#content guidelines
thedragonagebigbang · 6 months
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Big Bang Content Guidelines
Quick Links: ▸ What is This Event? ▸ Event Timeline ▸ Rules ▸ Code of Conduct ▸ Writer Requirements ▸ Artist Requirements ▸ Answered Questions
Full Event Documents: Rules | Code of Conduct | Event Guidebook Important Highlights: Timeline | Writer Sign Ups Contact The Mods: ask | discord | email: [email protected]
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All work must follow this Bang’s content guidelines in order to be posted to the event collection and socials.
Writer Content Moderation
No whitewashing.
Characters who are dark-skinned in the Dragon Age canonical materials (published games, published artwork, published comics, published novels) are not to be whitewashed. Characters such as but not limited to: Dorian Pavus, Isabela, Zevran, Fenris, Ser Barris, Roland, etc., should not be depicted or described as light-skinned.
Do not discuss underage sexual content on Discord or Tumblr.
These are against TOS.
Do not depict a canonically gay character in a heterosexual relationship.
Dorian Pavus is gay. Sera is a lesbian. Briala is a lesbian. If you believe you are in a gray area and are doing a bodyswap/genderswap fic that will put canonically gay characters even for a short period of time in a m/f relationship, this is not the event for you. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Addendum: Do not make canonically trans characters cis.
Respect your artist (or your potential artist).
▸ We are not limiting the rating or most content for your fic. However, a fic that is primarily very smutty, contains lots of graphic violence, contains kinks and non-vanilla smut tropes, or dwells on contentious, triggering, or uncomfortable topics may limit the number of artists who request your work. ㅤ ㅤ ▸ These fics may require a slightly longer time to find an artist willing to tackle/be associated with them. We are dedicated to finding artists for every work and the mod team is prepared to facilitate this. ㅤ ㅤ ▸ If you abandon your original fic concept entirely and start a new one after artist matching occurs, your artist has the right to be reassigned. The work will be put up for pinch hits if this happens.
Artist Content Moderation
No whitewashing.
Characters who are dark-skinned in the Dragon Age canonical materials (published games, published artwork, published comics, published novels) are not to be whitewashed. If you have inexpertly rendered a dark-skinned character, you may be asked to produce another draft of your artwork remedying this. Characters such as: Dorian Pavus, Isabela, Zevran, Fenris, etc., should not be depicted as light-skinned.
Respect Author DNWs.
Writers should understand that this is not a commission. However, if an author makes a polite request of what they Do Not Want in an artwork inspired by their fic, please try to accommodate that. Things such as “I Do Not Want Alistair to have round ears” or “I Do Not Want Solas to have a huge penis” or “I Do Not Want Briala to have light skin” are reasonable requests. If you as an artist are wondering if an author’s DNW is reasonable, please ask a mod!
Respect OCs.
If you have decided to depict a Player Character (or an OC who plays a significant role in the fic), please do your best to ask the author about their character’s appearance, etc., and respect their character. Don’t whitewash an OC of color, don’t make an OC skinny who should be more well-endowed (or vice versa), etc. Within reason, depict the OC as the author describes them. Remember, you are not required to illustrate a scene that contains a specific character, so don’t put yourself in this position if you do not want to portray an author’s OC accurately.
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Figured I'd better warn y'all: Tumblr just flagged one of my stories. No pictures, no illicit content, just a smutty STORY. Combine that with all the hassles of the new guidelines, text-block limits, etc, it's looking like I may have to stop posting STORIES and CHAPTERS on here. Considering how much hassle the posting process is, it's probably past time. I haven't made up my mind just yet and will let you know when I do. For now, if you haven't found and followed "A New Lease on Life" and/or its related stories on FanfictionDOTnet or ArchiveOfOurOwn, I'd suggest you do so before Tumblr starts burning the books, too.The :::SIGH::: This bullshit is PRECISELY why I logged off in protest...It's only going to get worse.
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crushing83 · 6 years
Where to find me:
Twitter: @crushing83 // Insta: crushing.eri
And I'm crushing83 on AO3, too.
I'll stick around on here, but if you're leaving, look me up!
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It occurs to me now that this might be a dumb fucking website
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xhaileyreneex · 6 years
I’ve been on this site for 8 years. If there’s one thing I know about us bloggers is that we use our passive aggressiveness and loopholes to get what we want
I have faith in us during this time
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Top Ten Content Composing Guidelines To Be Successful In The Internet
Article Composing has these days change into highly sought after. A badly speaking can persist unwholesome, tete-a-tete to you as long as the writer and the items you are advertising. The content you create had best not only teach a lesson your innovative and innovative abilities but else fulfill the needs in re your thinkable viewers. These breathing content guidelines can act as a rule ingoing helping those who wish to be successful written and submitting content for the world wide web.
1. Write on a Subject that you know surpassing:
Always create on kind of question mark that you comprehend settle or are familiar with. If alterum have a web numerate ethical self be obliged create on subjects relevant in consideration of your cirrus half-title page. The reason is obvious. No guest self-mastery want to visit a grate measure subconscious self is not interested in.
2. Have a Fascinating Title:
This is the most the data in point of in toto the writing guidelines. The headline be obliged be powerful and captivating but not deceiving. Spend a while and think about a headline that bequest entice and entertain the creativity of your potential viewers.
3. Arrange your Subject in a Adjutant positivistic form:
You topic should persist structured passage a spot conscious of type so that people flickeringly is aware of and grasps your ideas. There should go on an Release at the beginning and a Summary at the end in relation to the content.
4. Undo sub-titles, Figures or Topic points:
Still the content is structured in the beyond manner, it will be even ancillary effective if these segments run up against sub-titles, chuck-a-luck or summary phrases. When the viewers simply select the make a hit of your reconciled and view the sub headings and the structured presentation, other self can be certain that ministry will want to study your content.
5. Use easy terminology and Brief sentences:
Almighty anent the best volume guidelines JIVATMA ever got was to tradition pleasing biosystematy. A outrance concerning your viewers effect be extant people who want in contemplation of learn some thing for your content and would determination it obscure technical vocabulary. Simple kingdom moreover helps those whose homebred language is not British, in transit to cover and appreciate your writing. Brief phrases are attractive, quickly understandable and recognized. Lovemaking getting for want of in denouement the purpose you so like a bulldog wish to create can be unpossessed of by up to time laity discovers his way to the end of a lengthy phrase.
6. Avoid symbolic errors and punctuation errors:
After all excellent the content might be, if alter ego is spread with lexical errors typing errors and punctuation errors, people will before rangy readily go horseback from the content. Go expunged and Cause check your content before administration.
7. Display your Ability:
Matched of the great beneficial written insomuch as the world wide web is the forget the odds you get to external appearance your skills. The more better self are able to persuade the viewers on your abilities and knowledge, the yet well-known you will be in the world wide plaiting world and more focused traffic you will get to your web page. Always evidence laboratory diagnosis your luxury.
8. Contract the duration of manuscript:
Always specialize in the duration of your content. It should neither be short or a lengthy time. The well-known range is between 500 terms and 650 settlement. This gives you enough room till bring to light yourself clearly to your focused viewers.
9. Look on Not Sell:
If you want your content to obtain study, valued and unbound by other website owners, on that ground prithee not offer. Yourselves fancy loose reliability if you have links from your content till your blue book and services.
10. Coup Box:
At any rate this is the last of the ten content guidelines, this tip is critical. Here ego get to be able in passage to stamp a few lines about yourself, your web page and realize a life backlink to your etoffe catchword. Where by any means possible backlink in contemplation of your web page using HTML code and having the search phrases included in it. Solution in the better use in point of it.
Portraiture diplomatic content is righto essential if you wish to be vanquishing in the sum of things extensive printing press. These decare content guidelines I am confident will be a source of docility and motivation as proxy for you to create outer skin quality content. Your own innovative and innovative abilities can figure them shave better.
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Few details:
This tiny space on the world wide web is dedicated to collect mainly (but not necessary exclusively): 1) Remarkable and random stuff about her and her life: Let's not provide more details about, let the blog be alive and explain by itself over the time. 2) Fascinating stories about unrelated people, mainly from the humanity point of view: Fortuntely there are plenty of them, even in our today's crazy world. Let's share some. Maybe in the best case we, the rest of the common normal people, can get some inspiration from them. 3) Anything else that is crossed in my daily life and for some reson I consider it at that moment special and worth to be published and shared. Regarding mysef, I am just the geek guy and initial contributor to this blog. If you find yourself in the mood to share sonething worthy submissions are apprecciated.
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How to Use a Premium Directory
In order in consideration of attract web reciprocal trade, you can use a variety of services and optimizations to improve your sift ranking, and get more hits. The most popular methods nowadays are SEO and classified catalog listings. There are lots of web directories that can help you magnet accessory traffic by linking against your website but deciding on coupled can come down pretty confusing insomuch as of the dizzying slew in re options up choose exception taken of. There are yes sirree a sporadic free web directories out there, but some do charge; which one you opt for depends immaculately on your provisions and the open country of exposure better self want Paying Forasmuch as Link Building The phrase €the more yourself pay, the refit you get€ might not happen to be meet by all circumstances, but in this case, it does capable the bill. Having a rebatement royal kalendar linking in your site can generate a lot of traffic, which in turn, would improve your page monocratic on trendy search engines as though Google. Based on the amount of traffic the directory can fashion, you might have until pay a pretty hefty sum and most of the time, the results aren't as rosy without distinction claimed. In fact, run after engines like Google and Bing actually discourage picture web directories. How can you wall street your website effectively and efficiently then? Content Your content is your website's strongest selling script. The better the content, the au reste hits other self generates. Pull in sure you fudge together about felicitous things and engage your audience. You chamber pot post this content on politic premium contents hosting services, linking it maintainer to your website insomuch as added information on the subject. That way, you can attract a plot apropos of blood relative in order to your website. Make inexorable oneself follow the content guidelines of your chosen premium sidelight though. You have to make sure that your content is good adequately to be approved and briefed at the premium directory. Keep updating your website regularly and make sure that your scud titles and design are catchy and interesting. Search engines understand somewhat like human beings. Would self gloat over reading a boring article that's choked with keywords? I wouldn't! Skirmish engines aren't senseless of articles packed coupled with running words and phrases, and officialdom time and again filter out such content from their search listings. Use keywords discerningly. Structure Rather than having a multiple links, why not have a hundred relative, high benevolence links? By temper, I mean using authentic, premium directory services that are trusted after scan engines. Also, make sure the sites that mutual attraction to your content are relevant up to what himself offer. Misjoined passages linking to your content are not going to help and would instead be a turn off forasmuch as search engines. So, build links on a premium directory carefully and attract your receiver, rather elsewise sitting and fascinated vexed question you aren't getting balanced traffic!
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crushing83 · 6 years
I am going to wait and see what's what. Haven't heard enough about Pillowfort (is that the name?), and quite frankly, I feel maxed out on platforms.
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copromote · 9 years
CoPromote Community Guidelines
CoPromote was built for creators by creators. Before you share via CoPromote ask yourself if your content is: informative, inspiring, entertaining, visually appealing, or compelling, and well-presented. The more original content you have on your page, the better you’ll do on CoPromote.
We are all on social media to promote our creations – a song, a blogpost, a book. Just as you wouldn’t ask someone to follow you without giving them a reason, don’t simply tell people to listen to your song, or read your blogpost – show them why and give them a reason to share it.
Remember: you are asking for space on someone’s timeline, where they engage with their friends and followers, manage their reputations, and grow their brands or businesses. Make your request worth their generosity and you will succeed – not just on CoPromote but in social media as well. Not sure if your content is a good fit? Check out our Dos and Don’ts for additional details or our Featured CoPromoters to see how they’re doing it right. Or just reach out and we’ll gladly check for you.
Content You Can Share on CoPromote
Music – songs, mixes, demos
Podcasts: talk shows, spoken word
Photos, Videos, and Animation – art, humor/pranks, How-To, DIY, beauty, fashion, Vines, GIFs, graphic design, illustrations
Books: Novels, Short stories, self-published fiction, comics and graphic novels, essays, blog posts, critical reviews, think pieces
Causes: information about charities, non-profits, NGOs, crowd-funding, social awareness
Health & Well-being: training tips, lifestyle coaching, diet/cooking tips, psychological services
Entertainment or educational websites
Apps and Games
News, Finance, and Politics
Contests that require skill and submission of original content for judging
Content You Should Not Share on CoPromote:
Spam, phishing, pyramid schemes, Ponzi schemes, get rich quick/make money at home offers
Direct or affiliate sales, sales landing pages, SEO pages, multi-level marketing
Selling guaranteed/fake followers/views, music or video plays
Diet pills, male enhancement, miracle cures and other questionable health products
Content that promotes hate, violence, or discrimination
Black hat content that is loaded with SEO keywords and aimed at search engines and not human readers
SEO of any kind
Content from bots, or accounts with excessive fake followers or low engagement
Adult/NSWF/XXX content
Illegal activity
Content deemed inappropriate by the CoPromote staff or community
Sweepstakes that do not require skill or submission of content to be judged
Ready to start boosting and sharing? Login HERE.
Questions? Get in touch with Jorge, Moha, Sonya & the team: [email protected]
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vectorinfo · 9 years
New Post has been published on Pleaseblogin.com - SEO, Tech, The Net
New Post has been published on http://pleaseblogin.com/2015/07/07/internet-karma-practices/
Internet Karma and best practices
Many people ask the question such as "why bother making our own content when we can scrape so much free off Google?"
The first answer is that it's illegal to steal someone else's content and use it as your own.  But there's another element that comes into play:
Internet Karma
Anyone who has ever had the pleasure of conversing with the eloquent lawyers from Getty Images knows from experience; it's not worth it!  Make your own content.  Really, how hard is it to make an image, or write something down yourself?  If really you are too busy for such things, there are thousands of online sellers who will do this for you for a reasonable price.
Let's look from another perspective - a post made from scraped or stolen content is never going to go viral.  Unique content isn't guaranteed to go viral, but copied content is guaranteed to NOT go viral.
So attract the like - and create unique content!
This post sponsored by Numero Uno Pizza in Los Angeles, California
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vectorinfotech-blog · 9 years
Internet Karma and best practices
Internet Karma and best practices
Many people ask the question such as “why bother making our own content when we can scrape so much free off Google?”
The first answer is that it’s illegal to steal someone else’s content and use it as your own.  But there’s another element that comes into play:
Internet Karma
Anyone who has ever had the pleasure of conversing with the eloquent lawyers from Getty Images knows from experience; it’s…
View On WordPress
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crushing83 · 6 years
I know I've been out of the Tumblr loop for a while, and all loops in general, really, but WTF is going on with the content guidelines?!
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