#coronavirus vaccine status
thoughtportal · 8 months
Opinion Here’s how to get free Paxlovid as many times as you need it
When the public health emergency around covid-19 ended, vaccines and treatments became commercial products, meaning companies could charge for them as they do other pharmaceuticals. Paxlovid, the highly effective antiviral pill that can prevent covid from becoming severe, now has a list price of nearly $1,400 for a five-day treatment course.
Thanks to an innovative agreement between the Biden administration and the drug’s manufacturer, Pfizer, Americans can still access the medication free or at very low cost through a program called Paxcess. The problem is that too few people — including pharmacists — are aware of it.
I learned of Paxcess only after readers wrote that pharmacies were charging them hundreds of dollars — or even the full list price — to fill their Paxlovid prescription. This shouldn’t be happening. A representative from Pfizer, which runs the program, explained to me that patients on Medicare and Medicaid or who are uninsured should get free Paxlovid. They need to sign up by going to paxlovid.iassist.com or by calling 877-219-7225. “We wanted to make enrollment as easy and as quick as possible,” the representative said.
Indeed, the process is straightforward. I clicked through the web form myself, and there are only three sets of information required. Patients first enter their name, date of birth and address. They then input their prescriber’s name and address and select their insurance type.
All this should take less than five minutes and can be done at home or at the pharmacy. A physician or pharmacist can fill it out on behalf of the patient, too. Importantly, this form does not ask for medical history, proof of a positive coronavirus test, income verification, citizenship status or other potentially sensitive and time-consuming information.
But there is one key requirement people need to be aware of: Patients must have a prescription for Paxlovid to start the enrollment process. It is not possible to pre-enroll. (Though, in a sense, people on Medicare or Medicaid are already pre-enrolled.)
Once the questionnaire is complete, the website generates a voucher within seconds. People can print it or email it themselves, and then they can exchange it for a free course of Paxlovid at most pharmacies.
Pfizer’s representative tells me that more than 57,000 pharmacies are contracted to participate in this program, including major chain drugstores such as CVS and Walgreens and large retail chains such as Walmart, Kroger and Costco. For those unable to go in person, a mail-order option is available, too.
The program works a little differently for patients with commercial insurance. Some insurance plans already cover Paxlovid without a co-pay. Anyone who is told there will be a charge should sign up for Paxcess, which would further bring down their co-pay and might even cover the entire cost.
Several readers have attested that Paxcess’s process was fast and seamless. I was also glad to learn that there is basically no limit to the number of times someone could use it. A person who contracts the coronavirus three times in a year could access Paxlovid free or at low cost each time.
Unfortunately, readers informed me of one major glitch: Though the Paxcess voucher is honored when presented, some pharmacies are not offering the program proactively. As a result, many patients are still being charged high co-pays even if they could have gotten the medication at no cost.
This is incredibly frustrating. However, after interviewing multiple people involved in the process, including representatives of major pharmacy chains and Biden administration officials, I believe everyone is sincere in trying to make things right. As we saw in the early days of the coronavirus vaccine rollout, it’s hard to get a new program off the ground. Policies that look good on paper run into multiple barriers during implementation.
Those involved are actively identifying and addressing these problems. For instance, a Walgreens representative explained to me that in addition to educating pharmacists and pharmacy techs about the program, the company learned it also had to make system changes to account for a different workflow. Normally, when pharmacists process a prescription, they inform patients of the co-pay and dispense the medication. But with Paxlovid, the system needs to stop them if there is a co-pay, so they can prompt patients to sign up for Paxcess.
Here is where patients and consumers must take a proactive role. That might not feel fair; after all, if someone is ill, people expect that the system will work to help them. But that’s not our reality. While pharmacies work to fix their system glitches, patients need to be their own best advocates. That means signing up for Paxcess as soon as they receive a Paxlovid prescription and helping spread the word so that others can get the antiviral at little or no cost, too.
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bills-bible-basics · 1 year
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No End to the Covid-19 Nightmare in Sight? Dear friends, as I warned only a few weeks ago in this post which can still be found on my Bill’s Bible Basics Blog . . . https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/covid-19-president-joe-biden-just-gave-the-green-light-now-watch-the-avalanche-of-forced-vaccinations-begin/ . . . when President Joe Biden gave the green light which mandated that all federal employees be vaccinated or else face forced regular testing and wearing face masks, he set in motion a trend which has now — in a matter of only a few weeks time — avalanched into the private sector as well, and is affecting all of our lives to one degree or another. As we all know by now, many areas of the private sector have likewise picked up the vaccination ball, and are running with it as far as they possibly can, as can be easily seen by daily news reports, online videos and commentaries, etc. Whether they are big corporations, smaller businesses, universities, public school systems, or other establishments and entities; they are all now requiring that those people who either work for them, or who interact with them in some other way, be vaccinated. Tragically, those people who continue to resist being vaccinated for whatever their personal reasons, are being faced with negative — and sometimes very difficult — repercussions, including the potential loss of their employment. Obviously, that is the very last thing that such individuals need during this troubling time. However, as I pointed out in a previous post — in which I even cited a Washington Times news article — that has been the plan all along. The government openly admitted that it wanted to make life difficult for unvaccinated people. So now we must ask ourselves exactly how far this can go. Well, it seems that we now have a clear answer. If you have been closely following the latest COVID-19 news and developments, then you will already know that for some time now, there has been talk of the potential need for vaccine booster shots for certain individuals. That has now become a reality, as is evidenced by the following news article: https://www.foxnews.com/health/fda-covid-19-booster-vaccine-immunocompromised My concern is obviously the following. While government and health/medical officials are currently stating that only immunocompromised individuals need to be concerned with getting vaccine booster shots, how soon will that change? Folks, let’s be honest about this. At least here in the United States of America, if there is one thing we know with certainty, it is that since the pandemic first began, the narrative which has been presented to us by government and health officials has changed continuously, sometimes almost overnight. Granted, to be fair, to some degree, in the beginning this was to be expected. After all, little was known about the nature of the virus, and we were still learning about it. However, now we are a full seventeen months into this pandemic. The point is that the pandemic situation has become so confusing, that many people no longer even trust their own governments, and have lost faith in their health officials’ pronouncements as well. For example, Dr. Anthony Fauci — who is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the USA, and the Chief Medical Advisor to President Biden, as he was previously with President Donald Trump — has lost all credibility with many Americans, due to his ever-changing narrative, and what are believed to be his questionable ties to the Wuhan virology lab in China, and the gain-of-function controversy. But can we really blame them for their lack of trust? My gosh, even at this late date, we are still not being told the full truth regarding the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus which causes coronavirus COVID-19. On top of that fact, as I already said, the narrative is constantly changing. For example, first it was masks on, then masks off, and then masks on again. First we
were told that the vaccines would be voluntary, and now they are slowly becoming universally mandatory. But that is not all. First we were told that the vaccines would protect us from getting COVID-19, and now it turns out that even double-vaccinated people can not only still get the coronavirus, but they can even pass it on to others, because their nasal viral load is just about as strong as in unvaccinated people. Furthermore, there are also recent accounts which claim that some people are getting COVID-19 as a direct result of being vaccinated. And it doesn’t end there either. First there was just one COVID-19, and now there are multiple mutations and variants, even more powerful than the original strain. So as I have now said a few times, the narrative we are being given is constantly changing. That being the case, why should we believe that booster shots will be limited to just immunocompromised individuals? Well, I will give you one good reason why you should not believe it. Once again, if you have been paying close attention to the latest developments, then you will probably already know that the latest pandemic spikes are said to be a result of the delta variant which is currently sweeping the world. There is also some chatter regarding the lambda variant. But there is more. It has now begun to leak out that the vaccines — particularly the Pfizer vaccine — are losing their potency or effectiveness against these newer strains of COVID-19. In fact, just yesterday I was reading that the efficacy of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine against the delta variant is down to just 42%, while the efficacy of the Moderna vaccine against the delta variant is 76%. If you doubt my word, please read this article: https://www.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/moderna-covid-vaccine-76-effective-against-delta-pfizer-42-study-121081201173_1.html Now folks, it doesn’t take a genius to figure this out. We already know that virus mutations are real. They adapt according to the environment they are in, and new strains, or variants, arise which are stronger and more resistant to anything we throw at them. As a result, they also become more transmissible, exactly as the delta variant has done. So who is to say that at some point in our not-too-distant future, a new coronavirus variant won’t arise which is even more resistant, and more transmissible — or contagious — than the delta variant? My friends, this is a very real scientific possibility. This is not some wild conspiracy theory. The truth is that no one should be surprised by this possibility. Do you know why? Because scientists have known about this potential threat — and warned about it — for literally decades now. In fact, I first broached this subject of drug-resistant superbugs myself back in 1999 in my 14-part series entitled "Fulfilled Prophecy: The Beginning of Sorrows", which you can read at the following URL, if you desire to: https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/sorrow01.html So, it is for that reason that I personally seriously doubt that the necessity of vaccine booster shots will remain limited to just immunocompromised individuals, despite the current claims being made by government and health officials. They have constantly changed their story about everything else, so why not about this as well? I believe that it won’t be long before they will be saying that EVERYONE needs to receive booster shots, because the current vaccines were NOT designed to combat these new, more powerful variants. They were designed to combat the ORIGINAL strain. That is why there have been so-called “breakthrough” cases. That is why vaccinated people are still able to get COVID-19. That is why vaccinated individuals can still infect other people. That is why some people — no matter how small the number — are still becoming very sick, and even dying, after being vaccinated. So again, I do believe that in the near future, booster shots are going to be required — and quite possibly mandated — for EVERYONE. Not just once either, but multiple times at periodic intervals.
As this pandemic continues to ravage the world, we may potentially see more powerful variants arise on the scene; variants which will resist and weaken the current vaccines even further. This will of course require that new and more powerful vaccines be manufactured. In conclusion, I honestly don’t know how this will end, or when this will end. It seems to me that we may possibly be locked into a never-ending cycle. At this current time, my personal impression is that we are not winning the current battle against SARS-CoV-2, what with our vaccines weakening, and new variants arising. However this all eventually ends, I hope that your heart is right with God our Father, and that you have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/no-end-to-the-covid-19-nightmare-in-sight/?feed_id=77146&_unique_id=650fce56bc32b&No%20End%20to%20the%20Covid-19%20Nightmare%20in%20Sight%3F
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lotus-tower · 9 months
COVID-19's long-term effects on the body: an incomplete list
COVID’s effect on the immune system, specifically on lymphocytes:
NYT article from 2020 (Studies cited: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.18.101717v1, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.20.106401v1, https://www.unboundmedicine.com/medline/citation/32405080/Decreased_T_cell_populations_contribute_to_the_increased_severity_of_COVID_19_, https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.06.08.20125112v1)
https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abc8511 (Published in Science)
SARS-CoV-2 infection weakens immune-cell response to vaccination: NIH-funded study suggests need to boost CD8+ T cell response after infection
Dendritic cell deficiencies persist seven months after SARS-CoV-2 infection
https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Lauterbach-warnt-vor-unheilbarer-Immunschwaeche-durch-Corona-article23860527.html (German Minister of Health)
Anecdotal evidence of COVID’s effects on white blood cells:
Much more if you speak to Long Covid patients directly!
Related information of interest:
China approves Genuine Biotech's HIV drug for COVID patients
COVID as a “mass disabling event” and impact on the economy:
COVID’s impact on the heart:
https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/deadly-virus-could-lead-heart-31751263 (Research from: Japan's Riken research institute)
https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/heart-matters-magazine/news/coronavirus-and-your-health/is-coronavirus-a-disease-of-the-blood-vessels (British Heart Foundation)
COVID’s effect on the brain and cognitive function:
Cognitive post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC) can occur after mild COVID-19 
Neurologic Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Transmitted among Dogs
Covid as a vascular/blood vessel disease:
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/10/211004104134.htm (microclots)
Long Covid:
Post-COVID-19 Condition in Canada: What we know, what we don’t know, and a framework for action
- Viruses and mutation: https://typingmonkeys.substack.com/p/monkeys-on-typewriters
Measures taken by the rich and world leaders
Heightened risk of diabetes
Liver damage:
tl;dr: covid is a vascular disease, not a respiratory illness. it can affect your blood and every organ in your body. every time you're reinfected, your chances of getting long covid increase.
avoid being infected. reduce the amount of viral load you're exposed to.
the gap between what the scientific community knows and ordinary people know is massive. collective action is needed.
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covid-safer-hotties · 1 month
Risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 transmission during a movie theater outbreak in Incheon in the Republic of Korea, November 2021: a retrospective study - Published Jan 31, 2024
Objectives We examined factors contributing to the transmission of an acute respiratory virus within multi-use facilities, focusing on an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in a movie theater in the Republic of Korea.
Methods This retrospective cohort study involved a descriptive analysis of 48 confirmed cases. Logistic regression was applied to a cohort of 80 theater attendees to identify risk factors for infection. The infection source and transmission route were determined through gene sequencing data analysis.
Results Of the 48 confirmed cases, 35 were theater attendees (72.9%), 10 were family members of attendees (20.8%), 2 were friends (4.2%), and 1 was an employee (2.1%). Among the 80 individuals who attended the 3rd to 5th screenings of the day, 35 became infected, representing a 43.8% attack rate. Specifically, 28 of the 33 third-screening attendees developed confirmed SARS-CoV-2, constituting an 84.8% attack rate. Furthermore, 11 of the 12 cases epidemiologically linked to the theater outbreak were clustered monophyletically within the AY.69 lineage. At the time of the screening, 35 individuals (72.9%) had received 2 vaccine doses. However, vaccination status did not significantly influence infection risk. Multivariate analysis revealed that close contacts had a 15.9-fold higher risk of infection (95% confidence interval, 4.37–78.39) than casual contacts.
Conclusion SARS-CoV-2 transmission occurred within the theater, and extended into the community, via a moviegoer who attended the 3rd screening during the viral incubation period after contracting the virus from a family member. This study emphasizes the importance of adequate ventilation in theaters.
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liesmyteachertoldme · 10 months
In an October 2023 lecture, David E. Martin, Ph.D., detailed how we can know that SARS-CoV-2 is a manmade bioweapon that has been in the works for 58 years
The virus called “coronavirus” was first described in 1965. Two years later, the U.S. and U.K. launched an exchange program where healthy British military personnel were infected with coronavirus pathogens from the U.S. as part of the U.S. biological weapons program
In 1992, Ralph Baric at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, took a pathogen that used to infect the gut and lungs and altered it with a chimera to make it infect the heart, causing cardiomyopathy. This research was part of the efforts to produce an HIV vaccine
In November 2000, Pfizer patented its first spike protein vaccine. Between 2000 and 2019, vaccine trials using this technology proved it was lethal, yet in the summer of 2020, the clinical trials for the SARS-CoV-2 shots went straight into human trials
mRNA spike protein was publicly described as a bioweapon 18 years ago. In 2005, at a conference hosted by DARPA and The Mitre Corporation, the mRNA spike protein was hailed as a “biological warfare-enabling technology,” i.e., a biological warfare agent
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Hi! I’m back. I wasn’t gone very long but that’s okay. So there is good news and bad news and worse news. The good news is that my Nurse Practitioner has agreed to the diazepam as a rescue medication for my anxiety. She also ordered an every day medication that should help bring my anxiety down to a manageable level and help with my horrible, horrible nightmares. I’m very grateful and excited to see how this goes!
The bad news is my mom is still sick and they’re worried about her heart. They believe she has broken heart syndrome from the losses in our family due to coronavirus . 21+ people in a four year span is just too much. For anyone. Luckily with counseling and medical management she’s expected to make a recovery!!
Okay for the worse news.
My landlord is being absolute garbage. They know we are both unwell, however they invited themselves and the potential buyer over TONIGHT. When I protested they said that the other option is to have the showing on Friday…after the buyer has thrown a party of over 50 people. People who are of dubious vaccination status. So break the law and show them my dirty house and risk punishment from the landlord or risk bringing Covid into my home.
So this is where we’re re at. Sometimes you have to take a minute and take care of yourself. That’s what I’m trying REALLY hard to do.
Thank you for your patience and understanding while this sorts itself out and HOPEFULLY we’ll get back to our regularly scheduled broadcast soon lol
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Happy Wear-Your-Mask-WThursday‼️😷🥳
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ukftm · 1 year
I recently changed my NHS number and the GP has transferred all my medical records except my Covid vaccine information. They said that they couldn't repopulate my new record because the Covid information is entered through a different system. I was wondering if anyone else has encountered this issue and if it has been resolved?
Hi Anon,
There really should not be any issue updating any NHS system.
According to my research (gov.uk) your GP is the person that should update your details on your COVID certificate. So you may want to tell your GP what the government website says about it being your GP that updates this for you.
The NHS, especially GP surgeries are very good at placing responsibility on others, when they don’t know the answer. Too often admins in GP surgery’s make statements that have no reason behind them other than they just don’t know. So instead of being honest and just simply saying they need to go and find out before giving you incorrect information, they’ll say things like this instead. It’s important to know that your GP is the central person to your care on the NHS and they are responsible for your NHS records being accurate, matching across departments and being up to date.
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Lula government to lift secrecy on Bolsonaro vaccination records
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Brazil’s Federal Comptroller General’s Office on Monday ruled to release Jair Bolsonaro’s Covid vaccination status — which had been kept confidential by the previous administration.
In January 2021, the government slapped a 100-year secrecy seal on the then-president’s immunization records, claiming the information contained sensitive private data belonging to Mr. Bolsonaro. The comptroller’s office says the information is of public interest due to its “influence on the Brazilian state’s immunization policies.”
Almost a month ago, Comptroller General Vinícius de Carvalho told CNN Brasil that his office has records indicating that former President Jair Bolsonaro received a dose of the Janssen coronavirus vaccine on July 19, 2021. 
However, the Federal Comptroller General’s Office is investigating whether the record is authentic or if it has been tampered with. Mr. Carvalho informed the cable news station that an investigation into the authenticity of the vaccination record was opened on December 30.
Continue reading.
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americanmysticom · 1 year
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Covid-19 was an act of biological warfare perpetrated on the human race
This is the most important video you will watch this year.
Millions were killed with Covid-19 for profit. “Covid-19 was an act of biological warfare perpetrated on the human race. It was a financial heist. Nature was hijacked. Science was hijacked.”
Kim Dotcom@kimdotcomowns
View on CloudDrive; https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZ4UVEVZx8LnaTJeI5F6iX10KPiTOhsIyJIV
[Nuremberg never saw these numbers. Where is Nuremberg today?]
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bills-bible-basics · 1 year
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The Covid-19 Magnet Microchip Rumor: Fact or Fiction? My friends, as we all know, right now there is a lot of chatter — including a lot of different conspiracy theories — on the social networks regarding COVID-19 and the vaccines. I myself have written a considerable amount of COVID-19 related material over the past seventeen months. But if we are honest with ourselves, we will recognize that a lot of it comes from people just like you and me. That is, from people who, honestly speaking, are the least qualified to be making any kind of official statements. Yes, we watch a lot of YouTube videos, visit Wikipedia, read a lot of newspaper articles, do research on a lot of medical and scientific websites, etc., and then we form our personal opinions, based on what we have watched and read. But you know what? That still doesn’t mean that we are right, that we fully understand things, or that we even really know the truth, because there is a lot of intentional deception out there, and a lot of personal agendas, all of which is seeking to influence our minds, shape our world view, and control our very actions. One popular Internet rumor at the moment is that the COVID-19 vaccines contain metallic/ magnetic nanoparticles which are causing regular magnets — such as refrigerator magnets — to stick to a vaccine recipient’s skin at the injection site. As if that is not enough, some people even go so far as to claim that the vaccines contain a minute microchip, which is resulting in the alleged reaction with the magnet. Let me quickly address that last topic first. My friends, in a word, I find the possibility of a microchip — or even nanobots — so minute that it/they can even flow in our bloodstream — or through serum in a syringe — quite ludicrous. In my view, such thinking currently belongs in the realm of science fiction movies. I am relatively certain that such technology simply does NOT exist at the moment. We have not yet advanced that far with our technology, no matter what anyone tries to tell you. Perhaps in a few more decades we will reach the point where we have microchips that small, and nanobots which can flow in our bloodstreams, delivering medications, and making repairs to our bodies. However, for now, as far as I know, scientists have only been able to create very simple spring-like mechanisms using carbon nanotubes and such. There are currently no mechanical nanobots flowing in anyone’s bloodstream, and there is no microchip small enough to pass through a syringe. Period. Now, regarding the magnets and metallic particles rumor, my friends, based on two of my previous Bill’s Bible Basics Blog posts, which you will find here . . . Vaccine Magnet Test is a Hoax - Part 1 https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/covid-19-vaccine-magnet-test-is-a-hoax-part-1/ Vaccine Magnet Test is a Hoax - Part 2 https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/covid-19-vaccine-magnet-test-is-a-hoax-part-2/ . . . I can only conclude that if magnets are really sticking to people’s skin at vaccine injection sites — which I still seriously doubt — then it must be for some other possibly medical reason. Either that, or they are simply well-crafted hoaxes. And before you even ask, I am sorry, but watching a YouTube video won’t convince me otherwise, because videos can easily hide things, and can be easily manipulated as well, to make you see things that are really not there, or which are really not happening. Now, having stated all of the above, I have read information regarding a compound called graphene oxide which is currently being studied as a possible delivery system for medications — such as vaccines — in the future. Currently, graphene oxide has a number of industrial uses. You can learn more about it by reading articles such as this one: https://health-desk.org/articles/how-do-we-know-graphene-oxide-isn-t-used-in-covid-19-mrna-vaccines However, as that, and many other articles state, and as the vaccine
manufacturers likewise insist, there is currently no graphene oxide in any of the COVID-19 vaccines. Now, whether or not we should believe what they are saying is a good question. I can’t answer that for you. In fact, I can’t even answer it for myself, because I don’t have that kind of education, background or experience. Let me also mention that graphene oxide in itself is NOT metallic, and thus not magnetic. It is actually carbon based, just like carbon nanotubes, if you know anything about current developments in nanotechnology. However, while graphene oxide can be bound to magnetic nanoparticles for a variety of applications, as I said, the vaccine manufacturers — and other sources — claim that the COVID-19 vaccines do NOT currently contain graphene oxide. To reiterate one of the points I made in my two previous BBB Blog posts, while I am not a scientist or a medical professional, simple logic tells me that even if the vaccines did contain metallic/magnetic nanoparticles, it would not be of a sufficient amount to cause a magnet to react in the manner in which some people are describing. After all, you can only fit so much serum in a syringe, and most of it is liquid, and not solid particles. Can I conclusively prove this point? Definitely not. So, it is really up to you to decide what you want to believe. https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/the-covid-19-magnet-microchip-rumor-fact-or-fiction/?feed_id=61836&_unique_id=6456cee49626c&The%20Covid-19%20Magnet%20Microchip%20Rumor%3A%20Fact%20or%20Fiction%3F
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aliceontherun · 2 years
Is social media useful in spreading information on Covid-19 in Malaysia
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Many people resorted to social media for information and direction in the aftermath of coronavirus illness (COVID-19). This conduct has both positive and bad characteristics. These vary from the propagation of disinformation to social media's important function in the distribution of factual information and mental health education.
Is there an upside?
The ease of access to information is a significant benefit of social media and other digital platforms. This ease of access provides several opportunities for education. Such dissemination of critical information can aid in mitigating the pandemic's mental health implications. Smartphones, tablets, and other electrical devices are easily accessible in the case of a health crisis, and many individuals are now more inclined to resort to newsfeeds on social media platforms than to more conventional sources of media.
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Furthermore, the outbreak has made everyone more concerned about health and hygiene. Wear a mask while going out, avoid crowds, social distancing, use public chopsticks and spoons, wash your hands often when returning home, and pay attention to disinfection…These initially stringent epidemic prevention and control measures are gradually becoming the conscious behaviour and everyday routines of an increasing number of individuals.
What are the downsides?
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People utilise social media and other digital channels to stay informed and connected. However, the propagation of disinformation on social media and other digital platforms is seen as a public health danger on par with the virus itself. Inaccurate information has harmed the worldwide response to the epidemic, weakening public trust and hurting attempts to halt its spread.
Gloomy statements regarding COVID-19 and its accompanying mortality are common in social media newsfeeds, heightening the risk of mental illness. It is normal for people to turn to social media during stressful times. Users, for example, might briefly escape from bad feelings when using platforms such as Facebook, and any good elements linked with social media use are related with addictive behaviours.
Is social media useful in spreading information on Covid-19 in Malaysia
From my own experience, I think it is useful. During the pandemic, I frequently checked Facebook for the daily number of confirmed cases, vaccinations and covid information. I rarely encounter fake news since I always seek reliable data from official websites or authorised media. All I heard were traditional cures passed down from my parents, uncles, and aunts. There is one in particular that I find obscene. To avoid covid, cut the garlic and marinate it in vinegar, then take a deep breath. People also claim that vitamin and mineral supplements will treat COVID-19, which I don't believe can cure, although I did take a lot of vitamins during that time since I believe vitamins may encourage excellent nutritional status.
Fact: Vitamin and mineral supplements cannot cure COVID-19
Micronutrients such as vitamin D and C and zinc are essential to the good functioning of the immune system and play a key role in promoting health and good nutrition. At present, there is no guidance on the use of micronutrient supplements to treat COVID-19.
WHO is coordinating efforts to develop and evaluate COVID-19 treatment drugs.
Fact: 5G mobile network will not spread COVID-19
Viruses cannot be transmitted through radio/mobile networks. COVID-19 is spreading in many countries that do not yet have 5G mobile networks.
Infected people spread COVID-19 through respiratory droplets splashed while coughing, sneezing or talking. People may also be infected after touching their eyes, mouths or nose after touching the surface of contaminated objects.
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Williams, N 2022, What Role has Social Media Played in COVID-19?, News-Medical, viewed on 12 November 2022,
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covid-safer-hotties · 24 days
False divisions and dubious equivalencies Children’s rights during the COVID-19 pandemic - Published June 18, 2024
Introduction In January 2022, nearly two years after the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), millions of students, educators, and parents around the world, including in the United States (US) protested that no student should have to risk their health for education (Pinsker 2022) However, many Western governments—led by Sweden, the United Kingdom (UK), and the US—have chosen to ignore calls for public health and safety. As Sweden adopted the least protective approach to community transmission, contrarian physicians in the US and UK advanced the anomalous Swedish example for in-person schooling without mitigations, particularly as soon as pediatric COVID-19 vaccines were in sight. Despite proving false for previously-vaccinated age groups, the most controversial and oft-mistaken contrarians—inexpert in social or behavioral sciences—claimed that ending school masking requirements would incentivize parents to vaccinate younger children, whose vaccine uptake never reached adequate levels despite the implementation of this advice (MSNBC 2022). Public admissions of such mistakes have never led to correcting the policies based on them. Instead, the lack of health and safety in schools resulting from zero-mitigation policies continues to cause great physical and psychosocial harms to children and families.
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic—the worst global health crisis in over a century—at least 10.5 million children in the world have lost a parent or caregiver to COVID-19, tens of thousands of children have died, and millions have suffered disability (Bellandi 2022; UNICEF 2022). The pathway of SARS 2 infection is through the respiratory system, but COVID-19 (or COVID) is a multisystemic, vascular, and neurotropic disease with immunological effects that often renders survivors vulnerable to other infections and morbidities (Smadja et al. 2021; Temgoua et al. 2020; Zhou et al. 2020). Although the vast majority of those infected live past the initial, acute phase of infection, survivors of COVID-19 are at substantial and cumulative risk for Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC), also known as Long COVID, regardless of age, vaccination, or health status (Iacurci 2022).
Life expectancy has fallen in four out of five OECD nations during the pandemic, and dramatically in the US, reversing decades-long gains (British Medical Journal 2022). Long COVID is a chronic manifestation of COVID-19 after the acute phase of infection with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, or SARS 2), with prolonged effects and substantial global prevalence (Chen et al. 2022). Each COVID infection carries between a one-in-five and a one-in-eight chance of progressing to Long COVID within about a month or more of infection, with recent studies reporting as high as nearly one-in-two prevalence (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2022d; Van Beusekom 2022). Long COVID commonly causes chronic fatigue, neurological damage, psychological disorders, memory impairment, confusion, and numerous other serious and lasting sequelae in healthy people across age groups, such as blood clots, heart attacks, and a three-fold increased risk of death within a year of a non-severe infection (Al-Aly, Bowe, and Xie 2022; Salari et al. 2022; Uusküla et al. 2022; Xu, Xie, and Al-Aly 2022). Long COVID experts admonish against current policies of mass infection, asserting the need to create awareness of this “urgent problem with a mounting human toll” (Ballering et al. 2022; Kikkenborg Berg et al. 2022; Lopez-Leon et al. 2022).
Princeton historian Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor describes the US toll of death and disability as “surreal,” which official estimates undercount (Taylor 2022). More than one million Americans died in fewer than two-and-a-half years, exceeding four thousand deaths per day several times (Taylor 2022). More than 7 percent of the US population (twenty-three million people) suffer from disabling Long COVID, causing more than half a million Americans to become unemployed (Iacurci 2022; British Medical Journal 2022). While comprising only 4 percent of the global population, the US has the highest COVID-19 death toll in the world, has fared worse than peer countries, and has accounted for approximately one-quarter of global COVID infections and one-sixth of deaths (Bennett and Cuevas 2022; World Health Organization 2022b).
COVID-19 is the leading infectious cause of death in US children, and among the top five causes of pediatric death overall, even after vaccination (White House 2022a). US COVID mortality has exceeded four decades of AIDS mortality (Thrasher 2022, 9–10). However, in the third year of the pandemic, 4,100 COVID deaths per week—more than a weekly September 11 mass casualty event—has been treated as unremarkable by US media and politicians (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2022a; British Medical Journal 2022). Public health scientists, physicians, economists, and other experts representing the consensus view of the pandemic warn that “Leaders and policymakers must not accept or normalise our dangerous current status quo,” including through minimization of hazards, which lead to widespread dissemination of false beliefs (British Medical Journal 2022). Yet, leading the way, after Sweden and the UK, the US government has ended effective COVID public health mitigations, despite ongoing and escalating need for public safety measures. Other nations, such as New Zealand and Singapore, loosened otherwise stringent national safety protocols only after achieving significantly lower per-capita death rates and making considerable public health investments to secure their populations during upcoming surges (British Medical Journal 2022).
In the US and UK, poverty, gender, and race are the strongest determinants of disease burden, encompassing public-facing workers in health, service, and retail sectors (Sustainable Development Solutions 2022; Taylor 2022). Those with fewest resources carry the greatest burdens. COVID fatality rates, and therefore COVID health concerns, are consistently far higher among Black, Latinx, and other US racial minority groups (Pew Research 2021b). Counties experiencing the highest death rates are those with average poverty rates of 45 percent (Taylor 2022).
Nations that consistently implement public health measures and/or have better infrastructure for health, safety, and education see more equitable outcomes across various socio-economic metrics. The zero COVID policies of New Zealand, Australia, China, and Pacific Island nations experienced relatively rare mortality and low morbidity overall in proportion to their populations than laissez-faire nations, translating to roughly eight to ten times lower case fatality rates (Our World in Data 2020–2022; World Health Organization 2022a). Nations in which mitigations are normalized, such as the Republic of Korea and Japan, have experienced remarkably lower mortality and morbidity (Our World in Data 2020–2022). Cuba took the approach of closing in-person schools indefinitely and used the widely accessible medium of state television to broadcast national curricula during school days so that schoolchildren could continue engaging educational material from home or settings outside of school (Goodman 2021a). Cuban leadership explained that they based this decision on epidemiological and experiential understanding that viruses transmit most efficiently among children in school settings, and as a result, focused on developing a COVID vaccine for children first.
Depending on the state and timing, US pandemic response has fallen along a continuum ranging from aiming to eradicate or contain the virus (most protective) to laissez-faire (least protective), the latter of which became the dominant national approach (Bai et al. 2022; Gretchen 2020; Long et al. 2022; Normile 2021; Yang et al. 2022). Laissez-faire refers to minimal regulations in the public interest by the state, and prioritization of “free market” activity and individual “choice” (Scott and Marshall 2009, 405). Laissez-faire nations deprioritized children’s vaccination, focusing instead on protecting the elderly, who, in the US, enjoy far greater wealth, political power, and governmental spending and benefits than children (Corsaro 2015, 308–314).
Research on children’s rights during the pandemic inadequately addresses the ways children’s rights to life, health, and safety have been falsely rendered oppositional to education and child development under the guise of championing children, uncritically accepting dominant narratives underwriting laissez-faire policies (e.g., Adami and Dineen 2021). This chapter reviews scientific studies, news articles, surveys, and statistical data involving experts and policymakers, and finds that the dominant narrative of school reopenings manufactured a “debate” that created false divisions and dubious equivalencies between different sets of children’s rights. Despite scientific and international-legal consensus on children’s rights to life, health, and safety as fundamental, the protection of these rights during the pandemic was rendered adversarial to child development, psychosocial well-being, and children’s economic, educational, and social welfare rights. Dominant discourse also ignored socio-economic disparities or leveraged them in ways to promote in-person schooling without mitigations.
How and why this occurred is analyzed from an intersectional perspective, meaning that inequities and injustices resulting from harmful policies are understood as having systemic and historical roots along the lines of race, class, gender, and generational disparities, which are reproduced in and through law, politics, and policy (Crenshaw 1998). An intersectional approach shows that violations of children’s rights to life, health, and safety are occurring through the exploitation and reinforcement of longstanding structural inequities, while creating new ones. Laissez-faire policy regarding childhood education has been driven by politics and power, against scientific consensus and public opinion. Coordinated inauthentic actions, disinformation campaigns, and political violence are considered within the scope of politics and power disfiguring public policy in violation of children’s rights.
The adoption of laissez-faire pandemic policies has occurred through at least three primary means, including (1) minimization or denialism and mythologizing regarding the harms of COVID-19 to children and their network effects; (2) a moral panic of pediatric mental health and academic attrition blamed on mitigation measures; and (3) political prioritization of narrow, short-sighted economic aims that insist upon labor and schooling in unsafe spaces despite the availability of effective mitigations. A policy of no policy during a global public health emergency has created a crisis of children’s rights in which life, health, safety, and education are routinely undermined, with poorer socio-economic outcomes. This requires corrective reframing of pandemic policy to combat disinformation, normalize mitigation of communicable disease, and prioritize children’s rights, needs, and perspectives. This chapter aims to expose violations of human rights through laissez-faire pandemic policy within the larger goals of generating critical awareness of their modus operandi and prevention of further systemic harms.
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sataniccapitalist · 2 years
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Peter Halligan
Aug 24, 2024
From here:
The lingering mental health effects of severe COVID-19 (news-medical.net)
“A new study that examined health data on 18 million people reveals a higher incidence of mental illnesses for up to a year following severe COVID-19 in unvaccinated people. Vaccination appeared to mitigate the adverse effects of COVID-19 on mental illnesses.
The University of Bristol-led study, published in JAMA Psychiatry on August 21st, 2024, investigated associations of COVID-19 with mental illnesses according to time since diagnosis and vaccination status.”
Here is a link to the research paper:
COVID-19 and Mental Illnesses in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated People | Coronavirus (COVID-19) | JAMA Psychiatry | JAMA Network
“Findings  In this cohort study, depression, serious mental illness, general anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, addiction, self-harm, and suicide were elevated during weeks 1 through 4 after COVID-19 diagnosis compared with before or without COVID-19. Incidence was lower in people who were vaccinated when they had COVID-19 and incidence was higher, and persisted longer, after hospitalization for COVID-19.”
Spa, it’s a study o mental health, not mental disease or injury.
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mediamonarchy · 1 month
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