slipslideroll · 4 months
New love: the berimbolo. Low to the ground, focuses technique and is just fun.
It gives tiny but mighty and I’m out to master it 😼
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slipslideroll · 5 months
rolling with chronic illness
This (the chronic illness part) is still very new to me, and grateful that I least I know enough now how to mitigate symptoms once they pop up. Like, POTS - just one of my conditions. Frigging pots with the backwards/forwards rolling and practicing sweeps is enough to take me out of class sometimes.
After warmup, I sat out the drilling of just working on leg holds and keeping the x-guard. But I had one roll in me and just a 3 minute sparring round...it was surprisingly my best roll yet with someone with at least 30 pounds on me. It felt frigging great to know what I can still overcome even with new restrictions intensely held against me.
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slipslideroll · 5 months
Wait, you do jiu jitsu?
I do yes! Brazilian Jiu Jitsu! I also do Muay Thai, but not as much. BJJ is how I get the vast majority of my exercise, I train roughly 9 hours a week and have been doing it for the past few years. I’m currently a blue belt as you probably saw in this accurate picture of me at Jiu Jitsu.
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I have a bit of a reputation there of being “tiny but vicious.” I don’t mean to go so hard but when the average height difference between you and the other guys is 8 inches and the average weight difference is probably 50+ pounds, I guess you gotta make up for it somewhere lol 😂
To be fair though most of it comes from me asking literally anyone to fight me. I don’t really see bigger people as intimidating(probably bad) since I’ve got enough cobbled together skills and muscle to mostly get around their size(granted their usually not going 100% on me). I’ve been shooed away by the coaches a few times cause I’ll ask a newbie to roll with me, lol
I enjoy it, though! I have lots of friends, some are much older than me, some are a little younger. Everyone is very nice and supportive of each other and it’s overall a very fun way to get exercise and martial arts training! :]
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slipslideroll · 5 months
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Chris Padilla “Taco” UFC debut with one week notice, underdog, and opponent not making weight takes an early submission in Round 1!!!!
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slipslideroll · 5 months
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slipslideroll · 5 months
new moves at play, new words to learn
focusing on moves in half guard: hip escape to a knee clench, slide into a triangle, if defendant is moving, pick an arm to focus on for a komora, arm bar or omaplata...if possible, take back control!
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slipslideroll · 5 months
forever the pain of no A0 gis
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slipslideroll · 5 months
after almost 8(!) years training across boxing, muay thai, striking mma, I finally got into full focus bjj training on the mat and got my first stripe.
a lot has happened in the last couple years that have deeply affected my training and consistency that I was overwhelmed with a surprising wave of emotion for that one stripe.
for anyone who knows, white belt is probably the hardest to achieve…and that first stripe! just showing up, that is always the toughest struggle.
heart this if you feel this <3
don’t be afraid of accomplishing something new
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especially when you never thought you could xx
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