#contructive criticism welcome!
thatguykaboom · 5 months
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Screenshot redraws
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With old oc
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Beta designs
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Hair crisis bc he just looks like kevin
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I have no name ideas for him…
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french-toadt · 4 months
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★ ayra starr ★
been obsessed with ayra starr recently so i decided to do some graphic design with her pic!
do not repost without credit please x
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timeacola · 1 year
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F1 drivers ranked based on whether they fuck or not. Contructive criticism is welcome.
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remphase02 · 1 year
Hi, just so you know, Minecraft Golems have been very criticised for stealing the concept of Golems from Jewish beliefs. This is a big issue because it's coupled with other antisemitism in Minecraft, like the villagers as a stereotype of Jewish people. It'd be better to change the Golem in your rebalanced concept to "Construct" or something, which would go well with mods designed to rename Golems to Constructs and remove other cosmetic antisemitism from the game.
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Oh, I actually didn't knew, but yeah I see how that can be problematic... Already 3 pointed that out so I'm defenatly gonna do like an appendix or bonus panels to correct that into Redstone Turret or Redstone Contruct, was going to do it anyway cuz I wanted to explain how runes symbols and the redstone lantern works. Also gonna do copper next and already changed that into construct now. Anyway need to thanks everyone for the love these concepts are getting, even those who comed with criticism were really kind and patient. Also Suggestions are welcomed for anything that will come after copper
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honeyduex · 2 months
HI i'm em!!
i'm 17. i draw fanart mostly. i am obsessed w/ palia rn. it keeps my brain sloshing in my head.
things 2 know :
- comments n contructive criticism on my art are always welcome i will not cry
- i use procreate!
- idrk how tumblr works am still tryin, feel free to give advice
- i don't rlly like reposting but i may repost cat memes or fanart i REALLY REALLY like
- my brain works a little differently let me know if i have to clarify anything i say :]
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weirdartyankovich · 9 months
Animation exercise bc i havent posted in all of eternity sorry.
Contructive criticism very very very all the way welcome bc i need to do an improvement speedrun ok thanks bye.
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ultrastimpaks · 2 years
Glimpse of Us
Maeve x Calum (The Last of us)
TW: Arguments, Mention of Death
525 words
Note: Contructive criticism is always welcome, as well as your overall opinion on it!
"For some, being safe inside quarantine areas is the only way to survive the outbreak that has been going on for over 20 years now. But for Maeve, it feels like the breaking point for her and Calum."
“I didn’t ask you to save me, Calum!” her voice raised, hands making cut motions in the air for each other said like knives meant to hurt him, somehow. X’s eyes froze, as if seeing an explosion right in front of him, and the boom reverberating through every bone of his. “This” she vaguely gesticulates around “was not what I wanted. We were barely making it together, Calum! And you thought bringing me here on your white horse would suddenly make me feel what? Grateful? And we would work on whatever was killing us outside? In this quaratine hell?”
 There is silence for a minute. A quiet hum fills it as they stare at each other. Anger meets hurt, but it’s not enough for Maeve. She looks into Calum’s eyes for clues, for any chance of an answer. This is nothing new, she knows. The feeling that comes in these arguments is almost of a Deja Vu, words rehearsed so many times it almost feels like a beautiful sad dance; each knows their place, fingers being pointed at precisely the right time for the other’s eyes.
“answer me, Cal” she pleas, eyes softening for a moment as she looks for a light inside of his green ones. 
“I wouldn’t let you die outside” his voice quivers, but it is clear how much he is trying to keep it controlled “that’s out of the question. You can’t ask me to let you die, Mae. Doesn’t matter how much you hate this, or me.”
“I wasn’t going to die outsi-”
“Of course you fu-” he breathes “of course you would! I can be a lot of things to you, but I’m not an idiot.” 
Silence again. Calum runs his hands over his hair, paces a bit before making his way towards the door. Always the one to keep words to himself, bottle feelings up and leave first. A gift, he considered, but to Maeve it felt like running away from problems.
“I won’t let you blame me for still loving you” He turns around, brows furrowed in an almost angry face. Almost. Calum was too hurtful to feel anything of the sort for Maeve. “I wanted to give you a shot in the future. Shit, I didn’t even consider us, you know? I’m not oblivious! I know we have no future. If you want this to end, just say so. But don’t push it to me anytime you can’t deal with things how they are now. If you loathe me so bad, you will have to end it.”
He turns around, knowing the next steps to the dance very well; no ending words or additions to the choreography. Just silence, as always. There are days when he wants it to be over, for her to make her move so the curtains can be drawn and the audience to clap sadly to their concert. Then, words would be thrown at them like bouquets to congratulate their hard work, the long nights rehearsing the same arguments meant to impact. And then they would both hold hands one last time to thank everyone for coming and staying for the show.
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itsthwippingtime · 5 years
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make me choose: ↳ @annie-quill asked Star-Lord or Tony Stark
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I drew another Oz!! He’s a sleepy boi! (Contructive criticism is always welcome)
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shihozaki · 4 years
(1/2, I’m sorry) Can I request a haikyuu matchup? My pronouns are she/her, I'm bi (kinda male leaning) 5'0, a Pisces, ISFP and generally petite. I wear glasses, have medium brown hair and eyes. I'm an aggressively loving mom friend, I don't have the highest self esteem but I’m working on it. I'm quiet, reserved and introverted around those I don’t like but witty, sarcastic, stubborn and kind of a smug little shit around those I’m comfortable with.
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Sorry this took so long! Thank you so much for being my first Matchup-person :)
I pair you up with Sawamura Daichi!
- As a mom friend, you need a “dad” figure to balance it out!
- Daichi is a loyal and supportive boyfriend. He would definitely help with your self esteem.
- Even if you aren’t athletic, he appreciates that you signed up as a manager to support him and his teammates.
- He encourages you in a lot of things and he helps you believe in yourself. He doesn’t understand why your self esteem is low. Like, you’re just so perfect for him??
- In return, you help his emotional side. Daichi doesn’t enjoy talking about emotions, but you help him express his feelings.
- You guys are affectionate and playful with each other!
- Whenever you make cheeky little comments at him, he laughs and plays right along.
- Daichi loves your size, too. You’re not only sweet, witty, and cute but you’re also WAY shorter than him?? Like you just fit right into his arms??
- He loves it when you bake something for him and his teammates. He lowkey wants to brag about you so badly, but he keeps his composure.
- He thinks it’s funny that you’re so dense. It took you so long to realize that he liked you, even though he hinted at it a BUNCH of times. He still teases you about it.
- You guys balance each other super well, and you cannot imagine life without each other :)))
Scenario: When you bake together.
“I don’t understand how you do this so well.” Murmured Daichi, trying his best to spread the frosting. You laughed. Watching your boyfriend struggle was so cute. Usually it would have been you struggling, considering how dependent Daichi was. You were mostly the one asking him for help, but it was funny to see your boyfriend wrestle a simple baking task. “Daichi, I think that’s enough Frosting for the cake.” You took over, decorating the cake with strawberries and chocolate. Daichi opened his mouth, motioning you to drop a chocolate into it. You giggled and obliged, eating one yourself after as well. “Our hard work has made such a cute cake.” Said Daichi, smiling proudly. “I mean, mostly, my hard work. You struggled with the electric mixer for half an hour.” You replied with a smirk. “I wasn’t told it would be so violent.” Chuckled Daichi. “But, in the end, the cake looks amazing. How does eating it in the living room while playing video games sound?” “You know me too well.” You replied. You couldn’t be happier.
Song: Purple Rain by Prince
Thank you for the request, Contructive criticism is always welcome!! I hope to see you again soon :)))
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I don’t usually (like, at all actually lmao) rant about my personal life but I feel like this needs to be said:
Throwback to that time someone commented on a piece of work i’d written (fanfiction) and it was basically them telling me:
- my pacing could make the icexaps freeze back over
- and that if I wasn’t a “good” or “skilled” or “proper” (I think that was the actual word?? Idk I deleted the comment because I didn’t want anyone even interacting with this dunce) writer than I shouldn’t be writing at all, much less putting it on the internet.
If by “proper” you mean “have a published novel” or “have a degree in writing” I am already on my way (and already well indebted to the AUS government) to getting a degree in creative writing (editing, analysis, the whole shebang), so, there you go I guess.
- you want a “proper writer”? Employ me??? Because otherwise I do this in my free time, and my personal/professional life will be my priority, because writing/fandom is something that brings me joy an enriches me, not something I do for other people.
- my story was weird and unoriginal
Like??? Hello?? Who do you think you are, The Writing God? The Overlord of Creative Writing? Sorry mate, you’re not, you’re just a gatekeeper with serious superiority issues. And clearly lacking in the skills needed to give contructive criticism in a work instead of useless insults (not even written well lmao).
- The comment also said I should “stick with a theme” and decide “whether I want to make people laugh or cry.”
That’s — who’s gonna tell them that’s not how storytelling works? I wasn’t being pseudo-intellectual by suddenly changing the whole theme of my story, I was just adding in some humour to add depth to the characters and make the characters seem more fleshed-out. Calm yourself.
I don’t know what this person wanted to achieve (maybe just to bully me because it’s “fun” or whatever) but this and comments like it are utterly pointless, downright meanspirited and are so harmful to the creative community.
Constructive criticism (that is, commentary that is actually useful and insightful to the author(s) which may help them improve/refine their work(s) in meaningful ways), is not always welcome, as more than a few creators just wanna write/put their self-indulgent content out there and don’t really want any interaction outside of that.
If there’s a formatting problem or a translation problem, or i’ve written something offensive, or you’re confused by my meaning, please let me know and I will change it, but don’t rock up to my comment section and talk about how “[redacted because they used a slur] you think me and my story are because it deviates from the source material and it’s therefore dumb.
Thank you for your time and enjoy your day.
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Falling For You’re Best Friend
A/N: I am really bad at titles, sorry.
Word Count: 603
You were sitting on the couch of your two bedroom apartment as the smell of fresh buttery popcorn filled the room, you closed you’re eyes and inhaled deeply relishing the moment. You opened you’re eyes and kept scrolling through the netflix movie options for the night as you’re roommate and best friend Lafayette entered the room with the popcorn. 
“Any luck, (y/n)?” the Frenchman asked as he plopped down next to you on the couch, covering himself with the same fluffy blanket you were already warm and comfy in.
“I don’t see anything I really want to watch… except for 27 Dresses…” You mumbled the last part quietly, looking at Lafayette with pleading eyes.
“We’ve watched that movie 27 times already, mon ami.” he said with a giggle. He took the remote and pressed play as you laid you’re head against you’re best friends chest and settled in for you’re weekly movie night. It was perfect, as were all things between you and you’re best friend.
It was about a month later, as you were preparing for another movie night with Laf. You check you’re phone and pout. He’s usually home by now.  You scroll through the netflix titles and you feel your phone vibrate, when you pick it up you see its a text from Lafayette. He’s still out with his blind date. apparently they really hit it off. You text back that it’s fine, that you’re happy for him. But deep down, it hurts. You shake the feeling, he’s your best friend. You should feel happy for him, right? You put on a movie you haven’t seen, but you’re too caught up in your thoughts to pay attention. You can’t help but feel jealous, and fall asleep on the couch, with tears in you’re eyes.
You wake up to the sound of a door, a few hours later. Lafayette walks into the room and you wipe your tears away. “oh hey, didn’t expect you to still be up.” he said, sitting on the couch next to you. You check you’re phone, not wanting to look at him right now. You felt so hurt and didn’t even understand why. It was 4 a.m.
“I think i should go to bed,” you mumbled, as you pulled yourself up off the couch. You feel tears well up in your eyes as you start to walk away but he grabs your wrist gently to stop you.
“I’m sorry, (y/n). For missing movie night. Are you upset?” he was genuinely concerned. You’ve been best friends forever and you didn’t want to lose each other.
You quickly wipe you’re tears before turning to face him. “No, im fine.” You almost got away with that but you’re voice cracked at the end and Lafayette could always tell when you were upset.
“Je suis désolé, mon ami. I am so sorry. I wont miss movie night again, okay.” He pulled you into his arms in a warm hug, and you felt safe. Then it hit you, harder than a ton of bricks. You were in love.
“Lafayette, I’m not upset about the movie,” You mumbled into his chest as he held you. “I’m upset because… I love you.”
He gently pulled you away, just slightly. He didn’t say a word. He lifted your chin to look up at him, wiped away your tears. He looked so deep into you’re eyes that it felt like the two of you were floating together, “I have always wanted to hear you say that, mon amour.” He leaned in and softly kissed your lips, and in that moment you knew, everything was perfect.
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jagerstian · 4 years
This is just a oneshot about Torri. It’d be cool if you read it but it’s cool if you don’t
Beep, beep, beep, beep
A hand slams down on the alarm clock. Blankets rustle and a girl sits up sleepily. She shuffled to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. She thumps down the stairs in a skirt and cardigan. She places a slice of bread in the toaster and puts on her shoes. The toast pops up, she slings her backpack over her shoulder, stuffs the toast in her mouth and shuts the door behind her. The heavy fog quickly sucks any heat away and a chill settles into her bones. Pulling the cardigan closer, she strides along gravel path through the trees. The gravel crunches damply underfoot and the crows sing a chorus for her. She counts the tree frogs she spots on the way and kicks acorns across the path. Lights shine through the fog and a cottage with a lantern out front comes into view. As she approaches a new girl steps out and locks the door. She waves and jumps down a few steps before joining the first girl. They exchange gifts, as they do every morning. The first girl receives an owl feather, the other gets an arrow head. They smile softly and pocket their gifts. As they begin walking down the winding path to a waiting bus they link hands and share hushed giggles. They grow smaller and fade into the fog, but their footprints hold their morning’s story.
The first girl is Torri, the other is her girlfriend.
Contructive criticism is always welcome!
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ao3feed-danielsousa · 2 years
baby i'm a gangster too and it takes two to tango (dance with me)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/5Bwc6Uu
by sundariiyo
"Why hello Peggy," came her too silky voice, "it's been so long since we last saw each other."
If looks could kill, Dottie would be a puddle of goo and red lipstick.
"What the hell is your game here, Dottie?"
Words: 677, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Agent Carter (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Peggy Carter, Dottie Underwood, Jack Thompson (Marvel), Daniel Sousa
Relationships: Peggy Carter/Dottie Underwood, Peggy Carter & Jack Thompson, Peggy Carter & Daniel Sousa, Peggy Carter & Dottie Underwood
Additional Tags: Author is tired, author also hasn't written anything in a long time :), ily dottie, Jack Thomspon lives, my man deserves to live, author doesn't have a beta for this fic, so any criticism (contructive) is welcome!, they (peggy and dottie) are dating your honor, this is pre-relationship btw, I might make a second part
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/5Bwc6Uu
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painterofhorizons · 6 years
Thoughts on leaving (unasked) feedback on (fan) created content, the importance of writing and drawing beyond leveling up your skill and stuff like that (aka I need to clear my mind):
Went for drinks today with a good friend and we ended up having a crazy intense three hour discussion on the topic of stating different opinions/leaving contructive criticism/(decent) negative feedback on in freetime created and to the internet uploaded content (mostly we were speaking about fanfictions but also about (fan) art, cosplay and also about music (he’s a musician but not involved in any kind of fandom or writing/arting so we shared that we’re both content creators but have different views)). In the end, the discussion can be summarized following: he: with the moment of uploading content to the internet you must be able to deal with negative feedback/criticism and you should want it in order to develop the said skill (writing, arting, making music). Me: do only offer constructive criticism when it is directly asked for by the creator, unless, please follow the dl;dr and do not offer feedback if it is not positive, people do it for fun mostly and should be allowed to enjoy their stuff even if it may not meet an ideal good or perfect and even if there is stuff that “could have been done better”. Creating content in your free time should be allowed to be a safe bubble, creators should be allowed to say “no criticism, thanks”, and for those who want that kind of feedback, there is classes, (semi) professional space, beta readers, forums or simply stating “constructive criticism welcome” above your content. Unless it is directly stated, do not shovel your opinion on someone different because you feel entitled to not only have an (differing) opinion (which you are) but also state this opinion even if not asked to do so. I used to be very open offering (unasked) criticism in reviews, and I have completely changed that behavior. To me, most important is empowering people to create content in their free time, to express themselves, and if there is something I do not like or agree about, I go somewhere else or bite my tongue.
We ultimately agreed that we both do get the point of the other but in the end do not agree, and that’s fine and we can totally stand having very differing opinions on the matter.
But that discussion - as much as I loved to have someone to talk to about it face to face and not just online - was also super exhausting. Really, I just want people to be happy in their freetime, there’s no need to always trying to improve yourself or to always try to be perfect or aim perfect. You can also do/be medicore and still enjoy the shit out of things and share it with others and they are also allowed to be just positive even if there are “flaws” in the contend you created. I’m having strong opinions on that, also because creating fan art and fan fiction always was more than “just writing” to me. For years and years, it kept me personally sane, it helped me fight suicidal thoughts and urgent self harm and I do not know where I would be today if there wasn’t arting and writing for me. Nowadays, writing fan fiction helps me go through other, less “dramatic” nonetheless as important topics, it helps me think on paper, clear my mind, see different points of view, “act if”-situations without real life consequences and stuff. And that’s not just me and it is not about style or good plotting or getting technically better in writing. So yes, to me it is extremely important that writing and drawing fan content is allowed to be “just a safe space” and that you, as the creator, can say “no criticism here, thanks”, because at times the purpose of creating something is not improving your skill at it. ourse in the heat of our discussion, while drinking cocktails in public, that’s not exactly things to talk about. But at times it is draining to explain people that “writing” and “drawing” can be much more than, well, writing and drawing.
Much less think about how stressed I was when he asked if he could read something by me, because he was seriously just curious (he shares the music he creates all the time and I like that) and I was like “uh, ehm, so, you know, I like my stuff, and it good, and you would probably like it too, but it highly personal and it freaks me out just thinking about people from my every day real life reading it because even if its fan fiction it like soul striptease right? so, ugh, um”. Yeah. That.
So yeah. Ultimately, I think unless in professional context, do not force your differing opinion on the content of other people onto them unless they explicitely ask for it. This will not lead to people unlearn to handle criticism, life is full of that and you can and should not avoid it. But what you do in your free time has to be allowed to be a safe space and follow your own rules. So yes: dl;dr and only criticise someone when they ask you to do so. Until, let the content be as bad in your eyes as you think, that is your problem, not the problem of the creator. If they enjoy what they do, goddamn let them.
Huh. That was both a great discussion but also one that I feel like I’ll need days to recover from. You’ll find me under a rock writing self-indulgent shit that I will not accept any criticism for and still upload.
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Dean Winchester x reader
Warnings: SMUT (but cute and sweet smut so nothing too harsh), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), some sadness, a bit of fluff cause we all love fluffy Dean
A.N: this is my first Dean fic, so CONTRUCTIVE criticism is helpful. And of course, any comments are welcomed!
(GIFs are not mine)
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You were locked up in your room at Bobby's for weeks. Ever since Castiel died, you refused to leave the bed you cuddled his filthy trenchcoat in. He was your best friend, and one of the only angels that still visited you after you fell. Bobby would come up every now and then to bring you food and try to talk you out of bed, but you would roll over to face your back towards him. You would sleep most of the time, but you were either plagued with nightmares, or memories with Cas.
One day, you were awoken by the sound of Sam and Dean coming in downstairs. The three men talked about leviathans and other issues below, and you tried to go back to sleep. Eventually, you were aroused by a dip in the bed and the smell of food, which made your stomach lurch in hunger.
Hey, (Y/N/N), I thought you could use a burger. It's from your favorite place." You didn't respond. "Well, if you aren't gonna eat it, I will." You heard the bag rustling and the wrapping begin to open. Giving into your stomach screaming at you, you sat up and snatched the burger from his hands. He watched you devour the burger with a playful smile of triumph. "There she is. Wonderin' where you've been (Y/N). Why are you never getting out of bed? Bobby could use your help, ya know. We all could. The world's goin' to shit...again."
"I miss Cas." He sighed at your small words between bites.
"We all do. But you don't see me or Sam or Bobby layin' around." You shot him an annoyed look.
"We all handle grief differently." Dean raised an eyebrow.
"Not the girl that radiated confidence and joy. (Y/N), anytime you're around, everyone's happy. I hate seeing you like this."
"Hence the locked door." He rolled his eyes at your snide comment.
"Do you remember when we first met?" You looked over at him curiously, wondering where he was going with this, "You were kicking ass at the pool table. You challenged me, and was one of the few times I lost. You talked to me first, and flirted first."
"And I was so excited that I was going to get laid." You added. "You were so hot and all the girls were drooling over you. I enjoyed watching their faces as I left with you."
"Really?" He chuckled. "I was the same way." You smiled a little and he pointed at it.
"There's that smile! I knew you couldn't hide that from me." He poked your face and you swatted his hand away and finished your burger. He poked you again, but in your side, earning a reaction from you. You squealed as he began to tickle you, your laughter echoing through the room. You tried to push him off, but he was too strong. He pinned you down as he continued to tickle you, your face beginning to hurt from smiling and laughing so much. He stopped and both of your laughter slowed and you realized how close Dean was to you. Your heart pounded as he hovered over you, searching each other's eyes for a sign of something. You wetted your lips as you stared into his green eyes. He lowered his head and met your lips in a kiss. They were soft and warm. When you parted, you smirked.
"Wanna finished what we started that night those few years ago?" You proposed and he smiled, and your heart fluttered. He kissed you again, this time more passionate and lustful. Your fingers shuffled through his hair as your tongues began to dance along with your lips.
God, this man was perfect. He was so beautiful, and he was such an amazing kisser. His lips moved from yours and his teeth grazed your jaw as he laid small kisses down your neck. You trailed your fingers down and found the hem of his shirt and began to pull it up. He finished for you and pulled it over his head, revealing his beautiful body. You needily ground your hips into his and he let out a slight moan at the friction. He pulled your shirt from your body and you shed you own shorts, leaving you bare in only your panties under him. Dean sat back on his heels, taking you in before he shed the rest of his clothing. He hooked the sides of your panties in his fingers and looked at you hungrily as he slowly removed them from your legs. He had a playful smirk on his face as he crawled back over you, licking a stripe from your belly button, between your breasts, and up to your neck. He used his knees to part your legs and he wrapped one arm around your lower back, lifting your underside up to the perfect angle for penetration.
"You ready, (Y/N)?" You nodded and wrapped your legs around his waist as the tip touched your entrance. Shit, you were so wet, and all he did was kiss you and strip you. The things this man can do to make a woman melt. Dean slid into your slick cave and you both moaned at the painfully pleasurable sensation. He began moving in and out at a slow pace, just to make sure you were okay. When he saw your eyes shut and a slight smile on your face, letting out small moans, he took that as an okay to go on. He began to pick up the pace and your moans became more frequent. You bit down on his shoulder to keep yourself quiet as your nails dug into his back and shoulders. He nuzzled his head in your neck as he began to pound into you, both of your climaxes building rapidly.
You clenched around him and threw your head back on the pillow as you flew over the edge, taking Dean with you close behind. He looked down at you after he pulled out, both of your faces smeared with ecstasy.
"Thank you, Dean." You panted before you kissed him again. He laid down on the twin bed behind you and pulled you into his body.
"Anything for you." He whispered as the two of you fell asleep.
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