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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 8 months ago
Summary: Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Ryou learns this the hard way when he becomes the vessel for Zorc's power. A canon rewrite where Bakura wins.
Author: @crush3dmary 
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super-secret-conspiracy · 4 months ago
2024 Apllications Are Open!
If you wish to participate in this year's Conspireshipping Secret Santa event, please fill out the application here by the 11th of December!
Matches will be out by the 12th!
(Don't forget that all ships that include characters under the Conspireshipping umbrella are applicable! This means that ships like tendershipping, thiefshipping, deathshipping, altershipping, and tornshipping are all possible pieces!)
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crush3dmary · 5 months ago
It's Halloween which means it's the perfect opportunity to plug my psychological horror "Bakura Wins" / Ryou corruption arc fic! Do you want the horror back in Yugioh? Do you like tornshipping? Do you want an emotionally intense character study of Ryou descending into Zorc's corruption? What about some season zero vibes in the later chapters? Well, do I ever have the fic for you! If you start now you might even be able to catch up before I post the new chapter! (As always, mind the tags and content warnings, please!)
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bakawitch · 10 months ago
Tornshipping fae au where human Malik gets lost in the woods and enters the fae realm somehow. He finds a little cottage where a cat sith Ryou lives, who allows him to temporarily stay with him until a new gate opens into the mortal realm in their close vicinity. Ryou is a little cold and standoffish, but the way he carries himself and the random acts of kindness he shows Malik cause the human to eventually fall for Ryou. The fact that the cottage has a 'there was only one bed' situation definitely doesn't help Malik with his infatuation. Luckily (or unluckily depending on how you look at it) for him, Ryou rarely sleeps in the bed, much less the cabin unless Malik specifically asks him to. Ryou is also sort of charmed by the human and asks a lot of questions about the mortal realm and Malik himself as he slowly warms up to him.
Malik doesn't leave the cabin or its garden for safety reasons (eldritch fae who are definitely not as kind as Ryou), but he often wishes he could because Ryou wanders off into the foggy woods very often and despite knowing that the cat sith can take care of himself, he still wants to be there and protect him.
One day, while Ryou is out doing whatever, an eldritch fae enters Ryou's cottage and corners Malik, trapping him in a dead briar. Malik is very confused because he thought these type of fae specifically needed to be invited in, and they stayed away from Ryou's cabin by default. Fortunately, before anything bad could happen to Malik, Ryou arrives just in time and asks the fae to stop what he's doing. He explains Malik's situation to it and the fae reluctantly let's the human go. Ryou then introduces the unfamiliar creature to Malik as Bakura, his husband.
Malik is obviously shaken about his crush already being married (+the attack) and he becomes very conflicted about his feelings towards Ryou. Bakura stays for a while, and him and Ryou go out together at night, leaving Malik alone in the cottage with his thoughts. Bakura's presence becomes more prominent, and Ryou stops spending as much time as he did with Malik. While Bakura is out one time, Malik and Ryou get into a fight that ends with Ryou running off out of anger. To Malik's confusion, only a cat returns.
When Bakura returns, he explains that as a cat sith, Ryou has the option to shape-shift nine times before ultimately being stuck as a cat forever. He usually does this when he's upset, and Malik finds out that this is his fifth transformation. Bakura asks what Malik did to anger Ryou, but Malik doesn't really want to confess to Bakura since the argument was about him and Ryou's relationship. From that day on, it's Malik, Ryou the cat, and Bakura in the cabin. Bakura tells Malik that a transformation for Ryou can last up to decades depending on how upset he is, which causes the human to feel very guilty and regretful about the situation. Since Ryou doesn't talk now, Malik is forced to engage in conversation with Bakura and comes to realise that he's not as much of Ryou's evil husband as he thought so. Some stuff happens, and Malik eventually apologises to cat Ryou for what he said after him and Bakura develop a fragile friendship. Bakura might be seducing Malik for lols at this point to entertain himself and Ryou.
In the 'finale', Malik gets attacked by a changeling in his shape (Yami Malik), and after the weak creature somehow incapacitates Bakura, he's forced to find a way to defeat it in Ryou's absence. Malik gets pricked by something weird in the forest, which gives him enough power to disarm (literally) the changeling. Ryou jumps in at the final moment in his human form to save Malik from being driven mad by the fae magic in his body and stops whatever evil plan the changeling had going on in the background (possibly a summoning of a fae version of you know who).
Malik has a heartfelt conversation with the still alive changeling about purpose in life and what not, Bakura and Ryou thank him for his help in the best way possible *wink wink*, and a gate finally opens back to the mortal realm. With a heavy heart, Malik returns to his world, leaving his partners behind.
Years later, Malik still has the scar on his finger where he was pricked, and he still feels the fae magic coursing through his veins. He feels out of place in the human realm, and his presence often has a similar mentally overwhelming effect Ryou and Bakura had on him. One day, something draws him back into the same forest where he first got lost, and he finds the gate to the fae realm open again. He crosses over without a second thought and finds Ryou's old cabin with ease, still standing on the same foggy clearing as it once did with the now fully healed changeling watching over the garden where Malik left him and Ryou and Bakura inside.
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resuri-art · 2 years ago
I wanted to write a fun tornshipping one-shot and it turned into angst (but with a happy ending). :')
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Philosophy of knife by crushedmary: it's a tendershiping that has tornshipping later on, be mindful of the tags, it gets really dark really quick. Its the first one I could think of
Recommend me Yugioh DM fanfiction:
The kind that involves
• character study
• canon or canon divergent
• deep / heavy/ packed with internal thinking
• appropriately paced, good grammar
• Ryou or Y! Bakura centric
• bonus if there is hinted tendershipping
It has been a very long time since I've read any heavy hitters in the YGO fandom. I spent a lot of time on ff.net back in the day, and even then, it was hard to find. I've come across very imaginative AUs, tons of smut, meet-cute, kid fic, coffeehouse AU, and EWE, and all are great, but what I really want is a darker, character driven and story driven long fanfiction.
Ps, I do not need The Last Puzzle recc'd as I'm already intensely waiting for the next update.
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amararala · 2 years ago
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The earth isn't flat it's a circle
source: x
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spacebunnyduel · 3 years ago
Introduce my top favorite YGO DM ships :
- Yami Malik x Yami Bakura (Psychoshipping)
- Malik Ishtar x Bakura Ryo (Angstshipping)
- Malik Ishtar x Yami Bakura (Thiefshipping)
(Tornshipping = Angstship + Thiefship)
(Fetishshipping = Psychoship + Thiefship)
Bonus :
- Hiroto Honda x Bakura Ryo (Protectshipping)
- Hiroto Honda x Yami Bakura (Morishipping)
(Safetyshipping = Protectship + Moriship)
- Hiroto Honda x Otogi Ryuji (Chaseshipping)
Well, 6 ships in total~
2019-2020 sketches
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rochelle-echidna · 3 years ago
Rochelle’s 2021 YGO Fics
Another year, another round of YGO fics - I figured I’d end 2021 by sharing the fruits of my labour from the last twelve months haha As always, I present these (very) self-indulgent reading materials in case y’all need a break from the never-ending stresses of the world - and as a way for my fellow authors to share their awesome work, too :)
Domestic Ishtars Series
Control (thiefshipping, 5984 words, M)
It’s a Sin (thiefshipping / angstshipping, 5985 words, M)
Don’t Forget Me (taphoshipping / thiefshipping, 6990 words, M)
Rarepair AU YGO Fics
Cosmic Love (tornshipping, 21998 words, E)
When the World Ends (stealshipping, 12376 words, E)
Life in the Fast Lane (eclipseshipping, 12364 words, E)
Fics in Collections / Events
Bad Blood (kingshipping, 15292 words, E)
Delirious (altershipping, 25497 words, E)
Partition (thiefshipping, 8994 words, E)
Rusted from the Rain (eclipseshipping, 5295 words, T+)
Feel Again (gemshipping, 4997 words, E)
YGO Zine Fics
Conspire With You (conspireshipping, 17646 words, E) **co-written with @sitabethel, @mainstream-deviant and @ninjam117
The Only Thing Worth Fighting For (thiefshipping, 2473 words, T+)
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rosalind-hawkins · 1 year ago
Mm, Tornshipping is good. And ooooh, that's a good point, those dynamics could be so fun for them!
Gere is the snippet. It is quite postcanon, so Mokuba is about 20-22 and everyone else is about 25-27.
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I take a bit of a more British/Celtic take on spirits in this fic and treat Bakura like a fae: if he makes a deal, he can't break it. In going through the fic looking for this scene, I realized I still don't have a name for this story 😅
Hi there, hello, just curious me here to ask if you have a favorite rare pair? Like one that you have a hard time finding stuff for, but truly adore?
Hello hello! I love curiosity!! Probably my #1 most rare (that I started shipping comedically but then kind of started shipping seriously) would be Diva x Yami B, which only has 3 works on ao3 (one of which I’m in the process of writing) and also no serious ship name that I know of (@ninjam117 named it shadishipping years ago as a meme but has given me the blessing to figure out a new name LMAO). I just. I find comedy in enemies to lovers concepts and also drama and turmoil
Otherwise, @sitabethel got me super into trapshipping (Yugi x Yami/Atem x Yami B/TKB x Ryou) and my heart has latched onto them like nobody’s business. As far as I’m aware there are only 6 works in the Atem/Ryou/TKB/Yugi ao3 tag and 4 works in the Ryou/Yugi/Yami B/Yami ao3 tag. Two of which are in Spanish. I’m not sure how up to par my Spanish is for those. I sure know how to pick ‘em don’t I LMAO
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sitabethel · 3 years ago
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ygio · 3 years ago
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malik (fake nice), yami bakura (asshole), ryou bakura (genuinely curious)
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super-secret-conspiracy · 1 year ago
2023 Apllications Are Open!
If you wish to participate in this year's Conspireshipping Secret Santa event, please fill out the application here by the 11th of December!
Matches will be out by the 12th!
(Don't forget that all ships that include characters under the Conspireshipping umbrella are applicable! This means that ships like tendershipping, thiefshipping, deathshipping, altershipping, and tornshipping are all possible pieces!)
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crush3dmary · 4 months ago
Chapters: 15/? Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (Anime & Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Bakura Ryou/Yami Bakura/Marik Ishtar, Bakura Ryou/Yami Bakura, Yami Bakura/Marik Ishtar, Bakura Ryou/Marik Ishtar Characters: Bakura Ryou, Yami Bakura, Yugioh: Duel Monsters Cast, Zorc Necrophades, Marik Ishtar Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Bakura Wins AU, Character Study, Ryou Bakura Centric, Alternate Character Interpretation, Unreliable Narrator, Mental Health Issues, Corruption, Canon Rewrite, Canon - Manga/Sub, eventual tornshipping, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Skippable Smut, Canonical Character Death, Rating May Change, Animal Death, Unhealthy Relationships, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Sennen Items | Millennium Items, Choking, Dissociation, Psychological Horror, Minor Character Death, Smoking, Blood Drinking, Self-Harm, Consent Issues, Non-Explicit Sex, Heed the violence warning, Exactly What It Says on the Tin, Slow Build, Yami No Game | Shadow Game (Yu-Gi-Oh), Obsessive Behavior, not DSoD compliant, Blood and Violence, Suicide Attempt, Murder, Horror, Love Triangle That Ends In Polyamory, Season Zero Vibes, Eye Trauma, Cannibalism Summary:
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Ryou learns this the hard way when he becomes the vessel for Zorc's power.
A canon rewrite where Bakura wins.
Now updated with chapter 15.
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the-fandom-crossroads · 3 years ago
Just caught up on Moon Knight and hot take. It's just a Yugioh tornshipping (Bakura/Marik/Ryou) fic come to life. it is and you can't tell me otherwise.
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wheredidyamileavemenow · 5 years ago
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Ah, yes. Me. My boyfriend. And his body pillow of our other boyfriend. 
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