#content formats
shesmore-shoebill · 2 months
"I had choice paralysis :(" is a KILLER line.
He's such a comedic powerhouse, I'm glad more people are getting exposed to him :'D
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madhukumarc · 15 days
What types of content perform best for engagement on different social media platforms?
Social Media Content Engagement:
Here are the types of content that perform best for engagement on different social media platforms (in order of importance):
1. Facebook: Short Videos (educational, and entertaining), Images, and Stories.
2. Instagram: Reels (educational, tips, and entertaining), Stories, and Image Carousels.
3. YouTube: YouTube Shorts (educational, and entertaining), and Educational Content (moderate length)
4. TikTok: Reels (educational, tips, and entertaining),
5. LinkedIn: Images, Thoughts and Experiences, Educational Content, and Memes.
6. X (Twitter): Threads (Strategies, Tips, and Learnings), and Images
7. Pinterest: Visual Pins (Travel Tours, Home Decor, Beauty, Women's Fashion, Food and Drink, and DIY and Crafts) and Infographics.
8. Threads: Text (personal experiences, thoughts, and tips) and Images.
9. Snapchat: Images (experiences)
Source: The above aspects are based on my personal observations, experiences, research, and current trends.
Remember - "Time is precious. Each social media user is going to be selective when it comes to which brands they follow. If they don't feel they’re getting consistent value from your social media content, they'll quickly unfollow to free up their feed for other users’ content" – HubSpot
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Pro-Tip: Creating a social media content calendar, regularly evaluating content performance, and experimenting with various content types are essential steps that cannot be overlooked.
Here's related information that you may also find helpful – Social Media Management vs Digital Marketing
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violent138 · 6 months
Tim, looking around the darkened corridor: "You think it's a good idea to be breaking into random places right now?"
Jason said nothing, fumbling in his pockets.
Dick: "You live here, don't you?" Which gets everyone's attention laser-focused.
Jason just cast him a look, getting the door open.
Steph entered first, smacking into something that falls over. "Jeez." She complained, stumbling backward until Cass steadied her by the shoulders. "Sorry, that's my bad."
Duke turned on the lights in one motion, making everyone blink and wince.
"Get off me." Damian snapped, and Dick carefully let him go, letting him limp angrily into a chair. He frowned, scrutinizing the place. "You live here? Why would anyone--"
"Guys." Dick rubbed his eyes over the mask, cutting off Damian and Jason’s sharp answer. "First aid kit?" Dick asked Jason tiredly.
Jason nodded, moving to get it and heard Damian ask "What?" in response to a patented glare he must be getting.
Tim had made a beeline for the kitchen. "Dude, why do you have a singular set of dishes? And why are there just guns in this cabinet?"
Jason scoffed, handing Dick the kit. "Didn't realize I was running a fucking bed and breakfast."
"There's guns in this cabinet too!" Tim shook his head, opening and closing two more. "Oh good, just large knives in this one."
At Tim's raised eyebrows, Jason went into the kitchen and shooed Cass down the counter she was perched on, grabbing the paper plates he kept in a drawer and shoving them into Tim's chest.
Glancing at the way Steph was rubbing her neck, slouched at the table, Jason grabbed two ice packs, sliding one her way and throwing the other to Damian.
Duke, taking a book off Jason's meticulously organized shelf: "Why do you have seven copies of Pride and Prejudice? Did you keep forgetting you bought it, or--?"
Jason, storming over to put the book back. "Stop."
Dick looked up from the wound he was stitching. "Are they different at at all?"
"Are they in different languages?" Steph asked.
"Did you barter them for food? Because your fridge is fucking empty." Tim reported.
Jason groaned, realizing that they weren't going to drop it. "One has a different introduction and one is the zombies version. And yes, the rest are the same, now could you all stop touching stuff?"
"Why do you have five copies of the same book?"
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braxiatel · 7 months
I am not here to police anyone’s characterisation, but I will just say I wish more people would acknowledge that Mumbo isn’t just anxious he is also
1. full of violence
2. Autistic
3. homosexual to his very core
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thunderandsage · 7 months
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verflares · 8 months
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or is this what it means to be a human being?
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upsidedog · 1 year
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i was gonna do this meme with the original format then a much better came to mind
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shalomniscient · 3 months
as a member of the cloud knights, feixiao has always had a habit of waking up early. a soldier always has things to do, and it’s best to get a head start before the rest of the world stirs. the artificial sun of the yaoqing sends delicate, rosy trails of light through the window, like a fisherman casting his net—and catching not only her, but you as well, cuddled into her side as you are.
her hand strokes idly up your arm as she lays there for a while, watching you sleep against her. there’s a peaceful look on your face, the kind that makes her just want to stay in this bed next to you forever, or wish that the sun would never rise, so that this moment would last for the rest of her shortened lifespan.
she offers you a smile when you finally stir, her calloused fingers toying with your hair. “mornin’,” she rasps, leaning down to brush her nose against yours. you manage a soft, muffled sound in response, eyes only half-open. your head tilts and your lips brush hers, the most chaste of kisses, and she feels her heart beat like a war drum in her chest.
“morning,” you mumble into her mouth, before resting your head on her shoulder, still teetering on the edge of wakefulness and sleep. a soft ‘love you’ slips from your lips unbidden, almost indecipherable were it not for feixiao’s foxian ears. the rings on her left ear tinkle as it twitches, her expression turning achingly fond as she presses her lips to your temple.
feixiao is known by many titles—the merlin’s claw or the great general, to name a few—but her favoured one has always been the one she gave herself: the lacking general, for she lacks in rivals, regrets and worries. and now, as she looks at you in her arms, relaxed and content, with the morning sunlight kissing your skin, she knows she will never lack for love, either.
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defsiarte · 2 years
Tips for artists coming back to tumblr from twitter
Have a pinned post with your name and links, like you would on twitter. You can also add links to your bio with html.
Find a blog theme that is very image friendly.
Create an art tag so people can find your work!! Especially if you also reblog others’ stuff onto your main. If you don’t feel like getting creative, #my art is a popular one.
Popular art tags here are # artists on tumblr, # my art, # illustration, and # drawing, or just simply # art. You can add as many tags as you want to a post, although only the first 20 or so are prioritized in search.
Pinned tags are now a thing? so like if you have a bunch of tags on your blog but only want a select few to show up, you do that in blog settings.
You can also turn on tipping on your posts to allow people to donate to you if you connect a Stripe account. I don't know specifics.
Create an art-only sideblog for people to follow if they don’t want to see all your reblogs.
Submit your art to blogs like @art or @artistalley for a chance at getting featured or reaching a wider audience!
You can use spaces in tags. Please use spaces in tags. It makes navigation much easier.
@tips has a more in-depth explanation of various functions and how to use them so check that out if the UI here is overwhelming.
Go to @changes and @wip for updates/help/whatever on what staff are doing with the site. You can also make requests for new features I think? idk
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pixelglam · 23 days
Hello! Do you mind showing us the layout or more of an inside look into the brownstones house?
Hello! I won't be sharing the floorplan but since I'm currently working on it, here are a few more behind the scenes photos of the home. 🤍
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aronarchy · 2 years
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[image ID: Facebook post by Songbird Schwarz
I often think about how gross it is the way we’ve normalized kids hating school. Like to the point of fear and avoidance. “Lol he’s pretending to be sick to stay home.” “She was so happy it was a snow day she jumped for joy.” “Hahaha he’s hiding under the bed to avoid going.”
It’s... It’s not funny. It’s actually really gross the way we make kids sit a desk all day to be force fed dry as hell information and make them ask if they can use the bathroom, for 7-8 hours a day. 5 days a week and then go home with oppressively unfair amounts of homework.
And then we laugh - we LAUGH - at how much they hate it. It’s become a cultural touchstone. To shake our heads and chuckle while kids try to scheme ways to get out of it.
That’s… That’s bad.
And then we ask adults to do the same with work.
/end image ID]
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agravetokeep · 3 months
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Pt 1 / ?
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sherrymagic · 4 months
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WE ARE | EP. 11
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pigswithwings · 10 months
A Guide On Lessening Yourself
(Or, What To Do Before They Cut You Open)
This guide has been created to prepare you for your upcoming procedure. Please read carefully and follow all directions in order to have the safest experience.
- Do not eat. (Required; at least 3 hours before the procedure starts. No meats, no vegetables, no grains, and especially no fruits. Any remaining food that is being digested will get in the way.)
- Do not drink. (Required; at least 2 hours before the procedure starts. No water, soda, juice, soup, milk, coffee, or energy drinks. Any remaining fluids will get in the way.)
- Do not bleed. (Required; at least 1 month before the procedure. No paper cuts, nosebleeds, injuries or other form of your own blood leaving your body. Restriction of the expression of your mortality is imperative.)
- Do not dream. (Strongly suggested; at least 1 month before the procedure starts. No daydreams, no hopes, no wishes, no lifelong goals, and no nightmares. Avoid losing yourself within any fantastical trappings - these are the vestiges of a mortal mind.)
- Make sure to confirm your procedure date. Whether by checking online, asking your doctor, or praying, it's of utmost importance that you remember the specific time and day of your event.
- Make certain that this procedure is for you.
Though the process has already been scheduled, you still have options if you're unsure. Asking God or previous patients are the most authentic ways to learn about this process. Consider the benefits and consequences of the procedure as a whole - this will undoubtedly affect your life, but will it be more negative rather than positive? Will you be able to be happy again? If you are willing to accept such possibilities, continue on. Should you choose to, however, you may still opt out before the scheduled date by telling your doctor and/or healthcare provider.
- Make sure to arrive early to your procedure. Timeliness is key.
- Be flexible with your interviewers. Many angels are unfamiliar with human languages and may instead choose to communicate directly inside your mind. This may cause discomfort as well as the feeling of being stripped into nothingness. Don't panic and remember that you deserve a chance at holiness, regardless of your humanity.
- Be polite. Though your angel interviewers may have already visited Earth before, human customs are often difficult to adjust to. If an interviewer makes a social faux pas (such as revealing their true form), brush it off and continue the conversation as best you can.
- Be prepared for any questions regarding your past attachments, relationships, possessions, etc. If you've prepared well, you'll be able to answer with full honesty that you have left all possible remnants of humanity behind - that means no mistakes, no regrets, and no emotions.
- Should you pass the interview (you will be told after they have finished), be ready to experience anywhere from a small to large amount of pain. This experience usually lasts around 20 seconds, but some say it feels like an eternity of blinding, searing light. The scale of your pain will be a direct result of how successful you were at stripping away your humanity; the agony that follows will be the angels burning it off of you.
- Wait through the pain.
- Wait through the pain.
- Wait through the pain.
- Wait through the pain.
- Wait through the pain.
- Wait through the pain.
- Wait thought it.
- Wait through it.
- Wait
- If you've successfully passed the interview, survived the procedure, and become an angel, congratulations! The following tips are only suggestions, but may help you in adjusting to your new existence.
- Avoid brightening your divine light too much at once. You'll quickly realize that your new eyes are far more adjusted to light than a human's, making the world appear dimmer than before.
- Avoid speaking out loud to others for the first few millenium, as this may cause harm if done incorrectly. Instead, practice "speaking" through the visual and audible expression of abstract concepts.
- Don't expect to visit Earth again. More often than not, angels avoid the human world (most say it's too painful to linger), so it's very unlikely that you'll return. Don't come back if you possibly can.
Finally, enjoy your new status as part of the divine. Not many people get to experience the feeling - you have made it! Please enjoy the rest of infinity.
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faithinlouisfuture · 2 months
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that waist 🫠
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ero-cataegis · 11 days
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