moonschmoon · 20 days
I've been rotating this scene in my head for a very long time and I think very few people talked about it not just in terms of “look Copia’s so cute here” but in the context of character analysis. Because right up to this point, Copia behaves like an arrogant bitch and demands attention and validation from Sister, while considering himself as her equal.
But AS SOON as she hints that Copia is not doing what he should be doing (isn’t thinking about the show), he turns into a closed child who is afraid of being scolded by his mother. He immediately closes in on himself (eyes down, nervously fixing his hair to look like a professional, voice much less imposing, he os almost whispering) and shamefully tries to justify himself and I think this says a lot about how traumatized he is and how afraid he actually is of his possibly imminent demise
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moonschmoon · 2 months
today i had the realization that all of the italian i know (which is actually a good amount) comes from ghanfics. reason 82991283 to thank fanfic writers ♡♡♡
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moonschmoon · 3 months
this is the greatest thing i've ever seen made on this app
Guys, real talk, if I sold plushia baby carriers on Etsy would anyone be interested?
Y’all would be able to carry the kids around to cons n stuff too lol (maybe make a fun cosplay with em like I did)
(Pics of the Plushia baby carrier, for anyone who hasn’t seen it)
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moonschmoon · 3 months
[in rosalie cullen's voice] my monkey man
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@minusninelives @rrrrrats ask and you shall receive (also i just needed an excuse to edit this, which was so much fun, so thank you for giving me these prompts)
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moonschmoon · 3 months
this is your random reminder to CHECK IF YOU'RE STILL HAVING FUN
are you enjoying scrolling tumblr? watching youtube? reading that book? playing that game? drawing that art? doing that activity? if not,
you don't have to stick to something that you are doing for fun if it isn't fun for you anymore. You can come back! If you've loved it before you are likely to love it again! but you can stop!
Don't get stuck in a loop of doing something that you think should be fun when it isn't! You can put it down for a bit! Maybe that's the very thing that will make it fun again later!
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moonschmoon · 3 months
Due to a series of illnesses, injuries, vet visits, deaths in the family, and circumstances out of our control, my spouse and I have found ourselves in a very tight financial situation. We have no savings and no family to fall back on. I cannot work due to my disabilities, and my spouse has just severely sprained their ankle. Still, they are forced to go to work anyway because if they miss a single day, they will be fired and we will lose the roof over our heads. We really need help to pay our bills, buy our medicines, and take care of ourselves and our three cats, one of which has developed severe skin allergies that will require treatment for the rest of his life. I'm opening these commissions in the hopes that it will ease some of the seemingly never-ending stress on my spouse and I.
How it works:
Send me a private message with your request (please no asks, as we cannot have much of a discussion that way, though asks of questions or clarifications are encouraged). This can be a full outline, a simple prompt, or anything in between—whatever works best for you. If you are unsure what you want but know you want to commission something, we can talk about it and figure it out together.
We will discuss your request and whether or not I'm open to it, establish pricing and timeframes, and potentially create an outline for longer works. Feel free to specify as much or as little as you want: photos, art, headcanons, preferences in characterizations; no detail is too much. I want to create something that you will be happy with.
Depending on interest and time-zones, it may take me a few hours–a day to get back to you. Please do not spam message me, as that will make me less inclined to approve your request.
Pricing (USD)
$10 for 500 words $15 for 1,000 words $35 for 3,000 words $50 for 5,000 words 5,000+ words–discuss in DMs
You choose the base word count. If I exceed that number for whatever reason, you will NOT be charged extra for it.
There is no limit to number of characters, ships, etc.
If we come to an agreement, payment is required upfront before I begin the work.
For commissions over 3k words, half of the payment will be accepted upfront, and the rest after completion.
Payments may be made through ko-fi, paypal, or venmo
Once I have begun writing, I will not offer refunds unless some sort of emergency occurs in which I cannot finish the work in a timely manner.
Tips are welcome but not required.
What I WILL write:
Papa Emeritus Nihil Papa Emeritus I Papa Emeritus II Papa Emeritus III Cardinal Copia | Papa Emeritus IV Sister Imperator Mary Goore Reader (any gender identity, size, features, age, etc.) OCs (any gender identity, size, features, age, etc.) Any pairings involving any of the above characters Platonic ships Solo character fics (including for OCs and Readers) SFW NSFW (MUST BE 18+)
The Nameless Ghouls are up for discussion, but please be aware I am not very familiar with the fandom's interpretations of them. If you share your characterizations and ideal features with me, I am willing to give it a try.
I also welcome requests for additions to current works or AUs I have on my ao3, but I will be much pickier about those and will not add chapters to the main body of work.
What I will NOT write:
scat vomit force-feeding underage ships (non-sexual underage characters are fine) self-harm suicide incest*
*I WILL accept any AUs in which the Papas are not related
I reserve the right to refuse any request for any reason.
Examples of my work:
ao3: chaircat
It's Just Paint– (General)– Copia x GN!Reader You and Papa Emeritus IV had been together for a few months now. Things were going well, and there had been surprisingly few issues. The two of you simply fit together in a way that made your relationship come easy. The only problem was that you had yet to see his face without the papal paint.
You want my strap, baby?– (Explicit)– Terzo x F!Reader You and Terzo had begun introducing your kinks to each other, and you decided now was as good a time as any to show him your strap. His response was even better than you'd hoped.
Icy Pleasure– (Explicit)– Solo!Copia During an unbearable heatwave, Papa discovers an exciting new way of cooling himself off.
Apologize– (Explicit)- GN!Reader x Copia x Terzo Copia was your sweet pet and Terzo was your brat. One day, Copia decided to act out and you were forced to punish him, while Terzo got to be rewarded for surprisingly good behavior.
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moonschmoon · 3 months
In today's "Terzo isn't dead" delulu episode, i just wanna point at this:
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Copia was hinted by that red bird. BUT there were also bats who flew out of the theater and formed huge Papa III in the sky about the town. Another Papa III, not the one who sat in the theater. Do y'all understand where this is going, right? Right?
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Also keep in my mind that he was the only one who wasn't confirmed dead in the "Escape the Ministry" game.
Maybe there's a chance we'll see him again 🤞
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moonschmoon · 3 months
GHOST 𐕣 Free Icons !
⛧ Download
A pack of 30+ icons i made, simplifying and manually redrawing ghost designs, i hope anyone can make use of at least one of those, please share !
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moonschmoon · 3 months
this is what copia sees in his room at 3am
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moonschmoon · 3 months
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moonschmoon · 3 months
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Sometimes, you just need a hug from your mama
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moonschmoon · 3 months
The real reason Nihil was looking in that tiny door is because Sister has the power to turn into a lego she told me herself
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I know this makes no sense but this in my sense of humor. Yes I went to the Lego website and made Lego Sister
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moonschmoon · 3 months
idk what's a spoiler anymore so i guess read at your own risk?
guys should we be overthinking the rerelease of zenith right now or no
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moonschmoon · 3 months
thinking about the grucifix designs on mountain's platform/the stairs. ghost's set and costuming are so important to me.
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moonschmoon · 3 months
i would give anything to see HD swissrora content PLEASE like what happened to their shenanigans we heard about. where was swiss in general :(
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moonschmoon · 3 months
couldn't copia just... decide to keep performing? like who's stopping him now?
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moonschmoon · 3 months
having a movie night with copia and telling him to sit on the floor in front of the couch in his cornette hat as you make popcorn in the other room. then bringing it in and sitting behind him, pouring the popcorn into the hat, much to his annoyance. he grumbles about how his hat is an unholy accessory that is meant to be respected. about a quarter of the way into the movie he just huffs dramatically and reaches up to pop some into his mouth.
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