#continous integration
apexon-digital · 11 days
Unlocking the Future of IT with Platform Engineering Strategies
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As businesses push toward digital transformation, platform engineering has emerged as a key driver of efficiency, agility, and scalability. A well-implemented platform engineering strategy can streamline software development, enhance collaboration, and reduce operational complexities. In this blog, we'll explore the latest platform engineering strategies that can help organizations stay competitive and innovate faster.
What is Platform Engineering?
At its core, platform engineering is the process of designing and building technology platforms that empower development teams to deliver software faster and more efficiently. This discipline involves creating a shared infrastructure and set of tools, allowing engineering teams to focus on writing code rather than managing environments.
1. Adopt Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
One of the most crucial platform engineering strategies is adopting Infrastructure as Code (IaC). By automating infrastructure provisioning, IaC reduces the risk of human error and ensures that development environments remain consistent. Tools like Terraform and AWS CloudFormation have become industry standards, enabling teams to version control their infrastructure just like they do with application code.
2. Implement a Self-Service Platform
Another key strategy in platform engineering is building a self-service platform for development teams. These platforms can automate repetitive tasks, such as environment provisioning, application deployment, and monitoring setup. A self-service approach empowers developers to quickly access resources without relying on centralized IT teams, speeding up the software delivery process.
3. Embrace Observability
With increasing system complexity, observability is becoming an essential part of any platform engineering strategy. Implementing comprehensive monitoring and logging tools like Prometheus, Grafana, and ELK Stack ensures that teams can detect, troubleshoot, and fix issues before they escalate. This approach reduces downtime and also enhances system reliability.
4. Microservices and Containerization
Microservices and containerization, facilitated by technologies like Kubernetes and Docker, have become foundational in modern platform engineering strategies. These technologies allow organizations to build scalable, modular applications that can be updated independently. Container orchestration platforms enable automated scaling, health checks, and rolling updates, ensuring continuous delivery and minimizing disruptions.
5. Security by Design
Security should be embedded into every layer of your platform engineering process. From automated security checks in CI/CD pipelines to integrating tools like Vault for secrets management, security by design ensures that your infrastructure and applications remain secure throughout their lifecycle. A robust platform engineering strategy includes continuous vulnerability scanning, threat detection, and incident response.
6. Collaboration Between Dev and Ops
Successful platform engineering strategies hinge on strong collaboration between development and operations teams. This is where DevOps practices play a pivotal role. By adopting a DevOps culture, teams can align their goals, improve communication, and work together to streamline software delivery. Platform engineering acts as the enabler of DevOps, providing the infrastructure and tools required for automation and seamless operations.
7. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
Automation is the backbone of any modern platform engineering strategy. Implementing CI/CD pipelines allows for continuous testing, integration, and delivery of code. Platforms like Jenkins, GitLab, and CircleCI enable development teams to release features faster while maintaining high-quality standards.
8. Scalability and Performance Optimization
A vital component of platform engineering is ensuring that the infrastructure scales with the growing demands of the business. Utilizing autoscaling techniques and performance optimization tools like AWS Auto Scaling, load balancers, and CDN integration can ensure high availability even during peak loads. This proactive approach guarantees optimal performance and prevents bottlenecks.
Platform engineering is not just a buzzword—it's a transformative approach that empowers organizations to innovate faster, reduce operational complexity, and scale efficiently. By embracing strategies like IaC, microservices, observability, and DevOps, businesses can create a solid foundation for digital transformation. With the right platform engineering strategies, organizations are better equipped to stay ahead of the competition and build robust, scalable, and secure systems.
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moregraceful · 24 days
max and i are closing in on launching [redacted sports rpf charity fest] and i am once again pondering how do i write "experience with writing form emails and manipulating google forms in ways no one has dreamed of" in a cover letter without saying "i did it for the rpf grind"...like there's no way unless everyone in this microsoft teams meeting gets really cool about a bunch of stuff really quickly. you know
#IT LITERALLY CAME UP WHILE I WAS WRITING A COVER LETTER A COUPLE WEEKS AGO#AND IT WAS SUCH A BAD COVER LETTER BC IT WAS LIKE. I CAN DO THIS. I CAN BE A VIRTUAL PROGRAMMING MANAGER#I JUST CAN'T EXPLAIN HOW I CAME BY THESE SKILLS!!!!#i did not get an interview lmao. but we stay silly#like how do u frame ''community organizer'' when you're organizing. people on the internet to create rpf fanworks. for charity#lmaooooo oh well#me and max locking down our timeline last night and i'm like 😶 the thing i have wanted to do for years is finally happening#the universe tried to smite us multiple times in multiple ways. but we persisted. and it is happening!!!#last night i had to go to the grocery store at 9pm wearing short-shorts and an oversized t-shirt bc i was really like#if i don't get a coke in me right the fuck now i am going to end it all#procured coca-cola. drank it in the parking lot. recovered instantly. got on here and started posting#went to monday night service. last one bc after this week it'll be too late at night in est :(#it was such a nice global community to be apart of. people in 5 countries on four continents showed up almost every week!#not to be christian on main. but i love working with ecumenical organizations because i meet people all over the world#who have different ways of doing church and different interpretations of scripture and different takes on faith#and i always learn so much from people! good and bad lol sometimes it's like wow i will NOT be integrating that into my worldview#yo just under one week until i move 😵‍💫 i decided i am packing one (1) more box and then saying fuck it we ball#whatever i forgot has to go in the car. i cannot let myself be owned by cardboard boxes any longer#and soon. freedom. new start. new beginnings. someone said ''i hope you look at this as a time of new growth and unfolding'' to me#and i went man. i think i am#like the pine trees that reseed after a forest fire#fresno oilers.txt
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cecilialibre · 23 days
Original artwork, mural, commissioned
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Acrylic on canvas
7 feet by 10 feet
In the permanent art collection of the University of Texas at San Antonio
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rotationalsymmetry · 2 years
I’ll take “your liberation is tied to my liberation, solidarity not charity, an injury to one is an injury to all” any day. Over being non-constructively hyper conscious about my privilege. 
Sure, it’s worth being aware when all the faces on the magazines in the check-out line are white. But the thing worth being aware of isn’t the idea that it somehow net benefits me to not have that many people of color as celebrities and politicians and so on. How does that benefit me? It harms people of color, and it indirectly harms me because it means I live in an unjust society where racial inequality gets in the way of building a world with more class equality, more public funding for social services, more sustainability, etc. 
I don’t benefit personally from Jeff Bezos existing as a billionaire and being white. I’m not convinced that Jeff Bezos benefits from being a billionaire. The harm done is disproportionately to people of color. And part of confronting the harm is untangling social norms that give white people more power, more voice, etc than people of color. But I don’t think a world of injustice overall benefits anyone, it just harms some people less than others. 
Having a very racist, punitive police and prison system does not harm me as a white person as much as it harms people of color. But I do not believe it benefits me either. It just harms me less. But it still harms me. I can oppose police and prisons and an economic system that allows billionaires to horde wealth while poor people die because they can’t afford necessities, without assuming that this opposition will cause me to make sacrifices that are not overall worth it to me.
One of the biggest privileges I had in my life was being able to go to college without taking out loans. And the world I want has that privilege for everybody. (or maybe a world where people don’t need college to get a decent job, whatever.) If what I would lose to get that world are a few nice extras that didn’t benefit me that much — I don’t know, maybe when I need glasses I get fewer color options, maybe I didn’t get skiing trips as a kid, I really don’t care people don’t need that shit — that’s worth it, that’s so much worth it that’s so much better I shouldn’t have nice extras when other people don’t have what they need to survive anyways if I got fewer nice extras in exchange for never being afraid that I might not have things I need, that’s beyond worth it. Not in some abstract “what if you didn’t know what life you’d get before you were born” sense, but in any life.
Patriarchy harms men (white, affluent, able bodied, cishet men) too. A world where you can die from being poor while others have excess harms rich people too. Racism harms white people (not as much as people of color, but it’s still overall harm.) Colonialism and the destruction of the biosphere provides fucking irrelevant material benefits to the colonizers at the expense of more important things (like idk living on a planet that isn’t dying) — it would still be bad if colonizers actually benefited, it is not necessary to demonstrate that a system of oppression is bad for everyone to oppose it, but I don’t think anyone does benefit. I think some things just make the world worse for everyone.
No amount of temporarily cheaper gas or cheaper material goods can justify the harms of living in an imperialist nation: the lies, the increase surveillance, the way that military equipment gets handed over to cops so that suppression of other people abroad is directly connected to suppression of dissent at home. The way that war profiteers turn around and fund politicians, destroying the democratic process. Not even counting the harm to vets. (And not even counting how much environmental harm the military does, we're literally destroying that which we need to survive.) It’s not worth it. For anyone. It’s just a really, really bad system.
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rocaillefox · 1 year
yknow what i should include in the eeveelution vn. food and fancy dishes based on pokemon mystery dungeon berries etc. ooooooough i could have a whole menu of foods based around them hehehe
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metamatar · 9 months
something something american necropolitics the tillamook county creamery association found online on tillamook dot com that sells many dairy products in the united states under the brand name tillamook has no relationship and makes no acknowledgement of the tillamook people from whom it get its name. the name comes from the chinook translation of the people of nehalem. early contact with european sailing ships is dated to the 1770s. in 1805 lewis and clark's "discovery" expedition noted at the time that many large villages had been depopulated by pandemics and many adults had smallpox scars. this followed a period of fur trading with the involvement of hudson bay corporation. in 1850, the us govt passed the oregon donation land act, announcing over 2,500,000 acres of land as available for settlers to seize, which happened in patterns whose violence mirrors that of the continent. there was no treaty. in 1907, the tribe sued and was paid 23,500 dollars for the land the us govt has seized from them when it forced them onto the siletz reservation. the tillamook language is a salishan language that lost its last fluent speaker in 1970. many descendants are considered part of the confederated tribes of siletz. other nehalem are part of the unrecognized clatsop nehalem confederated tribes. the nehalem-tillamook were also socially and economically integrated with the clatsop peoples. today the town of tillamook has a population that is only 1.5% native american. the modern day corporation started as a settler coop created in 1909. it is the 48th largest dairy processor in north america and posted $1 billion in sales in 2021.
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deception-united · 6 months
Let's talk about worldbuilding.
Worldbuilding is a crucial aspect of writing fiction, particularly in genres like fantasy and science fiction.
Remember that worldbuilding is a dynamic process that evolves as you write. Don't be afraid to experiment and make changes to your world as needed to serve the story.
Here are some tips to help you build a rich and immersive world:
Start with a Core Concept: Every world begins with an idea. Whether it's a magic system, a futuristic society, or an alternate history, have a clear concept that serves as the foundation for your world.
Define the Rules: Establish the rules that govern your world, including its physical laws, magic systems, societal norms, and cultural practices. Consistency is key to creating a believable world.
Create a Detailed Map: Optional, but helpful. Develop a map of your world to visualise its geography, including continents, countries, cities, and landmarks. Consider factors like climate, terrain, and natural resources to make your world feel authentic.
Build a History: Develop a rich history for your world, including key events, conflicts, and historical figures. Consider how past events have shaped the present and influenced the cultures and societies within your world.
Develop Cultures and Societies: Create diverse cultures and societies within your world, each with its own beliefs, traditions, languages, and social structures. Explore how different cultures interact and conflict with one another.
Flesh Out Characters: Populate your world with memorable characters who reflect its diversity and complexity. Consider how their backgrounds, motivations, and personalities are shaped by the world around them. (See my post on character development for more!)
Consider Technology and Magic: Determine the level of technology and the presence of magic in your world, and how they impact daily life, society, and the overall narrative.
Think about Economics and Politics: Consider the economic systems, political structures, and power dynamics within your world. Explore issues like inequality, governance, and social justice to add depth to your worldbuilding.
Show, Don't Tell: Instead of dumping information on readers, reveal details about your world gradually through storytelling. Show how characters interact with their environment and incorporate worldbuilding seamlessly into the narrative.
Stay Consistent: Maintain consistency in your worldbuilding to ensure coherence and believability. Keep track of details like character names, historical events, and geographic locations to avoid contradictions.
Leave Room for Exploration: While it's essential to have a solid foundation for your world, leave room for discovery and exploration as you write. Allow your world to evolve organically and be open to new ideas and possibilities.
Revise and Edit: Carefully review your worldbuilding to identify any inconsistencies, plot holes, or contradictory elements. Pay attention to details such as character backgrounds, historical events, and the rules of your world's magic or technology. Make necessary revisions to resolve any issues and maintain the integrity of your worldbuilding.
Happy writing!
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determinate-negation · 7 months
“This raises the question: if industrial production is necessary to meet decent-living standards today, then perhaps capitalism—notwithstanding its negative impact on social indicators over the past five hundred years—is necessary to develop the industrial capacity to meet these higher-order goals. This has been the dominant assumption in development economics for the past half century. But it does not withstand empirical scrutiny. For the majority of the world, capitalism has historically constrained, rather than enabled, technological development—and this dynamic remains a major problem today.
It has long been recognized by liberals and Marxists alike that the rise of capitalism in the core economies was associated with rapid industrial expansion, on a scale with no precedent under feudalism or other precapitalist class structures. What is less widely understood is that this very same system produced the opposite effect in the periphery and semi-periphery. Indeed, the forced integration of peripheral regions into the capitalist world-system during the period circa 1492 to 1914 was characterized by widespread deindustrialization and agrarianization, with countries compelled to specialize in agricultural and other primary commodities, often under “pre-modern” and ostensibly “feudal” conditions.
In Eastern Europe, for instance, the number of people living in cities declined by almost one-third during the seventeenth century, as the region became an agrarian serf-economy exporting cheap grain and timber to Western Europe. At the same time, Spanish and Portuguese colonizers were transforming the American continents into suppliers of precious metals and agricultural goods, with urban manufacturing suppressed by the state. When the capitalist world-system expanded into Africa in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, imports of British cloth and steel destroyed Indigenous textile production and iron smelting, while Africans were instead made to specialize in palm oil, peanuts, and other cheap cash crops produced with enslaved labor. India—once the great manufacturing hub of the world—suffered a similar fate after colonization by Britain in 1757. By 1840, British colonizers boasted that they had “succeeded in converting India from a manufacturing country into a country exporting raw produce.” Much the same story unfolded in China after it was forced to open its domestic economy to capitalist trade during the British invasion of 1839–42. According to historians, the influx of European textiles, soap, and other manufactured goods “destroyed rural handicraft industries in the villages, causing unemployment and hardship for the Chinese peasantry.”
The great deindustrialization of the periphery was achieved in part through policy interventions by the core states, such as through the imposition of colonial prohibitions on manufacturing and through “unequal treaties,” which were intended to destroy industrial competition from Southern producers, establish captive markets for Western industrial output, and position Southern economies as providers of cheap labor and resources. But these dynamics were also reinforced by structural features of profit-oriented markets. Capitalists only employ new technologies to the extent that it is profitable for them to do so. This can present an obstacle to economic development if there is little demand for domestic industrial production (due to low incomes, foreign competition, etc.), or if the costs of innovation are high.
Capitalists in the Global North overcame these problems because the state intervened extensively in the economy by setting high tariffs, providing public subsidies, assuming the costs of research and development, and ensuring adequate consumer demand through government spending. But in the Global South, where state support for industry was foreclosed by centuries of formal and informal colonialism, it has been more profitable for capitalists to export cheap agricultural goods than to invest in high-technology manufacturing. The profitability of new technologies also depends on the cost of labor. In the North, where wages are comparatively high, capitalists have historically found it profitable to employ labor-saving technologies. But in the peripheral economies, where wages have been heavily compressed, it has often been cheaper to use labor-intensive production techniques than to pay for expensive machinery.
Of course, the global division of labor has changed since the late nineteenth century. Many of the leading industries of that time, including textiles, steel, and assembly line processes, have now been outsourced to low-wage peripheral economies like India and China, while the core states have moved to innovation activities, high-technology aerospace and biotech engineering, information technology, and capital-intensive agriculture. Yet still the basic problem remains. Under neoliberal globalization (structural adjustment programs and WTO rules), governments in the periphery are generally precluded from using tariffs, subsidies, and other forms of industrial policy to achieve meaningful development and economic sovereignty, while labor market deregulation and global labor arbitrage have kept wages extremely low. In this context, the drive to maximize profit leads Southern capitalists and foreign investors to pour resources into relatively low-technology export sectors, at the expense of more modern lines of industry.
Moreover, for those parts of the periphery that occupy the lowest rungs in global commodity chains, production continues to be organized along so-called pre-modern lines, even under the new division of labor. In the Congo, for instance, workers are sent into dangerous mineshafts without any modern safety equipment, tunneling deep into the ground with nothing but shovels, often coerced at gunpoint by U.S.-backed militias, so that Microsoft and Apple can secure cheap coltan for their electronics devices. Pre-modern production processes predicated on the “technology” of labor coercion are also found in the cocoa plantations of Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, where enslaved children labor in brutal conditions for corporations like Cadbury, or Colombia’s banana export sector, where a hyper-exploited peasantry is kept in line by a regime of rural terror and extrajudicial killings overseen by private death squads.
Uneven global development, including the endurance of ostensibly “feudal” relations of production, is not inevitable. It is an effect of capitalist dynamics. Capitalists in the periphery find it more profitable to employ cheap labor subject to conditions of slavery or other forms of coercion than they do to invest in modern industry.”
Capitalism, Global Poverty, and the Case for Democratic Socialism by Jason Hickle and Dylan Sullivan
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styllwaters · 10 months
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MAP OF ETTERA (Knight Homeplanet)
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Standard map [continents shown]
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Regional map [territories shown]
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I have here a weeks worth of writing and art because I for some reason enjoy torturing myself! I've been slaving away at this for so long but it's finally done and polished. So! As promised, I'm gonna talk a bit about the different Knight cultures/ethnicities, territories and general social structure.
Knights are one of my alien sophont civilisations from my Vivere 44 headworld. Here are more links from my previous posts:
Introductory post
Knight deities
Knight languages and names
With that being said, worldbuilding textwalls below the cut!
First, an explanation of the maps.
There are three main continents on Ettera. The two polar landmasses are Thannoeh in the northern end and Nahrui in the southern end. Thannoeh is divided by east and west, and is home to the two major Polar Knight nations. Nahrui is not occupied by any, aside from explorers or scientists. For many Knights, it is a strange, enigmatic land and a topic of great curiosity. In the middle is Val-srat; the central continent inhabited by Mountain and Plains Knights. The landmass is named as such because it is often represented in folklore as a Knight, with Valazear (the ‘Host’) being the southern Plains territories and Srati (the ‘Helmet’) being the northern Mountain territories. The Ihmna Stretch is the section of land connecting the two countries - ‘Ihmna’ is the Ferhahti word for the Integrator organ which joins the host and helmet’s consciousness.
Plant life on Ettera takes on hues of red and orange.
Before I get into the different ethnicities, I should elaborate more on how Knight Orders are structured and the different titles; some of the clothing articles are specific to status.
Most Knights live in groups called ‘Orders’, which I talked more about in this ask.
The standard roles for an Order are as follows:
Commander - Makes decisions, protects and supports the group. Commanders lead the Order across difficult terrain, plan out hunts, and take care of their members. A Commander might be chosen based on generational succession, experience, or strength. Depending on the rules of the Order, a Commander might be challenged by a Knight who desires their position, although only an elite or lieutenant would be permitted to do this. In more traditional and conservative orders Commanders are always Pike-forts.
Lieutenant - Second in command. The Lieutenant is the Commander’s primary advisor and runs the Order when they are unable to. A Commander may train their lieutenant to one day take their place as leader, or a lieutenant might serve multiple generations of Commanders without ever challenging them.
Elites - A selection of Knight soldiers who are exceptionally experienced, strong and fast. Highly respected by the rest of the Order and carry out important duties such as organisation. They have the highest chance of being the next lieutenant or Commander. 
Soldiers - The main body of the Order, fully grown Knights who are proficient in all the skills necessary for survival. Soldiers are tasked with a variety of jobs to keep the Order healthy and running: they are also farmers, medics, entertainers, strategists, builders, etc. 
Scouts - Scouts are Knights who make reconnaissance trips for the Order. Their job is to gather information about a potential area to settle or travel through. Scouts also have a range of other responsibilities, such as acting as lookouts, messengers, and taking care of Pages.
There are two types of Scouts - temporary and permanent. Temporary scouts are Squires (16-17 years) who have completed their training and are performing Expeditions, which they are required to do before becoming a full soldier. On Expeditions two or three Scouts will travel a certain distance away from the Order, sometimes miles away, to deliver goods to other Orders or to simply evaluate an area/route. Permanent scouts are lower-ranked Knights who are unable to become Soldiers, prefer a caretaker role, or have been relegated to the position.
Squires - Knights in training. Squires learn from a Soldier assigned to teach them. They may be tutored one-on-one, or taught in a group. They learn the ways of the Order and the world around them. Squires will often be assigned small hunting trips with their tutor, or cleaning jobs. Typically aged 7-15 years.
Pages - The youth of the Order, Knights aged 0-6 years. The pages are fiercely protected by every member of the Order. A newborn Helmet or Host will stay with their birth parent/s until they have assimilated, in which care duty is passed on to a permanent Scout. The Scout raises the Pages alongside several others until they are ready to become Squires.
This structure originated from Mountain Orders and spread to Plains and Polar regions a long time ago. Of course, not every Order follows this plan exactly, and there are countless variations. Some Knights don't live in Orders at all, and may live in pairs (which is common for travelling merchants and explorers) or small groups. Very rarely, a Knight may travel alone. This is the case for exiles.
You may already be familiar with the Mountain, Plains and Polar Knight regional varieties, but within these subspecies are various ethnic groups.
✦ Ferhahti [Ferhaht]
The Ferhahti Knights are an ethnic group located in the Ferhaht territory of Srati. Their thick fur is of various shades of grey and grey-blue. Their clothing styles are typically beige and tan, often complete with rectangular tassels and red accents. The Ferhahti have a ‘New Years’ festival called Khulaam in which they call upon Etteran spirits to bless them with good harvests, hunting and rain. During these festivals there is music, food, dancing and socialising with others. Allied Orders, usually 2-5, will come together to celebrate. Celebrations last five days. Alliances may be temporary or long-lasting, but the Orders will go on a hunt on the final day to bring down a large quarry. Oftentimes there will be a ‘Herald’ dancer who bears a flag on their horn, depicting glyphs of good fortune. 
Since the Ferhahti and Kaata territories are neighbouring, and have no physical borders, Orders from both lands will often meet to trade goods and information. Many Plains-Mountain hybrids are of Ferhahti and Kaata descent due to the close proximity of the nations. 
NOTE: Plains and Mountain Knights are capable of producing hybrid offspring, although they will be infertile. Neither Plains nor Mountain Knights can produce viable hybrids with Polar Knights.
✦ Fejga [Fejg]
Fejga Knights (pronounced Fej-ya) make their home in the Fejg archipelago. They are generally of a bulkier physique than other Mountain Knights, have a coat of thick fur and are well adjusted to chillier climates. They also sport a ‘saddle’ marking on their backs and are likely to have mottled/freckled patterns and blue eyes. Their Orders are partially seafaring, with many sailing from island to island in magnificent ships. Fishing is a large part of their lifestyles as the sea provides a stable source of food. 
Their clothes are frequently made from leather and wool from domesticated animals. It is deceptively thin, as their pelts already provide natural insulation from the cold. Fejga Commanders wear three silver piercings on their Helmets.
✦ Svunacht [Svun]
Svunacht Knights live within the mountain-bordered territory of Svun and the island of Naahek. Orders have a special ceremony for choosing their Commander. The next in line, usually a chosen Host and Helmet born of the previous Commander and their partner, must journey across the Asall mountain range which borders Svun. It is a treacherous, long passage, and requires the Knight to wear a mask to block out the searing winds. They must also wear a spiked collar as a traditional accessory and safety measure to deter larger predators which roam the mountains. They are forbidden from carrying firearms, only armed with a knife, their wits, and natural defences. Ceremonial garments are required, passed down through generations, and three slips of fabric are worn on their horn for good luck: representing strength, wisdom and tenacity. The journey, called the Meha, is the final step in a long series of rigorous training for future successors. 
The painting of Helmets is also a large part of Svunacht culture. It is typically only reserved for Commanders, Lieutenants or Elites. 
★ Kaata [Kaat]
Kaata Knight Orders inhabit the deserts of Kaat. They are perfectly suited to desert life, their tan coats reducing heat absorbed from the sun. Kaata Knights make their clothing from woven fibres of plants that are garnished with gold pigments derived from a natural mineral found in the sands. They are especially known for their proficiency in fine crafts, and often trade jewellery to Ferhahti Orders across the Ihmna Stretch connecting Kaat and Ferhaht. Kaata clothing tends to be highly detailed and ornamental, with shiny beads adorning arm cuffs, necklaces, mandible rings and horn sleeves. The many gemstone and fossil deposits in Kaat are also incorporated into their styles. Like the Svunacht Knights, Kaata also paint their Helmets, although the practice is not restricted to any particular titles.
★ Saisala [Saisal]
Saisala Knights live in and around the deltas and rivers of Saisal, the southernmost territory of Val-srat. The area is filled with marshlands and everglades, and the weather is more wet and humid than the dry plains of Kaat. Saisala forts sport a dark reddish mane that grows right down their backs and bears some resemblance to maned wolves. Their pikes have hooked horns and sloping spines, as well as more ‘splotchy’ red stripes. Their Helmet eyes also have a pale ring around their pupils.
Saisala clothing styles are characterised by draping, ovular shapes and translucent sections of fabric. The green and gold drapes in the drawing are traditional wedding garments, complete with rounded tassels and a horn extension for pikes. The hanging ‘coins’ have engravings which tell a short but sweet poem.
★ Yaemioui [Yaemiou]
Yaemioui Orders live in a similar environment to Saisala Knights, in the wetland territories of Yaemiou. Their coats are pale like Kaata, but come in a greater combination of hues such as orange, grey and vermilion. Fun fact: all Plains Host pups are born with faint spots to help them camouflage, like lion cubs. Most lose these markings as they grow older, but Yaemioui hosts retain them even in adulthood. Their patterns are similar to painted dogs. The Yaemioui have a rich storytelling culture and have records dating back thousands of years.
Their clothing styles utilise dusky, non-bright colours that are usually two-piece. The outfit in the picture is worn by an elder Pike-fort who has carried and sired many offspring. The spine extensions are an indicator of age and experience, and a mark of high respect. The scarf around their neck depicts circles symbolising their Helmet children, and the circles on the larger cloth represent their Host progeny. 
★ Balkzaiinu [Balkzaii]
On the island of Balkzaii reside the Balkzaiinu Knights, who have dark stripes on both their Hosts and Helmets and short curly fur. Unlike other Orders, Balkzaiinu communities rarely ever hunt - they were one of the first countries to develop farming and agriculture, and import a lot of domesticated animals to Saisal and Yaemiou. They are also the only country that has no Commanders in their Orders, and decisions are made by a council of higher-ups. They live in a tropical climate which receives lots of rainfall and cyclones. They are also masters in boat making and sailing, and contacted the mainland several centuries ago. Balkzaiinu have different decency standards than other Plains Knights, and in their culture it is considered proper to cover the neck area. Their clothing is generally layered and contains colourful, square designs.
✧ Aikka [Ehtte Thannoeh]
Aikka Knights have domain over the Eastern section of Thannoeh. The polar word for East is Ehtte, and West Uesse. Since the country is so close to the Fegj archipelago, the two have been in contact for a long time.
Aikka have pristine white fur and a slightly bluish tinge to their Helmets. As with all Polar Knights, they are much smaller than their Plains or Mountain relatives, but are incredibly tough and hardy as a result of surviving in one of the harshest biomes. Ehtte Thannoeh is associated with scientific prowess, discovery and knowledge, and many famous Knight explorers are from Thannoeh. There are several research stations on Nahrui that are run and managed by Aikka; they have no difficulty working in the icy environment. Aikka Knights are also experts in carving, sculpting figurines and charms from the ivory tusks of marine animals. The outfit depicted in the drawing shows an Aikka Scout wearing a pendant with a carved basilosaurus-like animal for spiritual protection. These pendants are often given by parents to children. Their coat has six pockets for navigational instruments, goggles, knives, a spyglass, medical equipment and more. 
✧ Myet [Uesse Thannoeh]
Myet Orders have less contact with other regions than Aikka. Residing in Uesse Thannoeh, Many of them live further inland. Myet Hosts have a more yellowish tinge to their fur and their Pike Helmets have a tan stripe. The Helmets also have a more rounded 'snout'. They have managed to domesticate a large predator which defends their camps and is used as a mount/companion. Like the Balkzaiinu, Myet Orders have a different structure than most, having two Commanders, usually a mated pair, and no lieutenants or elites.
Myet clothing is more minimal than Aikka styles. They usually cover the back with a ‘saddle’ and manipulators with gloves. The outfit drawn is of a Commander, distinguished by the ring of fabric around their horn and eye makeup. In their backpack they carry hunting weapons, and wear a knife sheathed at their side.
And that's a wrap! Thank you for reading, this project is truly a delight to work on. I leave you with some messy concept art I did a while ago for Mountain Knight clothing styles.
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Tips for worldbuilding on a massive scale? (and maybe ways to get around including every little detail...?)
I've been reading an article on how poorly designed Westeros is as it's basically a blown up medieval Britain and lacks diversity in ethnicity, language, culture etc, and want to avoid the same mistake.
I absolutely love worldbuilding and my WIP takes place all over a fictional continent so am trying to do as much research as I can. It is fantasy however so am expecting to be able to escape some realism.
If anyone's interested here is the link! https://medium.com/migration-issues/westeros-is-poorly-designed-3b01cf5cdcaf
Worldbuilding on a Massive Scale
Given that Game of Thrones is heavily based on the English War of the Roses, I certainly wouldn't call Westeros "poorly designed" for being a blown up medieval Britain. And also, it really isn't as much of Europe is represented in Westeros: Spanish/Portuguese-based Dorne, Scandinavian-inspired Iron Islands, Mediterranean-esque Stormlands, Alpine Vale, and Siberian-like North. Westeros itself is certainly not "diverse," but GRRM made up for that somewhat with the diversity of the lands across the Narrow Sea.
But, as the article writer mentions "GRRM wanted to do too many things," and I think that's just the plain reality of worldbuilding on a massive scale. There's just no need for it. Sure, there are some people who love epic worldbuilding and tend to get salty if every nook and cranny of your world isn't fleshed out t the microbe, but there are also people who compete in underwater pumpkin carving, so...
I think the key is always to make sure the things you flesh out serve at least one of three purposes:
-- it's integral to the back story, either plot back story or character back story
-- it's integral to the conflict, meaning it needs to be fleshed out in order for the plot to unfold properly
-- it's necessary in order for the reader to understand characters, conflict, events, or situations
Otherwise, you an probably skip it. Which doesn't mean you can't still shine a light on parts of your story's world that aren't that relevant. Perhaps a character has a story about visiting some city in some country on some other continent. Or maybe everyone loves some wine from a particular region in a particular far away country. Sometimes, worldbuilding (that isn't story relevant) doesn't have to be more in depth than that.
Happy worldbuilding!
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Can someone atp write a fix-it fanfic for Team Green, pls?? I’m begging you?? Like, I don’t fucking care if Rhaenyra or Aegon II wins at the end of your story, but actually make the Greens worthy opponents that are loyal to each other and an Alicent who doesn’t think about sucking Rhaneyra’s dick 24/7.
Make Alicent ambitious, sympathetic, loving to her children, dysfunctional, greedy, hateful to those who treated her unfairly, witty, cunning, spiteful, remorseful, who loves her grandchildren and sons and even Otto (because wtf does she care more about her rapist than her father who is trying to help save her children's lives???), who believes she deserves power because she did her duty, and is capable of silencing a room full of the most powerful men in the continent because she can. You can show her intelligence that Rhaenyra and Viserys do not see, but the rest of the small council does. You can show her inferiority complex (vs Rhaenyra's superiority complex) seeping in when she is surrounded by powerful people despite having a brilliant mind. Because—why would intelligence in a broodmare matter when you're in the same room full of Targaryen dragon-riders or a bunch of powerful, rich men?
Not everything about her arch has to revolve around her ex-bsf/lover. Show her relationship with her father, her children, her pedophilic husband, her grandchildren, her brothers, her sworn shield—HERSELF without any of it going back to Rhaenyra. Show how Otto and Viserys molded her into what she is. Show her sacrifices! Be willing to show her trauma, and not just connect it to "how better her life had been with Rhaenyra" type of shit! Show her fears without sugarcoating them by making Rhaenyra a more grey character who isn't afraid to do awful things! Show how Alicent hides her ambition in the name of Westerosi custom, but finds herself reluctantly acknowledging and then fully accepting it by the end of the Dance, without having to humiliate the fuck out of her!
Most people say they don’t want Alicent’s arch to revolve around her children and motherhood only, although it’s such an integral part of her characterization—and I somewhat agree with that! Yet, those same people do a complete 360 and want her to just simp and envy Rhaenyra. You can do both without making her look like a stuck-up!
AND YES, HER FAMILY IS IMPORTANT TO HER EVEN IN THE END. She does not need to think only about Rhaenyra on her deathbed. She is ALLOWED to mourn her dead children and father while grieving her childhood friend/love interest.
This woman literally has main character energy, and I dare say, more than the main character herself. Go read the book, I’m begging you 😭 Use the books and HOTD season 1 as inspiration.
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tanadrin · 4 months
Watching this video on the history of Nortel and its collapse, and it seems like Canada has been in an impossible position economically for as long as it has existed: on the one hand, it benefits phenomenally from being economically integrated into the United States. On the other, that same relationship makes it very dependent on the US, which makes it harder for Canada to set its own course; it simply cannot be as functionally independent as another country might be.
And to an extent that's an issue all smaller countries deal with; like, the US is a quarter of world GDP, and that's gonna have hugely distorting effects on any country with close trade ties to the US. But at least if you're in Europe you can create an economic federation with other European states to help you punch above your weight. At least if you're on another continent, you are likely to be trading heavily with your other neighbors. Canada only borders the US directly, NAFTA is functionally only ever going to be "the US and friends", it's just an impossible position.
And it's not like joining the US and having Canadian representation in the U.S. Congress would help all that much--Canada just doesn't have that big of a population! It would be another California: big, but not nearly big enough to dominate the political agenda.
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citrusbugz · 2 months
Idk how to say this without sounding weird and seeming like I'm defending whitewashing bc there's people speaking up about it in the dndads fandom again (100% a problem, their concerns are very real) but heyyy, Latino does not come with predisposed physical attributes, because it's not simply a race thing?
Like, I get it, I don't dig white ass straight hair Garcias or Swallows as much as the next guy, it's lacking and I don't think it lines up with their characters, but pleeeease don't come here and act like white latinos don't not exist or are a bad thing?? Latin America was touched by the hands of white European colonialism and settlelers all over. The white people didn't boil into thin air, their generations went to also become Latinos and got integrated in the community.
It's just... Weird. It's weird to pretend they just don't exist or are an invalid form of representation of Latinos. NOW, if we want to talk about some of the white beauty Standarts held in the Latino community, sexualixation and demonification of the poc and how some people do use escape goat of white latinos to get away with whitewashing even the culture of the characters? That's a different, nuanced conversation that's worth having.
Just, remember that "Latino" is too vague of a discriptor to assume someone's race, it just means from Latin America, which is half of the entire continent of America with a ton of countries with different backgrounds. Saying a character is Latino or Hispanic doesn't really mean shit for physical description. I'm sorry.
But, with that, it's also ammo that you have a very big range of ways a character can look and still totally be Latino since it's very broad.
Take this all as a /nm vaguely informational post. Seeing plp use the word Latino like that gives me the ick because it's really meaningless. Idk, be more indeph or speculative if anything (like, Mercedes is probably Ecuadorian considering she has family there). I'll go back to being funny and doing art now, my bad for entering this discussion.
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anansimancer · 1 month
tbh alicent got off real easy considering her decision not to accept rhaenyra's offer to wed her son to her daughter, to stoke fear into aegon about the "inevitable" succession feud, and unwillingness to say no to literally any man with authority in her life got countless people both common born and noble/royal killed and politically destabilised an entire half continent. not that she's solely or even mostly responsible for everything but like, the fact she can just walk away from it all while literally the entire rest of the kingdom is gonna suffer, starve, and/or die is...wild. The sheer level of priviledge she has to be released from it all after a lifetime of resenting everyone (mostly rhaenyra) for seemingly being able to live carelessly without consequence i feel like is both very ironic but also a huge eye opening moment for her since all this time she could have just walked away and not done things like marry viserys, scorn rhaenyra, force her kids to marry each other, protect cole, fuck cole, ally with larys, drive a wedge between her kids and rhaenyra's, etc.
i guess let this be a lesson about the importance of living a life of personal integrity.
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Africa has been very rich even before colonialism
The truth you should know about African
Blacks know your history and divinity
They gave us the Bible and stole our natural resources
Community and Social Cohesion: Traditional African religions often emphasized communal values, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual support within the community. Rituals and ceremonies were communal events that strengthened social ties.
Respect for Nature: Many African traditional religions were deeply connected to nature, promoting a harmonious relationship with the environment. This connection often led to sustainable practices and a respect for the natural world.
Ethical Guidelines: These religions often included moral and ethical guidelines that governed interpersonal relationships. Concepts such as honesty, hospitality, and respect for elders were commonly emphasized.
Cultural Identity: Traditional African religions played a crucial role in shaping cultural identity. They provided a framework for understanding the world, explaining origins, and passing down cultural practices through rituals, myths, and oral traditions.
Islam reached Nigeria through a combination of trade, migration, and cultural interactions. The trans-Saharan trade routes were crucial in bringing Islam to the region. Muslim traders from North Africa and the Middle East ventured into West Africa, establishing economic ties and introducing Islam to local communities.
The city-states along the trade routes, such as Kano and Katsina, became significant centers for Islamic influence. Merchants not only engaged in commercial activities but also played a role in spreading Islamic teachings. Over time, rulers and elites in these city-states embraced Islam, contributing to its gradual acceptance.
Additionally, the spread of Islam in Nigeria was facilitated by the activities of Islamic scholars and missionaries. Scholars known as clerics or Mallams played a key role in teaching Islamic principles and converting people to Islam. They often established Quranic schools and engaged in educational activities that promoted the understanding of Islamic teachings.
Military conquests also played a part in the expansion of Islam in Nigeria. Islamic empires, such as the Sokoto Caliphate in the 19th century, emerged through conquest and warfare, bringing Islam to new territories. The Sokoto Caliphate, led by Usman dan Fodio, sought to establish a strict Islamic state based on Sharia law.
Overall, the spread of Islam in Nigeria was a gradual process influenced by trade networks, migration, the activities of scholars, and, at times, military expansion. The interplay of these factors contributed to the integration of Islam into Nigerian society, shaping its cultural and religious landscape.
In the vast tapestry of Africa's rich cultural heritage, herbal traditional healing stands out as a profound and time-honored practice. African herbal traditional healers, often known as traditional or indigenous healers, play a vital role in the healthcare systems of many communities across the continent. Their practices are deeply rooted in the natural world, drawing on centuries-old wisdom and an intimate understanding of local flora.
African herbal traditional healers are custodians of ancient knowledge, passing down their expertise through generations. They serve as primary healthcare providers in many communities, addressing a wide range of physical, mental, and spiritual ailments. The healing process involves a holistic approach, considering the interconnectedness of the individual with their community and environment.
One of the hallmark features of African herbal traditional healers is their profound knowledge of medicinal plants. These healers have an intricate understanding of the properties, uses, and combinations of various herbs. Passed down through oral traditions, this knowledge is often a well-guarded family secret or shared within the apprentice-master relationship.
The methods employed by herbal traditional healers encompass diverse approaches. Herbal remedies, administered as infusions, decoctions, or ointments, form a significant part of their treatment. These remedies are carefully crafted based on the healer's understanding of the patient's symptoms, lifestyle, and spiritual condition. Additionally, rituals, ceremonies, and prayers are often incorporated into the healing process, acknowledging the interconnectedness of physical and spiritual well-being.
African herbal traditional healers frequently integrate spiritual elements into their practice. They believe that illness can be a manifestation of spiritual imbalances or disharmony. Through rituals and consultations with ancestors or spirits, healers seek to restore balance and harmony within the individual and the community.
Herbal traditional healers are integral to the social fabric of their communities. They often serve not only as healers but also as counselors, mediators, and keepers of cultural traditions. Their practices are deeply intertwined with community life, contributing to the resilience and cohesion of African societies.
While herbal traditional healing holds immense value, it faces challenges in the modern era. The encroachment of Western medicine, issues related to regulation and standardization, and the potential exploitation of traditional knowledge pose threats to this practice. However, there is also a growing recognition of the importance of integrating traditional healing into mainstream healthcare systems, leading to collaborative efforts to preserve and promote this valuable heritage.
African herbal traditional healers are bearers of an ancient legacy, embodying a profound connection between humanity and the natural world. Their healing practices, rooted in herbal wisdom and spiritual insights, offer a unique perspective on healthcare that complements modern medical approaches. Preserving and respecting the knowledge of these healers is not only crucial for the well-being of local communities but also for the broader appreciation of the diverse cultural tapestry that defines Africa.
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domainedewinter · 2 months
The Price of Fire 1/4
The fire that shines under the moon
Summary: Aemond meets a mysterious silver-haired girl on the beach while facing Vhagar. Solving mysteries is an intellectual game he loves to play and what a magnificent mystery he now has in his hands.. Unbowed, unbent, unbroken, hm?
Warnings: DUBCON, TYPICAL TARGARYEN INCEST, profanity, innuendo, he/him pronouns, you pronoun, fingering, oral m receiving, oral f receiving, misogyny, toxic behaviour, Dom!Aemond, begging, underage HOTD style, nsfw.. (coming soon, I will indicate the chapters containing smut with a 🔥) 
Rating: 18+, MDNI
English is not my first language
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If your life has always been beautiful, bathed in opulence and pleasure, your birth remains a mystery nonetheless. As you look at yourself this evening in the tall mirror of the room where you are staying during this journey, this thought crosses your mind once again.
You were still just a baby, a newborn, the day a man you know nothing about except that he was unpleasant to look at and had difficulty walking, offered you to your father with a lot of gold to leave the continent in the greatest secrecy. A wealthy and respected Dornishman, a Martell, who raised you as his own daughter, integrating you into his powerful family upon his return to Dorne and taking care to protect you as if the sky might one day open to take you back. When he couldn't sleep, he would look up at that same sky, scanning the horizon for a threat of which you knew nothing. Yet, with every dream of dragons, clouds, and storms that you shared with your father, he became increasingly vigilant.
It took a lot of persuasion to convince him to let you accompany him to the royal city, the same one he had always warned you about. But he had no choice, always preferring to know you were with him or with trusted people, like the family you had arrived at a few days earlier. And it was not without regret that your father had to leave for a week-long trip, leaving you alone here with your uncle and aunt who treated you like a diamond to be hidden from others' eyes. You never went out, and if you had to meet other people, it was always with a scarf to hide your hair, eyes downcast, so as not to reveal the lovely color of your eyes.
But tonight, awakened by yet another dream of growling, fire and the noise of wings flapping, you look at yourself, still sweaty, in the mirror. Your hair is long, slightly wavy, and moon-colored, as much as your eyes are a pale indigo, asking for answer you're craving to discover. You need to get some air, to be alone, far from this golden prison your father left you in. Gathering your courage, you climb out the bedroom window with grace and agility before slipping into the streets, guided only by your instinct and the sound of the waves calling you.
The sun has set for a while, but the night is surprisingly clear, the moon almost illuminating as if it were dawn. The crowded streets turn into alleys, then paths before your bare feet in Dornish-style sandals - like the rest of your outfit; mustard-colored pants slit at the thigh and a burgundy drape revealing your shoulders - touch the sand still warm from the day. You smile, sighing softly with pleasure and relief to be away from everything and everyone, until a strange noise, a purr or rather, a growl, draws you down to the sea. 
It is not a rock, as you first thought, that stands there, but something alive. And enormous. As you approach, hand outstretched, curiosity getting the better of you, a huge eye opens not far from you, making you gasp in surprise. And it is not the only thing that opens; an huge maw with the smell of sulfur parts, an unknown but dangerous light emerging from its depths.
“Vhagar! No!” 
The voice of a man makes you look up, waking you from the stupor that had paralyzed you upon seeing the creature open its maw before you, and not just any creature: a dragon.
“Who are you and why were you trying to attack my dragon? Do you seek death, little girl? Because Vhagar was about to grant your prayers!” says the voice again, a silhouette stepping between the monster and you, drawing your attention. This silhouette is none other than the prince to whom this dragon belongs, and you know this because your father has taught you. You know the princes and princesses of the great houses, the useful names, literature, philosophy, and religion too.
Tilting his head slightly to the side at your silence, the prince before you seems to be losing patience as you search for his name in your memory. You can see it in his one-eyed gaze, fixed on you. Not knowing what to do, and still somewhat shaken, you turn on your heels and start running, but the flight is short-lived for, after hearing footsteps behind you, you feel a grip on your arm, forcing you to stop your run and turn so quickly that you lose balance and fall backward. The sand cushions your fall, a gasp of surprise and pain escaping your lips as you find yourself pinned to the beach by him. You're not afraid and respond with courage, your thin eyebrows furrow and your gaze attempting to be threatening, even though the man questioning you doesn’t seem frightened at all. 
“That is very rude, turning your back on a prince and refusing to obey, hm? Perhaps you are truly suicidal...”
He almost seems angry that you are so reckless, but you only struggle more, apparently unimpress by him.
"I wasn't trying to hurt your dragon, I just raised my hand to touch it, so let me go!" you reply with rage, kicking and wiggling your hips to free yourself, but Aemond holds on and has a clear physical superiority over you; the rigorous training he engaged in daily since the accident had sculpted his body fiercely and effectively. 
However, despite all his hours of training with Cole and all the fighters he now beat, nothing had prepared him for such audacity from a woman, let alone one so young and in a definitely delicate position.
"Prince Aemond..." you murmur, your voice suddenly losing its courage as you recognize the man who has literally fallen on you. 
It is his single eye that helped you regain your senses and memory. Under other circumstances, you would have been quicker to remember, but the sight of a dragon and the confrontation with a man, alone in the middle of nowhere, had made you lose your composure more than you would like to admit.
Out of all the people living in this great city, you had to stumble upon a prince, and not just any prince; one of the king's sons, the one whose dark rumors reached Dorne. Being terribly close to him, you cannot ignore his hair of the same color as yours, and his eye, his only eye, which stared at you with the same violet gleam.
Your father would be terribly furious and scared if he learned about this. It shouldn't happen; you need to leave and disappear as quickly as possible, return to your chamber, and not come out until his return.
Just for a moment, you think you might be scared - not only of Aemond Targaryen, but of the consequences of your encounter. But the thought doesn’t have time to take root before the prince lifts you to better pin you against the ground again, wanting to bring you back to reality.
"You seem to know who I am but refuse to tell me who you are." The prince growls, the coldness of his fine features turning darker. He obviously isn’t used to being refused, let alone by a young girl lost on the beach daring to resist him. "Answer me, it's an order!"
You don’t know what you risk by refusing to obey a prince, but the mere idea of your father’s reaction or being recognized fills you with more fear. Trying to sit up, you growl in frustration. "Get off me! I swear I wasn't going to do anything, so let me go!"
Wanting to tip the odds in your favor and taking advantage of the element of surprise, you quickly lift your knee, managing to hit him, probably not hard enough to hurt but enough to surprise him. If he thinks he could intimidate you, he doesn’t know you because when Aemond’s eye widens in surprise, you quickly turn your head and bite his forearm as hard as you can, tasting the warm metallic flavor of his blood against your lips.
Vhagar growls in concert with his rider, who releases you with a hiss of pain, as if he has just put his hand in molten lava. Astonishment paints the prince's features, and it’s the moment you choose to stand up, finally finding yourself on your feet before him. But Aemond Targaryen is quick and just as swiftly on his feet, his dagger in hand. Both of you face each other, in an attack or defense position, no one could really tell.
The only thing you want is to flee. Run as fast as possible, as far as possible. Do not look back. Forget this evening, the dragon. Forget the prince and the fear.
You have not learned to fight, and now that the moon reflects the prince’s deadly blade, you know the fight is lost from the start. Yet, that’s not the only thing the moon and the fight have uncovered; your scarf is negligently stretched out at your feet, in the sand, revealing your entire hair and leaving no doubt about your astonishing resemblance. 
At this sight, the prince lowers his weapon slightly, fascinated by what he sees; not only by your similar traits but by you, just you. He looks at you as he has never looked at anyone, a new gleam born in his eye. “It seems we started off on the wrong foot. Will you stop struggling or trying to flee? On my side, I promise not to use this,” he says, showing you his dagger, “against you.”
The options are unfortunately limited for you, but curiosity wins over your reflections, abandoning all common sense. The worst is already done; Aemond Targaryen has seen how much you resemble him so, why to refuse? You nod gently and stand up completely, letting your hands hang at your sides as he approaches cautiously, scrutinizing every part of you his lilac eye can land on.
“What is your name?”
"Judging by your clothes, your posture and your intact features, you come from a house with, at least a last name I imagine."
“Martell.” You finally add, a sigh of frustration escaping your lungs at having had to reveal so much to him.
His fine eyebrows furrow for just a moment, creating a line between his two eyes. “The Dornish women have quite different physical characteristics in my last memories; they are known to be magnificent and captivating and although I definitely don't question the beauty of your face - and what else I can see...” he says, letting his eye run along your body, your skin offered on your shoulders, seeing the paleness of your thigh and your bare arms. “..it seems obvious to me that if you live in Dorne, you are not originally from there. Isn’t that right?”
Uncomfortable, you swallow, your gaze unable to fix on anything, uncertain. You bite your lip for a moment and look at him again, not wanting to appear frightened or hesitant. “There are some shadows around my early days of life...”
Aemond murmurs in approval, circling you like a bird with prey, like a dragon before attacking, and it’s when he is behind you that you shiver as his blade appears in front of your eyes, just far enough for both your reflections to appear. “Shadows or not, you cannot deny what you see, can you?”
Feeling him so close to you, almost glued to your back, makes you tense, but you remain stoic. Of course, you see how your resemblance is unsettling, of course, you see the similarities that make you who you are. But your father never wanted to tell you more, so even if you wanted to, you couldn’t reveal more to the prince.
“Yes... but I’m afraid I have nothing else to tell you.” In a last moment of courage, you turn your head towards him, your gaze meeting his. “In fact, I was hoping that by coming to this city, I would be the one to get some answers.”
He remains motionless, staring at you while listening to you and yet, even if your words have reached his mind, the prince cannot help but smell the scent of orange blossom from Dorne's gardens filling his nostrils as he inhales you like a succulent meal to taste, pressing his chest closer to your back to feel the warmth. At that moment, the young prince knows that he will never want to let you go again. Aemond Targaryen loves to plan, think, decode, understand. Solving mysteries is an intellectual game he loves to play and what a magnificent mystery he now has in his hands.
Unbowed, unbent, unbroken. Without a doubt, you respond proudly and courageously to the dogma of your house, but this, instead of curbing the curiosity and desire of Prince Aemond, only increases his desire to unravel your mystery. To make you bow, bend and break for him.
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