#copyright of cinematography
ohnoitstbskyen · 11 months
The Beautiful Animation Touches of Arcane, act 2
It's not exactly a hot take to say that Arcane is one of the most striking and visually compelling animated series of the last few years, the animators and directors at studio Fortiche threw everything but the kitchen sink at this show, creating something intensely dense, layered and absolutely soaking in little animation touches, clever bits of cinematography and just straight up good direction and filmmaking.
It is impossible to discuss everything compelling about Arcane and its animation in one video, but I'm at least going to do my level best to talk about some of my favourite scenes from the second act (episode 3-6), and oh god oh god oh f*** my video about the animation is longer than all three episodes it discusses combined.
In this video we'll focus particularly on Jinx's custom animation rig that lets her swap between the Jinx and Powder personalities, how Silco visually asserts power over Marcus when they argue, how Viktor's entire character arc is contained within a single scene from his childhood, how Vi and Caitlyn speedrun an enemies-to-lovers trope via body language, and the seduction of Jayce Talis and his unfaithfulness to Viktor.
You have no idea how many Netflix copyright blocks I had to edit my way around to get this online.
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carlafloral · 2 years
People getting mad over BOC not having much on their line up forget that they are still a baby company. They are not even 2 years old yet. They put everything they had into making Kinnporche, they had to start all over again when Filmania went under and look at the quality they gave us.
Three original work from them is already enough, we have Biblebuild series solemnly written for them, MileApo movie and the Jeffbarcode collaboration with the Korean company. Stop comparing then to gmmtv or other BLs company out there.
According to pond, they are building an entire village from scratch to shoot the MA movie, not to talk of the amount of money for costumes, writers, cinematography etc. they are hoping that MA movies can contend with international LGBT movies, they are going big.
Also it’s not possible to make a series for each of the ships in BoC, but I know they will pair most of the boys as a second Cp in the 3 projects they have. Let’s be patient. I know a lot of people want kp season 2, but there are underlying issues with the copyright of the book that we don’t know about and shooting Kinnporche doesn’t come cheap.
Biblebuild series is an original as well, they have to pay the writer to write a story from scratch for them, that doesn’t come cheap as well. Jeffbarcode were lucky to be casted by a Korean company, soo both BOC and the other company will share the production cost.
Also, BOC is just those 16 boys and Pond, no big boss or big management behind them. It’s just them and those few female staffs they have. Let them work at their own pace 🙏🏻.
I know they can do better in terms of some things, let’s remember Kinnporche was their first project ever and Kp blew out of proportion, it blew international and locally and they were not prepared for the huge success it got. They are just starting to put some things in place.
Like someone said, BOC is messy but they will eventually get it right as they grow as a company. Also word on the street is that, pond is just 35 years old, he is the same age as me but he is doing soo much more than I am. Look at all the big brands those boys are collaborating with, he is only a year in the bl industry and he is already sitting at the same table with Dior, LV, hbo, Disney, etc. let’s give him time, he might seems like a weird guy to some people but he has his ways of doing things.
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thewadapan · 2 months
In light of the good news, I've finally sat down to watch skibidi toilet. It's pretty good, not too surprisingly! Absolutely no wonder that Michael Bay seems to have such a genuine fondness for it, considering how much of a love-letter it is to his work on Transformers and how dedicated it is to just producing spectacle above all else.
The first-person-POV of the cameramen in the show is easily its most inspired element, giving an intuitive structure to the episodes (about 50% of the time the episode ends because the cameraman gets fucking bodied). As it escalates in scope and ambitions, you see the device being used in more impressively inventive ways towards narrative ends, as cameramen and TV men are used to diegetically transition between subplots. But it's also used in more subtle ways, with different effects or overlays, or simply in how the cinematography itself can communicate the emotions of the cameraman doing the recording.
Moreover, the whole thing is very video-game-y, isn't it? Not even just in terms of the assets, but in terms of the action, the beat-to-beat plotting. It's a lot of sneaking around open-level environments, picking up new weapons from dead enemies, encountering new types of enemies or bosses with their own attack patterns and weaknesses. It instantly transported me back to being a teenager, fucking around in Garry's Mod, playing Team Fortress 2 with my mates, getting through Half Life, and all that. The SFM-filmmaker aesthetic isn't just a mode of convenience—although obviously the fact that DaFuq!?Boom! has managed to maintain a pretty prodigal output can be partly attributed to the fact he's using software and assets he's clearly very comfortable with—but rather, it informs everything about the storytelling.
People love to performatively (or ignorantly) act like skibidi toilet is some incomprehensible, unprecedented "brainrot" that the kids are into, but it's nowhere near as absurd as everyone likes to pretend. I feel like I've seen something very similar to it before, but the closest thing that comes to mind is the old trend of stick-figure fight animation borne out of Newgrounds. Or if not that, then yeah, the Transformers films! It's like the entire back half of Dark of the Moon depicting this huge guerrilla war in occupied Chicago—that's clearly the main touchstone.
It's a crime that the most absurd (and often disturbing) part of the show, the SKIBIDI DOB DOB DOB YES YES earworm constantly being repeated by the skibidi toilets, has seemingly been copyright struck, resulting in many portions of the official uploads suddenly just going silent for multiple seconds. It actually incenses me that someone, or some organisation, has been able to do this. I don't really have an ethically-consistent model of how copyright should work, but in cases like this, it seems like obviously a net negative for the world. For whatever reason, the Shorts versions of the episodes seem unaffected, but they're unideal for their own reasons.
The main thing is that past a certain point, the Shorts clearly become cut-down extracts of the main widescreen episodes, which presumably have the intended aspect ratio. Some of the longer uploads have what the content-slop lore freaks describe as "secret scenes", added-in, revised, or unabridged, often containing more of the long-term plot points. The idea that these might be "secret" from the perspective of anyone just watching the Shorts is really funny to me. Also, the fact that the episodes are being collected into "Season" compilations is hilarious to me in its own right—in what attention-deficient world can 20 minutes of a show be described as a full season? Gen Alpha is so cooked bro.
Thankfully, I was able to find a Google Drive where somebody's managed to archive the full series so far with uncensored audio. But then I was checking the YouTube uploads, and I realised some of the newer ones actually have closed captions for certain lines of dialogue! As in, the reversed speech of the cameramen etc, or even what some of the skibidi toilets are saying! These subtitles are missing from that Google Drive archive, meaning it's not a perfect way of watching the show either.
But the thing is, I also think adding subtitles to the show is a huge misstep on DaFuq!?Boom!'s part. One of the things I found most surprising about skibidi toilet is that, for the most part, it actually requires the viewer to be paying pretty close attention in order to follow any of the "plot", insofar as there is one. You have to be able to tell apart all these near-identical and often silent appliance-head guys. Sometimes the POV will be some random cameraman, but other times it'll be a recurring character, and noticing that will add something to the viewing experience. Most of all, the lack of speech (and lack of expressions) for most of the characters forces you to constantly be interpreting their body language to understand what they're communicating to one another.
The subtitles stand to ruin this aspect of the show. Also, the dialogue itself is poorly-written, bro. It's nice that the writer does have something in mind for everything they're saying to one another, but it's a complete mistake to actually present that as part of the text. Frustratingly, I can't even commit to just watching future episodes without captions, because what if he decides to seriously start putting load-bearing plot stuff in them?
(According to DaFuq!?Boom!'s word of god, all the skibidi toilets can understand all languages, they just choose to speak their superior skibidi language. God I love that.)
The main completed arc of the story, set in and around a bunker, is honestly fantastic, thrilling stuff, with some individual (rudimentary) character arcs and tons of great setpieces. My favourite episode of the show, in the immediate aftermath, delivers a legitimately great twist in a brilliant way. I'm excited for the next episode to drop, but moreover, I'm on the absolute edge of my seat waiting to see how skibidi toilet transforms itself for the mainstream media of TV and/or film.
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twig-tea · 9 months
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I'm baaaaaack!!!
Hello friends! Omg what is time. How long has it been? A month? More? 😬
Life kicked my ass for the past several weeks. No word of an exaggeration, I recovered from COVID after weeks (and it was difficult to focus on screens during that time) only for three different loved ones in three different countries were in hospital within a week of each other for three different things, and it took a lot of coordination to get everyone healthy and home (they all are, thank goodness). Emergency surgery, oxygen, dealing with pharmacists in languages none of us speak fluently, insurance....it's been A Time. And I did what I do when I get overwhelmed: I isolated. So I am very sorry to everyone who worried and reached out and thank you for thinking of me! I love and appreciate you lots.
I can't wait to catch up on the liminality league, I hope people are enjoying The Sign as much as I am, etc etc, but perhaps most importantly because I abandoned @my-rose-tinted-glasses to being frustrated alone: I am so mad about Absolute Zero. It has moments that are so good. It could have been so, so good. Instead it makes no sense, goes nowhere, and everyone just suffers for no reason. Not even a guarantee from the mystical video rental guy that they'll be able to grow old together now that they've both sacrificed ten years of their lives to loneliness. Also the timeline/memories makes NO SENSE and I remain furious about it. The cinematography was beautiful, the actors were great, I loved adult SuanSoon and Ongsah happy together, but AUGHH I could barely even enjoy it. This is definitely my biggest disappointment of the year.
Also idk how many people are also watching the GL Love Senior but I need you all to know the critical information that though this show has problems (mostly the editing, a little bit the acting, sound, and copyright issues whew) I forgive all of it because the main character has sex with another character who is not endgame! And it's mostly fine! There is drama of course but she doesn't have to apologize for it and she still gets her woman! I am THRILLED that queer protagonists in Thai QL have broken through this ceiling. Purity culture can get fucked, people of consenting age can have consensual sex with someone they're not in love with and it doesn't disqualify them from a future monogamous relationship if that's what they want. The end thank you.
My media consumption has been extremely sporadic so I will be pretty non-linear popping around tumblr as I try to catch up but I just wanted to reassure everyone that I'm ok and get these rants off my chest!
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tytangfei · 1 year
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
hi! thanks for asking. oof, top 10 is so hard! there are some that are held in my heart simply because they were the show that introduced me to the genre and so i hold them in a warm light. and then there are shows that i think are really some of the best writings in tv.
since this is my asian media blog, i'll only mention asian media and entertainment. this is all i can think of at the moment aja;sdlfkdsj definitely missing a bunch more.
fruits basket: one of the most iconic shoujo manga/anime and it really introduced me to the world of manga at a young age. on that similar note...
naruto (the anime): i still remember watching the episodes on youtube (back when you were still allowed to upload copyrighted stuff lol). it very much made me more considerate of others and helped me have more empathy.
cherry magic (the live action and the movie): just phenomenal in yearning and earnestness and just !!! i cried when i watched the movie.
the starry love: a fun drama with so many likeable characters and great soundtrack
queen of attack: the first mini drama that grabbed my heart and never let go. loved the characters and the actors and the soundtrack and it just was emotionally compelling for me the whole time
a familiar stranger: same reason as above. great soundtrack. great cinematography. solid acting and storyline.
killer and healer: idk why i latched onto this drama so hard back in 2021???? i just gave it a try and became compelled by the actors and their characters and the strong bond between the characters. idk idk this drama lives in my head rent free.
goodbye my princess: this drama broke me. A+ in all the departments: production, costume, story, characters, soundtrack, acting. what a drama this was.
RRR: this movie said fuck the british/colonizers and i am here for it. it was dramatic, it was emotional, it was a rollercoaster and i loved every minute of it.
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le-trash-prince · 9 months
Notice from Be On Cloud regarding sex scenes in DFF
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“The sex scenes are the synergic result of our great intention, dedication, and creativity from all cast members and staff team to showcase the beautiful and artistic cinematography that delicately portrays the story and emotion of the characters. Therefore, we urge for your kind cooperation to only watch and support our series through copyrighted channels and refrain from sharing or reposting these contents on any online media and platform. This is the best way to honor our dedication and creation of Dead Friend Forever - DFF, as well as to show respect for the hard work and devotion of our cast members. Moreover, the sex scene has been approved by both parents as well as all cast members.”
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wontonsoupho · 1 year
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© Artist the Author 2022
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This series was inspired by GOD HIMSELF , my personal life , my own spiritual experience , and journey of self. The people , places , and events that occur are loosely based from things I have witnessed or partook in; or are inspired by the lives of those whom surround me in which I love dearly. I wrote this series to have conversations about those uncomfortable and controversial topics , in hopes of bringing darkness to the light so that people can heal their hidden traumas. I’d kindly advise you NOT to steal any of my work as it is protected legally binding underneath Copyright Law with THE ARTIVERSE PRODUCTIONS and Wattpad Corp. — Artist the Author
SETTING : MACABRE , GEORGIA (fictional city in the belly of ATL)
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“YOU DROVE ME AWAY and then they TOOK ME , only GOD can save me now.”
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Has anyone ever heard of the saying ,
On the dreary morning of October 14th , 1999 , sixteen year old Prodigy of The Arts , Goapele Scott was officially declared missing fourty-eighty hours after she was nowhere to be found within her self acclaimed hometown of Macabre , Georgia. Sources say that she was last spotted in a heated disagreement with longtime family friend Georgia State University's Star Basketball Player seventeen year old Xodus Casanova.
The two not only knew each other very well , but also allegedly concocted a plan to run away together which led authorities to believe that the Elite Division I Power Forward had involvement in Goapele's disappearance-however , that could not be any further from the case. Twenty long years , never ending pain , severe strife , and many tears later she mysteriously returns opening Pandora's box.
Two worlds collide after demons from their pasts force them both into a whirlwind of mayhem. Goapele and Xodus were two traumatized souls , but by the power of truth , God made them BLUE.
SHANNON THORNTON (circa 2019-present) as GOAPELE SCOTT
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“I bet you NEVER thought you’d SEE ME AGAIN huh?”
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PHYSIQUE : 5 FT. 3 IN. — 127 LBS
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DAVE EAST (circa 2016-present) as XODUS CASANOVA
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“Our lives are like the fucking LIVING TESTAMENT Xo , can’t be surprised that it’s so damn treacherous.”
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PHYSIQUE : 6 FT. 7 IN. — 253 LBS
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lela rochon as MAYOR CASANOVA
missy elliot MAMA QASIM
sonía braga as MAMA SOSA
jazzy amra as KAGOME
ava mcclure as NANI
faith jaggernauth as CHITTY
amil whitehead as MOTHER MACABRE
lola brooke as FLOJO
demetrius flenory jr. as KASPER
skepta as MAC 3
bandhunta izzy as DRAEKO
sebastian mikael as CHÖSEN
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Hello my favorite heauxs!—and to those of you who don’t already know me I hope you’re enjoying your experience in the Artiverse. I want to start off by saying that my name is Artist Oriental , and I’m just an anomalous child of The Most High here baring gifts and fruits to give to the collective. For the past decade and a half I have been perfecting the craft of storytelling , and I’m at a point in my practice where I’m focused on broadening my horizons and expanding the audience I’ve been blessed to entertain and edify. From filling up notebooks all day long in class to hundreds and thousands of reads on Wattpad , my love for the art of literacy has never faded. Throughout the years I’ve been a breathing witness to the evolution of Artist as a person , creator , and soul—and may I say she’s come a mighty long way. As I grow older and enter my quarter century milestone , I find more and more that my work is often a reflection of my peculiar perception with the perfect blend of my eccentric imagination. With that being said; GOD WILL BE PRESENT IN ALL OF ARTIST THE AUTHOR’S CONTENT. I will not denounce the reality that I know to be true , experience , and choose to express. If that is unsettling for you my world may not be tailored to your liking , therefore feel free to roam at YOUR OWN DISCRETION. You can expect that the majority of work coming from me is more than likely to have some sort of spiritual aspect in it. There will also be lots of poetic vibes and a great deal of strong adult themes that usually hold HEAVY CONTROVERSY. At times my writing can get crude and dark , I tend to hound in on the gruesome details because I want readers to feel every raw emotion , but don’t be alarmed you’ll always be forewarned. Within The World of Artist have the opportunity to find all types of experiences from different genres like Urban Fiction all the way to Sci-Fi , so it’ll be hard not to get immersed. I chose this series as my debut piece because of how much it means to me at a soul level , and it further exhibits the growth I’ve had since deciding to master the element of literature. It’s also in hindsight my first ever official screenwriting piece which makes me all the more excited as I am intimated. Please take your time trekking through the universe I’ve created , and know that when you’re here things normally are vague and obscure at a first glance; sometimes it may feel a bit riddling to latch onto—but I promise you all there is a method to my madman ways. I’m gonna finish off with saying a big thank you to GOD for invoking divine favor upon everything that I am , Nothing would exist to be if it weren’t for my Guide and I’m standing under that irrefutable truth. All praise goes to The Most High , forever and ever. Remember that everything you need or desire is already within you; Create the World that’s Yours. Until next time my little Jezebels , be the influence not the influenced. — Artist the Author
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Copyrights © Artist the Author 2022
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zeemczed · 2 years
Zoe: I’ve decided on my major! Polly: Cinematography or animation? Zoe: Pre-law. Polly: Wat. Zoe: Yeah! I want to specialize in US and international copyright law, maybe with a focus in- Polly: This is because Disney issued a DMCA on your Goofy/Randy Savage slashfic animatics, isn’t it? Zoe: THE MOUSE MUST BE SLAIN.
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saintdumas · 2 years
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Now that you’ve found your path, can you withstand the impending storm? Song: “Tsunami” Link in Bio Scenes: Hausu(1977) In another battle with Youtube over copyright issues so here's the full edit. Really having fun experimenting lately with a new sound (for me) so I hope y'all enjoy 🌚🌞🌝 - - - - - #horrormovies #japanese #hiphop #edits #samples #producer #anime #70s #tsunami #storm #life #change #process#house #haus #cinematography#year #5 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpbji1csncG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theflamboyantrobin · 1 year
Alexander McQueen would've loved Cruella (2021)
The 2021 Disney film Cruella starring both the Emmas (Thompson and Stone) is nothing you'd expect from a Disney film. With impeccable cinematography, choice of music and scripting, the film paints a vivid image of the 70s punk-rock scene. However, the film's USP is its costumes, ranging from the subtle old-fashioned class of the Baroness, to Cruella's Madhatter+ Queen of Hearts+ David Bowie-core.
One person who I wish could've watched this is Alexander McQueen. Known for his flamboyant yet well-tailored silhouettes, the designer exemplifies the punk-rock era. One just needs to have a look at his designs for David Bowie, including the famous Union Jack trench coat. (Bowie loved the coat so much he wore it for his Earthlings album cover.) As I watched the film, outfit by outfit, I was excitedly muttering, 'McQueen! This screams McQueen!'
So here are some of the most prominent outfits featured in the film, and their McQueen counterparts.
The moth cocoon dress: This dress isn't worn by Cruella, but instead is designed and stitched by Estrella. The idea of sewing moth cocoons onto the dress is an ingenious sabotage plan. But Estrella achieves her motive without compromising on fashion. The gold metallic dress is beautifully structured, and the luminous shades of the cocoons exaggerate its silhouette. What's most striking is that it looks extremely similar to McQueen's Look 45 Jellyfish dress from his last show, Plato's Atlantis 2010 Spring/Summer.
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The dress from the film.....
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.....and the Jellyfish dress featuring the Armadillo boot
Look 45 consists of a dress, leggings and boots with iridescent layered paillettes, evoking scales or shells. When I witnessed the look live at an exhibit, the Centre compared the iridescence to that of the insect, the Jewel Beetle (Buprestidae).
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Nonetheless, Estrella's tryst with ecology is similar to McQueen's vision of an apolocalyptic world surrounded by ecological dystopia.
This article is part one of many..
Image credits:
Moth dress- Disney
Ramp: Karl Prouse/Catwalking Getty Images Copyright: 2009 Catwalking
Closeup of catwalk: Marcio Madeira / Indigital.tv Armadillo boot: the MET Museum Green Jewel Beetle: pixels.com
The author of this article does not wish to allege the costume designer of Cruella of plagiarized designs, but is merely appreciating influences and similarities between the film and real-life fashion houses.
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kissmefriendly · 2 years
OKAY! So last night I got to see Nosferatu on the big screen with live music. And it was amazing. I’d seen every other classic silent horror film except this one, no idea how that happened. But now I’m convinced that watching them on a GIANT screen is the best and only way. I was surprised, it was honestly suspenseful - there were parts where I was thouroughly gripped. Yes some of the more extreme face acting got some nervous chuckles from the audience but even then - I love how much you can do with just your face, how much it conveys (also another reason why these ought to be shown in cinemas more often). The effects and cinematography for the time was brilliant and, even though because of copyright it’s not a Dracula adaptation, it was the closest any film or show I’ve ever seen has gotten to adapting the events of the book. And then the ending! I was genuinely shocked and upset at the end! I’d already gotten that Lucy and Mina were rolled into one for the film but I had no idea they’d go for Lucy’s fate for Ellen in this. And the scene where Hutter finds her and just collapses over her body in tears broke my heart. It was a bittersweet ending. I cannot believe they went for it like that. Also really glad to see how much of a damsel in distress they made Hutter, I didn’t count how many times this woman fainted or swooned but it was numerous lol Admire that.
And then the music. It was really good! Kinda threw me at first with the modern synth sound rather than a piano. But it grew on me and was really effective when he’s just realising what Count Orlok is and when he’s escaping. It was also helped by having live accordion, oud, a címbalo even and a rebec at one point (I believe!). The guy’s on Spotify with his soundtrack so I’ll put it in the post or send it to anyone interested. One of the speakers was really wonky and nearly fell off of the wall — it’s an extremely old building.
But yeah! It was awesome! I wanna see more silent films on the big screen with live music! I’d love to see The Cabinet of Dr Caligari on the big screen, that would be amazing!
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whistle-whisper · 1 year
Cinematography of Natsu he no Tunnel Sayonara no Deguchi
Most of its got copyrighted, so I posted it here
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llpodcast · 2 years
(Literary License Podcast)
M (1931)
M is a 1931 German thriller film directed by Fritz Lang and starring Peter Lorre in his breakthrough role as Hans Beckert, a serial killer of children. An early example of a procedural drama, the film centers on the manhunt for Lorre's character, conducted by both the police and the criminal underworld. The film's screenplay was written by Lang and his wife Thea von Harbou and was the director's first sound film. It features many cinematic innovations, including the use of long, fluid tracking shots, and a musical leitmotif in the form of "In the Hall of the Mountain King" whistled by Lorre's character. Now considered a timeless classic, the film was deemed by Lang to be his magnum opus. It is widely considered one of the greatest films of all time, and an indispensable influence on modern crime and thriller fiction.
Badlands (1973)
Badlands is a 1973 American neo-noir period crime drama film written, produced and directed by Terrence Malick, in his directorial debut. The film stars Martin Sheen and Sissy Spacek, and follows Holly Sargis (Spacek), a 15-year old who goes on a killing spree with her lover, Kit Carruther (Sheen); the film also stars Warren Oates and Ramon Bieri. While the story is fictional, it is loosely based on the real-life murder spree of Charles Starkweather and his girlfriend, Caril Ann Fugate, in 1958.  Badlands was released in 1973 to positive reviews from critics, who particularly praised its cinematography, soundtrack—which includes pieces by Carl Orff—and the lead performances. At the 49th British Academy Film Awards, Spacek was nominated for the Most Promising Newcomer to Leading Film Roles award; at the San Sebastián International Film Festival, Sheen won the Best Actor award. Badlands is often cited by film critics as one of the greatest and most influential films of all time
 Opening Credits; Introduction (1.05); Background History (21.48); M (1931) Film Trailer (23.11); The Original (25.06); Let's Rate (1:16.10); Introducing the Double Feature (1:18.39); Badlands (1973) Film Trailer (1:20.07); The Attraction (1:23.11); How Many Stars (2:25.39); Amazing Designs Advertisement (2:29.32); End Credits (2:30.44); Closing Credits (2:31.45)
 Opening Credits– Epidemic Sound – copyright 2021. All rights reserved
 Closing Credits:  Amor De Los Muertos by LVCRFT featuring La Llorona & Devil Dahlia.  Taken from the album Dia De Los Muertos  
Original Music copyrighted 2020 Dan Hughes Music and the Literary License Podcast. 
 All rights reserved.  Used by Kind Permission.
 All songs available through Amazon Music.
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warrior-halo · 2 years
The memes no one asked for, but hopefully everyone needed... 
Warrior Nun as text posts/Ao3 tags! A series!
I am new to the fandom (and Tumblr), but Warrior Nun has quickly become my comfort show! It is one of the best shows I have seen in a LONG time. No show has impacted me quite so much since Bly Manor. The cinematography, acting, and fight scenes are incredible. Top tier. Not to mention the soundtrack, the amazing characters, the love story, (Avatrice has my heart!❤️) and the queer representation! The story itself is truly a masterpiece. The show is amazing and I love it so much!
While we wait eagerly for a S3 renewal (I'm looking at you, Netflix...) here's some memes to hold you over! I worked really hard on these, so I hope I could make you laugh, even if it's for a second. 
If you want to scream at me, head over to my Twitter (@ smol_halo)! You can also message me for my Discord. Please be kind and respectful with messaging.
 I am just a little shy bi, but I always love feedback! If you have any meme suggestions or general questions, send me an inbox in my asks. Feel free to follow me to see more memes and shenanigans! 
Anyway, that's all for now, enjoy! 
In this life or the next...
-Hannah ♥ 
PS: All works are my own, but no copyright infringement was intended in the making of these. PLEASE tag me if you repost any of my memes online! Don't forget to give me credit if you share these memes anywhere. Thanks!
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Ulrich Matthes and Bruno Ganz in Downfall (Oliver Hirschbiegel, 2004)
Cast: Bruno Ganz, Alexandra Maria Laga, Corinna Harfouch, Ulrich Matthes, Juliane Köhler, Heino Ferch, Christian Berkel, Matthias Habich, Thomas Kretschmann, Michael Mendl, Ulrich Noethen. Screenplay: Bernd Eichinger, based on books by Joachim Fest and Traudl Junge and Melissa Müller. Cinematography: Rainer Klausmann. Production design: Bernd Lepel. Film editing: Hans Funck. Music: Stephan Zacharias.
Downfall may be best known today for memes: the video parodies that take parts of the film, particularly the ranting of Bruno Ganz's Hitler, and supply new subtitles that spoof everything from contemporary politics to the efforts of the producers to suppress the parodies on YouTube because of copyright concerns. The producers were misguided: The parodies probably led more people to watch the actual film than would have without their notoriety. It's a well-made film, particularly because it manages to deal with an inherent problem: Would a dramatization of the last days of Hitler and his coterie tend to glamorize their futile struggle to survive, turning it into something like heroism? Ganz's superb performance helps the film sidestep that danger: His Hitler is humanized, to be sure, even to the point of once shedding a tear, but ultimately it's a portrait of repellent fanaticism and megalomania. He's a twitchy old man, one hand held behind his back in a palsied claw, but it's easy to see how the rather beleaguered men and women who surround him could be filled with a terrified awe of the man. I'm not particularly happy with the framing of Downfall, however. I think the decision to see much of the story through the eyes of Hitler's pretty secretary, Traudl Junge (Alexandra Maria Laga), shifts the focus away from the desperate horror of the final days, using a somewhat glossy survival story to keep the audience entertained. The footage of the real Traudl Junge that begins and ends the film doesn't much help illuminate why the "ordinary" German could be hoodwinked by Nazism, and her insistence that she didn't know of the true horrors of the Reich feels a little specious. There are, however, some moments of genuine drama in the film that emphasize how foul a spell Hitler cast over his followers, particularly the hysterical collapse of the otherwise icy Magda Goebbels (Corinna Harfouch) at Hitler's feet when she realize the end is at hand. She pulls herself together and then proceeds to systematically murder her five children. I also liked the depiction of the cynicism of the Nazis who, when someone reminds them of the plight of the German people, sneeringly retort that it was their fault for bringing them to power in the first place. There's a lesson in the film somewhere for contemporary Americans, but I don't want to be the one to spell it out. Kudos to Stephan Zacharias for avoiding Wagnerian clichés in his score, although I thought the quotation from Purcell's aria "When I Am Laid in Earth" might have been a touch too sentimental.
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zeemczed · 2 years
So I Finally Watched Goncharov (1973) - WHAT NOW?
First off, congratulations on breaking out the Laserdisc player. Or low-quality MP4 rip or whatever. I hope you enjoyed what is arguably one of the best (and low-key queerest) mafia thrillers of all time.
BUT RIGHT, what do you watch now that you’ve whetted your whistle for weird semi-gay mob violence? Well, here’s a list of eight recommendations (why 8? I couldn’t think of ten that were quite good enough, that’s why) to get you going.
8. AKAGI, 2015.
Underground gambling, incredible intensity, betting your own blood on mahjong... this one’s heavy on the gambling terminology, and can be a little hard to follow if you don’t know about the game, but it’s worth it.
“An Affair of Silver and Lead” is one of the best proto-narcocorridas out there. A borderline rock opera (with a gloriously copyright-infringing soundtrack), Un Asonto took a look at Scarface and said “yeah, but what if we play how awesome being a gangster is straight?” Compared to Goncharov it’s devoid of nuance, but the cinematography and violence is beautiful, and the characters are brilliant. If you aren’t cheering after watching Fuego Caliente gets his ass handed to him by Diego De La Montoya, check your pulse.
Despite the small town Indiana setting, this gets very dark, very intense, and very weird very quickly. Interesting for many reasons, not the least of which is because it blew a hole in the “war on drugs” rhetoric of the era (one of many reasons it didn’t get a wide release). Wet Charlie’s story is a hell of a tearjerker, and the background “we can’t call it a romance but it’s totally a romance” between Jen and Big Linda is a remarkably heartwarming thread in a movie that ends with 80% of the cast dead.
(Jen and Big Linda survive. That’s not a spoiler, you find that out in the first scene, thank you nonlinear storytelling.)
If Goncharov had more beatniks... it wouldn’t be this, but it’d be kinda close. A knee-jerk gritty backhand-response to the stylish heist movies of the era, BIMBIB is a tale of desperate thieves trying to unload a stolen Renaissance painting before they get fingered - or worse, before the bill for everything they used to steal the painting comes due. Spoiler: SHIT GOES BAD QUICKLY. Might have been partial inspiration for Guy Ritchie’s later work. Fair warning: If you’re allergic to bongos, watch it with the subtitles on and sound off. And no, the title makes no sense, but the studio insisted on using it.
A bargain-bin treasure, STSD was a direct to video release that should have at least gotten an arthouse release. Half the actors are wooden and overly stoic, the sets are obviously sub-zero-budget, the cinematography is a joke, but the plot will keep you on the edge of your seat, and the few good actors - notably Chaim Wallace’s turn as Frankie - have enough gravitas to pull the rest along. “Gang wars are always brutal, kid. When the other gang’s the police, that doesn’t change anything.” Goosebumps, every time.
I mean, if you’re gonna watch Goncharov, you might as well, right?
It’s TURKISH GONCHAROV! I’m not actually kidding. “The Furious Tiger and the Endless Day” started out as a remake of Goncharov, before the director took it hard in another direction. Hence why the Goncharov expy, Avci, dies halfway through the movie, and the equivalent of our favorite ice-pick wielding “little guy”, Demirci, is the one to tie up the loose ends with his own flavor of brutality. If you’re of a certain age, you might have seen part of it already - it got shared on Kazaa and Limewire a lot, usually with filenames that suggested it was porn. Not GOOD, but surreal as hell, especially if you’ve just watched the actual Goncharov.
Don’t let the B-movie title dissuade you. Once you get past the Troma-typical gorn and sex, you’re left with a remarkably tight crime story about warring families, the inevitable breakdown of diplomacy, and a stinging rebuke of the concept of the Nash Equilibrium. Also the titular Face Eaters are freaky as hell and I want one as a plush toy.
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