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okazaki-trash · 5 months ago
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Day 27: Game Night Me: DO THE MEME! :D Also me: OH I HAVE TO DRAW 7 CHARACTERS-
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bakawitch · 8 months ago
Oh my god
Au where after Mr Bakura fuckin dies from ring/zorc exposure (dsod) and Yami Bakura/Zorc kills Shadi (and the child cult???) Ryou is left alone in the temple. A few days later, representatives from the Ishtar clan arrive, and they decide to take Ryou in since a Millennium Item chose him as its true host. So underground he goes!
Upon his arrival, Forefather (Mr Ishtar) tries to take away the ring from him because surely this heathen can't be the one true bearer of the ring, but the ring spikes dig themselves into poor baby Ryou's chest so that's a no go. Ryou is down for a few days, and Rishid ends up taking care of him during that time. Malik barges in once, demanding Ryou to play with him, but Rishid manages to persuade him to leave Ryou to recover.
After he gets back on his feet, Forefather graciously allows him to keep the ring, and he gets adopted into the Ishtar clan to the same degree as Rishid. So he's sort of like a lower class servant? Rishid and Ryou grow closer while he teaches Ryou about his duties and chores, while Malik gets increasingly more jealous in the background because Rishid is paying some newcomer kid more attention than him. It gets even worse for him when Isis starts babying the timid kid despite Ryou literally being older than him and not even being the sane class as them. He gets a bit more aware of his alter, and he starts getting more withdrawn.
Something happens, which causes Ryou and Malik to get trapped in an abandoned dark room together, and they are forced to confront each other. Malik is fully on the offensive, but Ryou is mostly just trying to diffuse the situation. Malik freaks out when their oil lamp flickers, but Ryou manages to distract him with stories of the surface world. They talk a little, and Ryou opens up about the ring and the voices which Malik can sort of relate to. After the light burns out, Malik nearly snaps and switches, but his new friend(?) is able to soothe him with a big warm hug and maybe lullabies his mother used to sing to him and Amane. Rishid and Isis manage to find them.
Plot progresses as usual, but now Ryou is present. He goes up with Malik and Isis to the surface to show them around and unconsciously lifts the motorcycle magazine Malik liked. When they go back down, they see the Forefather nearly killing Rishid and Malik snaps. Yamima comes out to front and catches the whip midair before it could strike them. Yami B also subtly takes over just in case to protect the host body and to observe. Yamima gets the rod but is embarrassingly clumsy with it, clumsy enough to warrant Bakura tell him the key to using it properly. Isis is mortified but quickly puts two and two together and realises that the baby is possessed by a fuckin demon. Yamima does the murder/skinning bit, and Bakura just laughs. He says goodbye and gives control back to Ryou while Yamima goes after Rishid. Ryou again manages to calm him down and Rishid whisks them away after he comes to, leaving Isis and the rest of the clan behind.
Ryou and Malik grow up and start the Ghouls together. Bakura takes care of a lot of food and resources in the early days, but Ryou eventually learns from him and becomes just as good. He's also trying to tame Yamima part-time, which is not going as well as he'd like.
Timeskip to when Yugi lends the puzzle to the museum. Malik gets notified of the completed puzzle being exhibited in Japan, so he sends Ryou ahead to scout and establish himself as a friendly face to Yugi. The rest of the plot again progresses as normal with the difference of Ryou being a bit more cheeky and pushier than in canon, Bakura and him actually working together and an extra reveal of him being involved Malik the whole time.
I'm gonna cut it off here because I don't know how to continue from here... But rest assured, there's definitely some weird ass conspireshipping dynamics involved here XD
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artclari · 1 year ago
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I drew Deathshipping for @ninjam117 for the Conspireshipping Secret Santa Event . Hope you like it!! 💜 Merry Christmas 💜
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resuri-art · 4 months ago
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Everything in Four Panels
Hey, do you guys remember my conspireshipping (TKB/Ryou/Marik/Yami Marik) comics? If you missed it last time the shop was open, you can get a physical copy of it now! A high quality digital copy is also available.
And for thoses who don't know about it: Follow the post-canon silly life of the Bakurae and Mariks gang in 4-koma stories!
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super-secret-conspiracy · 4 months ago
2024 Apllications Are Open!
If you wish to participate in this year's Conspireshipping Secret Santa event, please fill out the application here by the 11th of December!
Matches will be out by the 12th!
(Don't forget that all ships that include characters under the Conspireshipping umbrella are applicable! This means that ships like tendershipping, thiefshipping, deathshipping, altershipping, and tornshipping are all possible pieces!)
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kamysketchstuff · 1 year ago
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I had to clean my computer, and found these! Some concept sketches and character design for the Conspire With You Zine that was completed on 2020! Thought it would be cool to share them! If you love Conspireshipping, the zine can be read onGumroad! The main blog for this project has all the details you need here!
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millenniumringg · 11 months ago
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Yeehaw 🤠
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worldhopper10 · 2 years ago
It's 2 am and my caffeine brain is starting to catch up on me. So here's my induced thoughts.
Do y'all think that Gothamites think Tim Drake is Brucie Wayne's murderer? And initiated a takeover of Wayne enterprises at one point? It must be one of the conspiracy theories spread on the Gotham media. Tim Drake came from an elite background and after his family businesses failed and father dead. He was made to be Bruce Wayne's ward then shortly adopted. Brucie Wayne is known to take on orphans after all. But then Brucie Wayne disappeared, Lucius Fox was shot then this upstart, High school drop out, was made CEO over Bruce's eldest Dick Grayson and no mention of his blood son (Damian) whatsoever. I think Gothamites view it as a takeover. He's now the majority shareholder, oh and he's legally emancipated. This gotta be a power move. But that's just my caffeine induced series of Conspiracy Theories of Gotham.
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mainstream-deviant · 2 months ago
Secret Santa 2024
Here is my very late I'm so sorry thank you for your patience piece for the @super-secret-conspiracy event. 🎉
@sadistikitteh, I was your secret santa! Eventually! 😂 I hope you enjoy your gift.
I guess this is technically Conspireshipping, but 90% of is just the Sickleshipping piece of it. So have some wintertime fluff, featuring snow and bunnies and a certain fan-favourite holiday goat, among other surprise appearances. Haha!
Read it below or over on A03 right here. Enjoy!
Home for a Rabbit
A solid layer of snow had accumulated over the last few days, blanketing the world in a layer of muffled white silence. The first time he’d experienced it, it had been unnerving. Now, Amir could see the full potential in the cold, glistening blanket covering the world. He gave his scarf another firm tug to settle it and went to work.
He was sitting down with a new set of packed blocks for the second layer of construction when there was a crunch of snow behind him. Light-footed, slightly hesitant on the ice – Bakura, then. Not concerning. He took his time to position the latest block and started packing a handful of gummy show into the cracks as the steps eventually stopped next to him.
“The fuck are you doing?”
Amir ignored the question in favour of cursing as the block he was trying to secure gave way. He snatched it up again and repositioned it. Snow crunched as Bakura shifted his weight. He was probably already crossing his arms with a grumpy little frown, the impatient bastard. It was no small miracle he wasn’t already complaining about the cold, too.
“Building.” Amir glanced up from his work just to see the scowl he was sure he’d get for the cheeky answer and did a double-take at the…thing… poking out from the crook of Bakura’s crossed arms. It was enough to pull his gaze from the disgruntled expression on his partner’s face. He pointed at the flash of gold and red. “The fuck is that?”
The ‘definitely-not-a-pout-Amir-stop-being-an-ass’ morphed into a wide smirk spread over Bakura’s face. “Built.”
At that point, clearly the correct thing to do was to fling a handful of snow as hard as possible at the thief’s stupid smirky face, and so that’s precisely what Amir did. The dull thud of snow on flesh was a satisfying reward, as was the grumbling as Bakura wiped the snow off his face and started scooping it out of his collar. Amir didn’t give him time to clean up before speaking up again.  
“Asshole. That’s not what I meant.”
“Don’t care. You didn’t answer my question.”
I was Amir’s turn to grin harder. “Sure I did. ‘Building’.”
At that point, clearly the correct thing for Bakura to do would be to fling a handful of snow as hard as possible at Amir’s stupid smirky face, and so Amir immediately dodged, smirking even harder when Bakura let out a curse.
“I win.” He gave Bakura a very generous additional three and a half seconds to finish removing snow from his face and neck before he once again pointed at the…thing… in Bakura’s hand. “Explain.”
“It’s for Ryou.” Bakura held out the hand-sized object for inspection. “It’s a model of the Gavelbocken. I made it myself. He was disappointed it lasted to Christmas this year, so now he has one he can fuck up however he wants.”
“Ryou’s weird.”
They shared a warm look for a second before Amir made grabby hands towards the model. Bakura handed it over and Amir angled it back and forth, admiring the careful craftsmanship and small red accents before handing it back. “Yeah, he’ll like it. It’s kinda cute. You gonna give him a lighter with it?” He snickered.
“No comment.” Unfortunately for Bakura, the impish look on his face had plenty of comments. But since Amir was trying to be a good partner, he let it slide. This time.
Bakura’s gaze turned back to Amir’s snowy construction project and the ‘definitely-not-cute-Amir-don’t-be-a-dick’ frown came back.
“But seriously, what the hell?”
 “I’m building an igloo.” Amir looked pointedly at the chunks of snow waiting to be positioned. “Obviously.”
Bakura’s silence sounded about a judgy as a non-sound could, in Amir’s opinion. “Uh - it’s a little small. Also, why?”
“It’s fucking cold out. I’m giving the rabbits a place to live.”
“The rabbits?”
“Yeah. Fluffy little bastards. They eat Malik’s vegetables in the spring and piss him right off? Remember those?”
Amir then discovered that he was getting very good at dodging vindictive globs of snow. He stuck his tongue out at Bakura, who rolled his eyes.
“Of course I remember what rabbits are, dumbass. Do you? Wild animals, live outside, make their own damn houses?”
Amir shrugged. “This’ll be nicer. And what else am I supposed to do with all the snow?”
This silence was a lot less judgy. Much better. Amir had known Bakura would settle down once he was adjusted to the outside air.
“Yeah, alright, fair point. Let me help.” Bakura set the tiny Gavelbocken on the ground and reached for a block of snow.
An indeterminate but chilly amount of time later, they had achieved something almost, but not quite, completely failing to be an igloo. Amir huffed.
“Why does it keep collapsing?”
“Because we don’t know what the hell we’re doing?”
Amir chuckled. “Yeah, that could be it.”
“At least it has walls. Sort of.”
“Yeah. Better than nothing, I guess.” Amir unwound his scarf. “I dare this to collapse though.”
Bakura was clearly more invested in the rabbit habitat than he wanted to admit, since he helped Amir carefully lay the scarf back and forth across the top of the structure before unwinding his own add to the project, carefully tucking in the ends to make a solid woollen roof.  
Clearly the correct thing to do at that point was replace Bakura’s missing scarf with his arm and press his lips to Bakura’s temple in silent thanks, so that’s exactly what Amir did. But the life of a scarf is uninteresting, so he only admired their handiwork for a few breaths before resting his head atop of Bakura’s and shifting his weight to get up.
“Alright, let’s go inside before your delicate ass freezes to the ground. Your Gavelbocken can stand guard.”
Bakura chuckled. “Yeah alright, I don’t think there are any vandals to torch it in the yard. C’mon,” he said, crunching the snow underfoot as he stood, “I’ll make us some cocoa.”
Half a hot cocoa later, the door opened to the sounds of the rest of the household and things got a little chaotic for a while. Bakura scrambled to collect shopping bags from Marik and Ryou while Amir settled on the ground to try to distract the bundle of fur and wagging tail that nearly bowled Ryou right over tearing back into the house. He dodged the excited licking as best he could until Ryou handed him a new toy.
“Oh good, everyone gets some new toys. Right, Obi? You want it?” He wangled the toy before flinging it across the room where it was promptly chased down by the dog, who was then promptly chased down by Ryou. “Keh. Cute.”
Marik was accepting a welcoming kiss from Bakura by the time Amir hauled himself back to his feet. “So what did you two get up to while we were out?”
Amir and Bakura shared a look and answered together. “…building.”
They were still howling with laughter at Marik’s annoyed expression when Ryou and Obi wandered back in. Ryou settled himself next to Malik while the dog bolted to the window.
“What did I miss?”
“Our partners are idiots, that’s what.”
“Oh, the usual then. Alright.”
Clearly the correct thing to do in that moment would be to manhandle Ryou and rough up his hair, so that’s what Amir did. Ryou shrieked with laughter and Amir was considering a suitable punishment for Marik when loud barking filled the kitchen.
Bakura marched over to the window. “What’s your problem, mutt? There’s nothing out – oh, sonuvaBITCH!”
Amir let Ryou go to see that the fuss was about. “What?”
“They’re eating it!”
Amir got to the window and immediately burst out into loud cackling laughter. “I told you they’d like a better home! I told you!”
Ryou pushed his way through them to the window. “What are we looking at?”
“It was a model of the Gavlebocken. For you.” Bakura’s definitely-not-a-pout was warring with his definitely-not-cute frown, which set Amir off again.
“Oh!” Ryou smiled. “Well, ‘eaten by bunnies’ is certainly a unique way to destroy it. That works. Thank you.”
Bakura accepted the kiss to his cheek with a disgruntled grumble. Clearly, the correct thing to do at that point was to watch the pair of rabbits tear their victim to shreds outside their new home while the chatter of his partners filled the room, so that’s precisely what Amir did.
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nekucreates · 2 years ago
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Aww what a cute angstshipping interaction on the first page--oh dang, don't look at the context OH NO XC Ryou, hun, NO!!! These three pages really hit you. Poor Ryou has to put up with TWO OF THEM. But well, at least he doesn't feel anything...
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This image goes hard! So memorable!
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super-lovely-collection · 2 years ago
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My YGO Doujinshi Update!
I got an Anon Request to take a photo of my Yugioh Doujinshi Collection, and looks like I have not updated this since 2017 (See that post HERE)!
So thank you Anon for the ask - it got me to go through all my Yugioh Doujinshis again, and figure out my new total...which is 103 now! *_*
My collection was so large, I couldn't even lay them all together on my floor~~~so I had to split them into 2 groups, and tried to take the photos from there (so excuse the messiness). ;p Looks like it mainly consists of Tendershipping, Bakushipping, Gemshipping, Fractureshipping/Conspireshipping and a few random ships like Bakura x Kaiba, Bakura x Otogi, Honda X Ryou, Yami Marik x Ryou, Aigami x Ryou, etc...or no ships and just a bunch of laughs!
Bonus Photo: These ones are my miscellaneous pile...one you may recognize from the amazing Fanzine “Conspire With You,” and these other two that were print outs of the doujinshis (long story short - during yahoo auction days I thought I was getting a actual doujinshi, and ended up with these instead) =_= 
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*Photos scanned/edited by me*
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kitsunefaux · 2 months ago
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (Anime & Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Bakura Ryou/Yami Bakura, Yami Bakura/Yami Marik, Yami Bakura/Marik Ishtar, Bakura Ryou/Yami Bakura/Marik Ishtar/Yami Marik Characters: Yami Bakura, Bakura Ryou, Yami Marik, Marik Ishtar, Zorc Necrophades, Aigami | Diva, Ishizu Ishtar, Kaiba Seto, Mutou Yuugi, Sera (Yu-Gi-Oh) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Unreliable Narrator, follows manga canon, De-Zorkified Yami Bakura, Tendershipping, tameshipping, Thiefshipping, Conspireshipping, Sennen Items | Millennium Items, Duel Monsters (Yu-Gi-Oh), Elements of the modern TCG, Shadow Realm (Yu-Gi-Oh), Shadow Games, penalty games, Unhealthy Relationships, Codependency, Emotional Manipulation, Obsessive Behavior, Possessive Behavior, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD), Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), Creative License: Ancient Egyptian Mythology, Gods, Avatars, Ghosts, Putting DSoD through the wood chipper, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Series: Part 4 of Chiaroscuro AU Summary:
With the Millennium Items recovered and dispersed, the games begin anew. Bakura must shovel through the mess his host left behind, reigniting the trampled flames of his determination to prevent the resurrection of his ultimate enemy.
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bakawitch · 2 months ago
I wrote a silly little ramble for an au version of that one nutcracker au @ninjam117 expanded on in this post where Yamima and tkb get to lay hands on Atem before he could zap Malik away XD
I wrote this in a franzy, and I did not bother to clean it up, so it's not perfect, but at least I wrote something that I actually posted for once in awhile lol
Four Can Fit
"Mouserkin," Malik murmured, testing the odd name on his tongue as he kicked his feet over the armrest of the makeshift lilac throne Ryou gifted him.
"Bakura Mouserkin. That's your name?" He echoed back with a bewildered expression, casting a suspicious glance at the decrowned rat loitering behind his well cushioned chair.
"Yep," came the unceremonious response from above him in the same lethargic tone Malik has gotten used to from the rat- or, well, Bakura, he supposed.
"That makes no sense. You're a rat, why would you be called 'Mouserkin' of all things?"
An amused snort left Bakura's lips at Malik's very justifiable question, beryl-like eyes blinking open from behind the iridescent palmette. The ex-king lowered his arms down to the splat of the throne, hoisting himself over the very top in a way that his entire body weight was supported by the spacious back of the throne with his feet dangling beneath him. As intimidating rats could be, Malik found that despite their bravado, they were still quite small with the tendency to be adorably silly, even in this dream-like world.
"I'll have you know that I've had many squirrel siblings, and they were all called Mouserkin as well," Bakura announced with a self-assured leer as he hung suspended above Malik, an occasional swish of his hairless tail hinting at some kind of mischief in the making.
Malik could only blink at the oddly positioned man breaching his personal space in frustrated confusion.
"How is that even possible...?" He grunted, trying to logic his way through a feasible explanation of how a rat could have squirrel siblings, keeping the possibility of Bakura just outright lying to him for shits and giggles headfirst in his thought process.
"Y'see- when a mommy mouse is feeling especially promiscuous one night-"
"Eww- no! I don't want to hear that!" Malik shrieked, swiping at Bakura for even daring to make him think of such a revolting thought, incredibly missing the cocksure rat by a margin, causing said dethroned rodent to burst out in an uncontrollable cackle fit.
Malik glared at the manically giggling rat, internally cursing whichever fairy made him miss. Definitely Atem.
Luckily for Bakura, before Malik could unleash his full fury on him, a faint noise was heard from across the double door leading into Malik's audience room. Bakura's flat ears wiggled at the familiar sound, instantly cluing Malik in on the lovely source of the sound. The grand marble door's right wing slightly cracked open, revealing the reinstated Prince's kind face and ethereal eyes that always made Malik's heart skip a beat.
Bakura immediately pulled himself up from his previous position into a sitting one on top of the palmette, his ears fully stood up from the sight of Ryou's appearance alone. Malik couldn't blame him. Ryou tended to have that kind of effect on people when he walked into a room since his curse was broken. Though he could faintly recall the ex-Rat King looking at Ryou the same way when he saw him still as a Nutcracker and that ugly bat's influence was fully burst.
"Hi," Ryou whispered silently, slipping into the room quiet as a mouse, the heavy door falling mutely shut behind him.
"Hi," the rat murmured back with an almost shy giddiness and a small wave, which was fondly regarded by the Prince.
"Why are we whispering?" Malik grinned, speaking at the same volume as Ryou gracefully strode up to the pastel throne.
"I'm hiding," Ryou confessed with a guilty smile. "It turns out succession is quite exhausting. Room for one more?"
Malik's feet moved before he could will them to, readily making room for Ryou next to himself on the throne without the thought even fully entering his mind. Ryou gratefully beamed at him, making himself comfortable next to Malik on the soft cushioning.
"Thanks," he sighed, leaning into Malik's side, letting weariness take over him, and his limbs go lax.
"Which part about being a literal pince is exhausting exactly?" He asked teasingly as the Prince lay his heavy head on his shoulder, comfortably curling into him even more. Malik could feel the scarlet piercing gaze aimed at the two of them from above, but he decided to ignore it as it didn't feel malicous.
Ryou sighed, "All of it, I suppose? I have so many things to do now... The duties, the lessons... it is quite a lot to get reacquainted with. As a vagrant I definitely didn't have to deal with this much nonsense."
"You're literally the only one in line for the throne. Can't you just not do things you don't want to? It's not like anyone could do anything about it," Malik offered as he weaved his fingers into Ryou's long silky hair. Even its texture felt different from when Ryou was still the Nutcracker...
"As nice as that would be, I still need to fulfil my duties. If I am going to be crowned King soon, I need to be in the know-how about my kingdom and my responsibilities," Ryou explained, though he did not seem all too enthusiastic about it as he sunk deeper against Malik.
"Pff- I didn't do any of that when I overthrew your father," Bakura piped up for the first time since Ryou took a seat next to Malik, still sitting above them. "I just made the mice deal with that kind of busywork." Why he phrased it like something to be proud of was unclear, but in some superficial way, Malik found himself agreeing inwardly.
Ryou's nose scrunched up at the rat's words as he shifted his head to look up at him.
"That's exactly why I need to do this. Because you and your mice ruled the kingdom into the ground."
Bakura visibly flinched at Ryou's words, withdrawing from the conversation by letting his upper body drop down behind the throne, his legs keeping him anchored to the crest rail. His tail completely stilled, perhaps out of guilt, perhaps out of disgruntledness. The rat was more often than not hard to read.
It took Ryou a good couple of seconds to register what he had just said and its true weight. Penitent, the Prince's head sprung up from Malik's shoulder to seek Bakura out.
"I'm sorry, that cane out wrong... I'm just very tired, I didn't-"
"No, no, I did do all that," Bakura firmly cut him off before Ryou could finish, his voice small, almost quivering as he protested Ryou's tact in the matter.
Ryou apologetically sighed, reaching a hand up to gently grip the tip of Bakura's boots.
"Bakura... I didn't mean it like that... It wasn't all your fault. Zorc took advantage of you, you couldn't have-"
"But it was."
Malik couldn't help but feel incredibly awkward right then and there in that situation. The whole conquest and conquering subject was an incredibly touchy subject for both the Prince and the ex-Rat King, and Malik often witnessed them tiptoeing around the topic in conversation. Since he was never directly involved with the incident, it never really did feel appropriate to involve himself in these discussions. But on the other hand, the pain in Ryou's and Bakura's voices always affected him, made his heart ache. He really wanted them to just move past it, but he understood that it wasn't that simple, there was more nuance to it than a simple 'sorry' and 'I forgive you'.
Malik's inner musings were suddenly stalled by a determined huff from Ryou, seemingly all his tiredness leaving his crystalline eyes for the moment as his grip tightened on Bakura's boot.
"Listen to me, Bakura," Ryou started, determination ringing clear in his voice. "I know what you did. But I also know why you did it. I know it was very difficult for you with my father around... Malik told me about what he wanted to do with you."
If it was possible to grow stiffer beyond the level of tension already freezing Bakura's body, then it happened.
"You... know about the execution?" The rat almost rigidly croaked out from behind the throne.
"Sorry," Malik sheepishly whispered, feeling a little burdened for not keeping Bakura's secret.
"I... I know there wasn't anything either of us could have done", Ryou continued. "You we're ambushed, and my father and his soldiers never gave you a fighting chance! It was cruel and unjust, and you only did what you had to for survival's sake. Your heart is not fundamentally evil, and I know you would have never accepted Zorc's deal if it weren't for the dire situation.
"I know that if our roles had been reversed, I would have made very similar if not the same sacrifices and choices you made." The Prince solemnly spoke, his free hand coiling around Malik's for support.
"They were very bad choices," Bakura admitted, his tail anxiously shifting behind his frozen feet.
"At least you can admit they were bad," Malik grumbled under his breath.
"Malik's right. If you can admit they were bad choices, that's already one step towards betterment," the Prince affirmed, his clasp on the rat's feet tightening again.
Bakura stayed silent for a moment, maybe what they said helped a little, but knowing how stubborn he was, Malik had a feeling the discussion wasn't over yet.
As if on cue, Bakura spoke up again.
"But I don't regret them. I don't regret any of the choices I made," the rat growled, pulling his boot away from Ryou's hold and sitting up again, his distraught eyes betraying the anger in his tone.
"I don't regret killing your father," he snarled with furrowed brows.
"I don't think anyone would regret that," Ryou chimed in.
Seeing his point wasn't getting across, Bakura continued.
"I don't regret taking over your castle, I don't regret chasing away the faries, I don't regret taking all seven of your crowns-"
"They do look better on you," Ryou shrugged with a serene smile on his lips.
"I don't regret stealing Master Ginger's rod, I don't regret fighting with him, I don't regret going into the other world, and I don't regret stealing Malik!" He inished with a heaving chest, his face red from hardly breathing throughout his tirade.
A few moments of deafening silence ruled the room as Bakura waited with baited breath for the condemning words to come. But they never did. Instead, Malik's laugh rang across the bright room, which was soon joined by Ryou's chiming one.
"Bakura-" Malik managed to choke out between giggles before he could calm down and finish his sentence. "I don't think anyone here regrets you shrinking me, least of all me!"
"You really should have picked a better example to finish with..." The Prince chuckled in unison at Bakura's flustered expression.
Grumbling, Bakura could only hide his red face in his palms, claws digging into his ratty mane in frustration.
"I hate how little you two hate me for the things I've done..."
"We love you too," Ryou smiled, bidding at Bakura with an inviting finger. "Now stop excluding yourself and join us. This throne is big enough for three," he winked.
"We can talk about the other things later, but I don't have the energy for that conversation right now," the Prince promised, leaving no more room for argument.
Peaking out from his hands, the rat tentatively stared at the two of them for some time, like a skittish rodent. It took Malik to provocatively poke his tongue out in a childish manner, for Bakura to finally hop down on to their lap, knocking the air out from both of the men sitting on the throne, but neither of them complained as Bakura flumped down on Ryou's lap extending his feet and tail onto Malik's thighs.
They sat like that in comfortable silence, forgetting all their troubles for the time being.
"Do you think we could make room for a fourth person on this throne?" Ryou mused with a giddy smile. "I invited Chuncho for the afternoon, but I don't really want to get up..."
"He's too tall. We'd have to make him our communal pillow for that to work." The outlander deduced, comfortably placing his arms over the defeated tyrant's legs. "I don't think he'd mind if Ryou asked."
"I could wrestle him down on to the throne for you if he refuses Ryou's princely orders." The rat confidently declared, seemingly over his episode now that he was with the two of them.
"He'd probably enjoy that," Ryou chuckled, contenly settling down next to his favourite people on the throne.
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distracteddream · 6 months ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
Thank you!💛💛💛 This was a challenge to decide which fics to choose. Hopefully someone finds something new here!
It’s a Love Story
(Lokius, Rated E, ongoing)
It’s a love story: a story about Loki learning to love himself, to love Mobius, and to believe himself worthy of being loved by Mobius in return.
“Is that going to be a problem, Father Laufeyson? That I’m gay?”
The question was an obvious one; not even all of his own parish had accepted the Church’s revised approach to homosexuality. Most assumed anyone within the Church, especially those in the priesthood, felt the same.
The response fell easily from Loki’s tongue. Words he’d heard himself all his life. Words he’d told himself in his most self-loathing moments.
“God loves all His children.”
A new reverend, a Father Mobius, comes to town and upends everything Father Laufeyson believes about himself.
Let Me Drown
(Vil Schoenheit x Azul Ashengrotto, Rated M)
Vil sets his sights on Azul, much to Rook’s and Jade’s and Floyd’s dismay. Things are going wonderfully for the new power couple on campus. Vil has everything he wanted and Azul is feeling confident in a way he’s never felt before. Even Jade and Rook have taken the opportunity to get to know each other better. Everything is perfect.
Until it isn’t.
Lies don’t make for a solid foundation for a relationship, after all.
(Rated M)
Loki starts keeping a journal of his time with the TVA.
Happiness is a Long Shot
(Conspireshipping in all its combos, Rated E)
Darkness spreads across the stone, bound by the candlelight. The veil between their world and the Shadow Realm tears quietly until only a column of pitch black indicates their success. Tightening his jaw, Marik thrusts the Millennium Rod into the shadows. The golden scepter disappears into the darkness, a lifeline thrown to the lifeless.
Sometimes a long shot is the only shot you have.
None Will Forego the Joy of Love
(Lokius, Rated E)
Loki and Mobius attend the opera and miss the third act.
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resuri-art · 1 month ago
Title: Everything that can't be said in four panels
Rating: Mature
Chapters: 29/29 (completed)
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Bakura Ryou/Thief King Bakura/Marik Ishtar/Yami Marik (conspireshipping)
Additional Tags: Yami Bakura Has Own Body, Yami Marik Has Own Body, Yami Bakura has his Thief King body, Slice of LifeHurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Post-Canon, there is a lot to unwrap about their trauma, Yugi is in some chapters, Yami Marik is Called Kek, Conspireshipping
Summary: A slice of life conspireshipping fic that's derived from my conspireshipping comics on tumblr.
It's been two years since the ceremonial duel. One year and six months since Yami Marik and Bakura returned from the Shadow Realm with their own bodies, and just as much time since they became lovers with Ryou and Marik. Life isn't always easy when your three boyfriends are hot tempered ex-villains, but Ryou wouldn't trade them for anything.
✧˖°⊹ ࣪ ˖⋆.˚⟡ ࣪ ˖𓈒✧˖⟡₊⋆∘˚⊹ ࿔
I published the last chapter of my conspireshipping fic! It was the first fic I ever published on AO3, it feels so weird to have finally finished it. Thank you everyone who read it. <333
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super-secret-conspiracy · 4 months ago
It's that time of the year again!
We're back with the announcement of this year's Conspiracy Secret Gift Exchange event!
Last year's gift exchange event brought together a bunch of amazing artists and writers, and we hope for this year to be the same way, too!
As always, all ships that fall under the conspire/fracture umbrella like thiefshipping, deathshipping, gemshipping, rougeshipping, and all are included. All artists and authors are welcome to join in on this year's gift exchange!
Applications will be up on the 1st of December!
We hope to see you soon all again! ❄️
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