#copia blurb
writingjourney · 1 year
A stressed Copia coming home with a persistent tension headache, his hair mussed up, the make-up around his temples smudged from how often he tried to rub the pain away. All he wants to do is nap, his head resting on your belly while you softly run your fingers through his hair.
He closes his eyes the moment his cheek comes to rest on your stomach, sighing in relief when he can finally let go of the tension. All that matters is that he’s home, that you’re there and that he knows you’re going to let him rest for as long as he needs to ♡
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moonschmoon · 3 months
having a movie night with copia and telling him to sit on the floor in front of the couch in his cornette hat as you make popcorn in the other room. then bringing it in and sitting behind him, pouring the popcorn into the hat, much to his annoyance. he grumbles about how his hat is an unholy accessory that is meant to be respected. about a quarter of the way into the movie he just huffs dramatically and reaches up to pop some into his mouth.
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missygoesmeow · 10 months
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I feel like I forgot how to draw him lmao
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trashland-llamas · 5 months
The ghouls playing a prank on Copia where they use their glamour to look like one of his beloved rats. They end up looking like the cursed cgi in the live action cats movie. Talking wiry whiskers, pink oval ears, a scrunched up nose. It's successfully the one time they scare their dear papa. True, genuine fear. They're all belly laughing, some falling to the floor as Copia shrieks in horror. He drops a few choice profanities in Italian. Hearing this, the ghouls' truce quickly came to an end as they skittered away from the scene. Going in all different directions.
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vpyre-hornyposting · 2 months
I wanna grope Copia. This is directly the fault of that new image with Papa and the skeleton dancers, plus I just think he’d be so cute and pathetic about it :3
(CW: mention of public shenanigans/ehxibitionism)
I wanna come up behind him (maybe in public, maybe not), grab his crotch and pull him up against me. He yelps in surprise and I hold him there, massaging him through his pants and running my other hand up his stomach and chest. I bury my face in his neck and make him shiver and gasp with my lips and teeth while my fingers pinching gently at his nipple make him squirm like a rat pinned under a cat’s claws. As my hand travels his body, I squeeze his hips and waist and tummy, whispering sweet praises and filthy phrases against the shell of his ear. When he starts panting and whining and pleading, I know he’s close so I go back to working his nipples as I rub the bulge in his pants faster and faster. He begs and whimpers until he’s shuddering and boneless and I feel wetness on my hand.
If we’re in public, it’s probably at the ministry and everyone is very used to this by now, so he is utterly ignored as he comes undone save for the few, wide-eyed newcomers. As he all but collapses in my arms with a blissful smile, he still manages to shoot a teasing wink at the remaining onlookers.
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vpyre · 2 months
Me when I burn myself out on writing once again after promising another fic 🫠
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thedevilstrashcan · 30 days
Are you new here?
(Secondo x Copia)
Secondo frowned down his hooked nose at the little Cardinal rambling and gesticulating animatedly in front of him. He was waving a pen and clipboard around – something about finalizing details for the upcoming tour – but Secondo was barely paying attention to any of that.
“Are you new here?”
The Cardinal blinked rapidly and stumbled over his words, clearly taken back by the interruption.
“Uh – si. Well, no. I mean sort of. I transferred here two weeks ago.”
Secondo hummed. His intense gaze remained fixed on this new, strange little man. Something about him was…intriguing.
The Cardinal seemed to wilt under the scrutiny and his gloved hands flexed anxiously around his clipboard. “I'll uh…I'll continue now.”
As Copia launched into a rapid-fire monologue, Secondo's eyes trailed lazily over the smaller man. He had an interesting face with a long, elegantly pointed nose and a little mouth that he bit and licked nervously. Even now, the black lipstick on his upper lip was turning into a smeared mess.
“--did you agree, Papa?”
Secondo gave an absent nod and replied smoothly.
“Si, d’accordo.”
“Ah. Bene.”
His eyes trailed lower, down to the sash tied tightly around the Cardinal's petite waist. He was so narrow, Secondo couldn't help but wonder if he’d be able to wrap his big hands all the way around and lift him clean off the floor. But when his eyes trailed lower still, he found he had to amend the previous thought – he wasn't small everywhere. His hips and thighs were surprisingly thick and curved for a man. The sight made Secondo's hands itch and his mouth water.
“Why have I never seen you around?” He barked suddenly.
Copia jumped, startled by the abrupt intrusion. “I'm, um, I'm not sure. I'm pretty busy? I don't have much time to socialize. Except with my rats,” he added with an awkward breathy giggle.
His throat bobbed, catching the Papa’s eye.
It was so pale and delicate. He wondered how easily that throat would bruise under his lips. If harsh kisses and nips would leave a glaring roadmap of Secondo's desire all over that pretty unblemished skin. Was the collar of his robe even high enough to cover it all up the next day? Secondo certainly hoped not. He wanted the clergy to see. To know what he'd done to the little thing.
“--er, P-papa?”
“Erm, should I start over? Were you…not paying attention?” Secondo's eyes slid northward to Copia's face.
A smirk tugged at one corner of his mouth. “Worry not, topolino, I was paying very close attention.”
“Ah – okay. I'll just, you know…pick up where I left off then.” He flashed a polite, albeit shy, smile and held Secondo's gaze for a full half second before hastily looking back at the clipboard.
Secondo stole the opportunity to look deeper into the man's sparkling green eyes.
“You have such pretty eyes.”
Copia's head snapped up, those same eyes widening in surprise.
“Oh! You think so? Really?”
Secondo nodded sincerely. “Really.”
Copia flushed and he shifted back and forth on his feet as he tried to suppress a pleased smile.
“Grazie mille, Papa. No one's ever, ah, told me that before.”
The Papa smiled pleasantly. “I have many more compliments to share with you, if you're interested in hearing them.”
“O-oh. Oh. Are you asking me if I – if I want to, um–” he laughed that breathy laugh again.
Secondo's smile widened, a plan taking form in his mind.
“You know, Cardinal…It's loud here. Distracting. How about we continue this conversation in the privacy of my office?”
The Cardinal's throat bobbed again and he hesitated before nodding meekly.
When Secondo took a few slow steps forward and gripped the Cardinal's trembling fingers loosely in his own, his smile broke into a full-blown grin.
“Good boy.”
As if the phrase had cast a spell over him, the Cardinal’s eyelids dropped to a dreamy half-mast as a visible shudder ran the length of his body. And when Secondo gave a gentle tug, Copia followed as if he were in a trance.
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Ghost series blurb idea
Auth. Note: An idea blurb for a maybe series. Tell me in the comments below if I should make this an actual series. Don't just like this post...comment and talk to me - this is a project man so put in your two cents!
~ Blurb #1
"My father's the fucking antipope?!"
Sister Imperator's tight-lipped smile made her face look plastic so Marina looked away from her instead to stare at the red-clad 'Papa' with her firey green eyes ablaze with accusation.
"Tesoro, listen-" Copia began wringing his hands but he was quick to dodge the flying book that soared his way; the sound of it smashing into the wall behind him almost deafening in the suddenly too-tight space of his office
"No! You fucking listen! My father is Jackson Floyd, he's a technical engineer with a brilliant mind and my mother is Samantha Marie Floyde who's a resident nurse at the local hospital! You are not my father!" Marina searched for something else to throw but instead, she was met with the unblinking stares of the masked figures surrounding her - guarding her and Copia with watchful gazes as if she was about to fling herself like some feral animal at their Papa; shit she felt like it right now.
"Ms, Floyde the papers do not lie." Sister Imperator replied cooly but did not flinch when those furious green eyes landed on her.
The brunette slowly stalked towards the tall imposing blonde woman before yanking the folder from her hands and slamming it harshly with a vicious crack against the smooth and polished surface of Copia's desk.
"No, you listen to me. He's not my father. He knocked up my mom and then abandoned her to raise a child he didn't fucking want like fucking trash" Marina replied jabbing a finger at Copia whose face flushed a bit with emotion the teen couldn't quite tell if it was embarrassment or guilt. Not like she cared.
"He abandoned me. A father doesn't fucking do that, lady. Jackson Floyd is my father. End of story. Now take me back home before I call the fucking cops and press charges for kidnapping." she demanded
"Marina, Amore mio...la mia luce..." Copia stepped forward feeling his eyes begin to sting unbidden with emotion he was not used to feeling as he reached for the enraged teenager.
The girl yanked herself away from him as if he was on fire and his touch alone would scourge her to death; her movements made her fall back into a figure standing at her back but she was forced to reach back to grab a hold of the black-clad arm to steady herself before she tripped over her feet.
"No. You don't get to call me your love or your light, Copia. Fuck you for all the years you've missed and fuck you for abandoning me. I don't need this shit! I was perfectly fine on my own without you in it! You can go to hell!" Marina snapped angrily but her lip trembled slightly when she met his eyes; mismatched and wet with tears he did not want to shed.
"I can't let you leave...Marina...I'm sorry, but I will not risk losing you again." Copia swallowed the lump in his throat and raised his chin defensively as he stared the teenager down.
"You had no problem losing me before I was even born Copia. So fuck you." she whispered shaking her head before she was turning and rushed from the room before anyone could stop her.
~Blurb #2
She gaped at the figure standing in front of her at the doorway and made her yank the towel back up to cover herself. It didn't matter that she was in a pair of panties and a tank top; her hair was wet and fresh out of a shower. This ghoul had some guts to stand there while she was half-naked.
"Jesus Christ can you knock!? What am I under house arrest now?! Leave!" she yelled feeling anger as much as embarrassment coat red on her pale cheeks.
The stoic ghoul she had come to know as Sodo or Dewdrop as some called him stood in the open doorway of the bathroom in his usual black attire and silver mask that was cocked to the side as he studied her behind the eyes that unnerved her.
"Don't curse in Satan's house." his voice was lilted and light even behind the mask as if he was enjoying her circumstance.
"Oh screw off!" Marina huffed as she yanked on a pair of sweatpants and grabbed her dirty clothes and towel; shoving past the small figure who was just an inch taller than herself to march into the common room and place her things into her overnight bag.
"You have unholy creatures after you, baby pope. After you and your unholy blood...Papa wants you watched at all times so you are protected while we find whatever is after you and take it down. I suggest you follow my rules if you're to stay here."
"Follow your rules?" Marina's head snapped up as she hissed slowly at him repeating his words.
"First off, I'm not a fucking lamb that is going to the slaughter. I don't need protecting from....whatever the hell you are! I don't need this satanic church and the....devil on my side. I am capable of protecting myself!"
"With what? Your cute little Evil eye bracelet and your little bags of herbs to ward off evil spirits?" Sodo grabbed her wrist and lifted it to show off the blue beaded bracelet she wore.
"For someone who isn't religious you sure do like your witchcraft, sweet cheeks." a sharp-toothed smile flashed at her beneath the silver mask and Marina yanked her wrist out harshly from his grasp but his hold did not give and she struggled against his singular grip on her slender wrist.
"Let go goddamnit!" she snarled but when Sodo did not she lifted a knee and hit him straight in his no-no square.
"See! How do you like them apples huh bitch!" she turned to run from the room as the ghoul doubled over with his hands cupping his now bruised dick but before she could go far he snarled and his tail flicked out to wrap around her ankle tripping her flat on her face.
Marina screamed bloody murder as she clawed the floor while being dragged backward and she kicked and struggled as she was flipped over and dragged beneath Sodo's flight frame. For a man no taller than her and just slenderly built he sure knew how to command attention as his clawed hands gripped her wrists and slammed them on either side of her head to the floor.
His once greenish blue eyes were now a bright flame of orange and red behind the mask reminding the teenager just how not human he really was as a warning growl rumbled in his chest.
"You listen to me you little brat." he shoved at her wrists again to gain her attention. "Papa assigned me as your protector and that fucking means you don't go anywhere without my say-so. You follow my rules, you got me, sweet cheeks?"
"And if I fucking don't?" Marina lifted her head off the ground to leer up at him as if either goading or challenging him.
Sodo's head slowly leaned down towards her until the cold metal of his mask was touching her forehead and she involuntarily rested her head back down at the insistent press of his forehead against hers.
"Fuck around and see what happens, princess. Because if you do I swear on the unholy dark lord himself....those things who are after you have nothing on what I will do to you."
Marina sucked in a breath and stared wide-eyed up at the ghoul. Sodo stared down at her with barred fangs a moment longer before he was suddenly up and out of the room leaving the girl limp and frozen on the ground staring at the ceiling; the only sound being her frantic breaths of terror.
Alright! Tell me if you'd be interested in reading this as a story?! Just an idea of a scene or two I had in my head for a story blurb and here it is. What do you guys think? Tell me in the comments below; don't like the post...just speak!
Taglist: @darklylucid
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littleghoulghost · 2 years
The Reason for Little Ghoul
Copia was new to being Papa of the Clergy. Sure, he'd had plenty of responsibilities as Cardinal, but now he felt as though he were being run ragged constantly. What he needed was another ghoul. As Papa he had to do at least one summoning during his reign, perhaps he could summon one to be his personal assistant? He'd been the right hand of Nihil, but he currently had no such person. Copia nodded to himself at his desk and began to make the arrangements for the summoning ritual. And that was how Copia found himself in a very unique situation.
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My real question is- is who is the top in the Corrupted Cardi au? Terzo or Cardi?
A friend and I were saying that Cardi wouldn’t allow Terzo to top. I said that if it were true a big reason would be that he felt like he couldn’t surrender himself like that anymore because it makes him feel way to vulnerable
Pls give thoughts
i hate my phone sometimes because i already replied to this but it's like ''nah''
BASICALLY I like the way you think, because it shows that hes not capable of feeling vulnerable anymore.
however i do think copia is still a bottom in the bedroom because thats the only time he allowed himself to feel open, to be vulnerable and to drop his facade , only in front of terzo.
It reminded him of how it used to be when things were a bit more 'normal' in a sense?
and For Terzo its the only time he can let his anger and frustration out towards copia. Its the only time he's allowed to let go of himself fully and wreck the other man to shreds. Only because Copia knows that , thats the only way he can ( of course theres the cuddles and shit afterwards , when all things are done. when you're done breaking all the plates in the kitchen and you have to clean it up silently. You know what you did and why you did it).
is he secretly a masochist? or he simply doesnt want to let go of his control outside the bedroom? dun dun dunnn
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pickle-de-packle · 2 years
Overview & Masterlist
Updated: 03/29/2024
I write for my and your enjoyment :)
Upcoming Posts
What I Will Write
Smut (Kinks are welcomed, including CNC and Somnophilia)
Song fic
What I Won’t Write
Extremely Hardcore BDSM
Masterlists - I will write for people who aren’t listed currently
Prompt Masterlist
Kinktober 2023
Sherlock Masterlistt
Volodymyr Zelenskiy Masterlist (Nothing yet)
Andriy Yermak Masterlist
Harry Potter Masterlist (all eras)
TUA Swedes Masterlist
Elon Musk Masterlist
Ghost Masterlist
Mirrorworld/Reckless Masterlist
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nocturnal-birb · 1 year
dumb lil thing I have going on for Rika and Copia is that they've been watching each other from afar and too afraid to make the first move (neither knows one yearns for the other)
not until Copia finds them hanging at the ministry's cemetery cause he wants to evade work
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copias-girl · 1 year
Okay but like, Copia is 100% SO ticklish, and no one can tell me differently
Allow me to elaborate a bit:
(I kinda got a little carried away with this and it turned a bit spicy lol)
It was evening, and you were all cozied up together watching a fun Satanic B movie from the 1970s. The both of you were eating candy- cherry sours, to be exact- cuddling, and of course: rooting for the Devil’s victory in the film. You were having a lovely night in with your darling Cardinal; intimately pressed up against one another on the sofa. You fit together so perfectly, but you shifted positions every now and then to prevent getting sore.
But this time when you wriggled around, Copia froze. He felt your fingertips brush against his side, which was a bit more sensitive than usual since he was only wearing his silk pyjama set, as opposed to the many layers he wore during the day. He tried his best not to interrupt the movie; after all, it’s not like you were trying to tickle him. All he had to do was keep his cool and try not to think about it, because- oh! Your fingertips started mindlessly drawing shapes into his ribs. Copia twitched, biting his lip to stifle laughter. He stole a panicked glance at you, only to find you enthralled in the film. You must not have noticed what you were doing, but sweet Satan you were getting more and more aggressive with-
Copia all but screamed, erupting into laughter and flopping off the couch like a fish.
With a mischievous glint in your eyes, you pounced on top of him, straddling him and continuing your attack.
So you were doing it on purpose!
“You sneaky little-! You-! Ahahahaha!” Copia had tears streaming down his cheeks, threatening to streak his clergy paint as he writhed beneath you.
You giggled deviously, tickling the Cardinal’s sides and soft tummy a bit more while he protested and floundered on the carpet, trying in vain to shield himself from your devilish little fingers.
Deciding to take mercy on the old man, you ceased fire and allowed him to catch his breath.
“Dolce, why do you torture me so?” He sighed weakly, a handsome grin lazily tugging at his lips.
“Because it’s fun.” You replied simply, fisting your hand in the silky fabric of his pyjama shirt and leaning down to teasingly brush your lips against his, causing the poor man’s head to spin in desperation as he pulled you close, his hands roaming your body.
You captured the Cardinal in a deep kiss then, relishing in the soft moan he released as you threaded your fingers through his greying hair, sucking his tongue into your mouth.
Pulling away, you caressed a gentle finger over Copia’s thin moustache and kissed the corner of his mouth, leaving him breathless as you trailed lower. You lifted his shirt up, already feeling him tense up and try to twist away.
“Calm down, old man. I’m done tormenting you. For now.” You grinned.
The man hesitantly stopped struggling and propped himself up with his elbows, curiously observing you.
You kissed Copia’s soft tummy, causing him to release a soft whine. He was always self-conscious about that part of himself, but you absolutely loved it. Casting a coy glance up at your lover, you pulled his pants a bit lower, licking a slow stripe up his happy trail. Copia gasped, awestruck eyes fixated on your seductive form. A red hot flush painted his freckled cheeks and he bit his lip, the haze of arousal already beginning to cloud his mind.
With a kittenish smirk, you bit at his love handles while your palm ghosted over the growing tent in his pants, causing a deliciously desperate moan to tumble from the Cardinal’s lips.
“Dolce, I thought you were done tormenting me.” He groaned, petting your hair as you kissed and licked and nipped at his tummy some more, soft fingertips tracing shapes around his belly button and up and down his happy trail, relishing in the way his muscles twitched and tensed from the ticklish sensation.
In response, you only blew a raspberry onto his stomach, causing the man to jolt and shriek out another burst of laughter.
“Dolce!” He whined, twisting and turning, managing to sit upright and lean against the couch, huffing.
You giggled, moving to sit next to him on the floor. With a merciful gaze, you cupped his pretty face in your hands and pressed a loving kiss to his soft lips, which the Cardinal eagerly returned.
“Alright, I’m done tormenting you for real this time.” You grinned. “Let’s finish the mov-”
“No, I want… ehm… Dolce, let’s go to bed.” Copia whispered, lust swirling in his eyes, his hand coming to rest on your thigh.
“But darling, there’s only twenty minutes of the movie left.” You pointed out, your own eyes gleaming with excitement.
“Bed. Now. The film can wait, but I am not so patient.” The Cardinal pulled you in for a searingly desperate kiss.
And without breaking your passionate lip lock, the two of you managed to stumble through his rooms; furiously tearing off each other’s pyjamas, bumping into a side table, and nearly knocking over a lamp. Finally, the two of you collapsed onto the luxurious bed in a tangle of limbs and flurry of desirous kisses.
Your movie nights always ended in desperate, passionate love-making. Come to think of it, you can’t remember the last time you and Copia actually finished a movie together.
end <3
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writingjourney · 10 months
Copia cuddles!!! I need them!!! I need to smoosh my face into his silly chest I need to wrap my arms around him and nap!!!!
I'm sorry I took so long to reply. You're so right anon, I know for sure that this would fix me. I need to shove my face into his tiddies and sleep for a whole day 😭
// anyway, here's a short blurb, content: just under 500 words, gn!reader, napping in his office after he (literally) caught you falling asleep at his desk ♡
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He tries to keep his hand as steady as possible. Your head weighs heavy on his wrist but this is still better than if it met the hard walnut tabletop in front of you. Copia barely caught it, your drooping face, and he’d reached out before he could think too much about it. Now he sits at the most awkward angle, bent into your direction with his gloved hand floating in midair between your cheek and his desk. 
You’re drooling into his palm, neck bent in a way that promises a painful cramp any minute now. A decision has to be made if he wants to use his hand again. He could finish his reading with you napping on him – his desk chair is spacious enough – but he has to get you into a safe position in his lap first. 
When he starts pulling his hand in the direction of his chest, you snore into the quiet of his office and he startles so violently that he almost drops your head. It’s quite impressive how deeply you have fallen asleep within such a short time frame but then again he knows you’ve been working harder than is healthy, short nights and long days sacrificed to the very translation he is reading for approval right now. And you did such a good job with it.
Copia hooks his other arm around your waist, securing you with his hand safely spread over your belly. Then he pulls, trying to drag you over, and for a moment he thinks his spine might snap. This is not the angle he should lift you in but his choices are limited. With a deep inhale he heaves you into his lap, exerting all the strength he can conjure into his lanky arms. He huffs out the deep breath he took once you settle, falling slack against his upper body. If this won’t convince you to finally get some rest and take a break then it will be a Papal order next.
A sigh tickles his neck then and for a moment he thinks you wake. But instead you burrow deep into his chest, nuzzling for a moment before you release another snore. The angle is still awkward and he pulls you upwards until your cheek rests safely atop his shoulder. Your legs are swung over his and he repositions you until you’re secure within the confines of his desk chair, feet dangling over the armrest. 
Only when Copia feels your even exhales tickling his neck does he pick up the translation again. But as he tries to regain his focus, his gaze is weary and he can’t quite read the words. Your sleepiness seems catching and with your soft body atop his like the world’s most precious weighted blanket, he finds it easy to give into temptation. Perhaps he can rest his eyes for a moment as well, just a few minutes.
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BTW if you like this sort of fluffy thing, you should check out @ramblingoak ‘s little nap series here and here for similar nappy vibes :) ♡
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Favorite Tune
Cardiophile!PapaIII x Reader
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No major warnings, just cardiophellia and snuggles.
The room was dark, it had been for quite a while; the curtains closed, lights and candles out, it was dark, it was peaceful. The air was quiet for once, and you knew he was not sleeping, for Papa Emeritus III usually snored quietly as he slept, but you had felt him shift next to you in bed multiple times. He had pressed himself closer to you, moved away from you -still moving painfully slow as to not wake you, even though neither you were sleeping-, he had adjusted his pillow, stuck a leg out from under the covers, anything he could think of, but sleep had not claimed him for a good hour and a half now. He gave a quiet huff of annoyance slamming his head face-down into the pillow, and then you decided to turn and face him, eyes droopy with sleep and voice rough yet quiet.
His crown rose, eyebrows perking up as you called out to him. He gave a weak smile. You could still see traces of face paint that he had failed to wash off properly around his eyes, even though it were dark. ''Amore.. buona notte.'' The man turned fully on his side to face you. ''Did I wake you? I did not mean to, mi dispiace.''
Shaking your head in response, you brought a hand from under the covers to run through his thick black hair, tousled with restless tossing and turning. ''I was already awake, don't worry.'' you reassured him. ''Are you alright?'' you questioned, a small frown on your face. ''Yes, no of course, I am fine, just a hard time sleeping.'' Terzo explained, giving a small shrug as much as his position would allow. ''You can go back to sleep, don't be restless because of me, tesoro.'' The man hummed, plopping himself back down, and you nodded, moving closer to him and curling against his bare chest, his arms coming to wrap around you, holding you close.
You shared comfortable silence for a while, Terzo's chin resting on the top of your head, but the dark, relaxed state of sleep still did not claim him. You seemed to sense it, for you did not fall asleep either.
You shifted your neck awkwardly to look up at him where you lay, your eyes questioning as you gave a quiet hum of acknowledgement.
''May I listen to your heartbeat?'' His eyes were soft, looking a little pleading. You nodded quickly, moving up to rest on your back instead, and Terzo situated his waist between your legs, his head placing on your chest as he looked up at you for a brief moment. ''Thank you, dolcezza.'' He offered you a small smile, placing his head down, eyes closing and arms coming to wrap around your waist
He allowed the steady, rhythmic beating of your heart lull him to sleep while you twirled the longer hairs at the nape of his neck around your fingers soothingly, and before you knew it he was snoring quietly. The soft rasping of his breaths always did wonders to you, and you joined him quickly after.
You were his favorite tune, and so was he yours.
Taglist: @sweatandwoe @papasmicstand @copias-girl @random-bl-fan
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deakyjoe · 2 years
Click here to buy me a coffee :)
Sorted by character (more always to come)
All writing reblogged on @reading-writing-watching so switch notifications on there for updates :)
Requests: closed
All 18+ works will be marked as so in their individual warnings so minors do not interact with those!
Fan favourites marked with **
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Beaming Beskar**
Din has a unique way of telling you when he's smiling at you.
A Million Love Songs
If music be the food of love, play on.
Stormy Skies**
Din rescues you from an Imperial prison.
Sultry Sunsets
Din takes you to see the most stunning sunset in the galaxy.
Some Kind of Wonderful
Din shows his affection for you in strange but simple ways.
In Sickness & In Health
Din cares for you when you’re sick.
Dieter Bravo (The Bubble)
Puppy Love
Your neighbour Dieter's dog is the only comfort you need during stressful days. Well, maybe her and her owner.
Love To Hate
You hate Dieter Bravo more than anything. So why are you asking him to sleep with you?
Joel Miller (The Last of Us)
There Are No Words Left To Speak
Joel watches you from afar and decides he needs to invite you in closer.
The Liquor On Your Lips
You’re a vice too good to resist.
Not A Place, But A Feeling
They say home is where the heart is. And your heart is with Joel Miller.
Frankie “Catfish” Morales (Triple Frontier)
Something Stupid
And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like “I love you”.
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
You and Obi-Wan take a moment for yourselves to reflect.
Obi-Wan really should have let his curiosity go and avoided that flower.
Simon “Ghost” Riley (Call of Duty)
Somebody’s Watching Me Masterlist**
You sense someone following you after returning home from active duty.
Phillip Graves (Call of Duty)
Southern Charm
You’re supposed to hate him but you just can’t resist that southern charm.
John/Johnny “Soap” MacTavish (Call of Duty)
My Guiding Light
You and Soap have a mutual agreement to take care of each other when returning to base after exhausting weeks out in the field.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick (Call of Duty)
Burnt Cake & Melted Ice Cream
Gaz returns home from deployment earlier than expected.
John Price (Call of Duty)
Price finally comes home after long months away and there’s no one else he’d rather spend the time with.
Cardinal Copia/Papa Emeritus IV (Ghost)
After a long day, Copia gets a little too excited at finally seeing you.
Arranged & Absolute
To strengthen his new position as Papa, Copia agrees to marry someone he’s never met.
Taste Your Lips Of Wine
Copia needs help when being wine drunk creates a problem.
Bewitch You In The Moonlight
You encounter a likeminded soul during a sleepless night.
Michael Myers (Halloween)
Every Breath You Take**
It shouldn’t exhilarate you so much knowing a serial killer was stalking you. But you just can’t help yourself.
Robert “Bob” Floyd (Top Gun: Maverick)
I Got Chills, They’re Multiplying**
Despite being stubbornly independent, Bob won’t let you push him away in your time of need.
Pattern Breaker
A love confession turns to more once Bob knows you’re interested.
Logan Howlett/Wolverine (X-Men)
Tap Out
You know just how to make Logan feel better after a bad day.
Wade Wilson/Deadpool (Marvel)
Blurb (not full fic) || Part 2
Wade finds someone who completes him.
Simon “Ghost” Riley 1
Captain John Price 1
Captain John Price 2 (Homecoming)
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