#cooperative learning
shitacademicswrite · 9 months
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wvgsvf · 3 months
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Cooperative Learning: A Path to Academic and Social Success
Cooperative learning is an instructional approach where students work together in small groups to achieve a common goal. This method is not only effective for enhancing academic performance but also for developing social and interpersonal skills. At Ecole Globale Schools, we believe in the power of cooperative learning to transform the educational experience. This article delves into the principles, benefits, and strategies of cooperative learning, providing valuable insights for parents and students.
What is Cooperative Learning?
Cooperative learning involves students working collaboratively in small groups to accomplish shared learning goals. Unlike traditional individualistic learning, cooperative learning emphasizes group interactions and mutual support.
Key Principles:
Positive Interdependence: Each group member's success is linked to the success of the entire group. This principle fosters a sense of shared responsibility and unity, encouraging students to support one another in achieving the group's objectives.
Individual Accountability: Every student is responsible for their contribution to the group's work. This ensures that each member is actively engaged and that the group's success is dependent on the participation of all members.
Equal Participation: All students have equal opportunities to contribute to the task. This principle prevents any single student from dominating the group and ensures that everyone has a voice.
Simultaneous Interaction: Multiple students engage in learning activities at the same time. This increases the overall engagement and participation of the class, as more students are actively involved in the learning process.
Benefits of Cooperative Learning
Cooperative learning offers numerous advantages that extend beyond academic achievement.
Academic Gains:
Enhanced Understanding: Students often develop a deeper understanding of the material through peer explanations and discussions. Explaining concepts to peers requires students to process information more deeply, leading to better comprehension and retention.
Higher Retention: Learning through teaching others helps students retain information better. When students teach their peers, they reinforce their own learning and are more likely to remember the material.
Social and Emotional Development:
Improved Communication: Working in groups enhances students' verbal and non-verbal communication skills. They learn to articulate their thoughts clearly and listen to others, fostering effective communication skills that are essential in all aspects of life.
Increased Self-Esteem: Participating in group activities can boost students' confidence and self-worth. Being an integral part of a group's success can enhance a student's self-esteem and encourage them to take on new challenges.
Better Relationships: Cooperative learning fosters a sense of community and belonging among students. Working together on common goals helps students build positive relationships with their peers, which can improve the overall classroom environment.
Effective Strategies for Cooperative Learning
Implementing cooperative learning effectively requires careful planning and a variety of strategies to keep students engaged and motivated.
Description: Students think about a question individually, discuss their thoughts with a partner, and then share their conclusions with the class. This simple strategy encourages individual reflection followed by collaborative discussion.
Benefits: Encourages participation from all students, including those who may be shy or hesitant to speak in a large group. It ensures that every student has a chance to voice their thoughts and learn from their peers.
Jigsaw Method:
Description: Each student in a group is assigned a different segment of a topic to learn and then teach to their group members. This method divides the workload and encourages each student to become an expert in their assigned segment.
Benefits: Promotes responsibility and ensures that all students contribute to the group's learning. It also fosters deeper understanding as students need to comprehend and teach their segment effectively.
Group Investigation:
Description: Students work in small groups to investigate a topic, gather information, and present their findings to the class. This method involves research, collaboration, and presentation skills.
Benefits: Enhances research skills and fosters teamwork and collaboration. It allows students to explore topics in depth and develop critical thinking skills.
Round Robin Brainstorming:
Description: Students take turns sharing ideas in their groups, ensuring that each member participates. This method encourages active participation and idea generation.
Benefits: Generates a wide range of ideas and encourages active listening and respect for others' contributions. It helps students develop their brainstorming and creative thinking skills.
Implementing Cooperative Learning in Schools
To successfully integrate cooperative learning into the classroom, teachers need to create a supportive environment and provide clear instructions and expectations.
Steps for Implementation:
Form Groups: Create diverse groups with varying abilities to encourage peer learning. This diversity ensures that students can learn from each other's strengths and support each other's weaknesses.
Set Clear Goals: Define the learning objectives and outcomes for each group activity. Clear goals help students understand the purpose of the activity and stay focused on achieving them.
Assign Roles: Give each student a specific role to ensure accountability and equal participation. Roles such as leader, recorder, presenter, and timekeeper can help structure the group's work and ensure everyone is involved.
Monitor Progress: Observe groups, provide feedback, and offer assistance as needed. Regular monitoring helps keep students on track and allows teachers to address any issues that arise.
Evaluate Outcomes: Assess both the group’s work and individual contributions to ensure fair evaluation. Evaluation should consider both the quality of the group's final product and the contributions of individual members.
Challenges and Solutions
While cooperative learning offers many benefits, it can also present challenges that need to be addressed.
Common Challenges:
Unequal Participation: Some students may dominate while others may not contribute as much. This can lead to an imbalance in the group's work and learning.
Group Conflicts: Disagreements can arise, disrupting the learning process. Conflicts can stem from differences in opinions, work styles, or levels of commitment.
Time Management: Group activities can sometimes take longer than planned. Managing time effectively can be challenging, especially if students are not accustomed to working in groups.
Structured Activities: Clearly define roles and responsibilities to ensure balanced participation. Structured activities can help prevent dominance by a few students and encourage equal contribution from all members.
Conflict Resolution Training: Teach students how to manage conflicts and work collaboratively. Providing students with conflict resolution skills can help them navigate disagreements and maintain a positive group dynamic.
Time Limits: Set specific time frames for group activities to keep them focused and efficient. Clear time limits can help students stay on task and complete their work within the allotted time.
Cooperative learning is a powerful educational strategy that not only enhances academic performance but also develops essential social and interpersonal skills. By working together, students learn to communicate effectively, solve problems, and build positive relationships. At Ecole Globale Schools, we are committed to incorporating cooperative learning into our curriculum to provide a holistic and enriching educational experience for our students.
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dramamomma56 · 1 year
5 Easy Drama Games for Emergency Sub Plans
If you are reading this blog post, you are probably a. collecting materials for the next school for your theater class or b. sick as a dog and you need help fast!  Either way, you have come to the right place. I only offer sound teaching lessons or advice to teachers–no gimmicks!  Today, let’s talk about 5 easy drama games for emergency sub plans. In some ways, I don’t want to divulge this secret…
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molinaesque · 5 months
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You know why these boys brought you in? 'Cause I f*cked up a poor, defenseless gang-affiliated organ dealership? Yep. Mm.
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thelonesgroup · 2 years
Education is Power in Real Estate
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Whether you are a seasoned professional or a shiny new agent, continuing education is the backbone of success. Everything else builds off of your knowledge of the market, the process, the houses, and the relationships you build.
I'm privileged to talk with some of my Encore team about how education shapes their success, and why it's worth investing your education. Education doesn’t have to be in the form of a traditional classroom. My Encore team meets up monthly to discuss current topics in the market, roleplay conflict resolution, share stories (good, bad, ugly, and funny), and learn in a very supportive environment.
Watch the video to learn more!
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If the last few years have been a roller coaster, you need this class to refocus on the activities that will bring you more business, help you get better-connected to your clients, and develop a strategy that takes advantage of your strengths and opportunities. Come to Stop Making Excuses, Start Making More Money this October 24-25 or December 5-6 at the Lynnwood Convention Center for a two-day workshop with me, coach Denise Lones, and learn what action you need to take to create a steadier business in the years ahead.
Follow Denise on Facebook
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By Denise Lones CSP, M.I.R.M., CDEI - The founding partner of The Lones Group, Denise Lones, brings nearly three decades of experience in the real estate industry. With agent/broker coaching, expertise in branding, lead generation, strategic marketing, business analysis, new home project planning, product development, Denise is nationally recognized as the source for all things real estate. With a passion for improvement, Denise has helped thousands of real estate agents, brokers, and managers build their business to unprecedented levels of success, while helping them maintain balance and quality of life.
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Ok maybe I'm obsessing a little bit I just noticed something else interesting.
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When Cooper is watching his old film at the SD Mart, lost in his reminiscing, he imitates his character in the infamous scene he struggled with so much due to the sheriff killing for the first time. And when he does this he uses "finger guns"....except....
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...Lucy took his trigger finger. And if you look closely you see the moment he realizes and snaps out of his daze to regard it thoughtfully. Just for a fraction of a second. You'd almost miss it, especially with the gloves on. But he VERY deliberately folds the empty gloved digit in half, emphasizing its absence further.
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What do you think he is thinking in that moment?
Personally, I can't ignore the potential symbolism behind the juxtaposition of these two pivotal moments in his life. The way he watches his former, *human* self in the very scene that transitions him from the lawful sheriff to a darker character (one who kills), foreshadowing the loss/reshaping of his moral compass. Yet simultaneously becomes distracted by the loss of the very thing that represented that spiral: his trigger finger.
When he loses Barb he loses faith in the goodness of both himself and others. His world literally falls apart and everything boils down to the bottom line of the wasteland: kill or be killed. You can't trust anyone. It's becomes an inevitably etched in the stone of his heart.
But now he's met Lucy and she's surprised him. Made him question things. This woman for all her naivety and sheltered way of life did not react as he assumed she would. Instead, she proved strong enough to survive while managing to hold on to a part of herself she deemed important.
And maybe, just maybe the loss of one thing could gain him another in the future? Perhaps Lucy will help reshape his outlook once more. Restore his faith in a faithless world.
Does losing that vital piece of himself and quite literally having Lucy fill its absence portend things to come?
What do you think?
I don't know about you but I'm here to drink up every last drop of the dark romanticism being served up in their pairing, whatever the future holds for them.
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froody · 3 months
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cherryinterlude · 1 month
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riding him until one of us goes into cardiac arrest
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atlasisnothere · 3 months
one of the most wild things about rolling into the torchwood fandom a good fifteen years late is scrolling through the popular works on ao3 and seeing the sheer amount of hatred and vitriol that so many people held for gwen cooper. like??? fighting for my life here having to filter out multiple variations of the gwen bashing/anti-gwen-tag and even then some writers have such an unconscious dislike for the character that they'll slip nasty OOC characterisation in anyway. and it always seems to stem from this idea that she was 'stealing' jack's affections away from ianto but like. did these people not notice that the insane-straight-baiting-codependent-thing gwen and jack had going on was two-sided. did they miss the fact that literally every relationship in this show is toxic to at least some degree. some of these fics were rendered almost cartoonish in their going out of the way to point out how terrible and whiny they saw gwen to be. it all seems as yet another case in the epidemic of taking the woman perceived to be 'getting in the way' of a popular mlm ship and exaggerating or simply fabricating negative traits in order to justify shoving her to the wayside by proclaiming that she's a terrible person but. my god. gwen cooper my messy and flawed woman you will always be famous to me.
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The crossover we got: A weird and paper-thin... thing... where the "heroes" of "Play Station" are kidnapped by aliens and forced to use the Playstation Move, the only scenario Sony could think of where people might use the Playstation Move
The crossover we deserved: A Poker Night at the Inventory-style experience where Ratchet, Jak and Sly banter with each other over a lowkey game of cards
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salted15 · 4 months
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commission for @ace-of-clovers !!!!
(yes this is king dedede as a drag queen fkhgskghksjg)
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the-juicywizard · 6 months
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What a charming man Ghoul.
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purupurple · 8 months
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pov you told a funny train joke
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dramamomma56 · 1 year
How to Excite Students With Drama Integration
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molinaesque · 5 months
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Cooper and Lucy mercy killing turning ghouls
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dontfindmeimscared · 7 months
KTECH MADE IT TO @tmntaucompetition PRELIMS BABY!!
Anyway here's a backflipping Leo as promised :D
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