heatsu · 2 years
my English has gotten so bad lately hhhhh
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cerastes · 2 years
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Man I feel mean as fuck for saying this but this is like, a thumbnail+title combination that I would only expect to see as a scathing parody of what a generic youtuber produces, and yet here we fucking are, baby, completely unironic.
“ARMORED CORE HAS BOSS BATTLES” shit dude on your mom’s name?
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xeun-lias · 7 months
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Chair sequence.
"I'll watch over you from above."
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pabulumm · 1 year
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when crowley is destroying job's goats, we see them turn to dust, but we never stay on screen long enough to see any aftermath beyond that
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but then we land on this and i noticed a few crows flying in the background (starred here), and you can even hear cawing, but we're too busy paying attention to crowley, who is making silly sounds of his own, possibly to cover up that of the birds...
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tharindumanujaya · 2 months
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takeutothemoon · 4 months
the train has been at this station for ages wtf
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red-viewe · 7 months
When u read a fic thinking its fluff but it hits u with smut
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starxycloudfae · 1 year
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i4219s · 1 year
choi jiung 🩷 mariana !
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catthattalks · 6 months
I need people to know Eri also romanced Corwin, and if she hadn't been exiled from BG, they would have been together for about a year and then have had a messy breakup with lots crying and yelling.
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caramelmochacrow · 1 year
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blufox234isadumbname · 6 months
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i got distracted so heres my chayanne and tallulah designs ive tried to whip up
ive had tallulah's design for a while now, im starting with her first, i wanted to show her development and transition into fully phil's daughter. also tallulah's dad is hatsune miku, i think thats funny. so her younger naive self is more in line with miku's core desgin (collared shirt with tie, sleeves, boots and pleated skirt) she also has more saturated colors and her hair is undyed. the design on the left is her more emo older self when shes fulyl considered to be phil's and missa's daughter. so more darker purples and more greener elements. the silohuette is kinda like miku with the legwarmers, collared shirt and pleated skirt, but its layers over with the shirt and cape. also she 's meant to be a raven (all my og egg designs are based on birds, the philza kids are very on the nose corvids!) also her horns and
chayanne is more skeleton, more halloween colors, also that scene hair courtesy of his emo dads. this design is kinda insp also by @/alienssstufff, who has this more skeleton design. he is a chef, which is funny cause of the yknow old admin being part time cucurucho and my cucurcuho design being a chef also. i just added more emo elements like dark boots and mroe corw features, also techno backpack and techno crown on his chef hat. its kinda funny that he does haev that color configuration like a crow with that white shirt pattern
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akwolfgrl · 3 months
Day 2 seasickness
Sanji awoke to crying. He rolled over and spotted the newest and youngest member of their crew curled up into a ball. Sanji sat up from where he was sleeping on the carpet he and Zoro usually slept there. To give the younger members of the crew the hammocks. Zoro was on night watch, or the green haired swordsman would have been up already. Sanji stood up and padded softly towards their little doctor. He placed his hand atop his soft head, the pink hat laying next to him.
“Chopper, are you okay?” Sanji whispered.
“Nooo, I don't feel good, and I don't wanna throw up, I'm dizzy, and my head hurts too,” Chopper listed off his symptoms.
“Sounds like seasickness,” Sanji slid his hands under the small doctor, lifting him up into his arms, rubbing a soothing hand down his back. “Let's get you some crackers,”
“Seasickness? That wasn't in any of my books,”
“Hmm maybe it was under a different term. You can look in the morning when you feel better,” Sanji climbed the ladder from the men's bunk room and onto the deck.
The sea wasn't too bad tonight, but this must be Chopper's first night on the sea. The moon hung in the sky, a waning gibbous only half full. There was nary a cloud in the sky. The stars shone brightly, blanketing the sky in little lights. The moon and sea went hand in hand, and the moon controlled the tides.
Sanji stepped inside the galley with Chopper on his hip. The reindeers little hooves clutched his shit tightly as he buried his small face into Sanji's chest. He opened a cupboard and grabbed the carkerks he kept inside. Usopp had gotten sea sick once or twice when the waves were particularly strong. He handed one to Chopper.
“Here this should help with the nausea,” As Chopper took the carker and began to nibble on it. Sanji carried the young doctor outside and stood at the bow of their ship. He pointed up at the moon. “Watch the moon chopper, watch the horizon, it will help,”
Zoro heard the door to the men's bunk room open. He glanced down, expecting to see Luffy crawl up and try to get into the kitchen for a midnight snack. Instead, he spotted a blonde head of hair, Zoro huffed and was tempted to head down and bug the annoying blond unfairly pretty cook until he saw who was in his arms. Zoro watched as they headed to the kitchen. He at least got one part, right? He turned his attention back to the horizon until he heard them leave.
“Watch the moon Chopper, watch the horizon, it will help,” Curly spoke softly in a way Zoor had never heard before. Zoro began to climb down from the corws nest just as the cook began to sing.
“Loin sous les marées roulantes
Là où les rayons du soleil ne peuvent pas aller
Branchies et écailles avec des yeux sans vue”
Zoro didn't understand a word the blond sung, but it was soft and sweet. A lullaby, Zoro could only vaguely remember his own mother singing him to sleep before she died. His chest ached at the memory of her soft hands brushing back his hair as she sang above him, her eyes warm and loving. He couldn't recall her face. He didn't even know that he had remembered that about her. He came to stand next to Sanji and Chopper.
“Monstres en bas
Tapi dans les profondeurs glacées
Où la mer est noire comme de l'encre
Les horreurs de la natation dorment”
He watched as Chopper drifted asleep, the half eaten cracker in his hoof falling to the deck. Zoro picked it up and finished it off before Sanji could. There's no sense in wasting perfectly good food.
“Seasick?” Zoro asked, keeping his voice low.
“Mmhmm,” Sanji hmm in response.
“I was his age when I left home, my first night on the boat wasn't too bad, I thought I'd be fine. That seasickness was for the weak until the water began to rock and jerk the boat about. Until I nearly drowned in a storm, I was so sick and scared I was sure that I would die and my dreams would be for not,” Zoro wasn't sure why he was talking about this but it felt right as he watched Sanji stare up at the moon.
“I was eight, I ran from where I was born. I stowed away on a cruise ship called the Orbit. They found me because I was seasick, I couldn't keep the vomiting quiet. I was so sure that they would toss me overboard and leave me to the mercy of the sea. Instead, they put me to work as a chore boy. That lasted for two years until Zeff attacked the ship. Everyone drowned in the storm save the two of us,”
They stood together watching the moon fall and the sun rise, the sunrise bathed everyone in gold. Zoro couldn't help but stare at the man standing next to him. He had never seen someone look so beautiful before.
“Here, let me take him. I'll put him back to bed, and you can start on breakfast before Luffy wakes,“ Zoro swallowed down the stirring of feelings as he held out his hands to take Chopper.
He carried the small doctor down to the boys bunk room where Luffy and Usopp snored away, Zoro gently laid the reindeer down, he had seen another side to surly cook last night and he was unsure what to do with these feelings stirring inside of him.
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thisiswasabis · 9 months
New year gift for @ladybugkisses
Do you remember that one time, when you said that your lackasona is not much of a singer but you image her voice actresses beging the good singer? And I said I have the same problem?
Too bad! Here you go!
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My girl Amnesio and your girl Ari
They propably screech like two corw grandmas, but they have fun at least
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askquim · 2 months
Corwely: I don't like you and you are a very terrible father and I do not understand why you hate mutants so much! Not all mutants are that bad and they are still people even if they are a tad bit different from regular people and also what do you mean "take Quim back to headquarters"?
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I hate to defend Crowley… but he's not a bad father (despite his shitty ideals). Aiden has mentioned him a few times and the two actually have a good relationship.
Crowley may be strict, but he's never hit his child, at most he'll give him a few scoldings.
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In fact, he even spoils Aiden a little, always rewarding him when he deserves it.
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olegakusochek · 6 months
how cool I drew two years ago(
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vestige Corwe and his little gryphon
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«This is the Moongrave Fane?»
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Corwe and his granny
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he is terribly afraid of spiders (and me too)
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