angelkren12 · 9 months
Looking for a natural solution to your respiratory problems? Look no further than Swami Baba Ramdev's Divya Package for Rhinitis, Coryza, Sinusitis & Asthma! This package contains natural asthma medicines that are safe and effective in relieving coryza and other respiratory infections. So don't suffer any longer - order your Divya Package today!FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT OUR WEBSITE.Swami Baba Ramdev Medicines
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supplements3465 · 10 months
Looking for a natural solution to your respiratory problems? Look no further than Swami Baba Ramdev's Divya Package for Rhinitis, Coryza, Sinusitis & Asthma! This package contains natural asthma medicines that are safe and effective in relieving coryza and other respiratory infections. So don't suffer any longer - order your Divya Package today!FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT OUR WEBSITE.All Herbal Supplements
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vintage-tech · 2 years
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Went to a yardsale in September of this year and found The Archies’ “Everything’s Archie” from 1969 on vinyl for a buck. But the thin paper cover with plastic wrap hinted to me it was a foreign release, and the Japanese(?) on the center label secured this. Good that they were able to get an android to dance with girls for their cover!
Funny thing, there are typewritten lyrics printed on the back and, well, a non-native English speaker must have been transcribing it by ear rather than reading off a lyrics sheet. Also, the chops on the label -- and I’m just going by Google here after looking up translations of some English words -- do not seem to be a direct translation of the titles.
Here, compare this rendition of their one hit single everyone knows...
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...to the real lyrics.
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ashwings-woah · 8 months
ok when i release the doc or lore bits you'll probably see words in latin. thats bc im sure its like. 80% canon that the original dragon language was latin, at this point in time it's evolved from the original but is still fairly similar. the meta reason is bc i think it sounds cool
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farmerstrend · 7 months
Poultry Coryza: A Serious Infectious Disease Of Chicken
Poultry coryza, a highly contagious respiratory disease, poses a significant threat to the poultry industry in Kenya, highlighting the importance of effective disease management strategies. Characterized by severe respiratory symptoms and decreased egg production, coryza can inflict substantial economic losses on poultry farmers if left unchecked. With Kenya’s burgeoning poultry sector playing a…
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against my whole family disapproval I'm going to have a second cat, she should arrive next wednesday I'm so excited 😊
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marvelshifter111 · 25 days
Superhero names - ice related
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Gelid - "icy"
Eira - "snow"
Erone - "frost"
Yseult - "ice battle"
Gelu - "frost" in Latin
Algus - "cold" in Latin
Kirsi - "frost" in Finish
Gelida - "frozen" in Latin
Coryza - "coryza" in Latin
Eirlys - "snowdrop" in Welsh
Isolde - "ice ruler" in German
Froid - "cold" in French (male)
Froide - "cold" in French (female)
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Ice superpower pack
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oswanily · 1 month
Update on my cat: He warmed up to me pretty well, he purrs a lot, he is very talkative. We also found out he has coryza so he is currently on antibiotics, but he eats and drinks and plays, so I am not too worried about him.
I love him so much (despite all the messes he makes and the fact he won't let me sleep at night).
Mandatory cat picture:
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He noticed I sleep with my head on a pillow so he started doing the same which is adorable.
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latitudesunknown · 2 months
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Our first week was a whirlwind of emotions (coming back to my flat after four months with a new hyperactive kitten was a lot to handle in my current depressive state) but she's had her first check up at the vet and the weird cough i was so scared was athma is just regular coryza, so i finally feel good enough to introduce her here.
Her name is Newt, she likes to guard me while i pee and sleeps on the pillow next to me at night, she could play with Kitty's old duck wand for 3 hours straight, when I'm not there she hides under the bed sheets to make sure she's safe, and her poop could be used to wage biochemical wars. I love her with my whole damn heart and i wish i could strangle the assholes who left her and her sisters in a taped-up box in a parking lot on a boiling summer day to "give them a better life".
I battle with my brain every day these days but my life is a lot better with her in it and i know she will help me find my balance back in time 🤎
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revenant-coining · 1 year
Starrflesh-Themed Names, Honorifics, 1stpp, 2ndpp, 3rdpp, and Titles
[pt: Starrflesh-Themed Names, Honorifics, 1stpp, 2ndpp, 3rdpp, and Titles /end pt]
requested by anon
Names: Cor/Corpse, Vei/Vein, Empti, Surreal, Eer/Eeri/Eerie, Mer, Iri/Iride/Iridescence, Dentes, Stellae, Unda, Vitrum, Lyalus, Ira, Furor, Glacies, Gelu/Gelum, Nix, Oculos, Caro, Carnis, Pulpa, Sanguis, Scale, Syreni, Seren/Serena, Piscis, Natans, Sedatio, Frigus, Coryza, Ala, Alis, Pinna, Cadaver, Vena/Venae, Niveus, Rubrum, and Caeru/Caeruleum
Honorifics: Cl/Clw, Ey/Eye, Te/Tth, Wi/Wng, Flsh, Bld, Cor, Skn, Vn, Str, Wtr, Gls, Em/Emty, Ucn, Rge, Srl, Hr, Er, Clm, Scl, Mer, Sire, Fin, Fsh, Ice, Cld, Snw, Mir, Pls, Iri, Wht, Rd/Red, Blu/Ble, 💧, 🧊, ❄️, 👁️, 👁️‍🗨️, 🩸, 🪞, ⚪, ⬜, ◽, ▫️, 🔴, 🟥, 🔺, 🔻, 🔵, 🟦, 🔷, and 🔹
1stpp: (i/me/my/mine/myself)
ei/eye/ey/eyeine or eyine/eyeself
2ndpp: (you/you/your/yours/yourself)
3rdpp: (xe/xim/xis/xis/ximself)
the one with claws
the one with sharp teeth
the winged one/the one with wings
the flesh eater/the eater of flesh
the corpse
the one from the water
the one behind the glass/the one behind the mirror
the one full of emptiness
the uncanny (one)
the one full of rage
the surreal one
the eerie one
the calming one/the calm one
the one covered in scales/the scaled one
the mer(maid/man/person/etc)
the siren
the one with fins
the cold one
the one covered in snow/the one covered in ice
the iridescent one
the one with white fur/scales
‘one’ can be replaced with any noun, ‘the one’ can be replaced with any pronoun
@pronoun-arc , @solarpupz , @reveningcontent
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angelkren12 · 10 months
Looking for a natural solution to your respiratory problems? Look no further than Swami Baba Ramdev's Divya Package for Rhinitis, Coryza, Sinusitis & Asthma! This package contains natural asthma medicines that are safe and effective in relieving coryza and other respiratory infections. So don't suffer any longer - order your Divya Package today!FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT OUR WEBSITE.Swami Baba Ramdev Medicines
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supplements3465 · 11 months
Looking for a natural solution to your respiratory problems? Look no further than Swami Baba Ramdev's Divya Package for Rhinitis, Coryza, Sinusitis & Asthma! This package contains natural asthma medicines that are safe and effective in relieving coryza and other respiratory infections. So don't suffer any longer - order your Divya Package today!FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT OUR WEBSITE.Swami Baba Ramdev Medicines
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Well we got the quarantined litter out of quarantine. Feels a little better to have something that yells and climbs everywhere and asks for cuddles, they don't give me time to think long enough to cry.
Went to see our vet this morning, she said it looked like coryza too. So beyond what we were already doing, there wasn't much else to do, even by a trained vet. Right now it doesn't comfort me much but maybe in a few days it will.
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frenchintellucteal · 9 months
About Beads 🐾
Currently worrying a lot about my little bean of a cat. Beads has had a coryza when still in foster care. He was vaccinated and all, but as you may or may not know, when a cat gets coryza, it will always carry the virus.
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Yesterday, we were strolling around in the city (as we often do, never longer than 30 minutes), him in his special travelling cat backpack, sniffing around the book store while I would look around and relax. Everything was fine, he seemed really happy, as always when we go out together that way.
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However last night, his third eyelid was showing a lot on his right eye, even with his eyes opened, light seemed to hurt his vision and he would squint his eyes a lot. He was very calm, which is unusual for him at night as he is usually playful during dinner hours (he's almost 7 months old). He would also not find any enjoyment in food. My partner and I got very worried very quickly, and tried to check if something was perhaps stuck in his eye : maybe there was some dust? Nothing. We tried to find some sleep and not worry too much about it.
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Today, we were very happy to see that his third eyelid was no longer obstructing his vision! But our relief was cut short when during the day, we began to notice his right eye got really foggy. We tried to feed him wet food (which he devoured!) and make sure he always had fresh water to drink so that he would be hydrated enough. Tonight, his still foggy eye started crying and we're worried sick.
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We're two young adults, my partner doesn't have a job currently, mine doesn't pay enough to be qualified as a job. We struggle paying rent and paying food. I don't want Beads to suffer because of human money problems. And I'm genuinely scared for this little angel.
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PS. Those pictures weren't taken when his eyes were visibly impaired. I just think they're very cute. Also, I just wanted to vent about this.
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radgritty · 2 years
I need a friend interested in the following types of videos
bezoar/foreign object removal
botfly removal
ear canal cleaning
pimple popping
ferrier work
pet grooming
sour crop surgery
sheep shearing
coryza eye growth removal in chickens
dental scaling
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refuge-save-me · 3 days
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À l’adoption sous contrat Save me, en famille d’accueil à Cointe en Province de Liège.
Bonjour, nous sommes 2 frères inséparables, Pixel et Cookie.
Nous avons été trouvés dans un champ par une gentille dame qui s’est occupée de nous le temps que notre famille d’accueil puisse nous prendre en charge.
Nous sommes arrivés chez notre maman d’accueil le 13 août, complètement apeurés, maigres et avec un coryza.
Après des semaines de soins, de patience et de beaucoup, beaucoup d’amour, nous sommes prêts à rencontrer notre famille pour la vie.
Il paraît que nous sommes trop fusionnels que pour être séparés. Nous sommes tout le temps collés l’un à l’autre, nous nous appelons et nous passons beaucoup de temps à jouer et à faire des « bêtises » de chatons.
Maintenant, nous aimons aussi beaucoup les caresses, les câlins et les bisous.
Ce fut très difficile de nous apprivoiser, mais avec le temps, nous avons compris que notre famille était bienveillante et aimante.
Il y a encore du chemin à parcourir, mais nous sommes sur la bonne voie.
Nous sommes tout simplement adorables et nous cherchons notre famille pour la vie.
Mais cette adoption doit être réfléchie.
Nous sommes 2 petits êtres vivants, dotés de sentiments et notre début de vie fut un peu chaotique..
Tout ce que nous pouvons vous promettre, c’est que nous vous donnerons beaucoup d’amour et de joie.
- Nom : Pixel et Cookie
- Sexe : Mâles
- Date de naissance : 01/06/2024
- Stérilisation : oui
- Identification : oui
- Vaccins : oui
- Antiparasitaire : oui
- Vermifuge : oui
- Frais d’adoption : 150€ par chaton donc 300€
- Socialisation : sociable avec les autres chats.
Chiens non testés. Enfants ok si respectueux.
Candidature à envoyer par mail à l’adresse suivante : [email protected]
‼️ L’adoption est une décision importante qui doit être mûrement réfléchie‼️
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