#costantino nivola
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billetblan · 2 years ago
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Costantino Nivola, 1950s
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puntidifuga · 2 years ago
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Costantino Nivola, Ite orrore, 1972, terracotta, cm 40 x 40 x 2. Foto P. Pinna
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mcgiggers · 9 months ago
Venice - May 2024
Just back from the Floating City which served as a beautiful backdrop for the 60th edition of La Biennale di Venezia, the world’s longest running and most extravagant contemporary art festival. Thematically grouped under the banner Foreigners Everywhere – Stranieri Ovunque, the exhibit privileged lesser-known artists from the global south who are foreigners, immigrants, expatriates, diasporic, exiled or refugees, and it showcased craft, tradition and the handmade which often is considered outsider or strange in the world of fine arts. The result was a marvelous adventure where some initial trepidation was quickly assuaged by an explosion of colours and creative renderings. In addition to the Biennale, numerous other exhibits and museum shows were staged concurrently throughout the city and visiting many of these in the two and a half days at hand made the experience that much more memorable.
Training for the Venice marathon was held in the hilltop village of Petritoli in the Le Marche region of Italy, where swims in the Adriatic, biking between neighboring towns and hiking in the Sibillini Mountains prepared the mind, body and soul for the viewing experience to come. The prelude to Venice also included a short stop in Monza and Carlazzo where family and food were graciously celebrated. Fuel throughout was local fare and featured Il Grecale’s calamarata in San Benadetto del Tronto, Antonio’s wood fired margherita pizza in Carlazzo and Osteria Ai Do Farai’s carpaccio di Branzino in Venice.
This year’s Biennale presented the works of over 330 artists, mostly first-time participants, and over 85 countries were represented with their own national pavilions. The principal venues were the Arsenale, a former Venetian military dockyard, which housed themed exhibits as well as some national pavilions, and the Giardini, a lush garden area at the mouth of the Grand Canal that is home to 30 or so permanent national pavilions and a Central Pavilion that featured a curated selection of works by artists from Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. In addition, there were numerous other Biennale offsite locations scattered about town.
Among the national pavilions, the Australian entry featuring Archie Moore’s monumental family tree dating back 65,000 years took top prize among in-the-know jurors.  Other standouts included: Canada with Kapwani Kiwanga’s sculptures and all-over bead work; Nigeria which featured the photography, sculpture and painting of eight artists; and Italy with Massimo Bartolini’s labyrinth of metal scaffolding and sound machines. The highlights in the themed sections included: Costantino Nivola’s “Bozzetto per lo show-room Olivetti a New York”, 1953, plaster casting on sand and polychromy; Dalton Paula’s “Chico Rei”, 2024, gold leaf and oil on canvas; Pacita Abad’s “You Have to Blend In, Before You Stand Out”, 1995, oil, painted cloth, sequins, buttons on stitched and padded canvas; Fanny Sanin’s ”Oil No. 7”, 1969, oil on canvas; and Kim Yun Shin’s “Add Two Add One, Divide Two Divide One”, 1979, Korean red pine wood.
Piggybacking on the Biennale fanfare, numerous museums and converted palazzos and churches also staged wonderful shows all over the city. Stops included: The Peggy Guggenheim Collection which displayed its permanent collection of 20th century masterworks by leading European and American artists; the “William de Kooning and Italy” exhibit at Galerie dell’Accademia di Venezia; Pierre Huyghe’s “Liminal” at Punta della Dogana; Julie Mehretu’s “Ensemble” at Palazzo Grassi; the “Beati Pacifici: The Disasters of War and the Hope for International Peace” from the Bailey Collection at Chiesa San Samuele; and Berlinde De Bruyckere’s “City of Refuge III” installation at the Abbazia di San Giorgio Maggiore. Particularly memorable were: Pierre Huyghe’s “Offspring”, 2018, sensor based self-generative system for sound and light; Julie Mehretu’s “Among the Multitude XIII”, 2021-2022, ink and acrylic on canvas (48 x 60 in.) and “Black City”, 2007, ink and acrylic on canvas ( 120 x 192 in.); and magnificent de Kooning statues, including “Cross-Legged Figure”, 1972, bronze (edition of 7 plus 3 AP) and “Clamdigger”, 1972, bronze (edition of 7 plus 3AP). As for the Bailey and De Bruyckere exhibits, both were eerie and beautiful and set in surreal repurposed church spaces which were worth seeing on their own.
Meanwhile, crunch time hoops were being played in the new world. Regrettably Crazy Eyes and his Pacers were efficiently ousted by the Celtics, and with that, Dino fans on the legacy bandwagon were left a bit short of reliving glory days through the success of former players. The show nonetheless must go on, and the finals will tip off featuring the dominant Celtics and the surprising Mavericks and arguably the best guard matchups in the game. As for the Dinos, the focus turns to the upcoming draft and planning for next season. As of yet, neither Crazy Eyes nor OG-Wan Kenobe have signed with the teams they were traded to, and, by now, they surely must realize that change is overrated. So maybe, just maybe, is a return to Jurassic Park a possibility? Highly unlikely. The Biennale runs through November 2024. With the next edition two years away, it would be great if the Dino rebuild was on the same timeline, but that’s probably being a bit too optimistic. The next few years will truly test the mettle of fans.
For more information on the Biennale, the other exhibits and the ongoing Raptor reset, “Just Google It”.
There you have it sportsfans,
MC Giggers
Reporter’s Certification
I, MC Giggers, hereby certify that the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views and that no part of my compensation was or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific views expressed herein.
I also certify that I may or may not own, directly or indirectly, works of artists mentioned in this report and that I may or may not have a strong bias for such artists and, more generally, for “Pictures of Nothing”.
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audiemurphy1945 · 11 months ago
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Saul Steinberg, Tino, 1984
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jalwyn21 · 6 months ago
"The Brutalist date hasn't been set yet, but I believe it's going to be November, December."
I'm calm...
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jemimahdinatale · 1 year ago
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Nivola House-Garden (Garden Wall), Amagansett, N.Y., 1949–1950 Bernard Rudofsky with Costantino Nivola, architects
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years ago
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Steinberg A-Z
a cura di Marco Belpoliti
Electa, Milano 2021, 584 pagine, 17 x 24 cm, ISBN 9788892821187
euro 42,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Pubblicato in occasione della mostra Saul Steinberg Milano New York (Triennale Milano, 15 ottobre 2021 – 13 marzo 2022), Steinberg A-Z si presenta come una raccolta enciclopedica contemporanea che analizza l’opera di Saul Steinberg nei suoi molteplici aspetti, dall’architettura al disegno, dal rapporto con Milano a quello con New York, alle mappe, all’epistolario con Aldo Buzzi, agli artisti che gli furono amici e compagni come Costantino Nivola e Alexander Calder, ma anche Alberto Giacometti e Le Corbusier. Il volume restituisce uno spaccato dell’universo di Steinberg, ricostruito attraverso un racconto plurale che coinvolge 31 autori coordinati da Marco Belpoliti. Gli scritti sono raccolti in una struttura composta da 22 voci -che spaziano da Architettura a Cartoons, da Ghirigori a Labirinto, da Milano a Romania– suddivise in sottovoci per un totale di 139 lemmi. Il desiderio è quello di restituire una visione sfaccettata ed inedita della personalità artistica e poliedrica di Saul Steinberg, il quale ha coltivato una molteplicità di dimensioni espressive, talvolta non ancora indagate, sempre caratterizzate da una capacità comunicativa davvero straordinaria.
Saul Steinberg nasce in Romania nel 1914 e studia per un anno filosofia presso l’università di Bucarest. Negli anni trenta pubblica i suoi disegni satirici nella rivista milanese “Bertoldo” e, poco dopo, i suoi lavori appaiono sulle riviste internazionali come “Life” e “Harper’s Bazar”. Le leggi razziali italiane contro gli ebrei lo costringono a emigrare negli Stati Uniti e, dal 1941, comincia a pubblicare su “The New Yorker”, avviando una collaborazione destinata a durare sessant’anni e firmando novanta copertine. Fin da subito il suo lavoro grafico è riconosciuto come vera e propria forma d’arte, protagonista di mostre in importanti musei accanto ad artisti del calibro di Arshile Gorki, Isamu Noguchi e Robert Motherwell. Questo periodo costituisce l’inizio di un intenso susseguirsi di esposizioni in gallerie e nei musei più prestigiosi, mostre americane ed internazionali. La straordinaria immaginazione di Steinberg gli permette di esplorare i sistemi sociali e politici, le debolezze umane, la geografia, l’architettura, la lingua e, naturalmente, l’arte stessa. Saul Steinberg si spegne nel 1999 a New York.
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bobbole · 3 days ago
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Costantino Nivola, Olivetti showroom - New York, 1953
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lcndonboysstuff · 6 months ago
from an interview with alessandro nivola
AN: Yeah, let’s reconnect soon. I'll start all kind of promotion in October, November, because all three of these films, I think, are going to open within weeks of each other, which will be an interesting trifecta of characters to have on screen all at once. I think The Room Next Door is December 20th. Kraven is December 13, and The Brutalist date hasn't been set yet, but I believe it's going to be November, December.
lol i kinda forgot there wasn’t a date yet omg
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Costantino Nivola per la prima volta alla Biennale di Venezia
Per la prima volta le opere di Costantino Nivola saranno esposte alla Biennale di Venezia, che si svolgerà dal 20 aprile al 24 novembre prossimi. Nonostante la sua fama internazionale come scultore per l’architettura, durante la sua vita l’artista di Orani non prese mai parte all’Esposizione internazionale d’Arte: nel 1947, quando un critico di primo piano come Ludovico Ragghianti gli propose…
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equatorjournal · 3 years ago
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picard-schreckensberger · 4 years ago
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Costantino Nivola
Wall with relief (Building Blocks series), 1955
at Nivola House-Garden, Springs, East Hampton, USA
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luismbarbosa · 3 years ago
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nonhapiupareti · 4 years ago
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Costantino Nivola's oven
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pikasus-artenews · 4 years ago
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NIVOLA: Sandscapes
Tra le sue amicizie frequentava Le Corbusier, Jackson Pollock, Saul Steinberg, Willem de Kooning, Alexander Calder e molti altri protagonisti dell’arte internazionale della seconda metà del Novecento.
Mostra al Magazzino Italian Art di #NewYork
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derebussardois · 4 years ago
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Progetto di Costantino Nivola per la costruzione di una chiesa, modello in gesso, 1982-1983. . Church building project by Costantino Nivola, plaster model, 1982-1983
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