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rhondagettingfit · 1 year ago
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I really can't help myself with CVG stuff. I need to win the lottery to get all I want LOL
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belaymonkey · 5 years ago
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I thought the shirt was appropriate since I have not run in 6 weeks. Between yesterday's 5K and today's 6 miles I think my legs are starting to wake up. I am so excited that real races are starting slowly to get back in our community. I also realize that my legs definitely need a suntan since I never wear shorts and I got these great new running shorts from @constantly_varied_gear and I absolutely love them!!! They stayed in place the entire 6 miles in did not ride up at all. Since I have thicker thighs it is hard to find shorts that fit properly and also stay in place, I would recommend these to anybody looking for fun designs! * #RunningIsNotCancelled #TogetherWeMove #BerksSolo #RunPA #RunnerGirl #HalfFanatic 3720 #Reading #CVG #constantlyvariedgear #SwearingAlwaysHelps #Goodr @goodr https://www.instagram.com/p/CB-5b8tFb5w/?igshid=cak0itj1y0fn
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fiercelyfitwithcrys · 6 years ago
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So I came across this podcast about a month ago and let me just tell you. I love the ever loving $h!t out of it. No joke. They're sponsore by Constantly Varied Gear and know their crap. Everything I tell people and they think I'm joking or not competent enough to know. They say it. I have the education to back it up just as they do, so if you don't believe what I say, go listen to a second opinion. This episode in particular hit home for me. My parents are getting older and my grandparents have numerous health issues going on right now. The excuses these ladies' mom gave are excuses I've heard from my grandparents and the reasons why she wanted to get healthy I've heard from my parents. I cannot stress this enough. It's never too late to work on your health or try to increase your physical fitness. It benefits you in so many ways from your mood to your body's physiological processes. Plus, you'll be able to rock it at the beach and keep up with kids or grandkids. You just need to believe in yourself. #ttsl #cvg #thickthighssavelives #constantlyvariedgear #fitness #CPTinthemaking #personaltrainer https://www.instagram.com/p/BzLHEOWFxqn/?igshid=1e8eqe8vo8g1e
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jndcatfarmer · 6 years ago
So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @jnssales #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #adidas #constantlyvariedgear #ugg: https://posh.mk/csu9tilxlW
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kparkulo · 6 years ago
So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @teenytinyface #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #pandora #constantlyvariedgear #toryburch: https://bnc.lt/focc/v4E16egy2S
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velvetphantom-blog1 · 7 years ago
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Yep. Both of them is me. Yep. #weightisjustanumber here people I've changed the way I look at myself and I will continue to push and get stronger. #mscansuckit #chronicfatigue #strongwomen #weightloss #goals #fitfam #quotes #oakvillestrong #motivation #strong #workout #believe #inspire #determination #youcandoit #provethemwrong #noexcuses #oakvillestrong #gym  #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #fattofit #weightlossjourney #fitfam #fitness #ketolife #keto #chronicpain #fbbc #fbbchq #cvgleggings #constantlyvariedgear
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bootywranglerrr · 8 years ago
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😂😂😂 #constantlyvariedgear #sotrue
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queenleggings-blog · 8 years ago
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Do any of you watch @teentitansgo? My kids love it and they're doing a workout episode talking about leg day right now, I'm cracking up! Happy Friday all! I'm loving my new shirt from @constantly_varied_gear. Leggings from @lolewomen. Teaching @lesmillsgrit strength this morning and prepping for Tuesday's @bbarreless class. As my brother would say, tell someone you love them today. Signing off as quad crusher. #teentitans #constantlyvariedgear #lesmills #gritstrength #lole #legday #workout #fitness #lovemore
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rhondagettingfit · 2 years ago
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I splurged on myself a bit
I turn 53 in 11 days. I've lost 20lbs, and my Type 2 diabetes is so much better under control. So I think I deserve these. That and they are SO CUTE
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sleeponrooftops · 5 years ago
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Realigned some things in my creative brain today, and I immediately felt better about where my writing was headed, so I guess that means I’m on the right track. Plus, getting upside down always helps. 🤸🏻‍♀️ . #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #pincha #pinchamayurasana #forearmstand #scorpio #cvg #constantlyvariedgear https://www.instagram.com/p/B4i33oUjdIx/?igshid=xaiqlg7l0m0g
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run-lift-stretch · 4 years ago
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April 5 - TTSL Daily - First Day at the start of a new cycle 😜
Warm Up: ✅ 20lb Kettlebell
5- 165/185/195/205/210/215/220
PR of 220# 🎊
Metcon: 6:42; 65# and Pike Push-ups
Cool Down: ✅ slow biked instead of row
PM- Power Abs for moms Level 3, 3 rounds in time limit ✅
Perfect Pull ups ✅
#ttsldaily #ttsltraining #constantlyvariedgear #deadliftPR #cvgfitness #powerabsformoms #perfectpullup #roadtopullups
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jenguerrero · 5 years ago
Jen's Smoked BBQ Pulled Pork Salad
Jen’s Smoked BBQ Pulled Pork Salad
#constantlyvariedgear #cvg #ttsl
I’m celebrating over here! I won a darling cropped hoodie from my favorite CrossFit and activewear company, Constantly Varied Gear, for healthy recipe contributions. Perfect match. I can’t shut up about food, and they reward one of my obsessions with the other! 😀
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I love smoking meat. It’s my favorite meal-prepping so that I can whip out delicious…
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iloveyouspoon · 7 years ago
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So.Much.Truth. although my shoulders are pretty sore from yesterday. 💪🏻 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #health #fitness #fit #healthy #strong #motivation #determination #girlswholift #legday #squats #training #fitspo #determination #weightloss #gains #progress #lift #girlswithtattoos #fitjourney #girlswithmuscle #thickthighs #progress #savage #constantlyvariedgear #iifym #girlswhosquat #progressnotperfection #musclesandmascara #hustle #fitmom https://ift.tt/2LUc03j
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velvetphantom-blog1 · 7 years ago
Arms!!!! Anything with arms come up with the best one 😂👇👇👇 #mscansuckit #chronicfatigue #strongwomen #weightloss #goals #fitfam #quotes #oakvillestrong #motivation #strong #workout #believe #inspire #determination #youcandoit #provethemwrong #noexcuses #oakvillestrong #gym  #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #fattofit #weightlossjourney #fitfam #fitness #ketolife #keto #chronicpain #fbbc #fbbchq #cvgleggings #constantlyvariedgear
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amazingbodytransformation · 7 years ago
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constantlyvariedgear: It’s my workout I can cry if I want to http://ift.tt/2y4297W
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meditationklaus · 7 years ago
15 Truths Anyone “On a Diet” Can Relate To
Let’s talk about the dreaded “D” word: dieting. Diets have gotten a bad rap over the years, and not entirely without reason. Fad diets, juice cleanses, and ineffective workout strategies have all played their part in making dieting seem totally miserable.   It’s not all doom and gloom—there are plenty of diets that are both healthy and delicious!—but the truth is, any lifestyle change comes with its own set of challenges.   Diets aren’t just for weight loss. Ditching the junk food and switching to healthier snacks is a great way to gain energy and improve your overall health. But no matter your diet goals, you will almost certainly relate to these non-negotiable truths about being “on a diet.”
1. When will you start your diet? Monday, obviously.
Credit: ConstantlyVariedGear
“I mean next Monday,” said every dieter ever.
2. That feeling when you find out how many calories your favorite snack contains.
Credit: Buzzfeed
3. Your first day at the gym feels like this:
Credit: yoko.tumblr.com
We’ve all gotta start somewhere. It’ll get easier!
4. But after a week or two, you can actually feel yourself getting stronger.
Credit: Tenor.co
Flex them muscles!
5. Eating out is the hardest—especially when your friend orders a burger and you order a salad.
Credit: ManVFat
Pssst, salad doesn’t have to suck. If you hate salad, our ultimate quick superhero kale salad might just change your mind!
6. There is no better feeling than sitting down to eat your cheat meal.
7. But it can be hard to stop at just ONE cheat meal.
Credit: muscleandbrawn.tumblr.com
It happens to the best of us.
8. Sometimes you tell yourself, “I’ll just have one cookie. . .”
Credit: ManVFat
And then this happens.Don’t get discouraged! Just start again tomorrow.
9. But don’t worry, you’re not alone. Sticking to a diet is tough for everyone—even Starlord!
A post shared by chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) on Apr 5, 2017 at 10:13am PDT
Rapping probably burns calories, so bonus points for you, Mr. Pratt!
10. How you feel when you finish a really intense workout.
Credit: Patchwork-Press
Remember that feeling the next time you want to skip your work out!
11. Sticking to your goals = getting a reward!
Credit: WiffleGif
Just make sure your reward won’t sabotage your diet. Buy yourself that new pair of shoes or that book you’ve been wanting instead.
12. Pretty soon, you’ll start to see results.
Credit: Reddit
Who’s that stunner in the mirror? That’s right, it’s you.
13. And then other people will start to notice, too!
Credit: The Odyssey Online
Work it!
14. You’ll still slip up from time to time, though. And that’s okay.
Credit: MemeSuper
No one’s perfect.
15. But the ultimate dieting truth? Weight is just a number on a scale, and you’re already amazing just the way you are.
Credit: WeHeartIt
And don’t you forget it!
Dieting with a friend? Make sure to share this list and tag them!
Image credit: Loren Peta
The post 15 Truths Anyone “On a Diet” Can Relate To appeared first on DOYOUYOGA.COM.
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