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emma-ofnormandy · 2 months ago
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Constance Bonacieux & D'Artagnan Moments 1.01 The Musketeers (2014-2016)
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gillisiart · 20 days ago
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BBC Musketeers couples ⚜️⚔️⚔️⚜️
Thought I’d post them all together
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alwaysalir · 1 year ago
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'The Musketeers | 3x01
"Did you miss me?"
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doortotomorrow · 8 months ago
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constagnan - their wedding day
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maraskywalkers · 4 months ago
reply to or reblog this with your fave angst with a happy ending fics please
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enigma-the-mysterious · 1 year ago
D'Artagnan: So what now? I'm just supposed to do anything Constance does? I mean, what if she jumped off a cliff?
Athos: If Constance were to jump off a cliff, she would've done her due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes. If you see Constance jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff
D'Artagnan: You jump off a cliff!
Athos: Gladly, provided Constance did first
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wingsofhcpe · 1 year ago
I really want to write or at least attempt to sketch a musketeers figure skating modern au but since it's not happening any time soon, here are some of my headcanons as a person who knows approximately nothing substantial about how figure skating works:
Treville is everyone's coach, of course.
the boys are all stars in the figure skating world along with Constance, Milady, Anne and Ninon. The ladies (except Constance) are being coached by Richelieu.
Richelieu is a retired star, Treville also retired early due to a serious injury.
Athos and Aramis almost exclusively do paired routines. Athos used to be partnered with Milady before they had a falling-out, which is how he ended up in Treville's group and she in Richelieu's.
Ninon gets dropped by Richelieu for reasons yet unknown, and while she doesn't officially join Treville's crew she does some routines with Athos.
Aramis' main partner is his best friend Constance. However, when he gets injured right before the season, she urgently has to seek and train with a new partner.
Enter: d'Artagnan! He gets scouted out by Treville in a local event and he decides his style fits Constance's a lot and that he can temporarily replace Aramis as her partner. Of course, d'Art sticks around even after Aramis is fit to skate again (and also he catches feelings for Constance, which Aramis can't stop teasing him about).
Porthos is primarily a solo skater, but after d'Artagnan joins, he practices some paired routines with Aramis. Now as far as I know, same-gender paired routines aren't really allowed in competitive figure skating, which can play out in a few different ways, but alas, this is getting long already.
Anyway, Anne comes in later when Louis, her husband and sponsor, gets to collaborate with Treville for a charity event. Anne, a big name in the female figure skating world, requests to collab with Aramis, since the latter is currently partner-less. Things get... heated on the ice! Drama ensues.
I have this very specific scene in my mind where Treville's group all go out for milkshakes and snacks after practice and they are very happy and cozy and they have fun, which is great. I love them your honour.
Savoy is much less tragic in this; it's just the competition in which Aramis got hurt, because he was distracted since his ex, Marsac, had just broken up with him.
The Court of Miracles is Porthos' old skating team (he was into team skating for a while), but he left because he wanted a fresh start and an independent career that didn't include him following orders. It's fine though, he's still friends with Charon and Flea, who now do paired routines!
Athos' brother didn't die nor assault Milady, they're just estranged because of family drama.
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anamariamauricia · 3 months ago
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Extra Sprinkles, a continuation of the Chocolateers Annamis modern AU
“And here we are,” said Constance once they reached The Garrison. Opening the door, she ushered René in and then held the door so Anne could get the stroller in.
“Woah, Anne, I hardly recognized you with that wig,” stated d’Artagnan from behind the counter. Dressed as Morticia Addams for the Halloween festivities she and Aramis would be taking the kids to, Anne’s look was indeed drastically different from her usual appearance, wearing a long jet-black wig and equally black dress. 
“Ah, cara mia,” Aramis dramatically exclaimed. Taking off his gloves and the apron covering his striped suit, he came around the counter, waltzed over to Anne, and lifting her hand, began laying kisses on her hand and then all along her arm just as Gomez Addams would (though Constance doubted such an act was completely out of the ordinary for those two).
“Papa!” shouted René between them, raising his arms to be picked up. 
“Ah, cara mia!” Aramis joyfully repeated, picking René up and then smothering him with kisses as well, eliciting giggles from the five-year-old. 
“So you two are Gomez and Morticia,” d’Artagnan began, “and then Aramis said René and Philippe are the same character but different?”
“Yes,” replied Anne, and reaching into the stroller, she brought out Philippe, who was wearing a grey onesie, a darker grey sweater, and had a little pencil moustache. “Philippe is their baby Pubert–”
“Taking after his handsome father,” interjected Aramis, motioning to his own shaved-down moustache. He had shaved off his beard as well, and Anne had told her he would shave off the moustache after tonight, too. He looked slightly ridiculous in the whole getup, but he and Anne were certainly having a lot of fun with it.
“–but when Pubert is ill he becomes…”
“Blond!” Constance whispered, acting aghast. 
“It’s all right, my boy, we’ll do something about this,” declared Aramis, running a hand over René’s wild curls, a sharp contrast to Aramis’ heavily gelled and slicked back dark hair.
“Remind me to put on the movies later,” she told d’Artagnan. “You’ll see how good it is then.” She turned back to Anne and Aramis. “Can you believe he’s never seen them?” She shook her head at d’Artagnan. “Sometimes I forget what a sheltered farm boy you are.” 
D’Artagnan merely shrugged.
“But if you keep growing your hair out, by next Halloween you and I can be Cousin Itt and his wife.” This year the two of them, along with Athos and Porthos (in a minimal capacity), were dressed as pirates, the typical costume of choice at The Garrison to go along with their famous cake, sometimes referred to as the Jolly Roger. Though Constance had specifically taken inspiration for her and d’Artagnan’s costumes from the pirates Calico Jack and Anne Bonny, respectively. 
D’Artagnan quirked an eyebrow. “Cousin Itt?”
“And the baby could be What,” said Anne wistfully. 
Touching a hand to her barely-showing stomach, she pouted at Anne. She was still getting use to the fact that she and d’Artagnan were going to be parents. Tears pricked at her eyes, but glancing over at d’Artagnan, she found him looking even more confused and mouthing “What?” at her. 
Stifling a laugh, she gave him an endearing look before turning to Aramis. “I think Porthos could make a great Fester.”
Aramis smiled. “And what about Athos?”
She snorted. “Lurch,” she readily answered, thinking of how surly and gloomy their friend could be. “Though, at the very least he could make a great Thing.”
“Such deft hands,” Aramis mused with a chuckle.
Read the rest on ao3/ff.net
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fictional-at-heart · 1 year ago
The absence of Constagnan fanfictions is criminal
Are there any Constagnan fans who are writers?🥺👉🏻👈🏻 To help a poor desperate Constagnan lover? 👉🏻👈🏻
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sprnklersplashes · 2 years ago
Aramis: Babe... would you still love me if I were a worm?
Anne: *confused but pretending not to be* Oh... of course I would, darling, I'd love you no matter what.
D'Artagnan: Hey, would you still love me if I was a worm?
Constance: *without looking up from her book* You ARE a worm.
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enigma-the-mysterious · 1 year ago
The exact moment I wanted to slap d'Artagnan
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"Scandals soon pass, Constance." "For men, perhaps."
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gillisiart · 1 month ago
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Constance and D’artganan ⚔️❤️
“The Musketeers” is one of my favorite shows, and Contance’s blue dress on the left is my absolute favorite costume of all time!
Anne and Aramis are next😊
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doortotomorrow · 2 years ago
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CONSTANCE + D'ARTAGNAN - "You shine so brightly in my eyes, it puts every woman in the shade."
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anamariamauricia · 3 months ago
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Extra Sprinkles, a continuation of the Chocolateers Annamis modern AU
While Anne made a noise of sympathy, a ball came flying out of the pool and rolled over right by Constance’s chair.
“Got it!” d’Artagnan called out, climbing over the edge of the in-ground pool with ease. Retrieving the ball, he threw it back in and then turned toward his wife. “You okay?”
“Yeah, your son’s just using one of my kidneys as a punching bag again.” 
Leaning down, d’Artagnan spoke to her belly: “Hey now, be nice to your mother.”
“D’Artagnan, you’re getting me all wet,” Constance chided.
“Oops, sorry love,” d’Artagnan apologised with a grin, grabbing her a towel from the pile nearby.
“You two have any ideas for names yet?” Anne wondered.
“I thought we’d just go with Olivier again,” d’Artagnan answered, shrugging. He looked down at Constance. “You didn’t like any of the other suggestions for him and we could bring back using ‘the Elder’ and ‘the Younger’ like the Romans used to do.” 
Towel in hand, Constance whipped it at his legs. "We are not doing that, and I better not see you anywhere near a birth certificate eight weeks from now."
Read the rest on ao3/ff.net
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enigma-the-mysterious · 2 years ago
Love love love these!
random BBC Musketeers things that I think about a lot:
the Three Inseparables know Constance before they know d'Artagnan. She and Athos know each other as of 1x01 (and by extension, it's more likely than not she knows the other two), she knows where to find them, they know where she lives, she cares about Athos enough to risk her life to save him. She's never just a girlfriend of one of them, she's their friend, has been their friend before she and d'Artagnan got together, before he even came to Paris
Porthos being clearly inspired by Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, from his parents being an enslaved Black woman called Marie-Cessette and a white nobleman to eventually becoming general of the French army
Aramis being raised in a brothel immediately explains a lot about him, from using sex as means to an end - seducing Marguerite to stay close to his son, finding a patroness for money (which Porthos also does, encouraged by Aramis, but ends up actually falling in love with Alice), because, despite being the "romantic hero type", he wasn't raised with the idea that sex has to happen only for love or attraction, he always saw it as something that could be means of survival, to being always gallant and courteous with women because he grew up among - was raised by! - the women who were looked down upon by the society and clearly had seen them mistreated by many men, and wouldn't want to be like those men
Aramis seems like the show's stand-in for Buckingham until he becomes the stand-in for Mazarin
between the Duchesse de Chevreuse and Sylvie Bodaire, it seems like Athos is bound to get together with a political activist who has had some sort of fling with Aramis. I imagine the child Sylvie's pregnant with by the end of s3 is a boy and they name him Raoul. (And because this is a happier universe, this Raoul doesn't get himself killed on purpose)
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incorrect-musketeers · 11 months ago
I decided to randomly revisit the BBC Musketeers show after nearly four years. I forgot how much I loved it <3 Seasons 1 & 2 are just so much fun! I can also feel my intense crush on Luke Pasqualino/D'Artagnan remerge from its hibernation <3
I’m so glad!! Honestly that show remains my favorite adaptation of the book
Also lol poor Season 3 is like the unloved Victorian stepchild of the fandom
Which is admittedly valid, despite the fabulous new costumes it’s very weak (also I’m never getting over them deciding to just slap Grimaud’s name on a totally unrelated villain character what on EARTH)
Although it did give us Dead Louis and some solid hurt/comfort and Constagnan marriage fluff
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