#cosmetic genital surgery
Some People in Power and Control Will Not Stop Regulating Our Intersex Lives as Nonconsenting Children.
My educational thoughts for the day: We have all been taught by colonialism, and people in power and control, to pathologize human diversity. This language mostly comes from people of power who are white, endosex, cisgender, heterosexual men. To this day, people in power and control invent what is “normal” and have judged, pathologized, and diagnosed human diversity. They invented racism, the…
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nazmibaycin · 3 months
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whatgoesthroughmyhead · 10 months
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Get a tummy tuck at peril of your WHOLE SEXUAL FUNCTION holy shit.
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lifeaestheticsindore · 2 months
Transformative Benefits: How Genital Rejuvenation Surgery Enhances Women’s Health
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In the realm of women's health, women's health genital rejuvenation surgery represents a groundbreaking advancement that goes beyond mere aesthetics. This transformative procedure addresses both physical and emotional aspects of women’s health, offering significant improvements in comfort, function, and confidence. Here’s a closer look at how this surgery enhances women’s health and why Indore is a premier destination for this specialized care.
What is Genital Rejuvenation Surgery?
Genital rejuvenation surgery encompasses various procedures aimed at enhancing the appearance and functionality of the female genitalia. These surgeries can address concerns such as labial hypertrophy, vaginal laxity, and other issues that may arise due to childbirth, aging, or genetic factors. The procedures aim to improve physical comfort, sexual satisfaction, and overall well-being, making them an essential option for many women.
Why Choose Genital Rejuvenation Surgery in Indore?
Indore is home to some of the most skilled cosmetic and plastic surgeons in Indore, renowned for their expertise in genital rejuvenation procedures. Opting for women's health genital rejuvenation surgery in Indore means benefiting from state-of-the-art technology and personalized care. The city’s top clinics offer advanced techniques and a compassionate approach, ensuring the highest standards of safety and effectiveness.
Transformative Benefits of Genital Rejuvenation Surgery
Enhanced Comfort: Many women experience physical discomfort due to enlarged or asymmetrical labia. Genital rejuvenation surgery can alleviate these issues, leading to greater physical comfort in everyday activities and clothing.
Improved Sexual Satisfaction: The surgery can enhance sexual function and satisfaction by addressing concerns like vaginal laxity, helping women regain confidence and intimacy in their relationships.
Boosted Confidence and Self-Esteem: For many women, the aesthetic improvements from genital rejuvenation surgery lead to a significant boost in self-esteem and body confidence, positively impacting overall mental well-being.
The Procedure and Recovery
Genital rejuvenation surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia or sedation, depending on the procedure and patient preferences. The surgery involves precise techniques to reshape or repair the genital structures, with recovery times varying based on the complexity of the procedure. Most patients can return to their normal activities within a few weeks, with detailed post-operative care provided by Indore’s top surgeons to ensure optimal results.Choosing women's health genital rejuvenation surgery in Indore offers a path to enhanced comfort, satisfaction, and confidence. With the expertise of leading cosmetic and plastic surgeons in Indore, this transformative procedure provides significant benefits, addressing both physical and emotional aspects of women’s health. Embrace the positive changes and improved quality of life that genital rejuvenation surgery can bring, supported by Indore’s premier medical professionals.
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eleganceclinicsurat · 5 months
Top-Rated Aesthetic Genital Surgery at Elegance Clinic
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Explore personalized and confidential aesthetic genital surgery at Elegance Clinic. Our top-rated surgeons provide high-quality, sensitive care tailored to your needs. Discover why we are among the best in your area for aesthetic procedures.
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eva1casmoclinic · 6 months
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Piles medically referred to as hemorrhoids, are a common but often overlooked condition involving swollen blood vessels in the rectum or anus. In addition, this condition can cause discomfort, itching, and even bleeding. Notably, the treatment typically involves a combination of lifestyle adjustments, topical remedies, and, in certain instances, surgical procedures. In this blog, let’s learn the grades of hemorrhoids, common symptoms of piles, and potential complications to manage your well-being.
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dranirban-ghosh · 9 months
The best cosmetic surgeon in Kolkata has discussed candidates who are suitable to get a stapler circumcision treatment done.
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mxanunnakiraymarquez · 10 months
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bouquetface · 2 months
Astro Observations 4
Accuracy influenced by entire natal chart.
Venus Chiron Aspect
- Expressing love is not easy.
- Overly concerned with your social standing. Deeply hurt when not considered popular or attractive.
- Experiences that lead you to believe you are not attractive.Feeling rejected. Feeling undesirable.
- Encountering painful experiences in romantic relationships. Unable to forget past partners. Feeling haunted.
- If in a positively placed, you may find healing in a romantic relationship. Or this can be a fantasy you have of being saved.
- May consider and possibly get cosmetic surgeries. More likely if in aspect to Mars, 1st or 6th H.
- Problems with spending/money/possessions. This can manifest in many ways. Ex: Hoarding, overspending, debt, turing use money to buy love, valuing yourself based on how much you have/make, etc.
- Sign and house placement may indicate exactly what you are insecure about. Ex: Venus scorpio/Venus 8th H aspect chiron may = insecure about appearance of genitals. Venus 2nd H aspect chiron may = insecure about a facial feature.
Accuracy influenced by entire natal chart.
Mars Aspect Chiron
- Difficulty expressing mars traits effectively. Based on entire chart this can manifest in many ways. Ex: Repressing anger until violent outburst. Being passive aggressive. Inability to be direct. Being aggressive when trying to be assertive.
- To heal their chiron wound, it’s encouraged to find a release for your anger.
- Often, develop physical hobbies later in life to release anger. May be able to help other’s learn how to deal with their anger - anger management counsellor, self defence/martial arts teacher, etc.
- Having bad experiences with masculinity. Ex: Encountering weak men. Encountering violent men.
Accuracy influenced by entire natal chart.
Moon Aspect Chiron
- Mother is emotionally or physically hurt. Mother may not be able to fully nurture & protect you due to this reason.
- Being so sensitive you become detached. Losing touch with your emotions due to emotional trauma.
- Desire to save the women in your life. Inability to help them. As a result, emotionally detaching from these people to avoid painful feelings such as hopelessness.
- Being or feeling like a loner. Not relating to those around you. Those around you do not understand you. Based on entire natal chart, this can manifest as people believe you are overly emotional. Or people believe you are void of any emotion.
- Difficulty expressing emotion. Dislike of sharing feelings. May have bad experiences with sharing your true feelings in the past.
- Emotional intelligence. You understand why you have troubles in your emotional life. Yet, you are more likely to be empathetic with others than yourself.
Accuracy influenced by entire natal chart.
Pluto Aspect Moon
- Power struggle between you and the mother. Suffocating mother. A mother who does not respect privacy. A mother who doesn’t care about your boundaries.
- Intense and obsessive emotions. Feeling like you are losing your mind. Moon swings. Heavy feelings of jealously.
- Obsessive thoughts about revenge.
- Emotional abuse - dealing with narcissists, gaslighting, manipulated, cheated, etc. May be the victim or the abuser or both.
- Experience emotional deaths. Later in life, they have experiences that force them to change for a better life. Transforming yourself.
Accuracy influenced by entire natal chart.
Venus Conjunct Mars
In the chart of women (including my own natal), I have noticed partners were all complete strangers who made the first move. Ex: Random customer asking for her # at work. & coming up to them outside our university. DM from a stranger on IG by surprise.
Another thing two of these meetings have in common is there was a brother, cousin or make friend that helped introduce the man to the woman.
For ex: the random customer wasn’t so random, he knew her because she previously worked with his brother. Although, he was still a stranger to her.
Ex.2: The DM from the stranger was the best friend of the guy I had a class with. That’s how he got my IG.
For people with this conjunction, their romantic lives works best when they don’t go out of their way to meet partners. Things like signing up for a dating app lead to dead relationships. They needed someone to match their bold and direct energy. Often, they may find that they do encounter many bold and confident men.
Mars in First House
They develop or are born with a prominent scar on their body. Often, this scar just makes them look more attractive.
Ex: Birthmark on the face, Heart Surgery scar, Acne scars, Cut, C-section scar, etc.
When Venus is involved the scar may be around the chin area or lower face. Ex: a mole or little line under the lips.
This is a very stereotypical observation but it is true every time I meet someone with this placement!
Jupiter in 10th House
For two of my family members with this in their Vedic natal chart, they ended up in careers where they work from home. Jupiter is not the ruler of their 4th H.
They found these jobs after the age of 30. Early life they worked various jobs where one had to be physically present.
Saturn in 3rd House
This can create a karmic connection with siblings. You may feel restricted when communicating with them. You may feel there is a coldness to your connection with them. You may become emotionally or physically distant.
You may even see this strained connection in their natal charts. For ex: My cousin doesn’t get along with my other cousins (her sister & brother). She has Saturn in 3rd, her brother has Saturn in 3rd too. Their sister has lilith in 3rd.
Lilith in 3rd House
This suggests one feels excluded from connections with siblings. And feeling like an outcast in early life/ early education. The way they communicate may be very unique. They aren’t fully accepted or understood by their peers.
She does feel excluded as her brother and older sister are closer. Her lilith in 3rd manifests as her being excluded from that bond.
Although, the relationship between the brother and older sister isn’t that great either. They both have Saturn in 3rd. They are similar in age and grew up together in the same household. Yet, there is emotional distance between the two.
Accuracy for your chart will be influenced by entire chart.
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trans-axolotl · 3 months
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ID: [A poster created by Sean Saifa Wall and Micah Bazant of a Black parent holding their child. They are dressed in white and almost seem to be glowing, in front of a backdrop of multicolored waves that look like DNA strands. Colorful text reads "Protect Intersex Youth."]
"A Framework for Intersex Justice
Intersex justice is medical justice. Intersex surgeries hurt everyone.
These medical violations bring immediate harm to the child who is subjected to them.
Parents who consent to medically unnecessary surgeries participate in a culture of shame, silence and stigma, perpetuated by doctors, that allows these surgeries to continue. Parents are often left to fend for themselves as they navigate shame and guilt. The issue of parents consenting to these surgeries is especially complex when societies believe that children don’t have individual rights and that parents are always acting in their best interest.
Medical practitioners such as pediatricians, obstetricians, urologists, social workers, and endocrinologists all play a role in upholding an institution that continues to harm children with intersex variations. The practitioners, in turn, are protected by hospitals and state laws that grant them immunity.
This is why intersex justice is important.
Although the framework is evolving, the following is a definition of intersex justice co-created with Dr. Mel Michelle Lewis (they>she), an Associate Professor of Gender/Sexuality in Studio and Humanistic Studies at Maryland Institute College of Art: Intersex justice is a decolonizing framework that affirms the labor of intersex people of color fighting for change across social justice movements. By definition, intersex justice affirms bodily integrity and bodily autonomy as the practice of liberation. Intersex justice is intrinsically tied to justice movements that center race, ability, gender identity & expression, migrant status, and access to sexual & reproductive healthcare. Intersex justice articulates a commitment to these movements as central to its intersectional analysis and praxis. Intersex justice acknowledges the trauma caused by medically unnecessary and nonconsensual cosmetic genital surgeries and addresses the culture of shame, silence and stigma surrounding intersex variations that perpetuate further harm.
The marginalization of intersex people is rooted in colonization and white supremacy. Colonization created a taxonomy of human bodies that privileged typical white male and female bodies, prescribing a gender binary that would ultimately harm atypical black and indigenous bodies. As part of a liberation movement, intersex activists challenge not only the medical establishment, which is often the initial site of harm, but also governments, institutions, legal structures, and sociocultural norms that exclude intersex people. Intersex people should be allowed complete and uninhibited access to obtaining identity documents, exercising their birth and adoption rights, receiving unbiased healthcare, and securing education and employment opportunities that are free from harm and harassment. This framework serves a radical vision where intersex children are protected and survivors of genital cutting are cared for and respected. We owe that to intersex people and we owe that to ourselves.
The implementation of an intersex justice framework should include the following components: 1. Informed consent 2. Reparations 3. Legal protections 4. Accountability 5. Language 6. Children's rights 7. Patient-centered healthcare."
-Intersex Justice Project, founded by Sean Saifa Wall, Lynnell Stephani Long, and Pidgeon Pagonis.
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sapphsorrows · 10 months
I will never forgive y'all for framing expensive and painful cosmetic genital surgeries as "life saving." I will never forgive y'all for lying to mentally ill people and telling them that if they don't inject themselves with cancer-causing steroids and if they don't amputate healthy body parts through elective cosmetic surgery they will kill themselves. I will never forgive y'all for telling dysphoric gay and gnc kids that puberty is a disease that needs to be stopped and not a natural part of life that literally everyone goes through. I will never forgive opportunistic plastic surgeons for profiting off this lie. I don't believe in hell. But if there is a hell, you're all going.
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maleswillbemale · 3 months
I'll never understand how transgender TRAs call gender critical people "genital obsessed" as if they don't get expensive cosmetic surgeries to change their genitals. As if they don't post about "girlcock" on the daily. As if they don't shove silicone penises in their underwear or squish their testicles to tuck. As if you don't tell lesbians to try penises or they're bigoted. Who is truly the ones obsessed with genitalia?
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lifeaestheticsindore · 10 months
Bariatric Surgery:"Transforming my body, transforming my life!
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eleganceclinicsurat · 8 months
Explore Genital Cosmetic Procedures: Male and Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery Considerations | Eleganceclinic
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Discover the rising trend in genital cosmetic surgery for both genders with Elegance Clinic. Learn about procedure choices, potential pleasure benefits, and key considerations for a satisfying outcome. Uncover the varying reactions between males and females in this evolving field.
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eva1casmoclinic · 1 year
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Cosmetic gynecology is the medical term for female genital plastic surgery. It is a speciality for women that is growing most rapidly. Cosmetic gynecology is a subspecialty of medicine that focuses on performing surgical and nonsurgical procedures to enhance the external appearance and functionality of female genitalia.
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