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Coronavirus: Where is Your Common Sense? https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-where-is-your-common-sense/ Yes, folks, here I go again. I don't know what is going on, but this pandemic is really affecting some of my Christian brethren in a very strange way. I have seen so many posts and comments in my news feed, and on different Facebook pages in recent weeks, where instead of pointing their readers and visitors to God's Word to find the answers, some of these brethren -- quite a few of them, in fact -- are spouting off nonsensical conspiracy theories regarding 5G, Bill Gates, George Soros, the NWO and the Globalists, Agenda 21 and global depopulation, and other ridiculous stuff for which they can offer absolutely no solid proof. Of course, in their foolishness and delusion, they consider YouTube videos and information that they find on questionable conspiracy theory websites to be valid proof. SMH. If that is not enough, they are instilling fear in people with talk of martial law coming any day now, forced vaccinations with a microchip secretly embedded in it, and other fringe ideas. I find it all quite ridiculous, and sad. After all, aren't we supposed to be promoting God's Word? Isn't that why God called us into His Kingdom? That is, to be His emissaries? Isn't the Good News supposed to be found in God's Word? So why then are all of these misguided brethren delving into all of this worldly conspiracy theory nonsense? Is that going to win anyone to Jesus Christ? I seriously doubt it. It will just trap more people in the conspiracy theory net. As I said, it just fills people with fear and paranoia and deceives them. If you are wondering what set me off this time, well, I just saw a post in my news feed where a particular Christian friend -- who I have considered to be a bit strange and "out there" for a while now -- was berating other Christians simply because they are wearing face masks when they go out in public. According to this misguided individual, those of us who wear face masks don't truly believe in Jesus, because if we did, we would trust Him to protect us by not wearing face masks. At least that is what this person claims. To make matters worse, this same person twists the meaning of Roman 12:2, and claims that by wearing face masks, we are conforming to the world, and are full of fear. My gosh. Anyone with even an ounce of understanding and Spiritual Discernment knows that that is NOT what Romans 12:2 is talking about in the least. For those of you who are not familiar with the verse, here it is: "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Romans 12:2, KJV If you really want to know what that verse means, then please consider studying the following four KJV Bible Verse Lists on the Bill's Bible Basics website. Trust me when I say that the true meaning of Romans 12:2 will become very clear to you: "Battle of the Mind" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse217.html "Washed and Renewed Mind" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse071.html "Old Man Versus New Man" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse165.html "Worldliness" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse078.html This same person also made a slight reference to Psalm 91, and mentioned how if we drink poison, God will protect us. They also mentioned twice in their comments how if Jesus were here today, He would most certainly not be wearing a face mask. Well, yeah. I mean, after all, He IS the Son of God. In other words, in this person's mind, we should have the same level of faith as Jesus Christ. Yes, that would be nice. But quite frankly, I don't have that degree of faith. Do you? Can you move mountains or raise people from the dead? Can you even perform a simple miracle of healing? I can't.
So, no, I don't have faith like Jesus, and I am not afraid to admit it. So I will wear a face mask. I must tell you; I was floored by what I read. This person was basically condemning other Christians who don't have the same degree of faith as they supposedly have. I just couldn't believe that someone would be advising other Christians to not wear face masks when they go out. In recent weeks I have likewise seen multiple comments where different Christians on Facebook have openly stated that they will defy any curfews, lockdowns and other government-issued guidelines. What is wrong with these people? Well, I knew ahead of time exactly how this person would react, because I have dealt with such people before regarding this pandemic. Sadly, some of them have removed my comments, or unfriended me, or even blocked me completely, when I have tried to set them straight regarding their misguided ideas. At any rate, despite knowing this, I still felt compelled to try to get through to this person. So, I left them the following comment: ----- Begin Quote ----- I'll tell you what. Why don't you drink a bottle of bleach and let me know what happens. I'll be waiting. Seriously. You know full well that you are not going to drink a bottle of bleach, because not only do you not really have the faith for it, but you know that it will kill you. Not conforming to the world does NOT mean not wearing a respirator when people are getting infected by the hundreds of thousands around the world by the coronavirus, and dozens of thousands are dying from it as well. If you don't care about your own life, then please at least think of the others you might infect if you yourself become infected unknowingly. So be smart and wear a mask! That's called loving your neighbor as yourself, and preferring others. If they get sick because of you, is that love? You say we don't truly believe in Jesus because we follow the government's guidelines and take safety precautions? That is just a ridiculous comment to make. What you are telling people is both foolish, stupid and dangerous. Furthermore, the Bible says to NOT tempt the Lord. That is another reason why you should not drink that bottle of bleach. It is also why you should wear a face mask if you have to go out in a heavily infected area. I just can't believe all of the foolish, stupid, dangerous, crazy things some of my brethren are saying, as a result of this pandemic. Where is your common sense, people? ----- End Quote ----- Upon reading my comment, this person said that they were sorry that I was walking in fear -- which is the furthest thing from the truth -- and then they rambled on again about Jesus not wearing a mask, and something about people who fear will "enter fire and brimstone in the second death." Then there was something about "So-called Believers walking around with diapers" and "Christians walking around in diapers." I still have no idea what this person was referring to. Perhaps spiritual immaturity. I am not really certain. To be honest, their comments are rather disjointed, and they don't connect all of their thoughts very well. They concluded by telling me to stop saying that God's Word will not keep them safe, which I never ever said even once. In response, I then told this person the following: ----- Begin Quote ----- I am NOT in fear in the least. However, I DO know how to exercise wisdom and caution, while you obviously do not. Worse yet, you are leading others down your suicidal path with your nonsensical talk. Yes, we need to trust in the Lord, but we also need to give Him some COOPERATION, and exercise a little COMMON SENSE. Let me leave you with a verse for your consideration. It in fact talks about protecting ourselves from harm, lest we suffer the consequences for our foolishness and lack of action: "A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished." Proverbs 22:3, KJV ----- End Quote ----- As I said earlier,
this is not the only person who is making outlandish comments during this pandemic which are potentially harmful and dangerous to others. The following day, another person came along and added their two cents to the discussion. Here is how they responded to the aforementioned person, and then to me as well. To protect the privacy of the original poster mentioned above, I have replaced their name: ----- Begin Quote ----- You need to stay in center of road on this. Christians who are carnal and not filled to overflowing with Holy Spirit need to protect themselves with masks. Christians filled with the Holy Spirit don't need masks . . . Would Jesus need to wear a mask? Would Peter and Paul need one? . . . [This person] is partially right and partially wrong. They assume all Christians are walking in that high place in God and filled to overflowing with God's Spirit. Only a small remnant walk in that power and anointing which Peter walked in where even his shadow brought healing to people who came near. However, [they] should not tell average carnal Christians not to protect themselves against Covid-19." ----- End Quote ----- Can you believe it? So according to this person, any Christian who gets the coronavirus must be a carnal Christian who lacks faith. Well, sorry, but personally, I am no Jesus, Peter or Paul. Are you? So friends, that is just another example of the nonsense I have seen coming from my Christian brethren since this whole COVID-19 pandemic began. I am tired of seeing all of this conspiracy theory talk coming from my brethren. I am tired of seeing all of the defiance they are exhibiting. And I am also tired of the bad advice they are giving to others. Sadly, short of snoozing their comments, or unfriending them, there isn't much else that I can to in order to stop seeing their ridiculous posts in my news feed. For those of you who may have possibly missed some of my previous coronavirus-related writings, following is a list of everything I have written to date regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. I believe that you will find a lot of useful, factual, instructive and Scriptural information in this material. Please feel free to share this list on your own timelines, pages, in your Facebook groups, and on any other social networks where you happen to participate. Thank you so very much, and God bless you! Bill's Bible Basics Coronavirus Information Center: Bill's Bible Basics Coronavirus Information Center Bill's Bible Basics Articles: BBB Article: "Coronavirus: Just the Facts, Ma'am": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/coronavirus-1.html BBB Article: "COVID-19, Financial Assistance and Christian Love": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/covid-19-financial-assistance-christian-love-1.html BBB Article: "Coronavirus: Defiant Christians, Stay Home!": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/coronavirus-defiant-christians-stay-home-1.html BBB Article: "COVID-19: Exposure Logging and Contact Tracing: Is It Safe?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/COVID-19-ExposureLogging-ContactTracing-1.html Bill's Bible Basics Blog Posts: BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Latest Statistics - Bill's Bible Basics Blog": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-latest-statistics-bills-bible-basics-blog/ BBB Blog Post: "Stop Joking About the Coronavirus": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/stop-joking-about-the-coronavirus/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: God Will Silence the Fools": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-god-will-silence-the-fools/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Be Still and Know That I Am God": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-be-still-and-know-that-i-am-god/ BBB Blog Post: "Is COVID-19 the New Normal? : Don't Freak Out! Trust the Lord!": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/is-covid-19-the-new-normal-dont-freak-out-trust-the-lord/ BBB Blog Post: "Helpful Tips Regarding Using Face Masks and Respirators": https://www.
billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/helpful-tips-regarding-using-face-masks-and-respirators/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Why Do You Condemn Your Brethren?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-coronavirus-why-do-you-condemn-your-brethren/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Are You Distracted?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-are-you-distracted/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Wake Up, Already!": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-wake-up-already/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: 40 Bible Verse Lists Regarding God's Love, Patience, Wrath, Judgments and Repentance": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-40-bible-verse-lists-regarding-gods-love-patience-wrath-judgments-and-repentance/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Where is Your Common Sense?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-where-is-your-common-sense/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: More Useful Information": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-more-useful-information/ BBB Blog Post: "The Doctor Anthony Fauci Debate: My View": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/the-doctor-anthony-fauci-debate-my-view/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: How to Respond to the Pandemic": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-how-to-respond-to-the-pandemic/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Face Masks or Bandanas?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-face-masks-or-bandanas/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus and Beards and Mustaches": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-and-beards-and-mustaches/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Do You Need A Psychiatric Evaluation?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-do-you-need-a-psychiatric-evaluation/ BBB Blog Post: "COVID-19: Attention iOS Users! This May Be of Interest to You if You Use the "Maps" App!": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/covid-19-attention-ios-users-this-may-be-of-interest-to-you-if-you-use-the-maps-app/ BBB Blog Post: "Apple iOS 13.7 Introduces COVID-19 Exposure Notifications With No Need For 3rd Party App": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/apple-ios-13-7-introduces-covid-19-exposure-notifications-with-no-need-for-3rd-party-app/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Are Vaccine Passports Inevitable?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-are-vaccine-passports-inevitable/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Don't Be So Harsh!": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-coronavirus-dont-be-so-harsh/ Bill's Bible Basics Poetry: BBB Poem: "Coronavirus Kooks": https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/coronavirus-kooks.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-where-is-your-common-sense/?feed_id=71693&_unique_id=646bccb2aed31&Coronavirus%3A%20Where%20is%20Your%20Common%20Sense%3F
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COVID-19, FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AND CHRISTIAN LOVE -- a Bill's Bible Basics Article #Christian #BibleStudy #Jesus This Bill’s Bible Basics article by Bill Kochman can be read at: https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/covid-19-financial-assistance-christian-love-1.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/covid-19-financial-assistance-and-christian-love-a-bills-bible-basics-article/?COVID-19%2C%20FINANCIAL%20ASSISTANCE%20AND%20CHRISTIAN%20LOVE%20--%20a%20Bill%27s%20Bible%20Basics%20Article
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CORONAVIRUS: JUST THE FACTS, MA'AM -- a Bill's Bible Basics Article #Christian #BibleStudy #Jesus This Bill’s Bible Basics article by Bill Kochman can be read at: https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/coronavirus-1.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-just-the-facts-maam-a-bills-bible-basics-article/?CORONAVIRUS%3A%20JUST%20THE%20FACTS%2C%20MA%27AM%20--%20a%20Bill%27s%20Bible%20Basics%20Article
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COVID-19, FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AND CHRISTIAN LOVE -- a Bill's Bible Basics Article #Christian #BibleStudy #Jesus This Bill’s Bible Basics article by Bill Kochman can be read at: https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/covid-19-financial-assistance-christian-love-1.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/covid-19-financial-assistance-and-christian-love-a-bills-bible-basics-article/?COVID-19%2C%20FINANCIAL%20ASSISTANCE%20AND%20CHRISTIAN%20LOVE%20--%20a%20Bill%27s%20Bible%20Basics%20Article
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COVID-19: EXPOSURE LOGGING AND CONTACT TRACING: IS IT SAFE? -- a Bill's Bible Basics Article #Christian #BibleStudy #Jesus This Bill’s Bible Basics article by Bill Kochman can be read at: https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/COVID-19-ExposureLogging-ContactTracing-1.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/covid-19-exposure-logging-and-contact-tracing-is-it-safe-a-bills-bible-basics-article/?COVID-19%3A%20EXPOSURE%20LOGGING%20AND%20CONTACT%20TRACING%3A%20IS%20IT%20SAFE%3F%20--%20a%20Bill%27s%20Bible%20Basics%20Article
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CORONAVIRUS: DEFIANT CHRISTIANS, STAY HOME! -- a Bill's Bible Basics Article #Christian #BibleStudy #Jesus This Bill’s Bible Basics article by Bill Kochman can be read at: https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/coronavirus-defiant-christians-stay-home-1.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-defiant-christians-stay-home-a-bills-bible-basics-article/?CORONAVIRUS%3A%20DEFIANT%20CHRISTIANS%2C%20STAY%20HOME%21%20--%20a%20Bill%27s%20Bible%20Basics%20Article
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CORONAVIRUS: DEFIANT CHRISTIANS, STAY HOME! -- a Bill's Bible Basics Article #Christian #BibleStudy #Jesus This #BillsBibleBasics article by #BillKochman can be read at: https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/coronavirus-defiant-christians-stay-home-1.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-defiant-christians-stay-home-a-bills-bible-basics-article/?feed_id=256530&CORONAVIRUS%3A%20DEFIANT%20CHRISTIANS%2C%20STAY%20HOME%21%20--%20a%20Bill%27s%20Bible%20Basics%20Article
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COVID-19, FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AND CHRISTIAN LOVE -- a Bill's Bible Basics Article This #BillsBibleBasics article by #BillKochman can be read at: https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/covid-19-financial-assistance-christian-love-1.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/covid-19-financial-assistance-and-christian-love-a-bills-bible-basics-article/?feed_id=174159&COVID-19%2C%20FINANCIAL%20ASSISTANCE%20AND%20CHRISTIAN%20LOVE%20--%20a%20Bill%27s%20Bible%20Basics%20Article
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COVID-19, FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AND CHRISTIAN LOVE -- a Bill's Bible Basics Article This #BillsBibleBasics article by #BillKochman can be read at: https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/covid-19-financial-assistance-christian-love-1.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/covid-19-financial-assistance-and-christian-love-a-bills-bible-basics-article/?feed_id=168027&COVID-19%2C%20FINANCIAL%20ASSISTANCE%20AND%20CHRISTIAN%20LOVE%20--%20a%20Bill%27s%20Bible%20Basics%20Article
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COVID-19: EXPOSURE LOGGING AND CONTACT TRACING: IS IT SAFE? -- a Bill's Bible Basics Article This #BillsBibleBasics article by #BillKochman can be read at: https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/COVID-19-ExposureLogging-ContactTracing-1.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/covid-19-exposure-logging-and-contact-tracing-is-it-safe-a-bills-bible-basics-article/?feed_id=163791&COVID-19%3A%20EXPOSURE%20LOGGING%20AND%20CONTACT%20TRACING%3A%20IS%20IT%20SAFE%3F%20--%20a%20Bill%27s%20Bible%20Basics%20Article
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COVID-19: EXPOSURE LOGGING AND CONTACT TRACING: IS IT SAFE? -- a Bill's Bible Basics Article This #BillsBibleBasics article by #BillKochman can be read at: https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/COVID-19-ExposureLogging-ContactTracing-1.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/covid-19-exposure-logging-and-contact-tracing-is-it-safe-a-bills-bible-basics-article/?feed_id=131724&COVID-19%3A%20EXPOSURE%20LOGGING%20AND%20CONTACT%20TRACING%3A%20IS%20IT%20SAFE%3F%20--%20a%20Bill%27s%20Bible%20Basics%20Article
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COVID-19, FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AND CHRISTIAN LOVE -- a Bill's Bible Basics Article This #BillsBibleBasics article by #BillKochman can be read online at the following URL: https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/covid-19-financial-assistance-christian-love-1.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/covid-19-financial-assistance-and-christian-love-a-bills-bible-basics-article/?feed_id=103292&_unique_id=6552db125c31a&COVID-19%2C%20FINANCIAL%20ASSISTANCE%20AND%20CHRISTIAN%20LOVE%20--%20a%20Bill%27s%20Bible%20Basics%20Article
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COVID-19, FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AND CHRISTIAN LOVE -- a Bill's Bible Basics Article This #BillsBibleBasics article by #BillKochman can be read online at the following URL: https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/covid-19-financial-assistance-christian-love-1.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/covid-19-financial-assistance-and-christian-love-a-bills-bible-basics-article/?feed_id=96580&_unique_id=6537aadc0c8d4&COVID-19%2C%20FINANCIAL%20ASSISTANCE%20AND%20CHRISTIAN%20LOVE%20--%20a%20Bill%27s%20Bible%20Basics%20Article
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CORONAVIRUS: DEFIANT CHRISTIANS, STAY HOME! -- a Bill's Bible Basics Article This #BillsBibleBasics article by #BillKochman can be read online at the following URL: https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/coronavirus-defiant-christians-stay-home-1.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-defiant-christians-stay-home-a-bills-bible-basics-article/?feed_id=87573&_unique_id=65235fadd6b0e&CORONAVIRUS%3A%20DEFIANT%20CHRISTIANS%2C%20STAY%20HOME%21%20--%20a%20Bill%27s%20Bible%20Basics%20Article
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Coronavirus: Latest Statistics on Bill's Bible Basics Blog https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-latest-statistics-bills-bible-basics-blog/ NOTE: Be advised that due to the ongoing situation regarding the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, this blog post will be updated frequently, as my time permits, until world health officials determine that the virus has peaked, and is on a steady downward trend worldwide. CORONAVIRUS LATEST STATISTICS Last Updated On: Saturday, February 27, 2021 Last Updated At: 01:24 PM ChST (Chamorro Standard Time/GMT+10) Total Countries Infected: 192 Please note that the accuracy of the figures which are shared in this BBB Blog post is based on two things: 1. The honesty and accuracy of the governments and health institutions which are reporting these statistics. 2. The level of testing which is being conducted by each nation which contributes statistics to this list. Having said that, because some nations have been very slow to conduct tests, and/or have a very limited number of test kits in their possession, it is most probable that the figures listed below are far below reality. In short, the more tests each nation conducts, the more accurate these statistics will become over time. However, they will never be completely accurate due to a variety of reasons, which I explain in my series "Coronavirus: Just the Facts, Ma'am", as well as in other BBB Blog posts. Nations With 1000+ Confirmed Cases: Note: To see a complete list, please go to https://www.billkochman.com/covid-19.html Country Confirmed Active Deaths Recovered Total 113,375,335 46,932,969 2,515,896 63,926,470 USA 28,484,429 27,974,106 510,323 None India 11,063,491 155,986 156,825 10,750,680 Brazil 10,455,630 922,787 252,835 9,280,008 Russia 4,175,757 350,799 83,900 3,741,058 United Kingdom 4,175,315 4,041,088 122,648 11,579 France 3,746,707 3,399,320 85,738 261,649 Spain 3,188,553 2,969,035 69,142 150,376 Italy 2,888,923 404,664 97,227 2,387,032 Turkey 2,683,971 98,754 28,432 2,556,785 Germany 2,436,506 126,155 69,750 2,240,601 Colombia 2,244,792 43,400 59,518 2,141,874 Argentina 2,098,728 154,007 51,887 1,892,834 Mexico 2,069,370 265,670 183,692 1,620,008 Poland 1,684,788 235,883 43,353 1,405,552 Iran 1,615,184 175,363 59,899 1,379,922 South Africa 1,510,778 34,577 49,784 1,426,417 Ukraine 1,381,273 148,244 27,146 1,205,883 Indonesia 1,322,866 158,408 35,786 1,128,672 Peru 1,308,722 52,070 45,903 1,210,749 Czechia 1,212,780 137,698 19,999 1,055,083 Netherlands 1,093,899 1,063,943 15,626 14,330 Canada 866,735 30,261 21,915 814,559 Chile 816,929 23,578 20,400 772,951 Portugal 802,773 72,037 16,243 714,493 Romania 795,732 39,479 20,233 736,020 Israel 770,780 39,356 5,697 725,727 Belgium 763,885 741,879 22,006 None Iraq 688,698 45,155 13,365 630,178 Sweden 657,309 644,483 12,826 None Pakistan 577,482 22,285 12,804 542,393 Philippines 571,327 34,498 12,247 524,582 Switzerland 554,932 227,371 9,961 317,600 Bangladesh 545,424 41,531 8,395 495,498 Morocco 482,994 5,999 8,608 468,387 Austria 454,860 19,088 8,515 427,257 Serbia 453,240 448,826 4,414 None Japan 429,860 15,614 7,818 406,428 Hungary 419,182 86,488 14,795 317,899 United Arab Emirates 385,160 6,425 1,198 377,537 Jordan 383,912 35,422 4,650 343,840 Saudi Arabia 376,723 2,549 6,483 367,691 Lebanon 369,692 80,032 4,610 285,050 Panama 339,781 9,125 5,820 324,836 Slovakia 303,420 41,154 6,966 255,300 Malaysia 295,951 27,994 1,111 266,846 Belarus 284,500 7,800 1,957 274,743 Ecuador 282,599 28,069 15,713 238,817 Nepal 273,984 936 2,771 270,277 Georgia 270,137 2,605 3,485 264,047 Kazakhstan 260,384 20,470 3,160 236,754 Bolivia 246,822 44,164 11,577 191,081 Bulgaria 245,627 32,005 10,128 203,494 Croatia 242,097 3,046 5,503 233,548 Dominican Republic 238,205 45,960 3,082 189,163 Azerbaijan 233,989 2,297 3,213 228,479 Tunisia 231,964 27,077 7,942 196,945 Ireland 218,251 190,587 4,300 23,364 Denmark 210,900
6,328 2,354 202,218 Costa Rica 204,341 24,442 2,800 177,099 Lithuania 196,690 11,202 3,225 182,263 Kuwait 189,046 10,841 1,072 177,133 Slovenia 188,676 12,948 3,823 171,905 Greece 188,201 87,998 6,439 93,764 Moldova 183,338 14,551 3,899 164,888 Egypt 181,241 30,724 10,590 139,927 West Bank and Gaza 180,848 13,624 2,019 165,205 Guatemala 173,814 6,890 6,348 160,576 Armenia 171,510 5,162 3,183 163,165 Honduras 168,243 98,719 4,099 65,425 Qatar 162,737 9,673 257 152,807 Paraguay 157,603 22,990 3,152 131,461 Ethiopia 157,047 20,146 2,340 134,561 Nigeria 155,076 20,630 1,902 132,544 Burma 141,875 7,242 3,198 131,435 Oman 140,588 7,342 1,562 131,684 Venezuela 138,295 6,578 1,338 130,379 Libya 132,458 10,792 2,174 119,492 Bosnia and Herzegovina 130,979 10,061 5,071 115,847 Bahrain 121,127 6,886 442 113,799 Algeria 112,805 31,986 2,977 77,842 Kenya 105,467 17,093 1,853 86,521 Albania 105,229 35,466 1,756 68,007 North Macedonia 101,762 7,748 3,119 90,895 China 100,885 490 4,834 95,561 Korea, South 89,321 7,393 1,595 80,333 Kyrgyzstan 86,142 1,618 1,463 83,061 Latvia 84,983 9,304 1,601 74,078 Ghana 82,586 5,419 594 76,573 Sri Lanka 82,430 4,346 459 77,625 Uzbekistan 79,804 849 622 78,333 Zambia 77,639 3,938 1,066 72,635 Montenegro 74,789 8,544 994 65,251 Norway 70,564 51,944 622 17,998 Kosovo 68,451 7,419 1,592 59,440 Estonia 62,830 13,764 575 48,491 Singapore 59,913 81 29 59,803 El Salvador 59,866 2,713 1,841 55,312 Mozambique 58,218 17,799 613 39,806 Uruguay 56,542 6,929 601 49,012 Finland 56,407 15,665 742 40,000 Afghanistan 55,696 3,969 2,442 49,285 Luxembourg 55,110 2,986 637 51,487 Cuba 48,441 4,392 314 43,735 Uganda 40,322 25,372 334 14,616 Namibia 38,424 2,012 418 35,994 Zimbabwe 36,044 2,042 1,463 32,539 Cameroon 35,714 2,569 551 32,594 Cyprus 34,181 31,893 231 2,057 Senegal 34,031 4,797 857 28,377 Cote d'Ivoire 32,478 857 190 31,431 Malawi 31,675 12,455 1,037 18,183 Sudan 30,284 5,543 1,878 22,863 Australia 28,965 5,154 909 22,902 Botswana 28,371 4,817 310 23,244 Thailand 25,809 774 83 24,952 Congo (Kinshasa) 25,691 6,698 707 18,286 Jamaica 22,471 8,827 413 13,231 Malta 21,982 2,582 313 19,087 Angola 20,759 948 504 19,307 Madagascar 19,831 238 297 19,296 Maldives 19,479 2,417 60 17,002 Rwanda 18,689 1,129 258 17,302 Mauritania 17,187 214 439 16,534 Eswatini 16,972 2,081 650 14,241 Guinea 15,894 926 89 14,879 Syria 15,467 4,812 1,018 9,637 Cabo Verde 15,253 353 146 14,754 Gabon 14,564 1,338 83 13,143 Tajikistan 13,308 0 90 13,218 Haiti 12,352 2,426 247 9,679 Belize 12,293 142 315 11,836 Burkina Faso 11,939 393 142 11,404 Andorra 10,822 318 110 10,394 Lesotho 10,491 6,454 292 3,745 Suriname 8,913 352 170 8,391 Congo (Brazzaville) 8,820 1,673 128 7,019 Bahamas 8,519 1,031 179 7,309 Guyana 8,513 373 195 7,945 Mali 8,358 1,653 350 6,355 Trinidad and Tobago 7,704 120 139 7,445 South Sudan 7,597 3,400 90 4,107 Togo 6,730 1,126 82 5,522 Somalia 6,687 2,680 223 3,784 Nicaragua 6,445 2,047 173 4,225 Djibouti 6,062 105 63 5,894 Iceland 6,049 14 29 6,006 Equatorial Guinea 5,957 261 91 5,605 Benin 5,434 1,116 70 4,248 Central African Republic 5,004 21 63 4,920 Niger 4,740 318 172 4,250 Gambia 4,691 454 148 4,089 Chad 3,957 369 138 3,450 Sierra Leone 3,884 1,193 79 2,612 San Marino 3,671 374 73 3,224 Comoros 3,558 159 144 3,255 Saint Lucia 3,356 409 35 2,912 Guinea-Bissau 3,241 596 48 2,597 Barbados 2,994 691 33 2,270 Eritrea 2,847 587 7 2,253 Mongolia 2,831 679 2 2,150 Seychelles 2,592 318 11 2,263 Liechtenstein 2,564 26 54 2,484 Vietnam 2,426 552 35 1,839 New Zealand 2,372 66 26 2,280 Yemen 2,267 206 627 1,434 Burundi 2,143 1,367 3 773 Liberia 2,010 41 85 1,884 Monaco 1,942 227 23 1,692 Sao Tome and Principe 1,745 381 28 1,336 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1,519 665 6 848 Papua New Guinea 1,228 370 12 846 For those of you who may have possibly missed some of my previous coronavirus-related writings, following is a list of everything I have written to date regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
I believe that you will find a lot of useful, factual, instructive and Scriptural information in this material. Please feel free to share this list on your own timelines, pages, in your Facebook groups, and on any other social networks where you happen to participate. Thank you so very much, and God bless you! Bill's Bible Basics Coronavirus Information Center: Bill's Bible Basics Coronavirus Information Center Bill's Bible Basics Articles: BBB Article: "Coronavirus: Just the Facts, Ma'am": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/coronavirus-1.html BBB Article: "COVID-19, Financial Assistance and Christian Love": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/covid-19-financial-assistance-christian-love-1.html BBB Article: "Coronavirus: Defiant Christians, Stay Home!": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/coronavirus-defiant-christians-stay-home-1.html BBB Article: "COVID-19: Exposure Logging and Contact Tracing: Is It Safe?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/COVID-19-ExposureLogging-ContactTracing-1.html Bill's Bible Basics Blog Posts: BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Latest Statistics - Bill's Bible Basics Blog": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-latest-statistics-bills-bible-basics-blog/ BBB Blog Post: "Stop Joking About the Coronavirus": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/stop-joking-about-the-coronavirus/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: God Will Silence the Fools": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-god-will-silence-the-fools/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Be Still and Know That I Am God": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-be-still-and-know-that-i-am-god/ BBB Blog Post: "Is COVID-19 the New Normal? : Don't Freak Out! Trust the Lord!": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/is-covid-19-the-new-normal-dont-freak-out-trust-the-lord/ BBB Blog Post: "Helpful Tips Regarding Using Face Masks and Respirators": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/helpful-tips-regarding-using-face-masks-and-respirators/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Why Do You Condemn Your Brethren?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-coronavirus-why-do-you-condemn-your-brethren/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Are You Distracted?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-are-you-distracted/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Wake Up, Already!": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-wake-up-already/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: 40 Bible Verse Lists Regarding God's Love, Patience, Wrath, Judgments and Repentance": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-40-bible-verse-lists-regarding-gods-love-patience-wrath-judgments-and-repentance/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Where is Your Common Sense?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-where-is-your-common-sense/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: More Useful Information": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-more-useful-information/ BBB Blog Post: "The Doctor Anthony Fauci Debate: My View": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/the-doctor-anthony-fauci-debate-my-view/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: How to Respond to the Pandemic": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-how-to-respond-to-the-pandemic/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Face Masks or Bandanas?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-face-masks-or-bandanas/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus and Beards and Mustaches": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-and-beards-and-mustaches/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Do You Need A Psychiatric Evaluation?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-do-you-need-a-psychiatric-evaluation/ BBB Blog Post: "COVID-19: Attention iOS Users! This May Be of Interest to You if You Use the "Maps" App!": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/covid-19-attention-ios-users-this-may-be-of-interest-to-you-if-you-use-the-maps-app/ BBB Blog Post: "Apple iOS 13.7 Introduces COVID-19 Exposure Notifications With No Need For 3rd Party App":
https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/apple-ios-13-7-introduces-covid-19-exposure-notifications-with-no-need-for-3rd-party-app/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Are Vaccine Passports Inevitable?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-are-vaccine-passports-inevitable/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Don't Be So Harsh!": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-coronavirus-dont-be-so-harsh/ Bill's Bible Basics Poetry: BBB Poem: "Coronavirus Kooks": https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/coronavirus-kooks.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-latest-statistics-on-bills-bible-basics-blog/?feed_id=79356&_unique_id=6514f13eed747&Coronavirus%3A%20Latest%20Statistics%20on%20Bill%27s%20Bible%20Basics%20Blog
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COVID-19: Attention iOS Users! This May Be of Interest to You if You Use the "Maps" App! While Apple guarantees our personal privacy on our iOS devices, if you use the "Maps" app on your iOS device, you will probably want to be aware of the information which is available at the following two Apple links. This first piece of information was published by Apple on April 14, 2020. Apple Makes Mobility Data Available to Aid COVID-19 Efforts: https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2020/04/apple-makes-mobility-data-available-to-aid-covid-19-efforts/ This second link is for downloading the complete "Mobility Trends Reports" data set which is generated by concatenating data from the Apple "Maps" app on your iOS device. This data is generated when you request directions from the "Maps" app: https://covid19.apple.com/mobility For the record, it was reported in our local newspaper today that our local government is now using the aforementioned data to track movement on our island in relation to the spread of COVID-19. While Apple clearly states that this mobility data is not associated in any way with our personal Apple IDs, nevertheless, it does leave me with an uncomfortable feeling. Personally, I never use the "Maps" app. However, you may. Thus, I am sharing this information with you so that you are aware of it. For those of you who may have possibly missed some of my previous coronavirus-related writings, following is a list of everything I have written to date regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. I believe that you will find a lot of useful, factual, instructive and Scriptural information in this material. Please feel free to share this list on your own timelines, pages, in your Facebook groups, and on any other social networks where you happen to participate. Thank you so very much, and God bless you! Bill's Bible Basics Coronavirus Information Center: Bill's Bible Basics Coronavirus Information Center Bill's Bible Basics Articles: BBB Article: "Coronavirus: Just the Facts, Ma'am": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/coronavirus-1.html BBB Article: "COVID-19, Financial Assistance and Christian Love": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/covid-19-financial-assistance-christian-love-1.html BBB Article: "Coronavirus: Defiant Christians, Stay Home!": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/coronavirus-defiant-christians-stay-home-1.html BBB Article: "COVID-19: Exposure Logging and Contact Tracing: Is It Safe?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/COVID-19-ExposureLogging-ContactTracing-1.html Bill's Bible Basics Blog Posts: BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Latest Statistics - Bill's Bible Basics Blog": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-latest-statistics-bills-bible-basics-blog/ BBB Blog Post: "Stop Joking About the Coronavirus": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/stop-joking-about-the-coronavirus/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: God Will Silence the Fools": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-god-will-silence-the-fools/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Be Still and Know That I Am God": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-be-still-and-know-that-i-am-god/ BBB Blog Post: "Is COVID-19 the New Normal? : Don't Freak Out! Trust the Lord!": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/is-covid-19-the-new-normal-dont-freak-out-trust-the-lord/ BBB Blog Post: "Helpful Tips Regarding Using Face Masks and Respirators": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/helpful-tips-regarding-using-face-masks-and-respirators/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Why Do You Condemn Your Brethren?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-coronavirus-why-do-you-condemn-your-brethren/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Are You Distracted?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-are-you-distracted/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Wake Up, Already!": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-wake-up-already/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: 40 Bible Verse Lists Regarding God's Love, Patience, Wrath, Judgments and Repentance":
https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-40-bible-verse-lists-regarding-gods-love-patience-wrath-judgments-and-repentance/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Where is Your Common Sense?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-where-is-your-common-sense/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: More Useful Information": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-more-useful-information/ BBB Blog Post: "The Doctor Anthony Fauci Debate: My View": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/the-doctor-anthony-fauci-debate-my-view/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: How to Respond to the Pandemic": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-how-to-respond-to-the-pandemic/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Face Masks or Bandanas?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-face-masks-or-bandanas/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus and Beards and Mustaches": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-and-beards-and-mustaches/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Do You Need A Psychiatric Evaluation?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-do-you-need-a-psychiatric-evaluation/ BBB Blog Post: "COVID-19: Attention iOS Users! This May Be of Interest to You if You Use the "Maps" App!": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/covid-19-attention-ios-users-this-may-be-of-interest-to-you-if-you-use-the-maps-app/ BBB Blog Post: "Apple iOS 13.7 Introduces COVID-19 Exposure Notifications With No Need For 3rd Party App": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/apple-ios-13-7-introduces-covid-19-exposure-notifications-with-no-need-for-3rd-party-app/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Are Vaccine Passports Inevitable?": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-are-vaccine-passports-inevitable/ BBB Blog Post: "Coronavirus: Don't Be So Harsh!": https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/coronavirus-coronavirus-dont-be-so-harsh/ Bill's Bible Basics Poetry: BBB Poem: "Coronavirus Kooks": https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/coronavirus-kooks.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/covid-19-attention-ios-users-this-may-be-of-interest-to-you-if-you-use-the-maps-app/?feed_id=78996&_unique_id=6514022c7ebd8&COVID-19%3A%20Attention%20iOS%20Users%21%20This%20May%20Be%20of%20Interest%20to%20You%20if%20You%20Use%20the%20%22Maps%22%20App%21
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