#corporate transfer in India
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Book Corporate Transfer in India For NBFC Summit & Awards 2024
Corporate Transfer In India
The NBFC Summit & Awards 2024 is an eagerly anticipated event in the Indian financial sector, particularly for those involved in Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs). Scheduled for September 5th and 6th, 2024, at the luxurious Taj Santacruz in Mumbai, this event promises to be a significant gathering of industry leaders, stakeholders, and professionals from across the country and Fab Cars’corporate transfer in India awaits to get you there in comfort and style.
Read more, https://www.fabcars.in/blog/news/book-corporate-transfer-in-india-for-nbfc-summit/
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depressedraisin · 10 months
watching this miniseries abt the bhopal gas tragedy rn. and wow. usamerican capitalism is the one indisputable villain in all of this who could've guessed right
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Mastering I-9 Form Compliance: A Comprehensive Guide for Employers
Employment documentation often presents a challenge for HR professionals and business owners, with the I-9 form standing out as particularly perplexing due to its evolving requirements. A common query among employers is the duration for which I-9 forms must be retained to ensure regulatory compliance and avoid potential penalties. Let’s explore the critical aspects of I-9 forms, including their purpose, retention period, and best practices for management.
Why Are I-9 Forms Important?
In the United States, verifying the identity and employment eligibility of each new hire is a legal requirement for employers. The I-9 form is a tool designed to confirm that both employers and employees are meeting their obligations under U.S. immigration laws. This process is essential for:
Verifying an individual’s legal eligibility to work in the U.S.
Preventing employment of unauthorized individuals.
Protecting against discrimination by standardizing the documentation required from all employees.
Employers are required to complete an I-9 form for every employee within three days of their start date, promoting a lawful and inclusive workforce while adhering to federal regulations that ensure a fair working environment.
Retention Guidelines for I-9 Forms
Understanding how long to keep I-9 forms is crucial for organizational compliance. The rule is straightforward: employers must retain I-9 forms for either three years after the date of hire or one year after the date on which employment ends, whichever is later. This requirement helps protect businesses during audits and ensures compliance with employment laws.
Best Practices for Managing I-9 Forms
Effective management of I-9 forms involves more than just meeting retention guidelines. Here are several best practices to ensure efficient and compliant I-9 form management:
Separate Storage: Keep I-9 forms separate from other personnel files to simplify compliance checks and enhance privacy.
Accessibility and Privacy: Store forms in a manner that allows easy access for audits while protecting sensitive employee information.
Regular Audits: Conduct regular reviews of your I-9 records to ensure ongoing compliance with the law.
Clear Policies: Develop and maintain clear policies regarding the storage, accessibility, and destruction of I-9 forms, aligning with legal standards.
Training: Educate your HR team on proper I-9 form procedures to avoid common mistakes and ensure consistent record-keeping.
Staying Informed
To remain compliant with I-9 regulations, employers should keep abreast of the latest guidelines from relevant authorities such as the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Additionally, leveraging technology solutions like e-verify and I-9 management software can streamline the verification process and reduce the risk of errors.
The retention and management of I-9 forms are more than just regulatory requirements; they are crucial practices that uphold the integrity of your workforce management. By staying informed about the latest regulations and implementing robust management practices, employers can ensure compliance, avoid legal pitfalls, and maintain a compliant and efficient workplace.
Contact Information
If you or your family members have any questions about how immigration and nationality laws in the United States may affect you, or if you want to access additional information about immigration and nationality laws in the United States or Canada, please do not hesitate to contact the immigration and nationality lawyers at NPZ Law Group. You can reach us by emailing [email protected] or by calling us at 201-670-0006 extension 104. We also invite you to visit our website at www.visaserve.com for more information.
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priyanair90 · 9 months
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Explore our electric mobility services for our EV cabs, efficient fleet management, reliable employee transportation, business travel, and convenient charging. To know more about the service please visit the link below - https://project-lithium.com/what-we-do/
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courtana · 3 months
We, Black Curatorial, Kwanda, Twossaints, Black Eats London & West India Cinema Corporation have come together to fundraise for people affected by Hurricane Beryl across the West Indies. As West Indian people it is imperative that we support each other and ourselves in the building back of our communities, this is a duty. Hurricane Beryl has devastated hundreds of communities in the West Indies. This is not a freak storm, this is a direct impact of climate crisis in the region - fuelled and sustained by overconsumption and emissions in the Global North. The ocean waters are 4 degrees warmer than expected at this time of year, this has directly affected the speed and ferocity of the hurricane at the beginning of this year's hurricane season. To understand what the importance of AMOC (Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation) is for Hurricane season in the Caribbean and globally please watch this video. The impact of this hurricane is very much being felt, "90% of homes on Union Island had been destroyed", according to Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves. We’re fundraising for people and charities across Barbados, St Vincent & the Grenadines, Grenada and those affected across the region. The money raised will go towards helping local fishermen in Barbados to buy new boats, support roofing and housing materials for people in Carriacou, Union and Grenada and well as St Vincent to rebuild their livelihoods and homes. We are working collectively to disseminate these funds across the region ensuring they reach grassroots communities and people directly. The Hurricane is now a category 5 and on its way to Jamaica. We urge everyone to pray for its weakening and for the people currently effected by Beryl's peril. Please continue to share and donate to those affected! If you have any questions please email us.
This fund exists to go directly to grassroots organisations providing support for those across the following countries: Barbados St Vincent & the Grenadines Carriacou Petite Martinique Union Grenada Jamaica
We are working with Kwanda to help disseminate the funds to the existing groups they work with in the affected countries. Black Curatorial work across Barbados and Jamaica administering funds for creatives via the Fly Me Out Fund our process of sending money via transfer is already set up to support and facilitate this fund's dissemination.
Black Curatorial Kwanda West India Cinema Corporation Twossaints Black Eats London
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beguines · 1 month
The Indian state has already begun to evict indigenous communities from their homes. In late 2020, tribal communities received notice that labeled their homes as illegally occupying forest land. Their homes were demolished. This bears an eerie resemblance to Israel's targeting of Bedouin communities of Naqab, where Israel gave the lands of these communities to Jewish settlers and the military. The logic of Bedouin dispossession was premised on the fact that as nomads, they had no right to the land.
In Kashmir, these communities were living on lands that the Indian state wanted to use for the development of tourist infrastructure. Part of the plan is to transfer agricultural land to Indian state and private corporations. Kashmir has already lost 78,700 hectares of agricultural land to non-agricultural purposes between 2015–19. This decline in agricultural land—which a majority of Kashmiris still rely upon as the foundation of their economy—will disempower farmers, result in a loss of essential crops, make Kashmir less agriculturally self-sufficient, and create grounds for economic collapse in the near future. It is of course, only when Kashmiris are economically devastated that India's job in securing their land will be made even easier.
Alongside the destruction of agricultural land, the Indian government has also been charged with "ecocide" in Kashmir, which, "masked under the development rhetoric . . . destroys the environment without care, extracting resources and expanding illegal infrastructure as a way of contesting the indigenous peoples' right of belonging and using the territory for their own gain." During the lockdown in late 2019, the valley saw unprecedented forest clearances. In June 2020, the Jammu & Kashmir Forest Department became a government-owned corporation, allowing it to sell public forest land to private entities, including to Indian corporations. The rush to secure and extract Kashmir's resources has typically come at an immense cost to the region's vulnerable ecology, prompting local activists' fears that a lack of accountability will almost certainly exacerbate the climate crisis in South Asia. Just as Israel has secured control over Palestinian resources, India's stranglehold of Kashmir's natural resources and interference with the environment will ultimately make Kashmiris dependent on the Indian state for their livelihoods.
All of these shifts in land use reflect the "Srinagar Master Plan 2035," which "proposes creating formal and informal housing colonies through town planning schemes as well as in Special Investment Corridors," primarily for the use of Indian settlers and outside investors. Indeed, the Indian government has signed a series of MOU's with outside investors to alter the nature of the state by building multiplexes, educational institutions, film production centers, tourist infrastructure, Hindu religious sites, and medical industries. Kashmiri investors are no competition for massive Indian and external corporations and have a fundamental disadvantage in investing in land banks that the government has apportioned toward these purposes. Back to back lockdowns have resulted in massive economic losses for Kashmir's industries, including tourism, handicrafts, horticulture, IT, and e-commerce. Furthermore, "as with other colonial powers, Indian officials are participating in international investment summits parroting Kashmir as a 'Land of Opportunity', setting off a scramble for Kashmir's resources, which will cause further environmental destruction." India has always kept a close eye on Kashmir's water resources and its capabilities to generate electricity, while intentionally depriving Kashmir of the electricity it produces.
As more economic and employment opportunities are opened up to Indian domiciles, Kashmiris will also be deprived of what little job security they had. In sum, "neoliberal policies come together with settler colonial ambitions under continued reference to private players, industrialization and development, with the 'steady flow of wealth outwards.'"
Azad Essa, Hostile Homelands: The New Alliance Between India and Israel
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therukurals · 5 months
The reclamation of such images appears to be Patel’s goal—one he shares with numerous Hindu leaders who have continued to battle Hindu nationalism. But the use of Hindu imagery as a call to violence, reminiscent of the Hindutva project, is central to Kid’s mission, resulting in narrative dissonance. In comparison, the movie’s villains only use Hinduism as a façade for violence and financial gain, rather than as a sincere fixture of their fanaticism. They represent Hindutva only in the abstract, echoing its power structures without its ideology. Kid, meanwhile, perhaps inadvertently, embodies it in both belief and action. In a key flashback, Rana—acting on Shakti’s orders—clears out Kid’s forest-adjacent village so the land can be used for industrial growth. This bears a striking resemblance to the Indian government’s recent attempts to evict thousands of Muslims along India’s Eastern border and millions of indigenous people from tribal lands. The BJP’s political opponents believe these land seizures are an attempt to transfer tribal resources to corporate allies, not unlike Shakti’s plan for Kid’s village. However, the metaphor is muddled. Rather than framing Kid’s community as an oppressed caste, religion, or tribe, the only visible culturally specific moment involves the villagers enjoying a marionette re-telling of the Ramayana, which is interrupted by incendiary violence. In the movie’s purview, Hinduism is under attack from something non-Hindu, or falsely Hindu, rather than from dangerous factions of Hinduism itself. This grants Kid permission to weaponize it freely, sans conflict or spiritual reckoning—a thematic tension the movie never reconciles.
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reasonandempathy · 9 months
How do you overlook/downplay the atrocities and breach of human rights in communist countries?
Can you please name all the huge, systemic atrocities committed by capitalist, developed nations? A few potential arguments would be homelessness/healthcare not being a human right, both of which don't even compare to the brutality seen even in the 'best' communist regimes.
Not a communist.
Have you...seen...US History or US Foreign Policy?
"Yes, millions of people were bought transferred, and sold as livestock to ensure a cheap working class that benefited rich capitalists across Europe and the Americas, forming significant portions of international wealth and economic practice, both in agriculture unskilled labor, but that's not capitalism."
"Yes, the largest companies across the U.S. had internal police and security, forced employees to move to towns they controlled, and killed union leaders who tried to organize against them, leading to what is commonly referred to as 'Almost America's 2nd Civil War', but that's not connected to the underlying economic and political power dynamics of a capitalist system."
"I mean, yeah, the US killed millions of people directly in the Korean and Vietnam wars as explicitly capitalist, anti-communist actions, and sponsored/installed military juntas and dictatorships all across South and Middle America and across the Middle East and SE Asia to ensure private companies could always make a profit and an international capitalist system thrived, but that's not the same."
That's just one Capitalist, Developed Nation. And even internally we've got endless "those Native Americans have gold/food/arable land under their feet. Time for another genocide."
Then you have the DE India and DW India trading corporations, the British Empire (including Irish Occupation and the Irish Genocide and the Troubles), you've got the German Congo genocides, South Africa, the actual literal ongoing genocide in Ghaza.
And before any rebuttal of "those nations weren't developed when they did that!", neither were Russia nor China when the main thrusts of their horror stories happened. Those genocides and abuses that people fall back to describing (Holodomor, the Great Leap Forward, etc.) were their fucked up and wrong attempts to develop their countries. If we're exempting Capitalist systems their atrocities because "they weren't developed yet" then we need to do the same to communist countries/systems as well.
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dailyanarchistposts · 11 days
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Hunger Has Natural Causes, Right?
Despite the fact that the world produces 1.5 times as much food as is needed to feed the human population, starvation and famine are endemic to modern capitalism. 900 million people die from starvation each year, but there is no global shortage of land to grow food. The UN estimates that there is enough land to feed a world population of 14 billion people. But what is it being used for? As in the ‘developed’ North, large landowners control the vast majority of land. In 83 countries, 3% of farmers control 79% of farmland, much of it left unused in order to maintain profits. Big Food made over $7bn profit from the South in 1990, and probably far more through transfer payments. It uses its economic power to force down the prices of rice, coffee, sugar, cocoa and cotton. Average prices in 1989 were 20% down on those of 1980. This led to an increase in foreign debt for Southern countries, with consequent increased economic hardship for the poor majority (higher taxes, inflation, etc.). Brazil has an area of farmland the size of India left uncultivated while 20 million rural poor are landless; the richest 1% owns 15 times as much land as the poorest 56% of Brazilian farmers. In Guatemala, 2% of landowners own 66% of the land. In the Philippines agribusiness producing sugar, cotton and pineapples for export has pushed 12 million peasants into the lowland forests.
Drought in Africa is part of a millennia-long cycle that human societies adapted to. It is cash crop exploitation, the market economy and taxation that produce starvation, not drought. During the 1970s, when famines first began to be reported regularly, ships that brought relief supplies to the port of Dakar left carrying peanuts, cotton, vegetables, and meat. In Bangladesh, often cited as the model for the Malthusian argument, 90% of the land is worked by sharecroppers and labourers. Many starved after the 1974 floods, while hoarders held on to four million tons of rice. In the mid-80’s severe famines occurred in the Sahel countries of Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Chad yet during the same period record harvests of cotton were exported to the industrial centres of the world.
Cash crops go to feed the global supermarket, yielding higher profits for international capital and accelerating global industrialisation. Mexican soil and labour supplies almost 70% of the US market for much winter and early spring vegetables. The result is that agriculture for local consumption is squeezed out and the prices of staple foods rise. Up to 50% of total meat production in Central America is exported, mainly to North America. The “Green Revolution” of the 1970s and 1980s, that the ruling class said would feed the hungry, has in fact only supplied the global supermarket. The same will certainly be true of the ‘wonder crops’ of the GM revolution. The corporate claims that GM and industrial food production in general will ‘feed the world’ are straightforward lies. The maize/soya/ animal product system they are pushing so heavily is not a rational way to produce food — an acre of cereal is estimated to produce 5 times as much protein as one devoted to meat production, an acre of legumes (beans, peas, lentils) 10 times as much and an acre of leafy vegetables 15 times as much.
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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Orders of Celestial Beings
Seven Orders The seven orders connected to our Planetary Chain are divided into three formless and four corporeal. They are connected to the seven sacred planets:
The hierarchy of Creative Powers is divided into seven (or 4 and 3) esoteric, within the twelve great Orders, recorded in the twelve signs of the Zodiac; the seven of the manifesting scale being connected, moreover, with the Seven Planets. All this is subdivided into numberless groups of divine Spiritual, semi-Spiritual, and ethereal Beings.
At the end of the manvantara these orders will move on to higher spheres:
The Celestial Hierarchy of the present Manvantara will find itself transferred in the next cycle of life into higher, superior worlds, and will make room for a new hierarchy, composed of the elect ones of our mankind. Being is an endless cycle within the one absolute eternity, wherein move numberless inner cycles finite and conditioned.
About the higher four orders of the seven related to our planet, The Secret Doctrine says:
“The first after the ‘One’ is divine Fire; the second, Fire and Æther; the third is composed of Fire, Æther and Water; the fourth of Fire, Æther, Water, and Air.”* The One is not concerned with Man-bearing globes, but with the inner invisible Spheres. “The ‘First-Born’ are the Life, the heart and pulse of the Universe; the Second are its Mind or Consciousness.”† († This “Consciousness” has no relation to our consciousness. The consciousness of the “One manifested,” if not absolute, is still unconditioned). . .
First Order The highest group is composed of the divine Flames, so-called, also spoken of as the “Fiery Lions” and the “Lions of Life,” whose esotericism is securely hidden in the Zodiacal sign of Leo. It is the nucleole of the superior divine World. They are the formless Fiery Breaths, identical in one aspect with the upper Sephirothal Triad.
Second Order The second Order of Celestial Beings, those of Fire and Æther (corresponding to Spirit and Soul, or the Atma-Buddhi) whose names are legion, are still formless, but more definitely “substantial.” They are the first differentiation in the Secondary Evolution or “Creation” — a misleading word. As the name shows, they are the prototypes of the incarnating Jivas or Monads, and are composed of the Fiery Spirit of Life. It is through these that passes, like a pure solar beam, the ray which is furnished by them with its future vehicle, the Divine Soul, Buddhi. These are directly concerned with the Hosts of the higher world of our system. From these twofold Units emanate the threefold.
Third Order The Third order corresponds to the Atma-Buddhi-Manas: Spirit, Soul and Intellect, and is called the “Triads.”
Fourth Order The Fourth are substantial Entities. This is the highest group among the Rupas (Atomic Forms). It is the nursery of the human, conscious, spiritual Souls. They are called the “Imperishable Jivas,” and constitute, through the order below their own, the first group of the first septenary host—the great mystery of human conscious and intellectual Being.
Fifth Order The Fifth group is a very mysterious one, as it is connected with the Microcosmic Pentagon, the five-pointed star representing man. In India and Egypt these Dhyanis were connected with the Crocodile, and their abode is in Capricornus. These are convertible terms in Indian astrology, as this (tenth) sign of the Zodiac is called Makara, loosely translated “crocodile”. . . . He is the “Dragon of Wisdom” or Manas, the “Human Soul”, Mind, the Intelligent principle, called in our esoteric philosophy the “Fifth” principle.
Sixth and Seventh Orders The sixth and seventh groups partake of the lower qualities of the Quaternary. They are conscious, ethereal Entities, as invisible as Ether, which are shot out like the boughs of a tree from the first central group of the four, and shoot out in their turn numberless side groups, the lower of which are the Nature-Spirits, or Elementals of countless kinds and varieties; from the formless and unsubstantial — the ideal thoughts of their creators — down to the Atomic, though, to human perception, invisible organisms. The latter are considered as the “Spirits of Atoms” for they are the first remove (backwards) from the physical Atom — sentient, if not intelligent creatures. They are all subject to Karma, and have to work it out through every cycle. . . . This sixth group, moreover, remains almost inseparable from man, who draws from it all but his highest and lowest principles, or his spirit and body, the five middle human principles being the very essence of those Dhyanis.*(* the Occultist [calls them] the “Ancestors, the Pitris;” they are the sixfold Dhyan Chohans, having the six spiritual Elements in the composition of their bodies—in fact, men, minus the physical body.) Alone, the Divine Ray (the Atman) proceeds directly from the One.
Celestial Sunflower by Talon Abraxas
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scbhagat · 2 months
Professional Tax Consultants in Delhi India by SC Bhagat & Co.
Navigating the complex world of taxes can be a daunting task for individuals and businesses alike. Ensuring compliance while maximizing tax efficiency requires expertise, precision, and up-to-date knowledge of the ever-evolving tax laws. That's where SC Bhagat & Co. comes in, providing professional tax consultancy services in Delhi, India, to help you manage your tax-related matters with confidence and ease. Why Choose SC Bhagat & Co.? SC Bhagat & Co. is a renowned firm of Professional tax consultants in Delhi India, dedicated to offering comprehensive tax solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. Here are some reasons why we stand out: Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in the field, our team of qualified tax consultants has a deep understanding of the Indian tax system. We stay abreast of the latest changes in tax laws and regulations to provide accurate and timely advice. Customized Solutions: We understand that each client has unique requirements. Whether you're an individual, a small business, or a large corporation, we offer customized tax solutions to suit your specific needs. Compliance and Efficiency: Our primary goal is to ensure that our clients remain compliant with all tax regulations while optimizing their tax liabilities. We help you navigate through the complexities of tax filing, deductions, and credits to maximize your savings. Wide Range of Services: From tax planning and preparation to representation and dispute resolution, we offer a comprehensive range of tax services. Our expertise extends to income tax, GST, corporate tax, and more. Client-Centric Approach: At SC Bhagat & Co., we prioritize our clients' needs and work closely with them to understand their financial goals. Our proactive approach ensures that we identify opportunities and potential risks early, providing strategic advice to achieve the best outcomes. Our Services Tax Planning and Advisory Effective tax planning is essential for minimizing tax liabilities and ensuring financial stability. Our experts analyze your financial situation and develop strategies to optimize your tax position. We provide advisory services on various aspects, including income tax, GST, and international taxation. Tax Compliance and Filing Staying compliant with tax regulations is crucial to avoid penalties and legal issues. Our team assists with the preparation and filing of tax returns, ensuring accuracy and timely submission. We also help you maintain proper records and documentation to support your filings. Representation and Dispute Resolution In the event of tax audits or disputes, SC Bhagat & Co. provides robust representation before tax authorities. Our consultants have the expertise to handle complex tax issues and resolve disputes efficiently, ensuring minimal disruption to your operations. GST Services The introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) has brought significant changes to the tax landscape in India. We offer comprehensive GST services, including registration, compliance, filing of returns, and advisory on GST-related matters. Corporate Tax Services For businesses, managing corporate tax responsibilities is a critical aspect of financial planning. Our corporate tax services include tax planning, compliance, advisory on mergers and acquisitions, transfer pricing, and more. Why Delhi Businesses Trust SC Bhagat & Co. Delhi, being the bustling capital city of India, is home to a diverse range of businesses. From startups to established enterprises, businesses in Delhi face unique tax challenges that require specialized expertise. SC Bhagat & Co. has a proven track record of assisting Delhi-based clients across various industries, helping them navigate the complexities of the tax system with ease.
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acquisory · 3 months
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India will have a new revenue recognition standard outlining a single comprehensive model for entities to use in accounting for revenue arising from contracts with customers. This supersedes most current revenue recognition standard.
In brief, the new standard seeks to streamline, and remove inconsistencies from, revenue recognition requirements; provide a more robust framework for addressing revenue issues; make revenue recognition practices more comparable; and increase the usefulness of disclosures.
The Government has introduced two significant game-changers to financial reporting standards in 2018 to effective communication to investors by corporates.
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) accounting framework replaces extant revenue and lease standards effective financial periods commencing from January 1, 2018. Both the new standards have a significant impact on financial statements for majority of sectors. Indian companies too have to brace up for the new Indian Accounting Standards (IND-AS) on revenue that would go live shortly.
The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), as part of a joint convergence project with its United States Counterpart, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has re-modeled the revenue recognition guidance. The new IFRS 15 — Revenue From Contracts With Customers replaces prevailing IAS’s and related interpretations, primary of them being (1) IAS 11- Construction Contracts and (2) IAS 18 — Revenue. A new principle for revenue recognition has emerged with the emphasis on the concept of transfer of control and a detailed accounting model, it has been launched as the Five Step Revenue Recognition Model and is to be followed for every revenue contract to account for the financial statement reporting consequences.
“IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers provides a single revenue recognition model based on the transfer of control of a good or service to a customer. The new revenue standard marks a significant change from current requirements under IFRS. It provides a more structured approach to measuring and recognizing revenue, with detailed application guidance. Therefore, adoption may be a significant undertaking for many entities. Early assessment will be key to managing a successful implementation.”
Evaluation of contracts, customer agreements, pricing models, side-arrangements, revenue and delivery models, contractual clauses, underlying economics, deliverables analysis, et al, become very critical as companies’ transition to the new revenue recognition standard.
Standard operating procedures and internal controls also need to be geared up and fine-tuned to comply with this critical financial reporting standard.
The Exposure Draft on clarifications to Ind AS 115 proposes that Ind AS 115 would be applicable for accounting periods beginning on or after 1st April, 2018. The MCA is expected to notify the standard soon.
The effect on entities will vary, and some may face significant changes in revenue recognition. Entities should now be assessing how they will be affected so they can prepare an implementation plan for the new standard.
Core Principle of Revenue Recognition Changes
The global reporting standard moves from a “transfer of risks and rewards” model to a “transfer of control” model. This model determines the timing of revenue recognition. The new timing is when there is a transfer of control of promised deliverable by the seller (reporting entity).
The core principle of the new revenue standard under both IFRS and United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (USGAAP) is that an entity recognized revenue to depict the transfer of promised goods and services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which it expects to be entitled in exchange for such promised goods and services. Henceforth, revenue needs to be recognized upon transfer of control of promised products or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration that the entity expects to receive in exchange for those products or services.
Where a company enters into contracts that could include various combinations of products and services, the company needs to isolate the various revenue components, based on whether each component is generally capable of being distinct and accounted for as separate performance obligations. IFRS reporting entities need to follow a detailed 5-step model to account for revenue as follows…
Read More: https://www.acquisory.com/ArticleDetails/67/Implementation-of-new-IFRS-Revenue-Recognition-Standard
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sourcreammachine · 4 months
tldr: little rishi is liz truss now. words 8, 9 and 10 of the manifesto are 'covid and ukraine', so they're swinging hard on excusemaking, and it's very negativist and defensive - attacking labour and justifying their terrible government. they know they’re losing so it’s a mess in an attempt to stop their base voting reform. this is the only major manifesto whose headings are written in serif, tryna act all official and luxe
flat-rate employee national insurance cuts from 12% to 6% over the next two financial years, allegedly cutting income taxation for a £35k/a worker by £1,350 (their numbers) BUT also giving the highest 'employee' earners this same tax-cut
trickle-down economics: keep corporation tax at extreme lows
exempt the self-employed from national insurance contributions, essentially cutting overall income taxation by a couple percent
specific, direct threat to cut benefits for 'people of working age with a disability or health condition', restrict PIP entitlements with harsher assessments, massively expand 'fit to work' status over people with mental health and mobility conditions to remove benefits from 400k people (despite the current regime leading to misery and deaths), transfer fit note responsibility from GPs to the dwp to restrict more benefits, reduce the 'claimant review' date from 18 months to 12 months without work
transition child benefit entitlements to be based on 'household' earnings rather than individual earnings
"we will not increase the number of council tax bands, undertake an expensive council tax revaluation or cut council tax discounts, as labour is currently doing in wales", preventing councils from getting more property tax revenue whilst not increasing their funding from anywhere, enabling more and more and more and more councils to shit themselves and die, letting them blame labour for "bankrupting" the councils that the central government themselves squeezed to death
ban councils doing four-day week schemes
reduce net borrowing – curious considering the unfunded nature of the manifesto proposals
increase taxes on online distribution warehouses "to help the high street" [citation needed]
"use brexit freedoms" to recategorise many 'large' businesses as 'medium', exempting them from reporting requirements and allowing them to exploit their workers more
more fucking 'freeport' special economic zones
'strengthen the commonwealth' because that's the favourite excuse of europhobic excusemakers acting like severing trade with the mainland wasn't a horrifically bad idea. india and malaysia do not give a shit about us mate and it's ridiculous to think australia and guyana could ever offer as much economic integration as the mainland can
do nothing to supervise or control the City with a specific eye to doing nothing about "fintech" and "ai"
economic commitment to continue union-busting and restricting union rights, 'continue implementing' the so-called 'minimum service levels legislation' to enable strikebreaking and mandatory scabbing
continue the privatisation of the NHS but with a focus on small/medium enterprises
expand, that's right, expand the indefensible multi-academy trusts, build more indefensible 'free schools' (ie with private charters, no oversight, and public cash), expand faith schools, strengthen ofsted to be even more bureaufascistic against attacks after that headteacher's suicide
continue and enforce the ongoing propaganda push into primary schools, "we will always support teachers to uphold and promote fundamental British values"
'close university courses with the worst outcomes' [clarification needed], again, threatening the higher education sector into compliance with their whims
stick all children not in school on a register
make the NHS app a single frontend for all NHS stuff
slash the size of the civil service and 'bring quango spending under control', incorporate so-called 'ai' into the civil service [clarification needed]
lax planning laws including environmental protections and opportunities for legal challenge, and force councils to set aside land for builders, to allow more private-finance soulless newbuild sprawl, with no new infrastructure, no new community, only house-for-sale after house-for-sale
target the building of mcmansions on inner-city brownfields
expand help-to-buy for these horrible newbuilds
restrict social housing along xenophobic and classist lines: "we will legislate for new ‘local connection’ and ‘uk connection’ tests for social housing in england, to ensure this valuable but limited resource is allocated fairly"
'reform' leaseholds and cap ground rents, not abolishing this indefensible stain
give 105 towns a pathetic £20m
build northern powerhouse rail including Bradford Station "using money saved from HS2" and £12b more, and upgrade the east midlands mainline
lax planning restrictions on new strategic (big and polluting) roads
deliver money centrally for transport projects: £1.75b for the midlands rail hub, a pathetic £1b for buses in the north AND in the midlands, and £13b for 'local priorities' to 'cut congestion' (read: roads)
introduce a specific 'death by dangerous cycling' offence
"automated vehicles will be on British roads in the next parliament"🤮
ban low-traffic neighbourhoods except on a 'road by road basis' 'with the support of the people who live there' and create a statutory right to challenge existing LTNs
"labour’s incoherent and ideological nationalisation plan would put the trade unions in charge", ie the incoming british railways (being set up) will continue the indefensible franchise-concession system that emerged after the final collapse of the franchise system in 2020
"include measures to reform outdated working practises in the rail industry" – ie forcing through driver-only trains and other things the drivers are striking against, possibly requiring strikebreaking them
"in recent months we have seen shocking increases in protests being used as a cover for extremist disruption and criminality. we cannot allow a small and vocal minority to destroy our democratic values. that is why we unveiled a new extremism definition under which certain groups that promote an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance will be blocked from government funding and meeting officials. we have passed tough new laws to curb disruptive protests. our public order act 2023 [ie the Bill that the kill the bill protests were trying to kill] gave the police new powers to intervene where protests cause serious disruption to communities, leading to the arrests of over 600 just stop oil and extinction rebellion protestors in London alone. we will introduce further powers to ban face coverings, pyrotechnics and climbing on war memorials. we will strengthen police powers to prevent protests or marches that pose a risk of serious disorder, by allowing police to take into account the cumulative impact of protests"
"building on our new powers for the police, we will further speed up the use and enforcement of powers to remove illegal traveller sites, while giving councils greater planning powers to prevent unauthorised development by travellers", furthering the ongoing clampdown on the civil rights of our country's GRT people
surge funding for the armed forces
deliberate target to be europe's largest arms exporter by 2030 no i am not fucking joking
sabrerattle at the 'Axis of Hostile Actors' (russia, china, iran), giving a catchy name to the other side of this little cold war of theirs
abuse the permanent un council seat as much as possible
"we will push for a two-state solution in the middle east - our long-standing position has been that we will recognise a palestinian state that is most conductive to the peace process" [oxymoronic – SEE ME]
roll out broken windows policing
mandatory minimum of life for 'most heinous murderers', prohibit parole for rapists
not enact Leveson 2 and allow the press hate speech and corruption to continue, proceed with centralised renegotiation of BBC funding with all statecapture (or the effects of the threats thereof) that may entail
half-baked national service proposal. look, they know they're gonna lose so they've come up with this faff to win over their base. all 18-year-olds (no specific enumeration given so i'm guessing it means from yer 18th birthday to 19th birthday, interfering with exams and start of uni) forced to do one weekend a month 'community volunteering', or get one of 30k places in the military (out of a typical annual cohort of 400k) for a year, so the troops get distracted from their warcrimes by being forced to do childcare lmao. the compulsion to do this is not enumerated, with one rogue minister suggesting fines could fall at the feet of the parents of these adult people. takeaway: this is total nonsense and they don't have to make it make sense so who cares
legal cap on work and family visas, screen migrants for health conditions and force them to pay if they need treatment, do the rwanda concentration camp scheme, ban asylum seekers from countries 'that don't work with us', mass deportations of illegals [clarification needed]
LEAVE THE EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS if it finds against the rwanda concentration camp scheme
expand the NCA with a focus on being the hostile environment
promote the imperialistic ambitions of the anglosphere and english as the cosmocratic imperial lingua franca
only 30k of the so-called 'national service' would in the military, so basically forcing the military to do daycare
commitment to continued strikebreaking and union-busting
force landlords to evict "antisocial" tenants in a 'three strikes and you're out' policy
ban mobile phones in schools
pledge for a Bad Internet Bill to restrict online content, 'carefully consider' the bertin review to implement hostile measures against pornography
build new gas power stations and accelerate oil and gas extraction in the north sea
treble offshore wind, in line with labour's proposals
invest £1b into green energy – a pathetically small amount
approve more nuclear reactors
carbon credit scheme for imports of materials
restrict the mandate of the climate change committee
force solar power stations to be a minimum distance from another solar power station 'to protect rural landscapes'
allow nimby organisations to prevent onshore wind
reverse the ultra-low emissions zone expansion
slowly work towards a deposit-return system
a new national park. a new one. a. one
"we remain committed to the first past the post system for elections, maintaining the direct link with the local voter. we will not change the voting age rom 18. we will maintain rules to tackle voting fraud, including the requirement to show id"
"we believe the governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland now have the right balance of powers"
"we will bring forward legislation to reapply the entirety of the trade union act 2016 (ie restricting the rights of unions) to wales. and a welsh conservative government would reverse labour's plans to expand the senedd" [relevance - this isn't a manifesto for the senedd election]
expand the useless sticking-plaster combined authorities, give powers first to Tees Valley in bare-faced partisan corruption
"biological sex is a reality. the overwhelming majority of people in this country recognise that. it has been more than a decade since the equality act was passed by a labour government. it has not kept pace with evolving interpretations and is not sufficiently clear on when it means sex and when it means gender. the next conservative government will introduce primary legislation to clarify that the protected characteristic of sex in the equality act means biological sex. this will guarantee that single sex services and single sex spaces can be provided, for example in healthcare and sports settings, to ensure women and girls are protected"
"in recent years, an increasing number of children have started questioning their gender, the consequences of which are still unknown. parents will have a right to know if their child wants to be treated as the opposite sex and schools will have to involve parents when it comes to decisions about their children"
"attempts at so-called 'conversion therapy' are abhorrent. but legislation around conversion practices is a very complex issue, with existing criminal law already offering robust protections. in light of the cass review final report, it is right that we take more time before reaching a final judgement"
"we will work to strengthen the relationship between schools and parents, including by delivering new legislation which will make clear, beyond all doubt, that parents have a right to see what their child is being taught in school [they made it bold not me] and schools must share all materials, especially on sensitive matters like relationships and sex education. this builds on the progress [citation needed] we have already made, having updated relationships, sex and health education guidance to introduce clear age-limits on what children can be taught [the rightist outrage at 'sex education for five year olds' is literally stuff like gay people exist so don't bully billy two-dads for having two dads, which is of course fucking unacceptable to the daily mosley] and guarantee the contested concept of gender identity is not taught to children [clarification needed -- or not, because the vagueness is the point, it's Section 28 two, terrorising the entire public sector into silence about anything the daily mosley might clench their pearls about]."
commitment to implement the cass review, ban the private prescription of puberty blockers, accelerate the increasing prohibition of their NHS prescription, fight 'ideologically-driven care' and follow 'evidence' (in the context of the case review meaning absolute prohibition and literal torture)
stop public sector DEI [clarification needed]
'not allow the word woman to be erased'
a load of stuff in the manifesto, especially in the economic section, is just 'maintain funding for...', including 'maintaining' the living wage (ie without even making it legally mandatory), and do ongoing plans instituted by public sector organs that wouldn't be theirs to organise
the so-called 'triple lock plus' or 'quadruple lock': the triple lock legally mandates three possible minima for the state pension, depending on which is highest. it's currently below the tax-free personal allowance, but it is forecast to go above the current personal allowance at some point, which would mean pensioners would start paying tax on the income above the allowance. the tories have made a huge song and dance about raising the personal allowance for pensioners in line with the triple lock. George W Bush 'Mission Accomplished' energy. they're trying to present 'removing' this weird and unhelpful discrepancy as a 'tax cut', even though it is currently not a 'tax' and would be easily rectified by any incumbent government facing this situation by just raising the allowance, because all pensioners would cause a hell of a storm were the government to forget to solve the discrepancy. and it totally ignores any possibility of the personal allowance being raised anyway
prevent first-time buyers from having to pay stamp duty! except there's been a 'temporary' lien for years so this is nothing
'maintain the ban on prisoners voting' is listed as an actual policy
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niconiconwo · 1 year
We need like a labor credit system for corpos so that anytime they outsource or transfer in foreign labor they incur a permanent ongoing cost that goes to a slush to support actual Americans.
Something like the difference between the median pay rate and whatever they're paying their fucking Pajeets in India to do the work. Additionally, all visa labor should be changed to force corpos to pay median rates to all import labor on top of a labor credit.
This fund should be used to help displaced American labor and investing in our domestic economic output so we can stamp out corporate foreign labor and offshoring.
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usafphantom2 · 11 months
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Russia registers patent for the biplace version of the Su-57
The patent received by UAC is for an aircraft that will act as a multifunctional air control center
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 11/21/2021 - 11:40am Military
United Aircraft Corporation has received a patent for a two-seater multifunctional aircraft for use as an air control center and ensuring interaction between aviation and military formations using network-centric methods to control weapon objects on the battlefield.
The aircraft concept was developed at the Sukhoi Design Bureau. Patent RU2807624 was registered by the Federal Intellectual Property Service on November 17, 2023.
It is assumed that the aircraft can also be used as a control point for unmanned aerial vehicles, which is achieved through a wide range of means of communication, including satellite, high-speed communication channel and installation of equipment for the transmission of information in a group over long periods and distances.
The rear cabin of the two-seater aircraft is optimized to perform the functions of gun operator and air command post, its information field is provided by an enlarged panoramic aviation indicator and an additional indicator to increase the operator's field of work. In addition, controls are installed to transfer control priority from one cabin to another.
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The equipment in the co-pilot's cabin allows you to quickly receive information from various external sources, both air, land and sea, analyze it on board the aircraft and issue recommendations or commands for the group's aircraft to carry out a combat mission, taking into account their fuel reserves and combat equipment.
An increase in flight range and duration is achieved due to a 10% higher capacity of fuel tanks compared to the prototype, as well as the placement of detachable fuel tanks ?? in the aircraft's cargo compartments. The increase in the transverse area of the cabin in relation to the prototype allows the installation of large multifunctional indicators on the instrument panel for display of various tactical and flight information, as well as equipment for separate control of the aircraft systems between the cabins.
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Composite materials are widely used in aircraft design, which ensures high weight efficiency. To increase the level of stealth, radar signal-absorbing materials and coatings are used. The tail, ?? together with the use of an integral load-bearing fuselage and engines with deflectable thrust vectorization, it helps to ensure supermaneuverability by expanding the range of altitudes and flight speeds. To further increase stability, ventral crests are installed at the bottom of the tail.
Based on the designs presented in the patent, it can be assumed that the prototype of the multifunctional air control center is the fifth-generation Su-57 fighter. However, the patent summary indicates that the aircraft of the Su-30MK family are the closest. Common features include an integral aerodynamic layout with a smooth wing and fuselage coupling, a fully movable horizontal tail console and a vertical tail console.
The invention of the Sukhoi Design Bureau aims to create a multifunctional two-seater aircraft, with an integral aerodynamic configuration and low level of radar signature, designed to destroy aerial, ground and surface targets with guided and unguided weapons, capable of acting as an airborne command post for network-oriented actions of mixed groups of aircraft and, as a consequence, with a significantly higher level of combat effectiveness.
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Su-57 biplace proposal for the Indian Air Force, designated FGFA.
The two-seat stealth aircraft was a requirement for India when the two sides signed an agreement for the joint development and production of the fifth-generation fighter aircraft -FGFA (as the Su-57 was known at the time) in 2008. However, India gave up the agreement in 2018, after delays in the development of crucial technologies by the Russian side, but maintained the possibility of joining again in the future.
Tags: Military AviationRussiaSukhoi Su-57 Felon
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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pkchopraco-blog · 1 year
Transfer pricing audit services in India
Transfer pricing audit in India is setting a uniform price within a multi-divisional organization, particularly regarding cross-border transactions. When goods are transferred from one company to another or even within a company but a foreign subsidiary, some factors affect the division of profit within the company. This has led to the rise of transfer pricing regulations as governments seek to stem the flow of taxation revenue overseas, making the issue of great importance for multinational corporations
Professional companies help comply with the complex requirements of the multiple tax jurisdictions. If done without expert advice this could lead to waste of time and loss of funds.
Transfer pricing involves a lot of complex and dynamic issues. It involves planning to improve tax efficiency and defense posture, resolution of global controversies and strategic documentation.
PK Chopra ensures smooth transactions and that proper documentation is done. This is a process of high-involvement which has to be done meticulously and according to the specifications. Planning needs to be done to reduce tax burdens. Keeping in mind the changing scenario and the multiplicity and complexity of laws and regulations an expert opinion is a must. .Sometimes the pricing policy has to be defended and justified.
PK Chopra has a professionally managed team with proven expertise in the field of Transfer Pricing Audit in Delhi who have been providing advice to wide range of companies with respect to complex accounting procedures in a quick, timely and efficient manner.
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