#corrective rape mention
just-antithings · 8 months
sometimes i think about how the earliest anti arguments were raging against shipping (characters they interpreted as lesbians) with men, including takes like "corrective shipping" equating shipping to corrective rape
👨‍🚀it's all radfems?
🔫👨‍🚀 always has been
also considering how much "character is canonically straight" has been used by homophobes to attack queer interpretations of characters, it's not an argument queer fans should be fucking with
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117degrees · 2 years
the way that teenage queers are more focused on label and slur discourse than actual important things like mutual aid and keeping fascists out of our spaces makes me wonder if anything has changed from the community who said it was my fault i was corrective raped because i was a threat to real lesbians
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queersatanic · 1 year
ace people are queer as fuck
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around this time of year, the meme starts going around that says, "it's june which means it's illegal to be straight"
this is all in good fun and understood as such. there is no real threat of such a thing taking place in society
but at the bottom, blending into the background, some versions say, "asexuals are OK but y'all are on thin fucking ice"
and that is not in good fun. or acceptable
. . . for those who don't know, a lot of ace people are targeted with "corrective rape" not only in heterosexual contexts but within the queer community where the assumption is perversely that the problem was they just haven't had the right queer sexual experience yet and need it foisted on them (which is rape) . . .
Now, this is a lot more fucking complicated than we're going to get into in this post, but please do some reading so you don't repeat these sort of ideas that lead to horrendous actual experiences for actual people.
If you have legitimate questions about this, feel free to ask them
but save yourself a little time and see if replacing another marginalized gender or sexual identity sounds really gross and/or terfy when you ask the same of asexual people.
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undedkat · 4 months
I feel like we don’t talk about some of the more messy elements of aphobia. Like aro and ace women experience high rates of corrective rape because they’re women who don’t want to marry or have sex. Aro and ace people can and will get sent to conversion therapy because not wanting to date is not acceptable to aphobes. Yes, aphobia is exclusionary but aphobia can also be horrific and violent. Especially when aphobia intersects with misogyny.
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heavencasteel420 · 3 months
Speaking of Will dating an older guy that Jonathan has a complicated history with: I am thinking of a Steve/Will fic I once ran across. That’s a pairing that, IMO, is messy but not inherently wrong if Will is at least 19, and only potentially awkward because of Steve’s history with Jonathan once Will is 22 or 23. But Will was 16 and Steve was 21 in the fic, which falls into “not statutory rape in Indiana but that 21yo is almost certainly bad news.” And, what was more, Steve in this story was INCREDIBLY self-righteous about it. There was a scene where Jonathan raised some very mild objections and Steve was like HOW DARE YOU CRITICIZE ME. AT LEAST I DON’T SMOKE WEED ALL THE TIME. Which. Amazing. No notes. If I was writing the villain of a poor-taste stoner comedy circa 2002, that’s exactly what I’d have him do.
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just-antithings · 6 months
(tw transandrophobia)
there's a thing going around rn where trans guys express a fear of being forced to carry a pregnancy as a result of corrective rape (valid concern imo) and then trans women come in like shut up femboy at least u can get pregnant. as if living in fear of being literally forced to undertake such a dangerous and dysphoric experience is a fucking privilege. and I get that it's heartbreaking that they want to get pregnant and can't but this is not how you deal with that at all
yeah that’s really shitty
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altairtalisman · 13 days
Information On Dryads
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stonebutchwritings · 3 months
God yeah, that sucks about hun/ysuckle... It's also really disgusting to me as a trans lesbian that in those scenarios, the penis is framed as the instrument of "breaking", irrevocably of a man and corrupting lesbians. It just felt so fucking bad to see...
literally. so fucking disgusting to have a "kink" out of making as many marginalized women as possible feel as violently invalidated as possible. i want you to remember though that this is just pure misogyny for them to be invalidating trans women and lesbians this way. your body is perfect and wonderful and any lesbian would be lucky to love you and it is NOT harmful or dangerous or "corrupting," trans lesbian love is pure and healing in fact. you will always have a space here to be who are you in your full body, and every woman will <3
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realasslesbian · 1 year
Just learnt Ellen Page did some advertisement for a corporation where she was in a threesome, and her partner was Asap 'turn a dyke bitch straight' Rocky and some other female and we really have sunk to the absolute dystopic depths of woke homophobia huh
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wonder-womans-ex · 10 months
yeah I'm gonna tell people to die for spouting corrective rape ideologies. you would make a GREAT conversion therapist. you can say mspec gays and lesbians exist and I can think you're an idiot, but you're going one step further and literally telling gay men and lesbians that they SHOULD be having sex with the opposite binary gender. your ass is angry at the fact that people who are not at all attracted to or interested in the OBG and never will be exist
first of all, nice to meet you. I'm AJ and I'm not sexually attracted to men at all. no need to explain not wanting to fuck an entire gender. I'm practically a professional.
^some helpful resources.
sometimes, the words people use to express a sentiment don't translate 1:1 to what they mean. there are also words that can mean different things depending on the context they're used in!
example: a friend of mine says they want chicken nuggets. I say "You should get chicken nuggets."
in this context, the would 'should' is used as an encouragement to a desire already expressed, not as a directive to someone unwilling or unwanting.
when I say "lesbians and gay men should have sex with each other" I mean "lesbians and gay men who want to have sex with each other should, and that desire does not at all invalidate either's sexuality." I do not mean "women who only want to have sex with women and men who only want to have sex with men should have sex with each other, thus killing two birds with one stone and making them both straight."
no one should have sex with someone they don't want to have sex with. people should have sex with someone they do want to have sex with, provided that person also wants to have sex with them and is able to consent to it! a dyke and a faggot can fuck, and that doesn't make either of them any less gay.
p.s.: I get that you love gold-star homosexuals, but yelling at other queers on the internet from behind an anonymous screen isn't the best way to defend them.
p.p.s.: if you want me dead so much, come here and kill me yourself 😏
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mostly-mundane-atla · 2 years
I'm still laughing at the "don't you live in fear of internet harassment and callout posts?" comment. Like i know anon was well meaning, but I'm Native and unashamed, it's bound to happen at some point or another, avatar fans, h*rry p*tter fans, game of thrones fans, it's all the same shit.
They also haven't even gotten into the actually dark, traumatic writing i've done with canon characters. Sex work headcanons is where they draw the line? They'd shit their pants if they saw "Jet had a relationship with a girl he saved and gave her medicine to abort the pregnancy she didn't know she was carrying because he thought that was best and drunkenly admitted it to Smellerbee with tears in his eyes one night on their way to Ba Sing Se" in my fanon timeline that i use to keep fic consistant. Or the girl's reason for wanting to know Jet in the biblical sense when he asked her after the fact: that she was held captive and threatened by Fire Nation soldiers before he showed up with his friends and "now no matter what happens, no matter what they try or do, it won't be my first."
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robotpussy · 1 year
like.... saying that things that are considered the asexual experience can also apply to "allosexuals" isn't code for "asexuals are stupid for calling themselves ace or talking about the alienation they do feel" it means exactly what it says on the tin
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hi yeah holy fuck holy shit y'all
gotdamn this is a story for the ao3 author hall of fame. im still homeless and i promptly realized a couple of days afterwards that uh yeah no can do the whole living independently thing so im looking for a group home. in the meantime i managed to get into a decent shelter, get acchs insurance, and am working on getting a case manager.
holy fuck it's been quite the. week or so? the days have kinda been blurring together so idk. hopefully i'll get into a group home soon. i've got some family that i'm gonna try and contact in case they'd be more understanding than my parents about the whole 'being disabled' thing.
anyways that's the short version. long version under the cut
so basically bc im an exmo i've been incredibly isolated as i've tried and failed to build an entire new support system from the ground up. i had one singular friend who i could reliably talk to (i think i have two now and a few case workers so that's an improvement) and even then it was only over the phone. aside from that, i do have y'all online here, but again, i need a device in order to be able to chat with y'all.
and because my body is an absolute shitshow - in addition to my executive functioning issues - i wasn't able to get much done around the house. now, for some reason, my parents looked at me and decided that this shit is all a lack of responsibility. don't get me wrong, i couldn't exactly be responsible for much. but the key word there is couldn't, not wouldn't.
and for some reason, they look at the situation and decide, time and time again, that the best solution is punishment - by taking away my phone and internet access. not necessarily out of the ordinary for most parents, but given the circumstances, that's absolute dogshit for my mental health.
so, when i literally developed a new fuckin health issue that left me bedbound for a couple of days, my mom told me that we were going to 'have a conversation'. aka my shit was gonna get taken. again.
and that would've been it for me. isolated, in pain, sick, tired, without anybody to lean on. so i said fuck that shit, packed my stuff, and walked out.
i started off at a shelter that used to be a prison, and oh my fucking god i don't think i've ever been more pro-prison-abolition or whatever the fuck it is. like goddamn that shit's inhumane. i ended up having to take a trip to the ER because they didn't stock enough water, resulting in me becoming so dehydrated that my ribs cramped to the point of keeping me from breathing.
not long after that i spiralled a bit so i went to a crisis center where i got people that started working on my case. we determined that i'd be best off in a group home and they transferred me to a transitional facility while they got that figured out.
I get there and discover that my hip, which i thought had just popped weird, felt like it had dislocated. Thankfully, i think i just sprained it, but I was in a lot of pain that first night. Night shift came around to take vitals, I told them what was going on, and they proceeded to not only wave me off, but also one of them looked at me - as i was writhing in pain, crying, trying to keep quiet, and digging my nails into my skin to distract myself - with the look you reserve for dog shit you've just stepped in. So, you know, that was fun. Also nobody there got their medications that night. The shitshow that was nightshift there is gonna be important later.
i had tried to make friends with some of the people there that evening, and, being myself, I spoke very openly and honestly about my queerness and sexual history (or lack thereof), like a dumbass, and obliviously believed them when they said that I was one of the guys.
I later overheard them making plans to correctively rape me. Thankfully, I was on my way out to the hospital for my hip, so I notified day shift before I got into the ambulance.
I spent that night at the hospital, sleeping in a lobby chair (the hospital staff were very sympathetic to my situation, thankfully), and then called the crisis center that was attached to the transitional facility. managed to get taken into the crisis center, where i stayed for a couple of days. one of the guys who'd been making the plans ended up transferring into the same crisis unit, so that was a fuckin' blast to deal with. thankfully, the people at the crisis unit cared and did their jobs well, so i had eyes on me at all times and stayed safe.
eventually, i got sent back to the shelter i started at, then transferred back to the original crisis unit where people had been working on my case. i got some rest, got sick from eating gluten because i was so sleep deprived that i didn't care, then they got me into a much nicer shelter. i have a meeting with someone in about an hour and a half to try and get into a youth shelter, and I'm also going to attempt to contact some family members that might be more understanding and willing to help me while I pursue a group home.
I am very fucking tired, and despite everything that I've been through, I still wouldn't go back to my parents to save my life. Definitely gonna be a lot to unpack with my therapist.
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oxyfem · 11 months
u guys can be pro "lesbians just so you know you CAN have sex with men btw just reminding you that you can fuck men 🥺🥺🥺" all u want but it wont change the fact that a lot of lesbians see shit like this and feel sick to their stomachs. sentences like that make me physically ill. and every time i read one i think about how since i learned about sex all i could think was "well if i ever get forced into a situation where i have to have sex with a man ill kill myself right after." ur rebranded "progressive" phrasing still is just corrective rape speak lite
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just-antithings · 1 year
There's an ongoing discussion about ace-specific issues on another app and long story short the latest development is someone insisting that the concept of "corrective rape" can only apply to lesbians and that it's appropriative to use it for ace people. Even though ace people are in fact being raped. With the express intention of "correcting their orientation". But no of course we can't use the term that actually describes that phenomenon because something something lesbians. Just fucking end me I swear
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fruity-narcissist · 2 years
This is in no way a formal post. This is just an observation based on being raised by a TERF. She didn't call herself that, but she spat and believes all the same shit. Quacks like a duck, you know the phrase.
Literally every doctor agreed. "Oh, your kid is trans? If it wants transition, you should start that soon as possible!"
And she would smile. She'd say it's a great idea, scheduling nothing. Then we'd get in the car, and I'd swallow the lump in my throat as she said we'd "wait and see." That had been the narrative all the way until she tried corrective rape on me, convinced her gay trans son was somehow a lesbian trapped in things like comphet and The Trans Agenda.
Every doctor would preach the benefits. We lived in a good area, as far as medical professionals go. I still do, thank the gods who actually listen.
Medical professionals didn't matter though.
Only the ones who agreed with her.
Only the therapist she found who thought I was "too dysphoric to be telling the truth."
Suicide attempts weren't enough.
Nothing would have been.
She was so firmly planted in it that nothing could move her.
And that's a little sad. To know nothing could convince her.
Sometimes I wish awful shit on her, like getting hit by a truck. These days? I just hope she never meets someone like me again, and I hope the doctors were right. I hope her womb really is fucked. I hope no other child is cursed to what she did to me.
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