍅she’s starving and its nearing the end of the day 1. vendors are heading home and there is only one stall that is open with one item left. her hand reaches for it but surprise, surprise, so does someone else’s. now will it be a battle to the death for this final piece of sustenance or will they find an amicable way to split the sweet treat?
day 2 
👻myunghwa loves a good ghost story so she was never going to miss this day. and part of the fun is of course in spooking people. she has managed to get this person one two many times that night and they decide to exact revenge, intent on making sure she ends up just as scared. 
🔦the day has ended and she swears she lost her earring somewhere in the seats. maybe the scary stories have gotten to her head a little bit, but she’s just a bit jumpy. this person comes with the best of intentions to see who is loitering around an empty festival site but is met with a very scared and aggressive myunghwa. 
day 3
📷 she’s on a mission to find the best costumes to document as part of her vlog. this person catches her eye, either because their costume is spectacular or because their lack of spirit is a perfect contrast to her own and she needs to know why they refuse to partake in the festivities. they may either play along with her impromptu photoshoot (she’s great at getting a good shot) or they brush her off. 
🎉there is a party and myunghwa has never been known to turn down a soiree. granted, this is far less orderly, rules being bent just a little as it is located a little too close to the abandoned village. she drags this person to come with her with the promise of not staying for too long or they find each other at the party. 
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kanjukucompany · 2 years
【A3! Translation】 Sumeragi Tenma SSR: MANKAI Party (3/3)
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PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 3
(translation under the cut)
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Sakuya: I'm looking forward to Tenma-kun's birthday event!
Tsumugi: Fufu, I didn't expect us leaders to be the guests.
Banri: When we went film the vlog, we asked about guests for the event. We were told we would be inviting guests regardless of our troupes.
Tenma: So I thought it'd be interesting to have a group full of leaders.
Tsumugi: I see.
Izumi: Are you four ready?
Tenma: Yeah. Well then everyone, please take care of me today.
Sakuya: Yes!
Tsumugi: Of course.
Banri: It's Tenma's birthday, so let's get the party started.
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Tenma: Thank you for coming today, please enjoy.
Audience Member A: Tenma-kun, happy birthday!
Audience Member B: Happy birthday!
Audience Member C: Your costume is so cool!
Tenma: Thank you. Now, let me introduce you to the three guests who are going to help us liven up today's event.
Tenma: Sakuya, Banri-san, and Tsumugi-san.
Sakuya: I'm Sakuma Sakuya, from Spring Troupe! Happy birthday, Tenma-kun!
Banri: I'm Settsu Banri, Autumn Troupe. HBD, Tenma. Have a great day.
Tsumugi: I'm Winter Troupe's Tsukioka Tsumugi. Have a happy birthday, Tenma-kun.
Audience Member A: It's great that the other leaders are the guests!
Audience Member B: Totally! I just keep growing more and more excited!
Tenma: Now that the guests have been introduced, why don't we start off with the first segment, a vlog viewing party.
Tenma: For the vlog party, took photos and filmed with Banri-san, based around the theme 'scenery I want to show everyone'.
Banri: It was fun getting to photograph so much stuff. I was able to capture some really good Tenma expressions, too.
Tenma: I'm a little concerned about which ones you consider good expressions... For now, let's start the vlog.
Sakuya: It's a cityscape. It feels familiar somehow...
Tsumugi: Oh! Could this be where the detective drama Tenma-kun and Banri-kun starred in was filmed?
Tenma: Wow, that's correct.
Banri: You guessed that with pretty much zero hints, Tsumugi-san.
Audience Member A: That drama was so much fun!
Audience Member B: Getting to make even a tiny sacred pilgrimage there, I'd be so happy~.*
Banri: "....You were so happy, you ended up buying loads of bread from him afterwards."
Tenma: "No need to mention unnecessary things!"
Audience Member C: Haha, Tenma-kun's cute!
Banri: Pfft... Hear that, Tenma? You're cute.
Tenma: No, I'm not cute!
Audience Member D: I like that about Tenma-kun, too!
Tenma: "When I'm at the company, there's lots of opportunities for people to see me on stage, along with Summer Troupe, and the other members too."
Tenma: "But when it comes to dramas, even if I get the chance to talk about my feelings towards a work in interviews, I think there are many times where I don't..."
Tenma: "I realized that I may not share much about the details about what happens during filming."
Tenma: "So that's why this time, I chose the location of the detective drama I starred in alongside Banri-san and Hiro-san, who are both close to me."
Tenma: "I want everyone to know more about me, both onstage and onscreen."
Tenma: "So, please keep supporting me."
Tsumugi: That was a wonderful vlog, just like Tenma-kun.
Sakuya: Your final message was really touching, too...!
Banri: Well, the cameraman also did a great job.
Tenma: I mean, that's true, but you're just flattering yourself.
Audience Member A: I'll continue to support you, Tenma-kun!
Audience Member B: I'm rooting for you all the way!
Tenma: Oh, thank you. I'm looking forward to your support.
Tenma: It's a shame, but it looks like we're almost at the end of the event.
Sakuya: Speaking of, at the end of Misumi-kun's, I think he took a photo!
Tsumugi: You're right, I think it'd be a good idea to take one of Tenma-kun, too.
Tenma: Shall we? It'd be a memento of this event with everyone, and well, it'd be a waste not to get some photos of this costume.
Banri: Then I'll be the cameraman here, too.
Tenma: Please do.
Banri: Leave it to me. Now, let's take your pic.
Banri: Okay, cheese~.
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*聖地巡礼 (sacred pilgrimage) is a term used to refer to visiting a real life location in a movie/show/manga etc.
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koizumicchi · 4 years
LIP×LIP English Translation Masterpost
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keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. i never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. as always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
all of my translations are cross-posted on my livejournal.
istg i only meant to translate judge and tsuki no hime because during that time no one picked them for translation and the fandom is so small....but before i knew it, my translation attempts and my love for LIPxLIP piled up and up until you have this (growing) masterpost.
ジャッジ☆ Judge☆  月の姫 Tsuki no Hime (+ 2nd voice) リペイント Repaint チョコカノ Choco Kano ホワイトデーキッス White Day Kiss 青華 Seika Yellow LOVE&KISS この世界の楽しみ方  許してサンタさん  他のやつにいくなんてさ ジュリエッタ  青へ  俺無しじゃ生きていけない?   新時代  ラストステージ   (LIPxLIP notes) 弟には秘密 母親って 推しの魔法
In General
Guru Koi Bouken no VLOG Romantic Wedding Nakama Hazure 東京サニーパーティー ビビっとラブ 好きな子に嘘ついた。 元生徒 コスプレしたいのっ! アイドルでよかった。 HONEY FLOWER マサキじゃないけど好き ぎじれんあい きらきらスイーツパーチー 転生したら可愛かった 最近めっちゃかわいいね 可愛くなれたらいいのに 兄には秘密 ビュティホ
Docchi Kiss (2019)
LIP×LIP Radio Track 1 (en subbed) LIP×LIP Radio Track 2 (en subbed) Romeo Music Video Making Haniwa Livestream for Docchi Kiss Release LIP×LIP Docchi Kiss First LIVE Fan Report (Zepp Tokyo)
Kono Sekai no Tanoshimikata (2020-2021)
LIPxLIP FILMxLIVE LINE stamp Romeo Light Novel Introduction Romeo Light Novel First Photo Kono Sekai no Tanoshimikata LN Prologue Kono Sekai no Tanoshimikata LN Chapter One Kono Sekai no Tanoshimikata LN Chapter Five Kono Sekai no Tanoshimikata LN Chapter Six Lawson Collab Cafe Sneak Peak Animation LIP×LIP FILM×LIVE Spoilers 1 2 3 LIP×LIP FILM×LIVE Special Radio LIP×LIP FILM×LIVE Cheki Voice Drama LIP×LIP FILM×LIVE Animate Tokuten CD LIP×LIP FILM×LIVE SNS Clear Card Hashtags 01/2021 Animage Magazine Interview 1 2 3 4 5 LIPxLIP FILMxLIVE Secret Program Interview Questions LIPxLIP FILMxLIVE Pamphlet/Booklet Director Interview QR Code Drama Tracks Exclusive with the Standees from Japan QR Code Drama Track from the Standees (New Year Greeting)
Mini Anime  1  2  3  4  5  6
Countdown  10  9  3  2  1
After Talk  2  3  4  8
Animate Standee POP  Yuujirou  Aizou
ULTRASONE Collab Special Voice  ULTRASONE Collab Voice Comic
A Day in the Life of LIPxLIP
Fantasia LOVE&KISS (2022)
LN Introduction LN Summary/Translation  1  2 Haniwa Commentaries Quote (chapter vi) Animate Limited 4P Leaflet
Umareta Koto Ni Kansha Shinasai! (2024)
Animedia Magazine March Issue はじめての二人っきり旅行 (Full) LIPxLIP Radio 2024 Track 2 (Full) LIPxLIP Radio 2024 Track 1 (Meoto Part) LIP×LIPからのスペシャルボイスメッセージ
Miscellaneous (Official)
Haniwa 10th Anniversary Livestream 1 2 3 Sukisugite Yabai Tokuten LIPxLIP ft Hiyori  LIPxLIP + Hiyori Drama CD Part Translation Secret Story Film Trailer 2 A B Secret Story Film Trailer 3 Secret Story Film Chibi Ad feat FT4 Catchphrase of the Film LIPxLIP SMASH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 LIPxLIP Xmas Gift Answers LIPxLIP part of your partner you want to fix HaniPure Full Combo Comic ft LIPxLIP & Mona Excerpt from one of the short stories (2/22/21) HaniPure LIPxLIP White Day Event 2021   Haniwa Day 2021 (about LIPxLIP / Yuujirou) HaniPure Dream Story New Year Festival 2022 Chp6 HaniPure Dream Story New Year Festival 2022 Chp7
Fanarts / Doujinshi
LIPxLIP Birthday Countdown:
2021  ;  2022  ;  2023
クリスマスのせいにして! (by shirase-san)
Rodeo Penguin Marry Me Ganbare! Stay with Me Samishigariya Samishigariya (2) Last Name Problem Sukima (Gap) Koichirou vs Aizou 11.11.21 Pocky Day Romeo Light Novel Spoiler Jurassic World x LIPLIP meme Koichirou and LOVE&KISS costume Hiyori’s Manager Level 100 Aizou: idk that Yuujirou
for translations done by others, see this tag.
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original-idiots · 4 years
Batfam Social Media: Waynes’ World YT #3
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- because of popular demand they finally did a behind the scenes of dance vids Cas and Adri go around the city scouting and taking photographs of locations for the videos and then cut to them creating the choreo (sometimes with Dick or Reina or Steph) and to Adri and Damian composing, recording and mixing the songs to dance to.
- The great Gotham bake off started off as a joke. Dick tweeted he would do anything for a slice of the best chocolate cake. And suddenly the manor, his apartment and his office were receiving package after package, box after box of chocolate cake. Some were pretty good, some were downright horrible, and some were so suspicious Tim took to analyzing all of them for poison or crazy fan dna.
- the winner of best cake though was an ugly ass cake no one even bothered with for days until Jason decided to try it during a tea time video and he literally spaced out so long, Adri worried he was poisoned. Then he proceeded to scarf it down and fight off everyone who tried to steal a piece. Eventually he let them have a taste and it was declared winner. The tea time room though? Totaled.
- Bruce gave them one rule in allowing them all to go to the Gotham ComicCon. They werent allowed to use their suits. So they used each others. Dick went as Robin, pixie boots, scaly panties and all. Cass went as a Signal, Duke went as Spoiler, Steph was Nightwing. Tim deviated by dressing as Alfred (moustache and white hair included). Adri was the Red Hood and Damien would only accept Adri’s Nightingale armor.
-actually he wanted Batman but Jason stole it first. No legit, he stole Bruce’s REAL Batman suit and proceeded to brood and scowl at everything. He even won a contest for best impression but then needed a dozen throat lozenges the day after.
- during the summer of Gotham, everyone took to stripping around the manor. Yes they had centralized cold air but somehow it was still hot and everyone would take off shirts and just wear shorts and sports bras. It didnt really bother anyone except Alfred who conceded when he found the need to take off his own jacket. But then Tim and Adri went for coffee with Babs uptown. And Tim forgot they were in public and took his shirt off.
- the pics went viral for a solid 30 minutes before he took them all down...until Babs started reuploading them again.
- on Barbara’s Birthday she got tremendously wasted. Dick was right there with her, Jason was well on his way and Steph was already singing Kumbaya on the rooftop of the manor with Tim asleep next to her. Adri was holding Kate’s hair back in the bathroom and Damian went out on patrol because they wouldn’t let him drink. Meanwhile Cas and Duke took all the pictures.
- Gotham Nights 2 followed Tim, Dick, Adri and Bruce as they went on nightshifts at work. Jason was Adri’s camera man, and Cas was Dick’s for his a bust in Bludhaven. At Wayne Tower, Tim and Bruce were providing insight and facts about the company and it was going so well until a new intern spoke the forbidden words of the tower. “Sorry Mr. Drake sir, we’re out of coffee” and it all went downhill from there.
- because of how much Alfred was seen prepping snacks and readying coats in the last video, people requested to see a day in the life of the Wayne’s ever reliable butler Alfred Pennyworth. It was all really wholesome, talking about cleaning, cooking and his favorite things, until he showed pictures from when Bruce was young, and from when Thomas Wayne was young and everyone in the comics went batshit over how Alfred didnt ever age in them.
-thus the hashtag #AlfredIsImmortal came to be.
- it was Steph (off duty) who decided she wanted to go “vigilante hunting”. It was Adri, Cass and Duke that gave no arguments. Only, they didnt tell Jason, Dick, Tim or Damian who were on patrol that night what they were doing. Imagine Jason tensed up on his sniper’s nest paranoid that someone could see him, suddenly hearing. “OHMYGOSH GUYS WE CAUGHT THE RED HOOD!”
- The Solheim vlogs became a quick favorite because not only were viewers getting inside the world of the Royal Morgensonne family, Adri had brought over a hundred of the refugees of her country who were staying in Gotham back home for the Midsummer festival.
- but of course, these are the Waynes. Because Bruce gavr the private jet for use of the refugees, they took a commercial flight which got delayed. It was fine until Steph and Tim got bored and found a costume shop.
- when they go to Castle Morgensonne, Dick saw the tallest tower and decided to accept the challenge. What challenge? Exactly. He climbed it then proceeded to dive off it into the loch below. The others followed and the staff were so scared they thought there were ghosts in the tower. Until Adri climbed up there with them and yelled it’s okay. And if the princess approves, why not?
- while some of them went on a traditional Midsummer hunt with Adri and her brother the King, Tim and Duke decided to have a photoshoot in the nightbloom fields east of the castle where the grass and leaves of the wildflowers are such a dark green they almost appear black. They get incredible pics and also get incredibly lost until someone from the hunting party accidentally fires at them with an arrow, thinking they’re game.
- “Yeah, accidentally.”Jason said at the end.
-because they all watched the movie Midsomar together everyone was a little skeptical of all the flower fileds and maypole dancing and singing and Jason and Tim went full crackhead after drinking something they were offered and kept declaring they were ready to join the cult. It turns out it was just crushed beets and they were just being stupid. But Damian wasnt going to tell them that when he offered it to them.
- the Solheim tradition of black items being burned in a central bonfire commenced, Dick drank some of the “crazy juice” and Cass was crowned Mayqueen for being the best dancer.
-Duke was also given a gift because the band heard him singing along and brought him up on the stage.
-when they got back everyone realized Tim had mislabelled the number of at least five prerecorded videos that were posted while they were in Solheim and gave him soooo much shit about it he said fuck it and started numbering them with ridiculous equations, random symbols and letters or, just not at all.
-also when they got back Commisioner Gordon got jacked.
- Dick notices it one night on the roof of the GCPD, Gordon takes off his coat and the sleeves and buttons of his shirt are HANGING ON FOR DEAR LIFE. Batman and the Comissioner are trying to have a serious discussion and Nightwing is poking Gordon’s biceps. “When did you get these?!”
- the next day Dick invaded the GCPD gym with a camera to film him during a workout and LORD. The onlie thirst was real, Barbara found it so funny she made it go viral herself.
Part 1
Part 2
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mendespideys · 4 years
tom holland masterlist
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photo © spidvr / @editstom​
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✰ ✰ ✰
i don’t love you anymore
- the one where tom breaks up with you
five beers and a spider-man costume
- the one where you and tom meet at a halloween party in the most embarrassing way you could imagine, and then you embarrass yourself some more
- part 2: two cups of tea
the intern
- the one where you become at intern at holland and osterfield’s, not knowing that you had already met tom the previous night
accidental slip
- the one where zendaya accidentally outs your relationship with tom in an interview
a small bump unborn
- the one where harrison watches as his best mate gets ready to become a dad
- the one where tom just tries to be honest even if it hurts both of you
- the one where you’ve had enough of tom’s fuckboy antics
- the one where you’re in a major accident and tom doesn’t know what to do
- the one where tom takes you to a red-carpet event for the first time
- the one where tom’s in the mafia and he thinks it’s too dangerous for you
say something
- the one where one night changes yours and tom’s lives forever
don’t call me darling // pt. 2 // pt. 3
- the one where you break the one rule in your agreement with tom
our baby
- the one where tom finds you awake with your baby
pregnancy series
- the one where you’re a youtuber vlogging the new chapter of your life with tom
food truck
- the one where tom’s a paramedic and his schedule gets in the way of your first date, so you take the matter into your own hands
- the one where you make tom nervous during an audition
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heyitsmarysblog · 3 years
You are a fighter and warrior, you’ve got this Mary…
I have to admit that this pandemic really hits me the hardest and i do believe i already shared about this but right now i am finally slowly step by step having the courage to share and speak again.
I know that there where a lot who has been shocked about my sudden change what happened to “ica” where is “ica” to start it off i know i’ve already said this but i will said this again start calling me Mary because just as i said i am Mary.
I know for years i kept saying to addressed me as “ica” and now here i am telling you to addressed me as Mary because that’s my name not ica going back to that question to what happened to “ica” and where is “ica” the encourager and on fire why the sudden changes.
With this article or post your questions will be answered bare with me because this is a novel article or post i hope you stay till the end of this article or post so let’s start i was supposed to make a vlog about this stuff but i just couldn’t find the time and courage to vlog it that’s why i choose to write this way.
Answering the questions what happened during the pandemic where there is ecq, gcq and mecq all those stuff my faith and beliefs has been shaky in the latter part i was still worshipping, praying and devoted to God with my relationship with Jesus i was praying for my uncle but also depression hits me not only that i did several attempts and thoughts yes you read that one right and clear.
Off course i went with my silent battles i tried but i got lost of tracks i started developing trust issues that’s why i had a hard time to reach out to my support group, my mentor and spiritual families you all knew how religious i am back then i also know i dissapointed a lot even God because i was the encourager and active one yet i went and been through depression.
Why? I’ve been caught up and i’ve got a lot of loads in my plates my traumas from the past, family, trust issues, my horrible traumatic experiences, the bullying, rejection, my encounter and how i was treated on my former church, frustrations, anxieties, insecurities and depression even the unforgiveness in my heart.
Yes there where a lot who where and was been there but because of my trust issues i really had a hard time reaching out i remember how i ended up isolating myself how i diverted my attention watching netflix and kdrama series, karaoke, tiktok, working out.
As i watched 13 reasons why and finished every season i thought of myself i should have done the same thing “Hannah Baker” did a decade ago because what her character portrays almost the same of all the things i’ve been through how i was been bullied in high school, the embarrassment and humiliation i encountered due to the malfunction of my costume, how i was been entitled “darna” and been in a issue that i was been a third party which i was never was.
When how was this transferee student and his troup and the rest of the curriculum in our batch bullied me when he humiliated me by saying in front to our advisory class and our classmate that i was the first to get married and be pregnant on our batch one of the reason why i vow that i will never get married or be pregnant (because my uterus is inverted and i am not having any period) how my english teacher when i was freshmen humiliated me just because i was the only girl got the zero score on the quiz and when my specialist told me i have no talent maybe she’s right i couldn’t sing or dance just a frustrated singer and dancer i know it’s obvious.
How this transferee student when i was in high school in senior year humiliated me just because i got no choice but to cheat in our exam because i know nothing about the spanish class, how i was been underestimated during college and basically been bullied as well and when they told me if ain’t drinking that beer they wouldn’t help me with the dance steps anymore because it’s true that i don’t dance believe it or not you may see me with my tiktok dances where i am a trying hard it’s my bestfriend influence why i am in tiktok but in regards to dance or dancing i couldn’t do it i actually have a traumas with that as well even myself i am shock that i am dancing where clearly i am not a dancer.
I would say that maybe my specialist was right when she said i have no talent because i couldn’t sing, dance or even play piano or guitar i wanted to i tried and no i am not intelligent i suck in math real bad my english? Nah even though i write and vlog i barely have 66 subscribers and no readers my childhood dream that i couldn’t reach even my audition in pbb yes i widthraw my audition this year it also made me frustrated while i see someone i know reach and achieved her dreams don’t get me wrong i am sincerely happy i also know she been through lot before she reached it but i couldn’t help not to feel insecure plus i never got any moral support from my family with the things i wanted to pursue and achieved.
I choose to cut my ties to all my classmates and batchmate of high school and college i only have communication with my grade school buddies why because it frustrate me how successful there it’s been a decade yet here i am baby sitting my nephew still jobless that’s why i never involve myself with any forms of reunion not unless it’s my grade school buddies all of these hits me including my horrible traumatic experience when i almost got rape not just once but twice.
Among those two the one that was traumatic most is what i encountered 5 years ago although the person is already in heaven maybe and how i was been called a slanderous and how they sugar coated me i thought i already let go of all these things but i was wrong it even left me with the thought knowing that i am a 8 months premature baby and being in depression i wished that i didn’t survive knowing how and what i’ve been through for the past 25 years of my life.
Having depression and with these thoughts i only had my bestfriend and cousins with me also loosing my one and only close auntie on the day of Valentine’s Day everything started to fall apart i tried fighting this battle silently where i would cry it all out to God but one day i just find myself the fire and passion got lost i stopped worshipping and praying even doing my devotion a lot has triggered me being ghosted by whom i thought gonna be my first and last after what i experienced and encountered the wall that the person broke where i thought i already knew my value and just enjoying my season having a good testimony it was broken i stumble and fail.
Where i thought that my heart is renewed it has been cold and hardened again the walls and bricks became triple a lot of people thought this is the only reason why i have depression yes it is a part and one of the reason but it’s not just it although this person ask for forgiveness but at this point i can’t because of everything i was in pain and hurt with the words that this person or “taurus” couldn’t accept my bad sides and got tired where “taurus” was the reason there is a huge differences between seriousness and sureness i should have known.
With these i did and been through a lot of things that i am not proud i know i was and i am a failure and dissapointment to my mentor, support group, spiritual families specially to God i kept resisting and running away, avoiding His presence i diverted it in a wrong i started having vices (alcohol, tried to smoke, pornography, cursing) my anger management and temper i even went to psychiatrist i only had one meeting because i don’t have my own money and i was only able to buy few pieces of my medicines during those moments i thought and i can already feel that it was God the whole time why i couldn’t consitently do it.
However i’ve been resisting it my heart is and was been cold and hardened even though His been using a lot of people and that i can still feel His presence yet i run away and avoided everything i committed sins curses and cursing, vices (alcohol and smoking) went through a bar been watching porn and porn sites i even installed apps about horoscope listened through music and songs that are not worship i downloaded different genres of songs, watching adulting stuffs and series various of vlogs.
My mindset changes a lot with a thought of my preference changed somehow due to my horrible traumatic experience and encounters of rejections towards men i even downloaded apps and create various of dating profile accounts which i am not even active then i ended up deleting everything and installed bible app it’s been 2 years the last time i open my bible and have my devotion i even threw away on the river the bible that was been gifted to me of the one who ghosted me.
I am left with the question that can i still go back? Will i be still accepted and forgiven even i myself still can’t forgive and forget or even let go before this pandemic i wanted to ran away to be in Manila that’s the only place i wanted to be with even those moments when i was been bullied i didn’t want to see or face someone i knew but i always ended up being with the same circle of my past one thing i regret is that if only i was really be courageous enough to speak up and face confrontations i always run away and avoid.
Why because i know that my voice won’t matter and will never be heard that’s why i rather rant or write it i always have this mindset that i don’t want to leave this country if i will be leaving i want to left this city where it cost me painful and bad memories horrible and traumatic experiences i’ve been wanting to have a new environment alone and away in Manila never have i thought that i would agree on migrating soon in New Zealand to be with my frontliner sister and maybe then i will be able to finally move on and let go.
Where there is peace and joy however there is this question remains where i know that His presence never left me despite everything that i knew He has and will always has new mercies for me even thought i stumble and fail where i committed sins but i still find myself crying out, kneeling down before Him, praying and worshipping.
I couldn’t promise that it will be instanly go back after a day but step by step it’s been awhile the last time i did this but if you were able to came through this point thank you specially i am in awe and grateful for those God used as an instruments all this time although i always feel frustrated even with my journey and relationship with Him
Yet here i am having realize all of this that no matter how i run away, avoid, surrender and give up His presence remains and His love endures forever thank You for saving me and opening my eyes though i fail and sinned my love for You was never gone and Your love never change i don’t even deserve it but You give it.
Mary, you are a fighter and warrior you still got of fight left in you Mary you’ve got this because the Lord is with you the angels and heaven is backing you up and those people that God brought you.
Here i am Mary i hope the way you embraced “ica” is the same way you will embrace and accept me as Mary after all this is the name that God gave me Mary so for starters please call me Mary because that’s my name i am Mary for 3 years i lived myself as “ica” and created sorry just because i hated my name i invented the name “ica” which upon that name traumatic experiences happened however within the name “ica” i met people God brought me that will always be and has a special place in my heart yes i already said goodbye to “ica” let’s all say goodbye.
Now let’s welcome, embrace and accept Mary now i am ready to accept and love my own name Mary yes my name is Mary everyone and Mary we are now rising back up let’s continue our journey Mary remember you are a fighter and warrior Mary.
You’ve got this Mary you are not alone Mary Jesus is with you keep fighting Mary
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unknown-hq · 5 years
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Unknown Events Wristbands
You will be given a wristband upon arriving at the Happiness Is… Cruse Ship.  This wristband must be worn at all times.  It will let you into the AA areas and also act as your room key and bank.  At any restaurant, bar, gift shop, convince store, etc. on the ship, just scan your band and the payment will be taken care of by Unknown Events. This will also work for event set up activities on land such as water skiing, jet skis, snorkeling equipment, paddle boarding, etc.  Your entire trip is paid for on us. Yup, even your DisneyWorld ticket if you plan to go.
Drinking Ages on the boat
Apply to where the boat is at the time.  So in Florida you’d have to be 21+ but while in the Bahamas, Bermuda, and International Waters, you only have to be 18+ to drink. Now, if get someone to grab you drinks from the bar and drink those when no one’s looking, well, that’s up to you ;) 
October 24 - Welcome Dinner & Party 
Welcome Back to the Happiness Is… Cruise Ship.  You may have been on the ship in the past, but if not, we’re super excited for you to join us! Please head to the lobby to check in, get your wristbands and room number.  After that you can unpack, explore the ship, and grab some food at the open buffet. 
Welcome Dinner: Tonight will be about mixing and mingling.  There will be an open bar, open buffet, and dancing all night long.  Wear your best cocktail attire and get excited to meet all your fans and new friends.  
October 25 - At Sea 
Consider today as a day off to get used to the ship, explore all the fun and exciting amenities, and meet up with all your friends.  There’s nothing planned for the day so get used to the timezones and relax.
Laundry Pizza Night: Head over to the ballroom for a decked out pizza party.  Set up to look like you’re stepping into Laundry Pizza in Korea, there will be your classic blue tables, mirrored laundry machines, and never ending pizza.  There will be a Photo Booth in front of the Pizza wall and a photographer for you to get pics with fans as you with your slice.
October 26-27 - Orlando, FL 
On one of these two days, you are expected to work.  The other day you can go explore Orlando.  You get to choose which day your muse works and what they do.  If you are a celeb, it could be a panel, concert, acoustic show, meet & greet, vlog, live game stream, Q&A, etc.  All of the would happen on the ship too.  Those that have other jobs like security, vendor, event production, etc, you can make your muses hours and fit what works with their schedule.  
October 28 - Nassau, Bahamas
Today is a day off for everyone.  Get off the ship and explore the exclusive beach we have designated for Unknown Event guests and members.  Just be back before the ship embarks to its next location.  
October 29-30 Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas
Just like Florida, on one of these two days, you are expected to work.  The other day you can go explore Orlando.  You get to choose which day your muse works and what they do.  Please pick something your muse didn’t do while in Florida to give fans a new fun and exciting experience.
October 31 - At Sea
Happy Halloween! Today will be full of crazy fun that you can pick and choose what to get up to.  Please wear your costume all day if you wish or have multile costume changed! (We’ll put our selfie rule on hold today if you have a few choice looks to show off as we know some celebs dress up all week.) 
Below Deck Haunted Maze: Head to the lowest part of the ship for a haunted maze that will be out any Halloween Horror Nights.  Get ready for screams, jump scares, and, of course, someone chasing you with gold scissors. 
Trick-Or-Treat Carnival on Deck 13: The open area and sport courts have been transformed into a Halloween Carnival for all ages to enjoy.  There will be carnival games, face painting, fried food, and more for you to enjoy. Each booth will provide candy for any trick-or-treaters that happen to be on the ship, big or small. 
Halloween Adults-Only Ball: Once it gets dark and the kids are in bed, there will be a 18+ costume party in the Grand Ball Room.  It’ll be dancing and all the other fun things people get up to tonight as we finish our crossing through the Bermuda Triangle.  Don’t be scared if the lights go out... 
November 1-2 Royal Naval Dockyard, Bermuda 
Like before, on one of these two days, you are expected to work.  The other day you can go explore Orlando.  You get to choose which day your muse works and what they do.  Please pick something your muse didn’t do perviously on the ship to mix things up.
On Nov. 2 come say Happy Birthday to Jesse at The Star Bar lounge.  This party is just for Unknown members so there won’t be any fans around (we know sometimes you need a little break.)  Have fun, relax, and eat some cake!
November 3 - At Sea 
Please head up to the pool and games deck today for a Fan Appreciation Mixer.  Spend the afternoon hanging out with your fans, getting to chat it up for a few hours, and playing some deck games.  You don’t have to stay the whole day, but just let your fans know you appreciate them for a few hours.
Emo Nite: By request, our farewell party has been changed to Emo Nite in the Star Bar - since we’re all so sad to see you go.  And that’s correct, no fan will be allowed into the party.  Dance to some of your favorite throwback tunes, take over as the DJ, and dress in your fave emo wear.  
November 4 - Disembark in NYC 
Recover from those hangovers, last minute pack, and say your goodbyes to your new friends - you’ll be leaving the ship this evening and headed off the Happiness Is… As they say, you don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.
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loucifieri · 6 years
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So I ended up drawing the rest of the v3 kids with their fam members/ important people and naming them (based off the canon) after I drew Kaede’s twin haha gdi.....
NDRV3 HPA AU Character Design Masterlist here and background information here
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Kaede’s twin: Akamatsu Shikimi Shikimi goes to Hope’s Peak Academy as a Reserve Course student. More easygoing but just as firm and assertive as her sister. Despite being mistaken as Kaede frequently in public, she doesn’t despise her twin, even going as far as pretending to her so Kaede can take a break from the limelight. Can play the piano (as well as guitar and violin) but only at a beginner level.
Rantaro’s 2/12 sisters: Amami Youko (2nd child), Amami Misaki (1st child, 3rd partner) Youko is Rantaro’s only full sibling. She attend’s Hope’s Pass High School, Rantaro’s old high school prior to being scouted. More mature than her older bro; has a no-nonsense attitude and quite studious. Easily annoyed by Rantaro’s childish antics but worries about him a lot whenever he travels. Misaki looks up to Rantaro a lot and strongly considers him a role model. She tags along with him frequently, except during his travels and is up to date with his vlogs. She is currently in 4th grade.
Shuichi’s Uncle: Saihara Yoshio Yoshio is the younger brother of Shuichi’s father. He takes in Shuichi after his brother and his wife move overseas, leaving their son to his care. He is a private investigator of a small detective firm, and takes Shuichi as his assistant. He lets Shuichi read confidential case files and would indulge him with a meal of donuts and hot chocolate on some afternoons.
Kaito’s grandparents: Momota Shou, Momota Asuka Shou and Asuka are the parents of Kaito’s father. Kaito was left to their care when his parents died in a tragic car accident. They have a tree house in their backyard where Kaito usually played as a child and Shou would often take Kaito to an open field to stargaze at night. They were quite traditional in their beliefs, and Kaito unconsciously absorbed some of their patriarchal views.
Maki’s favorite (in the orphanage): Shimizu Reika Reika is timid and shy, and mostly didn’t play with the other kids in the orphanage. She would often trail Maki whenever she had errands, and liked clinging to her. She aspires to be a “responsible big sister” like Maki to the other kids, doing her best to conquer her social anxieties. Maki initially disliked Reika’s clinginess, but eventually develops a soft spot for her (since she was mostly well-behaved anyway).
Korekiyo’s older sister: Shinguji Miyadera Miyadera is frail and sickly. Fearful of her short lifespan, she spoils her younger brother to no end. She would frequently visit Hope’s Peak to bring him food, random knick knacks or relics she manages to get a hold of. She would often message him to ask about his well-being, which sometimes irritate Kiyo but he lets his sister be. The siblings care for each other greatly (but not to the point that it becomes incestuous).
Kokichi’s organization D.I.C.E: names confidential A group of pranksters led by Kokichi. After being alienated from his family, he forms this ragtag group of outcasts to commit trivial crimes such as harmless pranks, vandalism and petty theft. They are basically a family unit to him.
Tenko’s Aikido master: Maeda Hikaru After the death of Tenko’s mother (at the hands of own father), Tenko was adopted by Hikaru, who is a good friend of her mother’s. Hikaru owns a dojo and trains Tenko with aikido. They invent a variation of aikido that they subsequently dubbed “Neo Aikido.” Hikaru has spent most of her life in a loveless rut, and she channels her bitterness with preaching to Tenko her biased views on men. Coupled with Tenko’s bad experience with her father, she develops a close-minded negative perception of men.
Kirumi’s mother: Tojo Kazumi Kazumi is a single mother, and doesn’t actually know who Kirumi’s father is. She had been completely drunk one night at a college party, and was too inebriated to notice she’d been having sex with a man. Her girlfriend subsequently left her while her family disowned her when she decided to keep the baby. She worked hard to be able to provide for Kirumi, taking up small part-time jobs apart from a day job during her early-twenties to her late-twenties. This inspired Kirumi to take a part time job when she was old enough. Currently, she works in a bookstore.
Angie’s late grandfather: Yonaga Arell Arell took care of Angie when her parents left the island to find jobs overseas and have not returned ever since. He teaches Angie obscure traditions of their island and the religion of Atua. An artist himself, he teaches Angie how to do visual art and sculpture, even teaching her how to apply incantations to her works of art. His eccentric way of speaking was picked up by Angie. Arell contracts a deadly disease when Angie was 9 years old, and unfortunately dies after 2 years.
Tsumugi’s little brother: Shirogane Takumi Despite sharing a lot of interests with her sister (video games and anime), Takumi teases his older sister a lot. He would also often bother Tsumugi when she is sewing a costume. Their parents are often too busy at work, and with his sister’s shut-in personality, Takumi feels lonely. He secretly admires his sister for her geeky attitude and talent for making beautiful cosplays. Tsumugi finds him annoying, but nevertheless pampers him when she has time. She would also try to dress him up, even in girl’s clothings and he doesn’t mind.
Himiko’s mother: Yumeno Chiyoko Chiyoko used to be a Magician’s assistant. Now, she works as a stage director while her husband works as a stuntman. She is very outgoing and bubbly. She would always recount how her day went during dinnertime with her family. During weekends, she likes taking Himiko out for a day at the park, or watch movies. Himiko is very close with her mother as she often brings her up in conversations, although she dreads being affectionate with her in public.
Keebo’s father: Iidabashi Manabu Prof. Iidabashi is a talented robotics engineer of Future Foundation. He fathered Keebo with one of his former subordinates, who left the organization after leaving him Keebo upon his birth. Not wanting to be an absentee father since his job eats up a lot of time, Manabu homeschools Keebo until he was enrolled to Hope’s Peak, bringing him along whenever he reported to his office. He is quite overprotective of his son and is very quick to defend him.
Miu’s estranged (real) father: Keane Bellerose Keane was a French tourist visiting Japan that had a brief affair with Miu’s mother. He lost contact with the mother after leaving Japan, and never knew he fathered a child. Being an illegitimate child, Miu’s stepfather mostly neglects her while her mother is mostly away from home. Keane eventually learns about his daughter and attempts to reconnect with her.
Ryoma’s family cat: Sunny A turkish calico, named after the same breed in the game Neko Atsume. Along with Ryoma, they are the only survivors of the massacre that claimed the lives of Ryoma’s parents, two siblings and an aunt.
Gonta’s wolf family They’re wolves, Harold.
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ftzone · 6 years
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SCHEDULE 02, 29.10.18 - 19.11.18
every week idols and trainees are busy preparing for something: debuts, comebacks, concerts, performances, televised appearances, and more! read under the cut for what your muse is doing this week. please note: threads & solos for this week’s schedule are due 19/11/18 by 09:59 AM in order to be eligible for points (+5 sp, +5 popularity, +5 karma)! in order to obtain points, a thread must reach 3/3 (3 replies per person); for every 3 replies after the initial 3, one may add +5 sp, +5 popularity and +5 karma.
* subplot “hyena on the keyboard” begins this week !
Siren — it’s the week before filming starts! that means the girls are undergoing makeovers, the company wanting a fresh look for everyone, before they’re shuffled off to take promotional pictures and film teasers consisting of solo interviews.
MYSTERY — time until MYSTERY’s latest release is quickly counting down. on the to-do list for this week? music video filming and jacket shooting. it’s nothing but cameras, makeup, outfit changes, and late, late nights.
MELODY — it’s beginning to seem like MELODY have captured the hearts of the general public, chatter about the “banana girls” everywhere. however, can they keep up the momentum? dingbat wants to get a better idea of how they’re being received, as well as how MELODY perform in a different setting — so they’re being sent to film an episode of idol room!
trainee group, neXus — after a gruelling previous week, the boys are in for something a lot different. they’re tasked with cleaning out all the practice rooms in the dbg building. the managers claim it’s for “team building.”
STRINGS — initial plans for the band’s japanese album debut have been decidedly pushed back by joonyoung himself until the second week of november. the company’s first international debut album, joonyoung is stressing for the boys to put a good amount of blood, sweat and tears into their work for their japanese fans. the group’s staff and managers are putting lots of effort to keep the boys working as well, so no slacking off!
libra — what better way to promote the group further following one of their most successful comebacks to date than feature on an episode of snl? the girls will be front and center showing off their comedic acting skills and hosting for this coming week’s episode. ( x )
ALL — on halloween, there will be a company-wide party! idol group members are expected to dress up in either the same costume from fright fest or a completely different one; this party, however, is more business than anything. get ready to kiss ass and flatter any and all company employees. besides this party, each group still has a certain schedule:
LURE — when was the last time members of LURE were able to do a full-group vlive? the company doesn’t remember, which is why they are setting up a special room during the halloween party where the four members of LURE will be doing a broadcast to meet their fans. SOLO 2 will also be filming the music video to “fantasy” and shooting teaser photos this week. 
Corpse Party — Corpse Party is set to comeback at the very beginning of december, which means november will be packed with filming music videos, taking concept photos, finalizing the album, and (of course) trying to get the public’s attention. this week, the boys will be recording “sorry” for their single album (“sorry” and the instrumental) and finalizing lyricsz
V!BE — V!BE will be in the middle of comeback stages galore this week, but promotions for “PEEKABOO” will only last two weeks before they are on their way around the globe for their first world tour! to promote their new song, the girls will be having a surprise fanmeeting before performing on m! countdown; members of V!BE need to prepare signed official goods to hand out!
trainee group: BLISS — in preparation for “SEEKING SERENITY”, BLISS members are given special classes this week on how to behave on broadcasts, what to say in interviews, and how to make themselves appear likable to the public. 
trainee group: 5YNC — it shouldn’t be a surprise that, once again, members of 5YNC are given something non-performance or debut related to do this week. instead of preparing songs or choreography, the members are given the task to decorate the rooms where the halloween party will take place and then return to their normal training schedules.
ALL — gear up for superstar mobius mobile! company-wide, artists are going to be shooting promo pictures for the soon-to-come mobile rhythm game featuring songs by orion, NEO, and SOLAR, and the debuted subunits.
ORION — it’s a big week for mobius entertainment’s pioneers! the men of ORION should get their stomachs ready for a commercial shoot with goobne chicken, their first group CF deal in upwards of a year. it’s their chance to prove that they’ve still got it as well as get the public’s eyes back on them as a group rather than a bunch of busy individuals! eat up!
NEO — promotions for NEO:RED’s “district 9” comeback are in full swing this week, so the boys can anticipate sleepless nights and hours spent recording comeback performances for music shows this week. there’s no time for dilly-dallying and they can look forward to appearing on weekly idol, idol room, and the yang nam show before the week is over. NEO:BLUE gets a rare week off from standard promoting and rehearsals in preparation for an ad campaign with SUPERCOMMA B, that will take up the better part of the coming months. look forward to plugging their shoes in all future fansigns and vlives for the next year! They’ll also get the chance to have some fun playing What the?! ASMR on dingo music’s youtube channel. NEO:BLACK are set to comeback in the next month or so, so dance and vocal training are at a high. it’s a relatively laidback week for the NEO:BLACK boys, but there’s always room for more to do. now’s a good time to start booking appearances and brand deals.  on the brighter side of things, there’s been talks about a NEO vlive series in the making - it’d be in the boys’ best interest to be on their best behavior in the weeks to come.
SOLAR — the girls have officially opened a group youtube channel! say goodbye to privacy because now there’s no telling when a member of management will whip out the camera to film a silly moment or a rehearsal or even one of the girls taking a nap on a couch between recordings! candid is the candy that sells and the GLEAM girls, especially, can expect to see themselves pop up in a vlog or two as the weeks progress. the girls in every subunit, debuted and otherwise, are encouraged to be active and avid participants and make videos of their own to post for their fans (with manager discretion, of course.)
SiLVER — with their comeback coming up in a few weeks’ time, the girls can say goodbye to whatever time off they’ve been enjoying for the last couple of months. this week, SiLVER are filming the music video for their title track “you’re pitiful” and taking teaser photos. it’s a return for the girls to a slower style of song after their more upbeat tracks of the last couple of years.
magic(g)al — still riding high on achieving their first win after over three years, magic(g)al continue to promote “playing with fire” on music shows this week. excitingly, they have landed a group cf with reebok. the company has been attempting to establish magic(g)al’s brand reputation since the jump in public interest with their image change, and this is the first major opportunity they’ve gotten.
STATIC — after “critical beauty”’s success, the company has decided they can trust STATIC with control over most of what they release (nothing too crazy though, everything must still be thoroughly cleared and combed through). this is a win for STATIC, who are now expected to start submitting work for their next comeback as soon as possible to get a foot up. in the meantime, STATIC have an appearance scheduled on idol room!
trainee group: STRAWBERRiE — it’s official. STRAWBERRiE will be debuting in december, with “knock knock”, just in time for christmas! to build up hype, the girls are recording their pre-debut track “i’m gonna be a star”, to be released as the kick off track of verve’s digital music project verve fm. as they go to their very first photoshoot for group teaser photos, the pressure is on.
SUBPLOTS * for every episode of a subplot there will be either a writing mission that aims to develop your muse/relationships or a creative mission; regardless if your muse is only on a few episodes, you are free to do all of the missions! one can receive the same amount of points as doing a normal schedule for subplot missions.  
Hyena on the Keyboard ( 1 / 8 ) — solo writing mission (wc: 400): your muse will be interviewed by staff of the show; this interview will be spliced between your segments and broadcasted during your episode! the main topic will be about how your muse began writing and creating music -- individual interview questions will be unique to each muse’s story (feel free to make up your own!). some things to touch upon: when and what was the first song your muse wrote? did they always like creating music or where they pushed to try it? where do they get their inspiration? what kind of artists do they wish to emulate? what kind of emotions/feelings should one get from listing to their songs?
note: songs will be released the second episode your muse appears! this show airs every saturday in-verse
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the--concertmaster · 7 years
Mormon Headcanons
Ok... So since I literally needed only one person to be interested in hearing my headcanons, I’m gonna post them! Thanks @bookofbway!
Alright... I’m gonna start with James Church, because he doesn’t get enough love. 
James wasn’t originally a Mormon, since due to his upbringing, I seriously doubt his parents were Mormons.
His mum died when he was still young, (probably about 10) from something unrelated to his dad, a car accident or something. (I’m sorry!)
Afterwords, due to the shock of losing his wife, his dad went sober and tried to concentrate on bringing his son up right. 
James never forgave his father for the way he treated him and his mother. 
Mormon missionaries came knocking at their house one day, and James chose to convert as he found it comforting the idea that his mother had went to a better place and that in latter days he could spend eternity with her. 
He also liked the idea of going on a mission to help others, and also liked the idea of being able to get away from his dad for 2 years. 
James was a track runner at school, and although he was sporty, found his passion more in the arts. 
He is an amazing sketch artist and enjoys writing short stories and poetry. 
He’s more serious and sombre than the other Mormon’s in Ugnada, but tries to act cheerful and bright (and turn it off). 
He really liked Chris, because he felt he could relate to him since Chris had lost his sister. (also Poptarts was extremely adorable.)
He has messy black hair, and wears large square framed glasses.
Is the tallest and strongest out of all the Missionaries in Uganda.  OK! Now for poptarts
Enjoys dancing as it’s his way of remembering and commemorating his sister. 
Has an extreme fear of his friends and family dying on him. 
Will never end a conversation on a negative note and always tries to say goodbye to his friends and family when leaving, just in case he never sees them again. 
Loves everything sweet. 
Poptarts was his sisters favourite food. 
He has no formal dance training, but is quite good since his sister taught him how too (and then Mckinley afterwords)
He originally had a crush on his Mission Companion, Elder Mckinley, before he started to develop feelings for James Because James listened to him and understood his pain of loosing his sister rather than just telling him to turn it off. (Also James was hot af, and muscular and...) 
He’s definitely the shortest and cutest of all the Elders
He has a Teddy bear that he took with him to Uganda, and will protect at all costs. 
He loves looking at James art and reading his stories. 
He is Bi (and no-one can tell me otherwise) MCKINLEY!!!!!!
Ok so, Mckinley defintely is the eldest child with 2 younger sisters, so he knows how to be authoritative and control and lead people. 
He took tap classes, literally right up to the time where he left for Uganda.
His sisters were somewhat jealous that Connor is a better dancer than them.
But his sisters also stood up for him to his arents and peers saying that pink is a perfectly normal colour for a boy to like and that they should break gender stereotypes and stop calling him gay. Connor appreciates them for this. 
He was definitely bullied in year 5 for how close he was to his friend Steve and all through highschool people would accuse him of being gay. 
He started dating a female friend of his, to try to make others believe that he was straight. The relationship didn’t last very long though. 
He totally got all the lead roles in the school plays, and sometimes did performance is the Community theatre musicals. 
He is an excellent singer and had also taken vocal lessons from a young age. 
He was also a very strong leader within theatre groups he was part off and often organised mini performances around their community with them. 
Connor may seem friendly and nice, but don’t ever cross him or undermine his authority, he will wring your neck. 
He’s never seen a prettier Boy with more perfect hair than Elder Price. 
It broke his heart to have to ditch Elder Price in Uganda and leave with Elder Cunningham and the other Elder’s, but since he was pushing down his emotions, and trying to be a good Mormon on his Mission it’s what he choose to do. 
He cared more about making the other Elder’s happy, and creating a friendly community among them, than converting the Africans, thus why they literally had no baptisms. 
As soon as they went off-grid with their mission, he immediately got a TV and gaming system installed withing their lodging to entertain the Elders. 
Him and Poptarts crush at Just Dance. 
He literally holds a karaoke night once a month at the Missionary. 
He was actually very surprised (and pleased) to find out Elder Price was gay
Once he did come out completely, he was very open with his affections towards Kevin (which Kevin often got embarrased about) 
Falsettos is totally his favourite musical. He especially loves Whizzer.  ALRIGHT! ARNOLD CUNNINGHAM
Always had the best imaginative writing at school. 
Writes a ton of Fanfiction, and reads them too. 
Has heaps of OC’s.
Bit of a loner at school too, never really had any friends. 
Extremely popular online though.
Had a huge Tumblr following on his blogs about Star Wars, LOTR etc.
Has heaps of Fan theories too. 
Totally Vlogs. 
Cosplays as well. Goes to all the conventions.
Dreams of being able to go to San Diego Comic Con
He has Irlens Syndrome, which is one of the reasons why he didn’t read the Book of Mormon, becuase it was actually difficult for him to read it. 
His father literally thinks of him as a freak due to all his obsessions and fanboying. 
His mother dotes on him though and adores him for the person he is. 
He always wants his fathers approval though, which is why he decided to go on a mission. 
He genuinely wants to do good in the world and make others happy, and will do anything to help others, even if he doesn’t get anything from it. 
He forces Kevin to Cosplay with him on Halloween. He goes as Han Solo and Kevin goes as Luke Skywalker.
He holds a halloween party and costume party in Uganda for all the Elders and Africans.
He also makes a Leia costume for Naba, which she loves, despite not really knowing too much about Star Wars. 
All the Elders end up loving the little quirks about Arnold in the end, and have a great deal of Respect for him, since he’s so kind hearted.
He’s never been happier than he was in Uganda. 
He still admires and loves Kevin after everything they went through.  AND FINALLY THE MOST PERFECT MAN ON EARTH (AND I WILL FIGHT PEOPLE OVER THIS) KEVIN PRICE. I literally love him so much though.
Kevin grew up in a really strict household. 
He’s the second oldest of all his siblings, with an older sister and three younger brothers. 
He always feels that he has to compete against his siblings to be seen as the best, and to do so, tried to do literally nothing wrong. 
His favourite sibling is his Brother Jack, who is just a year younger than him, because Jack worships and admires Kevin and he rather likes that. He also still feels super guilty for blaming him for eating that donut
Him and all his siblings all took piano lesson. 
Kevin is actually very good at piano, but not as good as his older sister, which always really bugged him because he wanted to be the best at everything. 
Straight A student. 
Literally had no time for relationships throughout school since he was too busy trying to make everyone like him, as well as being a good mormon, getting good grades, playing piano well. 
Didn’t realise till he was in Uganda that he was gay.
He never really though about relationships, or had sexual thoughts till he was in Uganda since he was always so busy.
He had a very meticulously planned schedule. 
He absolutely adores everything Disney and Pixar, loves happy endings and cries every time Mufasa dies. 
His favourite Movie is actually Toy Story, since he finds Woody relatable. 
Reads all Arnolds fanfictions. Feruses to admit that he actually enjoys them.
Actually loves and respects his best friend, Arnold, since he truly hasn’t ever had a true best friend before. 
Sings disney songs during Mckinley’s Karaoke nights. 
Everyone is shocked that Kevin can sing. 
Kevin is shocked by his own singing voice. 
He loves how touchy Mckinley is, but is a little embarrassed by it. 
Absolutely adores Mckinley for everything he is. 
Once he realised he was gay, was actually reasonably open about it, since he never really understood why it was bad withing mormonism anyway.
Takes hour long showers to make sure his hair is perfect
Loves dogs. Like really loves dogs OK! SO THOSE ARE MY HEADCANONS ON THE ELDERS!
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“ we’ve heard that luminary relations are gearing up to send the luminary celebs to the most haunted city in america for halloween ! ”  
LUMINARY EVENT #11: luminary’s halloween haunter !
we couldn’t think of a better place to hold luminary’s halloween festival than in one of the most haunted cities in america. on october 26th, the celebs will arrive at the marshall house hotel in savannah, georgia. the hotel is said to hold the spirits of patience that died at the hotel that used to be where the hotel now is. the entire hotel will be rented out to us, and we’ll be staying there until check out at 11 am on november 1st.
during our stay, we’ll be taking part in luminary’s halloween haunter festival. a three day music festival taking place from october 27-29. the festival grounds will be turned into the biggest halloween themed party imaginable, with actors dressed up to scare festival go-ers all weekend long while they watch their favorite artists perform. each day of the festival will have a different costume theme, meaning we’ll all need a different costume for each day of the festival that fits that days theme.
take a day to relax and explore this eerie city on october 30th, or put some last minute touches on your last costume because on october 31st the entire lobby, restaurant and bar of the hotel will be transformed into a huge halloween ball for luminary celebs, and their friends and family. this will be a huge party, planned by luminary relations and funded by the city of savannah as a thank you for all of the attention our halloween haunter festival brought to the city. the bar, food, and drinks, will all be paid for, much like our stay in the hotel will have been. there is no costume theme for the party, so dress in whatever costume you please. the party will start at 8 pm, and there will be a costume contest at 11 pm where prizes will be given to winners in different categories.
this event is mandatory for everyone. if you’re on tour while the event is taking place, you’ll be taking a few days off to attend the event. 
please take a look under the cut to find schedules for the festival, as well as details on our suits in the hotel, and room assignments.
friday, october 27th  ( disney theme )
party favor ( 2:30 - 3:15 )
krewella ( 3:45 - 4:30 )
lovelis ( 5:00 - 5:45 )
the 1975 ( 6:15 - 7:00 )
zayn malik ( 7:30 - 8:30 )
bebe rexha ( 9:00 - 10:00 )
saturday, october 28th ( movie character theme )
the neighbourhood  ( 12:00 - 1:00 )
the maine ( 1:30 - 2:30 )
lido ( 3:00 - 4:00 )
liam payne ( 4:30 - 5:30 )
niykee heaton ( 6:00 - 7:00 )
harry styles ( 7:30 - 8:30 )
halsey ( 9:00 - 10:00 )
sunday, october 29th  ( zombie theme )
dave escamilla ( 12:00 - 1:00 )
waterparks ( 1:30 - 2:30 )
issues ( 3:00 - 4:00 )
state champs ( 4:30 - 5:30 )
machine gun kelly ( 6:00 - 7:00 )
g-eazy ( 7:30 - 8:30 )
twenty one pilots ( 9:00 - 10:00 )
note: each act will do a 1 hour long meet & greet during the festival when they are not performing, meet and greets will cost festival goers a $10 charity donation and will be given on a first come, first serve basis
FESTIVAL HOSTS :  ( in charge of announcing the next acts, doing on stage giveaways between acts, and keeping the crowd excited )
cathy kelley
wolfgang könig
note: each host will do a 1 hour long meet & greet during the festival when they are not on stage, meet and greets will cost festival goers a $10 charity donation and will be given on a first come, first serve basis
THE HALLOWEEN MAKEUP/FACE PAINTING BOOTH : ( for a charity donation of $5, festival goers can get their halloween makeup done by one of these luminary celebs )
lyric monroe
Q & A PANELS : ( fans can be a part of a panel and ask celebrities any questions they want. panels will last an hour each. panels will cost festival goers a $5 charity donation and will be given on a first come, first serve basis )
producers panel featuring ryan ross & niykee heaton ( friday )
wrestlers panel featuring all of the luminary wrestlers ( friday )
athletes panel featuring wolfgang konig ( friday ) 
internet influencers panel featuring xavier rexha, katabasis king, & storm riley ( saturday )
spiderman cast panel featuring tom holland ( saturday )
artists panel featuring bruno nakai ( saturday )
dancers panel featuring dani vitale ( saturday )
riverdale cast panel featuring madelaine petsch & kj apa ( sunday )
IT cast panel featuring bill skarsgard ( sunday )
arrow cast panel featuring brielle chamberlain ( sunday )
ONLINE STREAMERS : ( will be in charge of vlogging the festival, their footage will stream live on the luminary press website all weekend )
katabasis king
xavier rexha
note: each athlete, internet influencer, and actor/actress will do a 1 hour long meet & greet during the festival when they are not doing a panel, meet and greets will cost festival goers a $10 charity donation and will be given on a first come, first serve basis
everyone will be staying in an executive suite, each suite has two bedrooms, each with a king bed. each suite also has a couch that pulls out into a bed in the shared living room, a shared kitchenette, and a shared bathroom.
SUIT #1 : bill skarsgard, wolfgang könig, niykee heaton, lyric monroe SUIT #2 : dave escamilla, mgk, john o’callaghan, tom holland SUIT #3 : bebe rexha, brendon urie, harry styles, ryan ross SUIT #4 : forest lovelis, halsey, jesse rutherford, matty healy,  SUIT #5 : dylan ragland, fergal devitt, yasmine yousaf, dani vitale SUIT #6 : gerald gillum, katabasis king, tyler carter, bruno nakai SUIT #7 : zayn malik, liam payne, awsten knight, otto wood SUIT #8 : madelaine petsch, cathy kelley, kj apa, derek discanio  SUIT #9 : tyler joseph, xavier rexha, colby lopez, candice lerae  SUIT #10: tom pestock, pamela martinez, michael bohn, brielle chamberlain SUIT #`11: lido
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kateeorg · 8 years
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Art of Adaptation: The Literary Webseries
Classic novels ingrained in Western culture have been adapted in many ways over years – plays, musicals, miniseries, films, modern teen novels, even text posts (no, really). In recent years, with the success of Game of Thrones, we’re seeing more and more books and series adapted to television format.
But one of my favorite methods of adaptation is one rarely discussed outside of internet culture: the literary web series.
These modern retellings of public domain works turn classic protagonists into Youtube vloggers, who let their story unfold before an audience. Literary web series have to be particularly inventive in bringing classic stories to modern day, organically integrating racial & gender diversity and modern sensibilities to works made over a hundred years ago.
Breaking down the structure of these series, there are five components to an effective adaptation:
Initial conceit (or, why does this character have a blog?)
Audience acknowledgement & interaction
How are other perspectives integrated?
Inventiveness (with camera stuff, settings, etc.)
Quality of Adaptation (modernization of problematic elements, captured the spirit of the original)
Let’s look at some examples to see how this breaks down. (spoilers ahead)
The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, 2012-2013
(Adaptation of Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice, 1813)
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Pretty straightforward – Lizzie Bennet is a grad student in Communications doing this as her project, presenting her views in contrast to her mother’s. What starts out as documenting Lizzie’s opinions ends up getting involved in a whole lot of drama.
Audience acknowledgement & interaction High acknowledgement and interaction. Lizzie’s videos are very public and very popular in-universe. The story even takes from the audience quite a bit, responding to the multiple requests for Darcy, and even affecting the self-esteem of Lydia. Acknowledges the problems of putting your life and the lives of those around you on the internet, but how communicating with strangers can help to communicate with people closer to you.
Are other perspectives integrated? Other characters take over Lizzie’s vlog or have their own side vlogs, and show the holes in Lizzie’s sometimes biased logic.
Inventiveness This was pretty much the first well-known literary web series, so launching the whole art form definitely counts! Also, two words: costume theater.
Quality of Adaptation Lizzie Bennet Diaries, rather than being a straight point-by-point adaptation, streamlined the events to make sense for modern day – house parties become weddings and pub visits, estates become companies, problems with inheritance laws become problems with student debt and bad economy. Characters barely sketched out in the original text are fleshed out, and Lizzie herself is not only the modern Elizabeth, but the voice of self-exploring 20-somethings everywhere.
But my favorite method of adaptation was the new life injected into main themes of pride and prejudice. When the original book came out, the audience would have been surprised to discover, along with Elizabeth, the hidden depths of Darcy.
200 years later, when “Where is my Darcy?” is the common phrase among Austenites, no one is surprised Darcy is better than he seems. So, Pemberley Digital brought back the element of surprise by making Lydia Bennet, an irresponsible flake in the original book, the one truly misunderstood by Lizzie (though dear Darcy still plays an important role).
The only thing maybe lost in adaptation is the fact that, in the original book, Lizzie was more right than wrong, whereas in the web series, she seems more wrong than right. Additionally, Lizzie’s confrontation with Caroline Lee near the end of the series, meant to mirror the one with Lady Catherine De Bourgh, loses its power since Caroline doesn’t have nearly as much power over Lizzie. Lizzie standing up to her is not as big a deal.
Note: I highly recommend the companion novel The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet, as it fills in some elements of the story that couldn’t be put on screen.
Emma Approved, 2013-2014
(Adaptation of Jane Austen’s Emma, 1815)
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Conceit Emma Woodhouse is documenting her greatness in lifestyle excellence as head of the consulting firm Emma Approved. Eh…it does fall in line with the character, but some see it as over-the-top.
Audience acknowledgement & interaction Emma’s videos, except for the Q&As, are private. But she has cameras on the desks of everyone who works there (to the consternation of some of them). I think this is where a lot of fans got lost, because the audience didn’t affect the story the way it did before.
Harriet’s music videos are a little more interactive, but not part of the main storyline.
Are other perspectives integrated? Swiveling to other people’s desk cameras helps. Also, Harriet has a music blog which often reflects her mood and her growing confidence in herself.
Inventiveness Month-long arcs of consulting clients in an office setting. More space, multiple rooms, in-universe charities made real.
Quality of Adaptation I love the way the characters were adapted, on one hand.The themes of appearance vs. true character are even more apparent in a web series format, where often charisma rules the day. Emma starts out ingratiating, but we really root for her by the end. Knightly is as lovely as ever, but now with more of a sense of humor (also helps that he’s not above Emma in station this time around). Harriet no longer stands in Emma’s shadow and grows beyond a project to a true friend.
The supporting characters are all well-sketched and memorable, with the addition of LBD’s Caroline Lee as the infamous Mrs. Elton an incredible twist. The resolutions of the main pairings (Emma/Knightley and Harriet/B-Mart) were extremely satisfying, almost more so than the ones in LBD!
But the adaptation of the story felt choppy. The month-long arcs of Emma counseling a client weren’t quite organic, and didn’t quite fall in line with the format of the original book. And by keeping the action confined to the offices, it’s argued that an important element of the story  – mainly Emma’s interactions with her neighbors and her father – is lost. So, as an adaptation, it may not be the strongest. Still, it’s an enjoyable, inventive twist on a classic.
(Oh, and PS - the actors playing Emma and Knightley ended up dating in real life. If you just watch for their chemistry, that would be enough)
Autobiography of Jane Eyre, 2013-2014
(Adaptation of Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, 1847)
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Conceit Jane Eyre is a nursing graduate embarking on a new chapter in her life, and wants to be brave like Lizzie. Though Jane narrates her own story in the original book as well, she’s a shy character who might seem unlikely to put herself on display on the internet. But once she gets going it becomes a great form of self-expression for her (the original Jane was an artist, updated to a photographer).
Audience acknowledgement & interaction Jane’s videos are public, and she does do Q&As, but the audience doesn’t affect the story more than that. However, Jane does acknowledge that her audience might serve as witness to the weirdness going on, proving she isn’t crazy (and possibly account for her whereabouts if she turns up dead! Ah, gothic novels.)
Are other perspectives integrated? Sometimes other people find the camera, or don’t realize that Jane left her camera on somewhere. Mostly, however, this is Jane’s story, and she tells it well.
Inventiveness Outdoor shots, not afraid to get downright creepy, meta-commentary episode of Mary Rivers watching all of Jane’s videos.
Quality of Adaptation Jane Eyre is a pretty weird novel, by modern standards, and a problematic one, what with its shortsighted treatment of race, mental illness (the half-Creole Mason family hinted as being somewhat crude and prone to mental illness), and culture (Adele and her mother are put down for being French), and its arguably unhealthy relationships (since Rochester is kind of a jerk who has slept with a lot of women, and St. John is… well… Jane’s cousin). So I’m glad a lot of this is either removed or approached with more sensitivity, while preserving much of the darkness of the original novel.
However, the adaptation does lose the supernatural element that makes the original a gothic novel. Also, since Jane isn’t facing nearly as steep of odds in terms of her class and gender, she’s as a result a softer character. But she is nonetheless strong and principled in the face of going it alone, and her story of finding a place and people to belong to is just as fulfilling as the original.Though the ending may feel rushed due to circumstances beyond the show’s control, overall it’s a strong modern adaptation.
The New Adventures of Peter and Wendy, 2014-2016
(Adaptation of J.M. Barrie’s 1904 play, Peter Pan, and 1911 novel, Peter and Wendy)
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Note: This only covers Seasons 1-2, as I haven’t gotten around to Season 3 yet.
Conceit In the town of Neverland, Ohio, 27-year-old Wendy Darling runs an advice blog through her family’s paper, the Kensington Chronicle, which also captures the lives of her brothers, John and Michael, her vitriolic female friend Lily Bagha, and her best friend (who wants the be more-than-a-friend), Peter Pan.
The blog fits with Wendy’s motherly personality from the original story, but realistically doesn’t show all the action happening in front of Wendy’s camera.Not-as-realistically, the rest of the action occurs from Tinkerbell’s perspective, but it is so brilliantly done that it seems like fairies should have been included in a web series ages ago!
Audience acknowledgement & interaction On Wendy’s vlogs, Wendy does talk to the audience and answers questions, though I think most are fabricated to move the plot along.During the fairy-cam moments, no acknowledgement of audience directly, but the businesses and characters created by audience members on the Neverland Twitter registrar are sometimes referenced (and on that note, the P + W social media platforms interact a LOT with their audience).
Are other perspectives integrated? The fairy-cam gives the audience more movement and perspectives than Wendy’s vlog alone would allow, and each character gets their day in the sun, so kudos to P + W for that! Season 2 also adds cameras in Wendy’s office at JhMedia (similar to Emma Approved) and Peter’s playacting videos, splitting the narrative between the small town and the big city in interesting parallel ways.
Inventiveness The fairy-cam, and inclusion of magic in a web series in general (though it doesn’t really effect the plot). Also, surprisingly might be the most lewd of the shows reviewed so far, due to veiled references to smoking pot and “magic” brownies.
Quality of Adaptation New Peter + Wendy is by no means a faithful adaptation of the beloved novel in terms of plot. And really, how could it be? By choosing a fantasy over a comedy of manners/period piece, the creators faced a particularly huge challenge in adaptation.
The basic tenants are there – Wendy being too old to stay where she is, escapes with Peter, but realizes she has to grow up and leave Neverland, leaving Peter behind by his own choice. But other than that, the adaptation basically takes the original characters, fleshes them out as modern 20-year-olds, and uses them and Neverland as a launch point for a rumination of what it means to grow up – or not – in the 2010s. This is highlighted even more by depicting the Neverland gang and the pirates/executives of JHMedia as contemporaries. Adulthood, here, is not about age but about attitude.
The characterizations are spot on, the plot both whimsical and deeply thought provoking, and the magic of the original is still retained in surprising ways. They even made sure Hook went by “Jas” rather than “James,” a facet of the original story lost in time.
Changing Tiger Lily, a stereotyped Native American character, into a complex woman of actual Indian descent, sacrifices the problematic element of the character without whitewashing, which the reviled prequel Pan got flack for. In a major departure, the web series also explores sexuality more in depth. (If you’d told me John Darling and Smee could be an adorable pairing before this series, I’d have called you crazy. But there you go.)
Wendy’s character, however, strays from the original in that she is allowed to be more flawed. The original Wendy was meant to be an argument in favor of women’s suffrage by depicting a female character as more sensible and responsible than the male characters. While modern Wendy is still the most responsible of her friends, she is also zany, ambitious, and sometimes even cruel, making some questionable decisions the original Wendy might not have made. Her character arc reminds me a bit of Peter Banning’s in Hook as she tries to find balance between childhood and adulthood.
I can’t say whether it was effective or not without seeing Season 3, but I love that the writers are tackling those themes.
It’s difficult to pinpoint a single element that makes an adaptation a good one. But if I had to take a stab, I think it is heart, humor, and sincerity in the characters, plus a relatable plot dealing with changes and new beginnings, that most draws people to a series, and all the ones above definitely managed to capture that!
For more literary web series, check out this comprehensive list. My recommendations: Misselthwaite Archives, From Mansfield with Love, Northbound, The Cate Morland Chronicles, Edgar Allen Poe’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party/Gala for Friends Potluck (aka Poe Party).
So, what do you think? Do you think these web series capture the best of the books they’re based on? Got any other examples you want to talk about?
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