#Dad Copia
themratts · 2 months
A Surprise For Papa
[ A mysterious 'gift' arrives at the ministry, addressed to Copia, and he's not quite sure what to make of it ]
Rating: Teens and Up (May be subject to change)
Chapter One • Delivery (word count : 2.3K)
—— 🍼
It was easy enough for Papa to get into the zone when it came to his ministry work. Despite how tedious and time consuming it could often be, by now, at his age, he was more than familiar with the grind and it came simply enough to him every day.
He’d sit, at his usual deskspace with his usual documents and reports and church budgets and he’d scribble away at them for as long as he had to. The trick was not to get knocked out of his focus once he was already in. That in itself, was the hard part. As he set his coffee mug down, three sturdy knocks met the door of his study, and when the Ghoul’s voice followed, Papa knew he was in for a long day.
“Hey,” Before Copia could even respond, the door was being opened and his eyes were greeted by the sleek and feisty figure of the fire ghoul. Dewdrop leaned against the doorframe, he told him, “Something’s here for you,”
“What?” That was odd. Not that things - fanmail, letters, whatever else - never came for him, but they were commonly delivered to his personal chambers. The odd part was the way Dew had shown up just to tell him about it, “Here for me?”
“What is it?” He asked but the ghoul only shrugged.
“Haven’t opened it. But it’s weird.”
Copia wasn’t sure if he was more curious, or worried. He turned in his chair now, papers forgotten for the moment. “Weird how?”
“Come and see for yourself,” As he left, Dewdrop flicked his tail and then it disappeared into the hallway. Papa knew he shouldn’t. He needed to stay, to get things done. Yet, he couldn’t help the urge to follow him. As if something was pulling him from his chair. Copia rose to his feet, and made his way after the ghoul in the distance.
He led him through the hall and down the main staircase. Before turning, and gearing them into the ghoul livingspace. A widened room with separate halls that would lead to ghoul dormitories, but the open area served as a nice space for them to hang out. Ahead, Papa could see two ghouls crowded around a small table. And when he got closer, he recognized them to be Aether and Swiss. Aether was especially close to whatever was on the table, nose twitching when he sniffed so curiously. Dew stepped to the side, hands on his hips.
“Guys, move.”
The other ghouls looked up, and backed away when Copia approached. Now that he could see what they were looking at, he was even more weirded out. A basket, it looked like, covered by a lumpy, stuffed-in sheet with a single folded piece of paper sat atop. A note, it looked like. It simply read “Papa” on the front. Copia’s brows furrowed, creasing the paint on his forehead. He looked at the mysterious package, to his ghouls, and then back down.
“Where did you get this?”
“It was left at the gate this morning,” Swiss answered, crossing his legs where he sat on the other side of the table.
“The gate?” Copia almost laughed, “This isn’t a prank, is it?”
“Nope,” and Dew shoved his clawed hands into his pockets, “Although that’d be hilarious.”
On the other side of Papa, Aether was taking another step back. He shook his head and crossed his arms, “It smells so strange,” He noted, tilting his head, “You should open it.”
“It smells strange? What does it smell like?”
All three ghouls exchanged a look. A hard to read expression, but it was enough to creep Copia out. He shivered, and when none of them answered, he reached instead for the note that was laid atop the blanket. It was written in unfamiliar handwriting, on thin, ordinary lined paper. He scanned the front and the back, before flipping it open. In big letters on the inside, the words read,
“Your problem now.”
Disturbing. A deeper confusion coursed through him and Papa turned back to his ghouls, “you are sure this isn’t a prank?”
“Not a chance,” Dew raised his hands innocently. Feeling defeated , Copia once again forced his attention back to the basket. He was almost scared to open it. He felt a pressure in his chest, an uneasiness. The circumstances were just so weird. But what choice did he really have?
“Alright,” He sighed. And Copia let his gloved fingers grace the edge of the basket. He hovered there for a second, before moving again. And when he did, he jumped backwards. Something inside the basket had moved, too. “Wh-what the hell!?”
“Dude,” Dew pushed him forward, “Open it!”
“What is it!?”
“We don’t know any more than you do.” A blatant lie.
Papa grumbled. He went to push and rub at his temples but halted when he remembered his face paint. He had to resort to a groan instead.
The thought that whatever was in the basket was alive was both alarming and very concerning. His hand crept forward to the blanket again, as he decided not to waste anymore time in getting to the bottom of it. Carefully, he removed the sides from their tucked position, and lifted the blanket from the basket.
It was barely in his hand for a second before he’d dropped it in shock. Papa gasped, stumbling backward and letting his mouth drop open. He wasn’t sure what he’d expected to be inside- but it definitely wasn’t that. A tiny, wrapped up, sleeping little baby.
“What-what the fuck!?” He yelled , slapping his hand to his head. Way, way too startled to care about his paint anymore, “what.. what!!?”
The ghouls were looking at each other, but none of them seemed as surprised. They’d known, of course, what was in there the whole time- from the moment they’d picked it up, the sound of the infant’s heartbeat had been a giveaway.
Copia spun around to them, “what is the goddamn meaning of this!?”
But Dew shrugged, “I feel like we should be asking you that,”
“che cazzo vuoi dire!?”
“I mean, it’s pretty obvious,”
“No it isn’t!?”
“Well,” Swiss leaned forward on the table, “it must be yours.”
“My…..” Copia felt like he’d just hit a brick wall. His stomach absolutely dropped, and he stared blankly at the small baby in confusion and disbelief. “..it… n-no, it can’t be. It can’t be,”
“Why the hell else would it be here?”
“It-It’s not mine.”
“It isn’t!” Stressed, Copia’s fingers raked through his hair, “It-It just can’t be!”
“Hey, Relax,” Aether placed a hand, soothingly to Copia’s back. Well, about as soothingly as pointed claws can manage, “we’ll figure this out,”
Inside the basket, all the commotion had begun to rouse the sleeping infant. Its hands grabbed weakly at the sheet it was swaddled in , eyes barely opening. Copia just watched. He could hardly breathe.
It… it couldn’t be….
..Could it?
Dew’s tail thumped against Copia’s leg, “why the fuck would someone leave you with their baby if it’s not yours?”
“Can you, please…” Papa groaned. He pulled a chair out from the table and slumped himself into it. “I need… to think for a minute. I just… oh my god…”
Swiss leaned a little closer. Nose angled toward the baby’s hair, “little thing’s super fresh too,” he said, then looked up, “what were you doing nine months ago? Or. I guess. Who?”
Copia remained slumped against the table. He shook his head, “how-how should I know..”
“Nine months ago… nine…” Aeth suddenly snapped his fingers, “We were still out on tour nine months ago,”
The realization settled in on all of them, and all three ghouls slowly turned their heads toward Papa. He was staring blankly at the table, unmoving, stiff as a board but the piercing red that painted his ears was a clear indication that he was in fact, still listening.
“..So, did you..?”
“-on tour?”
“I mean, that’s about right, but-”
“Please.” Copia groaned and leaned back in his chair. His head was pounding, even as he tried to think back to however many months ago, just entertaining the idea that this baby was somehow his had him shaken. What were the chances of this!? He felt… extremely unprepared. “Just… just let me breathe for one moment..”
The ghouls managed to silence themselves, and exchanged looks instead. They weren’t entirely sure how to feel, either. As humorous as it partially was, this was also a very, very serious deal. If this was, in fact, the child of an Emeritus.
The baby made a small, fussy noise and flexed its little hand again. Aether reached forward, allowing it to grab hold of his claw. He smiled, “Cute,”
“Do you think it came from on tour?” Dew asked, and leaned forward on the table beside Papa. The man was quiet for a second, mind running a mile a minute. It was moments until he answered. Quietly, palm against his forehead.
“It’s… it’s not impossible,” he groaned, “but-but unlikely, no? This wasn’t.. I mean, I..”
“I guess you’re a father now,” Dewdrop suddenly slapped him on the back, “Congratulations,”
“Fermare, we don’t know that,”
“There is literally no other reason this baby would be here right now,”
“You know, it’s addressed to ‘Papa’ and not to ‘Copia’, notice?” Aether pointed out, then. He picked the card up, and flipped it around on all sides, as if in search of a clue, “Maybe it came from someone inside the ministry? You know, a congregational member?”
Swiss shrugged, “Yeah, but on tour?”
“Those Sisters who come along and help out backstage?”
They both looked to Copia, awaiting an answer or reply but he just sat there, blank look on his face. His eyes descended toward the baby in the basket, who was looking at him now, too, and smiling. His heart felt a million things at once, “I can’t believe this..”
“What about a DNA test?” Aether suggested with a shrug, “You know, just to make sure.”
“Yes,” Papa swallowed. It was almost like the reality had started to settle in, and the longer he gazed upon the infant the realer it started to feel. Was it true? Was he really a father now? And if that were the case… who the hell was this baby’s mother?
He felt regret, fear and uncertainty. Guilt. Copia leaned forward, exhaling deeply and covering the upper part of his face with his already paint-stained gloves. He shook his head, mumbling something not quite audible. The ghouls looked at each other. And Dew took a step back, “I’m gonna go get Sister,”
“No,” Copia lifted his head, “Please, per favore, she cannot know about this!”
“What?” The ghoul let out an amused hiss, one of laughter, “You expect to hide an entire baby from her?” He could practically see Papa sweating.
“we-well… eh…”
“They’re gonna know about this one way or another.”
He knew they were right. Groaning again, Copia just shook his head and slumped back in the chair. He didn’t notice when Dewdrop turned and left the room, but even then, he didn’t care. His body felt numb, and he stared and stared at that little bundle on the table. How could something so small carry such a heavy weight of responsibility? He couldn’t even imagine what this would do to his schedule. To his… everything. Copia trembled.
“I.. I-I don’t know the first thing about taking care of a baby,” And Aether placed a hand on his shoulder, patting it there.
“It’s alright,” He did his best to comfort, “You’ll figure it out,”
“How could this have happened…” Papa shook his head, slowly. And when he turned, and looked up at the ghoul beside him, his eyes appeared damp, “How could I be such an idiot?”
“You aren’t an idiot,”
“The thought of..” He paused, and his lip quivered. Copia turned his head away, emotions hitting him somewhat suddenly. He told him, “...the thought of someone, someone carrying my child, while I am far away, with no idea, no way to care for her, to be there or to help… that breaks my heart,”
“Hey,” Aether continued to pat his shoulder, “Hey, It’s alright. And… besides. She seemed to know where you are, yeah? She left the baby here. So.. if she’d wanted you for anything, don’t you think she’d have reached out?”
Papa hung his head, low. The words weren’t nearly as comforting as they might’ve sounded. Whoever this woman was, she likely wanted nothing to do with him. Nor with the baby, apparently. The longer he thought about it, the sadder he became.
Copia rose from his seat. The baby gazed up at him, eyes wide and curious, and made a small babbling sound. The man sighed, “I don’t know. I don’t know.. where this came from, or what’s going on here, but. We certainly aren’t going to leave it here, and certainly not without a home.”
From the basket, he lifted the little baby, still wrapped and swaddled in its blankets. It was warm, precious, and when its little head lay against him he felt himself melt. He mumbled quietly, “You are certainly adorable..” And brought one finger up to let it grab. The baby giggled, gently when it did and Copia couldn’t fight his smile. “I wonder if you have a name,”
“I guess you’ll pick the name,”
“I guess…” Papa sighed. He only watched, still and mesmerized by the tiny being in his arms, how sweet and sound, and resting on the possibility that this baby was his own. He just couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t. It had been so quick, so sudden. And yet.. after only ten seconds in his arms, Copia knew. If this baby was his… if it was really true. He wouldn’t stop at anything to be the best, the best Papa that he could possibly be.
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the-theshiro-123 · 1 month
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Copia and his little bats @skywarpie
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steamyearlgray · 7 months
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Dad Copia has been on my mind. So here he is with his baby bat.
I’m currently writing something to go along with this but I got too excited to share this with everyone.
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tasty-ribz · 2 years
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Ya all stop make me feel feelings at this hour
@skywarpieieie Ratti fic
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snail-shell2335 · 1 year
i genuinely have no words at this point. the man was built to make dad jokes just look at him
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earthry · 1 year
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i just feel like copia would wear this dalkjf
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littlerainyghoul · 7 months
Imagine, you're in your warm, snuggly nest with the other baby ghouls and papa copia in the middle reading you all a bedtime story and then he gives every single one a forehead kiss...before tucking you in with your favourite blankey.
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Dad Copia, who recently found out his son wasn’t his daughter anymore:
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@skywarpie @marriedonacross
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sister-kym · 1 year
Thanks to @skywarpie I can't stop imagining sweet moments of Copia with his daughter (maybe I'm having really bad baby fever)
Him singing softly to her while he bottle feeds her 🥺
Them touching their palms together to compare the size of their hands 🥺
Them rubbing noses together 🥺
Him doing her hair 🥺
Him keeping her first milk tooth that fell out 🥺
Him taking care of her when she gets hurt, placing a cute band-aid on the boo-boo and kissing it 🥺
Her drawing him a drawing and him sticking it on the fridge door 🥺
Him teaching her to ride a bike 🥺
Him showing her her baby pictures: "(ultrasound picture) This is you in my belly*. (newborn photo) This is you when you were just born" 🥺
*he's a trans dad and no one can convince me otherwise
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themratts · 1 month
Whatever you do don’t think about Copia as a dad singing a soft lullaby to his baby while he gently rocks them, and when the baby smiles his heart feels like it could burst and he grows weak with emotion because he knows that his precious little bundle will be safe and loved and cared for forever
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the-theshiro-123 · 3 months
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Compilation of sketches from the Ghost requests on Insta
@skywarpie here's dad Copia! :3
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 2 years
hey! I feel like this request is definitely out of the ordinary compared to usual ones, haha, but I was wondering - do you have any HCs for Copia as a father? Say, he finds out that from a past fling, he actually has a (young-ish adult, like early 20s) daughter - would he want a relationship with her? Or would he be too focused on his work? Or would he, uh oh, view anyone in his bloodline as a potential threat to his position? Any and all HC you have for Copia as a father to an (older) child of his please!! For whatever reason my brain diagnosed him with Father Figure and I know it's goofy but it's fun to think about. If this is too weirdly specific or not something you wanna write, I totally get it, haha. Regardless, thanks! Your work is phenomenal.
Thank you so much for the kind words!! <3 This isn't too weirdly specific at all! It was a really fun one to brain storm and right!! I hope you enjoy it! <3
Papa IV Finding Out He Has An Estranged Adult Daughter
~The first feeling he would have is doubt, 100%. Not out of cruelty but this happens a LOT with Papas (and many of them unture because of HOW heirs are conceived.) But it's not entirely impossible for him from 20 years ago. No matter how shy he might have been, drunken nights do happen. But he's going to need proof! Copia is rather unimpressed until the a) the results come back and b) sees an actual picture of his daughter. Even before getting the results he can take one look at the young woman and see the resemblance. It nearly floors him!!
~Copia goes through all of the horrible processing emotions; guilt, confusion, terror at such a huge change coming to his life! Confusion because why did no one TELL him? Did the mother KNOW it was him? And if they did why didn't they tell him!! Does his daughter know who he is and what he does? Is she a part of his church or normal civilian life?
~The guilt is the worst part for him. Because he always promised if he had children he would make sure they grew up with him as an active part of their lives. He grew up without proper parents and the last thing he wants to know that (intentionally or not) he let his DAUGHTER grow up WITHOUT HIM! And worse, what if his child thought he left her on purpose?
~Drives himself mad thinking about all the what ifs, and wondering how much his daughter knows and if she hates him for not being there.
~His work definitely comes to a screeching halt, because this could change the trajectory of his personal life. Copia NEEDS to know what is happening and why. He and his ghouls definitely pull up all of the information they can. Trying to get into contact with his daughter and the mother. Copia is honestly so nervous contacting the mother more, because he has no idea how they will react to him showing back up out of no where... and also being the supreme head of a Satanic church if they aren't part of the ministry.
~To his surprise they are both completely removed from the Clergy and that fact does nothing to calm him down. Copia is so scared he is going to scare his child away, but wants his daughter to join them if she wishes. This also makes him wonder what her reaction will be to her possibly becoming the next Papal heir... Would she even consider it? It's a pretty big fucking deal to come into someone's life and say, "oh sorry i haven't seen you in 20 years! By the way, you might be a chosen daughter of lucifer and his mission to over throw the world!" Copia hates that he feels like his life is becoming Star Wars.
~He drops everything if his daughter responds to his reaching out and wanting to meet up. Literally, Copia throws his thurible to the nearest ghoul and runs out of his sermon to catch the next flight to where his daughter is! He's fidgeting and panicking the whole time. Wondering what kind of person she is, if she's happy to see him, if she even WANTS him in her life... he also has his check book because he'll be damned if he doesn't make up SOME KIND of child support.
~If the meeting goes well and his daughter wants to stay in touch, Copia dons being a dad seriously. Even if he can't be the dad she needed when she was growing up. It's a hard balancing act for him of being a supportive parent but not over stepping since he didn't actually raise her... but he desperately wants to be an active part of her life.
~If invited he shows up to every event, pays for whatever he can, and calls/dooms her often. There was a lot of people who warned him this could be a cash grab for his daughter and her mother... but he made sure to look into that first. Not that he wouldn't pay what he owes or dismiss them entirely. But his first priority is to establish a good relationship if given the opportunity.
~Copia would be lying if he said he wasn't worried that this was a convoluted plot to take over all of his hard work. To some it seems paranoid, but then again, if you knew the extensive history of the Papal bloodline and their politics you would be worried too! Copia himself is living testament to a son appearing out of no where to take over! He pours so much time into background checks, family trees, call logs, and tracing possible Ministry ties. He wants to love his new daughter but he can't chance it! Again, he is very relieved when it turns out she is an ordinary person from an ordinary life.
~He hopes to one day bring her around the Ministry and introduce her to everyone. But Copia is happy to go at his daughter's pace. For now he just struggles with the guilt he feels and wanting to do better.
~If she likes rats he might actually cry happy tears.
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Ghost series blurb idea
Auth. Note: An idea blurb for a maybe series. Tell me in the comments below if I should make this an actual series. Don't just like this post...comment and talk to me - this is a project man so put in your two cents!
~ Blurb #1
"My father's the fucking antipope?!"
Sister Imperator's tight-lipped smile made her face look plastic so Marina looked away from her instead to stare at the red-clad 'Papa' with her firey green eyes ablaze with accusation.
"Tesoro, listen-" Copia began wringing his hands but he was quick to dodge the flying book that soared his way; the sound of it smashing into the wall behind him almost deafening in the suddenly too-tight space of his office
"No! You fucking listen! My father is Jackson Floyd, he's a technical engineer with a brilliant mind and my mother is Samantha Marie Floyde who's a resident nurse at the local hospital! You are not my father!" Marina searched for something else to throw but instead, she was met with the unblinking stares of the masked figures surrounding her - guarding her and Copia with watchful gazes as if she was about to fling herself like some feral animal at their Papa; shit she felt like it right now.
"Ms, Floyde the papers do not lie." Sister Imperator replied cooly but did not flinch when those furious green eyes landed on her.
The brunette slowly stalked towards the tall imposing blonde woman before yanking the folder from her hands and slamming it harshly with a vicious crack against the smooth and polished surface of Copia's desk.
"No, you listen to me. He's not my father. He knocked up my mom and then abandoned her to raise a child he didn't fucking want like fucking trash" Marina replied jabbing a finger at Copia whose face flushed a bit with emotion the teen couldn't quite tell if it was embarrassment or guilt. Not like she cared.
"He abandoned me. A father doesn't fucking do that, lady. Jackson Floyd is my father. End of story. Now take me back home before I call the fucking cops and press charges for kidnapping." she demanded
"Marina, Amore mio...la mia luce..." Copia stepped forward feeling his eyes begin to sting unbidden with emotion he was not used to feeling as he reached for the enraged teenager.
The girl yanked herself away from him as if he was on fire and his touch alone would scourge her to death; her movements made her fall back into a figure standing at her back but she was forced to reach back to grab a hold of the black-clad arm to steady herself before she tripped over her feet.
"No. You don't get to call me your love or your light, Copia. Fuck you for all the years you've missed and fuck you for abandoning me. I don't need this shit! I was perfectly fine on my own without you in it! You can go to hell!" Marina snapped angrily but her lip trembled slightly when she met his eyes; mismatched and wet with tears he did not want to shed.
"I can't let you leave...Marina...I'm sorry, but I will not risk losing you again." Copia swallowed the lump in his throat and raised his chin defensively as he stared the teenager down.
"You had no problem losing me before I was even born Copia. So fuck you." she whispered shaking her head before she was turning and rushed from the room before anyone could stop her.
~Blurb #2
She gaped at the figure standing in front of her at the doorway and made her yank the towel back up to cover herself. It didn't matter that she was in a pair of panties and a tank top; her hair was wet and fresh out of a shower. This ghoul had some guts to stand there while she was half-naked.
"Jesus Christ can you knock!? What am I under house arrest now?! Leave!" she yelled feeling anger as much as embarrassment coat red on her pale cheeks.
The stoic ghoul she had come to know as Sodo or Dewdrop as some called him stood in the open doorway of the bathroom in his usual black attire and silver mask that was cocked to the side as he studied her behind the eyes that unnerved her.
"Don't curse in Satan's house." his voice was lilted and light even behind the mask as if he was enjoying her circumstance.
"Oh screw off!" Marina huffed as she yanked on a pair of sweatpants and grabbed her dirty clothes and towel; shoving past the small figure who was just an inch taller than herself to march into the common room and place her things into her overnight bag.
"You have unholy creatures after you, baby pope. After you and your unholy blood...Papa wants you watched at all times so you are protected while we find whatever is after you and take it down. I suggest you follow my rules if you're to stay here."
"Follow your rules?" Marina's head snapped up as she hissed slowly at him repeating his words.
"First off, I'm not a fucking lamb that is going to the slaughter. I don't need protecting from....whatever the hell you are! I don't need this satanic church and the....devil on my side. I am capable of protecting myself!"
"With what? Your cute little Evil eye bracelet and your little bags of herbs to ward off evil spirits?" Sodo grabbed her wrist and lifted it to show off the blue beaded bracelet she wore.
"For someone who isn't religious you sure do like your witchcraft, sweet cheeks." a sharp-toothed smile flashed at her beneath the silver mask and Marina yanked her wrist out harshly from his grasp but his hold did not give and she struggled against his singular grip on her slender wrist.
"Let go goddamnit!" she snarled but when Sodo did not she lifted a knee and hit him straight in his no-no square.
"See! How do you like them apples huh bitch!" she turned to run from the room as the ghoul doubled over with his hands cupping his now bruised dick but before she could go far he snarled and his tail flicked out to wrap around her ankle tripping her flat on her face.
Marina screamed bloody murder as she clawed the floor while being dragged backward and she kicked and struggled as she was flipped over and dragged beneath Sodo's flight frame. For a man no taller than her and just slenderly built he sure knew how to command attention as his clawed hands gripped her wrists and slammed them on either side of her head to the floor.
His once greenish blue eyes were now a bright flame of orange and red behind the mask reminding the teenager just how not human he really was as a warning growl rumbled in his chest.
"You listen to me you little brat." he shoved at her wrists again to gain her attention. "Papa assigned me as your protector and that fucking means you don't go anywhere without my say-so. You follow my rules, you got me, sweet cheeks?"
"And if I fucking don't?" Marina lifted her head off the ground to leer up at him as if either goading or challenging him.
Sodo's head slowly leaned down towards her until the cold metal of his mask was touching her forehead and she involuntarily rested her head back down at the insistent press of his forehead against hers.
"Fuck around and see what happens, princess. Because if you do I swear on the unholy dark lord himself....those things who are after you have nothing on what I will do to you."
Marina sucked in a breath and stared wide-eyed up at the ghoul. Sodo stared down at her with barred fangs a moment longer before he was suddenly up and out of the room leaving the girl limp and frozen on the ground staring at the ceiling; the only sound being her frantic breaths of terror.
Alright! Tell me if you'd be interested in reading this as a story?! Just an idea of a scene or two I had in my head for a story blurb and here it is. What do you guys think? Tell me in the comments below; don't like the post...just speak!
Taglist: @darklylucid
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animae-n-sht · 10 months
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Gave Copia a daughter and made him a single father because I said so.
Meet Rosa, twin sister of Nico (Papa V)
I dressed her up as her dad because I wanted to.
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snail-shell2335 · 7 months
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DAD COPIA!! dad copia !!!!!
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skelly-b0nez · 3 months
Little Sunshine - Chapter One
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content: 1.4k
warning(s): death, death of a parent
tags: dad!copia, grief, mourning, copia being the best dad, mama emeritus, oc, OOC in a few characters, cardinal copia, sister imperator, papa nihil, angst, death, parent death
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The loud clacking of heels echoed throughout the abbey’s walls. Each step not only demonstrated authority, but apprehension. Sister Imperator’s eyebrows curled as she hurriedly made her way down the hall, her pace only quickening when she saw a man standing in front of the door at the very end of said hall. 
Father Copia stood in front of the large door, his gloved hands sweating from the anticipation. He could distinctly hear Imperator approaching him but she was the least of his concerns. The only concern he had was for the commotion on the other side of the door. He stared intently for any sign of the door opening, however no such sign had yet come. The clacking suddenly stopped, and it was now just him and Imperator; waiting for the news. 
“How is she?” Imperator asked, clearing her throat. 
“I don’t know,” Copia didn’t turn to look at her. “They forced me out of the room before I could do anything.” 
She folded her arms. Sometimes Imperator wondered if these doctors truly knew what they were doing, forcing a man out when his lover is in such pain. “Elizabeth has always been a strong woman, she will be okay.” 
For the first time since she had arrived, Copia turned to look at her. His exhausted, pleading eyes spoke to her on an unspoken level. “Will she?” Imperator’s brows curled even more but she had to keep a stoic face. “She will.” Copia gave her a small nod before turning his gaze back to the door. 
“Nihil will be here shortly, he had some things to take care of with his sons.” 
Copia didn’t react.
“Do you think I’ll be a good father, Sister?” He asked, anxiously nibbling at his gloved thumbnail. “I never had parents, this is my only chance to be in this child’s life.” Imperator winced at the parent comment but she puffed out her chest and kept it together. 
“I’m sure you will make a fine father, C. And Eliza will make a fine mother.” 
“Eh.. I’m sure you are right. Thank you, Sister.” 
The door suddenly creaked open, a plague doctor poked his head out. “Father Copia?” The latter stepped forward at the addressment. “How is she?” The doctor briefly turned to look back at a scene neither Copia or Imperator could make out, before both of them were invited inside.  
The chamber was dark, only illuminated by a dozen or so black candles, the curtains had been shut for further privacy. However the amount of Sisters gathered around the bed would have proved that unnecessary. But who was she to comment? Copia rushed over, shuffling through the group to get to his lover. Imperator stood on the other side of the room, the warmth of the fireplace behind her gave her shallow comfort. She could hear Copia and Elizabeth talk to each other in Italian - a language she was never able to understand. But she was suddenly approached by Copia, a little bundle in his arms. The exhaustion in his eyes had turned to excitement. 
“Would you like to meet my daughter, Sister?”
Copia turned the bundle towards the older woman. Wrapped in the dark linen cloth was the Priest’s newborn baby girl. At first glance she had her mother’s black hair and fair skin. The only thing of her father was her slightly pointed ears.
And the eye.
One of the baby’s eyes was a bright blue, and the other was milky white. This was an immediate concern as there hadn’t been a female Emeritus born in decades, centuries perhaps. Imperator hoped that Nihil would have a solution; he'd never accept a girl as heir. She was sure there was, the child would have to remain as a Sister of Sin but at least she had a place.
That was the result she hoped for, anyway.
“She’s beautiful, Copia.” Imperator cleared her throat. “Have you and Sister Elizabeth thought of any names?” 
“Ah.. no.” Copia shook his head. “Eliza and I had too much going on to think of names.” He brought the baby closer to his chest, caressing her small face with his thumb. “What do you think we should name her, amore mio?” He asked, turning his gaze towards his exhausted lover, who only gave him a small smile. “We will talk about it in the morning, love.” Her body sunk further into the bed as a Sister wiped a damp rag on her face. 
“I see..” Imperator hummed. “I suppose it’s been a long night for you both, shall I leave you to get some rest?”
“Ah, si, that would be nice.” Copia sighed.
“Very well, congratulations on your little bundle of joy, Nihil and I will visit you both in the morning.” Imperator turned and quietly left the room. As soon as the door had shut behind her she let out the air she had been holding. 
She really had to talk to Nihil.
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“I do not understand why this is so important, Seestor.” Nihil drabbled as he followed Imperator down the long corridor. “There is something about this child you should know.” That was all she managed to say. She could tell by Nihil’s expression that he was less than impressed to have been dragged from his office to see a child he could care less about. 
“What about it? It’s like any other child, isn’t it?” 
“She has the eye, Nihil.” Imperator spoke with little emotion to her words. 
“And? That boy has it too… somehow.” Nihil sputtered, he was certain that Copia wasn’t part of the bloodline, yet he had the eye. “But that doesn’t mean anything Seestor, she can’t be Papa, so the only thing she’ll be good for is to be a Sister of Sin.”
Imperator figured that was going to be the answer, but she couldn’t let Nihil know that. So, she continued silently down the corridor. That is until she saw Copia. He stood outside the door; his back pressed against it and his baby cradled in his arms. He looked gutted. 
“Father Copia?” Nihil moved past Imperator, who stopped in her tracks. Copia raised his head, the dead, devastated eyes meeting the elder’s milky white. “Why are you not with Sister Elizabeth?” 
“She’s gone.”
“What?” Nihil cocked his head to the side. 
“She died, Papa.” Tears started spilling from Copia’s eyes. Imperator rushed forward to take the sleeping baby from him. Copia tried to wipe the tears away but they wouldn’t stop coming. “I don’t know what happened, she must have died in her sleep or something.” His legs wobbled and he arched forward, trying to keep himself from doubling over.
“Perché io, Satana” Copia sobbed. “L'ho amata così tanto” 
For a moment, Imperator took a glance down at the baby. Poor child would grow up without her mother. “Oh, Copia,” She sighed, shaking her head. “I’m so sorry…” 
“What am I supposed to do?” Copia asked, wiping his heartbroken tears. “I can’t do this on my own, I’m busy enough with mass.” The two older folk glanced at each other. Nihil sighed. 
“You have us, Father. All three of us will have to work together to raise this child.” Copia managed to let go of the little breath he had been holding. “Thank you.” 
He looked back to the door in front of him with sad eyes. “She’s still in there, isn’t she?” Imperator asked, to which the younger man solemnly nodded. “Can I have a few minutes, I want to say goodbye before she’s taken away.” Both Imperator and Nihil nodded, allowing Copia to reluctantly re-enter the room. 
The white light of the overcast sky shone on Sister Elizabeth’s stiff figure. Seeing how peaceful she looked brought fresh tears to the widower’s eyes. Copia sat on the edge of his side of the bed, putting his free hand on hers. It was cold, devoid of life. “Mi prenderò cura di lei, amore mio." He whispered, leaning in to give the lifeless body a forehead kiss. It was truly unfortunate that she would never get to see her daughter grow up. But life had to go on, whether Copia liked it or not.
“We will get through this.” He managed to crack a small smile and brought his attention back to his daughter, who was now awake with her tiny hand around his finger. 
“Won’t we, Elizabeth?” 
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Here is chapter one of my Ghost fanfic! I'm sorry if the characters are out of character, this is my first Ghost fic and I'm not fully wrapped around the character's personalities.
You can find Little Sunshine on my AO3 as well!
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