#contrabbandieri post
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contrabbandieri · 6 years ago
The SKAM Italia cast's public reactions to the news:
Pietro Turano (Filippo)
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Rocco Fasano (Niccolò)
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Federico Cèsari (Martino)
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Martina Lelio (Federica)
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Nicholas Zerbini (Luchino)
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Beatrice Bruschi (Sana)
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Benedetta Gargari (Eleonora)
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Giancarlo Commare (Edoardo)
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Greta Ragusa (Silvia)
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Ludovica Martino (Eva)
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annefraid · 5 years ago
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skam italia season 4 + text posts
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evak-skam · 6 years ago
french boy squad: chaotic
druck boy squad: dumbasses
contrabbandrieri: protective
og boy squad: chill
but they’re all extremely supportive and would do anything for their friends
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faresramettas · 6 years ago
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skam italia + text posts (part 5 of ??)
disaster gay marti edition & bonus fili
u thought i was done huh
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ciaoragno · 6 years ago
all i did today was watch skam italia from season one to three and now my heart is full and empty at the same time
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maclexa-bane · 6 years ago
it’s officially midnight, happy skam italia day everyone!
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iamshannonmcfarland · 6 years ago
Martino: We’re going to Fili are you coming Elí?
Elia : I can’t I’m sick!
Gio: having real feelings doesn’t count as being sick!
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meeraria · 6 years ago
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aaa look it’s the chaotic gay, the regal bisexuals, the ally bae and…. Luca
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corvidcantina · 6 years ago
Giovanni: of course I care about all of my friends equally!
Luca: we got detention while you were away
Giovanni: oh my god! I'll have words with the teacher, I'm sure Martino hasn't done anything wrong-
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incantavastan · 6 years ago
Contrabbandieri when Silvia starts talking about Edoardo
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contrabbandieri · 6 years ago
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Ludovica Martino and Federico Cèsari as Eva Brighi and Martino Rametta on set of SKAM Italia.
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onecoloraway · 6 years ago
the fact that there's tweets every other hour in the skamitaILa hashtag makes me love this fandom even more
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hacuore · 6 years ago
my spoilers tag is     / skam italia spoilers    , just for reference    , because I’m posting a lot of headcanons about episodes that have already passed since I’m caught up already and I noticed people have just started, so if you care about that sort of thing black list that  ---- and i also leave a window for spoilers about maybe a few  hours after the clip shows  because of time differences but other than that,  past episodes  and what not, are not spoiler free on my blog
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revengeisalwaysanoption · 4 years ago
31, Nicotino
Martino should have known this would happen, when he bought Nico a smartphone for his birthday. That, eventually, he'd sign up on Instagram and use it to share his art. And that was just fine, but then they boys heard about it and Luchino got into his head that he had to be Nico's agent - since I Contrabbandieri di Porri were still waiting for their big hit - and that the views on his profile would benefit from showing some 'work in progress' videos.
Marti was quite certain that he'd say that his creative process was something too intimate to be shared, that part of uNreal99 's charm was their anonymity  and laugh Luca's proposal off. Except he didn't. He listened intently, nodding along and saying that he would consider it as long as his boyfriend was okay with it. A statament which, of course, hit a nerve and had Marti laugh bitterly.
"Now you make it sound like you need my permission to do things, Ni." He had snapped, in a biting tone.
"It's not that." Nico had clarified, reaching out to stroke his knuckles soothingly. "It just wouldn't feel right doing things that could upset you, if I can help it. You know that you always come first, right?"
"Awww, you guys." Luchino had cut in, trying to placate his friend as well. "Forget I've even asked if it's gonna 'cause a rift between you guys. Federica would kill me if she found out I was responsible for Martinico - Rames, Nicotino, however you want to call this beautiful union of yours - splitting up over this."
"Lu. Luchì. Calm down. You too, Nico. We're not even having an argument, here. Of course I'm okay with it. If anything, it's you two suggesting that I wouldn't as if I were some kind of jealous freak..."
It doesn't bother bother him at all, really. They are all just nicknames on a screen, with no chance on getting their dirty little hands on his boyfriend in real life. Plus, the raunchiest comments are things like 'your biggest fan since day one' , 'the true work of art is you' , 'this world is lucky to have so much beauty in it, and you certainly do your part' all coming from the same account that always ends their messages with a 'kisses from N.' The only one Nico never fails to reply to, with a rose and heart.
Well, that does bother him a little. Not too much, honestly. He's just curious about all this flirting since, well, Nico never fails to mention in the captions to his photos or in his videos that he's got a boyfriend. Why they keep on stalking his profile, then, liking every post? Why is Ni being so nice to them? Does he need to step in and tell this person to leave him alone?
"Who's this nadia.morriconi44 who liked your post on instagram? Who liked all of your posts, really, and keeps sending you kisses in the comments?" He asks one day, casually, over lunch.
"And what about it? Are you jealous?" Nico teases him a bit, not letting him answer to that as he goes on "I do admit she tends to go a bit overboard with the compliments, but that's how she is. She is married and, besides, I'm way too young for her. "
Okay, so that '44' in her nickname is her age?
"As if that had ever stopped people from being stalkers. Or creeps. She wouldn't be the first woman in her forties hitting on a man in his twenties... And why are you talking as if you know her personally..." He doesn't, does he?
What if she's someone he got to meet through his parents?
"Because I do, Marti. I can call her right now, and ask her to lay off the praise." Nico doesn't even need to dial the number, he has it saved on his phone. What the... "I'm not sure she'd read my reply on Instagram, or look at Directs. She barely even opens Whatsapp. She's worse than me, when it comes to technology... Nonna? Hi, it's me Nico. Yeah, yeah I'm good. I'm just calling because Marti has seen all your likes and comments on my posts and wants you to stop stalking me."
No-nonna? Nadia Morriconi is Nico's grandma? From which side, exactly? What's with all those pictures from art galleries and clubs from every corner of the world... Isn't she, like, nearly eighty or something? Why does it even matter? How is he supposed to face her, whenever they will finally have a chance to meet in person? And no, Nico can't put her on speaker. He needs to run away and hide, cursing his stupid possessiveness. She probably thinks her sweet Niccolò should kick him out and find someone better. Somebody who trusts him and doesn't see him as a serial cheater, always ready to have another man or woman on the side.
"Martino, dear. I'm sorry." Why is she the one apologizing. It doesn't make sense. He should be the one... "Nico is my only grandson and I'm so proud of him that I tend to step over the line sometimes, and make a little uncomfortable with my compliments. Besides, I didn't realize how it'd look from your side. No need to apologize, I get it. You're talking to someone who can't stand to hear 'Carlotta' because that's the name of his first girlfriend. Which, for the record, still flirts with him - as if he hasn't been married to ME for more than fifty years   - and he's just too naive and keeps saying she's just being polite. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?"
It sure does. Comforting, even.
"He still keeps in touch with Maddalena and Luai, can you believe? Sure, they are both going out with other people at the moment, but between you and me... And don't get me started on how people look at him, even though they know he's with him. There's this guy from Foggia, at his Uni, which Nico claims to be straight but..."  That gets him a well earned pinch on his thigh from Niccolò.
"Well, when you two are done gossiping about me let me know."  He pouts, pretending not to be amused by those two teaming up against him.
"Will do, Ni. Now, Nadia, where was I..."
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jon-astronaut · 5 years ago
skam italia is all about details
Lately, I have been missing Skamit a lot. Like a lot. And I keep thinking about why it is so special for me, why I like it so much. I think I found one answer. One of the reasons I love Skamit is because of it’s attention to little details, which makes everything better.
Unlike many other Skam Remakes Eva and Giovanni are loved by a good portion of the fandom. People are actively rooting for them to get back together while in other versions most people are indifferent. So, let’s look at all the detail in them. First, there are the little quirks. In multiple scenes, we can see Giovanni playing with Eva’s hair which is a tiny detail but after seeing it all the time, I started to believe in their relationship even more. Or the fact that they have their own thing, ‘little koala’. Another detail is how they slightly changed that fight in the middle of the street scene of Eva and Jonas. Giovanni finds Eva because he knows that she would go there. Making everything about their relationship once again more real.
Let’s move onto our beloved boy squad aka contrabbandieri. I have seen other posts about how even the camerawork doesn’t only focus on Marti and Gio but all four of them. When Luca got added to the group we got the story of how they met, giving their dynamic another depth. We got their little friendship rituals too like how they are playing foosball and have their little punishment of those who lost going under the table. (And I know foosball might be about the country but they chose to add those scenes in). Or how we actually saw Giovanni staying over at Martino’s and interacting with Marti’s mom. That detail is what makes me believe that they have been friends for a long time.
A general detail could be the places/locations that we keep seeing. Like Il Baretto. Throughout all the seasons, I think, we have seen the girl squad aka le matte hang there, study there, the boys hang there etc. And it’s such a nice detail because at least when I was in highschool we had places like that we constantly went to. Or Bracciano. Like how it was in s2 too because it makes sense that when your friend has a place like that you keep going.
Another detail I like is how they incorporated Nicco to the boy squad and rest of the group. Sure, he might have his own friends/world but you become close friends with your boyfriend’s friends too. So we get to see that detail with Nicco plotting to get Silvia and Elia together, even coming up with the idea. We see that when he is casually hanging out with Eva, Eleonora, Filippo.
And with Edoardo and the Villa Boys. The William character is always shown to have his own clique but Skamit I think made that better and showed those boys not as a clique but as a friend group just like contrabbandieri is. And it’s not even like a plotline. All the times we see them together in flashes, in montages, how Edoardo dances with Chicco Rodi, how Edoardo is with Fede etc.
I do think Skamit can show the bigger group, all of the squads together more and because I am a sucker for the found family trope I want to see all these different characters together. But, I still think Skamit did a good job of that. Just the way the fight played out in s3 shows that. And it tells us a lot about the characters. Even though they came for Marti first and then others the big fight isn’t a planned one. When attacked Elia asks Villa Boys’ help and they do help. Again, a good detail.
Finally, I don’t know if this counts as detail but if it does I actually think Skamit has one of the most consistent characterizations between seasons. It is true that because Skam has different povs the characters might seem different or more likely, we get to see a different side of them in each season. Like Giovanni season 1 and Giovanni season 2 have a different vibe to him. And that fits with the format. But Giovanni s1 and s2 also feel like the same character, like him or other characters aren’t acting out of character.
So, there are probably more examples of that. These are just some of the things I have been thinking about. If you have read all this thank you for reading this long analysis type of post. I just wanted to write about how much I appreciate this. And I miss Skam Italia so much.
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incantavaxx · 5 years ago
From Besse’s live
- The contrabbandieri rapping at Bracciano in season 2, Silvia and Eva bumping into Sana to convince her to go to the party in 4x01, the scene in the car where the girlsquad fights for who chooses the music, Marti saying that they broke Luchino are only a few of the many improvised scenes.
- “Many people tell me that those are the friends they would have wanted in highschool. Me too.”  
- When he saw people saying that it’s illegal to have sex in the street he deleted Twitter. (KSKSKSK HE HATES US)
- The scene with Marti, Sana and Eva on the tram was supposed to happen at Marti and Nicco’s place but there were already too many scenes happening inside in that episode. Maybe in the future they will show us their house. (IN THE FUTURE WHEN, I THINK WE DID IT GUYS WE BULLIED HIM ENOUGH THAT HE’S NOT EVEN PRETENDING SEASON 5 MAY NOT HAPPEN ANYMORE, HE BOWS TO US) (He really doesn’t, apparently he also dragged us saying we only want an Elia season for his look but I’ll come back to you on that when I see the full live) (AS IF IT’S OUR FAULT THAT THE ONLY NOT BLOCKED CHARACTER HAPPENS TO BE HOT) 
- He couldn’t resist being the only remake to have the Vatican in the background during the bike scene. (HE WAS SMIRKING ALL PROUD)
- I actually only watched some clips and gathered the rest from Twitter because the live is not online anymore but the friends from Twitter keep saying how he clearly has ZERO idea of characters being blocked because  he kept talking about future seasons on blocked characters – for example he apparently would be interested in showing more of Niccolò (THEN TELL NETFLIX TO BUY NORWAY AND MAKE IT HAPPEN) (ACTUALLY HAVE LUDOVICO TERSIGNI ASK THEM, I BET THEY WOULD TOTALLY BUY NORWAY AS A GIFT TO HIM).
(the youtube channel will post the live at some point if I remember I’ll watch it and update this)
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