unknown-hq · 5 years
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Hi all, change of plans. We’ll do a tour next time since the holidays make it so rough for some people to have characters travel so much.  Originally we didn’t want to switch up the event type, but the majority did ask for South Korea for this event so we switched it. We hope this is ok with everyone.   Please check out the new Sand & Snow Festival below. This is a rough outline so we will be adding more activities as it gets closer to the date.
Days off can be used to travel and explore wherever you wish.  All food, transportation, and attraction tickets will be covered by Unknown Events. Flights to and from Seoul, South Korea can be up to 18-20 hours depending on layovers so please plan accordingly (that’s why we gave you 2 travel days to get there). 
Thursday 12/26 - Friday 12/27: Fly to Seoul, South Korea & check into your hotel
Saturday 12/28 - Monday 12/30: Sand & Snow Festival Seoul
Tuesday 12/31: New Years Eve Rave at Suwon World Cup Stadium 
Wednesday 1/1: Day off to explore
Thursday 1/2: Travel Day fly from Seoul to Busan
Friday 1/3 - Sunday 1/5: Sand & Snow Festival Busan 
Monday 1/6: Day off to explore
Tuesday 1/7: Day off/Travel Day bus ride from Busan to Yongin
Wednesday 1/8: Everland Theme Park Meet & Greet Takeover  
Thursday 1/9: Day off/Travel Day train ride from Yongin to Seoul
Friday 1/10-Saturday 1/11: Travel home from Seoul 
Hotels and other info will be added closer to the date. 
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unknown-hq · 5 years
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Hi all! There’s less than a week away until our next event - The November 20th - 27th :: November Giving Back Charity Convention! We wanted to start updating you on everything that will be going on so that you can start planning and plotting! 
Unknown Events will be hosting the first and hope-to-be-annual Giving Back Convention at McCormick Convention Center in Chicago, IL. Bands, TV & Film franchises, modeling agencies, etc. will have booths set up for fans to come meet them at, listen to exclusive acoustic concerts, demo songs, watch never shown before scenes and bloopers, get autographs and pictures, and more.  Plus there will be panels, parties, and adventures into the city all week long.  
Charity Teams! Everyone will be put into teams that sponsor a charity.  Sometime soon we will post the charities and google form so you can let us know what charity team your muse(s) will be on.  All the proceeds and donations the teams get will go to that charity.  We will have cute things throughout the week for each team to host such as a party, brunch, day out exploring, etc.  We’re still trying to work out how some of this will work so we will give you more info the closer we get to the event! 
Friendsgiving Secret Penpals! Everyone will be given a penpal to send anons to leading up to and during the event.  These are just to be friendly anons that ask questions, get to know the person more, and help people branch out into making a pal.  We ask that you send at least 5 anons throughout the time of the event, but if you’re busy or unable to, that’s ok just let us know and we will figure out the best plan to make sure no one is feeling left out by not getting anons.  At the end of the event, there will be a Friendsgiving Dinner for you to reveal yourself and have dinner with your new friend. 
Room, Board, Food, Travel, etc. All muses must be in Chicago by the morning of November 20th.  Everyone will be staying at the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place which is within walking distance of the convention center.  Upon arrival and checking into your hotel room, you will get an Unknown Events credit card that all your food, drink, ubers, etc. can be charged to during the event. Anything from the hotel like spa service, salon services, room service, movie rentals, etc can be charged to the room and Unknown Events will take care of it. Check out is the morning of Nov 27th- please don’t plan to leave early as the Friendsgiving dinner will be the night of the 26th.  
Roommates! Like last time, we are leaving the rooming situations up to you as writers.  We do strong encourage you to branch out and not room with a bandmate or s/o, but do whatever you are comfortable with.  To help hook up random roommates, we will make a post for you to like if you’d like a random roommie by a certain date  We’ll reblog it a few times to make sure everyone sees it.  Then the night before the event, we will match up all the characters that liked the post randomly and let them know who they are rooming with. 
OOC Stuff! From years of doing this, we know that not all writers get along.  So if there is someone you are not comfortable being paired with in an activity or on a team, please send us a message as soon as possible.  Please remember this is strictly OOC about writers.  If two characters don’t get along, we find that as your chance to plot and build some fun drama.  
Hopefully this covers a good amount of what you need to get plotting and thinking about the next event.  If you have any questions, feel free to let us know! Thanks! 
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unknown-hq · 5 years
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Hi babes! 
Since it came up on the talkblogs today, we wanted to address everyone being inclusive and talking to people outside their friendgroups. This site has definitely gotten large very quick and we believe it’s due to a lot of people asking their friends to join - which is great, we love friends coming to join and plots being made to keep the adventures and drama going.  However, we all need to make sure to branch outside of already established ic and ooc friends to make sure this is the best site possible for everyone. 
We are just asking that you reach outside of your established friends and groups as well.  I’ll be real honest, according to sideblogs, some people feel lonely and not talked to all that much. We want to change that. Please take the time to reach out to someone new every few days or even just once a weekend. Maybe you talked to the person when the site opened and just need to reach out again to make the friendship work.  
We are going to be coming up with activities that randomly pair people together to chat, interview, give gifts, etc. in the next few weeks as part of the FriendsGiving Event coming up at the end of the month. We would like full participation in the activities to help make sure everyone is welcome and making new friends. If anyone has any ideas or would like to help out, please send us a message with your ideas and we’ll consider adding it to the activities. 
Also, please be conscious of the dash and what sort of posting is happening. Flooding the dash with the same gifs, memes, inside jokes, or talking to only your friends is really off putting and sometimes causes others to not post at all. We want an interactive dash of members talking and chatting together, not just one that moves.  Please reply to those that aren’t your immediate friends because it could spark a new friendship that you didn’t know was possible.  
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unknown-hq · 5 years
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Hey all! Here is the info for the next event. HOWEVER... we were wondering... would you rather an international tour? We’ve been in the states (kind of) the last two so weren’t sure if we should mix it up.  If so, what countries would you want to hit? Let us know in the replies! 
December 26th - January 13th :: Sand & Snow Cross Country Tour
Wanting to make sure everyone gets a chance to see their favorite bands, Unknown Events will be having a tour across the United States.  Every a different city and every show will be a bit different.  There will be concerts, VIP parties thrown by celeb hosts, panels of Q&A’s meet & greets, and a New Years Eve Resolution Rave. The tour will start in Los Angeles, CA and end in New York City.  
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unknown-hq · 5 years
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Room, Board, Food, Travel, etc. All muses must be in Chicago by the morning of November 20th.  Everyone will be staying at the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place which is within walking distance of the McCormick Place Convention Center.  Upon arrival and checking into your hotel room, you will get an Unknown Events credit card that all your food, drink, ubers, etc. can be charged to during the event. Anything from the hotel like spa service, salon services, room service, movie rentals, etc can be charged to the room and Unknown Events will take care of it. Check out is the morning of Nov 27th- please don’t plan to leave early as the Friendsgiving dinner will be the night of the 26th.  
All Week Events! 
Secret Penpals! We will be messaging you today your penpal’s name.  We ask that you send them at least 5 anon questions during the event just to check how the day is going, learn more about them, and hopefully form a friendship.  On the 26th, you will reveal yourself and sit near each other during the Friendsgiving Dinner to become better friends in person too! 
Team Trivia! Every day the gossip blog @unknownevents-hacked​ will post a trivia question and one member on your team needs to send in an ask with the answer.  These are super easy and tbh very googleable, but try not to cheat! Ask your teammates about the answers cause all the questions have something to with someone attending the event or something they’ve worked on. The teams to get the most correct will get an extra $5000 towards their charity. 
Team Hosted Brunch or Nightly Parties! If your team would like to host a brunch, party, or other small activity for everyone please use this form and send it in a message to the mod blog so we can post about it.  Remember to consult your team about it since they will all have to participate hosting it! 
Team Name: 
Activity Name: 
Date & approx. time of Activity: 
Short explanation of the Activity: 
Anything else: 
Daily Events! 
November 20th: Check in & Welcome Dinner @ Hotel Ballroom
Arrive when you can to the hotel and check in to your rooms.  There’s no check in time, but get down to the dinner in the ballroom by 6:00pm.  There will be an open bar and lots of fun. 
November 21st: Meet & Greet Day @ The Convention Center
Head over to the convention center and find your booth.  Bands, TV shows, movies, brands and like jobs will be grouped together so you get to hang out with your friends and those in your industry as fans come by to meet you.  Pictures, autographs, and hugs will be happening all day long.  
November 22nd: Teams 1-4 Panel Day @ The Convention Center
November 23rd: Teams 5-8 Panel Day @ The Convention Center
November 24th: Teams 9-12 Panel Day @ The Convention Center 
There will be a moderator asking questions and a few from the audience of fans as well.  Its a chance to explain why your cause is important to you and anything else you’d like to pass along to your fans. If you’d like to think of this as a writing prompt, sideblog posts about your charity are encouraged, but not required. 
If you don’t have a panel that day, you are free to explore the city, sit in on other panels, or just enjoy the amenities of the hotel if it’s too cold to venture outside. 
November 25th: 24 Hour Dance-A-Thon for your charity @ Hotel Ballroom
Going from Midnight to Midnight, every team will be participating in the Dance-A-Thon to raise money.  Each team must have at least one person on the dance floor, but the more people dancing, the more money you’ll be making.  The whole thing will be on social media including Facebook Live for fans to watch, donate to their favorite team, etc.  We encourage you to post songs during the day that everyone can dance to or have your team come up with a playlist even! Be sure to tag them #ue.friendsgiving 
November 26th: Team Brunch & Friendsgiving dinner @ Hotel Ballroom
Spend the morning enjoying time with your teammates at the Team Brunch after all that hardcore dancing.  You’ll learn how much money you raised for each of your charities and get to celebrate with each other for your hard work.  
At the end of event dinner this evening, you will be meeting up and revealing yourself to your penpal and finding out who your penpal was too.  Chat it up, have a lovely night, and hopefully make a new friend for years to come. 
November 27th: Check out Breakfast @ Hotel Ballroom
Time to check out of your room! For those that don’t have a super early flight, we will have a breakfast in the ballroom for you all to enjoy those waffle makers one last time.  Have a great holiday and see you December 26th for our Sand & Snow Cross Country Tour! 
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unknown-hq · 5 years
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Hello! We have your Charity Team sign up form ready! The charities to pick from are: 
Planned Parenthood
American Humane Society 
The Breast Cancer Research Foundation
The Trevor Project
World Wildlife Fund
charity: water
Mental Health America
Girls Inc.
It Gets Better Project
And you can sign up your characters using this form: 
We want the teams to be even so you may not get your first choice.  If one team fills up quick, we will take it out of the options so it is a bit of a first come, first serve situation as well.  We do reserve the right to mix teams up if need be if they become too big or ooc reasons. 
We ask that you pick a cause that is relevant to your character and not just join a team to be with friends.  We are doing our best to help interaction and help you to meet new friends so please keep that in mind when picking a team! 
Also, we may move the teams around a bit because of OOC information about certain writers not waiting to be paired together.  
If you don’t pick a team, we will pick one for you! 
The deadline for picking a team is Monday Nov. 18th by 9:00pm pst. We will reblog this a few times to remind you! 
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unknown-hq · 5 years
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Hi all! Just wanted to update you on that activity rule that got mentioned to @pettybandomtalk. 
First of all, please come to us FIRST if you don’t like a new rule or want to discuss how it works.  Finding out that you’re not thrilled with something from petty doesn’t give us a way to explain ourselves to you, sort out if maybe we just worded something the wrong way, and make you more comfortable with the group and us. We are more than open to discuss changing rules, events, plots, etc. so please just come to us so we can explain ourselves. 
Secondly, we took our rule of not being able to reapply after going inactive 3 times straight out of the LOA9 rules.  They are a bit old and dusty so maybe they don’t apply to the current community, but we won’t know that unless you come to us off anon and let us know.  These used to be our old rules and we didn’t think they were that off since other sites have done the same thing (for example, in Subterranean you had to wait a month before you could reapply after your third).  Waking up to hearing theyre ridiculous though a third party’s blog was a bit disheartening. 
While the rule does say that you can’t reapply after a third time inactive on that character, we will take time and activity into account.  It is mostly so that someone cannot role hog, go inactive, reapply, then rolehog again, go inactive, reapply, and continue to rolehog. If someone went inactive, reapplied, was super active for a few months, then went inactive again, they could come to us and we would discuss letting them back then, waiting 24 hours, or waiting a few weeks.   We will add a clause to the rules to explain all this and maybe add in a rule you have to wait at least a month to mirror how other sites deal with it. 
We are trying to stop rolehogging as best we can within our amount of bandwidth that we can devote to the site, but we will always take advice and criticism from our members to make things run smoothly for you as well. To be totally transparent, we didn’t think activity warnings would be the way to go because of our schedule and how it is only 4 days inactive, unlike other sites that are 5 or 6.  But if we need to change things up, let us know off anon and we will discuss and brainstorm ideas with you that can work for the whole time and we can ask them as a group what they think.
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unknown-hq · 5 years
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Hello! Teams have been made! We tried our best to give everyone their first or second choice, but because of some ooc stuff and just making sure teams are balanced with activity too, not everyone got their pick.  We apologize but hope this will give the best interactive experience for everyone. 
Making a group chat for your team is not required but advised since some teamwork is involved this event.  You can see more about that here. 
We did our best to make sure no one was paired with someone they requested not to be OOC, but if we made a mistake please let us know as soon as possible and we will do our best to remedy it. 
Teams will be added to as new members join and others drop/go inactive, so please make sure to check the main to see if someone new has joined your team for the event. 
Team 1: American Humane Society
Choi San
Grace Rosales
Jung Wooyoung
Lark Sicotte
Michael Clifford
Thea Grace Brock
Gigi Hadid
Team 2: charity: water
Kelani Kama
Kim Jongin
Lee Taemin
Andy Biersak
Dong Sicheng
Zane Hijazi
TJ Tornincasa
Team 3: D.A.R.E.
Joe Keery
Kelen Capener
Brie Larson
Hwang Hyunjin
Park Chanyeol
Team 4: Girls Inc.
Lauren Roswell
Wren Cox
Lucia Pineda
Dua Lipa
Maisie Williams
Kim Jisoo
Team 5: It Gets Better Project
Moon Bin
Tyler Joseph
Wong Yukhei
Zach Scuderi
Kelsi Levett
Timothee Chalamet
Team 6: Make-A-Wish
David Dobrik
Qian Kun
Calum Hood
Hayley Williams
Frank Iero
Kim Mingyu
Team 7: Mental Health America
Chris Evans
Craig Owens
John O’Callaghan
Josh Dun
Maia Stone
Matt Champion
Team 8: Planned Parenthood
Hary Styles
Lily Rose Depp
Maya Hawke
Parker Cannon
Quinn Myers
Seraphine Scuderi
Alessia Cara
Team 9: The Breast Cancer Research Project
Derek DiScanio
Sam Wyatt
Kim Seungmin
Natalie Noel
Paul Klein
Shawn Mendes
Park Seonghwa
Team 10: The Trevor Project
Ashton Irwin
Duc Tran
Kiran Lee
Mark Lee
Xiao Dejun  
Kim Teahyung
Team 11: UNICEF
Niykee Heaton
Lee Dongmin
Luke Hemmings
Min Yoongi
Park Jimin
Team 12: World Wildlife Fund
Boo Seungkwan
Jackson Wang
Odie Long
Whitney Bustos
Niko Klas
Kim M
Liam Payne
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unknown-hq · 5 years
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Hi guys a couple things! 
Firstly, we added into the application we want more than one or two sentences for each of our sections.  We know that you might be used to copy and pasting the same secret from site to site, but that’s why we made an application that you have to develop your character in a little bit.  If your application isn’t filled out enough, we will be asking you to resubmit! edit: you do not have to submit a new application if you’re already a member- we just wanted you to know for going forward if you make someone new! 
Secondly, we just got a pretty rude anon about the site and we just want to say something about it.  We let you bring in up to 3 characters and, as long as they are not on the banned list, you may bring in whoever you like. We will not be limiting race, gender/gender identity, backstory plot aspects, job type, music genre, or anything else. If you are worried about who is joining, bring in some new faces, ask your friends to join, or send in asks about who you want to see & reply to anons that come in. We are an inclusive site and we expect our members to be so as well.  
Thanks everyone! 
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unknown-hq · 5 years
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I should make a pretty banner, but I just sent every character a message with who they will be writing to during the week.  If you have any OOC issues with who you were paired with, please let us know.  We did our best trying to match everyone up with activity levels too so no one feels overwhelmed having to send a lot of anons or having to post them all the time.  
Some notes - We do ask for at least 5 anons sent from now until November 26th.  However, we do know that some schools throw our big tests and projects before the Thanksgiving Break and some jobs get super super busy for the upcoming holiday so we won’t hold it against you if you don’t hit 5.  If you find yourself not being able to keep up, please let us know and we can switch things around. 
If you don’t get any anons over the next few days and would like someone a little more active, let us know and we can see what we can do.  
Also if characters drop and join there might be some mixing around, so just keep a heads up for our messages.  
I think that’s it, but man I need a nap now so hope everything is cool and enjoy your day! 
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unknown-hq · 5 years
We’ve got one application but I have to walk my dog first cause he won’t stop following me around the house carrying his leash (I’m a sucker I know). So if you have any other mod stuff you want to request or get at us, I’ll be around in awhile!
Also, per tumblr, there is nothing wrong with the blog or our IP and it’s just the algorithm for searches not having us show up??? And we’re just too new a blog??? SO I’m going to try to turn an old character blog into a promo today and fight tumblr. But in the meantime, please keep sending requests to @bandomgossip @pettybandomtalk and @pettybandomplots. They’re super nice and super helpful.
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unknown-hq · 5 years
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Hey all! Just a few points I want to hit this morning so we’re all on the same page! We’ve been down a mod all week (and probably will this weekend too) so thanks for being patient with us cause it’ll take a little more time for me to get back to you.

We added a new rule. Please do not message us if you see someone inactive and you want that role. We will do our checks often and unfollow those that hit the 4 days mark per tumblr so they get the full 24 hours on the fourth day. Sending us multiple messages about the getting the reserve and wanting the person to be unfollowed won’t make the process move faster. We will not take the reserves until we post the follow to be fair to any other writers that are being patient to turn in their reserve. From now on it will be in our rules that if you send a reserve or message us before we post an unfollow, we will not accept your reserve for that character for 24 hours.

Also, we mentioned in the rules to please not follow everyone until your character is accepted, even if you already have a muse in the game. It just makes things a bit confusing for people so please wait till that follow.

We put in a selfie rule for 2-3 times a week. To be honest, I thought I already had that in there, but seems like it got deleted at some point. Sorry about that.

I’ll be making a connections page for siblings and children. Look for it in the next day or two. If anyone wants to send in familial connections that were not on their application, please do so!

Finally, we’re hoping to start gossip this weekend so please start filling up those sideblogs for us to pull from. If not, we might grab info from applications to spill :x

Thanks all! Give this a like if you’ve read it! - jane and daria
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unknown-hq · 5 years
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Unknown Events Wristbands
You will be given a wristband upon arriving at the Happiness Is… Cruse Ship.  This wristband must be worn at all times.  It will let you into the AA areas and also act as your room key and bank.  At any restaurant, bar, gift shop, convince store, etc. on the ship, just scan your band and the payment will be taken care of by Unknown Events. This will also work for event set up activities on land such as water skiing, jet skis, snorkeling equipment, paddle boarding, etc.  Your entire trip is paid for on us. Yup, even your DisneyWorld ticket if you plan to go.
Drinking Ages on the boat
Apply to where the boat is at the time.  So in Florida you’d have to be 21+ but while in the Bahamas, Bermuda, and International Waters, you only have to be 18+ to drink. Now, if get someone to grab you drinks from the bar and drink those when no one’s looking, well, that’s up to you ;) 
October 24 - Welcome Dinner & Party 
Welcome Back to the Happiness Is… Cruise Ship.  You may have been on the ship in the past, but if not, we’re super excited for you to join us! Please head to the lobby to check in, get your wristbands and room number.  After that you can unpack, explore the ship, and grab some food at the open buffet. 
Welcome Dinner: Tonight will be about mixing and mingling.  There will be an open bar, open buffet, and dancing all night long.  Wear your best cocktail attire and get excited to meet all your fans and new friends.  
October 25 - At Sea 
Consider today as a day off to get used to the ship, explore all the fun and exciting amenities, and meet up with all your friends.  There’s nothing planned for the day so get used to the timezones and relax.
Laundry Pizza Night: Head over to the ballroom for a decked out pizza party.  Set up to look like you’re stepping into Laundry Pizza in Korea, there will be your classic blue tables, mirrored laundry machines, and never ending pizza.  There will be a Photo Booth in front of the Pizza wall and a photographer for you to get pics with fans as you with your slice.
October 26-27 - Orlando, FL 
On one of these two days, you are expected to work.  The other day you can go explore Orlando.  You get to choose which day your muse works and what they do.  If you are a celeb, it could be a panel, concert, acoustic show, meet & greet, vlog, live game stream, Q&A, etc.  All of the would happen on the ship too.  Those that have other jobs like security, vendor, event production, etc, you can make your muses hours and fit what works with their schedule.  
October 28 - Nassau, Bahamas
Today is a day off for everyone.  Get off the ship and explore the exclusive beach we have designated for Unknown Event guests and members.  Just be back before the ship embarks to its next location.  
October 29-30 Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas
Just like Florida, on one of these two days, you are expected to work.  The other day you can go explore Orlando.  You get to choose which day your muse works and what they do.  Please pick something your muse didn’t do while in Florida to give fans a new fun and exciting experience.
October 31 - At Sea
Happy Halloween! Today will be full of crazy fun that you can pick and choose what to get up to.  Please wear your costume all day if you wish or have multile costume changed! (We’ll put our selfie rule on hold today if you have a few choice looks to show off as we know some celebs dress up all week.) 
Below Deck Haunted Maze: Head to the lowest part of the ship for a haunted maze that will be out any Halloween Horror Nights.  Get ready for screams, jump scares, and, of course, someone chasing you with gold scissors. 
Trick-Or-Treat Carnival on Deck 13: The open area and sport courts have been transformed into a Halloween Carnival for all ages to enjoy.  There will be carnival games, face painting, fried food, and more for you to enjoy. Each booth will provide candy for any trick-or-treaters that happen to be on the ship, big or small. 
Halloween Adults-Only Ball: Once it gets dark and the kids are in bed, there will be a 18+ costume party in the Grand Ball Room.  It’ll be dancing and all the other fun things people get up to tonight as we finish our crossing through the Bermuda Triangle.  Don’t be scared if the lights go out... 
November 1-2 Royal Naval Dockyard, Bermuda 
Like before, on one of these two days, you are expected to work.  The other day you can go explore Orlando.  You get to choose which day your muse works and what they do.  Please pick something your muse didn’t do perviously on the ship to mix things up.
On Nov. 2 come say Happy Birthday to Jesse at The Star Bar lounge.  This party is just for Unknown members so there won’t be any fans around (we know sometimes you need a little break.)  Have fun, relax, and eat some cake!
November 3 - At Sea 
Please head up to the pool and games deck today for a Fan Appreciation Mixer.  Spend the afternoon hanging out with your fans, getting to chat it up for a few hours, and playing some deck games.  You don’t have to stay the whole day, but just let your fans know you appreciate them for a few hours.
Emo Nite: By request, our farewell party has been changed to Emo Nite in the Star Bar - since we’re all so sad to see you go.  And that’s correct, no fan will be allowed into the party.  Dance to some of your favorite throwback tunes, take over as the DJ, and dress in your fave emo wear.  
November 4 - Disembark in NYC 
Recover from those hangovers, last minute pack, and say your goodbyes to your new friends - you’ll be leaving the ship this evening and headed off the Happiness Is… As they say, you don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.
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unknown-hq · 5 years
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Hi all! I just wanted to say thank you for all joining us! We’ve been open a week and we are super excited how well things are going.  
Our first event starts next week on October 24th.  We will be posting more information up early next week, but plan to be traveling by Wednesday to the East coast and get packing!.  
If there are any faces you want to see, please send in some asks! I’ll queue them up to make sure the tags see them :) 
Thank you! Love you! 
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unknown-hq · 5 years
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Hi all!
I’m still fighting with tumblr staff about the tags. They said that there was a glitch and things will go back to normal, but still not in the tags.  Thankfully we can message members again. So I just wanted to let you know I’ve queued the wanted requests we’ve been getting to space them out and hopefully the tags pick them up.  But I also wanted to let you know, if the tags don’t show, to reach out to friends or plot blogs as well.  If tags aren’t working again soon, we’ll look into some other options to make sure your wanted requests are seen.  Thanks for being patient while I fight tumblr.
We are super excited for this event and working out the details of daily events.  We are up to almost 80 muses on board and that’s super exciting. If you have any ideas for events on the ship or if your character wants to host anything (like a birthday party or something) please let us know and we can work that in. And yes, there will be an Emo Nite. We will post all the details up tomorrow since we are still hammering them out. 
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unknown-hq · 5 years
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Hey all! We just wanted to keep you in the loop about our tagging not working with tumblr since we know you send us your requests for wanted characters and we feel awful that they aren’t showing in the tags for you.  Over the last week I have made THREE promo blogs and not one has shown up in the tags. We thought about making a new main blog, but if the new promo blog didn’t show, I’m not sure a new main would fix the issue.  The only thing that seemed to work was posting on LOA9 and F2Y, so we may be turning one of those into a promo/requests blog of sorts? We’re testing to make sure that it wasn’t a fluke since I read somewhere if you use the same tag multiple times, tumblr is automatically calling a site spam.  IDK why this would hit some blogs and not others, but when has tumblr ever made sense and worked properly. If the posts continually show up in the tags on LOA9 this week, we will be getting that to you as a request/wanted/promo ask box since my faith in tumblr fixing a bug is very low. 
So while we get this sorted, if you’re looking for plots, there is @pettybandomtalk/ @pettybandomplots and @bandomgossip to help you out too! 
But overall, thank you for sticking with us and being active! We’re so happy you joined us for this cruise and the events to come.  We’re super stoked at how welcoming and wonderful everyone has been and can’t wait to get the gossip a bit more active and plan some more events. 
Thank you so much! - Daria & Jane 
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